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Cherry Who? 05-26-2012 06:12 AM

How YOU doin'? Cherry's last minute chatter thread
Well, I kept putting off making a thread, but now that there's fewer than 48 hours left in the event, I figure now's the perfect time, right? :lol: So come keep me company!

Come tell me how you're feeling, what kind of day you've had, something you're excited about, what you had for dinner, a weird dream you had, whatever. What I want to know is...

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 05-26-2012 06:13 AM

Go to bed.

Cherry Who? 05-26-2012 06:19 AM

No, you can't make me! I'm gonna stay up foreeeeeever!

monstahh` 05-26-2012 06:19 AM

I just choked on some soda in my tired state. :lol:
Hi Cherry. c:

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 05-26-2012 06:21 AM

You say that and then I find you drooling on the floor! :illgetu:

hummy 05-26-2012 06:21 AM

hiya, Cherry.....who?

Cherry Who? 05-26-2012 06:23 AM

Monstahh - Oh dear. Please sign this release form stating that I'm not responsible for any injuries or death caused by or happening within this thread.

Iku - I don't know what you're talking ab- :sleep:

Hummy - Hello, hmmm hmmm HMMMM hmm Hmmmmmmm~.

Okay, I really am going to bed, but I'll be back in the morning. Leave me lots of posts to respond to when I wake up! I'm needy and crave your attention! I feed on the life energy of your posts! I suck the souls from your emoticons to rejuvenate my youth! Something like that.

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 05-26-2012 06:25 AM


-toddles to bed also-

Ferra 05-26-2012 06:37 AM

How was my day? Glad you asked!!

I went and planted trees over near the coast in a city that got hit really badly by the tsunami last year. (I live in Sendai, Japan for those who don't know.) The trees will hopefully grow into a protective barrier in case another giant tsunami hits again. I had a grand time, felt like I accomplished something, and got interviewed by a local (?) news station. There were people of all ages from all over the country in attendance, so it was cool to see everyone working together.

Seito 05-26-2012 06:46 AM

How was my day... o.o

*stops to think about that*

*brain breaks in the process*

Durrrr... :drool:

Cherry Who? 05-26-2012 05:24 PM

Iku - WAKEY WAKEY! :insane:

Ferra - That's cool! :) What kind of trees did you plant?

Seito - Uh oh. Let me go get you a new brain from my freezer. Sit tight.

Antagonist 05-26-2012 05:29 PM

I'm getting ready for bed, myself. Got a new mattress, pillow case, and blankets, so I'm kind of excited to try them out tonight! :eager:

Cherry Who? 05-26-2012 05:31 PM

Oooh, new bedding! That's even better than freshly laundered bedding. Sleep tight!

Is the mattress anything fancy like memory foam or something like that? :eager:

keres corvax 05-26-2012 07:38 PM

Come to give this thread some love as well as the others. how are you all doing today?

Cherry Who? 05-26-2012 08:59 PM

I'm doing well! Just spent some time with a baby bunny we rescued from our pond. We got him dried off, warmed up, and out of shock and now he's back out in the wild, eating and hopping around like normal. :)


Ferra 05-26-2012 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Cherry Who? (Post 1770785216)
Ferra - That's cool! :) What kind of trees did you plant?

Oh gosh, there were at least six different kinds and the names were all in Japanese. :gonk: The only one I knew for sure was "yamazakura" (mountain cherry tree). But we were told we mustn't plant the same species next to each other and we had to plant them in random formations since straight rows would let water through the barrier. I guess this kind of barrier helped protect a different town so we're trying to duplicate that success.

Cherry Who? 05-27-2012 03:05 AM

That sounds neat! I look forward to seeing a picture of it. :D

Ferra 05-27-2012 03:14 AM

Yeah, I got them all up on Facebook but I'm going to enter one of those in particular for your photo contest. ;D

hummy 05-27-2012 03:16 AM

i'm hopefull to win a yannie-poo with my storyboard.
man, that was harder than it looked!

how are you doing, CK and Ferra?

Seiki Nova 05-27-2012 03:22 AM

Ferra, are you still in Japan then?

hummy 05-27-2012 03:24 AM

hiya, Seiki!

Seiki Nova 05-27-2012 03:27 AM

Hi hummy! :)

hummy 05-27-2012 03:28 AM

i keep missing you in everything thrread, Seiki.

Ferra 05-27-2012 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by Seiki Nova (Post 1770791921)
Ferra, are you still in Japan then?

Yep. I plan on staying at least 3 more years, too. How have you been?

I have to run now, but I'll be back later. :)

hummy 05-27-2012 03:38 AM

see you later, Ferra.

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