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Immy 04-24-2013 11:36 PM

~ Flowers Are Fragile ~ Angel & Rane
"Flowers Are Fragile"


Rane Willows is one of the most popular girls in the school with all those who are afraid to go against her, she never allows anyone to see the side she wants to be, and the fact she doesn't want to be so grown up. Her grades are a B average and everyone seems to like her, that is until another girl comes into view and she believes she has to take that girl out of the picture to keep her popularity. She doesn't realize that with this girl who comes into view, she will change her, back to who she was, or will she still stay queen B* of the school? Find out soon...
Chapter 1:

Rane Willows sat in math class, her registration day was over with, and this year she was going to be a Junior, yet, after last year she had become more popular than ever. Freshman year was a cinch for her, last year was even better, and now all she had to do was survive two more years. Two more years of high school, then she could move out, and live however she wanted to. Though the days to come, she had no idea what would be in store for her, and how she would turn out. Pushing her blonde hair out of her face while tucking it behind her ear, she turned to look outside the window, and knew that soon autumn would come. She didn't like winter, she couldn't see the flowers, and growing things inside was harder since the sun was hardly ever out.

"Class, we have a new student today, and I suggest you give the same courtesy as you do everyone else. Be respectful to her is what I mean" Mr. Everson stated turning to the student whom had yet to enter the room "Why don't you introduce yourself" everyone in the room became silent as Rane didn't even bother to look up like the rest of her friends. She only had one class this year where she didn't know anyone, but, soon she would. Everyone always wanted to know the popular kids and became popular no matter how long it would last.

Phantomsangel 04-25-2013 07:51 PM

Angel Glacia didn't know why this town had called to her when she moved here. It just did. As she walked to her classroom she started getting nervous "what if they don't like me? What if what happened there happens here?" She was so nervous that she didn't realize that she had already reached the class room. "Well better late than never" she opened the door and her eyes immediatley feel on one girl siting smack dab in the middle of the room."So thats why I moved here"

Immy 04-26-2013 04:12 AM

Rane glanced up from her text to see the new girl, she wasn't sure what to think of her yet, but, considering the fact that the girl didn't look like Rane she thought she was out of date with style. However, she liked the outfit the girl was wearing, it proved she wasn't like the group Rane hung out with on a day to day basis. "You're shy, alright then, this is Angel Glacia" the teacher looked at the note he had on his desk "You may sit anywhere you like, miss Glacia" and the teacher turned around to write the book problems on the board. Rane hadn't realize she was still looking at the girl until Amelia nudged her with her elbow "Earth to Rane, wake up" "Do you see how she is dressed?" Rane whispered back making it sound like she hated the girl's outfit and luckily was able to pull off the distraction she needed. A boy stood up to where an empty desk was behind him "There's a free seat over here" he called out to the new girl.

Phantomsangel 04-26-2013 12:51 PM

Angel smiled slightly a curtsied alittleuntil she realized she wasn't at home anymore and stood up straight and walked over and sat down staring straight at the oars but stealing glances at the one girl throughout the period

Immy 04-26-2013 01:23 PM

"Please do the problems on the board and hand them in before class is over with" Mr. Everson spoke as he sat down glancing around the room and knew most of the kids would just do it for homework "And if you don't at least try to put some effort into it, then you can just have detention tomorrow after school. At least ten problems should be done" and he went back to reading through the answers he just gave the class.

Rane sighed and talked to Amelia next to her "So did you hear about Kasey?" she started going on and on about it letting Amelia finish off what she had heard and accidently met eyes with the girl, but, sneered and looked away. She had a proper image to uphold and she was going to keep it no matter what. The boy in front of the new girl spoke "That's Rane Willows" he stated "I'm Adam Jennings, nice to meet you" he stated not offering to shake hands, he wasn't the type to shake hands, too formal for his taste.

Phantomsangel 04-27-2013 02:40 AM

"Angel Glacia, Its a pleasure to meet you" Her southern accent coming out. She smiled at the boy. "so I'm guessing shes the popular one at this school?"she asked still glancing at the one named Rane."Yes she is. everybody likes her. there are those that don't but they are to afraid to go up against her." Adam told her. "Well now, I'll just have to be doing something about that now won't I??" Angel smiled at Adam and started doing her work not wanting to get a detention on her first day there.

Immy 04-30-2013 05:55 PM

(okay apparently my new mouse hates me, so let me try this again)

Adam helped out and traded answers with Angel as the class went on. Rane had someone do the work for her and had completed the entire thing. It's not like she was stupid or anything, she just didn't like to bother with work that was useless and not a challenge to her. Many things within this school wasn't a challenge, after her class ended, she went on to history, and then gym class ended rather quickly. Coach Dentry wasn't a fan of children, but, after being a drill sargent for quite some time, she realized that the younger they are, the more mold-able they were.

Lunch time came, she had first lunch out of the two lunch periods there were. It all depended on your first house class and that is alot to go into detail. Rane grabbed her food, more like Salad to keep up her image, and sat down with the popular group which was different from the cheer table, but, no one really liked the cheerleaders. "So Kelsey got beat by Ryan Arins? Oh my god, you have to be joking right? I knew the kid in elementary, he was harmless" Karen stated as Amelia went on about the incident not paying any mind to keep the story under wraps like she was told to.

Immy 07-17-2013 02:28 PM

Phantomsangel: this must be dead

Immy 09-02-2013 12:09 AM

(dropping this...last post was in july - if you want to continue it later say so)

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