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Psychobeautyfantasy 07-06-2012 06:49 AM

The Deadmoon Circus [O/A]
Welcome to the Deadmoon Circus!

The Deadmoon Circus has been out of business for decades, for so long that in fact, it's just a legend now. Years ago there was this circus that would bring fear into the real world, they'd delight you with cute acts and then terrify you. Your darkest nightmares would come to life, demons and hellhounds, dragons, and other monsters would be let loose then slaughtered on stage if not tamed. Vampires would wake for the night shows, mermaids set on display to lure you in, and everything in between. Fairies would give you the tickets, and little mechanicals would give you your food and drink.

The Deadmoon Circus is now looking for acts, mysterious flyers have been thrown and found all over the human world. The demon world is starting to stir as news of the Deadmoon Circus circulates. They're looking acts, they're looking for fiends who are ready to show the true terrors of life. Any race will be accepted, and nearly any act. Whether you be human, demon, satyr, it does not matter. Let your wildest dreams choose what your act and who you are be.

Are you ready for the Deadmoon Circus?

Let the rolepalying begin!


Ana_M 07-07-2012 01:19 AM

He had been thinking about what he saw lately, there were flyers all around him. Flyers were all around town, he had recently ran and the flyers offered him a chance of even further running, and an even better chance of staying away and breaking free at last. Jack had been thinking all night. Finally now that day break was telling him to go through with his decision, Jack jumped from his perch inside of a large tree and spread his wings to swoop down. The flyer he held onto had told him that they'd be located just out of town, near one of the random highways. He looked down looking for the circus, the Deadmoon Circus. He was excited to join it.

There he would meet many people, there he'd meet people who would have the power to severe the bond to his previous master. He felt a jerk to the right, his should was hurting him again but he did not drop his smile. He finally had the circus in his sights, he was so excited to see it. He couldn't believe it, there, that would be his new home and there he would move with them to each new place. He would bring them a new life to each of the acts, for he'd be a side act.

He replayed the past twenty seconds where he had first got the circus in sight. Swooping down, Jack dived towards the circus. Gathering speed he let his wings fold in behind him. As the ground got bigger he let his wings spread again to slow him down, and there he landed on his two feet. He looked up at the circus, it was huge and looked great. The large tent looked mystical almost. Someone in the shadows spoke,
"Welcome bird, step inside the tent to meet those who will judge you." Jack looked at the shadows but could not see who the deepsih voice belonged to.

He giggled, he enjoyed that. It helped make the circus even cooler to him. So he walked in to see a large space and some mechanical animals. One a lion, he laughed at the mechanical cat. "Hello?" He called out, hoping someone would greet him, he continued to laugh as he saw a little mouse skitter around the floor. A half mechanical and half real monkey came out from the left and looked at him, Jack found a table to sit on. "Hello Monkey!" He waved, the thing seemed to smile at him then run back off to the left where he heard a girl's voice. "Hello, hello! I hope to be a new act!" He called. Giggling still, ah he was already happy.

Rila leaned on her scythe, her mom told her to go out for once and get some fresh air. She also told her she couldn't rip anybody to shreds then raise them, it was bad. Huffing the girl who was supposed to be in college but instead chose to study underneath her grandmother and mother who were necromancers before her had taken a book on it out to a nearby park. It was not a park for children, and definitely was not a park where people went. It was empty really, so the perfect place to study. She was at the part where someone yelled,
"Take this, come one and come all! They're looking for acts dear!" Though for some odd reason she could not see where the person who shoved a flyer in her face was, they apparently had already left. Blinking she snarled and read the flyer, it talked about a circus that was needing acts of all kind. Something to amaze the audience. She remembered hearing about this circus, years ago when she was a little girl her grandmother used it to scare her into being good. As a child she loved to rip bunnies up and bring them to "life" again. You couldn't really call what she brought forth alive. It was more of a deranged state of working organs. The young girl still had much to learn, but maybe she could study with these performers since they were apparently real.

Rila looked up at the sky, sighed, then closed the book and began her walk home. She knew it'd take a while to walk out there to the circus so she wondered if her grandmother would take her. They had recently acquired a car and only grandmother knew how to operate the dang thing. She told them she learned it from grandfather before he passed, however neither Rila or her mother believed her. Her thoughts kept drifting back to the circus, there she could show off her stuff and practices if she were accepted, which it told her nearly every act would accept her. Rila looked down at it again, it was so odd. She really did believe she was living inside of a dream.

The house stood before her when she looked up next, Rila stared in awe. 'How did I get home so quickly?' she asked herself. Confusion shown her face with a slightly dropped chin and raised eyebrows. She closed her mouth and shrugged her shoulders as she went up the steps of the porch and into the house. "Ma, where is gandmother?" Her mother pointed towards the living room where she saw her grandmother listening to the radio. She was dancing, "Oh, grandmother quit dancing the Charleston already, you're not very good at it!" She crossed her arms, "Grandmother, come, take me out!" Her grandmother looked at her surprised, she looked at her and understood the odd look Rila was giving her.

"Alright, lemme just grab mi purse deary."Grandmother took her time finding her things and finally they were out on the road in the noisy car. It took them half an hour to even get to the car due to how excited grandmother was. A good twenty minutes later and they were at the circus. Rila stared, and her grandmother was so happy! "Take this hat," she set a pin striped hat with a dark blue bow on it on her head. Rila smiled, something rare, and nodded. She got out and waved her grandmother off, then she looked at up at it and walked in to a laughing bird.

Kiyoto 07-07-2012 01:22 AM


Dusk sighed, standing inside of the main ring for the circus. In a few hours the place would be packed, and he would once again have to get in front of all of those people and do what he did best. He was a tad on the hungry side, a good dose of fear and or laughter sounded good, but the point of getting there was quite a bother. Work was not how Dusk liked to spend all his time, but it was a living and something that gave his life purpose. He sighs once more, and turns to exit the tent. He walked along towards his own trailor, he needed to get a bit of sleep in.

He felt slightly weak from not having a good meal for awhile, while the circus had been having some down time. He hoped the tent would be packed tonight, the more people the better he would have to feed off of. His eyes ran over the trailors of the others that worked in the circus as well as his own. They were an interesting diverse people. He did not quite understand why they all stayed in one place for so long, meaning together, but it was nice. They were his family, and back where he was from, it was nothing like this.

His real home was some place he did not want to return to. He would rather have stayed here where his talents, and his life could be put to use. He gives a slight smile, and takes a breath. It was nice to think that at least someone gave a damn about him. Even if it was not much, that was fine with him. He stepped up to the door of his trailor, opening it up and stepping inside. The curtains were closed as always, to block out the light. The trailor completely black inside, hiding what was really within its walls. He steps inside, closing the door.

(o.o I made him already a part XD if that is bad I will change it)

Psychobeautyfantasy 07-07-2012 02:54 AM


There was his hat. The horrible monkey had taken it yet again. Freckles picked up the top hat and dusted it off, before placing on his head and walking to the main ring where he saw some unfamiliar faces. He made his way towards them a bit slower than he would have liked, thanks to his limp and watched them. Ah, they had met that evil monkey Teddy. He hoped that at least half hoped that the monkey was making them its new target rather than Freckles, at least then he would have some peace from it. He waved at them and gave his best smile.

"I see you have met Teddy. I am glad to have you gotten in! Come on, you must be fitted for your outfits. Tonight is the performance. We do not have all day! I am Freckles! My sister dear Bunny will lead you where you need to go, just ask anyone if you need help or get lost. By the way, check your pockets, because I do not see the monkey around anymore. Good luck, and I doubt you will get anything he stole back, for he's hidden it. So, Feathers and Scythe I will see you in a bit. I need to find Snowball, it has been at least an hour since I've bothered him!"

Freckles turns and runs off to go find dear Dusk. Already the newcomers had gotten their ever changing nicknames. He went to Dusk's trailer and found his way in to sit and wait for Dusk. It was more of several minutes of him trying to get in through the window and then awkwardly sitting on the floor. Freckles jumped up when the door opened.



"Hi! I am Bunny. I see you just finished talking to Freckles," She shakes her head, pink curls bouncing as she does,"He lives to bother people off stage. This way to go get you fitted. Please, don't complain to Miss Madeline about her choice, she is very... I do not know the word. This way." Bunny gave a shy wave to them and then gestured them to follow her. She had rambled a bit in her nervousness. It was so odd to her to talk to different people. She was here after her brother dragged her along. She looked to the side and made a little clicking noise. Teddy ran up to her, climbed up her dress, and then sat on her shoulder. He made a sound at the new people and sniffed at them. "Teddy, be a good boy and show your manners." Bunny pulled out a tiny top hat out of her dress pocket and handed it to the little monkey who put it on his head, then took it off and gave a bow at them. He balanced the hat on his head, pulling the string under his chin to keep it on. Bunny smiled loving how cute Teddy looked. "He says hi to you!"

Kiyoto 07-07-2012 03:13 AM

Dusk paused sensing that there was another within his sanctuary. He sighs a bit and leans against one of the walls, nothing able to be seen within the walls. "Did you need something?" he asks, his eyes on the exact spot where he sensed the other person within his trailor. He wondered why he had come, and what it had to do with him. He knew who it was, finally he pushes away from the wall to walk over by Freckles. The darkness that surrounded them was strong, but he reached out a hand to place it on the rim of the other's hat, picking it up off of his head. "Still wearing this old thing?" he placed it on his own head, and it sunk over his eyes "you have a big head" he says bluntly, lifting the hat up off his eyes. "What can I do for you?" he slipped around the other to the window he had come through, closing it.

Psychobeautyfantasy 07-07-2012 04:18 AM

"No! My head is not big, my hair is just fluffy!" He pets his own head in the dark as if it was a normal daily thing for him. He just gave his usual smile and then leaned in almost as if whispering to Dusk a secret. "Snowball, did you see we have new performers. Can I keep one? Please? I promise I will remember to feed them! There is Feathers, and I could guess several things for him to do. then there is that girl with the big thingy," He gave made large expressive hand motions to go along with his little story, "I honestly have no clue what she is going to do. Walk the tightropes with the scythe? It would unbalance her!" He nods rapidly and takes a step to look around the room to entertain himself with touching things. He bangs his side on the edge of something and falls. There is a crashing sound and then the thud of him hitting the floor. Freckles picks himself up and brushes off his pants. "I know that you care about me so much that you would rather know that I am indeed okay, than the fact I may have broken something. Don't worry, from the sound it made, it didn't sound too expensive!" That was how he reassured dear Dusk. He grabbed his hat and put it back on. "People will think I am short if I don't have it on! It's not old, only around... What year is it here, again?"

Kiyoto 07-07-2012 04:44 AM

Dusk sighs lightly at the sound of something breaking. He shakes his head and turns in the direction the sound came from. "I am not Snowball, don't touch anything, and the time...Havn't cared enough to check" he says . He kneeled picking up bits of glass that now littered the floor around them. Freckles was a pain at times, but he also did not mind him as much as at times he let on. He liked to keep people guessing about what he was feeling and thinking. He was a curious person to most who bothered to try and see him. He tossed the glass away, and looks at Freckles once more.

Ana_M 07-07-2012 04:55 AM


Sophy had curled up in a tree and was happily sleeping, this was her idea of 'going out and playing' the sun was warm and the tree gave her enough shade. She felt slightly disturbed as she slept, her odd dream was of fire and zombies. The monsters crawled around and then a top hat came into her mind, it was the only thing she could remember besides the fire when she woke from the dream. There was somone standing before her, he was poking her with his boot. Readjusting her goggles, she sat up and yawned and stretched. It was only then that she had realized she was out of the tree and in front of a... circus? She blinked, and she stood up and turned to the guy who was poking her with his shoe. "Who are ya?" She twirled looking at it then began to dust her dress off.

"Do ya know where we is? Why was ya poking me with ya foot?" She blinked then felt in her pockets and felt her pocket watch, a little mechanical bird, and she felt the advanced lockpick. She checked another pocket and felt bullets, she felt some rope, more bullets and other objects. She lifted her mini over skirt and saw that her two guns were in place as well her dagger and throwing knives. She looked back behind her. "Is there a show tonight? How'd I get here?"

"Welcome to the Deadmoon circus! Please get ready for your acts inside," said an anonymous voice. Sophie looked around but the man who said it was no where in sight. She began to tap her chin thinking about her, as she got deeper in thought her eyebrows scrunched.

"Who do ya think that was? Where is he?" She was looking around, she felt a glare. She turned and looked at the much taller man with a raised expression.

"Shh, unless your stripping. Come on, you can't stand here." He then began to drag her inside where there was a girl wearing a top hat, several animals that were mechanical and half bone and half furred. Then there was a bird boy and a pink haired girl with a half mechanical monkey on her shoulder in a top hat.

Her eyes widened, "Who made these?" She somehow got out of his grip and started to study, the work was amazingly done though she saw a notch that was not placed correctly. She looked through another pocket and found a wrench, she took out the notch and replaced it with a different part. "That'll be better." She nodded, proud of herself.


Jack laughed hard when some kid with a top hat came in and talked about some 'Teddy'. He sure met a monkey but no bear. He had heard about those things before. The bird giggled as he went on with his introduction, then he mentioned that the monkey is a thief. He giggled at his nickname though, "Bye!" The girl with the scythe was checking her's though. He got up off the table when a pink haired girl came into the room. He giggled, she had pink hair. It looked cute.

"Hi! I am Bunny. I see you just finished talking to Freckles," she nodded at them, he giggled as he saw the curls bouncing. She was a very cute girl, much cuter than the one next to him. Actually, she looked a bit menacing even without that scythe. "He lives to bother people off stage. This way to go get you fitted. Please, don't complain to Miss Madeline about her choice, she is very... I do not know the word. This way." Again he got into another fit of giggles when she waved shyly. The little monkey who he had pieced together as Teddy climbed up her dress and sat on her shoulder where he tipped them a 'Good day' and bowed before replacing it. He fell down and nearly hit his head laughing. The crow raised his arm up and began to hit the table.

"He says hi to you!" He calmed down to giggles, this was great. He was having a blast.

"I say hi! You guys are cute! Cute!" He tried really hard then to not laugh hard again, he had just calmed down after all. He was sputtering giggles.

Kiyoto 07-07-2012 05:19 AM

Ren Nightclaw

Ren carefuly manuvered her way around the odd circus. She paused at the main tent to look inside, and saw a few of the people inside trying out for acts. Could this really be the place for her? Only one way to find out. She stepped into the tent, and Moved to the center, standing with one of her legs a bit to the side, causing her hips to stand at a tilt, and allowing one hand to rest on her hip. She deffenitly had poise and style, being used to using stances and moves to flatter her form and figure. She brushes her dark hair out of her sapphire like eyes. Her hair had been refered to as raven colored, but as the light hit it, or she moved, it had a deep blue shine to it that flattered her very much.

She let her eyes scan the tent, taking in every detail. She saw a bird boy, and a girl with a scyth. This was her competiton? Interesting was how she would put it, but at the same time, none of them were much of a threat. She smirked lightly, she was in a league of her own. Mentally though, she proceeded to kick herself, her inner voice warning herself not to get over confident. She was a bit cocky at time's, to much at others for her own good. She also was told she had an attitude and fire in her that could shake up a situation in secconds. At other times, she could be so sweet and caring that people thought she had multiple personalities.

She tilts her head, looking up at the top of the tent. She was just..unique. She was not the type to sit still for long, and she loved action, getting her hands dirty instead of being one of those damsels in distress waiting for some idiotic man to come save her. No thank you, she would be saving herself in this story. She laughs lightly, covering her mouth slightly so she would not draw attention. She then sat down where she had been standing, leaning back on her hands. She was growing bored, and slightly impatient, she hoped someone would get this show on the rhoad soon.

Psychobeautyfantasy 07-07-2012 06:14 AM

Freckles rubbed the back of his neck and laughed. "Of course you care about me, I am just great like that. Now, I think we need to get going. The show is about to start, and I need to know who is going to be doing what in this show tonight. This is not all I am expecting so far. The bulletin board said we'd be getting several new acts. Come on, then!" He gave a wide smile and went out this time, luckily, through the door and looked around. Well, he had been right there were several new people there... oh dear god. Was it him? Yes, that was Damien. This would end up with an interesting non-conversation. Freckles hid behind Dusk. Damien a great act, but scary. He whispered up to Dusk, still crouching behind him, "Hide me, Snowball!" He was not going to give up on his nicknames.

Bunny put her hand up to her mouth and giggled just watching Jack. "Thank you! I am so happy for that. I love your feathers, they are very pretty." Bunny looked down and then her hands were tugging at her dress slightly. She gave a big smile to the new girl. "My brother Freckles made Teddy for me, along with the rest of the animals around here. He knows I love my dolls. I am glad that teddy really likes you. I think you should go talk to him if you want to know more. My name is Bunny, what is yours?" She patted Teddy's head, then looked up at the tall guy. "Hello, Damien! How long are you going to be with us?" She tilted her head.
Damien shook his head and the girl still kept rambling even after his stripping comment, which usually shut people up. Great, it was one of those types, he could already tell that it wouldn't be shutting up soon. He had found over the years the best option was to get it back to its owner before it thought that he was its mommy. Then he was royally screwed. He grabbed the back of its shirt and dragged it inside dumping it in the first group of people he saw to distract the girl. He stood there looking at them and around. Damien did not like the circus at all. The pink haired girl spoke to him and he looked at her for a moment before answering. "I have no idea how long I will be here. I already know what I must do." It was odd to see the girl without her brother. He must be some where around. Of course he was hiding behind some other guy as if he could not be seen. Damien gave a small smirk. He was not surprised that he wasn't liked that much. Last time he had been there was not a time they talked about. In fact he could tell they do not talk about the last circus, or associate with the outside world much. "Well, good, where is the tailor. I really hope the outfit is nothing like last time."

Ana_M 07-07-2012 06:56 AM

Rilaeru wanted this stupid bird thing to quit laughing, several times she had, without thinking, almost sliced his head or arm off. Once she realized it and he'd laugh harder she'd pull it back, extremely annoyed. She was angry about it.

Rila looked up when someone else entered the tent, it was a girl with a large chest, she was obviously rather arrogant and had a huge ego. It annoyed Rila, 'What makes her think she's all hot?' She rolled her eyes, she felt odd. She just realized that her grandmother would normally never just drop her off at a place, she had asked once before and her grandmother had stayed with her. That's probably why she did not have a love life at this point in her life now that she thought about it. She felt like she was handpicked, did that mean that the others were too? This was odd, all of it.

"Are we already chosen?" she asked the pink haired girl, her gaze finally going back to Bunny.


She looked up when she heard the short blue haired girl ask the question. She was surprised, and rather interested. She had been randomly brought in as she was sleeping so it was a possibility that was true. Outfits were spoken of as well, the pink haired girl named herself Bunny. "I am Sophronia, but I like Sophy." She smiled at them and stood from the lion on the floor, pocketed the notch she had taken off of it. Who knows when you'd need it later. She saw the monkey, she walked right over there and saw he moved. "Wow! I want to look at ya, can I?" She asked the little monkey holding out her hand. She could already see a rusted knob, who knows where else he was rusted? She pulled out her oiled cloth with her other hand from a pocket. She had many.

"I will oil that for you!"


Jack grinned, "I'm Jack." The bird stood, his ego was getting fluffed. "Dank you for de compliment." He loved it when someone talked about his gorgeous feathers. He did clean them daily. He paid extra attention to them, as well. A man named Damien had brought dragged a girl who was talking to the monkey. He laughed, she was crazy! Crazy! It made him laugh even harder thinking that. Jack didn't much attention to the one who had sat down. She was just there to him, so was the guy. He turned down to giggling. These people were funny, really funny and entertaining. He loved it here!

Jack looked around and then jumped on the table and glided over their heads and landed almost to where Bunny had been earlier. "Is it this way?" he asked her, curious.

Kiyoto 07-07-2012 09:33 PM

Dusk sighed, shaking his head as he looked at the various other people who were around them. He noticed many of them were already settling in, and seeming to be at home. He wondered how they would fair when the real games began. A slight smirk formed on his lips, as he stepped away from Freckles and into the tent itself. He glanced around and noticed some of the workers setting up for acts now. He felt his arm tighten a bit and flinched a bit rubbing the muscles to loosen the tightening. He was ready, but at the same time not.

Ren stood, moving to where the others were discussing some things. She stayed quiet, and slightly away from the group getting her bounds, and sizing the other's up. They seemed simple enough, but she was in no way going to let her guard down so soon. Looks in this buisiness were more times out of none decieving. She had learned that the hard way. Sighing a bit, she wraps her arms around her waist, and thinks about what she will do as an act.

Psychobeautyfantasy 07-08-2012 09:37 PM

Freckles grumbled his shield having walked away. He straightened his hat and went over too them. "Good Good. Everyone looks amazing. For you new people, the show starts soon and you must be ready to preform whatever you have. We need greeters out before the show showing off what may be called practicing, just small things, giving the people something normal to expect. It has to be human. Anything else... well, that is left for the true stage." He nodded, and then smiled. He needed to get things of his own ready.

First of all, he had information to find for his act. After he left them to get ready he made his way to the small tent set up for mechanical animals he worked on. This was where most of his time was spent when not working on other things. For now he sat next to his newest project and flipped through a book. Mythology was a great reference for his work. It would get boring pulling up the same creatures every time, the same fights. For him, his acts would change depending on his mood, although he would repeat some for the sake of time and if something else was calling to his attention. Right now he was feeling fond of the idea of a centaur. They were great fighters, and gave that human element to the act he wanted. It was one thing to watch a creature die, and another when it had the face of a human.

He was already planning his act, and looked up to the walls. Papers covered the walls, sketches, diagrams, clippings from newspapers, and even handwritten notes. Freckles stood up and grabbed some more paper then wrote down quick notes, things he needed to remember. He put the new notes up right above his desk and then read over them. He walked around the room reading over the notes, and nodding as he had the information written on them.

One in particular caught his eye, he went over to it. It was a sketch with him, his sister and other people in it. Everyone was close and the artist had captured them all perfectly. He read the note he had written to it. “This was your old circus. Back when you were starting. The people are not as important as you will most likely not be seeing them again. Go over 1839’s notes.” He followed his own instruction and went through his desk finally finding a small notebook and placing it on the desk top. Now he had it, but it would have to wait until later. Freckles sat down and pulled up a mirror, he applied his own makeup, drawing the designs that came down from his eyes on his cheeks in black, perfect. Now he grabbed his cane that was only used when he was onstage, he often found it quite bothersome, and went to go find the others.

“Hello! I’m Bunny, and you must be one of our new acts. Just come on in and I will show you how to get to the tailor. Yes, you’ve already been chosen. The fact you are even allowed on circus grounds, when there is not a show means that. The Ringleader decided he wanted you. If he does, then you are in the circus. It’s a great honor. All of the people are handpicked by him.” Bunny nodded and watched Teddy go up to the new girl and sniff her before running back to Bunny and climbing on her shoulder and testing out his paw. She started walking to the tailor and pointed for them. “That is it. Good luck! I am also here to pick up my dress for tonight!” She waved at them and ran off.
She stopped running when she got to her own little space and saw something in front of her on the ground dropped by Teddy. Bunny bent down and picked up a pocket watch. She sighed and looked at the little monkey. “How many times to I have to tell you? No stealing from the performers. You are supposed to do it for donations from the audience, other than that, it is a no no! Now go put that in the donation box.” She patted his head. Well she guessed one of the performers had now generously given them a donation.

Damien gave a snort. Of course they were handpicked. This was just wonderful. He pinched the bridge of his nose then put his hand down and wondered where he picked such a habit up from. This meant that he had already spent too much time with the humans. At first he told himself this was just a vacation from Cybil (and his tantrums), but now he realized he was going to be on stage out there with the rest of them for the entertainment of humans. Damien sighed, he might as well get dressed. He pulled off his shirt and slipped into the silver vest provided for him, and whatever else they had for him. Well, there was one good thing. It was easy to slip away from these people.
He found himself smoking outside behind the large tent. That was just another habit he would have to get rid of once he went back. Damien had this odd feeling that this was just so that he could be babysit. Some people believed he couldn’t be left alone without supervision, as if whenever he was left alone people died, not that it didn’t happen sometimes. After all, everyone has ‘accidently’ had someone die while they were left alone with them. He went through the scolding and now was being taught a lesson. It was his only logical explanation. Damien took into no thought that he could just be making it up in his bitterness.
The sun had already gone down and he sat on a box. In truth, he would be pleased if he was fed and given alone time. He only complained to himself trying to make himself believe he did not enjoy being unproductive, while in fact, he was simple to please. He just had to keep busy, and in a place like this, it was simple. Damien took a long drag from the cigarette and leaned back against the rough canvas. He searched his pockets. Great, it looks like he had dropped his pocket watch.

Kiyoto 07-09-2012 03:39 AM


Cheshire lazily sauntered into the tent. He noticed many people already here, the ring leader would be happy about that. He looked around spotting a few of the usuals already active and taking care of the new comers, that was good. He himself had been taking a bit of a cat nap on top of his trailer. He arched his back lightly, spreading out his claws and giving a yawn. He felt better after getting a bit of rest, though the thought of having to deal with these people now made him have second thoughts about coming in to work. His tail swayed a bit behind him, as he weaved his way past a few of the acts over to Freckles.

He wraps his arms around the other male from behind and lightly leaned on him purring a bit. He looked over his shoulder as he wrote on the papers before yawning a bit again. "What is up hmm...? The new acts seem to be getting settled in quite nicely" he nuzzled lightly into his neck. Cheshire could be affectionate when he wanted to, usually when he was still half asleep, though other times he could be a tad cold to people. He moved around him to stand in front of Freckles as he waited patiently for an answer. His eyes moving up to the rafters, it would be nice to be up there, they were his favorite hiding spot. For now however, he must remain on the ground.

Ana_M 07-09-2012 11:28 AM

Sophy was so happy to see the little animal run up to her, she smiled wide when it sniffed her hand but then the little creature ran away! "Ah, I didn't," the girl's facial features showed confusion. She stood up straight then and looked around for the guy who dragged her in. She caught him slipping out of his shirt. A blush ran across her face and she turned away. Someone cackled and catcalled behind her but she ignored them. The brunette followed Bunny and didn't notice the little watch of hers being handled by the monkey, instead she was too busy looking around in awe. It was bigger than it looked, and it was surprising. There were often little mechanical animals laying around on the sides and in their way, so many. She smiled, excited to play with them! The girl adjusted her goggles and beamed forward.

What would this circus bring to her? She then realized she had fallen back and followed the bird into the tailor's area. Her cheeks a slight pink tinge. She gasped when she saw her name next to a dress. The dress was a bit revealing and it was mostly white. "Why is dis white?" She looked at the dress, it was very white with traces of gold and brown.


Laughed extremely loudly, he caught the way the girl had blushed when she saw the guy strip. "What you never seen anyone naked before?" He was ignored, the bird pouted but none the less followed the slowly forming crowd. Since it was meant for more human-ish people to go outside to do mild entertainments he knew he was barred from that. He never did and never would fit in with humans. Looking up at the ceiling of the tent for no reason, he wondered if there was a hole somewhere up there. One big enough for him to squeeze through. Jack laughed as he made his way around the odd looking human, he looked into the seamstress's part of the tent.

It looked pretty normal in there. He looked at the outfits that were displayed, each had their names on them. His forehead creased but he just giggled. The outfit with his name on it was pretty much lights, lots of lights. He saw some fireworks, as well. Were they magically enhanced?


Rila followed the crowd, she didn't have anything to say. Maybe except suggesting to kill off the bird, but nothing else. She looked at the girl who's been very quiet all this time, she really didn't like her. So she turned back around and stuck her nose in the air as she made it to the room with the others. She didn't even smile at Bunny, she didn't have an opinion on Bunny yet. However Rila was just as surprised as everybody else to see her name underneath a dress. This dress was very similar to the one she was wearing however it was far more showy. It would emphasize her waist and chest. The white was also crisper than the white on her own dress.

She took the dress and went behind a curtain to change, she did not notice that this was outside. She didn't realize it until she heard gasps, she looked up with a death glare. It was mostly little kids and teenagers that caught her changing. She slipped into her dress, put her hat back on, grabbed her old dress and scythe in one hand and went back inside. The girl looked cooly at everyone and placed her old dress where her new one was earlier.

Psychobeautyfantasy 07-09-2012 05:19 PM

Freckles scratched the cat behind its ear and then rifled through the papers one last time. He didn’t like Cheshire in his personal space, in fact he didn’t like anyone in there, but there was no talking this one out of anything. Freckles liked his privacy, sometimes to the point of secrecy. Turns out the stubbornness and independence of a cat ran through his veins.

“Overall, I am getting ready for the performance and looking over my notes, I need to remember some things. Now if you even think about getting your claws on any of these papers, I’ll throw you to Damien.” He gave Cheshire a smile, and a glint in his eye told the cat that he would love to do that, especially if it was on stage. He straightened his jacket and then headed out. “Even I will admit it, I have missed the stage. This is life! On that stage is when you show the true colors.”

Colors dominated everything. The circus was in a frenzy getting ready and entertaining the gathering crowds. He watched the performers and spotted the newcomers. He rested his weight on the cane and gave them a once over. He decided they should have kept their old tailor if only she was still alive. He kept his own old outfits, and kept his sense of fashion to the same. The crisp whites, and perfectly straight lines bothered him. It all looked much too modernized for him. If his sister ended up in something like that he would drag her away and dress her himself, he had clothing made for her puppets that would fit her and he would force her into them.

Freckles kept black boots, and the fabric of his clothing was mismatched, and faded with age. The walking cane had an expensive look to it, and he kept it close, along with his hat, the same hat he wore then, and he did not believe he would ever get rid of it. It was something familiar to him. The demon world was behind the human world, they still had a lot of catching up to do, you could see all sorts of eras, ages, and key years displayed there. Freckles, well he had chosen to keep something of his own style, anything else would have been wrong in a way. He tipped his hat at the ladies and gave his signature smirk.

Bunny ran up to her brother and hugged him, “Brother, you’ve finished my dolls right? They are all ready for tonight? I cannot wait, I am just so excited!” She hugged again, much tighter than last time.

“Of course I have. Everything is perfect the way you like it, and you… If I could you would be one of those dolls, you share their perfections.” He smiled and watched her laugh. She already knew that was one of the highest compliments he gave out. “What do you think of your lovely dolls, and the service I have given them on such a short notice?”

She tapped her chin and held her tattered lace umbrella under her arm, “It’s okay, but I actually think Sophy could do it faster and even a little better.” She nodded, “brother?” She tilted her head and watched him run off, in an overdramatic mood as usual. Bunny had no idea what she had done. Instead, with Freckles it had been found the best option was to just shrug off his actions.

“Snowball!” Freckles screamed as he ran off, pouting. His sister had chosen the work of a stranger over his, a great looking stranger, but still a stranger. He reached his snowball without slowing down and tackle hugged him, holding him tightly, “Bunny found a new brother! She replaced me with that new girl! She has a new brother!” He gave an dramatic dry sob.
Damien eventually gave up and went inside, he stood aside and watched. They were not going to get him to parade around for no good reason besides to entertain people he would rather be killing than amusing. He stopped and saw an odd feline like guy and gave a snort. Cats, he didn’t like them at all. The thing was: they were allergic to him, and allergies can be deadly in some cases. Yet Damien knew better than to do anything, he just stood there awkwardly, staying out of the crowd. He was never much of a talker and here he had nothing to say besides the obvious people could tell just from looking at him.

Kiyoto 07-09-2012 08:29 PM

Dusk eyed Freckles a bit and raised an eyebrow. "I don't blame her" he shrugged a bit "you have to step up your game dear Freckles or you may in deen get left in the dust." He enjoyed getting a slight revenge on thee other male, stepping past him he walked over to the center of the ring an looked up a bit. He hoped this tent was sturdier then the one a few years back, or it would not stand up to him. He smiled a bit while remembering his act a while back and how he had literally 'brought down the house'. He was stronger then most gave him credit for, those who tried to overpower him got a very big shock in the end and most the time it was the last shock of their lives. He sighs and turns to the other ale. "If you want to show her you can do things then stop whining and put your actions where your mouth is so to speak." Dusk hated people who were always whining, those who sat around and believed that things would come to them. Sometimes it worked, and that was even worse. He lifted his left hand, and looked at the sword like claws. He was perfecting his own routine, and could not afford anyone getting in the way, so he was hoping Freckles would not suggest something foolish about the two of them working together. Thankfully he did not believe the other was nearly that crazy....yet that is. If he was, then Dusk would just have to show him what a very bad idea that was in deed. He turned away and looked towards the entrance where he noticed Cheshire approaching Damien. That cat deffinetly had guts as well as an agenda of his own. He wondered what the feline was up to.

Ren watched a few of the other acts getting ready. She sighed and slowly began stretching, she did not want to be stiff and risk making a mistake. She wondered what to do for her first act, perhaps a deadly dance on the tightrope benieth where a tank of very visible demon sharks waited below. She smiled, nah, that would be to easy. Perhaps she would set the rope on fire. So many possibilities ran through her mind, each more deadlier then the last. It was quite surprising to some, that she was not dead yet already. She did not believe in luck, only in puree skill and practice that managed to get a person through things. Turning she looked up, how high off the ground could she put thee rope though and still allow the people to see what in fact was going on. She sighed, desicions decisions desicions. She hated the nitty gritty technical stuff, much prefering to get right down to the buisiness of things. That was the fun part to her, not all of this. Perhaps she might try using a partner as well, she had herd many of the acts talking about teaming up, and the idea intrigued her a bit. She had never worked with another person before, never really had to it was always her on her own, looking out for number one. She proceeded to make her way outside, soon spotting what looked to be some sort of bird boy. Ah yes, she remembered him from earlier. Walking over she moved in front of him and turned walking backwards. "Hello there..." she smiled a bit sweetly, but the wheels were turning inside that pretty little head of hers, and boy the ideas were begining to flow again. She was already having ideas about this guy, only now hoping he was more of an bird of prey then a chicken.

Cheshire grew bored after Freckles walked away. He had the urge to whap the other male for touching him behind the ear, but had learned to play nicly with the other acts as much as he could was nicer then having to deal with the annoyances of them on his case. After all, no one would overestimate or even think that a mere kitty could do much harm...this often led to them in the ground somewhere never to be seen again. His ruby like eyes glanced towards the entrance, Damien had just entered and was looking his way. He smiled a bit mmm, now there was a person he wouldn't mind taking a 'special' cat nap with. He laughed lightly and watched for a bit though knowing that he didn't like cats just made it that more dangerous of a thrill and much more fun. He walked over to the man. "Why such a long face dear Damian, not losing your touch already are you? Tsk tsk, the night has only begun to get interesting that's for sure" he lightly circled him a bit as a cat would circle a mouse. He kept his thoughts to himself, but if he ever did vocalize them, he wondered what kind of reaction this man would give him. He did not mind or barley even feel pain, so that was a plus. It was so hard to find good playmates for Cheshire these days, they never seemed to last very long he thought, flexing his claws a bit with a smile. He needed someone he could really...sink his teeth into so to speak. He paused to the right of Damien and looked at the other man, watching his movements carefully. Cheshire was known for his eye on detail, and maticulous planing. He always seemed to get what he wanted in the end, even if others did not know they were falling right into his paws. He brushes a bit of his hair back from his eyes folding his arms across his chest as he waited for a reply.

Ana_M 07-09-2012 09:29 PM

Bird boy looked up when he was spoken to, "Hello there." The blue haired girl was standing next to him, he giggled. Waving the boy finished off wrapping himself up in lights. He looked like a black christmas tree that was not turned on yet with all the lights on him. If they were turned on he would look quite pretty and amazing indeed.

"Yes?" Again Jack laughed a little. He looked up at her eyes, he could see she was wanting something from him. He was excited to fly with the lights, somehow it was like the ringleader and seamstress knew exactly what he wanted to do. He wanted to fly and have fun, hell he wanted to make the audience rewatch things that just happened. Then there was a loud wail. Someone was upset and that made him crack up. He had heard the word brother. Man, this circus was a hoot!


Sophy had finished getting dressed and walked out, she kept her goggles and her belt and many things from her old dress. She heard the odd boy from earlier crying about something, she got closer and heard part of the conversation. "She replaced me with that new girl! She has a new brother!" Blinking she wondered which of the new girls he meant.

Stepping forward the girl innocently asked, "What's goin' on?" The boy was quickly brushed off by the guy with white hair. They then moved further away and that left her with Bunny. She saw a cat like person slinking off somewhere, before she could get a closer look she noticed someone was in her pocket. Frowning the girl dug her hand in and pulled out the monkey. He had this sheepish grin and was clinging to a key. Her cheeks flushed, she needed that! "'Ey, why ya got that? Give it back please?" She frowned and gently placed her fingers on the key, hoping the monkey would release it from his clutches. She then got an idea, the girl pulled out her oily rag and quickly oiled him up where he needed to be. "Dere, now, ya owe me! Give me the key," she nodded and placed her hand back on the key and took it back. She gave the monkey back to Bunny after very gently scolding the monkey for trying to steal.

Kiyoto 07-09-2012 09:55 PM

Ren ran a hand along one of the strands of lights, playing with one near his neck. "Seems everyone has an idea with what they plan to do well as some plan to combine things" she turns with a slight wave of her hand walking over to a crate she sits down. "Perhaps you wouldn't mind helping a daredevil like me out hmm..?" She picked up one of the light threads, without the lights, the wire was pretty thin. It would be perfect for her act. She carefully strung it out a bit to see the length and was happy to see that it was in fact pretty long. "It would have to be dangerous and thrilling of course, have to keep the audiance on their toes and guessing after all" she laughs "ah this is going to be fun." She was looking forward to the excitement, to the energy and thee rush that would become present once the lights went up and it was time.

She hoped the birdy boy would agree, come to thiink of it, she had not yet bothered to ask his name. Eh, that was a formality that could wait till later, for now birdy suited him just fine. She looks up at him as she waited for a reply, and crosses her legs leaning back on her hands. Her stomach was in jumbles, she wanted to get out there and do what she did best already, but rushing led to mistakes, and in this buisiness mistakes were deadly. She would have to take her time and calm down, one step at a time was ok with her for now, as long as it ment she didn't end up as a splat on the ground by the end of the show. She was also hoping it ment she could get some food soon. She hadn't eaten in awhile, having to fend for herself and all.

The streets were a deadly place for a pretty girl, not that she much considered herself pretty. She had learned very fast that trusting people was not an option, and how to only depend on herself for survival. It was ironic that the girl who was used to doing everything on her own, was here at a circus asking a bird boy to do an act with her. The thought was almost comical to her the more she thought about it. She looked up at the sky through a hole in the tent.They had to act fast if they wanted to get things settled before it was time. She hoped he would say yes, the two seemed to be sort of alike, and that would make things easier in her opinion. Less trouble to deal with, ment more time for action, and Ren deffinetly liked action.

She hated sitting around waiting for others, and at times even herself. She was always on the move getting things done, and finding new ways to get involved. When her parents had been around for the first five years, they had always said she looked like a chicken running around with its head cut off, but a very cute headless chicken. She laughed a bit to herself at the thought of it all, a lot had happened since that time in her life, and now here she was, on the verge of making a new life for herself. She was ready to get out there and show the rest of the world outside the streets just what she could do, and if people got in her way, they would regret it big time. She was not here to mess around...well, not all the time anyways.

Ana_M 07-09-2012 10:56 PM

Jack listened to her proposition to working together. She was obviously some, what was the word for it? Sky flyer who walked on ropes and stuff. Jack nodded, he smiled at her, "Sure, there a lot I can do. What do you want at the beginning? We can uh, act spontaneously!" He laughed at his stuttering. He wasn't very good with the English language, the vocabulary still irked him a bit. He couldn't stop smiling. He wasn't going to be a lone act, that was even better! He heard her laugh quietly, he raised an eyebrow and giggled along. "What shall we do?" Jack flexed his wings, his thoughts going towards all the possibilities. He jumped up and flew a bit high, laughing, he was extremely excited and was too fidgety to just stay on the ground.

The odd looking bird human mixture swooped down and gripped the girl's hands by surprise, he wasn't sure if she'd follow along or somehow make him go flying in the opposite direction but he wasn't too concerned. Both of those endings would be extremely funny to him, he lifted her up and it was a bit straining but not by much. She was far lighter than he expected.

Looking down her looked at the blue haired girl's eyes. She had really captivating eyes. She could be an actress or something, the bird spun upwards and let go of her, a yard or two away was a rope hanging from the tent. It was one of many that were just hanging around. Some broken, others holding it up. He watched her as he went below her to make sure if she didn't grab it he'd have caught her.

He laughed, this was a great feeling!

Kiyoto 07-09-2012 11:08 PM

She was a bit surprised when he pulled her into the air, she was not used to flying like this. She felt herself hover in the air a bit as he let her go before gravity began to take hold. She could feel him under her, but decided to play a little joke of her own. Soon her body began to shrink, and feathers fluttered over her skin in a brilliant pattern of blue and green. Her face lengthenred a bit, and her feet turned into talons. When the change was complete, she was no bigger then two or three inches, a little humming bird which darted around and ran in a spiral up the other bird boy before doing a backwards spiral in the air. She loved turning into birds, they were so free and able to go higher then any rope would allow her.

She landed her tiny bird body on his head and ruffled the long beak that came with being a humming bird through his hair laughing a bit to herself once more. Ah the look on his face was priceless. She loved seeing how people reaced to her transforming for the first time, it was positively a thrilling exciting rush to see what they thought. A lot of the time it was fear or shock, some were amazed and curious to. People were so strange that was deffinitley for sure. She flussterd off his head and gracefully towards the ground, where she slowly transformed back to her normal self and took a bow.

She laughed again when it was all ofer. There was more to her then meets the eye, and she had a feeling now birdy would hopefully understand that. If not, she was always up to giving him a bit more of a taste, for it was not only animals she could transform into. That however, was a secret she would keep till later on, after all it could come in quite useful. She looked up at the birdy boy, waiting for him to come down. "What about something like that? or perhaps something else?" she had so many ideas in her head, it was so hard to stick with just one!

Psychobeautyfantasy 07-10-2012 12:33 AM

Freckles gave a pout. Dusk had this air about him that always made him want to know a little more. He thought about it and then pulled out a small notebook from the inside pocket of his coat and scribbled down in it. white haired guy, something he is not saying. Try to find out more. Does not trust you. He had pages full of mindless scribbles writing down to the smallest things, finding them important. He could not let them go unforgotten. Freckles gave a wide smirk to Dusk, "Frosty, I'm gonna need you for something. Have you ever battled with a centaur?" He tilted his head slightly as if asking a normal everyday question, "If not, remember the hooves are what you should be careful for, that is their most lethal weapon. I will see you on stage and this will be fun. Want to play hero to a damsel in distress? Now to go find your damsel. I am just the evil wizard!" He pats the guy's head and runs off before he can be hurt, not giving him a chance to answer. Where was the girl... There she is.

"You! Girl with the Scythe! I need you over here now." He stood in front of her and looked her up and down, making sure to remember her body figure and the details of her features. "I am going to need a damsel, but all of the parts are fake, and I don't think you want to lay in a coffin. on second thought. I'm going to place you in the coffin. We go after my sister, since that is when the coffin is moved onto the stage. Wonderful darling! I have my creatures ready and then from there you pull out your act. I am going to walk you in front of a large crowd and they will believe you to be someone else. Perfect. Now the Knight, I need to tell him that he will be okay, i just need him to act and pretend it's real, because it will seem pretty intensely real. Of should it be a surprise... How do you think he will give a better act?" Freckles bit his lip as he thought. Should he tell him.

In the end Freckles chanced just yelling over at him, "Don't worry! you will be okay, I promise. You will just have to trust me!"

Bunny turned to her and shrugged, "I do not know, it is just brother over reacting. I just told him that you worked better and faster than he did with the mechanics and he got upset and stormed off screaming. I was just telling the truth. I do not understand." She tilted her head watching as he talked to people, flailing his arms as he did so. she straightened her dress and her little umbrella. "Wow! You are so good with my Teddy. He thanks you. I have never seen him give some thing to someone else. He will usually take it to the donation boxes, leave it in odd places, give it to me, or even take it to his hidey spot." She smiled. "His favorite item to hide, has to be my brother's hat. He really doesn't like him. Freckles just gets huffy and has to go find it or wait for it to appear later on. Longest he has gone without the hat has been around a month. And half of that month was spent with him trying to get Teddy to talk to him." She giggled and looked at her, then twirled her umbrella. "You're a human! It's so easy to tell! Please! Tell me about the human world! I'm so fascinated! I've only ever been there with the circus!"

Damien looked at the cat--person, thing.He had no clue and just looked at it, having to remind himself that there was no killing on the circus property, last thing he wanted was Cybil coming to reprimand him. Knowing his master it would turn into a full out tantrum that Damien would have to listen to. The yelling and then taking out his anger and finally came the peace. Damien wanted another cigarette.

"Losing my touch? It depends in what way you are talking about, cat. It seems that you are more of a pet than anything. Go, before I skin you alive. I would love to and I think you know it." He made sure to not change his expression and to not let the cat get to him. If this didn't work, he'd risk Cybil, who would hug the cat to death and try to steal it. Damien had enough of cats, from finicky masters, to the ones that came up to him and meowed, and now this one. "Why are you here bothering me. I have better things to do than talk to a cat." yes, like getting tortured on stage for human's amusement. Wonderful, something people didn't take into account. I want to be the one to torture, it's much more fun.. His mind filled in and he realized, he had nothing better to do than talk to the cat. He still wondered how one would warm up for torture. Eat some razor blades or something? Damien shook his head.

Kiyoto 07-10-2012 01:13 AM

Dusk glared a bit at Freckles as he hurried off. If he touched him one more time...Dusk clenched his hand a bit, he would have loved to whap Freckles up side the head. Find a damsel? What did that twisted mind have going on in it? He sighs a bit and turns scanning the tent a bit, he had a feeling this would be an interesting circus in deed. He sighs slightly, looking at his claws before deciding to head back to his trailer for a small rest. He felt heavy and tired, and the darkness of the trailer felt nice. He found the bed laying down a bit so he could relax.

Cheshire chuckled to himself at the other's words. "You may like to, but question is can you keep up enough to reach your goal" he stretches a bit. "I am no pet, I do as I please though you on the other hand seem to be the one on a tight leash eh? Such a waste in deed" he gave a slight wave of a paw and moved behind the other man letting his claws trail down the other's back sending chills down his spine. "When you feel like a real challenge, or not being a lap dog, you know where to find me" he whispers in his ear, before walking out of the tent laughing a bit to himself. This was becoming quite an evening, and he was indeed enjoying it.

Ana_M 07-11-2012 12:50 PM

Jack laughed at her face of surprise, but what really surprised him was her shifting. He had never seen one shift despite the fact that he knew a Genie and lived under a master that could. His face showed his surprise, he was certainly caught off guard with this. It was really, amazing. That was the best word he had for it. Oddly enough, this girl really was more than he had thought. 'No wonder she carries 'erself like that.' That was pretty much the only sentence as he watched the little humming bird dart around him, a bit awed. As he straightened out and went a bit higher he felt a small weight on his head, then a beak ruffling through his top feathers. He laughed, he had never ever felt that before and it sure tickled! He continued to laugh and when he noticed what she was doing, joined her. Once she was nearly fully "human" again he layed a hand on her shoulder and doubled over laughing. She was laughing herself a bit, his smile did not fade when he had calmed down. She had definitely pulled a good one on him!

"What about something like that? Or perhaps something else?" She had waited for him to quit laughing. She was sure great to be around, definitely a better impression. He looked up at the hole in the tent.

"You can do more?" Jack giggled, "That's talent, surprise me." He liked surprises, actually he liked them a lot more than he had originally thought he would. He had never had someone surprise him in such a good, relieving way before. She could be more like him, it made him feel a bit of kinship towards her. They were definitely going to be good partners. He was excited to see what she could shift into, it was still a very stunning idea to him!


Rila was practicing her swings on a useless object she had found lying on the ground when Freckles started coming near her. The girl looked over her shoulder, annoyed. "You! Girl with the Scythe! I need you over here now." Her mind went straight to thinking about how she was higher than this. Her grandmother and mum were sure to be coming tonight so she had to make sure she was perfect with every little bit she did. Of course, her emotions and plans did not matter to the red haired boy. In fact, she was pretty sure he was a bit crazy in the head. He then began to ramble, "I am going to need a damsel, but all of the parts are fake, and I don't think you want to lay in a coffin. Nn second thought, I'm going to place you in the coffin. We go after my sister, since that is when the coffin is moved onto the stage. Wonderful darling! I have my creatures ready and then from there you pull out your act. I am going to walk you in front of a large crowd and they will believe you to be someone else. Perfect. Now the Knight, I need to tell him that he will be okay, I just need him to act and pretend it's real, because it will seem pretty intensely real. Of should it be a surprise... How do you think he will give a better act?" She was about to answer him when he screamed at someone, she shut her mouth and glared. A damsel?!

She was a necromancer, but from the look in his eye she did not feel like arguing. It would just be way too hard, way too annoying to even try. He was obviously set on this, she followed him, how does one even act like a damsel when they were a necromancer? She caught the bird boy laughing and being touchy with the other girl. She looked in front of her and tilted her nose up theoritically. They were beneath her. Rila had finally saw who Freckles was talking to, a white haired man. She frowned, a crease in her forehead, the barely a few years past being legal girl did not want this role. She had something else entirely planned into her mind. This was the worst!


Sophy listened intensely to what Bunny was saying because it was about her! She giggled, happy, it made her smile! The compliment made her all swishy swoshy inside. What were the words for this? Then came the news and information about Teddy, how he was thanking her and how Bunny had never seen him give anyone else any item but Bunny. A cute blush curled up on her cheeks, "Well, dat's somethin'!" Bunny went on to talk about Freckles's hat, who was currently yelling and screaming at someone about being a damsel. She looked at him as she talked, it was the girl with the scythe. He was a very humorous person indeed! She turned back around to catch Bunny in the eye, then she twirled her umbrella. The umbrella was very pretty but she had a feeling that it was hard to open it. "May I see dat?" She pointed at the umbrella already having pulled her oiling cloth out again. Bunny then went on calling her a human, and talking about the human world as if she wasn't. Her eyebrows knotted together but she did not mind. Maybe she was just a bit different? Sophy was not sure, but she decided to oblige the girl's wishes and hoped to be fixing the umbrella as she did it.

"Well, I guess it's nice. I come from a small town. Dere's not many people dere. It can be mean, really mean, My cousin is adop'd, he had a bad child hood. I had a good child hood, so it can be nice, too. We have neighbors, family else where, so many places to go. School is one, we nee'ta have a education. We can't read or write or do math without school." She continued to explain the simple things of life in her simple but somewhat country accent and dialect. She missed her grandfather dearly as she got closer to what she loves to do and has the passion for.

Psychobeautyfantasy 07-12-2012 08:33 PM

Freckles found the moment he had been waiting for. The cat had walked out of the tent and went off. He followed him out then made sure no one was around to hear what he was about to say.

“Is it true? Cat. What I heard. Do not even bother lying to me. I remember this.” He held up his small notebook and waved it in the air. His hands were shaking.

“The Ringleader is not? Is he? I told you, this is something I know is true. I wrote it down. That proves it. I know my information is accurate. It says that the ringleader brought the circus back without the permission of the demon world. You know that means they will come hunt us down! You know everything in this circus and I know that you know about this too. Now tell me, do I have to prepare to protect this place?” He chewed his lip and looked around before looking back at the cat.

“I can pull up an illusion around the circus to not be seen when there are no shows. It can be kept up as long as needed. But I need to know if I must. I need to protect…” He clenched his eyes shut and bit his lip. What was the name he was looking for? It was there. He opened them and flipped through the book,

“Bunny. I need to keep her safe from danger. Now who was it? The person from the last circus, that one…”Freckles flipped through the book and scanned the pages. No, no, no! It wasn’t in there. He tried again, this time flipping through the yellow pages almost roughly enough to tear the paper. Where was it?

“I do not know. It’s not in there! It must be in one of my other notebooks.” He fumbled with putting the notebook back into the inside pocket of his jacket. How could it not be in his books? Freckles looked at the cat as he tried to compose himself, and stop himself from shaking. He was just getting himself anxious. Still it was unnerving to him to not have it in his book, that meant he did not and could not remember until he found the right notebook, out of his dozens that he had notes in.


Bunny was shocked. She put her hand up to cover her mouth as she gasped. This girl was so interesting to her!

“You mean… you can read and do mathematics? Oh my god!” Bunny leaned in closer to her. To her such a thing was gossip, “That is amazing! My brother is the one who can read and do mathematics. I can’t. I know how to spell my name and my brother’s though!” She smiled quite proud of herself for being able to write her own name and her brother’s.

“Where I come from girls do not know how to write or read or do any of that. That is for the boys. We do not have school, instead your parents teach you what you need to know. The only way a girl can learn is she is from a rich family and only has one brother. That way if her brother dies she can take the head of the family until she gets married. Then her husband will take over. Are you from a rich family? I cannot believe it!”

She gave a shy smile, “My mama taught me how to sew and to take care of the house. That was before our parent’s got into trouble. Then my brother took care of me. I am so happy I met a girl who could read. You must be very smart.” She gave a nod, her face showing that she was serious. It still seemed a bit outrageous to her that a girl could do such things.


Damien closed his eyes and took deep breaths. It was all that he could do from going and beheading the cat. The idea was extremely tempting at the moment. That thing dared call him a leashed dog. No he could do whatever he wanted. Okay, he could do whatever he wanted as long as Cybil approved it.

Most people wondered why someone like Damien would bother to stay with Cybil. It was not that he had an emotional attachment to the white-haired prince. It was more of that he was receiving something out of this deal. It was worth it in the end for him

He had seen the confrontation between the necromancer and the red-haired demon. He looked at her and snorted, “well, you are screwed. Who knows what is happening in that guy’s head. I have worked here before and can say this. He’s more insane than you could imagine.” He shrugged and gave her a grin, finding this hilarious. In a way he was a bit curious what would happen.

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