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Triquetra 04-15-2013 01:01 AM

Humanity has been driven from earth for over fifty years. Most of the population has been destroyed and driven into space. Most of the milky way is now in control by a race known as Desterians. They are an insect race who has the power to morph humans. Twisting them into creations. It is believed to be an allergic reaction Humans have towards the race. They loose their mind, and soon after their body. Becoming controlled by the hive mind our enemy has against us. With our numbers down, and our biology not evolved, it falls to our technology.

Humanity has devolved Exo-suits in order to combat the Desterians. These suit give the power to do just about anything. The government has began refining the technology, and has opened the doors to the Agency known as Warrior. The order is made up of the strongest humans, with a little something extra about themselves. Since coming into space, humans have lost much. Immune Systems, a planet. But slowly few of us are mutating.

About the Humans:
-Weak Immune systems. Many wear exosuits for daily use. Nothing compaired to the war suits our agents wear.
-Humans Live on a migrating fleet made up of one major space station, and thousands of smaller ships. In population Humans are about 2 billion. One billion of that is on the largest station known as York.
-Mercury is under control of the humans. Although obviously we cant live there. It is used for other goods instead.
-In the entire population only 0.001% is born with a mutation. Outside of the agency, they are killed for protection to the whole.
-Families are allowed one child. If twins are born, often they pay more in taxes. That more is a lot I may add.

About the Desterians:
-They are insects in appearance and style. Their minds are linked in a hive mind sense. More often than not, if one has scene you, the rest know within seconds.
-Humans under the control of Desterians are no longer humans.
-Where they came from is unknown.
-Their technology is a mix of organic and machine.


-Obvious Mene rules
-Obvious standard RP rules
-Post as much as you want, I'm quality over quantity. So please give others something to go with.
-Mary-Sues are lame.
-Please look at the other characters as you make your own. If two people are using double pistols for example, maybe you should think of something else? ^_^
-Pm profiles to me with the title being a silly joke
-I will add more if needed. But I hope I don't need to.


Name: (Code names here, or call-signs)
Personality: (Just words here are fine; sad, happy etc.)
Weapons: (no limit, but be realistic lol)
Mutation: (optional- If you choose to have one, also mention a severe weakness or side effect in you bio please^^)
Mirror Image: (url form if possible please)
Exo-Suit: (Url Form if possible please)
Extra: (Anything else you would like to add)

Triquetra 04-15-2013 01:43 AM


Name: Neon
Age: 27
Personality: irrational, forward, strong-minded, and quick.
Weapons: Shotgun, pistol, sword, pocket knife
Mutation: Able to compose energy into a physical form.
Biography: Neon was born into the agency. Both her parents were agents before her. Her father became a legend. Over his lifetime he turned the tide against the desterians on mercury. In doing so, the great space station of York has been protected. York alone holds just over a billion humans within its walls. The rest of the fleet surrounds the flouting station. All migrating the Milky way. Stay near the sun. Her mother supported him. Often aiding him on missions, but soon found complications in the suits. Together with scientists, she has helped approve them. Since Human immunity is not what it used to be on earth, suits have become a lifestyle. Even on the station most humans need to wear breathing masks.

Normally relationships between agents is looked down upon, creating offspring is a tremendous thing. Neon was viewed to be great from the beginning. Her mutations started just before she began to crawl. And it was then she began her training. because of the heavy training, she lost her mind. Most of the time she is controlled, but once using her power too much, Another part of her mind unlocks. This Neon is very dangerous, and is luckily rarely scene. But she goes berserk on everything around her. No one has been able to explain why this happens, but the strain on her mind leaves Neon with everything from headaches, to migraines, to electricity burns on her body.

Neon does not know life outside of the agency, and therefore is the perfect agent in this sense. She gets the job done. No matter the cost. And has sacrificed to prove it.
Mirror Image: xXxXx
Exo-Suit: xXxXxXxXx
Extra: N/A for now

Name: Loki
Age: 23
Personality: Level-headed, thinker, reacter, suave
Weapons: sniper-rifle, two pistols, hunting knife, hand to hand combat.
Mutation: none
Biography: Loki from a young age was always getting into trouble. He was locked up as a kid more times than he could count. You see, the law even goes down to kids. Maybe not as strict, but jail time is served when it is due. Even in Loki's case. He grew up on the center station with the crowd of over a billion. In his teens his life of crime only escalated. He joined a small gang. One that was only good for graffiti and stealing. It was not until his best friend actually murdered someone the gang went on the map. They all ran, Loki being caught just a week later. He served three years in lockdown. Meaning no speaking with anyone other than guards bringing food. He was in a five by five foot cell the entire time. In his third year, he was given a choice. Serve his sentence for the next twenty years, or join the police. At the age of fourteen, Loki became a police officer.

He grew in the ranks. Mastering his weapon knowledge and fighting skills. Street skills came in handy as he grew. Once again, Loki fall on the radar. This time for the agency. The first time he was approached, he told them no. But even with the no, because of his background in truth he did not have a choice. It may seem cruel, but no tolerance is needed with a population of this size in such a fragile area. He went into training. Honing his skills even more. Even with his background in crime, Loki is known for his calming personality and mentor like persona. He does his best to protect his teams. Even at the cost of his own life if needed.
Mirror Image: oOoOo
Exo-Suit: oOoOo
Extra: He has a few tattoos on his body. Many are from his gangs. Tattoos are rare now since they require removal of exosuits.


Originally Posted by Temple
Name: Joker
Personality: Cocky,bad humor,kind,love for old weapons
Weapons:custom 9MM Combat knife Grappling hook assault rifle
Biography:Jokers parents both fought on earth during the invasion and survived they were war heroes and went on to raise Joker twenty years latter it was hard for them at the time Joker was a bad kid never caring about anyone else but him at eighteen Jokers parents sent him to join the military.

Joker then fought the Desterians five times before being discharged for shooting an officer who was harassing a new recruit but before they could send him to jail Joker escaped with a bounty on his head Joker became a mercenary and smuggler with his own ship he was know for going into battle with the strangest things from beer or soda to jelly beans stuffed in an ammo pouch. Ten years went by before the agency caught up to him he had stolen data on the agency so they sent three agents to bring him back once him and the two remaining agents caught him he was offered a job to join the agency removing him of all past crime's Joker was able to keep the suit he owned with a few new upgrades to match agent suits.
Mirror Image: XXXXX
Exo-Suit: XXXXX
Extra:N/A for now


Originally Posted by MaxxR
Name: William Lee

Age: 22

Personality: He has an almost overwhelming sense of duty. He takes his responsibilities very seriously, but wishes he could let go sometimes. He doesn't have a lot of friends, and regrets that.

Weapons: Grenades. Standard issue hand gun, and pocket knife, though he doesn't often use them.

Mutation: He can fly.

Biography: William is a second born. His parents paid a lot of money to keep him, and when his mutation manifested begged the agency to take him in rather than have him killed. William has always felt a deep sense of responsibility because of this. He constantly feels like he needs to prove to the world that his parents' fight to keep him alive was correct.

His mutation allows him to fly without aid or wings. He is not hampered by lack of gravity, or excess gravity, meaning he can fly in space, as well as on other planets (as long as he's wearing the appropriate equipment to survive!). It appears to be some kind of psychic ability, though he cannot use it on other people or objects. He is extremely quick, and agile in the air, able to out fly most Desterians (though on the ground he is not super human at all).

He still has all of the vulnerabilities of a normal human.

William is an adequate fighter, but by no means the best. He does not have a weapon specialty. His job is to act as a scout on various missions. Keeping an eye out for Desterians, as well as relaying missives between multiple squadrons and groups when the usual communication relays are compromised.

He has been known to drop grenades on Desterians when appropriate during missions.

Mirror Image: oOoOoOo

Exo-Suit: xXxXxXx

Extra: I am fail at finding pics... where are you guys getting you're awesome looking Exo-Suit pics from? Haha... mine is Cielo's Dyaus form from Digital Devil Saga, lolfail.


Originally Posted by happydeath

Name: Frost
Age: 31
Personality: Quiet, bookworm, serious, ruthless, soft-hearted at times, Florist.
Weapons: Twin katanas and steel tipped bow & arrow.
Mutation: Able to create and manipulate ice within atmosphere at will.
Biography: Not much is known about Frost other then he is a weapon that is locked up deep within the agency that has only recently been released due to his training for his exo-suit to finally be completed. At birth, the young boy was born with a terrible illness that caused him to be blind throughout the rest of his life. Even with all the new technology there was within the future and with all the doctors around, they were unable to find a cure for his blindness as Frost lived throughout his whole life as an ordinary child other then the fact he had to learn to control his other senses to compensate for his blindness.

Nearing his teenage years, by that time Frost had learn to walk around and even learned how to fend for himself easily. Many of the thugs around the central parts of the station that had tried to mug him for his money had ended up figuring out the hard way that the quiet ones were normally the ones to be feared the most. What he hadn't realized was by the time he had returned home, Frost only came to realize that his entire family was murdered by the same thugs that had tried to mug him. This had nearly driven him insane as he went back out to seek vengeance.

Obviously enough, he had ended up getting his vengeance as he took down each and every thug that had done such a thing to his family. A few years later into his adult life, Frost had ended up taking a liking into flowers. It was rare to near impossible to find even the smallest flower around anywhere on the station but luckily, Frost was actually able to find one in one of the older parts of the station. Nurturing it and caring for it the best he could, he was able to take small seeds from within the flower begin growing a few more. This was probably the only thing that was able to keep him sane for the time.

Soon enough, when the agency had appeared to come ask for Frost to join their group. It took a bit of convincing but finally in the end, he had agreed to join them. Unaware about the exo-suits mutations to his body, by the time the suit was attached to his body memories about his past swarmed into his mind as his sanity was once more lost. He immediately lost control for a moment and began freezing and destroying everything in his surroundings. Ever since that day, Frost was kept in a sub-zero room where he had trained nearly ALMOST night and day to control his exo-suit. Now released from that room, he is able to breath in air once more, however he doesn't realize this mutation has his illness affecting his health more then he knows.
Mirror Image: XxXxXxXx
Exo-Suit: OoOoOoOo
Extra: Frost tends to go into a coughing fest every once in a while. If he is within his exo-suit, the coughs would seem to be nothing more then he is simply sick with a head cold or something. However, from underneath the suit he is actually coughing up blood. It continues to get worst as his mutation powers are used more.


Originally Posted by Temple
Personality:violent,cocky, observant
Weapons:synthetic arm's magnum
Mutation: (optional- If you choose to have one, also mention a severe weakness or side effect in you bio please^^)
Biography:Grace was once of a enforcer in one of the largest gangs in the galaxy smuggling murder cybernetics they were know for every thing and grace was the most known for her brutality and a little help from two million dollars of cybernetics done two her grace was born with a mutation that ate away at most of her body so she had small cybernetics done but when she joined the gang she started to spend more money on better and advanced parts. Grace and her gang ravaged the galaxy for twelve years before they broke up after there leader died some of the members made smaller gangs but grace found herself looking for work with agency soon making another name for herself
Mirror Image:
Extra: 48% of graces body is replaced by tech


Originally Posted by flamethrower1391
Name: Akira

Age: 21

Personality: Rude, uncaring, blunt, strong-willed

Weapons: 45 pistol, chainsaw rifle (similar to Gears of War), martial arts, and blades hidden within her boots

Mutation: Superspeed and agility

Biography: Both of Akira's parents were agents, but none really known to the public. Their powers weren't that impressive, nor were they in the field. When Akira was born, they thought she'd be another wash out. The last thing they expected was a girl who could run as fast a Flash and dodge, jump, and weave everything in her way everytime. Not to mention she was a good shot. The only problem was, she'd have to rest for days from over-exhaustion. Sometimes, she'd even collapse right after she used her "powers".

But that didn't stop them from turning her into one hell of a killing machine. She didn't know much about what lie outside of the agency. She'd hadn't been sent on any major missions yet. They wanted to test her out on small one first. As much as she seen, most everyone wore breathing masks even when on the station.

She only knew of one other who was born from agents. Most agents never had kids or had relationships with one or another other than as comrades. They now had two "super" agents within their arsenal. Ones who cared about nothing and no one. Those who can get the job done without any emotion ties.

Mirror Image: Exo-suit w/o helmet

Exo-Suit: Can't find any good ones, so I'll draw one.

Extra: Has a weakness for strawberries.

Triquetra 04-19-2013 11:13 PM

The fight had been fairly active the last couple of days. Agents were coming back and being sent out just as quickly. Neon was no different. She had only been back for twelve hours. Six of that was spent sleeping while the other was spent relaxing. It was the brief moments in between missions that made the difference. But she had just been called back into the briefing room. It was scheduled to start in just a half an hour. Neon awaited in her room. Waking from her slumber. Humans, even in the comfort of their own homes still needed to wear suits. Especially since they shared rooms. But infection was everywhere. It was very easy to allow certain germs into space. Meaning their ship was sterile. Also meaning the newest generations were not being exposed to certain germs they needed. plagues happened often, though could be contained. Mainly when an elderly person from earth would leave without a suit on. Eden sat up in bed. stretching. Although you could not see her face threw the reflective helmet, you could tell by her voice she was very sleepy.

Neon got up. She had her casual suit on. Not her battle one. Mainly because the fabric was softer. In order to change, Neon headed into her bathroom. The room sealed, cleaning the area as she undressed and bathed. Her combat suit took only seconds to get on because all she needed to do was back into a wall. Robotic arms pulled the suit over her body. She left, heading out of her room and into the main area of the ship. Each and everyone in the Warrior program was known for their customized suits. Normally you just blended with the crowd, but in this case Their suits enhanced their natural abilities. In her helmet a clock array came up, showing her twenty more minutes before the group would be called. Neon looked around at the groups of people. Deciding how to kill the time.

Temple 04-19-2013 11:53 PM

Joker stood as he cracked his back as he finished cleaning his 9MM then sliding it into his front pouch Joker was never able to get any sleep before missions it come's with being an agent for some people his helmets timer went showed that he had little time before he was to head up to the agency he opened his apartment door and made his way out the apartment front door leading to the slums of the space ship Joker looked around "I work for the most well paid government in the galaxy and I live here huh ironic" Joker said as he remembered his time as a merc.

Joker soon made his way up and found an empty bench to sit down at as he yawned from the lack of sleep he watched as people were eye balling him but he was used to it his suit stood out of a crowd with all the scratches Joker smiled as he watched people go on with there life's.

Grace jumped up and down as she punched the punching bag in the training room before she finished she let out a large punch ripping a hole in the bag Grace smiled as she rotated her shoulder then turned and looked at the clock "twenty minutes about dame time" Grace said making her way out of the training room and to the agency lobby were she waited for other agents to arrive Grace wasn't big on team work so she hoped that she would get a one man job this time.

MaxxR 04-20-2013 02:57 AM

At his quiet request the time flashed across the visor screen of his helmet. William had just returned from a scouting mission; he was tired, hungry, and generally worn out, but his sense of duty won over comfort. He had no intention of returning to his quarters until he had given his report.

Only a few more minutes and William could share the burden of his observations, then he could finally retire to his room for some much needed rest. It was difficult for him to keep his eyes open, and more than once he started to nod off. Only the stiff, unpliant, material of his flight suit kept the appearance of stoic patients. That and the nightmarish memory of his latest mission.

The Desterians were moving unusually. Great swarms of them amassing, feeding voraciously on whatever lesser life forms they could find, and then dissipating for no foreseeable reason. They were travelling outside of their own perceived territories, as well as venturing closer to human colonies with greater frequency. It was troubling to say the least, and only the start of it.

happydeath 04-20-2013 06:53 AM

Within a large and dark room was a single chair that was seen only thanks to a single lamp dangling by a wire. Within that same chair sat a young male who wore the suit that differed from all the other agents as they all should've been. Both his arms resting upon his knees as his head hung downward toward the floor, both of his eyes had been bandaged as every deep breathe he had exhaled came out to be a visible breath of pure coldness. The room itself was completely surrounded in ice to the point that if someone were to step into the room without an exo-suit of any sort on they would instantly be frozen solid. The male who sat in the chair was named 'Frost' due to the mutation his suit power had given him. It had felt as though it had been centuries since the last time he had exited out of the room he had been locked within. Thankfully, Frost had finally learned to master the use of his suit as the large metal doors began to unlock itself. Loud banging and crashing had come from the metal door to indicate that there had been many different types of locks that were placed upon it to keep him from leaving before in the past.

With the bright light of the outside of his room, Frost stood up from his seat as he took slow steps out of his room. Unlike many agents who had seemed to had wore their battle suits outside of their rooms to prepare for some sort of briefing of yet another mission he had heard from within his room. Frost turned his gaze left and right to see that many people who walked past him had stared toward him as though he was different compared to them all. Even though he had worn his inner suit rather then his battle one and with the black screened helmet covering his face, Frost still had required the bandages to be on the outside as extra protection for his eyes. Not to mention his entire body was covered in ice from head to toe, so every step he took forward the sound of ice breaking was easily heard; just the sight of him walking would give anyone the thought that his suit was prepared to crumble to pieces at any moment.

The agency had released him from his room after he had learned to control his exo-suit, there was no doubt in his mind that they were obviously letting him know that he was ready for missions. Turning his attention back toward the entrance to his room, Frost slowly dragged his feet across the metal flooring as he returned into his room for only a single moment. Stretching both his arms in opposite directions, sudden metal arms had stretched out from the darkness of the room itself as they immediately shrouded his body in a cloak-like battle suit. Staring down at both his hands, Frost had began to move his fingers slowly to see if the suit would follow his commands as he had trained to do rather then lose control of himself once more. From underneath the helmet, a small smile came across his lips as he returned out of his room only to slam the metal door shut behind him. 'The briefing room..' he mentally spoke to himself as he turned his attention left and right for only a moment to figure out where to go. Instantly from within the helmet, a large map had formed on his hud as it began to give him directions on where to go. Obviously enough, Frost was unable to see the actual map but luckily it had voice directions to tell him in which direction he was to go. Instantly Frost had began to make his way toward the briefing room as each step he had taken, he was easily able to feel the vibrations on the floor of everyone around him. After training all of his senses, the point of sight was no longer an issue to him.

happydeath 04-25-2013 03:56 AM

(just curious but did this die? D:)

Triquetra 04-25-2013 01:13 PM

((Nope. Macy's is just in a big sale. Meaning I'm at work a lot >.< Sorry Guys))

Not too much time had passed before a voice came over the intercom. "Liam, Neon, Will, Joker, Frost, Grace. Briefing room." It shut off in a buzz. Leaving the summoned team not too long to get into the room.

Neon listened as her name was called over the intercom. One of the names stuck out. Frost. Would this be his first mission? Of coarse all the agents knew about him. Even though they were not supposed to. At made the agent nervous of coarse. But without any more hesitation, she continued to the briefing room. It was just down the hall to the left. She entered. There was a round table with twelve chairs. She choose her seat and took it. Waiting for the remaining members of her team to show up.

((And now.. time to get ready for work >.< I just woke up lol Sorry for the lame post guys.))

Temple 04-25-2013 07:44 PM

Joker looked up as he entered the agency when the intercom called them down two of the names seemed to stick out Frost and grace "Great we have a guy who can barley control his mutation and that nut job Grace" Joker sighed "I guess this mission wont be that fun if I have to deal with them" Joker knew he would have to get there fast if he wanted a seat beside someone normal sort of Joker knew that no one was normal but at the least they could a more understanding group Joker soon found him self in the meeting room grace seemed to of beet him hear bu luckily was siting on the other side Joker went and sat by Neon Joker had worked with her on smaller missions "how's it going doll" Joker said looking at the map.

(don't forget you still need to post in the star wars RP)

happydeath 04-26-2013 01:09 AM

While following the instructions to go around the large complex of the agency, when the blaring sounds of a voice coming over the intercom. had went off Frost had heard his name being one of them that was told to head to the briefing room. Checking back up on his helmet on how much time was left, it had told him that still several minutes had remained before the actual mission was to start. Shrugging the thought off, rather then continuing to walk his way toward the briefing room he had immediately began to burst into a fit of speed with his feet only nearly touching the flat surface of the cold metal ground for a second before another step was brought forward. It had only taken him a matter of moments for Frost to reach the door that lead him into the briefing room. Calming his breath back down to normal before his mutation would lose control of itself once more, Frost stepped into the room and turned his attention left and right. There already seemed to be three other agents already present within the room; two being female and another male. Focusing most of his energy into his other senses he made his way over toward the side of the table away from the other agents as he sat himself down onto one of the chairs. Staying silent the entire time, he awaited for instructions on what the mission was going to be. Even with this being his first mission, Frost had doubted the fact that any of the pain of bullet-fire or weaponry from the enemy was going to be as bad as it was living his life in that frozen room.

(Oh alrighty, just curious since the rp hadn't moved anywhere. So I thought it was forgotten. @w@)

MaxxR 04-28-2013 01:35 AM

William's straightens imperceptively in his suit when the first of the team arrives. They're a strange group: mutants, and rouges. If they can get along well enough to survive the trials ahead of them they might be labeled something kitschy like 'rag-tag' or 'motley'. Cute. If they're not eaten alive by Desterians that is.

He watches the new arrivals shuffle in, trying to remember what he knows about them. Neon, mutant, able to manipulate energy. Joker, no powers, but trigger happy. Frost, mutant, probably unstable. And two more to arrive yet. At least they're a powerful group.

Temple 05-01-2013 12:02 AM

Grace sighed as she stood looking over to the meeting room "great time to kill something" Grace said before making her way over to the room she looked around the room "great bunch of freaks" Grace said droping herself into a chair then pulling out her magnum twirling it in her hand as she looked around the room watching the group Grace didn't care much for any of them and she really didn't like working with someone who couldn't control his powers.

flamethrower1391 05-08-2013 05:56 AM

Akira stood in the corner of the room leaning against the wall with her arms and legs crossed. There was quite an odd crew in the room. Some of the most powerful agents were here. There was the icicle, the gun maniac, and robo-girl. Not to mention the two others. With a group like this, the mission they'd be about to receive must be a tough one.

She couldn't believe it when the ice box walked in. She'd never known him to have been on any missions before. As far as she knew, he was always locked up until he could control his powers. The captain did mention to her before calling the rest to the room that he'd be here and to watch out for him. Even though he could control it now didn't mean he could completely in the field with all of the chaos. She didn't believe it then either.

It was going to be an interesting mission none-the-less. Maybe she could get Mr. I've-seen-too-many-Batman-movies to have a contest with her to see how many enemies they could kill. He may be could with a gun, but she was quick on her feet.

Temple 05-08-2013 06:47 PM

(Challenge accepted and by the way you made my day with that line)

happydeath 05-14-2013 02:15 AM

(Just curious, are we missing someone?)

Frost remained completely still as he sat on the metal chair and awaited for the rest of the other agents to make their way into the room. While he had sat in the chair, if anyone were to had looked at him it would've looked almost as though he were nothing more then a statue that was been in the room the entire time. His chest hadn't budged an inch, almost as though he weren't breathing in or out any air. This was due to the exo-suit he wore over his body, it was specially designed so that it would keep the inside of the suit at an intensely low temperature where Frost could feel comfortable. Living in the frozen room for what felt like his whole life, cold air had no longer meant anything to him the only difference now was if they had went straight into molten lava would he truly feel even a small difference to his body.

All the while he continued to sit there, Frost had kept his senses at their most peeked to make sure he knew where each of the other agents were standing if not sitting within the room. It had seemed the only person to actually speak up the entire time was a female that had said that it was time to kill something and as well as considering the rest of the team was a bunch of 'freaks'. Even listening to the name calling, Frost refused to budge a muscle let alone say a single word in return.

(If Triquetra wont do it. Uhhh, would it be okay if I did the briefing for the agents? ooorr do we wait for her to do it?)

Triquetra 05-14-2013 02:46 AM

((Or just talk about me like I don't read this.. You know. Whatever works.))

Neon had her eyes closed as the room slowly filled in with everyone. She had barely gotten more than a couple hours of sleep between her last mission and now. The previous mission had been a drainer for the agent. Her body felt like it had been pressed against the ground, rolled over, then stapled back together. She sighed within the suit. Although no one could hear it since her speaker was shut off. Returning to the room, and mission, the Agent look around the room. Recognizing faces with the names called over the speaker not too long ago. They were still missing one person, but she was sure she would arrive soon enough. Neon did notice something about the room. The large group. Not only that, they were sending her. A class A Solider, and rank three in the organization out of two hundred or so. To have Neon go along in the group of seven meant something was up.

The doors slid open as the last of the group showed up. Loki. The male was huge. He towered over everyone in the room. His presence was both threatening and awe striking. His exo-suit was even larger. Fitted with a set of nice horns they really played with message of him up. That being to not mess with number thirteen. Neon knew from experience though Loki was a big softy on the inside of the suit. He also took a position along the wall.

The doors opened again to a man with a black exo-suit. He stepped around the table. Greeting everyone as he went. The man was none other than Pallham. A respected leader in the Warrior project. At one point every agent speaks with him personality. Some more so than others for varies reasons. To Neon, alike with many, he was like a father after her own passed away. To Loki, he was a boss. "Welcome team." He started. "Let's get right down to business." A hologram popped up in the center of the table. It was of a large ship. One of the Desterians war ships. Although this ship seemed different. Loki began to analyze it. "A city ship?" He asked. Gaining a nod from the man in black. A city ship was just that. A colony of Desterians. It was filled with easily millions of them.

"We believe them to have a precies artifact of humanity. We would like you to recover it obviously. But also to take down the ship. On board it one of their war masters. It is his home ship." The man spoke. Pausing to allow the room to catch up.

happydeath 05-14-2013 03:17 AM

(Sawwi, thought chu were still busy. D: Didn't mean to think you weren't there since I thought you still busy with work, it say chu offline but me didnt know you were online. Q^Q Sawwi again.)

Awaiting to see if anymore of the agents would arrive into the room for the mission briefing, Frost had began to tap his foot just slightly on the floor at becoming impatient to wait for the leader to walk in and give them their mission. Frost had only met the man once throughout his entire life on being inside that frozen room, the first time he had met him was around the same day he was first thrown into that training room to learn to try and control his exo-suit. From what Frost was able to see during the time with his senses still at their weakest points, he was unable to tell what the expression on the man's face was but the voice had easily told that he was serious about everything he said to him that day.
Within moments, the sound of heavy mechanical footsteps had come marching into the room. Turning his head only slightly over his shoulder to see who had made it into the room, the sound of his footsteps gave the fact that this other male wasn't the leader but yet it was another agent for the mission to come. There was quite a large number of agents for one mission, even though this may had been Frost's first time on a mission; even he knew for a fact that this many agents were rare to be put into one place.
Whatever the case was, when yet another large male had stepped into the room. The sound of this one's footsteps became easily familiar as Frost had kept his attention onto this one as he followed his footsteps till the male had approached the table. There was no doubt about it, this was the big boss of all the other agents including Frost at this point. Listening to the mission, within the helm of Frost's exo-suit, the hologram that was shown in the middle of the table was laid out into a quiet voice description for Frost to understand everything. After the leader had come to a stop for a moment, Frost took the chance to bring up a question of his own. "So..just kill everyone in sight?" Were the only words that actually first came out of his own lips from underneath the suit. His voice sounding hollow as a small easily visible white breath of cold air had escaped from the helmet of his suit.

Temple 05-14-2013 10:27 PM

Joker sat and waited as people filed the room it seemed that we had a wide assortment of people here when agent in the bull like suit walked in he was amazed to see someone larger then grace and she was big but he was huge he leaned back on his chair "huh some hell of a team" he said as the man in black walked in he recognized him he was the one to decide to hire joker and well Grace I heard she lost a bet but those are just story's Joker sat as he told everyone the bases of there mission but it bothered by what he was asking he then heard what frost said and Joker sat forward "I'm sorry let me get this right eh hem you want a science project no no trouble by it popsicle" Joker said looking at frost "oh don't forget a scout a ms never seen a real mission in her life two ex convicts and ms I AM THE LAW!" Joker said the last one moving like a robot and looking at Neon "oh I mean your sending them in with me and I'm the hero of this freak show" Joker said
pretending to flex "but this is crazy weave never seen this thing in are life" Joker leaned over the table "there could be gun's and i'm not good at getting shot it hurts I might cry it wont be pretty" Joker said flopping back into his chair "but we can forget that I said anything its not like it's going to change anything right" Joker looked at grace who was giving him a nasty look for his comment.

flamethrower1391 05-17-2013 07:51 PM

Akira scoffed. They're sending this few to take down a large ship. How did he expect any of them to actually work together? They wouldn't be able to sneak on the ship without trying to rip each others' heads off. She wondered what the answer would be to the frost giant's question. If they could kill everyone on board, maybe this mission wouldn't be such a big failure. They'd just have to stay away from Frosty the Snowman whenever he spoke. You could get frostbite just from that.

Then her attention turned to the hot shot, the prick of all pricks, Mr. I'm-better-than-everyone-else. The guy made her want to pull out a knife and chuck it at his head. "I now know why they call you Joker. You're one big, bad joke. You think you can out gun any of us? You may be the best shooter, but you can't surpass any of our skills."

Temple 05-18-2013 02:09 AM

Joker turned to Akira he had read up on her a couple times like every one here it was a something Joker picked up before the agency took him in he was lucky though to have parents from earth it meant he had a stronger immune system then most people with mutations but when he thought about it the only reason why he kept the helmet on was because someone might get sick and die because of him He looked Akira in the eye's when she commented on him he smiled "yes yes your right I may not be a freak like the most of you but I can do one thing you cant I can go back to earth and remove my helmet without dropping dead because I caught a fever" Joker said with a smile "and you ha at least most in this group can handle using there powers for long periods of time"

flamethrower1391 05-24-2013 04:26 PM

This man was really irritating her. Akira ran up to Joker at full speed. To most, she disappeared to reappear a few feet away. She just stood there face to face with him. "If I wanted to, I could have kicked your ass now, and you wouldn't have been able to do a damn thing." She stared the man down. He thought she was weak because of a little energy problem? They have boosters for that. She could go for hours, maybe days, with that stuff.

happydeath 05-25-2013 12:06 AM

While Frost had remained silent to await for an answer from the head leader of the agents who stood in front of the room. He had ended up crossing his arms as his attention had only been taken away toward one of the other male agents for a moment when he had considered Frost to be a popsicle. Even though he had been insulted by another one of his own agents that he would have to work with, he hadn't minded what names he had been considered nor did he care if the others had thought of themselves as better the one another. Rather then speaking up at all, when one of the female agents spoke up in a sort of way of defending the rest of the other agents. Frost had exhaled yet another soft breathe of pure cold air once again. It wasn't too difficult to realize even if the others in the room didn't have his heightened senses that the tension within the large room had slowly been growing.

Once the same male had replied in another name call of calling the other agents 'freaks', Frost could only turn his head in the direction of where the male sat at. He couldn't really blame the guy for calling others as the name of 'freak', Frot had been considered that many times before but yet no matter how many times he was called it, he never seemed to be able to get used to it. Slowly enough, the blind male had began to increase his breathing a bit more as his ice-like abilities began to spread ever so slightly around the room. Frost had only done so to try and keep the attention of the other agents onto the briefing off the mission before a whole fight would break out. The small corners of the room had began to freeze over for a moment as icicles had began to form on some small spots of the ceiling. Within another second or two, the original temperature had began to regulate itself back to normal while Frost's breathing had steadied itself down as well. "Calm down you two. If you really want to prove who is better..let us prove it on the mission." Were the only words that had actually escaped from his own lips.

Temple 05-25-2013 12:45 AM

Joker smiled under his helmet he knew that some used boosts to lengthen there powers but it didn't bother him a bit but when she dashed in front of him he only raised an eyebrow before leaning back in his chair "i'm only saying that not everyone can control there powers no offence meant by it" Joker said not wanting to anger the people who would be watching his back on the mission

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