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Kat Dakuu 05-20-2012 02:18 AM

Crossed or Not
Raisel lay on the stone bench outside the art building on campus. He was on his back staring up at the sky, absurdly dyed dark greyish blue hair with orange streaks fanned out behind him. College may be known for rebellious fashion and all that, but even his hair stood out, especially when he wore it down almost to his shoulders.

Rolling up his long sleeves to show tan arms, Raisel looked away from the sky for a second to fiddle with his camera. It was a precious and expensive thing, but he could say less about the day. It was almost evening and the sun would soon set. From this bench, he should have a clear view of the sky with no trees blocking it, but the grey heavy clouds were ruining everything. He let out a loud sigh and pointed the camera at the sky anyway. He need sky pictures for his intro to photography class after all.

Screaming Mime 05-20-2012 02:41 AM

A girl watched Raisel from across the courtyard and approached slowly, dragging a smaller girl along with her. Or so, the one she dragged appeared as a girl. He was small and dressed in girl's clothes, his blue black hair short, but still slightly girlish. "Raisel!" The girl called to her friend in a singsong voice, wondering what he was doing with his camera pointed at the sky. Her name was Alice. "I want you to meet my new friend, so stop looking at the dumb sky already and talk to me." She said, smiling and running a hand through her long, pink hair. The other that she'd dragged with her looked slightly tortured and he groaned in annoyance. He seriously just wanted to get back to his dorm. "This is Ciel." Alice said, way to cheery to be normal. She loved her new friend like a sister, and wanted to share her...well him, with Raisel.

Kat Dakuu 05-20-2012 02:56 AM

Raisel had just pressed down on the button to take the picture when he heard someone shriek his name. he jumped slightly and the camera jolted. he snapped his head in the direction of the voice.

"For the love of...Alice!" he grouched, placing his camera on his stomach. He made no move to sit up and hoped that maybe she would pass him by if he didn't show any interest. He was surprised to see that the exuberant girl was dragging a slightly smaller one behind her. Vaguely interesting, he thought. But not as interesting as getting his homework done on time for once.

"I'm not just 'looking' at the sky. It is not dumb. and I don't want to talk to you or your friend!" He grabbed his camera again and aimed it at a thin white cloud passing under the thicker grey ones.

Screaming Mime 05-20-2012 03:27 AM

Alice pouted and poked him on the shoulder. "That wasn't very nice. Come on, ditch your camera and lets go get a drink. Ciel's fairly new here, and I want her to have a good time." she wasn't going to relent until she got what she wanted. Ciel tried to speak. "Alice...I think he's busy..we can come back another time." Alice shook her head. "Nonsense. He's just being a nerd." She shoved his shoulder a little. "Come on Mr.Mc Geek. Let's go have fun!" She insisted, her pink hair blowing around her face and making her look even more energetic. She was still clinging to Ciel tightly, preventing her escape completely, though she didn't really want to be here. "Alice. Let's just go to sleep or something." Ciel protested, but Alice kept on persisting with Raisel. She wasn't one to quit when she wanted something.

Kat Dakuu 05-20-2012 04:25 AM

Raisel bared his teeth at Alice. "Call me a nerd again and I'll have to break my rule about not hitting girls!" He missed his cloud. Why did the good looking ones have to move so fast. "Seriously, my professor is angry enough at me as it is. Let me do my homework in peace!" He said that, but he knew Alice well enough at this point. She was definitely not going to go away.

Growling under his breath, he sat up and gave his friend and the new girl a good look. The other girl had boyish hair about sky colored, or more sky colored than the one he was trying to take a picture of. Something clicked in his mind. He stared suspiciously at the new girl. Ciel was her name? He grabbed his camera and snapped a sudden picture, a smirk rapidly spreading on his face.

"Viola, one picture of 'sky'."

Screaming Mime 05-20-2012 04:47 PM

Alice just sighed. "The hell of you'd ever hit me. We all know that would be the last thing you ever did, because I'd kill you." She stated at him blandly as he looked them over. Ciel was now half hidden behind her, gripping her arm tightly. Clearly the kid thought Raisel was scary. "See what you did?" She rolled her eyes. "Stop staring and let's go already. You got your stupid picture." She grabbed him by the arm, ready to drag him away. "And you're still a nerd no matter how much you deny it." She added, a grin all over her face.

Kat Dakuu 05-20-2012 10:30 PM

Raisel pulled his arm away from Alice, disgusted. "You are annoying, woman. I don't know why I'm friends with you." He shook his head. Exactly what was nerdy about him? He was a lazy, smart ass with a rebel image. Just because he happened to be passionate about photography. Alice could only call him a nerd because she knew him well enough to see that when most people had no idea he was passionate about much of anything except sleeping.

He let out a long sigh and stood with a stretch. Now he could see just how short this new girl was. Raisel wasn't enormously tall himself, but he was still plenty taller than both the girls.

"Alright already," he griped. "I'm only coming with you so you stop terrorizing that girl though," he said.

Screaming Mime 05-31-2012 03:13 AM

((I'm sorry, I thought I'd replied to this :0))
Alice laughed and then agreed. "Yes. I'm the most annoying thing that walked this planet, but that is why you love me isn't it?" she knew just how to grate on his nerves without losing their friendship. It was a game for her really. "I'll only stop terrorizing her of you come along." She really had no intention of leaving Ciel alone. Playing around with her knew friend was fun and she was determined to annoy her just as much as she did Raisel.

Kat Dakuu 05-31-2012 04:56 AM

(its okay)

"I don't love you," Raisel deadpanned to Alice. He motioned for the pink haired girl to go wherever she felt like dragging him, then shoved his hands in his pockets as he started to walk. He turned to the new girl. "I advise you run. Fast. You're a new friend, so maybe you have a chance to get away," he said with a nod.

Screaming Mime 05-31-2012 05:03 AM

Alice stuck out her tongue. "Yes to do." She insisted. Ciel gave a little giggled when he was told to run. "I don't want to escape." He said, very quietly and kind of shy. Alice was grinning. "See, some people actually like me mr. Smarty pants." She turned to poke his cheek, very hyper and happy to be able to go get a drink. Ciel was getting a few states because of his odd clothing that consisted of long stockings and a short dress. He looked kind of silly, but in a cute way. Everyone assumed he was just a little girl though. He could pull it off, but only just barely. The odd thing was that no one took notice that he was completely flat chested. It probably had to do with the ruffles on the dress hiding his male figure. "So how long have you been Alice's friend?" Ciel asked.

Kat Dakuu 05-31-2012 06:07 AM

Raisel just looked at Ciel like she was insane. "You want to stick around with this crazy girl?" he asked with a totally look of confusion. He looked between the two girls. "To me, it looks like Alice is dragging around her newest chew toy or a shiny barbie to show off to everyone!" That wasn't his definition of happiness. Ciel looked terrorized to him. "Whatever. Alice here grabbed hold of me in freakin freshman orientation. It doesn't take her long to make a friend her's forever!" And he regretted that day at orientation every day since.

Screaming Mime 05-31-2012 07:17 AM

Ciel just shrugged. "I've always had such a hard time making friends. I think it will make my mom happy if she knows I made a friend on my very first day." He was smiling very sweetly and yelled as he was yanked into Alice's car. "Come on unless you plan on walking to the bar." Alice said to Raisel, clearly amused by the very thought of her friend having to walk the whole way.

Kat Dakuu 05-31-2012 11:51 PM

Raisel shook his head at Ciel, then climbed into the car. At least they were going to a bar. If he got a few drinks into him, spending time with Alice would get much easier. "If you made me walk, I'd just walk home..." Raisel said with a roll of his eyes. "Please tell me we're going to that new bar. They've got some drink special going on."

Screaming Mime 06-01-2012 12:02 AM

"Duh." Alice stated. "Why would we go someplace where we have to spend a tin of money?" She laughed. "I want to get shitfaced!" Ciel laughed nervously. "Um..I'll be the driver ok? I don't really want anything to drink." Alice shrugged. "Suit yourself little one. I'll show you how big girls have fun."

Kat Dakuu 06-01-2012 12:45 AM

Raisel actually groaned out loud. "I second that. I'm getting so shitfaced tonight I won't remember it!" He turned to Ciel. "I don't envy you being the sober one. This is not going to be pretty..."

Screaming Mime 06-02-2012 01:21 AM

Ciel laughed nervously at the two of them. " guys have fun..I guess." They all had to show their IDs before being allowed in, but since Alice knew the guy that was letting people in, they just went in no sweat. "Ciel, we can always call a cab and then get the car tomorrow if you want to drink too." The young man shook his head and just sat beside Alice. "No thanks." He was lpoking around and was more than a little nervous. The people here were odd and some looked like crack pots.

Kat Dakuu 06-02-2012 03:45 AM

Raisel's grin was about to grow off his face when he walked into the bar. "Nice..." he muttered, still grinning. This looked like the sort of place that would have brilliant parties and end up closed in a month for some sort of illegal something. He was going to enjoy this place in the time it was here though. He ordered a drink first thing, then parked himself next to ciel.

"Girl, you don't have to look like you're gonna pee on yourself. It's a bar, not a prison!"

Screaming Mime 06-02-2012 04:09 AM

Ciel was getting kind of close to Raisel for protection purposes. "I-I don't like places like this..." He stuttered, shuttered as some older men eyed him. "I feel like everyone's staring at us." He was getting slightly panicy and Alice laughed, drinking a drink of her own. "Meh, everyone is staring at you 'cause you're dressed like a damned toddler. Ya need to take some stuff off to fit in here." Ciel was very disturbed. "I want to go home.." He whispered.

Kat Dakuu 06-02-2012 04:39 AM

Raisel roared in laughter, already emptying his beer. "I'd stare at us too! I mean, we've got psycho pink hair drinks-more-than-the-guys, a girl in a...what are you wearing anyway? And me, with hair you can see from across the room. Jesus..." he muttered. "I need another beer." He sidled closer to Ciel. "But that whatever you're wearing looks very good on you," he whispered in Ciel's ear.

Screaming Mime 06-02-2012 04:49 AM

Ciel felt a shiver go down his spine as Raisel decided it would be a good idea to whisper in his ear. He didn't say anything when the other referred to him as a guy. He'd just let it stay at that. "You get drunk really easily.." He stated, thinking that mist be why Raisel was flirting with him that way. "Are you positive you should drink to much. Of you pass out that would be bad." Alice was making out with some guy that was beside her, just having a grand ole time.

Kat Dakuu 06-02-2012 04:57 AM

Raisel gave Ciel a wounded look, then glanced over at Alice. He didn't bother to hide the disgust on his face. "I'm not the one that's drunk easily," he scoffed. He was already drinking his way through his second beer. "I'm simply bold. You don't know me yet, so how would you know I don't always act like this?" he asked. There were plenty of girls giving him looks, but for once, he wasn't paying them any mind. Right now he was interested in Ciel. He wasn't sure if he was interested that way, but this girl was something new he hadn't come across before.

Screaming Mime 06-02-2012 05:07 AM

Ciel was surprised. "I-I'm sorry...I didn't mean to offend..I just don't have many guys that look my way twice." He was nervous now, feeling a bit self conscious. He almost wanted to add that he wasn't a girl, but somehow that didn't seem like a good idea at the moment. He kind of wanted to flirt with this boy, and if Raisel found out he was a guy...Ciel didn't want to think of the disgust he'd receive. " really like me? I think you're really cute." He said, not sure if he was doing this flirting thing right. It wasn't often that he even had someone show interest.

Kat Dakuu 06-02-2012 05:40 AM

Raisel waved off Ciel's first comment. He wasn't offended. He was in the middle of taking a drink when he heard the girl's next words though and they totally choked him. He coughed, a hand in front of his face to avoid spewing beer into Ciel's face. He put the beer down on the nearest flat surface, but kept his hand in front of his face long after the coughing stopped. That was bold. This girl caught him off guard and now he dearly hoped his bad-boy image wasn't ruined forever by a blush he hoped wasn't on his cheeks.

"You...think I'm cute?" he asked incredulously. "I don't think I've ever heard that one before. Wow..." He gave Ciel an appraising look. "You're really something. I think I might actually like--oh no, I shouldn't be talking like this!" He grabbed his drink back and finished it all in one gulp. "I shouldn't tell girls I like them when I'm drinking. That's how I end up like last month, dating two girls at the same time!"

Screaming Mime 06-02-2012 03:36 PM

Ciel was surprised as beer was spewed. "Are you ok?" He asked, a soft giggle coming from him as he looked at Raisel's blushing face. "Yes. I think you're cute." He was still staring at Raisel. "And if you like me too, maybe we" He said softly. "Even if we don't date. There are things I'm sure you should know about me as well as things I should know of you."

Kat Dakuu 06-02-2012 06:19 PM

Raisel shook his head to clear it and then grinned. "Alright. I'm cool with this. But hey, what sort of things would we need to know about each other? Sounds like you have something specific in mind," he asked. He contemplated getting another beer, but then got a better idea. "Have you ever had a Blue Lagoon?"

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