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Staria 06-08-2013 08:18 PM

Hope Acadamy, the struggle for peace! (open and accepting)

Long ago, when humans had only first began to explore such abstracts as right and wrong two magical beings would awaken from a deep slumber within the earth. They were beings of magic and some thought they were equal to gods if not the actual spirits of the planet itself. One was the spirit of all things good, a pure thing that desired to protect life. One was a spirit of all things evil, a corrupted thing that wanted to destroy all it saw. The two were equal in all respects, two halves of the same coin, but with such opposing desires inevitably fought. The two beings battled through the clouds with mystical power but neither could truly win. Instead the battle simply resulted in both beings destruction. Their blood rained over the planet for years as they disintegrated to time, until finally nothing was left of them.

In that blood, power pulsed so despite how it seems things were not truely over. Those it touched were transformed into fantastic creatures and those indirectly exposed such as by drinking tainted water would often give birth to strange beings. The closest to the evil being were called Demons, for they had almost irresistible urges to destroy and felt their power grow from the pain of the innocent. They were the first of the dark races. Those who were closest to the good being were called Angels, for their great powers of healing and purity as well as their instinct to protect. They were the first of the light races. They were not the only beings to appear from this blood, however. Fairies, vampires, elves, mystical kitsune, nymphs, and many more races would form from humans, reborn. Each race would identify with either the light or the dark, fighting throughout the ages. Their bloodlines thinned and 'purebloods' of any race would become rare as they were forced to breed with others outside their race to save themselves from extinction. Even humans, not satisfied being victims or being burdens to the light would find ways and weapons to fight.

As time progressed, however, the races seemed to adapt and change as if the war itself was pushing them too it. Many of the dark learned to control their urges and many of the light began to become more 'earthly' and corruptible until the two seemed to blend into one. Even the humans began to grow tired of the fighting, though their numbers remained plentiful. A fragile peace was formed between the races, as of around a hundred years ago. Still, the pains of so much fighting linger and those lost to either dark urges or too much power risk that peace daily. The races kept their distance from one another in fear, until finally an old Hunter decided the peace could not last that way.

To that end the Hunter has started a school for all races, though they are divided into two classes so that they can learn at times that suit them best. The Hunter hopes that between passing each other on campus and between meeting at school functions that slowly this new generation will learn to form a peace built on friendship rather then sorrow or fear. For the dark races who feel their best at night there are the Night classes and the Moonshadow dorm symbolized by a crescent moon with the shadow of the rest of the moon visible to form a circle. For the light races who feel their best during the day there are the Day classes and the Sunlight dorm symbolized by a golden sun with rays extending from it over a pale blue circle. Each student wears a pin with their dorms symbol on it, except for the prefects who police the campus to prevent fighting who wear a different pin. Their pin has a golden sun similar to the sunlight but with a crescent moon over it's face and is on a dark blue background. The individual lessons go all the way from math and science to alchemy to hand to hand combat in range so that a full high school education can be reached while learning to control one's powers.

The campus itself has a relatively simple layout inside it's tall, brick walls. It architecture is classic and also made mainly of red brick with three distinct buildings. The center most building is the main school building which contains the classrooms and gym on one end with the Cafeteria, nurses office, and other shared facilities on the opposite side. The other two buildings are the Moonshadow and Sunlight dorms which are divided by gender as well as grade with a shared common room at the center. The bulk of the rest of the campus is divided into the large natural forest at the north end and the two gardens at either side of the main gate. The gardens are maintained by both classes in order to encourage interactions and are vary lavish. Both gardens contain a fountain at their heart with benches to sit on beneath sweeping trees. The campus is slightly wild, with an emphasis on natural beauty and with animals roaming the forest at will.

((Note: Clicking on the word Layout will show you a simple map of the campus))

Staria 06-08-2013 08:18 PM


1. All characters must have a weakness.

2. You must use three or more sentences per post.

3. Fill out a simple, short profile sheet located below and pm it to me!

4. If you want to be a race not yet defined please fill out a 'race' form or ask me to do so and we'll collaborate on it. If doing so on your own, just make sure it makes sense with lore and what they are (I.e Water nymphs should probably not have the power to turn into a fire breathing dragon with eye laser beams with ice as their only weakness). . It's just so everyone's on the same page about what it means to be a certain race. I will be relatively loose with this so please don't abuse the privilege.

Staria 06-08-2013 08:19 PM

Profile Forms

If have a picture

~Username’s Characters~

Picture(preferably clickable thumbnail. If you can not provide one just link your picture and I'll handle it)
Race: ( if 'purebreed' or part something else, note that purebloods will have both greater power but be more susceptible to that races weaknesses. Mixed bloods will have more variation in power and not as badly hurt by weaknesses but will also be weaker then purebloods )
Apparent Age: (age they appear when compared to a human being, since in a picture it's not always clear unless they are a child or over eighty.)
Actual Age: (age they are, i.e. number of years they've lived. A year being the cycle it takes for the planet to revolve around the sun.)
Height: (since in pics it's not always clear but you can generally tell whose taller face to face)
Profession: (Night student? Day Student? Teacher? Nurse?)
Powers/Special Abilities:
*Feel free to delete any not necessary/relevant. Also if you feel any physical features are not clear in the picture but want known (such as piercings/scars/etc.) just add the relevant tag from below.

Or if you don’t have a picture

~Username’s Characters~
Race:(if purebreed or part something else, note that purebloods will have both greater power but be more susceptible to that races weaknesses. Mixed bloods will have more variation in power and not as badly hurt by weaknesses but will also be weaker then purebloods )
Apparent Age: (age they appear when compared to a human being.)
Actual Age: (age they are, i.e. number of years they've lived. A year being the cycle it takes for the planet to revolve around the sun just like irl.)
Eye Description/Color:
Hair Description/Color: (color, style, etc)
Skin tone/Color:
Natural Skin Markings or Birthmarks:
Inhuman Features:
Clothing Style:
Profession: (Day student? Night Student? Teacher? Nurse?)
Powers/Special Abilities:
*Feel free to delete any not necessary/relevant

Race Form
Race Origin: (light or dark?)
Typical Race Powers:
Rare or Unusual Race Powers:
Powers Strengthened By: (can be empty)
Powers Weakened By: (can be empty)
Weaknesses: (are they allergic to something? Does iron drain their powers? etc)
Death: (what will cause them to permanently die?)

NOTE: You can suggest whether you consider your race 'light' or 'dark' but keep in mind that I get the final say. Also once your race is submitted it goes into the 'race' post and becomes available for everyone. Also if you want to trust me completely with your race, feel free to just say 'make it for me' and I will.

Staria 06-08-2013 08:21 PM

Known Races
*Note some races overlap in ability, that's okay. If you want to add an ability or something to an existing race, pm me and we'll discuss it! If it makes sense I might just add it in! Right now their aren't many races since we just started so feel free to suggest some!


Name: Human
Race Origin: The only Neutral race and by far the most plentiful. They are allowed to choose their class (night or day) and generally do so based on what type of magic they are most interested in studying.
Typical Race Powers: None
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Cast Spells due to innate magic, Various Psychic abilities, Use Magical objects better then other races due to their neutrality.
Powers Strengthened By: None
Powers Weakened By: None
Weaknesses: Generally slower/weaker then the other races, Allergies, etc.
Death:Age, Disease, blood loss, etc.
Light Races

Name: Angel
Race Origin: Light
Typical Race Powers: Healing, Light Bending, Purification, Winged flight, Increased senses, strength, and agility. They heal very quickly and can speak in any language or to any creature, Immunity to Age, Disease, and most mental powers or powers of corruption. Their presence also increases peaceful and positive emotion(but only purebloods).
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Different elemental power instead of light bending(but no shadow weaving), Empathy, Sense Demons, Sense Spirits/talk to spirits, Sense Auras, telepathy.
Powers Strengthened By: Positive emotion of others, Faith in something greater
Powers Weakened By: Negative emotion of either themselves or others.
Weaknesses: Demonic weapons(heal human slow and frequently scar), Magical Shadow/darkness, cursed objects.
Death: Removal of the head or heart.

Name: Elf
Race Origin: Light
Typical Race Powers: Enhanced senses, enhanced physical condition, and communion with nature
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Cast magic spells(usually related to light or nature), ability to bond to a familiar
Powers Strengthened By: A partner to which they have bonded can strengthen their abilities
Powers Weakened By: None
Weaknesses: As Fay, they are slightly weak to iron, though not quite as much
Death: Typical mortal wounds

Name: Fairy
Race Origin: Light
Typical Race Powers: Control wind/air, plants, or light, Change size, Change between human and Fairy form, winged flight. More agile and faster then humans.
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Illusions, control/speak to animals. Control an element other then above or more then one of above. Regeneration/healing.
Powers Strengthened By: Natural environments.
Powers Weakened By: None
Weaknesses: Intensely Allergic to Iron and other base metals. Touching Iron will burn like fire.
Death: Damage to the heart or head. Any damage done by an Iron weapon has a hard time healing and may result in death. Fire can also burn them up beyond recovery.

Name: Felicasso
Race Origin: Light
Typical Race Powers: Negate energy via absorb magic or reflect the energy back back ( both requires knowing the attack is coming, not automatic), regeneration and immunity to age, remove enchantments (requires focus), Shape-shifting into cat and human related forms, Increased agility and running speed, increased senses, heal under sunlight.
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Cast spells they have 'absorbed', sense energy, sense magic.
Powers Strengthened By: The Sun
Powers Weakened By: The Moon
Weaknesses: They can be hurt by absorbing too much energy as it burns inside them, becoming ill or weak. Also the closer to pure-blood they are the harder it is to maintain a human form over their anthro cat form.
Death: Any mortal wound.

Name: Zenkosune
Race Origin: Light
Typical Race Powers: Shape shift between human and fox forms, cause soothing dreams, wingless flight, slight telekinesis, communicate with spirits, channel spirits, read auras, speak or read any language, see through illusions.
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Create and control mystic lightening/energy or light, heal others through dreams, have visions of the future within dreams.
Powers Strengthened By: None
Powers Weakened By: None
Weaknesses: They are allergic to dogs to the point it affects their powers as well as fear them on instinct and food allergies limiting their diet is common.
Death: Normal Mortal Wounds

Name: Fire Elemental
Race Origin: Light
Typical Race Powers: Fire-bending, immunity to fire, heals when put in contact with fire, and the ability to turn parts or all of themselves into fire
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Being able to manipulate hell-fire/holy-fire, manipulation of light, heat manipulation, limited flight
Powers Strengthened By: Being in the vicinity of a source of heat, or standing in direct sunlight
Powers Weakened By: Cold climates, high humidity, and any water
Weaknesses: Cold, such as ice, and water
Death: Being frozen at 32 degrees Fahrenheit or completely submerged in water for half an hour is enough to kill one. Also being attacked with enough water based attack to cover over half their body can kill them

Name: Thunder Elemental
Race Origin: Light
Typical Race Powers: Control Electricity/Lightening, limited flight, immunity to Electricity/lightening, Static electricity manipulation, heals when put in contact with Electricity/Lightening, and the ability to turn parts or all of themselves into Lightening
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Being able to call/control thunder storms. Teleport through electrical lines. Control technological devices that run on electricity with a touch.
Powers Strengthened By: High humidity, thunderstorms, rain, high static electricity levels.
Powers Weakened By: Woody areas, tight spaces, covered areas, and rubber. Earth based creatures also have higher resistance to them.
Weaknesses: Earth based magical attacks cause intense damage (vine or stone).
Death: Being buried in earth or trapped in a stagnate place long enough (such as a metal room without any air escaping) or attacked with enough earth based attacks to cover over half their body.

Name: Vine Elemental
Race Origin: Light
Typical Race Powers: Control and create Plants, immunity to Vine/plant/poison based magic, heals when exposed to water, and the ability to turn parts or all of themselves into Vines.
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Communicate with plants and sense a plants medical use. Withdraw into the earth and pop out another place. Heal plant life or by boosting the power of medical herbs heal other living beings, it uses up the herb in the process.
Powers Strengthened By: High humidity, Water, sunlight.
Powers Weakened By: Cold or dry air.
Weaknesses: Cold and dry air makes it harder for them to move or even think clearly.
Death: Entrapping them in fire or ice for over thirty minutes or attacked with enough fire/ice based attacks to cover over half their body.

Name: Water Elemental
Race Origin: Light
Typical Race Powers: Water-Bending, immunity to water based magic, heals when exposed to water, and the ability to turn parts or all of themselves into Water. Breath Under water.
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Use the water in a living beings body to heal them. See the future in moonlit water, or use water to see another place upon the earth as a 'viewing' mirror. Travel through water ways to essentially 'teleport'. Control Ice or create 'boiling' water to burn others.
Powers Strengthened By: High humidity, rain, storms.
Powers Weakened By: Dry, hot, or static filled air. Rocky places with little water or plant life.
Weaknesses: Being frozen will essentially put them into 'hibernation' until unfrozen by another. Electric/lightening based attacks also can render them unconscious by 'over loading' them with energy.
Death: Entrapping them in lightening/electricity for over thirty minutes or attacked with enough lightening/Electric based attacks to cover over half their body.

Name: Light Elemental
Race Origin: Light
Typical Race Powers: Light-bending, immunity to Light based magic, heals when under sunlight, and the ability to turn parts or all of themselves into Light.
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Being able to create complex, partially solid illusions. Teleport through sunlight touched spots. Phase through Objects.
Powers Strengthened By: Sunlight and Moonlight
Powers Weakened By: Shadows
Weaknesses: They need to sunbathe frequently to stay at full power.
Death: Being confined in a dark place for twenty four hours with no natural light or attacked with enough shadow based attacks to cover over half their body.

Name: Forest Nymph
Race Origin: Light
Typical Race Powers: Turn into a Tree. Hide inside plants. Control trees, speak with both trees and animals, as well as read place memories via touch. They are also unnaturally beautiful and graceful.
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Control any plant life, control dirt/earth/soil, seduce those whose sexual preference would find them attractive using a combination of dance and song.
Powers Strengthened By: Being in their 'home' area, their home area being damaged.
Powers Weakened By: Being far from home, but only slightly.
Weaknesses: They must carry a piece of their home (a rock, a leaf, etc) with them at all times in order to step out of their area or they will literally turn into a stone statue until returned to their home.
Death: Any mortal wound if they can not return to their home area to heal. They are also very susceptible to fire, toxins, pollution, and poisons.

Dark Races

Name: Demon
Race Origin: Dark
Typical Race Powers: Shadow Weaving or Fire bending, Winged flight, Increased senses, strength, and agility. Shape-shifting into humanoid or animal forms, Seduction, Immunity to Age and disease.
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Different elemental power instead of Shadow weaving or Fire(but no light weaving), Telepathy, Manipulate Emotion, Illusion, Sense Spirits. Their presence also increases hostile and negative emotion(but only purebloods).
Powers Strengthened By: Negative emotion of others, Pain of others, Chaos.
Powers Weakened By: Light
Weaknesses: Angelic weapons(heal human slow and frequently scar), Magical Light, Blessed objects.
Death: Removal of the head or heart.

Name: Drow
Race Origin: Dark
Typical Race Powers: Enhanced senses, enhanced physical condition and intelligence
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Cast Magic spells (usually of a darker nature), communication with nature (especially dark/nocturnal creatures), ability to bond to a familiar
Powers Strengthened By: A partner to which they have bonded can strengthen their abilities
Powers Weakened By: None
Weaknesses: As Fay, they are slightly weakened by iron, though not as much as actual fairies
Death: Typical mortal wounds

Name: Vampire
Race Origin: Dark
Typical Race Powers: Manipulate blood, Create Illusions, Various Psychic Powers including Telekinesis, Have power over the minds of those they bite. They also heal quickly when they consume blood. They also have increased senses, speed, strength, and agility. They are also immune to age and disease.
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Control an Element, Speak to and control an animal species, shape-shifting into animals.
Powers Strengthened By: Being full, Blood from magical beings or psychically gifted humans.
Powers Weakened By: Sunlight, Magical light, Starvation.
Weaknesses: They have a slight allergy to sunlight, making them sunburn easier as well as have their powers weaken when exposed until they rest in shadow long enough. They also require feeding on other creatures in order to live (either blood or in rare cases psychic energy).
Death: Removal of the head or Heart. They also can't heal from burns so that can be deadly.

Name: Magilepus
Race Origin: Dark
Typical Race Powers: Cast Spells, Enchant items, Shape-shifting into rabbit and human related forms, regeneration and immunity to age, Increased senses, Increased agility and jumping ability, heal under moonlight.
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Empathy, Increase magical ability or the power of spells, Increase feelings of lust or love, Increase fertility and purify bloodlines, use the moonlight to create illusions or reveal truth.
Powers Strengthened By: The Moon
Powers Weakened By: The Sun
Weaknesses: They are easily tired when they use their abilities. Also the closer to pure-blood they are the harder it is to maintain a human form over their anthro bunny form.
Death: Any mortal wound.

Name: Kitsuyako
Race Origin: Dark
Typical Race Powers: Shape shift between human and fox forms, cause torturous nightmares, wingless flight, slight telekinesis, speak or read any language, turn invisible, create illusions.
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Create dark fire or shadow, drain energy through dreams to temporarily boost their own power, hurt others through nightmares though not severely and only the weak willed, evoke physical sensation through dreams or illusions.
Powers Strengthened By: None
Powers Weakened By: None
Weaknesses: They are allergic to dogs to the point it affects their powers as well as fear them on instinct and food allergies limiting their diet is common.
Death: Normal Mortal Wounds.

Name: Therian or Were (individual species vary, Werewolves are the most common)
Race Origin: Dark
Typical Race Powers: Superior senses and physical abilities. Fast healing, Animal shape-shifting related to their beast, Understand animals related to their kind, strong spiritual senses. Communicate with other therians via their beast. They are also immune to most diseases.
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Ability to dominate animals or even spiritually weaker therians, Venomous bites. Control their pheromones to seduce others. Send out their 'beast self' astrally to do various tasks, though most can't make the beast actually physical and all with this ability leave their bodies helpless when doing so. Pheramone control (make themselves 'smell' like the opposite gender, make themselves feel more attractive, etc.)
Powers Strengthened By: Moonlight, but the full moon also increases their bloodlust. They also can gain power, sometimes permanently in the case of purebloods, by eating the flesh of other therians and magical creatures. This for obvious reasons creates tension between the various therian blood lines.
Powers Weakened By: None
Weaknesses: Silver, Wolfsbane.
Death: Removal of the head or heart. They can also be poisoned by either of their weaknesses.

Name: Mimic
Race Origin: Dark
Typical Race Powers: Shapeshifting, enhanced physical condition (strength, durability, etc.), and the ability to regrow any organ at the cost of some body mass
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Temporary duplication, slight manipulation of size
Powers Strengthened By: None
Powers Weakened By: None
Weaknesses: Being confined will limit their shapeshifting abilities
Death: Typical methods of killing something, though they must be kept from regenerating any important organ, such as the heart or brain

Name: Shade
Race Origin: dark
Typical Race Powers: letting ones body 'melt' into shadows to hide, escape, or observe without being seen by anyone
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: extremely powerful shades can control the shadows of others therefor controlling the persons movements, if they are weak willed*
(Note only allowed to npc's(to be used by or against) and only with my permission. I'm not allowing this ability for playing characters at the moment. it exists for plot not play until further notice.)
Powers Strengthened By: cloud cover, night time
Powers Weakened By: bright lights
Weaknesses: direct sunlight
Death: when exposed to bright lights or sunlight they are forced to remain in their physical bodies, which can be killed by any mortal wounds

Name: Wind Elemental
Race Origin: Dark
Typical Race Powers: Wind-weaving, immunity to wind/sound based magic, heals when exposed to clean fresh air, and the ability to turn parts or all of themselves into Air. Wingless Flight.
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Use weather magic, Cast spells through Song, Attack with sound magic. Imitate other's voices as well as throw their own. Create a poisonous gas but it hurts them as well as their enemies making it essentially a 'suicide' attack.
Powers Strengthened By: Natural Wind, Storms
Powers Weakened By: Stagnant Air, polluted air.
Weaknesses: Ice or stone can trap them, Fire can suck enough oxygen that they are forced to take solid form and loose many of their powers.
Death: Entrapping them in stone for over thirty minutes or attacked with enough ice, stone, or fire based attacks to cover over half their body.

Name: Ice Elemental
Race Origin: Dark
Typical Race Powers: Ice Bending, Water Bending, immunity to water/ice based magic, heals when exposed to water, and the ability to turn parts or all of themselves into ice.
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Use cold weather based magic, manipulate the temperature, control the cold northern winds.
Powers Strengthened By: Cold air, overcast weather, rain.
Powers Weakened By: Bright sunlight, hot or dry air.
Weaknesses: Fire can damage them the same way as a mortal.
Death: Entrapping them in fire for over thirty minutes or attacked with enough fire based attacks to cover over half their body.

Name: Stone Elemental
Race Origin: Dark
Typical Race Powers: Stone Magic, immunity to Stone/Earth based magic, heals when buried in the earth, and the ability to turn parts or all of themselves into stone.
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Control Vine magic, disappear into the earth and pop up somewhere else, sense ore and use it to create items, control and sense gemstones. Use gemstones to amplify their magic or abilities.
Powers Strengthened By: None.
Powers Weakened By: Rain.
Weaknesses: Sound, wind, and water based magic can hurt them very badly.
Death: Entrapping them in water for over thirty minutes or attacked with enough water based attacks to cover over half their body.

Name: Metal Elemental
Race Origin: Dark
Typical Race Powers: Metal Magic, immunity to Metal/Stone based magic, heals when buried in the earth, and the ability to turn parts or all of themselves into Metal.
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Control Stone magic, disappear into the earth and pop up somewhere else, sense ore and use it to create items, technopathy, manipulate metal devices. Track someone through their metal jewelry, enchant metal jewelry.
Powers Strengthened By: None.
Powers Weakened By: Rain and humidity.
Weaknesses: Fire and water based magic can hurt them very badly. They can not heal from fire based attacks at all.
Death: Entrapping them in fire or water for over thirty minutes or attacked with enough fire or water based attacks to cover over half their body.


Name: Shadow Elemental
Race Origin: Dark
Typical Race Powers: Shadow-bending, immunity to Shadow based magic, heals when in deep shadows, and the ability to turn parts or all of themselves into Shadow.
Rare or Unusual Race Powers: Being able to create complex, partially solid illusions. Teleport through shadows. Track a person by tracking their shadow. Phase through Objects.
Powers Strengthened By: Shadows
Powers Weakened By: Sunlight
Weaknesses: They need to retreat to dark spaces to retain their full power
Death: Being confined beneath strong sunlight for more then six hours or attacked with enough light based attacks to cover over half their body.

Staria 06-08-2013 08:22 PM

The Teachers


Name: Ciela Hope
Race: Half human, Half unknown.
Apparent Age: Mid twenties
Actual Age: Unknown
Height: 5'10
Profession: Teacher, she teaches various language arts, alchemy, and spell casting related classes.
Powers/Special Abilities: Manipulate air and wind, telekinesis, wingless flight, cast spells with the power of her voice. She is an expert in Alchemy.
Personality: She is calm and always in control, exactly what you'd expect in the Hunter's daughter. She dreams of a day everyone gets along and works studiously to that end. Her most glaring flaw is she has no sense of humor, which makes her a stern disciplinarian. She takes everything in life very seriously but does genuinely care about her students.

~Kilia’s Characters~
Name: Ryota Shiro Nukimura
Race: Magilepus
Apparent Age: 25 years old
Actual Age: Lost track after a hundred years
Eye Description/Color: Violet eyes with some blue lightning streaks in them to make them pop even more
Hair Description/Color: long black hair with neon streaks in it, is also wavy.
Skin tone/Color: Mocha colored
Height: 6'2'', in anthro form 5 feet 11 inches to the tip of his ears
Build: Athletic Build
Scars/Tattoos: has a few scars across his back
Piercings: several piercings, in a unmentionable place, even has one ear pierced in several places, secretly has a belly ring also.
Natural Skin Markings or Birthmarks:
has a mole by his right eye
Inhuman Features: In even his human form he has fangs but no one notices considering his slightly larger front two teeth. In his true form, an anthro form, he has a rabbit head instead of a human head, has more of paws for hands then actual human hands, also has digitigrade feet in his human like rabbit form. He is also covered in black with neon designs it is rather silky feeling, clearly he takes very good care of it.
Clothing Style: Wears a robe since it is the only thing he is comfortable wearing even as a human
Profession: Art Teacher
Powers/Special Abilities: Cast Spells, Enchant items, Shape-shifting into rabbit and human related forms, Increased senses, Increased agility and jumping ability, heal under moonlight. Increase magical ability, increase fertility and purify bloodlines, use the moonlight to create illusions or reveal truth.
Personality: Ryota is hard to describe, it isn't your normal rabbit person, timid doesn't cut it because he isn't timid. He is quiet, likes to analyze things, fresh, lively, charming, grouchy once in a while, practical, and always interesting. He is someone who's constantly is reading something or working on something.He is also kind, considerate, and understanding, someone who will try and help or cheer his friends up.

The Students of Sunlight
Those descended from the being of light, the so called 'Day Class'


Name: Iris 'Iri' Tien
Race: Fairy (Not quite pure-blood)
Apparent Age: Late teens
Actual Age: 16
Height: 5'7
Profession: Student
Powers/Special Abilities: Control plants, Change size, Change between human and Fairy form, winged flight. She is also more agile and faster then humans and regenerates/heals faster.
Personality: She is open and cheerful, honest to a fault. She loves to help people and can generally be found in the garden. She can be a little naive and often won't 'get the joke' or other subtle inferences in people's speech. She is also easily embarrassed which will result in a small period of shyness before she goes back to being her outgoing self. She is also very tolerant and stubborn when it comes to friendships, determined to get along with others. She is one of the few to easily get along with the Were-leopard Pure-blood, Senka.

Name: Talka 'Tay' Aruzhan
Race: ¾ felicasso, ¼ human
Apparent Age: Late teens
Actual Age: 15
Height: 5'6''
Eye Color/Description: Sapphire blue with cat like slits
Hair Color: A vivid gold with a single black streak
Fur Color: Silver with black spots and markings
Skin color: Pale, creamy peach with a slight silver tint
Profession: Day Student
Powers/Special Abilities: She can absorb magic (but not negate it, she must release it at some point) or reflect the energy back back (only after absorbing), she often has physical consequences due to absorbing magic and energy however unlike most Felicasso. She also has the usual regeneration and immunity to age, remove enchantments on items she touches, Shape-shifting into cat and human related form. She has increased agility and running speed, increased senses, and heal under sunlight. She can also cast spells and sense magic.
Personality: She can be a little flirty regardless of gender and seems to enjoy teasing people while generally confidently enjoying herself. She is a bit of a day dreamer but seems to pay attention when it counts. She also does surprisingly well in school suggesting there's a lot more intelligence behind her, she just doesn't seem to care enough unless it has to do with learning a spell or having fun with people. Still, despite being very social and outgoing she doesn't always seem to be focusing on the people she's with. She does seem to understand people very well, however, even if she doesn't necessarily act on it.


~Angelo’s Character~
Click on thumbnail for full view
Name: Aduran Lanowyn
Race: Elf; Pure-blooded
Apparent Age: Early teens
Actual Age: 16
Height: 5’4
Profession: Student
Powers/Special Abilities: Enhanced physical condition (strength, durability, speed, etc.), senses, has bonded with an American Kestrel, and makes use of nature magic
Personality: Aduran is a cheerful, inquisitive kind of guy. He loves being around people and learning more about them and life in general. Like most of his race, he is driven in everything he does, making him a top student, and, as labeled by others, a teacher’s pet. While most would assume that his popularity and ease in school would leave him little time for social events and fun in general, they would be very, very wrong. Often times, Aduran can be put up to doing something crazy and ridiculous merely because he wondered what it would feel like.


~Momochan's Character~
Click on thumbnail for full view
Name: Mina Miko
Race: Purbreed Forest Nymph (cherry blossom tree)
Apparent Age: late teens
Actual Age: 17
Height: 5'4"
Profession: Student
Powers/Special Abilities: She has the usual powers of a forest Nymph and the ability to control plants.
Personality: Mina is bubbly, sweet, and very sociable. She can be very hyper and sometimes random. She's also very innocent and can be dense sometimes. Very Happy go lucky. The wooden bit on her necklace is a bit of bark from her tree. She always wears this necklace.

Name: Lacy Hallowell
Race: Zenkosune
Apparent Age: 16
Actual Age: 16
Height: 5 feet 5 inches
Profession: Day Student
Powers/Special Abilities: Shape shift between human and fox forms, cause soothing dreams, wingless flight, slight telekinesis, communicate with spirits, channel spirits, read auras, speak or read any language, see through illusions. Create and control mystic light, heal others through dreams, have visions of the future within dreams.
Personality: Lacy is a kind and caring person, the violence that seems to plague everyone is lost on her. Violence is just not in her nature even though she is a Zenkosune. She is rather emotional, people can read her like an open book. She is not two faced as most think of her, if she says something about someone behind their back she is just as quick to say it to their face. She can be honest to a fault, she means well and never intends to hurt anyone's feelings but it does not mean that it doesn't happen. When she does hurt someone's feelings she takes it to heart, she beats her self up over it until she is one hundred percent positive that they forgiven her. What most people don't know is that she is clinically depressed.
Eye Color: Blue Grey
Distinguishing markings:has a mole by her right eye, also has a tattoo on her upper/front of her shoulder, has a tattoo on the back of her neck also has various faint scars, has one on the back of her head from surgery

The Students of Moonshadow
Those descended from the being of darkness, the so called 'Night Class'


Name: Adela Talonn
Race: Were-leopard (panther variant) Pureblood
Apparent Age: Late teens
Actual Age: 16
Height: 5'8
Profession: Student
Powers/Special Abilities: Fast Healing, Extremely fast, strong, and agile. She also has very keen senses both physically and spiritually. She is also able to shape-shift into various leopard related forms and astrally project her beast. She is one of the few who can make her beast solid but any injury to her beast causes injury to her body which cannot use it's quick healing abilities without her beast and risks her loosing control of her Therian appetite once she returns to her body. She can also communicate with all manner of cat.
Personality: As a pure-blood and a female she comes from the kind of powerful, well off family you'd expect. Due to this she is graceful, lovely, and well mannered but much of what she says and does comes off as a little cold as if she's holding everyone else at arms length. She does have a mischievous streak but it rarely shows, except for the occasional practical joke or the teasing lilt of something she says. She gets good grades but does not appear to get along well with her family. She sees the school as a way to get away from them in fact.


Name: Kerian Hughes
Race: Vampire (Energy)
Apparent Age: Late Teens
Actual Age: 16
Height: 5'9
Profession: Night Student
Powers/Special Abilities: Increased senses, speed, strength, and agility. Immune to age and disease, and has some slight psychic abilities.
Personality: Rather laid back and easy going, can be quick to react violently to some situations instead of trying to talk things out first. He has no memories of his life before his vampire powers manifested, and was taken in by a very wealthy man named Albert Alexander Hughes. Kerian likes power metal and playing guitar, he also sees the school as largely unnecessary and a waste of his time.


Name: Lune Astrea
Race: Were-dove Nobleblood (not quite Pureblood)
Apparent Age: Early teens
Actual Age: 16
Height: 5'4
Profession: Night Student
Powers/Special Abilities: Pheromone control, immune to most diseases, able to communicate with most birds, she is very quick and very agile.
Personality: Lune is obedient and submissive. A perfect well behaved young lady, whose parents intend to marry her up to a pure blooded, powerful family. Lune's family is mainly of the wolf variety but due to some discrepancies in the far distant past, every few generations a genetic anomaly pops up from that past discrepancy. Boys are generally killed and the females usually married off, to try and breed it out of their genes


~Angelo’s Character~
Click on thumbnail for full view
Name: Naphthalia (Tali) Paendrag
Race: Drow; Pure-blooded
Apparent Age: Early teens
Actual Age: 15
Height: 4’11
Hair: Her hair is actually pure white; the darkness in the picture comes from the shadows.
Profession: Student
Powers/Special Abilities: Enhanced physical condition (strength, durability, speed, etc.), senses, and intelligence, has bonded with an Egyptian Fruit Bat, and uses dark magic
Personality: Like most of the Drow, Tali can be very anti-social and set in her ways. This often leads to others thinking of her as arrogant or bratty, but the truth is merely that she has a hard time opening up. In fact, most Drow share similar traits due to the rigidity of their culture and society as a whole. Once a person gets to know her, they see that she really isn’t all that bad, even if her abilities as a Warlock tend to be more… evil than not. She’d definitely never use her powers to hurt her friends and would use them to their utmost to protect those close to her.


Name: Sincerity Mamoru "Ceri"
Race: Shade
Apparent Age: 17
Actual Age: 105
Height: 5'2"
Profession: Night Student
Powers/Special Abilities: melds her body into shadows, incredibly agile
A little flirty, a lot secretive. Ceri doesn't let many people close to her, but when she does she trusts them with all her heart. When people get to know her, they find that she's actually quite sweet with a gentle heart.
Ceri has a pet snake that she carries around with her, usually wrapped around her neck/shoulders or around her arm, named Rini.

Name: Hunter Miyuzaki
Race: Pureblood Kitsuyako
Apparent Age: 17
Actual Age: 17
Height: Five feet
Profession: Night student
Powers/Special Abilities: Shape shift between human and fox forms, cause torturous nightmares, wingless flight, slight telekinesis, speak or read any language, turn invisible, create illusions, create dark fire, evoke physical sensation through dreams or illusions.
Personality: Hunter is generally mysterious,kind of a dark, brooding type. A lot of girls like him, but he pays them no mind.He is usually seen with a sketchbook in hand and ear-buds in, lost in his own world.The one thing he really takes seriously is his training, and learning to use his powers. Many claim to have seen him in dreams, but it has never been proven.


Name: Skylark (Hex) Manson
Race: Shadow Elemental With Shade Relations.
Apparent Age: Appears about 15-16
Actual Age: 16
Eye Description/Color: Ice/Electric Blue
Hair Description/Color: Shoulder length black hair, that has a slight violet tint to it. He will have various colored streaks/bangs at times.
Skin tone/Color: Fair Skinned
Height: 5ft 7inch
Build: Slender built, he has muscles, though they are not overpowering, or readily apparent.
Scars/Tattoos: His family Crest on the back of his right shoulder.
Piercings: His Ears
Natural Skin Markings or Birthmarks: N/A
Inhuman Features: N/A
Clothing Style: His style is typically dark and unique. Color choices typically stay within shades of black, blue and purples. He never wears white.
Profession: Night Student
Powers/Special Abilities: He is able to 'melt' into shadows to hide, escape, or observe without being seen by anyone for short periods of time and is immune to shadow magic. He is able to bend his own shadow or those around him to his will, creating various illusions/forms/weapons/etc. His healing is heightened/quickened while in shadows or darkness. He hears the 'voices' of shadows around him as well, mainly his own.
Personality: Skylark is often seen as cold and uncaring or aloof. He is strong willed and hearted, as well as confident within himself as a person and his personal abilities. He does not always share this confidence in his powers, due to family history. He is bold and blunt, most often despite the consequences. He is honest, seeing no point in lying or "beating around the bush". He has a temper at times, especially when faced with arrogance, cockiness or those who rely on or use others solely for their own gain, rather than relying on their own strength. He does have a kinder side, though typically is is buried deep and hard to see due to past experiences with people. He is a good listener, often easy to talk to despite his nature, a trait he does not always enjoy. He will give everything he has to protect those he cares about, even if it means risking himself. He is naturally complicated, in many aspects of his personality and more will be revealed through interactions with others.

Staria 06-08-2013 08:23 PM

We're Open!

The current weather is overcast and it is the first day of school. Classes are currently not in session due to it being a day for everyone to get use to the campus. *

((*Note: This will be changed accordance with the rp, again so everyone's on the same page ^.^ .))

Staria 06-09-2013 12:27 AM


Instructor Ciela Hope

The tall woman walked briskly into the main office, a stern expression on her features. She always looked that way, though, and none of the other staff seemed particularly surprised to see her. Only the helpful secretary at the main desk even bothered to wave at her as always and as always Ciela barely lifted her arm in a sharp motion that was probably meant to be a wave. She didn't even really pause in her steps which rapidly carried her through the door at the back of the room which led to her private office. By now she was sure all the files she'd requested would be on her desk.

She soon was relaxed in her comfortable chair and her reading glasses were perched on her nose in less then a second. She had managed to escape most other human ailments and weaknesses to her knowledge but her eyesight required she wear glasses to read. She was proud of her human heritage all the same, as it was what connected her to the Hope Academy who had been founded by her father. Her father was not one for administration, however, so ultimately the task had fallen to her once she was old enough to do it. She took the job very seriously, as she did everything really, and it had become only natural. Now she went a little above and beyond however, which is where the files came in.

They held various information on new coming students from their family background to known abilities. Some of the files were also updated versions of older students who had shown a new power or had a change in their family background. She paused on one such file, that of one of the Pure-bloods at her school. She wasn't sure it counted as a change really...... Adela Talonn had trouble with her family again. The only new thing was she'd managed to get another student involved to stay over the summer with said student instead of going home. There was also a letter from her parents gripping about what Ms. Hope was teaching her that would make her so stubborn as if it was actually something new. Ciela had done her research, however, so knew it was more posturing and that Adela had been like that far before she arrived here. She sighed and muttered 'fools' under her breath as she rubbed the bridge of her nose..... unsure whether she was referring to Adela or the Talonns...


Adela Talonn

Adela sat in the garden, her dark red hair pulled into an elegant partial up-do and her mismatched eyes distant. She appeared to be watching a butterfly landing on the fountain and she half was. It was a minor curiosity, most of the time the crashing water would have kept such a thing away. She didn't think too hard about it, however, as this place was so strange compared to the rest of the more human populated world that little surprised her. She suspected that the teachers had spells cast all over the place but she couldn't say for sure. She just knew the magical energy of this place made her inner beast tingle and want to run! How very unlady-like...

"Mother would be so proud." She muttered to herself with amusement, her pale eyes of gold and blue glittered with excitement at the thought. She was almost tempted to do it.... but it went against her nature. Watch, Wait, was who she was. An oddity in her beast driven, dominance controlled world back home. She could care less of course, as she wanted more then to marry and carry on the pure-blood line. It's resistance to age and increased power made it so desirable to others... but she had no intention of being a pawn in that game. No... She would run the game right into the ground before she was anyone's pawn. Still, there were a handful of people who she kept close, simply because they had no interest in using her. She could hear the steps of one such person now.

"My, that was fast Dear Iris. Did they have the cherry?" She asked quietly, her tone slightly warmer then earlier if still as elegant as always. She tilted her head slightly to look at the familiar fairy, just in time to see the other girl blush. Adela was not one to give out compliments really, so it had likely surprised the fay who was so easy to embarrass. The were-leopard couldn't help but chuckle at the other girl and simply inclined her head towards the seat next to her to indicate the fay should sit. She was surprised really, just how loving and cooperative the fairy was. So easy to get anything.... Adela couldn't help but tease her.


Iris 'Iri' Tien

"Yeah..... Oh and 'Ela, I found a new flower for you. Its as gold as your eye!" She responded cheerfully, even if she blushed a little bit. It was strange to hear a compliment from the stony noblewoman who was such her opposite of the petite fairy in every way but it made her happy all the same. Adela was even the only person to actually refer to her by her full name of Iris other then the teachers, when Iri was informal with everyone and liked nicknames. Adela was confident and bold, Iri was easily embarrassed and sometimes a little shy. Adela kept to herself, Iri wanted to know everyone. Everything about Adela was refined and controlled, while Iri just liked to have fun and make people happy. It was amazing sometimes that they were friends, even if it was more Iri's persistent that made them so. Iri had never expected to meet such a woman, especially not among therians... then again the rather sheltered Iri had only really run into was some wild independent ones who existed outside the pack orders and were trespassing in her people's forest. Iri liked Adela much better and in deed wanted to understand her, even if she didn't always understand what she said.

She smiled softly as the other woman took the cherry slushie which pulled her from her inner musings, as it reminded her that she had learned one thing. The Lady loved cherries and cherry flavored things. Iri preferred plums herself, but it was something she had learned. She also knew the woman loved pretty things and such a truly gold flower as what she had found was indeed beautiful so Adela accepted it with a simple nod. Iri smiled softly and began to weave the delicate flower into the braid that led to the bun up towards the back of the woman's head. She soon had it well pressed into the hair and smiled before she took her place next to the other woman. She knew no one else would have likely been allowed to do get that close and it always made her wonder why she was so trusted compared to others... oh well. She spotted something that distracted her from her musings about her odd friend.

"Oh look! A butterfly..." She said softly and began to chat about it to Adel who merely nodded now and then to indicate she was listening. Iri unable to keep a little awe out of her voice as she talked of the butterfly her friend had been watching. She couldn't believe how close to the water it was or how delicate and bright it's pattern. She complimented the butterfly as she dug into her coat and retrieved her art supplies. She began to sketch it quickly, knowing it would give her an inspiration for her flower arrangements as it's wings were almost as intricate as a fairy's. She often prepared them, sometimes even for students who wanted to buy them. That was in fact how she'd met Adela and slowly got close to her. She finished the butterfly quickly with her skilled hands and soon was focused on such an arrangements design.

Angelo 06-09-2013 05:01 PM

Blinking her violet eyes in the painfully bright light, despite the overcast day even, Tali reached into her satchel and pulled out a pair of sunglasses, human devices that were amazingly capable of reducing the glare and overall brightness of the surface world. Her parents, of course, would have flipped if they had been able to see her wearing such accessories. They had been the ones to insist upon her wearing something "becoming" on her first day back. The black dress she had chosen was relatively light, so she didn't get too warm in the bright sunlight, and adorned with a spider-web design. The spider necklace complimented the design perfectly. Personally, she couldn't wait to throw the dress into the back of her closet and forget about it.

The gate opened easily before her, a faint sense of magic emanating from the action. It was quite possible that the gate was enchanted to recognize those attending the school and open accordingly, though any remnants of a spell were long faded. Still, she found it fascinating, wishing that she had more time to study it and see if she could figure out the spell that had been used originally.

Upon entering the courtyard itself, she noticed two students sitting on a bench near the fountain. She recognized both immediately, relieved that they weren't people that had participated in the spreading of rumours last year concerning her powers. Most Drow were looked upon rather poorly as a whole, which was fair considering they were well known for their cruel and devious nature. Still, not all Drow were like that, and it was rather hard to go day to day with people whispering behind her back.

The bat on her shoulder, Bast, clicked a few times before jumping off and flying into the garden. The bond had adjusted his circadian clock to be a more diurnal creature, though he still preferred the night over the day. Right now, he was merely hungry, and had scented several types of fruit in the garden. He would probably end up roosting near her dorm afterwards, waiting until nighttime to spend much time flying.

As she approached the other two students, she noticed a bright spot of color on the fountain. She frowned a bit at the beautiful insect. The previous year, she had panicked upon seeing one and burned it to a crisp. It really hadn't been her fault. Anything that bright in the Twilight Forest was either incredibly poisonous or attached to something larger. Though she had been trying to keep people safe, they hadn't been very sparing with their ridicule. A part of her briefly wondered if either would remember the incident, but figured that they probably wouldn't. It hadn't been that big of a deal after all.

Courage failing her, she passed by the two without a word, merely nodding towards them. Speaking to people seemed to be the real challenge in the school. It always seemed so impossible to her that anyone could just walk up to a person they didn't know and talk to them. Where was the subtlety in that? It really made no sense in the first place. But people did it, and so she walked by, mentally kicking herself for her weakness.

Walking through the gardens, Aduran stopped to speak to a peach tree, taking its fruit only after permission. Speaking and being in touch with nature was a gift that the elves with which the elves had been blessed, though it wasn't nearly as potent as a Dryad's ability. Still, it was nice to be able to communicate with a flower or a tree and gain an understanding of the simplicity of life; they had no concerns really, and it was rather liberating.

He was rather easy to spot among the foliage due to his white clothing. A simple robe that befit his station as a Druid-in-training among his people. It was ornamented with gold thread, but not overly so. The clouds in the sky muted the light and made the effect even less noticeable, while it would be rather resplendent on a bright and sunny afternoon. The only other thing he wore was his necklace shaped like the head of a stag. It was his totem animal, which offered him several abilities as a Druid through magic, such as increasing his speed for short bursts.

His hawk, Horus, followed behind rather closely, flitting from branch to branch nearby as it searched for it's typical prey: mice, lizards, and small insects. While Aduran was personally a vegetarian, as were most of his race due to their connection with nature, he understood that the natural order of animals was for the predator to hunt, and consume, the prey. There was a savage beauty in the circle.

His contemplation was interrupted by a brown streak flying towards the trees, which he recognized as Tali's companion. The two of them had a sort of rivalry, or at least that's what he thought. He had tried to be friendly before, but she had usually rebuffed his attempts with stony silence or the occasional shaking of the head. Warm was certainly not a word that described her at all.

Shrugging, he whistled to Horus, who chirped back and flew off in search of breakfast while he exited the garden, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. The first thing he saw was Adela and Iris sitting on a bench in front of a fountain. Iris was sketching a butterfly that sat on the fountain, a curiosity with the noise of the water. He walked up behind them with a smile, glad to have some company on the first day back.

"Hello there, Adela. Iris. How are you this morning? Did you enjoy your summer vacation?" he asked, smiling as he stepped around to the front. He offered his hand for a handshake. "That's a beautiful flower in your hair, Adela. It compliments you marvelously." Hopefully she would take the compliment as it was intended and not as a reason to leave. Her coldness towards others was as famous as Tali's.

Staria 06-09-2013 09:24 PM


Adela Talonn

Absently Adela continued her rather passive nods and occasional muttered agreement to Iri as she sensed a presence nearby. Those odd mismatched eyes flickered to the drow woman, her eyes briefly thoughtful. The girl had seemed as if she wished to talk but had decided not to. It was not any of her concern but Iris would likely be foolish and try to get the girl to speak. Oh well, the girl would do what it was in her nature to do. She doubted the innocent girl would get herself hurt with the drow, she was no brightly colored butterfly. The elf had just been lucky the butterfly hadn't been one of the fairies in their mini form or there may have been an ......incident.

Still, she did give the drow a nod despite her cold thoughts. She doubted any quiet she had would have lasted long.... there was already someone else approaching. Elf from the scent... oh yes, Audran. Day student, intelligent, cheerful, but a bit too inquisitive for his own good. Iri she didn't mind because Iri, bless her heart, was naive and emotional enough she had no fear of her ever interrupting anything.... hell even her practical jokes the girl went along with when Adela tired of playing her perfect role. Audran she doubted would be quite so easy. Still, she didn't hate him, she merely kept her distance as she did with most people she didn't find useful or someone rare like Iri who suited her company. Of course, those few who knew Adela's elegance hid a much more ruthless nature such as Ms. Hope did not believe Iri was an exception but just another Adela intended to use. Oh well, Ms. hope had never much approved of Adela to begin with and Adela had even less use for her then she did for Audran.

"Thank you.... It was a gift from our chief flower arranger so perhaps your compliments should go to her?" She suggested to him softly in that cultured careful voice of her as she gave him one of her cold smiles which never seemed to quite reach her eyes. She inclined her head slightly in a nod to give him some acknowledgement however before her gaze moved off to the animals in the trees. She never did understand why he insisted on attempting to talk to her. Then again she hadn't particularly understood why Iri had been so insistent either. Such a sweet little thing... she'd be so hurt if she knew that Adela had to constantly fight her instincts to rip off her wings and watch her squirm.


Iris 'Iri' Tien

Iris had just peaked over her drawing when she spotted a drow. She sighed softly, to her the other girl always seemed so lonely... yet afraid to let someone in. She sat her drawing to the side, her gaze on the drow's gleaming white hair. She was torn between the urge to keep Adela company and to try once again to talk to the drow. She was too gentle a heart to watch sorrow and do nothing. Still, before she could stand, however, she heard a familiar voice. He was someone whose cheer gave her a run for a moment and she turned to give him a beaming smile. She loved good friends and he seemed like he'd be one. It'd be rude to leave now...

"It was great! I got 'Ela to stay over. I.... I didn't do anything s...special finding the flower though. How about you? How was your summer?" She responded to the elf cheerfully, though she blushed deeply at the way Adela refereed to her. Still, her embarrassment didn't stop her from giving the other woman a disappointed look as she refereed to the other so coldly. She knew that the woman had said she didn't like 'loud' people but she didn't understand why she insisted on staying so distant from people. She knew 'Ela could be nice when she wanted to, but it just didn't seem to be worth the bother to her. Oh well, there would be no reaction to her look she knew so she glanced towards the elf once more with those warm jade eyes.

((Adela sounds so evil xD. ..... she's not, really! I promise XD))

Kry 06-10-2013 03:40 AM

Kerian moved across the grounds at a brisk pace. The sky was rather overcast and he almost hoped it would rain, though preferably it would wait until he had decided to go inside with his guitar. The prized possession was slung casually across his back, it had been a staple in his life for a while now, rarely was he seen without it. At least when it could be helped. A mini amp was held in one hand as he moved across the courtyard, spying a pleasant looking tree that he could lounge under and maybe play a little something by.

It didn't take him long to make his way to the tree once he had decided that was the tree for him. Halfway there he had pulled the guitar from his back, and slung it over his shoulder. When he reached the tree, he smirked at it, as if it were an adoring fan or something. Kerian enjoyed the guitar, but he had no dreams of being in a band or starting one, but it was fun to pretend every once in a while.

He sat down with his back to the tree, sitting indian-style with the guitar resting somewhat in his lap. He plugged it into the mini amp he had sat next to him and strummed a few chords, making sure they were in tune before he began to actually play. He played a few arpeggio sweeps for a few moments before he began to actually play a song. Nothing in particular, it could have been a song he was writing himself, if he had a care to write down the notes and chords. Kerian didn't care about that though, he only played what came to mind. His eyes closed as he relaxed completely and let the music write itself.

Angelo 06-10-2013 11:46 PM

Hearing Adela's response, Audran smiled. Like any other elf worth his name, he loved a bit of back and forth, especially if the conversation could be made philosophical in some way. "While she is certainly skilled in picking out complements in nature and putting them together, she is not responsible for the innate beauty of the things she combines," he responded, a shine in his eye as he anticipated her response. Very few people gave him such entertainment by merely having a conversation with them, even back in his village.

While he waited for Adela to respond, he nodded to Iri, showing that he was listening. Making someone feel ignored or unwanted was certainly something he tried to avoid. He was in no way superior to those around him, so why act like it at all? "I imagine that getting her to come over had been a titanic feat. Congratulations for your success. I trust that you had a good time together?" he said, laughing slightly. It was all in good fun, so hopefully she didn't take that the wrong way either. "My summer was good. Most of it was spent in the Glistening Dale with the rest of the village, but we did venture out to several historic locations. It was very enlightening for an apprentice Druid such as myself."

A slight break in the clouds above caused him to look up, though the shaft of light was quickly covered once again. "You haven't answered my question, Adela?" he said, noticing that she had redirected the conversation instead. "Am I to assume that your summer was of very little event? Surely visiting with Iri here had to be a positive experience. I can't imagine it not be." Something told him that he may be pushing onto some unspoken boundary, so he coughed slightly to stop himself and to deliver an unspoken apology. Hopefully, he had gone quite too far.

momochan 06-11-2013 01:40 AM

((I'm sorry if this post sucked /sobs))

Mina fidgeted with her necklace as she walked around school grounds. She disliked being away from the garden. It just felt so natural being in the garden, the rest of the school grounds just felt a little weird. Then again, anywhere that isn't full of nature didn't feel right to her. The garden reminded her of home, which she was already starting to miss. When she was finally in the school's garden, Mina began to smile and hum. She skipped along the path through it, admiring all the beautiful plants and occasionally speaking to the critters. When the sun decided to poke out form behind the clouds, her pink skin would glisten in the sun as she'd twirl with delight.

Mina was surprised when she heard the sound of music playing. She tiled her head to the side as she followed the sound of the instrument. As the music became louder when she grew near, she had a little skip in her step. When she finally found where the music was coming from, she was delighted to see it was a student making it. She hadn't had much social interaction that day, so she was delighted to finally be able to meet someone new. Though, she wasn't going to interrupt his song. In fact, she felt like dancing to it. She lightly swayed side to side with her hands behind her back and a sweet smile on her face.

Staria 06-11-2013 01:48 AM


Adela Talonn

Adela glanced towards the sound of music, her feline senses making it much louder then it would have otherwise been. Her pupils briefly went to slits as if suspicious of something but that pleasant if cold smile stayed in place. The notes did not seem of particular order and rather disconnected. It was clearly not a prepared piece but not too bad she supposed. She dismissed it once that was decided and turned back to Audran. He was such a stubborn thing. He seemed to want to cross words with her the way most back home unsuccessfully attempted to cross wits and claw. She raised an eyebrow and a touch of mischief crossed those unnatural eyes.

"Careful dear Audran, a more naive creature might just take you're pretty words as a complement." She teased, a sultry chuckle escaping her lips. It was the kind of intimate sound that suggested just how experienced the one making it was, a whisper of heat behind the sound. It was enough to make her companion Iri blush even if Iri wouldn't have been able to tell why. Adela had likely intended exactly that as it was her nature to play a little bit. She didn't say a word to her companion but instead simply gave her an innocent look that was the equal of 'who me' before she continued speaking.

"Surely, however, you don't need me to answer? I did spend it with Iri and if anything of note had happened don't you think she would have said so? She can answer of our summer just as well as I." She said with a dismissive wave as she gave the male another of her icy smiles. She didn't seem to be particularly impressed with his attempts to compliment either. Then again as the heir to one of the most powerful pure-blood therian families who was famous, and sought after, for their gift of domination. Her mother was in fact able to dominate any therian she wished even those outside the feline family tree which was rare. Adela was probably use to men flirting with her, seeking to dominate her, and god knows what else. Still, she did not look at him with any particular emotion or focus which meant she did not see him as having any negative intention towards her that she needed to manipulate or destroy. He was not a pawn, enemy, or friend to her... which made nothing he said particularly offensive to her apparently.


Iris 'Iri' Tien

Iri blushed deeply as he complimented her and half held her sketchbook in front of her. Two compliments in a row as well as the strange suggestive tone of her friend had her feeling a lot embarrassed. She also had the distinct feeling something was going over her head... what did Adela mean? Were they flirting or something? She bit her lip and felt herself withdraw into shyness a moment before she heard the music. She smiled to herself and began to sway slightly with the music from where she sat, hugging her sketchbook as she did so. It sounded so pretty, but somehow spontaneous. She felt her shyness fade and calm swept over her. Of course before she could think to go find the source of the music she realized she hadn't answered him due to her momentary shyness. It wouldn't do to be rude!

"N...No. It wasn't hard. She wanted to come! I don't know why.... I'm kinda boring, but I was so happy she came. I had a lot of fun too! I would love to hear more about the historic sites you liked. I didn't know you wanted to be a druid!" She chatted easily. She had felt relaxed by the music was the only reason she could chat with such ease after her earlier embarrassment. She didn't know why 'ela had done that! It was probably an accident... because Adela was a really nice person! Or at least, Iri thought she was. Then again Iri thought most people were nice. Audran seemed really nice too. He also liked to talk more then Ela and didn't seem to be as cryptic.

She smiled warmly at the male then. She was enjoying talking to him. He seemed to be as good at talking as she was! She really did like having a conversation where the other person was actually talking a lot. It was hard to do with Adela who seemed to go quiet so often. She was actually surprised that 'Ela was talking so much to the elf. Was she flirting then? Iri never really understood how people flirted.... she usually thought people were being nice to each other. It just always flew over her head... but maybe they were? She really wouldn't want to stand in the way though.... 'Ela tended to get mad when most people flirted with her, though she'd never explain to Iri why..... Maybe she actually liked the elf? It was so hard to tell....

Kry 06-12-2013 05:51 PM

Kerian played his guitar, his body fully relaxed as he gave himself over the music he was making. It was a good way for him to relax, he was sure no one could understand how soothing it was for him to play his guitar, even he didn't really understand why it affected him so, but he enjoyed the feeling. Those eyes opened slowly as he felt someone approach him, but he didn't stop playing, only tilted his head to the side slightly and watched the Nymph for a few moments as she began to sway and dance to the music he was making.

It was a little flattering, to have someone appreciate his music that way. He let his eyes roam over her, taking in the details. She was a pretty thing, an ethereal beauty, a Nymph of some design. Of that he was sure, there were a few things that gave it away, but he supposed it probably wasn't really a secret in the first place. His eyes lowered from her dancing form to watch his hands glide across the instrument for a few seconds, then those eyes closed as he relaxed into his music once again.

Angelo 06-13-2013 02:00 AM

"Am I to take it that I have failed in my intent? Surely the message was not lost in transmission," Audran replied, smiling all the wider. It was fun to banter back and forth with another being. The elves as a race had quite a knack for it, after all. Long lives naturally led to discussions concerning philosophy, and thus, peaceful debate. In a way, it had become the nature of his race throughout time, which was quite opposite to the nature of the Drow as a whole. They schemed and plotted, and nearly everyone was born with a cruel streak longer than the Nile River. They were definitely not enemies to be trifled with.

"Really? The information I receive waxes more and more surprising. Surely, she would not have the school populace as a whole believe this?" he said, clearly teasing once again. The last time he had had this much fun talking with someone had been when he and Tali had debated each other in the Mock Fairy Court towards the end of the previous year. Her words had been rather... harsh, but she had revealed a wit that he had had to admit he admired, albeit reluctantly. "The most well-known site was Stonehenge, of course, but there were a few that you may be familiar with as a creature of the Fey. Summerspun Hollow, Gardener's Glen, and Slumber-song Spring were some of the more popular sites."

"Hearing the message from the author is always better than hearing it from the messenger," he replied, smirking slightly. "I consider it a personal victory that I managed to coax you into have a civil conversation with me; it's certainly a new record for me." And he wasn't lying either; the longest conversation he had ever managed to get out of her had been only a couple of sentences, and a few sentence fragments. This was completely different. Maybe spending a part of her summer at Iri's had changed something about her? If anyone could do it, the tiny fairy was the most likely candidate.

Staria 06-13-2013 03:00 AM


Adela Talonn

"Perhaps I am in a generous mood? Who's to say? Though I will say it will take some time before I feel so generous as to care for flattery. It is easy to miss the mark, when the 'mark' could care not care less." She responded vaguely, already a little bored of the conversation or so it would seem as she stared out at the fountain with no particular expression. She watched a few more butterflies having gathered with the first at the fountain and one sleek eyebrow raised in reaction. Her eyes on the butterfly, though her mind was still momentarily on the elf. He was indeed being stubborn, though he seemed more interested in a mental challenge then actual flirtation. Just what did he count as winning she wondered...Back home it would have ended with a silver slit throat. Still, winning wasn't the point for her, freedom and survival just happened to go with winning in the end. So instead of his challenge she focused on the butterfly as his peaceful wit did not quite suit any of her 'games'.

Without a word she stood and headed towards the fountain, a puzzled looking Iri left in her wake. She walked gracefully enough many would miss the small hint of her inner predator, but it was there in each cat-quiet step. She paused at the edge of the stone creation to gaze at the butterflies and sniff the air. Honey... someone had spilled a little honey and clearly shaped in a heart. So that one had left her a 'greeting' to show his desire to play one of her games. It was enough that therians would recognize it as a less then loving symbol but instead a warning from a feared 'prince' that could make many quake, due to how he threw his lovers violently away. Being who she was Adela merely laughed and released a single claw which she used to draw the honey down the center to form a 'break'. She then swished the claw in the water briefly as she watched the butterflies fly away from instinctive fear from the predator they sensed in her.

"I hope there's nothing in my room, those sheets were a gift. I'd have to send him a bill.." She murmured to herself with a bit of a smirk. The letter she had received at Iri's had made her expect something like this. Then again, with the 'prince's' silly gloating the last day of the prior term it had been only a matter of time. He didn't like how a mere 'woman' was getting one over on his brethren, so was going to prove she was just lucky. At least that had been the gist of what he said, minus the more colorful language. She retracted her claw as she thought absently she would welcome the opportunity to quite literally break his heart. He was the type to not quit until one of them was dead. Oh well... She just hoped the dear fairy wouldn't get too involved. With her task done of confirming her suspicions while the elf could be trusted to keep anyone too dark from approaching Iri, she returned to the bench without a word.


Iris 'Iri' Tien

Iri had been uncertain for a moment as the two talked, very aware that something was lost in transmission for her. She had felt this way during the summer too when 'ela had received a letter. It had sounded all very pretty from what few words she'd caught and was in such elegant hand-writing... but adela had merely laughed when she'd asked if it was a friend. She might have asked further but then Adela had distracted her with questions about her sheets. They were a form of 'fay silk' her village specialized in so she had been easily able to fall to pride and say all about them. She was no closer to figuring out Adela's intent as she talked to the elf only to stand and walk towards the fountain.

"Hmm? I'm not sure Adela cares what anyone thinks. She's called school a game... though she wouldn't explain what she meant. " She responded at first to what he said and appeared rather puzzled. She wasn't sure she understood why it would bad for the school to think it had been easy. Maybe it would get swarms of people wanting to go to her house? But people didn't seem to like Adela that much..... she wasn't sure why. Still, as Adela stepped away she realized she did have an opportunity. She could at least find out if she was missing the flirting.

"Hey.... um.... do you ..... like... adela? I mean..." She asked the question nervously as she blushed and then attempted to clarify only to go silent within moments out of embarrassment. It was too embarrassing to try and ask it more directly. He could beleive she was asking about friendship if she went silent now right? But, but her blushing and nervousness would give it away surely..... Oh dear. She started to say something about being having to go and flee when Adela had already turned. She couldn't help but wonder if the other heard her ask and her head dipped forward. As she did so 'Ela reached over and patted her head while saying 'good kitty'. This was a joke that had evolved over the summer due to a misplaced comment by Iri's parents so the fairy laughed, a soft bell like sound. She smiled a bit at Adela and began to relax a little as she peered up at the elf almost apologetically.

((yes xD Adela's going to have a little game going between a therian mixed npc guy xD. It'll be harmless, except to the guy, unless other characters choose to involve themselves. ^.^ )

Angelo 06-15-2013 08:34 PM

"You should know as well as I that my race frowns upon such things," Audran replied, indicating his race's reputation for honesty when dealing with others. "Still, take it as you will. I can no more change your mind than I could make the seasons flow out of time." She got up and walked off, making Audran momentarily question if he had offended her in some way. But Iri's comment drew his attention away from the thought.

He wasn't really sure how he could possibly explain the nature of someone like Adela to someone like Iri, so he didn't bother trying. It wouldn't have been worth the effort that it would require. So, instead, he focused on her question as Adela walked over to the fountain. "I don't hate her, most certainly. But no, I don't like her in the way you're referring to, and I'm not sure if I even like her at all. She's a hard, cold person, and that deters many who would be her friend," he said, sighing. He had a feeling that most of what he was saying was going over the little fairy's head.

"I should probably be going now," he said, looking to the sun for moment before he began walking away, waving over his shoulder at Iri. Some swordplay would probably get his mind off of the heavier topics that it was currently obsessed with, and he found himself walking in the direction of the dojo. If he was lucky, Tali would have had the same idea, or at least a similar one, and they could spar like they had the year before. It always proved to be a great time.

Staria 06-16-2013 04:11 PM

((had to switch the character order for this post XD, Also I doubt anyone would want to but if anyone wants to be one of the therian 'pawns' warned in adela's post they would be welcome to. They could even really want to be her friend, she just assumes that every therian connected to the noble families are out for her line's power.))


Iris 'Iri' Tien

Iri didn't understand what he meant about his race and how they felt. She also knew through experience that 'ela's mind being changed was near impossible. What she knew even better was how 'ela's cold attitude could deter people. She had tried many a time to press 'Ela about it and ask her why but somehow the wily therian always managed to distract the fairy from it all. still, her mind wasn't on the woman, but the elf. As he spoke that he should go she felt a bit of guilt and instantly had assumed it was her fault. She only hesitated long enough to give her friend a reproachful look and quickly stood. Within a moment she had chased after the elf and had her small hands around his wrists. She stood there with those big, teary, jade eyes focused on his with a silent plea.

"Please..... don't be mad. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. I just didn't want to get in the way.... it's so rare to see her chat like that. I'm sorry... I shouldn't give excuses, that makes it not a real apology... I'm really sorry if I made you mad. I don't' like anyone to be sad or mad." She nearly begged as she spoke. She knew that sometimes she could say things without realizing how people would feel. It wasn't that she didn't care... she did, very deeply. Hell, she was Adela's friend only because she'd seen her looking at a picture with such a sad look once and so much loneliness it broke the fay's gentle heart. She just didn't always understand the impact she would have. Many people said it was because she was so naive and so sheltered..... She had never been away from home before Hope Acadamy.

Iri was trying to learn but sometimes it was so hard. She had lots of friends but she always had a feeling they were trying to protect her just as her family had before now. She could only hope that in time she would learn... though she didn't think she'd understand the old fairy and old elves with their rather whimsical way of talking. She just wanted to make people happy though, so if she understood enough to do that it was enough. Smiles was what made her happy, always had.


Adela Talonn

Adela simply waved good-bye to the elf, though she felt a small victory. She did not doubt the stout hearted soul would want to be involved if he saw a mess, he like Iri was just too nice. He couldn't help but want to stop evil she was sure, but she had no desire in involving innocents in her 'games'. The war may have ended but the therian courts brutality had if anything grown all the more dark and deadly. They could no longer let out their beasts aggression and hunger on the beings of light without consequence so now they were forced to attack each other. Adela preferred it that way.... let beasts destroy the other beasts and kind hearted folk like the fay stay out of it.

As Iri stood, however, she suppressed a sigh. Now that the game had started she would have to be more careful to keep others uninvolved. Still, she did trust the elf's sword arm well enough to have no problem letting Iri run off to him. Besides, she could doubted the Prince would stoop so low as to attack her non therian friends... he wasn't that desperate yet. And she had pushed the elf away well enough that the Prince would not think him a rival and do anything foolish either. All would go according to plan...... still she had to warn her therian pawns to stay sharp. He would attack them. None of the therians were friends with her out of caring but more fear she knew, but she still didn't want them dead.

She took out her cell phone and texted the various therians one simple sentence. 'The honeyed prince has come a courting'. It would be enough to let them know what would happen, every therian connected enough with the court to wish to be Adela's false friend knew who the honeyed prince was. He seduced women and men equally, often giving gifts of honey treats, then he ate them to gain their power. Oh he always managed to make it look good... as if they had fought and he had won properly but therian knew he was really just gathering power. So far he had mainly chosen the poor or nobles that were common enough that the court could look the other way.... Adela however, was a thorn in everyone's side for her refusal to accept a male's dominance so they would not bat an eyelash if he killed her she was sure. She was probably the one pureblood they would allow. She shook her head as she finished her text, such foolish gender based politics. Other races had been wise enough to abandon it... Oh well, she dared the males in the court to try and dominate her, their power could add to her own and keep her free.

Codette 06-17-2013 02:38 AM

Sincerity Mamoru walked down the main garden path. Although it was quite cloudy, Ceri carried a large black parasol with red lace, she wasn't a stupid fledgling. Ceri had seen more than enough of her friends get sick from a brief break in a cloudy day. The Shade bit her lower lip, teasing it between her teeth as she watched the students talk, mingle, or just enjoy themselves on either garden.
Flipping her hair out of her face Sincerity enjoyed the scenery. She felt it was always a good day when she could go outside. A red corn snake slithered behind her, until catching up, it wrapped itself around her leg and continued up her body until reaching her shoulders, where it lounged across. "Oh Rini, got tired of moving around by yourself hmm?" Ceri had a musical laugh.

Kilia 06-17-2013 03:26 PM

The six foot two man stood in the hallway, no one could tell but he was only wearing the black robe that hung on him, after all it was the only thing that he was comfortable in. Though it was rather hard to tell anything about the teacher considering her had a serious look upon his masculine features. He ran a hand through his long black and neon colored hair after having pushed the glasses up his nose that he needed in this human form. His eyes were bad in this form, that was another flaw that he had, after all it was hard enough just maintaining the said form during the day.

He shook his head to get his mind back on track, at a few of the students that passed him by before he snapped his book open once more before burrowing his nose into it. He easily avoided others and objects, pushing the door to the office open before moving towards Ciela's office, opening the door and shutting it. He never bothered with formalities with her, after all they had been friends for a while, well co-workers to be exact. " you have the files for my students?" he asked her, automatically letting his human guise down, luckily he had closed the door behind him so that it was more or less safe for him to relax a bit.

Staria 06-17-2013 07:21 PM


Instructor Ciela Hope

"Ceila" She corrected absently, as she always did. She was that way as she tried to keep a business-like air whenever on school grounds. She didn't quite look up from one file, her eyes rather distant. Something in it had reminded her of her own youth when she'd been taunted as the 'white tornado'. It sounded like it'd be praise but it was from the fact that as a youth she had so little control of her abilities. If she had grown the tiniest bit upset or even just startled the whole room would soon look like a tornado powers. It had taken a teacher, an air elemental, her father had found to get control. She shook off the memory and made a mental note to keep an eye on the not as well trained individual.

"Yes, I have your files here. Iris and a few other returning faces are there." She said simply as she pointed to a pile of already prepared files on the edge of the desk. She then put away her personal files in it's usual enchantments to protect it. She didn't say anything more for a moment before she finally took off her glasses and looked up at the male. She had seen his appearance before so it didn't startle her. Still she gave a small smile, an unspoken apology for her business-like air. She looked a little tired for a moment and felt it too.


Talka 'Tay' Aruzhan

Tay was dressed in her usual jean shorts with a flirty top that exposed her rather.... gifted figure and slim waist as well as her spots around her hairline, down her back, over her cat ears and decorating her cat-like tail. She liked to flirt after all so it made sense. Her late arrival had ensured that she didn't have someone on her arm so instead she looked for a target. As she spotted the equally alluring Ceri she headed for her, her hunting instincts focused on this instead of killing and eating. Many of her cat like people thought of it as lazy but Tay had never been all that concerned what others thought.

"Hello Beautiful, mind if I walk with you? Summer was so boring without any pretties to play with." She said cheerfully as she caught up with her and threw her arms around the other woman's shoulders. She liked the other woman's aloof air, it reminded her of her first love back home. Of course, aloofness was rather common among her people but she had never seen the point. She always liked to say exactly what was on her mind, just more fun that way. Then again, she was a fairly nice person if a little rough around the edges so it wasn't as if what she had to say tended to be hurtful.

((You can decide if Ceri and Tay know eachother XD. She'd flirt openly with anyone so yeah)

momochan 06-17-2013 08:17 PM

(Sorry I took so long to post guys! D; I've not been too RP-y lately. but I'm getting back to them :B )

After a while, Mina started to get tired of standing. She twirled and then plopped down on the ground, her legs criss-crosed. She let out a soft happy sigh as she listened to the music. She looked up at the sky for a moment, watching the clouds move across the sky. Being able to relax and listen to music on such a lovely day was wonderful. She put her hand up to her necklace and ran her fingers over the bark pendant. She enjoyed the rough texture on it. She was glad she hadn't had to pull it off of her home. it was a chunk that had fallen off. To make it into a pretty pendant, she carved it and added a ringed pattern to it. She was proud of herself for it. Mina was able to make it all pretty and nice. It went with her outfit as well, which was a bonus. She always tried to look her best.

Angelo 06-18-2013 12:42 AM

Audran had almost made it out of the courtyard with the fountain when he suddenly found a pair of tiny arms around his waist, desperately trying to keep him from moving. Blinking his sapphire eyes in surprise, he managed to get a glimpse of his attacker and realize that it was merely Iri, though she was crying. Sighing softly, he listened to her quiet words fully before making an attempt at responding. "I'm not angry, Iri. I merely have a lot on my mind. I was hoping to be able to spar a bit with Tali, though I'm not sure if she'll be at the dojo," he said, putting compassion and kindness into his voice. "If you would like, you're more than welcome to come and watch. I've been told that we put on quite a show together."

Honestly, he hadn't expected the fairy girl to cry over him leaving, nor for her to blame herself for potentially angering him. He supposed that he really should have thought about how she would take it; she was notoriously kind-hearted and generous after all. Of course she would think that she had done something wrong. As he waited for her to stop crying and respond, he gently rubbed her back, careful to avoid the wings. It was supposed to be a comforting gesture, and he really hoped that it would get her to stop crying.

Codette 06-18-2013 04:57 PM

Ceri gave a soft smile. "I've missed you too Tay." The corn snake raised its head and flicked her tongue against Tays cheek in greeting. Ceri couldn't remember how she became friends with the Day Student, but she was happy they were. When Sincerity arrived at Hope Academy, she was terrified that the rate that Shades matured would seem intimidating to students, but Tay didn't seem to mind. "How ever did you deal with no one to play with. You must have gone out of your mind." Ceri laughed and adjusted her parasol.

Staria 06-18-2013 06:19 PM


Iris 'Iri' Tien

"Oh okay.. if you're sure. And I'd love to watch! Though if you want to talk about what's on your mind I can listen. I can't promise I'll understand.... I know I can be a little dumb, but I can listen and care which i've heard can help." She responded slowly after a moments thought. Still she did believe him, as she always believed everyone and gave him a warm smile. He wasn't mad! She did wonder what was on his mind though..... still she wouldn't try to force him, he would tell her what he wanted to. She didn't tend to press people, though she would always help as much as she could when asked. It was probably why Adela tolerated her so well, she let the woman have her silence too.

She didn't lose her smile as she offered her help either, not even as she admitted she was a little 'dumb'. She did alright in school but often Adela had to help her and she always didn't understand the more complex things people said. She knew it was likely because she had been taught so differently back home until she was at this school but she still felt foolish when she didn't get things. Everything back home had been all heart and emotion, and little as far as non magical teaching went so she really only excelled in the classes regarding magic and art.


Talka 'Tay' Aruzhan

Tay, being herself, turned and kissed the snake on the forehead in response to the lick before she laughed softly. Briefly her cat like fangs were visible before they became hidden by her unusually full, soft lips again, something some might have tried to hide but she wasn't the type. She didn't even tend to hold a full human form... though to be fair due to her impure bloodline which had so much human her true form, this form, was pretty human anyway. She was always herself, always bold, and always having fun even if she could be a little silly ..... such as giving a snake a 'kiss' back upon greeting.

"I was missed? How that warms my heart. Maybe I'll get you to like me yet! So how was your summer, love?" She asked cheerfully as she turned her attention back to the woman. She playfully laid her head on the other's shoulder as they walked, just as she said how it warmed her heart. Her wavy hair spread over the other woman's shoulder slightly, though it's bouncy length only went a about three or four inches past her shoulders so it didn't cover much. Still the added intimacy of the gesture likely made the two briefly look like lovers... not that anyone would think so once they saw it was Tay. She was cuddly and flirty with everyone after all. Many of her own kind always said she inherited a little more of their beastly cat origin then many, being she had so little respect for personal space unless requested correctly. Guessing the correct way was always the interesting part though...

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