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ljosberinn 04-15-2013 11:27 PM

Queer QTs

Consider yourself a part of the alphabet soup that is sometimes referred to as GSM*? Then you're extra welcome!
What do you use to refer to the queer community yourself? Remember that if you're heterosexual and cisgender, you really shouldn't use the word queer as it can be considered insulting or a slur.. I usually use it for myself and sometimes the queer community but otherwise I use LGBTQ+.. which obviously still misses out a whole lot of people, but I don't like thinking of us as a minority. It kinda implies that heterosexuality/cisgender people are... superior in a way? I dunno. What do you think? Introduce yourselves, make yourselves at home.. I'm feeling chatty!

*Gender and Sexual Minorities

ClockReject 04-15-2013 11:49 PM

ohhey dats me.

MaxxR 04-15-2013 11:55 PM


I'm feeling pretty chatty too, but I'm not sure what to say! Uh...

I see you're doing the 50 Book Challenge! Have you read many LGBTQ+ books? I'm always on the hunt for more. Most of what I find is either super dramatic, or super erotic. There really aren't many adventure novels featuring LGBTQ+ characters. There is the Nightrunner series by Lynn Flewelling, which features it's two main (and male) characters falling in love.

I've yet to come across any butt-kicking lesbians (or even name-taking bi-curious ladies) stories that aren't just about sex. D:

nemo.love_22 04-15-2013 11:58 PM

Do you allow Straight Allies in here as well? Because I may not be part of the LGBTIQA+ group but I am most definitely a straight ally.

MaxxR: Have you read Tales of the City - there are 6 books total, or more... I think 8 now. But I've read the first one and it was amazing. My mom who hardly ever reads has read others, and she loved them!!

ClockReject 04-16-2013 12:00 AM

I'm doing the 50 Book Challenge as well,
but I don't read many LGBTQ books, there are a few though.

nemo.love_22 04-16-2013 12:01 AM

I'm in theory doing the 50 book challenge - I just need to get myself past this slump I've found myself in with reading. xD

ClockReject 04-16-2013 12:01 AM

I'm actually over 50 books already,
and I haven't read in over a week.

nemo.love_22 04-16-2013 12:03 AM

Jealous of your reading! I'm at like 10 of the 50. And I've fallen behind, I Was doing so good for awhile there. xDD

ClockReject 04-16-2013 12:03 AM

I don't have anything else going on though,
and I read a lot of volumes of Comics as well, so that boosts it.

ljosberinn 04-16-2013 12:04 AM

Haaaiiiii both of you!

MaxxR, I remember spending some time trying to find some books like that and usually always ended up with erotica. Which isn't always a bad thing.. but most of it is just terribly written, and not what I was looking for at all xP I often wish I could write, or stick to writing more than one chapter before abandoning the idea altogether, cause I would just write about a bunch of queer people who only had sex in the background. Or well, maybe sometimes, but it wouldn't be like the only thing they did. Y'know?

I know there are some out there though! It's just finding them... and now I'm trying to remember any Dx It's just after 2am so my brain isn't quite functioning right now! If I do remember any I'll be sure to post them here though! My to-read list is so long... and yet I keep re-reading my favourites time after time. Right now I'm re-reading A Song of Ice and Fire series, as well as just finishing Queen of the Damned by Ann Rice.

---------- Post added 04-16-2013 at 12:05 AM ----------


Originally Posted by nemo.love_22 (Post 1771802188)
Do you allow Straight Allies in here as well? Because I may not be part of the LGBTIQA+ group but I am most definitely a straight ally.

MaxxR: Have you read Tales of the City - there are 6 books total, or more... I think 8 now. But I've read the first one and it was amazing. My mom who hardly ever reads has read others, and she loved them!!

Ahh lots of replies while I was typing! Yes, of course everyone's welcome :)

I'm always reading at least two print books plus at least one audiobook at any given time... x______x

nemo.love_22 04-16-2013 12:06 AM

Clock: Ah, that would definitely do it! [yes] I'm not big into comics myself - and then get stuck on long books, that are good, just take time to read. :P

ljos: How're you?? [hug] ((I used to chat with you before you poofed - and poofed off for awhile as well - I used to be Hopelessly In Love.))

ClockReject 04-16-2013 12:06 AM

Julie Anne Peters writes almost all LGBT.
and some of Malinda Lo's stuff has girl stuff, as well.

MaxxR 04-16-2013 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by nemo.love_22 (Post 1771802188)
Do you allow Straight Allies in here as well? Because I may not be part of the LGBTIQA+ group but I am most definitely a straight ally.

MaxxR: Have you read Tales of the City - there are 6 books total, or more... I think 8 now. But I've read the first one and it was amazing. My mom who hardly ever reads has read others, and she loved them!!

I've never heard of that one! I'll have to check it out.

Has anyone read/seen And Tango Makes Three? It's a picture book, but it's about these two male Penguins that had paired off with one another. They kept trying to hatch rocks together, so the (NYC) zookeepers gave them a real egg. It's super sweet! And a true story, apparently.

ClockReject 04-16-2013 12:07 AM

Nemo; oh, I read long books too, but nothing new has been released, so I'm patiently waiting~

occulta 04-16-2013 12:07 AM

//bashes into the room
Hello everyone. c:

ClockReject 04-16-2013 12:08 AM

hey there!
o 3o

nemo.love_22 04-16-2013 12:09 AM

MaxxR: I'm totally spacing on the name of the author - he's famous and I'm beating myself up over it. But it's about San Fransisco and the craziness that went on there. It's worth looking into. =] I do have a friend who's a professor at the school I just left who would have recommendations for good LGBT reads if you want me to send a message his way. =]

I've heard of that book! I've been meaning to read it!

Clock: Ah, got ya! I'm currently waiting on Marlee Matlin's book to be ready for me to pick up at the library. I'm looking forward to reading that! :D

ClockReject 04-16-2013 12:10 AM

ah, I don't really like her [sweat] but I hope you enjoy it!

ljosberinn 04-16-2013 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by nemo.love_22 (Post 1771802268)
ljos: How're you?? [hug] ((I used to chat with you before you poofed - and poofed off for awhile as well - I used to be Hopelessly In Love.))

Ahhh hey! <3 I'm good, getting a bit tired now so may disappear off to bed in a short while xP How have you been?

MaxxR I've heard of that book, and the story of the actual penguins. It's sweet. There was a really awesome book shop here in Stockholm that was all full of feminist/queer stuff, including a bunch of queer fiction, for adults, young adults and kids. Lots of really adorable kids' books. :3 Sadly they had to close down cause they weren't getting enough customers. *sobs*

Hey occulta! How's it hangin'?

nemo.love_22 04-16-2013 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by ClockReject (Post 1771802311)
ah, I don't really like her [sweat] but I hope you enjoy it!

I love her! [heart] But that could be because I really don't even need her interpreter to understand what she says. Given that the camera person doesn't cut her off mid sentence to pan to someone else. [gonk] I hate it when they do that! :(

ljosberinn 04-16-2013 12:12 AM

I am a fool who is terrible at returning shit to the library on time so I've worked up a debt I can't afford to pay ;_________; So no more library books for me till I get rich.... somehow.... *grinds teeth*
Thankfully I've got a bunch of books I still haven't read, and friends with good tastes.

nemo.love_22 04-16-2013 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by ljosberinn (Post 1771802314)
Ahhh hey! <3 I'm good, getting a bit tired now so may disappear off to bed in a short while xP How have you been?

That's good! I'm thinking about disappearing off myself - we'll see how this goes. I'll probably be disappearing off when mom gets home from work. But I've been doing fairly well - currently on semester break (in between colleges) ... and waiting on hearing back from the school I REALLY want to go to. Fingers crossed there definitely! It's good to see you back and around again. =]

ClockReject 04-16-2013 12:13 AM

nemo; ah, well, I watched her in The L Word, and I pretty much disliked the whole time she was on. And I've never really liked her in anything else either.

ljo; I have a little debt too at the library because I moved, so I just find it all online.

nemo.love_22 04-16-2013 12:13 AM

I have parents who are good at reminding me to return books to the library. :P And will drive me to the library and back, so I can borrow books. ((I still don't drive. xD))

occulta 04-16-2013 12:14 AM

Hey Ijosberinn, I'm doing good! Had a yummy dinner and I'm just relaxing now. Worked on some pixel art earlier using the menewsha base, hoping to start a small thread when I've made a good amount of edits. c:

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