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keres corvax 09-24-2012 02:42 AM

Count your lucky stars!
Hang out and count your stars and chat with each other.

Have fun and follow Mene rules [heart]

Remember, every post gives you actual gold, so don't be afraid to have all kinds of conversation, share poems, make short stories or what ever :) and I will do my best to read and comment back. :)

hummy 09-24-2012 03:06 AM

i have one for counting your stars, too.
i always go the 'R' us way.
i currently have thirteen point thirty-nine stars!

keres corvax 09-24-2012 03:20 AM

:) I think I may have subscribed to your counting thread :) the name caught my eye right away :)

also I have 5.75 at the moment but will have 6 after I post this.

I'm sad the warm weather is going away Hummy. i want it to be warm still. -pouts-

hummy 09-24-2012 04:05 AM

twenty-six and sixty-four stars.
i love the fall weather.
warm weather is too humid.
enjoy your last little bit of summer, keres.

keres corvax 09-24-2012 03:28 PM

thirteen point twenty five event tokens at the moment.

I love the pretty colors fall gives :)

Rui-kun 09-24-2012 03:44 PM

I have non, but I just found out about the event T-T.

RoadToGallifrey 09-24-2012 03:54 PM

I have 4.75 at the moment because I just bought event commons rather than wait until I knew how much EIs would likely cost. I'm a dinkus. :c

keres corvax 09-24-2012 04:58 PM

Hi Rui, :) you'll have a whole bunch in no time before you even know it :) you just got to keep typing :)

Hi Absurditea, It happens, I spent some of my coin already so I could wear this body suit :)

I have seventeen point twenty-five event tokens. :)

Kiba_Ryuun 09-24-2012 05:15 PM

I've just found out about the event. This will be my first menewsha event and I haven't been in forums for a long time <<; Care to explain to a newbie how this all works? ^^;

SexualPlacebo 09-24-2012 05:39 PM

Ohoh, a newbie! Welcome!
Basically, you just post, make friends, chat and such and you earn event currency which can be used to buy event commons and special event items, which aren't released just yet. You can also join in the games and contests people are holding all over.

I currently have sixteen point fifty event currency. Slowly going up!

Kiba_Ryuun 09-24-2012 05:44 PM

Oh wow, I haven't heard of event currency before! I was wondering what that new golden sphere icon in the top right corner was. Do they stay long after this event is finished and roll into the next event's haul?

So many chat boards but I feel a bit intimated to just jump right into the conversation. It seems like everybody knows everybody in them ^^;

SexualPlacebo 09-24-2012 05:49 PM

The event currency disappears as soon as the event finishes, and doesn't roll over. So make sure to go on a major spending spree near the end of the event to get everything you want!

I know what you mean, I do usually too. I stick to a few threads I feel comfortable in, or try to head for the less active threads. Find the threads "hummy" has made, she's a lovely person and is very inviting to new people, so is everyone who frequents them. Although, they tend to be the most busy event threads. D:

Kiba_Ryuun 09-24-2012 06:11 PM

Thank you for showing this newbie the ropes! >w<

But I don't even know what to talk about! Oh well, I'll figure this whole socialization thing soon enough. It's fun even just lurking, seeing how nice and chatty people are here.

yukiaine22 09-24-2012 06:21 PM

After this post I'll have 1.5 stars. I've never been that good at posting in threads.

SexualPlacebo 09-24-2012 06:38 PM

Kiba - You're welcome. Don't worry about how to talk to people. Just run in crazily and they'll all talk. xD The people here are super friendly, that's why I love this site so much.

Yukiaine - Slow progress is still progress. :D
What're you hoping to get enough event currency for?

hummy 09-24-2012 08:16 PM

post everrywhere you will get what you want.
we will help you.

Cat Eye 09-24-2012 08:18 PM

I only have 13.25 event currency. And I have the feeling that I won't be getting all the event items.

If I had rps...well, that might be a little different.

Koraru 09-24-2012 10:28 PM

I only have 3.75... I wonder if I'll be able to afford anything at all... Work keeps me busy...

Bound Birdie 09-24-2012 11:48 PM

I know how you feel koraru so I'm just focusing on the rares for now :) I know I can get the commons later

keres corvax 09-25-2012 12:01 AM

Hey everyone I need to pay better attention to my thread, for anyone who is wondering the first rare is out here is the list of items:

11 guards: 3 tokens = 33
4 Sleeves:4 tokens = 16
11 Belt: 5 tokns = 55
4 Futura Bel: 5 tokens = 16
4 Futura Gloves:6 = 24
7 Bolero: 8 = 56
10 Low Boots: 9 = 90
4 Alterna Boots: 9 = 36
11 Thunderhead Shirt: 9 = 99
11 Midnight Pants: 10 = 110
11 Petal Tunic:9 = 99
14 Canary Dress:9 = 126
2 Psion Jacket-other: 10 = 20
12 Bodysuit :9 = 108
8 Psion Jacket: 10 = 80
4 Futura Shirt: 10 = 40
4 Futura Pants: 11 = 44
11 Psion Boots: 11 = 121
4 Futura Boots: 11 = 44

Super Star-Catcher Rod = 15

total 148 items = 1232

I have sixty-eight point twenty-five event tokens so far.

yukiaine22 09-25-2012 01:15 AM

SexualPlacebo: Probably just the event items. I like some of the commons but just don't know what I want.

keres corvax 09-25-2012 02:51 AM

I have ninety-six point fifty event tokens right now.

Kiba_Ryuun 09-25-2012 02:54 AM

So that's 1232 tokens total... or 4928 posts altogether? Wow, that's a lot of chattering involved XD

Whimzica 09-25-2012 03:31 AM

-wanders in- Hullo all~ :]

Velvet 09-25-2012 03:33 AM

53.75 stars so far..

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