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Staria 04-01-2013 09:19 PM

The Easter Plot (my usual event rp thread goofiness!)
The Easter Plot

There were once two supernatural beings so powerful many called them gods. One loved mischief and a good prank, becoming strongest on april fools day and only powerful enough to to break the spells of order made by his brother on that day. It is little surprise then that he would be very bored most of the rest of the year being he could not use his full powers. This year his day happened to fall on Easter. Many hoped he would do nothing in respect of the holiday, instead this mischievous god decided to do something in 'honor' of the holiday.

He waited until all eggs were hidden and then cast a powerful spell. Now all Easter eggs turn into monsters when found, attacking all near them and in general cause chaos. Now on this day his brother was weakened so could not reverse the spell. He could however, give every person sixteen and younger participating in egg hunts powers and special forms to defeat the monster which on it's 'death' will return to the form of a harmless egg! He gave each person two powers and the strength of two animals resulting in humans with animal parts and magical strength to fight the creatures!

Staria 04-01-2013 09:20 PM

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Staria 04-01-2013 09:20 PM

Those in the Hunt


~Staria’s Characters~
Chandra “Usa' Usagino. Her eyes are a pale brown that appears gold and she stands at 5'7''


~Kry’s Characters~
Jessie Adams
Jess is a boy who likes to pretend to be a girl. He is 5'3 and seems to be a crow fox hybrid.


~Aoi Kazuya/Minki Dear’s Characters~
Lissa (left) and Nelly (right)
Ages: 6 years (both)
Heights: 4'3" (both)

Age: 16 years
Height: 5'7"

Staria 04-01-2013 09:21 PM

The Hunt Begins

Usa sighed as she tossed her hair so one of her floppy ears would fall behind her to get it out of her face. The sixteen year old girl did not think her parents nicknaming her 'Usa' because she was 'cute as a rabbit' had meant it quite this literally. The cabbot creature shook her head which of course just made one of her ears flop right into her face. She glared at it as if that would make it go away before she looked back towards the ground to search again for more eggs in the park where various children had been hunting it. She held the moon topped staff that her Easter basket had transformed too in one hand, ready to strike an egg with it if she accidentally touched it. It wouldn't stop the transformation but it would knock it away and give her a second to prepare.

Minki Kazuya 04-02-2013 12:55 AM

((Hello there, I'm Minki. Aoi seems to have gotten into the habit of shoving/dumping me into random threads without warning. It is nice to meet you :) ))

The young pair of twins clung to the hands of the nice older teen that they had ran into when they'd accidentally set off an egg earlier that day. Lissa was basically hugging the male's arms and looking around timidly, while Nelly held on with one hand and looked around with a frown set on her face. Both twins clutched extendable staffs that had been shrunk down in their fists. The third member of this group had a rather blank expression on his face, the rabbit ears poking out from under his hat twitching every so often to catch a sound from the park.

Aaron was often mistaken for a young girl. He didn't really care either way, so when the little girls had run into him, crying and asking 'big sister' to save them, he hadn't even paused before dispatching of the monster. Thankfully it had been a rather small monster and he had been able to handle it, though he had gotten snagged in the side the wound obvious since his outfit wasn't exactly...very concealing. He'd bandaged it up quickly and soothed the twins before suggesting that they stick together. The two had been embarrassed when they found out "big sister" was actually big brother, but they quickly got over it and stuck themselves to Aaron like glue.

Aaron looked like he didn't have any weapons on him, but in fact he had numerous darts and needles stowed upon his person, along with a very thin steel thread that was much stronger than it seemed. The stuffed rabbit tucked under one of his arms wasn't as innocent as it seemed either.

"Are you two doing alright?" he asked in a murmur, his eyes never straying from the path and the area around the trio. The two girls made sounds of confirmation and Aaron nodded to himself.

Staria 04-02-2013 01:18 AM

The girl sighed as her tail twitched with annoyance. She wanted to grab the eggs and get out quick as possible. She didn't like children much, or even easter really. She'd only come because her mother made her, saying it was 'tradition'. As a child she'd done it for the promise of candy and then she had done it for the promise of a money reward for each egg she found. Now she did it simply because she didn't want anyone to die, including her mother who was back getting as many children out of the park as she could. Her mother had always loved children.... It didn't matter who the child belonged to. Usa shook her head, pushing away the thoughts of her mother as she refused to admit how worried she was. Even as she did so her long ears caught a noise and lifted by some instinct to lean towards it. Most monsters were rather dumb but some were smart enough to stalk prey so Usa became instantly on guard as she had adapted to this all rather easily.

She crept behind a tree, her golden eyes studying the darkness the way only a cat's could. She soon caught sight of the three..... and over them in the tree a dark shape she recognized from earlier. The elusive monster had been one of the first to appear and to her knowledge had already kidnapped two children. She didn't particularly want to think about what it had done with them... Part of her hoped they were simply put in one fo the buildings and still alive at least. She instantly leaped from her position with the power of a rabbit's strong legs.

"Watch out!" She shouted as she threw her hand outward towards the creature. A ball of light with silvery white fiery around it had formed in her palm and now flew towards the creature. The spirit fire hit the monkey like beast and it roared even as it fell out of the tree. It turned to face them, it's eyes angry as it held the burn on it's chest. It looked at the children with hatred, though what it wanted with them was anyone's guess.

Minki Kazuya 04-02-2013 01:48 AM

Aaron reacted instantly when the girl leapt out crying out her warning. He jumped back away from the monster as it fell from the treetops, pulling and tugging the twins under his arms as he moved. Lissa made a whimpering sound while Nelly managed out a squeak of surprise. When Aaron landed he set the children down and then set the stuffed rabbit down as well, moving his hand over it, and then the plush seemed to explode outwards as it suddenly grew much, much, bigger. Aaron got up from where he'd been kneeling and nodded sharply at the giant rabbit before turning his attention back to the monster, needles appearing between his fingers as his ears twitched again.

Honestly, Aaron had no idea why he'd even shown up for the Easter hunt that year. His parents had brought him to them when he'd been young, but as soon as he'd hit ten years old, they'd stopped and he'd merely pushed it off as another one of their eccentricities. And now he was stuck in this mess. He moved his fingers a bit, shifting his grip on the sharp objects that could deal potential harm to their wielder as much as their target.

There was a muffled squeal as the giant rabbit brought it's paws around the twins, hiding them from view, its single visible eye glinting blankly when the sunlight hit it. Aaron's eyes darted from the monster to the new girl and back again.

Lissa instantly threw her arms around her sister as their view was suddenly blocked by the plush rabbit. Her staff was elongated but held loosely as she trembled with fear. Nelly was only slightly better, one hand gripping tightly to her identical staff, the other wrapped tightly around Lissa. They'd lost their father as soon as the panic had set in, getting pushed about until they'd lost all sense of direction. They'd clung to one another and wandered around, not knowing what was going on until they'd nudged that first egg. The little wings on Lissa's back fluttered nervously.

Kry 04-02-2013 05:16 AM

Soft feathered wings twitched slightly, just as the black fox ears atop the crossdresser's head twitched. Jessie rolled his shoulders slightly, he hadn't encountered any monsters but then, he hadn't really approached any eggs either. He knew what he was supposed to do, that didn't mean he was going to do it. That fluffy tail swished behind him, he was far more concerned with how his father would react to this change in his appearance, that was more important than some monsters running around. Jessie was sure he could handle a monster or two, handling unpredictable family was a completely different matter.

Those ears twitched again, picking up a voice and some other sounds. Light sigh passed those lips as the skirt wearing boy changed his direction slightly to carry him towards the voice that had shouted. That nose wrinkled slightly almost in disdain. Jess didn't really want to get involved, but he couldn't just leave the situation without actually seeing it first. The people involved probably had everything under control. Probably. He moved as quietly as he could, slinking up to a tree not to far from all the commotion. He pressed his back against the tree trunk, so neither people or monster would see him if they turned in his direction. Slowly he peered around the tree, carefully.

The creature seemed to be momentarily dazed, by all appearances it seemed as if it had just fallen from a tree. He shivered lightly, a slight chill creeping over his skin as he concentrated. It was small at first, and just hovered over the creature's head, but the ball of impenetrable darkness seemed to grow until it completely encompassed the beastie's head. Preventing it from being able to see anyone or anything. He hadn't intended on interfering unless it seemed absolutely necessary, so much for that. Golden eyes narrowed as he concentrated on maintaining the globe.

Jessie did have a weapon with him. A bow, it seemed strong and sleek, the color of ash with a string as black as his feathers. It was a magic weapon, arrows would magically appear if he pulled back on the string. He stepped out to stand next to the tree and pulled the bow from his back. He drew back the string, aimed, and shot the magic arrow. A streak of black that completely missed the big target that was the monster. The arrow missed completely, it went in a wide arc over the creatures head and the globe of darkness that encased it. A few twigs were knocked loose from the tree when the arrow hit a branch.

Jessie sighed and very quickly stepped back around the tree, pressing his back to it. That was embarrassing, he clutched the bow tightly in his hands and hoped the others fighting the monster hadn't noticed him or his terrible shooting. It was much easier to aim the darkness globe, it didn't require aim only a little concentration. It should leave the monster wide open for a finishing blow from who ever was fighting it.

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