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Chickie Nuggs 02-16-2013 12:10 AM

~Spring Love~ Come hang with Demo and friends!
Ahh nothing quite like a relaxing cruise to ease away the stress of life. I do hope you all are enjoying the cruise as I am so far!

Did any of you do something for Valentines Day? It doesn't necessarily have to involve a partner as going to parties is also a thing. If anyone DID do something then what was it? I'm just curious.

Other things are permitted to be talked about of course. :B

Cherry Who? 02-16-2013 04:26 AM


I spent Valentines Day with my boyfriend. We pretty much just talked and smooched all day, never got around to watching a movie or anything. [lol] He got me a really awesome TARDIS shirt that I'm completely in love with. He's the best. Not just because of that, but it didn't hurt. [ninja]

How was your valentines day, Dem?

Chickie Nuggs 02-16-2013 04:31 AM

My valentines day was pretty cool. Me and the boyfriend got together after I worked and went out to dinner. He introduced me to this asian quisine called pho and the restaurant was sci-fi themed. :B I really like it. After that we went to the local nerdy collector store and got a ton of Magic (the gathering) cards. He tried to get me the gift he was going for, but in order to do so he has to get in touch with one of my older bosses so he could buy it off of said boss, but he can never seem to know when he shows up to the shop. xD He's such a dork. It's an inside joke thing, but at that store there is a huge framed picture of Snoop Dogg lookin all swag and holding a Colt drink. Boyfriend was gonna get that for me. lols

...I want a TARDIS shirt... :Y

-edit- gotta go for now if not the night.

Cherry Who? 02-16-2013 04:43 AM

Sounds like a nice night! I've never had pho, what's it like?

The Snoop picture sounds hilarious. [lol] Now if only it were on velvet...

Chickie Nuggs 02-16-2013 05:17 AM

Pho is basically noodly soup. HOWEVER, the broth itself is amazing and you can get many different kinds. I had the seafood one which had shrimp, imitation crab, and something else (I forgot). We ordered fried eggrolls which were amazing, but scorching hot. My tongue still burns from it. xD

Cherry Who? 02-16-2013 05:52 AM

Sounds good! Have you ever had miso soup? I've been wanting to try it, but I just can't find any of the stuff required for it at the stores around here and we don't have any asian marts. Kind of hard to make miso soup without miso paste.

Sorry to hear about your tongue! One time I majorly burnt my tongue on some mega hot hot chocolate and it took, like, a week to be close to normal again. [gonk]

Seiki Nova 02-16-2013 09:26 AM


My Valentine's Day went something like this:

Sleep in until 11.
Class until 3.
Antique shopping until 4.
Movies at 430 (Die Hard).
Movies at 7 (Beautiful Creatures).
Sushi at 930.
50 minute drive home from campus.
3 Hours of Elementary.

In other news, got accepted to the study abroad program I wanted to get into and turned in a paper two minutes before deadline that I began to write an entire 23 minutes before it was due.

Cherry Who? 02-16-2013 09:57 AM


Congrats on getting accepted! That's so neat! Where will you be studying? And did you get any cool antiques? [:)]

Captain Howdy 02-16-2013 10:37 AM

I sat alone in my bedroom, in the dark, and cried. [insane]


Wonderlands 02-16-2013 10:52 AM

My parents took me out to dinner and they gave us complementary heart chocolates. 8D

You guys sounded like you had pretty good days. Especially you, Captain Howdy!

Captain Howdy 02-16-2013 10:58 AM

And how! When I was done crying, I put on an all sock puppet production of Mourning Becomes Electra.

... And then I finished my letter to Jodie Foster.

bloodstainedwings 02-16-2013 11:07 AM

wow that doesnt sound like all that much fun captain. i craft instead. im currently, making steampunk goggles for Fiona Watergate, and cross stitching a black butterfly on some purple flowers for a friend in RL and im making a baby blanket quilt for a couple friends of mine who are expecting. maybe you should take up something constructive like crafting to keep your mind occupied?

Chickie Nuggs 02-16-2013 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Cherry Who? (Post 1771609616)
Sounds good! Have you ever had miso soup? I've been wanting to try it, but I just can't find any of the stuff required for it at the stores around here and we don't have any asian marts. Kind of hard to make miso soup without miso paste.

Sorry to hear about your tongue! One time I majorly burnt my tongue on some mega hot hot chocolate and it took, like, a week to be close to normal again. [gonk]

Yes I have heard of miso soup, but I have not had the pleasure of trying it yet. I'm pretty sure I'll like it. If I made more oney I'd go out on special shopping trips and make my own food. I've always wanted to just pick up a recipe book and try my hand at cooking something out of it.

A week eh? That's crazy. My tongue doesn't usually give me trouble until I consume something.


Originally Posted by Seiki Nova (Post 1771610587)

My Valentine's Day went something like this:

Sleep in until 11.
Class until 3.
Antique shopping until 4.
Movies at 430 (Die Hard).
Movies at 7 (Beautiful Creatures).
Sushi at 930.
50 minute drive home from campus.
3 Hours of Elementary.

In other news, got accepted to the study abroad program I wanted to get into and turned in a paper two minutes before deadline that I began to write an entire 23 minutes before it was due.

That sounds like quite a day! Congrats for getting accepted~ As cherry asked, what area of study are you going for?


Originally Posted by Captain Howdy (Post 1771610649)
I sat alone in my bedroom, in the dark, and cried. [insane]


Aww Howdypants... :(
I sorry your Valentines was lonely. Did you ever get that letter off to Jodie?


Originally Posted by Wonderlands (Post 1771610655)
My parents took me out to dinner and they gave us complementary heart chocolates. 8D

You guys sounded like you had pretty good days. Especially you, Captain Howdy!

That sounds like fun. Besides yummy chocolates what did you eat?


Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings (Post 1771610665)
wow that doesnt sound like all that much fun captain. i craft instead. im currently, making steampunk goggles for Fiona Watergate, and cross stitching a black butterfly on some purple flowers for a friend in RL and im making a baby blanket quilt for a couple friends of mine who are expecting. maybe you should take up something constructive like crafting to keep your mind occupied?

I ALSO wish I had enough money to craft. My paychecks right now go away like nothing and shopping for my mom's birthday present this month AND the boyfriend's valentines gifts didn't help things. xD

That's very nice of you to do all that for friends. Are you just doing it for the sake of doing it or are they commissions?

Seiki Nova 02-16-2013 05:17 PM

I'm actually going to Quebec City to finish my French requirement for my degree. My friend Molly and I decided we would go together to finish our 200-level courses there instead of taking the classes here. Maybe we'll get more out of it that way.

Cherry, I didn't actually buy any antiques, but my friend who I went with got a pretty mirror, a perfume bottle, and a scarf.

Chickie Nuggs 02-16-2013 05:19 PM

Very nice. I wish you the best of luck with that Seiki! :D

Seridano 02-16-2013 05:19 PM

Ello there, Demo.

My V-Day...well, let's see. I woke up to roses, had a nice dinner with the bf, and snuggled up for movies afterward. The simple things in life tend to keep me nice and content.

Chickie Nuggs 02-16-2013 05:21 PM

Aww that's sweet. :3
I also enjoy the simple things in life. Even framed Snoop Dogg pictures. [lol]

bloodstainedwings 02-16-2013 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Demoscout (Post 1771611291)

I ALSO wish I had enough money to craft. My paychecks right now go away like nothing and shopping for my mom's birthday present this month AND the boyfriend's valentines gifts didn't help things. xD

That's very nice of you to do all that for friends. Are you just doing it for the sake of doing it or are they commissions?

the goggles are for Fiona Watergate... its not commission as much as its at cost. the rest are gifts. i would do more for commission... but no one really commissions anything really. just a few odd jobs here and there but not even enough to keep me busy. its like once a year i get a commission. maybe. last year i was really lucky though, i had three. that was awesome.

Maria-Minamino 02-16-2013 08:31 PM

demomomo has a thread :D *showers love*

bloodstainedwings 02-16-2013 08:32 PM

yay love from maria! [heart] also, i really really like your avatar maria. its extraordinary.

hummy 02-16-2013 08:33 PM

hiya, demo!

Maria-Minamino 02-16-2013 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings (Post 1771613729)
yay love from maria! [heart] also, i really really like your avatar maria. its extraordinary.

*showers BSW with Maria love too* :D

bloodstainedwings 02-16-2013 08:36 PM

*dances in the shower of maria's love* wait a minute... this is starting to sound dirty... i should... shower or something...

edit: there all better now! :)

Maria-Minamino 02-16-2013 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings (Post 1771613768)
*dances in the shower of maria's love* wait a minute... this is starting to sound dirty... i should... shower or something...

LMAOOOO not dirt here D:

bloodstainedwings 02-16-2013 08:52 PM

lol. still. im glad i showered. lol

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