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Kirin Rosenbaum 05-12-2013 04:20 PM

The Runaway Bride
Name: Kirin Rosenbaum
Age: twenty six
Height: six foot
Hair: long black kept in a braid

Kirin is the best man at his friends wedding. The man she was marrying was a real cad. He knew for a fact that he was cheating on his friend, but he had no proof. The worst of it is, he has feelings for her. He had never told her this for fear of ruining the friendship. He was hoping to find away to stop this wedding.

sailor star rainbow:

sailor star rainbow 05-12-2013 07:07 PM

Name:Aimi Komyoji
Height: 5 foot 8 inches

The bride she lately notice her groom had been acting not like him self lately. truth be tolled Aimi has feelings for his best man. but dose not want to say anything to get in trouble with the groom. she has not tolled the best man that she is in love with him not sure if he would love her back.

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-13-2013 05:50 PM

It was a couple of days before the wedding of Marshall Raymond and Aimi Komyoji. They were in the middle of rehearsing for the wedding. Kirin can't keep his eyes off of Aimi. The two of them had been friends since grade school. Was it his imagination or did Aimi look a bit sad. He would have to talk to her during the rehearsal dinner. He hated to see his friend sad for any reason.

sailor star rainbow 05-13-2013 08:58 PM

Aimi look sad while wondering should she really get married to Marshall? he had been acting so odd lately yet a few times. he even snap at her each time it happened it scared her when it happen. "Is it all right if we take a break now? I know we need to finish the rehearsal,I just need some fresh air." she says to everyone her voice was kind when speaking yet soft. her uncle Dr.Komyoji smiles at his niece he knew that Kirin and Aimi. had been long time friends deep down he did not trust Marshall.

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-13-2013 09:02 PM

"of course." The pastor says with a smile.

Kirin watches as Aimi heads outside. Before Marshall can say anything he follows her outside.

"Are you alright?" He asks putting a hand on her shoulder. He was worried for her.

sailor star rainbow 05-13-2013 09:10 PM

"I keep getting a feeling like Marshall dose not love me any more. Kirin he has been acting so odd lately. last night when I was talking to him asking him to double check. on his groom cake he yelled at me all of a sudden. so I yelled back at him telling him I hated him." Aimi says to her long childhood friend as she walks to a bench. then sits down on to said bench. she starts to cry not caring if her make up would run right now. today she had a blouse top on and blue jean pants on. even if it is late spring she was not hot at all in her clothes.

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-13-2013 09:13 PM

"I've never thought he was any good for you." Kirin says sitting next to her and putting his arms around her and just holding her as she cried. "I don't think you should be marrying him." He mumbles into her hair. He wouldn't say it out loud, as he had no proof, but he had seen Marshall with another woman.

sailor star rainbow 05-13-2013 10:11 PM

Aimi moves her head on to Kirni's shoulder while hugging him. "I want to call the wedding off but. both are parents paid so much money all ready for the wedding. ugh I don't know what to do now." she says her voice sound like it was starting to crack form crying. having a sad smile on her face when talking her make starting to roll down her face slowly. mostly due to her tears of sadness as she talk about what had happen last night.

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-14-2013 12:45 AM

Kirin is silent in thought for a moment.

"It's better for them to loose money, then for you to be in an unhappy marriage." He says rubbing her shoulders. "Besides I'm a hundred percent positive there is somebody out there who will love with their whole being." He hesitates only a moment before leaning in and kissing her softly.

sailor star rainbow 05-14-2013 02:35 AM

"Your right and there is a lot of fish in the sea as they say. maybe I'll find that person someday." Aimi says to Kirin her tears where starting to slow down by now. yet blush when he started to kiss her she start's to kiss him back lovingly. as her heart starts to race in excitement form being kiss. 'Could it be that I have love Kirin all these years? but why am I just noticing it now then? this must me my true feelings for him.' she dose not try to move away form the kiss it felt so good.

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-14-2013 02:46 AM

After a moment he leans back. "I love you Aimi. Marshall is no good for you. He's horrible." He finds he can't help himself. He has to tell her what he feels. His arms are still around her.

sailor star rainbow 05-14-2013 03:07 AM

Aimi blush's even more hearing him say that to her. she could feel new tears in her eye's but was trying to fight them back. "Oh Kirin I Love you too I'm sorry it took so long. for myself to notice my true feelings for you I'd never should have fallen in love with Marshall." she says in a happy yet sweet,kind voice when speaking to Kirin. yet warps her arms around his neck loosely not wanting. to go back inside yet to hear everyone yell at her. about wanting to cancel the wedding for her fiancé as well her self.

But now she was happy knowing she could go back in there. try stop this wedding form it becoming something. she would late on in life regret being married to Marshall. if she had chose to let the wedding go on as planed. she was ready to hear the man scream yell even curse her out. because of this yet at lest she could be happy with Kirin later on in life.

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-14-2013 03:28 AM

Kirin will do all he can to protect her. He holds her gently. He won't push her to go back in there. It would be up to her when they went back to tell the others.

sailor star rainbow 05-14-2013 03:36 AM

"I better try to clean my face before we go back in there. but I don't think there is bathroom are water fountain out here." Aimi says while looking up to look around. she slowly moves on her arms form around Kirin's neck. to dig in her blue jeans for a handkerchief that she keeps on hand. she use her free arm to dig in her blue jean pocket's. after a bit she find's it pull it out form her pants pocket. she slowly started to clean her face off with it trying. to get some of the make up off her face it was still wet lucky for her.

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-14-2013 08:41 PM

Kirin takes the hankie and helps, since he can see where the make up has run.

"There, perfect." He says kissing her cheek. He stands and offers her his hand.

sailor star rainbow 05-15-2013 12:42 AM

Aimi puts her hand in to his then starts to walk slowly. to go back inside of the church go talk. with her parents,soon to be no longer future in laws and ex-fiancé. she was trying to be brave even if she was a bit scared. to cancel the wedding but had to do it Kirin is right she should. not be in unhappy marriage with someone that makes her unhappy. "Thanks for the help." she says to him then takes the handkerchief back. so she could put it away back in to her pants pocket.

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-15-2013 03:46 AM

Kirin kisses the back of her hand.

"It's no problem." Kirin states. He is willing to do anything to keep her safe and happy. They walk into the church.

sailor star rainbow 05-15-2013 04:03 AM

"Everyone I have to say something I know some of you will hate me for this. but I want to call the wedding off Marshall you have been. nothing but mean and rude to me lately I'm moving out of your place tonight." Aimi says while she moves her hand out of Kirin's. so she could use her other hand to take the enegmaent ring off of her ring finger. she takes the ring off then hands it over to her now ex-fiancé.

"I'm proud of you Aimi to be fair I did not like him in the first place. if your father was here form being. over in the war I am sure he would understand the reason why. you want to cancel the wedding for don't you agree dear sister in law?" Dr.Komyoji says glad to see his niece notice what she had almost done to her self. by marrying the man she once fell in love with that was no good for her.

"Henry Why do you think I agree with you? you help paid for this wedding to happen. are you not upset about all the money we both spent?"Hana ask her bother in law while sighing out. but knew her daughter had her reason's for choseing to cancel the wedding now. yet would they be able to get any of the money back? before the set wedding date since her daughter now chose to cancel. the wedding that was going to be held in a couple of day's.

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-15-2013 04:14 AM

Marshall is furious and he goes to move towards Aimi. He is even snarling a bit.

Kirin moves between Aimi and Marshall. His eyes flash with anger.

"Back off." He says low and menacing.

Marshall turns on him.

"This is your fault!" He swings a fist at Kirin.

Kirin, who was a black belt in karate easily blocks the punch.

Marshall just keeps at him.

Kirin keeps blocking until Marshall is winded. With one graceful move he sweeps Marshall's legs out from under him.

Marshall lands on the floor with an oomph.

sailor star rainbow 05-15-2013 04:52 AM

Aimi backs away quickly yet stays behind Kirin she knew. he would be angry at her about canceling the wedding. "It is not his fault it's your the one at fault here Marshall. I was stupid to ever fall in love with you even say yes to you." she says then walks over to him once he fell over. then kicks him ware it hurts at to teach him a lesson. after words she walks over to her uncle knowing. he was trained by her father in all sort of martial arts.

Dr.Komyoji could not believe the man was trying to go after his niece. "Hana I am not angry besides I'm rich if we don't get the money back so what. but as for you young man your low try hurt a young woman. if you try come after her I'll make sure my brother. will bring his army buddy's to come teach you a lesson you won't forget." he says to Marshall as he pull's Aimi in to a hug. he would let her go if the dummy comes after her again. he laugh a bit seeing her kick Marshall in ball's so to speak.

Hana felt like calling the police on her ex future son in law. but watch what Kirin did to keep her daughter safe. she was proud he was there for Aimi since he was younger. "Thank you Kirin for keeping my baby girl safe form that monster. I suggest you put your son in anger management class's." she says to Marshall's parents hoping they notice. how angry he got all because her daughter deiced to cancel there wedding.

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-15-2013 08:21 PM

"It's no problem." Kirin says truly meaning it. He goes over to Aimi and kisses her cheek. "I am glad you are alright." He states stroking her hair. "Maybe we should get out of here."

sailor star rainbow 05-15-2013 10:24 PM

"Thank you and I agree lets get out of here in deed. but how am I going to my stuff out of his place? with out Marshall trying to hurt me? I got a key but I think he'll head over there once the pain go's away."Aimi says to Kirin in kind but quite sounding voice. mostly so her ex would not hear what she is saying. she works her way out of her uncles arms. then kiss him on back on the cheek he kiss her uncle on his forehead.

The four of them starts to leave the church they even apologize to the pastor. about having to cancel the wedding on such short notice. he mother,uncle and her self would have to make a lot of phone call's today. she all ready paid for her wedding dress Aimi was planing to keep it. maybe she could use it later on in life?

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-16-2013 06:34 PM

"Don't worry about him." Kirin says. "I'll go with you and keep you safe." He puts an arm around her waist. "I love Aimi. I love you so much and I would rather die then have anything happen to you."

sailor star rainbow 05-18-2013 02:08 AM

Aimi blush's her cheek turn rosy red she kiss's Kirin on the cheek. "I love you too Kirin." she says to him while they walk out of the church with her family. her uncle was had driven here with her mother so they where. going to head on home but as for Aimi she had rode over with her ex-lover. but now knew she never should have moved in with him. thanks goodness she never did it with him only making out with Marshall.

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-19-2013 05:44 PM

"I hope you don't mind a ride on a motorcycle." Kirin says with a smile. He had ridden his bike to the church as it was such a nice day. His bike is a red Harley Davidson. He offers her a helmet as he always has an extra one with him at all times.

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