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Queen_Andais 05-20-2012 06:25 AM

Hooray for Waterparks and River Rafting
Welcome to my thread. A wonderful place to come and chat about what you want your summer to be like, plans you have and other random summer things.

Me, I will be waiting for the days to be in the triple digits, gotta love the desert. Hoping to do some floating down the Salt River and possibly hitting up some water parks.

Next month is all about heading up to South Lake Tahoe with my family, seeing friends and relaxing away from the horrible heat and work.

ProfessorSinister 05-20-2012 11:12 AM

:eager: Happiness instills~ I love talking about my summer plans, especially when they're close to happening.

I get to go on vacation and visit some very dear friends that live a while away from me. It's been a couple years since I've seen them, so I'm really excited. I can't wait.

I'm also getting a renewal to the season pass I have for the amusement park I live close to. And since I gave my best friend one for her birthday, and other friends got them through various means, it means another summer of just going up the the amusement park randomly when we're bored. It comes with free parking, AND you can get into the water park earlier than normal and there's a special entrance and priority seating in the waterpark, comes with a mess of special VIP benefits, and it's really cool when you're all just sitting around tired of playing video games. Everyone can just get in the truck and head up for some roller coasters! :squee:

CADFND 05-20-2012 09:08 PM

My family and I kind of splurged on a vacation earlier this year, so we won't be doing much in terms of going places. I do plan on having my friends over and swimming, since we have a pool in our backyard, and doing lots and lots of writing. :D It's been strangely warm as of late. >w> I mean, really warm. As in, extremely warm. Downright hot. So, we might be spending more time in the pool than I thought we would...

ProfessorSinister 05-20-2012 09:53 PM

I wish I had a pool. I mean the apartment complex does, and hardly anyone uses it, which is good for me, but I've always wanted the privileged of having my own pool. That way I can chase people out of it with a stick!

Queen_Andais 05-21-2012 02:19 AM

Professor, sounds like a damn good time. After high school a few of my friends and I did the same thing for Six Flags Magic Mountain. Loved that place! And Hurricane Harbor (the water park next door) had a lazy river, my favorite of attractions. Rent an innertube and float around all day long, baking in the sun.

CADFND, writing and swimming, what a fabulous summer! Any type of writing in particular?

Ever_After 05-21-2012 02:42 AM

I'm so jealous work keeps me so far from all of those wondrous sounding summer plans. The closest thing I've got is me and a group of friends plan on sneaking into one of the empty dorm building at our college for mattress surfing and a huge game of hide and go seek. Because as young adults about to graduate from university there is nothing like playing hide and go seek inside buildings on campus....yeah we are all still kids at heart. I am going to an anime convention in September does that maybe count as summer plans? It'll still be awfully hot here.

Queen_Andais 05-21-2012 02:51 AM

Ever_After, are you talking about Comicon in Pheonix? And there is nothing wrong with playing hide and go seek, love that game! Play it with my friend's kids all the time. You should try it in the woods sometime! In an area you know, definitely not suggesting you trek into a forest you don't know and get lost in. LoL.

Jeannesha: here is my thread in the event forum.

Jeannesha 05-21-2012 02:59 AM

Thanks for pinging me!
Here I am!

Queen_Andais 05-21-2012 03:11 AM

keres corvax: Here is the ping to the thread. Come play with us!

*Huggles Jean* Glad to have you here in my humble thread. How long have you been posting today?

Ever_After 05-21-2012 03:12 AM

Queen_Andais, naw I'm going to Anime Weekend in Atlanta for the first time with a group of my college friends.I'm super excited but blanking on who to cosplay as. The we night have to try that.There are some wooded areas a little ways away from our school. The coolest place we have played so far is in out schools Theater building on Halloween.

Can I just say all of the your guys's avatars look really really cool. Mine is so very plain.

Jeannesha 05-21-2012 03:13 AM

I've actually been online most of the day.

(My butt is getting tired)

Queen_Andais 05-21-2012 03:18 AM

When you said heat I thought desert, as that is where I live and it does stay rather warm until October. We're already in triple digits right now. Hoping that this summer is not nearly as terrible as last summer. Horrible heat that stuck around until mid october.
You're avatar looks fine. Simple is sometimes the best.

As for Jean, she has the wonderful gift with putting outfits together. Her color palette is so extensive, I love seeing what she comes up with next.

Sorry to hear about your butt, Jean. I'd rub it for you, but that might get us in trouble >.>;

Jeannesha 05-21-2012 03:19 AM

Queenie says the nicest things!

We've been in the 100's here already too.
It's going to be a long hot dry summer.

Ever_After 05-21-2012 03:23 AM

I spent the first 16 years of my life some where where it snowed 9 months out of the year, living down south is bad enough I couldn't image living in the type of heat you guys do.
Your colors really are eye catching Jeannesha.

keres corvax 05-21-2012 03:25 AM

*tackle huggs queenie* i have arrived!

Jeannesha 05-21-2012 03:30 AM

Thanks, Ever!

I grew up in North Dakota, so I'm used to (MUCH) cooler weather.
I have so much trouble with the heat here in Texas!

Ever_After 05-21-2012 03:35 AM

I grew up in Iceland before my parents moved me here. I love it except for the weather. So when I graduate I'm moving up to Oregon.

Jeannesha 05-21-2012 03:36 AM

Oregon is a really pretty state.
A lot of rain though.

Queen_Andais 05-21-2012 03:37 AM

Born and raised in California. Definitely miss the ocean breeze, but the cost of living here in Arizona makes the few things I love about CA not worth living there. Will eventually adjust to the dryness and the heat, hopefully. :gonk:

Hooray, Keres! Glad you are here to chitty chat it up with us.

Jean, you deserve all the nice things to be said about your outfits! They are magnificent and well layered, it's an art unto itself and you should be proud to have mastered it.

Ever_After, Oregon is wonderful! Got family up there near Portland. Love the moisture up there. Just remember to paint things in bright happy colors as the fog and rain can be depressing.

Jeannesha 05-21-2012 03:39 AM

Paint in bright and happy colors!
That's good advice, Queen!

Ever_After 05-21-2012 03:43 AM

I'll let my friend/future roommate know that we are painting our apartment purple. Like from friends, I always did like that color. I'll line I'm room with Christmas lights to cheer me up. Thank you for the advice.

Jeannesha 05-21-2012 03:46 AM

I have a little tree (just's quite dead).
One year I put Christmas tree lights on it and we used it for our Christmas tree.

They're those really bright LED lights. So colorful!
So we just left them on the tree, and it sits by our front door...all lit up all the time now!

Queen_Andais 05-21-2012 03:50 AM

Learned that from my psychology class. One of the few things that I remember from that class. The teacher was a bit off, then again who wouldn't be after teaching psychology for 30 years.

Jean, sounds kind of cute.

We live on the surface of the sun, it's nice when things are dark for a bit.

Jeannesha 05-21-2012 03:51 AM

Well, it's nighty night time for me now.

See you guys tomorrow night!

Queen_Andais 05-21-2012 03:57 AM

We shall see you later, Jean.

Ivvy: You wan to come and chat in my event thread? Cause you love me!

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