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Ana_M 07-08-2012 09:30 PM

Awesome Trio (Exchange, Cora, and Ana!)
Spin off of : Checkmate!
A roleplay idea created by Kiyoto. ;3


Sophy was out for once, she was told to get some fresh air and to quit huddling up inside getting greasy. She wasn't too happy but she had found a patch of flowers near the road which was pretty much the center of the housing area of town. She picked a bunch and set one in her hair. The oddly dressed girl wore her medium length curly hair down and wore britches with a random button-up shirt. She had grease on her and on her clothes. After gathering a dozen or so flowers the shoe-less girl ran towards her home, "Mum!" She opened the screen door and showed her mom the flowers. Her mom was currently making something from dough. Her father sat in a chair in the living room reading the paper.

"Oh, thank you Sophy! Why don't you take the last two next door? To miss Blaire?" She smiled, her mum was hoping that Sophy would take a liking to Blaire and finally start playing more. She blinked and nodded. The 5 year old ran out of the house and saw a white haired boy. She gasped, someone new! He looked a little older than her and was definitely taller than her.

"'Ey!" she called running to him. "I'm Sophy, what is ya name?" She grinned her randomly toothless grin, the little girl then remembered what her mum said. "I'll be back, here," the brunette gave him a flower and dashed to the house next to theirs. She stood on her tip toes holding the last wilting flower left. She knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer it so she could give it to Blaire. "Wanna play?" she called to the boy she gave a flower to.

Cora 07-09-2012 12:07 AM

Blaire’s father was often worried about her. The fact that she choice to spend her time indoors instead of out and about with the other children of her age. He was beginning to think she was anti social. The morning our fine story starts was no different, in fact it was very much the same as always. This morning she spent her time dusting the shelves and sweeping the floor so the house would be clean upon her father’s return. Yes at the ripe age of six all Blaire wanted out of life was to be a house wife. It made her father worry for her.

She heard a knock on the door and placed her broom in the corner of the room. Brushing off her apron she went to the door to see who it could be. Sophie the girl from next door, one whom her father had often tried to get her to socialize with, was standing in her door holding a flower. At first she did not notice the sad looking boy standing in the street, but she looked at sophie, “Are you here to play with me?” she said thinking about what her father had said to her.

Ana_M 07-09-2012 01:14 PM

She turned back towards the door to see Blaire. She's only seen her a little bit, she giggled and held out the flower. "Are you here to play with me?" she asked her. Sophy nodded, she still held the wilting flower out to her.

"Yah! For ya," she placed the wilted flower behind Blaire's ear. The little girl hoped it would stay, she turned sideways and pointed at the almost white haired boy. "Let's all play," her smile never left her face. She was hoping all three of them could get along, and she wanted to bring out the toy she was working on. Her mom opened the screen door and called for Sophy.

"Sophy, where are you?" she stepped outside of the house with a tray of lemonade and glasses. Her mother caught sight of the boy, then saw Sophy at Blaire's door. She smiled, so happy that Sophy was finally making friends with the little girl next door. Not only that, but with a boy as well, wait. Her smile faded and her face looked confused, she had never seen this boy before. She set the tray down on a little table that was on their porch. "Girls, and um, what's your name? Please, come on over and get a drink! How are you doing Blaire? I'll be right back," Sophy's mother went into the house and grabbed another glass, she came out to see Sophy trying to talk the boy to come with her and Blaire to her house. She smiled and set the glass down, "Would you kids like food?"

Sophy's grandfather came out of his work shop in the back of the house and grunted as he went up the steps to the living room,
"What's going on Meredia?" Sophy's mother explained to him how her friends were coming over to play and eat. He grunted, a humored smile on his face. For once she socialized, to him, it was about time. "Sophy, ya want ya toy?" She nodded at him from the screen door. She wanted to show them what she was making really badly!

Exchange 07-09-2012 08:57 PM

It was dark and rainy when he had left the town surrounding Ravenwood Manor. As far as he could remember, his days in that town were dark and rainy. Well, not always rainy. But the alleys were always dark, and he was always dirty. He didn't remember a father or a mother. There was never a memory of a dry roof over his head. In fact, the boy didn't even remember his name. Was he even given a name? His days never passed in a blur, but they soon became so similar that he had trouble distinguishing one day from the next. Each day he would wake up on a garbage bag, they were softer than the concrete and dirt floor. Each day he would go out and beg the baker for a piece of stale bread. Some days the baker would take pity on him and give him a burnt crust. Most days the boy would get the sole of the baker's feet. The baker had a name, he was important. The boy didn't. He wasn't.

Each hour passed by agonizingly slow as hunger ate the boy inside out. The nights were worse; they were cold. As the days became shorter, the nights become longer. And colder. One night it was so cold the boy was shivering as he stumbled down the streets. Through the mist of his short, frosty breaths, he saw the baker's house. It looked so warm, the boy thought as he stumbled towards it. So very warm. He peered in through the window and saw the baker talking to an old man. Beside the old man, half hidden through his legs, was a boy about the same age as the one freezing outside in the cold. But the boy inside the house was cleaner, warmer, and the boy with no name bet that boy inside never suffered from lack of food.

Why, thought the boy as his grip on the window slipped as he fell into a puddle. The door opened suddenly, startling the puddle-soaked boy. His eyes widened as he made eye contact with the boy hiding behind the old man's legs. "Now, Hataru," the old man said, giving the shivering boy on the floor a cold glance. "We need to go back to the manor." And the two people left, leaving the dirty boy with no name behind. Shivering, soaked, abandoned.

It was raining when the boy had left the town, unable to bear the feelings inside him any longer. The day he left was like any other day. He bet the townspeople didn't even notice he was gone, not even the baker with the important name. The boy couldn't remember how far he walked, or in what direction. All he knew was that he walked when he could, and slept when he couldn't. He ate when he could and starved when he couldn't. And then, one day, he was given a flower. It was a different day, that day. The sun was shining and the sky was bright. Not at all like the days he had remembered.

"I'm Sophy, what is ya name?" the girl with the flower asked. The boy stared at her in confusion. But before he could open his mouth to answer, she ran away. She was no different, he thought. She left, too. The boy watched her leave. She had so much energy, so much happiness. Why was that? He saw her turn around and call something at him, but he didn't understand her. Why was she talking to him? No one talked to him. He stood there, flower in hand, and a second later he was no longer standing. Exhaustion and hunger had finally won and the boy collapsed onto the floor. This floor was different, he thought as he slowly went unconscious. It wasn't as hard.

Cora 07-10-2012 01:28 AM

Blaire smiled at the girl and then giggled, for some reason she wanted to run and play right now. She looked down at herself in her apron and then called at the girl, "let me just put my apron away" she said and then ran in the house and hung her apron on the door. The flower fell out from behind her ear so she stooped to pick it up gently. She strung it through her ear and then raced out the door.

Just as she hit the front steps she noticed the boy who had come to town for the first time. She noticed he had a sunken sort of sickly look of someone who had hardly had anything to eat in a very long time. She watched him, even at five wanting to share what little she had with a complete stranger. Suddenly he fell to the ground, which caused Blaire to screech and then run out into the road where he lay.

She knelt down next to him and gentle shook him, "wake up now," she said gently, "you have to get out of the road now"

Ana_M 07-10-2012 01:47 AM

The screech startled Sophy who saw him collapsed, "Mum!" she wailed, repeatedly called for her mother who ran outside and saw Blaire standing over the small boy. Her mother made it to there and saw the problem immediately. She picked the boy up and told Blaire to not worry and help Sophy bring the drinks back inside. They could eat in the living room and help her take care of the boy. "Mum, whut's wrong wid him?" She was shushed and told to help Blaire as her mother set him down on their sofa. Sophy brought in the pitcher of lemonade, she almost spilt it a few times but managed to set it down on the coffee table. She stood next to Blaire and when Blaire's hands were free she grabbed onto it looking up at her wide eyed.

"Hey, Sophy, Blaire, why don't you two play together in here for a bit? Until he wakes up?" Her mother gave them both a worried smile, she stood and went to wet a little cloth, when she did that she placed it on his forehead and then finished making the sandwiches.

"Well, mah heavens." Sophy's grandfather raised an eye at the poor boy on the couch, he set down the toy Sophy's been working on the coffee table. "Well, this ain't too pleasant, eh?" He grunted as he sat in a chair and Sophy went over to the boy, never letting go of Blaire's hand.

"'Ey, wake up soon. Ya gotta play wiff us!" She looked at the white haired boy and hoped he'd wake up soon. She was worried, "Braire, look! I made this!" She showed the other girl the odd looking, misshapen object that was supposed to be a duck. "It's a duck." She was very proud of herself for making this, Sophy's mother brought in some cut up sandwiches. Some were PB&J, others were of meat and cheese.

Exchange 07-10-2012 03:06 PM

The boy woke up warm. It was odd feeling, this floor beneath him. He had never felt anything like it before. It was soft and dry, what a new sensation. His eyes opened a crack, and the light shining in hurt so much that he immediately shut them again. How comfortable, he thought again as he made use of his other senses. There was a warm, sweet smell teasing in out of the air around him. It smelled a little bit like the baker's house. Had the baker taken pity on him? No, he reminded himself. He was far from that place. Besides, the smell was not quite right. The boy couldn't put his exact finger on it, but something was off.

"I made this," a girl's voice said. Shocked, the boy tensed. The voice was familiar, and very close. Slowly, he opened his eyes and allowed his vision to adjust to the change in brightness. The sky was gone. Where was the sky? Sitting up, the boy realized that he was not outside. No, he was inside someone's house, and on a couch, not a floor. What happened? Where was he?

"It's a duck," that same voice continued, and the boy turned to the sound. Two girls were holding hands, and the one who had talked was holding a crude object in her hands. He'd never seen anything like it before. It was weird.

A stab of pain flashed through his body and his mind was once again reminded of how hungry he was. His memory prior to collapsing slowly came back to him. The flower, he remembered, as he looked around, searching for it. Where had it gone? Another pang of hunger ran through him, taking priority over the missing flower. The sandwiches caught the corner of his eye and he ambled down the couch, making his way towards the food. He swiftly grabbed the top sandwich off the plate with his grubby fingers and took a bite. Happiness welled throughout his body as he realized it was good. It was really good. Finishing his first sandwich, he grabbed another one, to find it a different flavor than the one he had before. Was this magic? he thought as he wolfed down the second sandwich and grabbed a third one.

Ana_M 07-10-2012 03:21 PM

When she heard movement Sophy looked up, "Yay! Ya woke up!" She set down her toy and ran over to him and watched him eat. He was very hungry. Sophy's mother had come over when she heard Sophy squealing. She smiled watching the boy eat. Grandfather grunted as he watched the kid eat more and more, Sophy's mom decided she would need to make more.

"What's your name? Where is your family?" Sophy's mother asked softly, taking a seat on the couch before she went to go make more sandwiches. She poured lemonade into the glasses and set one down near him, Sophy took a smaller glass and began to drink it. She smiled at him.

"Blaire, hurry 'n' eat." She giggled, she wanted everyone to play together, especially with her little toy. She was very excited. Sophy looked up at the boy with awe, he was eating so much.

Cora 07-10-2012 04:56 PM

There was a sort of gentle happiness that Blaire hadn’t realized she had been missing. She was always content to clean the home that her and her father had kept together but she didn’t realize that having, what could they be called? Friends? could be something so warm, so inviting. She was enjoying playing with the girl called Sophie; it was the first time in her life that she valued another’s presence other than her father’s.

“It’s a duck” the girl had said which caused Blaire to look at the crude thing made of metal. At first glance she had to admit, she had no idea what that thing was really, even being told it was a duck, but she squinted her eyes a bit and tilted her head to the side, “A duck” she agreed finally, “Does your ducky fly” she made a little effort of pretending to fly.

When the white haired boy began wolfing down the sandwiches as fast as he could she knew that Sophie found the situation rather awing but not Blaire. She remembered more than one night her father hadn’t made enough to bring food home, it was rare these days but she could still recognize that hungry look in someone’s eyes. She did however make her way forward and took a sandwich herself. Watching the boy eat she felt a smile play her lips and she waited. When he was done eating she was going to pull him over to play with them, and that was that.

Exchange 07-10-2012 07:31 PM

Ken's eyes bugged out as he saw the two girls approach him. He closed his eyes and tensed for the beating and yelling that was sure to come next. Punishment for stealing their food. Instead, however, the mother of one of the girls went off to make more food. Ken was so surprised he almost forgot to chew and half-choked on the sandwich he was working on. He stared, dumbfounded, as kindness radiated from the entire room. This feeling was foreign to him; no one had ever been genuinely nice to him.

"What's your name? Where is your family?" the mother asked, and Ken stopped chewing, dropping his sandwich onto his lap. Those were two questions that he'd been asking himself ever since he could remember, and he still didn't have an answer. Unable to meet the mother's kind, gentle eyes, he stared at his dirty feet against the fine wood-grain floor. "Dunno," he murmured, not meeting anyone's eyes. "Ah dunno nofing."

Ana_M 07-11-2012 01:02 PM

Sophy had giggled when Blaire had pretended to fly, it really looked like she could! The scared look the boy had given them as they got closer had surprised her, she was not expecting that but he had slowly eased. Her grandfather patted his back, guffawing and saying something about eating too fast when the boy began to choke a little. She was really awed, this was so odd. Even though she didn't understand what it meant when he told them dunno to both questions. She picked up her duck and held it out to him, "Duck!" She wanted him to smile. She set the duck right beside him and copied Blaire when she pretended to fly, "Quackk! Quackk!" Sophy's mother and grandfather busted up in laughter.

"Sophy, settle down." Her mother patted her head and looked at her grandfather, soon her husband would be home to help them. They shared knowing looks and Sophy watched her grandfather nod. "If you really don't remember you name, we will give you one! Sophy, Blaire, will you help? You're staying here. Please eat and drink." Sophy's mother patted his head gently and smiled at him. She brought down a new plate of sandwiches and even some of the cookies. She handed a cookie to each child to start off with.

"Meredia, don't ya think dis ol' man can have a cookie, too?" He grinned at her, Sophy's mother batted his hand away from the cookies gently. Laughing, she got him some cookies of his own. While her mother talked and she ate her cookie quickly and looked at Blaire, she had no idea about names! She was Sophy, her mom was her mum. She thought it worked like that, the small girl didn't understand.

"Don't contaminate the kids' cookies, dad!"

Cora 07-11-2012 02:59 PM

Sophie’s mommy asked the white haired boy white haired boy a whole lot of questions, questions that he didn’t seem to know the answer to. How could someone not even know their own name, that is silly. She knew her name, though she couldn’t share that with the boy. Instead she crawled slowly across the floor to where the boy sat eating sandwiches, “don’t they call you anything at all where you live?”

She looked at him over from head to toe, “Well you can call me Blaire, we’ll think of something to call you like Sophie’s Mom says”

Blaire sat on the floor and watched Sophie pretend to fly. It made her giggle with glee. That sophie girl was such an odd sort of girl, but she was funny that was for sure. She was grateful too when Sophie’s mom gave her a cookie, “Thank you ma’am” she said like her papa taught her.

Exchange 07-12-2012 03:07 PM

There were so many people around him, the boy thought as he looked around in awe. They had so much energy, so much laughter. So much happiness. And they all had names. The girl with the object that was supposed to be a "duck" was named Sophy. The girl she was showing the "duck" to was called Blaire. And what was the boy called, they wanted to know. How was he supposed to know? He was never given a name, never important to be called anything than "boy" or some of the nastier versions.

The boy stared down at his hands, his sandwich now replaced by a cookie. It smelled so good. He took one bite and experienced a sweet taste that was loads better than the sandwiches he had eaten earlier, if that was even possible. The first cookie was gone in no time, followed by an urge to shove three more in his mouth. He looked around at the all the characters in the room, wondering what they wanted from him.

"Ken...ken..." the boy said slowly, meaning to ask for more cookies. "Ken...kookie?"

Ana_M 07-12-2012 03:57 PM

Sophy's mom and grandfather looked at each other, a new smile was spreading across their face. Sophy had heard what sounded like a name. "Ken!" she squealed, jumping from her position on the floor to hug him. She stumbled and wrapped her arms around him, balancing herself. He then said cookie. She looked at the plate and saw they were all gone. "Ya eat a lot," she was so surprised at that. She pulled away from him and looked at Blaire. This was her first steps in understanding the boy's story, and how sad it was. This was the slow beginning of her beginning to comprehend things.

Sophy's mom laughed,
"We don't want to eat them all yet, but yes, you may have more cookies. Let's save some for tomorrow, too, ok, Ken?" Sophy had already decided on his name from his mispronunciation. She said the new found name sweetly, she patted his head and went to get more, as she did that Sophy's father entered the door.

"What's the occasion? It's so lively in har." He looked around to see Blaire and a new kid. He walked over there and patted the boy's head in a soft way, "Hey kiddos." Sophy said daddy and waved to him. He hugged her, "I'm glad t'see you here, Blaire. Your daddy working late tonight? If not, I'm sure Meredia will cook for him, too." The adults were your typical polite, well groomed parents. The kids were average, here this was the norm. The only thing slightly different is that they are willing to help those in need. Sophy's brought home bunnies, kittens, but never a child. However, this would be no different. Sophy's mother kissed her husband and set down the refilled plate of cookies. Sophy's grandfather had already fallen asleep in the chair.

She whispered to Ken and then to Blaire, "Let's poke granpa!" She smiled and went ahead first to attack. She climbed onto his lap and jumped up laughing. "Hey!" She poked his sides, "tickling" him. He didn't awake until a few minutes of the kids roughhousing him.

"'Ey, 'ey!" He grunted and picked up Sophy, he started to tickle her. He picked up another kid and tickled them, too! He went between tickling them until Meredia told them to settle down. Sophy giggled and grabbed Blaire's hand, she grabbed Ken's too. She was suddenly thirsty.

She let go of their hands and started to drink the lemonade. Surprisingly, it didn't spill on her. She then grabbed one cup and gave it to Ken, then grabbed another and gave it to Blaire, babbling the whole time about ducks.

Cora 07-12-2012 05:12 PM

Blaire watched at the boy ate the cookie and then tried to ask for more. Sophie had suddenly jumped up and squealed something about his name being Ken. Was his name can? Is that what she should call him, Ken seemed like a decent enough name. Unless he told her otherwise, from that point forward she was going to call him Ken too. She turned to him and smiled, “Well Ken, nice to meet cha.”

Blaire looked up at sophie’s Papa as he spoke to her. She thought about the question and then said, “I think Papa should be home soon, Mister” she said it with her childish politeness that her father had taught her.

She squealed in laughter when Sophie’s Grandfather picked her up and of all things tickled her. It reminded her a bit of a time long past when her mother used to do the same thing. It was quite a fun time until sophie’s mother told them to quiet down. By this point she was completely out of breath. By the look on Sophie’s face and heaving chest she could tell that she too was out of breath.

Happily she drank from the glass that Sophie had handed her. It was a soft sour taste followed by a cool sweetness that Blaire loved about lemonade. She looked around the room while listening to Sophie go on and on about Duck’s. Sophie must really love duckies, thought Blaire. She heard a whistle out in the street that announced the return home of her father and she squealed again before running out into the road, “PAPA!”

Exchange 07-13-2012 01:42 PM

The boy was confused initially. He was only asking for more food, why was everyone suddenly calling him "can"? He opened his mouth to explain, but paused. What was he going to say? That he didn't know what his name was, but "Can" was most certainly not it? No, that wasn't going to fly. But then the boy realized something else. He had a name. For the first time in his life, he had a name. He was important. The boy's dirty face broke into a smile then, and he grinned almost foolishly as he ate his next three cookies. He watched Sophy's family laugh and fool around, and for some reason he found himself smiling along with them. Not to the extent of Sophy's obvious energy and happiness, but there was a certain uplifting quality to their laughter that made the boy feel light for a moment. A feeling he had never experienced before.

Suddenly a cup of lemonade was thrust in one hand, the other being wretched away by Sophy. He tried drinking his cup, but the swing of Sophy's excitement caught on and had him fumble a bit, spilling some juice on his already dirty shirt. His face screwed up as he tasted the drink; it was sour and tangy at first, but then surprisingly sweet, to his amazement. This drink was refreshing! It was good!

"Papa!" yelled the other girl, Blaire, as she ran off to meet her father. The boy, whose name was now Ken, stared wistfully at the happy reunion. Everyone else had a family who loved them. Where was his?

Ana_M 07-20-2012 01:09 PM

Sophy smiled, her daddy ruffled her hair and she pointed at the newly named boy, "Ken!" She looked over at him, he had a wet spot on his shirt. She ran to the kitchen and climbed onto the stool near the sink and grabbed some napkins. She stepped down as her parents chattered about him, her mother filling her father in on what's happened. She started to pat his shirt where the spill was. When she thought she did good enough, which honestly didn't make much of a difference, she handed him her precious duck. "Touch 'ere." She poked the button and it started to move awkwardly.

Sophy's dad stepped out of the door way and waved to Blaire's dad, calling him over for supper. The table was set with extra plates and utensils. Her mother told Sophy to go show Ken where to wash up for supper as she began to return to the kitchen to finish where she left off. The dough was rising, the salad soaking and the meat was marinating. Her mother was starting to get ready to cook the meat as Sophy's father got some glasses ready.

She called out the front door to Blaire to hurry if they were going to eat with them and she grabbed Ken's hand and rushed him towards the bathroom. "Up!" She pointed at the sink. She got a wash cloth and wet it, she was standing atop of a stool, leaving the other half for Ken or Blaire to step on. She wet the wash cloth and wiped her face then handed it to him. "Wash ya face, 'n' hands! Clean." She placed the bar of soap in her hands and wet it, holding it in the sink she soaped up. After finishing washing up she stepped down and smiled.

Today was a very good day!

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