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anonchop 05-15-2013 03:25 AM

Wallingford Academy: School Under Suspicion
There is a school in this perfectly normal world where all of the misfits are sent. Are you "not particularly human"? "flight-inclined"?... Or do you just have a knack of making things happen only by thinking them? Because if you do, you probably belong here- at Wallingford Academy- rather than being out and about with our world's normal population. It's the perfect paradise for you, after all, if you have something within the aforementioned qualities.

Or at least, it seems like it is.

Wallingford Academy has been home of the unwanted, the different, and the freaks so that all of them can feel like they are normal. But, there's a secret they don't want you to find out. The students of Wallingford Academy are under attack. Enemies lurk behind every corner. Why are students disappearing? Who knows? And who can you really trust in these times of false security?

Find out in Wallingford Academy: School of Suspicion


Want to join us? Here's how.
PM Me, anonchop, with your character profile filled out and wait for my reply back confirming your admission. Then feel free to come back and join us!

Name: (( What do we call your character? ))
Age: (( How old is he/she? ))
Sex: (( Is she a boy or is he a girl? Hm? ))
Race: (( Human, vampire, werewolf, unconfirmed? Do they know? ))
Powers: (( Or do they even have any? ))
History: (( Brief history of your character! ))
Picture: (( Preferably anime, not gorgeous models cx ))

Limit of three characters to each user!~





Originally Posted by anonchop

Name: Isabella Perry
Age: Sixteen
Sex: Female
Race: Human?
Powers: Invisibility
History: Belle has always been a very unnoticeable girl. Her intense shyness is her greatest fault. When she does happen to speak up, which is very rarely, her voice is so soft that its barely audible. Her parents have sent her to Wallingford Academy not for any particular reason to help her get better. In fact, this was their way of being able to completely forget their only daughter. (Although, it wasn't very hard to forget that they had a daughter in the first place when she’d constantly been disappearing on them in broad daylight!) She finds solace in being alone, though. Its actually what she prefers, being most comfortable when invisible.


Originally Posted by Skulduggery
Name: Alexander Lester
Age: 18 (Looks a bit older than actually is.)
Sex: Male.
Race: Elf.
Powers: Not really. Pretty good with Archery.
History: As a small child, Alex's family was murdered by humans unwilling to accept that there was more then their own species. And so, too young to even understand what was happening, he was sent to an orphanage. He escaped during the early stages of teenage life, and tried to make it through the best he could. A group of Assassin's found him as they were searching for new recruits and decided to take him along. He didn't like the work. He wished he didn't have to kill people to make a living, but he did. When he saved up enough money, he got himself into school, but he wasn't accepted. He then found out about Wallingford Academy, and thought it to be perfect. He ran away from his job as an Assassin, hopefully to never be found, and joined the school. To this day, he's still in hiding.
Elf Boy Photo by misslam1 | Photobucket

Name: Rose Prolet
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Race: Neko(Cat/Human)
Powers: Can turn into a cat, "Cat Girl, Cat Girl. Does whatever a Cat can do."
History: Rose grew up with not many friends, but that never brought her down. She was always carefree, even after she got bullied in school, so she had to be taken out and be home schooled. It was a nice experience, for a while, but then her mom died giving birth to her now two year old siblings. She was sent away shortly after that, because the twins were to much to handle. But her father made sure that she went to the best place he could find. And so, off she went, to Wallingford Academy.
Cat form:

Name: Nikolas Waldorf
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Race: Medium/Psychic
Powers: Can talk, see, and if willing, be possessed by ghosts. Being possessed can have it's benefits, sometimes.
History: At the age of 14, Nikolas had told his parents of this freaky new talent of his. Being able to communicate with ghosts. They laughed like it was a joke, and sent him to his room, but later that night they had seen him talking to mid-air, and showing off his items. They tried sending him away, to an insane asylum, but Nikolas was to smart for that. He made the men believe that he was a normal, healthy boy, and never spoke of it again to his parents. Until, a couple of years later. He had let it slip, the act that he'd kept for so long, vanished. And he was caught interacting with mid-air once again. That's when they decided they weren't going to take care of him, and did research all night, to find a place where they'd take him. They then found Wallingford Academy, and didn't hesitate to send him away.


Originally Posted by Falconidas

Name: Ezekiel Clement
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Race: Aquatically-Inclined Human (Mutant)
Powers: Heightened senses, though slightly impaired hearing, and obvious heightened mobility underwater
History: Having lived a normal life up until around the age of eight when horrid biological accident, Ezekiel still tries his very best to behave normally in today's society. He is aware of his condition, of course, this being the reason he chooses to keep more introverted. Years of verbal and mental abuse have left the boy a bit cold to those around him, pessimistic, and given him a slightly dull outlook on life. Through his parents wishes, he was sent to this school in hopes of re-brightening his outlook and letting him meet those who may be able to empathize! He's yet to find one in his time, then again, he hasn't been looking.
Picture: (( The current picture is in progress, but as a filler, he'd resemble something like this: ))


Originally Posted by finx15
Name: Finx Sunfara
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Race: Vampire
Powers: Vampire powers
History: Finx hasn't been a vampire long and misses being human. So she joined a school were she would fit in and make some friends. She was a young girl when she was bitten and is doomed to look the aged she was changed.

Name: Kya Archer
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Race: Elf
Powers: Mind control
History: Kya has been an elf her whole life and has a crush on Alexander having been from the same village as him. She thinks he is dead, though, and bares his lost with a heavy heart. She was left by her parents in the human world... No one would take an elf like her in so she was eventually brought to Wallingford Academy.


Originally Posted by ~Wild Spirit Wolf~
Name: Gemini Starr
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Race: Doesn't know
Powers: Flight,various psychic abilities.
History: Gemini was left at an orphanage as a baby.Her mother showed up there looking for help,gave birth to her,and died shortly after,living only long enough to name her.Gemini went from foster home to foster home,being passed around from the age of five.Everywhere she went,strange things happened and people got scared.When she was 17,her foster family sent her to Wallingford Academy to get rid of her.Gemini has done research and found that what she had were psychic powers,but that never explained why she could fly.She still does not know if she is actually human,and she has trouble controlling her abilities.

Name: Todd Hunter
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Race: Todd is Werwulfen,or what most people call a werewolf.
Powers: Basic Werwulfen abilities,along with dreamwalking.
History: Todd was born a Werwulfen,an only child from a long line of them.His ability to walk in other people's dreams disturbed his family,so they sent him at a young age to Wallingford Academy to learn to control it.He has learned that his different colored eyes mark him as a dreamwalker.
Wolf form:
Half form:


We're OPEN!~

anonchop 05-19-2013 03:27 AM

"I'M TRYING TO, BUT SHE WON'T SAY A DAMN WORD!" The screaming voice of a receptionist rang through the hall. "Calm down, okay? Just ask her what her name is!" The man was new. He'd just come into the hall after she made a phone call. Was he who she was talking to? Isabelle was the subject of concern. She'd so far been yelled, screamed, and almost hit for not saying anything. "Its just so frustrating! I'm trying to HELP her! GOD DAMNIT! I HATE KIDS!" The woman flew her hands up in the air and stormed off. Now, only the man remained. He knelt down to Isabelle's level and smiled. "Hello, young lady. Are you a new student here?"

Isabelle blinked.

"Young lady, I can't help you if you won't speak up." His voice grew stern. It seemed that everyone was growing impatient with her. Isabelle decided to look him in the eye and nod. Suddenly, she disappeared. One simple form of interaction that had made her so nervous forced her to "reveal" her purpose of attending the school- Wallingford Academy.

(( Hey, everyone! [eager] Please post out of character chat like this! It'll just help to tidy up the thread and junk. [hug] ))

Skulduggery 05-19-2013 04:11 AM

Alexander glanced side to side, having the feeling of being watched overwhelm him. Either that, or paranoia taking over. He shook his head, and sat down at a table, to read a book while he waited. That's when he heard yelling, and looked up quickly. Not seeing the person who shouted, made him feel a bit unsafe, but when he finally understood what the shouts were saying, he rolled his eyes, and looked in the direction it was coming from.
"Oh, well, being here is going to be so much fun." He muttered, annoyed somebody had the nerve to roam the halls yelling that they hate kids, at a school. A school for the abnormal, at that.
He felt sorry for the kid that was in trouble, or seemed to be, but thought that he didn't really have any skill he could actually put to use to help them. He listened carefully, eavesdropping to make sure the kid was okay, and no adult that hated children planned on attacking, or anything.

((Okay! :D))

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 05-19-2013 05:46 AM

The red haired girl was standing outside the office,waiting to be "spoken to" once again,when the commotion caught her attention.She turned to look just in time to see the quiet girl disappear.Shrugging,Gemini Starr entered the room."Guess we don't have to ask what she's in for.Hey,don't you think you're being harsh? She's obviously new,and clearly pretty shy.Being nice might help." She said.Gemini knew she was going to get into even more trouble for speaking against an adult,but she couldn't help it.She hated seeing kids treated unfairly.She turned to where she thought the girl was."Hey,you don't have to talk if you don't want.I can talk for you,if you just think loud." She offered.Telepathy was one of her abilities,and if she concentrated she could pick up the thoughts of others.

Todd Hunter sat in the library,looking out a window.A book was open in his lap,but he hadn't read a word.The Werwulfen boy was anxious,waiting to get outside.He wanted to run,fast and far until he couldn't anymore.Todd was rather antisocial-something quite uncommon among his kind.But he hadn't really grown up with his own kind,so it didn't matter.He sighed,silver hair falling into his eyes as he closed the book.There was nothing in it to explain why he could walk in other people's dreams.It was this ability that caused Todd to stay awake at night,afraid to sleep for fear of seeing someone's nightmare.Running was the only way he could escape it,since he hadn't learned to fully control it yet.Generally he could,but with really strong nightmares,he just got sucked in.And someone had been having terrible nightmares lately.

finx15 05-20-2013 12:06 AM

Kya stared at the school and sighed "It's going to be a long year." she mumbled to herself before entering the building her good hearing lead her to the main office passing a couple people on her way. She soon found herself lost "So much for going the right way she sighed then noticed a boy sitting at a table "Excuse me bu..." she trailed off as she realized who it was "Alex?" she felt like she was going to pass out.

Finx groaned and rolled out from under the covers she didn't want to get up yet but the yelling was driving her crazy. With a sigh she got up and stretched she was glad know that she had gotten to the school early and had already checked in and claimed a room for herself so she could sleep. "Don't they know how dangerous an annoyed vampire can be." she quickly dressed and went to meet the new people. She froze when she smelled a werewolf she slowly approached him and growled "I hope you are attending this school wolf or we could have problem." she said knowing full well he had probably sensed her coming.

Skulduggery 05-20-2013 12:20 AM

Alexander looked up quickly at the sound of somebody speaking, interrupting his hearing of eavesdropping. The voice sounded familiar, but only a little. He turned around, but stopped abruptly when he noticed a familiar face. The voice asked his name, and that was the point he realized who it was. He lost his voice form the shock.
He gulped, and then found his voice again. Clearing his throat, he nodded, confirming it was him, "Kya?" He studied her face. "What are you doing here?" He asked, out of worry, for her and for him. Mainly for her, because he doubted she would really do anything to get him caught.

finx15 05-20-2013 12:23 AM

"'re alive?" Kya asked "I need to sit." so she did collapsing into a chair "I can't believe it all this time I thought you were dead." she stared at him "But here you are safe and sound at a school that I was forced to come to because my parents left me and no human will let me stay with them." she reached forward and pinched him as hard as she could.

Skulduggery 05-20-2013 12:34 AM

Alex looked at the spot she pinched, before looking back up at her. "Well, that was just rude." He smirked a little bit, before turning back to the situation at hand. "At the school, yes. Safe and Sound, barely." He told her, before her words truly sunk in, and he got concerned, it showing on his face. "Your parents left you? I.. I'm so sorry that happened to you, Kya. I thought you were doing okay.. If I had known, I assure you, I would have gone to look for you. But, I couldn't stay there. I was sent to the orphanage, but I had to escape. It was horrible there."

finx15 05-20-2013 12:38 AM

Kya stared at him for a full five minutes then she punched him in the face "You BUTT MONKEY!" she yelled '' How could you just let me think you were dead?'' she started punching him over and over on his chest she was crying too. "You are a butt monkey to the ninth degree.''

Skulduggery 05-20-2013 12:51 AM

Alex had to hide a small grin, because he felt bad showing her that he was grinning, and he felt bad that he felt like grinning, at the facts that 1) The name she called him was amusing, and 2) She cared enough to be reacting like this. He rubbed his face, and then grabbed her hands, making her stop punching him so he could talk. He lightly pulled her to him, so she could cry on his shoulder, but giving her a chance to escape if she didn't want this. "I've got to say, 'Butt Monkey' is only the Fifth worst name I've ever been called. It goes, 'Pointy-eared freak', 'Jerk', a couple of cusswords I really don't want you to hear, 'Butt Monkey', Another bad, bad word, 'Dork', don't look up the actual meaning of that, 'Reject', 'Tool', and, 'Assassin'. When people started calling me that last one.. Oh, my life was horrible." He told her, half-jokingly. He didn't know if that was the best way to try and tell her, but it seemed the most light-hearted way. And that was what he thought she needed.

finx15 05-20-2013 12:53 AM

Kya clung to him "You deserve to be called bad names you better explain what happened are else." she sniffed softly 'Well I don't know what else but I'll think of something."

Skulduggery 05-20-2013 12:59 AM

Alex let the small grin show on his face, "Maybe I can help you think of something." He said, while picking her up and sitting down, letting her sit on his lap and cry on his shoulder. "If I tell you what happened.. I really hope you don't feel worse about me then you already do. I mean, I would understand if you did, but it wasn't my choice. I didn't like what I was doing, it was simply the only way I could get by." He informed her, while resting his head on hers. "Are you sure you want me to tell you? It's bad.. I mean, really bad."

finx15 05-20-2013 01:01 AM

" I thought you were dead for years yeah I want to know how you are alive." Kya said blushing slightly when he sat her in his lap it had been years since she had been close to a boy and that boy had been Alex it was funny how things happened sometimes.

Skulduggery 05-20-2013 01:15 AM

"You know, Kya, I honestly didn't think you cared about me this much." He told her, before nodding. "I understand." He sighed, but continued.
"I was only a small child when it all started. A baby, losing his two parents to murder. I can hardly remember anything but their faces. I was immediately sent to the Orphanage, but you know all of this. After thirteen years there, I couldn't take it anymore, and I had to escape. I got by living on the streets, until I was found, by a group of Assassins, which were recruiting. They thought I was perfect, because I could look sweet and innocent, but I've seen the horrors of life. They took me in, gave me shelter, food, and some things I honestly do not wish to admit to you, or anyone." At this, there was a faint blush on his face, before he continued. "I lived like that, until I could afford school, which I tried to go to, but I wasn't accepted, because I was different. I went back, and I became their star pupil, and I was sent out on more and more missions, until I heard of this place, not that long ago. I quit, abruptly. I wasn't going to kill if I could do anything else. I ran, as far and fast as I could, and took joined this school. It's perfect for what I need, and I'm accepted.. Enough. I'm in hiding, ever since that day. If they were to ever find me.. Well, I've been assigned missions to find the runaways. It's not pretty. At all."

finx15 05-20-2013 01:19 AM

Kya sighed in relief "Is that all I thought you would say you were a male...well a very un Pg 13 thing to say. You did what you have to do to survive and I'm just glad you're ok. I do care about you I really..." she blushed she had about to reveal her secret she cursed colorfully " I like you ok."

Skulduggery 05-20-2013 01:32 AM

Alex laughed a little bit at that, "A very un-pg13 thing to say?" He ruffled her hair. "I have to admit, it did.. Kind of seem like that at times, but, no... You're really okay with me having killed people.. So many people?" He shuddered at the thought, and got lost in the memories, until he heard her say her next sentence. He looked shocked, from the language she used, and what she had said after.
"Kya... I.. I don't know what to say..."
He kissed her forehead lightly, "Jeez, if I had known that, I really would have gone on a search for you, rather you had it okay or not. It would have made my life seem a lot better."

finx15 05-20-2013 01:40 AM

"You could say I like you too." Kya smiled "That is an a valid answer." she chuckled "You know I would have killed people too if it meant surviving to see another day. Oh *beep* I still have to check in" she groaned she was enjoying there touchy feely moment.

Skulduggery 05-20-2013 01:52 AM

Alexander laughed, "You are so much less innocent then I thought you were. I suppose, that's what happens when you don't see somebody for years..." He said, before taking her hand before she could go off and check in. "Kya, 'I like you too.' " He said with a smirk. "But, I have to warn you, the people here are... well, bad people to be here. You don't work in a place where kids are, when you hate kids. It's just not a good combination." He looked at her seriously, before nodding towards the door. "Do you want me to walk you there?"

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 05-20-2013 04:26 AM

Todd looked up lazily.He had sensed the vampire before she had even left her room.He knew there were vamps at this school,but he wasn't afraid of them."If I wasn't a student here,I would not be here." He said,standing up.He stood at a good head taller than the girl."You should know,vamp,that I have been here since I was a child.This school is my territory.Remember that and we should get along just fine.I don't want to fight with you." He told her,and he meant it.The vampire vs. werewolf feud was none of his concern,and he had so far managed to stay out of it.

finx15 05-20-2013 06:22 PM

"Fine we'll leave each other alone but we will share the territory well I'm here so I can hunt." Finx said with a huff werewolves were annoyingly calm sometimes.

Kya sighed "I'll be carefull promise." she grimaced at the thought of trying to find were she was suppose to go alone. "if you would take me that would be nice."

anonchop 05-20-2013 08:21 PM

Isabelle, still very invisible, cringed away from the man. He wasn't yelling or angry with her. It was really Isabelle's own fault for being so anxious. When yet another person entered the hallway, She turned to look and blinked at the red-haired girl. 'Pretty...' She thought to herself. When the girl stood up for Isabelle, she slightly smiled. 'and nice...' Her thoughts added. When the girl admitted to being able to read thoughts, Isabelle jumped slightly. 'Strange!' She'd never actually met anyone else who was... different than normal humans. (A pretty major thing that she was going to have to get used to...) Isabelle slowly faded back into the visible world and stopped looking at the red-haired girl. 'My name is Isabelle and I need help finding my room...' She thought to herself, hoping that she could hear. 'A-And thank you...' She added, blushing and looking at her feet.

(( Wowza! I come back to all THIS!? Thanks for all the excitement about the RP! :D ))

Skulduggery 05-20-2013 10:05 PM

Alex grinned at her, and nodded. "Of course, dear maiden. It would be my pleasure." He said with a smirk as he lifted her up, and stood up himself.
"Also, I'm curious..." He looked at her, before continuing. "What would you have done if I had said I was a 'Very Un-PG13 Thing To Say?"

---------- Post added 05-20-2013 at 06:07 PM ----------

((^.^ anonchop!! What's up?))

anonchop 05-20-2013 10:16 PM

(( Not much! Reading along and really enjoying how things are going! You? ))

Skulduggery 05-20-2013 10:25 PM

((The normal, just got home from Vocal/Guitar lessons. How far have you gotten??))

anonchop 05-20-2013 10:34 PM

(( Just caught up now, actually! Ooh! Vocal/Guitar lessons? That must be fun! :D ))

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