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Immy 06-11-2013 05:39 PM

Angel's Blood
Angel's Blood


Vampire = Bellinda:
Angel = Ranebow:
Angels Blood OOC
An angel is sent to earth for a test (to earn his wings) by his higher ups and realize he can't go back to the heavens. (Appears human so that no one suspects him being an angel-meaning he can't use his wings or powers unless it is truly a last resort and he won't tell anyone what he is) Which creates his pheromones to spread out wherever he goes and now he is running from creatures that want his blood. Angel blood is pure, whether or not they are virgins, and it is better tasting than royal human blood no matter how strong and sweet. Can he keep the life he is forced to portray while he is on earth working to achieve his goal, will he die, or will he save someone besides himself?

~ ~ ~

His name was Alexander, he was a high ranked angel whom cared alot about his ranks, and nothing about what life really was about. He stood on earth as his pheromones shot out everywhere around him within the wind without his knowledge. Alexander remembered the higher ups that sent him out of heaven and to the earth to gain new ranks or more powerful wings. However, he wasn't allowed to use his wings, or his powers, and must learn how to be human.

"I can't believe it's been a week and so far nothing has happened" Alez spoke running his fingers through his soft, short, light blonde hair that he had to have cut before going down to earth otherwise it would have been too long. He was fine with getting his hair cut, but, so short was a pain. Took away from his personality, or so he thought. Hearing a scream off to the side in an alley way, he made his way over there to figure out who had screamed, and why. Standing there dressed in medium blue jeans and a basic button up white t-shirt. Two buttons undone as the sleeves were also rolled up past his elbows. His bright, sky blue crystal eyes piercing as daggers, and yet sweet as an innocent child. "What is going on here?"

Bellinda 06-12-2013 02:13 AM

There was three vampires and one of them had drop their victim after taking their blood. They had lured this angel toward where they was cause they knew angel blood was far more better than human. And it was thanks to the female vampire that hunts in the group. "You was right he came right to the screams. Your scents are growing more sharper, Violet."One of the males said to her. As the other male laugh before he quickly heads behind the angel so he wouldn't run away. They all could tell he didn't have any powers so it seem to be pretty easy target for them.

Violet was 5'4" so she was abit shorter than the other two male vampires. And she had long black hair but it was braided back and red eyes since she was a vampire after all. And Violet wore a black short and a tight tank top with it. "What can I tell you? I knew there was an angel close by. It just took longer to find him." laughs a little and shrugged. She looks at the angel and looks back over toward her friends.

Immy 06-12-2013 03:29 PM

Alexander wasn't afraid of any vampires, he had faced them in the past, but, back then he was still just a beginner angel. He didn't know how to take them down back then and now, he did. It had been centuries since he last had come in contact with them, he thought they were fascinating creatures, mostly because they hid from death for just a little bit longer. However, death was about to claim a couple more, and he knew this wouldn't be too easy for him. Though he kept his spirit high as he looked over at the female thinking she must be the one to control the rest of them, and new vampires only used a female as bait. Well in the past they did and that's how they became such a little race.

Alexander shook his head "And you think you can take me down easily? I've dealt with your kind before vampires" Alexander waited for one of them to get close enough and turned around grabbing the vampire's arm that had gotten behind him. His skin was almost like sunlight itself with how cleansed he was and it burned the other vampire's wrist creating pain. Letting go of the arm as he shoved the vampire away, he waited for more to attack him, and caught the red eyes of the female vampire. So her name was Violet, that intrigued him how such a nice name went to a vampire like her.

Bellinda 06-17-2013 02:56 AM

Violet watches the angel deal with one of the vampires. It seem to be to much for the other one as the other vampire just retreated leaving her with the angel. She growls turns around shouting at the one that ran away, "You damn chicken!!!" The female vampire had to think of something there was no way she could survive alone. And the vampire on the ground was completely useless. Violet never thought they would use her for bait. And maybe that what was the plan for her all along. " just talk about this." laughs a bit nervously. "All we want was just a bit of your blood that's all.. Its been nearly a century since we had any..."

Of course there was some part of Violet that she still held on too. She had only been created some time in the 1800s and there was a part humanitly she held on to all those centuries. Violet only fed on animals and such. There had been times she has drank human blood but she never did it all the time and sometimes angel blood when there was one. Guessing she was just the type that could get use easily without knowing it.

Immy 06-17-2013 07:17 PM

"You are wrong if you think you can get any of blood" or think that he would be willing to give any to a vampire let alone just anyone. Why should he help her out? Her friends attacked him and she actually believes he wouldn't do anything to her? Shaking his head he turned his back on her "Just get out of here" as an angel he felt the right not to harm her, besides she was hungry right now, and if she went into a frenzy it wouldn't be a good idea to fight a vampire like that. He walked away slowly as the clouds barely touched the sky and within an hour or so, the sun would be up.

Bellinda 07-07-2013 11:11 PM

Violet looks at the angel before looking toward the sky. She saw the color in it and knew the sun was about to come up. She looks back toward the angel before she steps back. Not saying anything and left quickly before she was caught by the sun. Violet didn't know what was going to happen by the time she returns home. It didn't take her long to return home back to a warehouse that looked abandoned but they had a little town under in it's basement.

There was a lot of vampires staring at Violet when she entered. The female vampire takes an look around at the others, they was giving her a very dirty looks. She didn't know why they was so mad at her for. "About time you come back....our leader is waiting for you. He seems very upset towards you." one of the female vampires say before two others lead her toward their leader.

Immy 07-17-2013 04:15 PM

The leader sat in the room, he was half hidden by the shadows, eyes closed as he sat there waiting for Violet to return to them. "Leave us" he ordered the female vampire whom had led Violet into the room. There were guard vampires, but, he believed himself to be above everyone else no matter what race. Though he knew when not to brag about things since that always led to someone's demise no matter who they were. "Where have you been, Violet" he ordered. He didn't sound very happy in the very least bit.

Bellinda 07-17-2013 10:13 PM

Violet watches the other vampire go before she turns to face their leader. "Where do think I was? I was following your order to get the angel's blood." says calmly showing no fear. Even thought deep within her she was afraid of him. "He killed one of the males you place with me and the others ran like cowards." Violet sighs deeply and crosses her arms over her chest "I don't know why you let weak vampires come with me in the first place." says not sure if the others was back or not. And not sure what their leader was thinking but he seem pretty angry towards her.

Immy 07-19-2013 04:11 PM

"You were given a simple task to obtain the angel's blood and failed" his last words spoken seemed to have a bit of an edgy tone in his angry voice. "I gave you a chance to get the angel's blood, you told me you could do it" he had expected the angel to come with her as a prisoner at the most. Not coming back empty handed and he was annoyed by that "Maybe I should have sent out Christopher instead or Xarina" Christopher was actually one of the strongest in physical strength vampires they had, but, he wasn't a bright one. Xarina was tied with him, she had brains, and was strong, but, she lacked emotions or so it seemed. She was only used to torture others when needed.

"This is the second time you failed me, Violet" The leader spoke waving it off "I'm done with you, I don't have room in my coven for weaklings, and the others wouldn't dare to come back. You should have stayed away if you were going to come back empty handed, Violet" Vladimir was the leader's name and most who respected him just called him leader most of the time or didn't speak towards him directly. Soon other vampires filled the room, each their own unique ability, and Xarina entered not really with graceful steps. Just showing she had pride as she stood on the left side of Vladimir, while Christopher was on his right. Xarina always didn't like Violet, Xarina wanted to be the star of the show.

"Why not let me and Christopher take this angel on leader. We can easily do it together" she grinned not taking her eyes off Violet. Xarina was still a new vampire from about three hundred years ago and Christopher was turned by Xarina a few years after her. "Anything to say, Violet?" Leader asked raising an eyebrow wondering if and what she would say.

Bellinda 07-31-2013 09:35 PM

Violet turns to see Christopher and Xarina walk in. She was jealous of them...really toward everyone that was in the coven. Everyone had found their bond mate but she. It was rare for a female vampire to not have a partner weither it if was female or male. There was a lot of vampires that had a partner. But the leader was different they could have multiple partners. Violet always felt like an outcast in away and tried everything to impressed Vladimir but like he said this was the second time she failed. There was no way he could give her a third chance.

The vampire glares back at Xarina hearing Vladimir. Violet turns her head and looks back toward her leader. "I am not a weakling..and I will prove it one way or another. I will get that damn angel. I swear it to you, Lord Vladimir. I may have failed twice but the third time will be a charm. And I don't need this bitch's help either! points to Xarina while still looking at Vladimir. "They are to stay away from the angel. Beside they don't know the first thing about tracking an angel. I am the only one in the whole coven that has that power! And I don't even have a partner with me either!" says, her fangs glaring out showing how much rage she has inside of her. Violet wasn't going to back down and not let someone else take her spot. Xarina knew that very well.

Immy 08-05-2013 12:10 AM

Vladimir thought this over, allowing the events play over in his mind rather quickly. "Xarina and Christopher will stay for now, if you truly believe you, a solo vampire, can take down one powerful angel, then by all means. Prove it to me, contact Christopher and Xarina when you finish while having proof." Vladimir waved his hand for everyone to leave "Oh and Violet, you have three days max before we come to kill you if the job is undone" Vladimir had some of the female vampires enter the room walk over to him. A stressed out vampire was never a good thing.

Alexander sat in the hotel room he was able to get with the influence of his powers; sin was already taking affect, believing he could get what he wanted, whenever he wanted. He was an angel after all, one of the top, powerful angels at that. Sighing to himself, he wondered if those vampires truly gave up or not.

Bellinda 08-12-2013 05:25 PM

Violet looks over at the others before looking back to Vladimir. Time was already weighting against her. Violet turns around and leaves quickly as she needed some fresh clothes and rest. "Oh look who it is?"Jiro says as he leans against the wall with another male and two other females. Violet stops and turns her head over toward Jiro "What do you want, Jiro? I'm busy." Jiro had a lot of tattoos on his arms, a pierce lip, black and red hair with goth clothes. "Why just give it up? Your nothing but a poor excuse for a vampire. You are already dead to the clan. Why don't you just end it yourself?" laughs. As the others behind him was agreeing with Jiro. Violet balls up her fist grinding her teeth together."SHUT UP!!!" yells before she gives Jiro and punch in the face before she storms off back to her house. There was no time for rest she just need to change her clothes and wait until the sun goes down.

Immy 08-15-2013 07:23 PM

Another vampire girl stood there close listening in and when she sees Jiro gets punched, she smirks walking by after the other girl had left "Serves you right" and pushes through the crowd at vampire speed waiting by Violet's house for her to come home. She wasn't assigned to kill her, in fact, she wasn't assigned to kill anyone. She had asked when she first joined to be left alone and not to kill anyone, though her skills on being an assassin were great. Her looks were average, even for a vampire. She had long brown hair to her waist, emerald green eyes that stood out, and had changed when she was turned from brown to emerald. She no longer needed different color contacts like she did when she was human and had to hide her eye color because of the effect the moon had on them.

So she was only special for those two reasons and appeared about 20 in human years as she had been a vampire for more than three hundred years almost. She hadn't really found her mate yet and she was fine with that. "Ah there you are, I wondered when you would get here" She leaned against the house, sometimes she would talk to others, but, Violet seemed the others and so she loved to speak to her from time to time. Though they didn't really each other like best friends, but, she never told anything that Violet told her to anyone. Her name was Juliana which she hated, she later changed her name to Jules when she became a vampire because it sounded, well better.

Alexander had found a place to stay at a church for the night and they gladly welcomed him when he proved who he was by a mark only angels had. Some angels liked to stay on earth for awhile just to be like a human again or even do studies. Alexander wondered why the other angels hadn't come down to help him earlier, but, it would just be an insult even if he did get help from them. The average angel could take on about 6 vampires a piece and he wasn't really that average to begin with. So he could probably handle more than he would know.

Having his own nice house in a nice community, but, nothing like a gated one. He just wanted to stay away from it right now knowing the vampires couldn't enter without getting burned by the power of the sun. A shield encased the house and Alexander's kind besides humans (not under control) were allowed to enter. Any humans being controlled by vampires would die at an instant as that was proven as a fact in the past. "Would you like anything?" a priest asked as Alexander replied "No thank you, I'm just staying the night" the priest left and Alexander, even though in a church, didn't feel like he should trust him. Once the coast was clear he sneaked back outside and walked the rest of the way home. Getting through his force field, a vampire attacked him, but, Alexander had already walked beyond the line turning in time to see the other vampire fledgling burn and was gone.

Bellinda 09-01-2013 01:27 AM

Violet looks at Jules once she arrived back to her house. She was surpised she wanted to speak to her. Everyone else was to the point that they never spoke to her again. "Sorry I was busy....I'm sure you already heard, right?" says walking over to the door and unlocks it with her key. "But right now I don't have the time to talk. I need to get washed up and change before heading out again. My time is running out. I'm still wonder how much longer I am left to be alive." sighs deeply. She walks inside her house leaving the door open didn't care if Jules followed her inside or not. Her house was very small and didn't have that many rooms just a bathroom and just a bed in the middle of the room.

She heads over to the closet and opens it up before grabbing a bag from the bottom of the closet. She walks over and place the bag down on the bed. Violet looks up at Jules "So what's up?" figuring Jules wasn't here to watch her. She turns and walks back over to the closet and grabs her clothes before she packs them into the bag. She already decide it was best to leave the clan cause there was no way she would be welcome back. Even if she had gotten the angel's blood or not. Violet already decide to have the angel's blood all to her self and never return back. She knew it was a risk but she was going to take it.

Immy 09-07-2013 01:58 AM

Jules followed in shutting the door and spelling it. Jules was a vampire that could use spells or magic, though vampires hated witches, she didn't really care since it came in handy at times. Jules had her own things magically packed by this bag she bought from an older lady that liked her. "Well, I figured, I can't let you have all the fun" besides, Jules was considered a low rank vampire so no one would really care if she was gone and probably feel safer without magic around.

"You can't say no, you know already as well as I do, that I do not listen to others. Soooo when do we leave?" she would at least keep her company for the way there. If Violet wouldn't let Jules intervene in battle, then she wouldn't, but, she wouldn't just leave the other vampire to go about on her way by herself.

Bellinda 09-12-2013 05:46 PM

Violet walks over and packs her jewelry in a small bag and tosses it into the bag with her clothes. Once she was finish she zips up the bag and wraps the strap around her. She looks up toward Jules and rolls her eyes once she heard she was coming along. "You know what that means....I won't be the only one that has a target on my back. There will be a target on yours too Jules...Even more that you can use magic." sighs deeply. She brushes some of her hair out of her face and heads toward the door. "I know I can't say no but just a far warning....stay out of my way, Jules. This angel is mine." It was more like a threat than anything else.

Violet opens the door to take a peek out to see if there was anyone around before she stop for an moment. "Oh by the way....use your magic to burn this house...I have some stuff that I won't be taking with me...and its best for that to be burn up." says not even looking over her shoulder before she takes off ahead of Jules since she would be busy with the house. She follows the path back to the surface and made sure the sun wasn't up and that it was night before she comes out of the man hole.

Immy 09-14-2013 01:23 AM

Jules smiled and hopped next to her "You can have the angel, I have my sights set on something totally different" she almost did a giggle which wasn't very rare of her to do as she followed along. Jules didn't care if Violet wanted her around her not and knew she could probably become of some use or at least get a show in. Jules heard what Violet said and focused her energy on something in particular creating a burst of energy and....the entire house burned as fire started from the middle and the outside so no one could get anything in there. Jules watched her magic create destruction causing their escape from the nest to be known.

Using her magic one more time she focused so that she could teleport above, but, would have to remember to wait awhile before doing that again. Jules ran catching up with Violet thinking she was glad to not be human anymore, because she would have so been out of breath by then, though, she had forgotten to feed. Though she could last for a little longer than those in the nest, but, later on in the evening she would have to feed. Jules loved going after the boys that were more outgoing and willing to make out with a girl in an ally only long enough for her to get their attention. Though she only drained one human before and it was awhile back. Jules had later met Violet in the nest and became fascinated with her only to watch her and see what she could or would do.

Bellinda 09-15-2013 09:13 PM

It felt like she was always protecting Jules ever since she came to the clan. She didn't understand why the girl always stayed around her. Mostly she always got her target unlike most of those who was in the nest. Who knows ever since then she always stayed close to her like her own little shadow. Althought Violet didn't mind since Jules was the only one she could put up with. There had been a time she was friends with Xarina and the others but things turned around after something happen between them. That bitch was telling all kinds of lies thru out the clan. And it seems they work cause all of those who was friends turn into enemies so that Xarina could push her way into Violet's place.

Violet grows to herself as everytime she thought about it. The whole thing just pisses her off. Well she would show them and all the others that they never should had pushed her out. Of course it was going to be a challenge as no other wouldn't dare come against Vladmir. Things was going to change once she comes up with a plan of something. Surely there was other vampires who was clanless and was willing to join up. But that would have to come later. Right now she has to figure out how to get around the angel without getting killed herself. There is a lot of stuff that was against her. And now being a target for the clan, she would surely need to feed and grow stronger.

Violet stops, takes an look around behind her figuring that Jules was going to follow her. It was going to be even more dangerous with a distraction and that would be Jules. She couldn't care for herself and Jules too. Jules should have learned enough to live on her own without her help. But right now she needed to find somewhere to be before the sun comes up. And the truth most of them didn't need money, but they knew how to get it if they need it. "Well here goes." says to herself. She walks over, sets her bag behind the dumpser before she walks over to the corner.

Checking around to make sure there was no cops around. The last thing she wanted was to get arrested for being a prosutite even thought she was acting like one. But not for sex but for money and blood. All female vampires had their own little tricks to get good feed. She was on the side of town that good buyers who was rich or something was searching for a good time. She offers something and lures them, giving them a fantasy. That they really get want they are paying for without even knowing nothing happens. Except for the other, who would wake up the next day with a major hangover and bite marks on the neck. She didn't care if they was married or not, but she surely would like to see the face of the wifes to find out what happen to them.

It didn't take long before a black limo pull up to the corner of the side she was on. Violet smirks lightly as she licks her lips, watching the window rolling down. A very handsome busiess man, who looks he was in his late 20s looks at Violet. "Well hello there gorgous, how much?" he says in a english accent, eyeing Violet up and down. Violet walks over and leans into the car. She stares deeply into the male's eyes. She uses her powers to put him under her contral. "Hmm I will take one thousand. And I will give you the most greatest fantasy." purrs, licking her fangs.

The man agrees and opens the door for her. She would just have to come and find her bag later. The limo drives off and heads toward somewhere that they wouldn't be bothered. After a short drive the rich man told the driver to leave and come back in three hours. The man looks over at Violet and grins "Come over here baby." grabs her by the hand and pulls her over. "Money first please" still keeping him under her contral as the man pays her. Violet grins before moving over and straddles the man's lap. Violet giggles lightly, feeling the man's on her hip. Violet leans over whispering things into the man's ear before moving down licking his neck. The man moans before he felt a sharp bite thinking it was nothing but foreplay.

Violet feeds for a good time, but she trys not to take to much. She didn't want to kill the man after all. There was still some part of her that was somewhat mortal. That was something she never could get rid off. After a while she leans back and licking her lips, getting the blood from them. The man had passed out and seems to have a really nice dream about his date. Violet turns and leaves the limo, pocketing the money before she takes a look around. She leaves where the limo was and heads back to the corner where her bag was. Once she found it she heads toward a hotel to get a room.

Meanwhile back at the nest, everyone had found out that both Violet and Jules was missing. Jiro smirks lightly and crosses his arms over his chest looking over at the burned house. "I so wish she was in there...." He looks over toward the others, "Tell our master that we have two rouge vampires on the loose" as one of them bows and heads toward their master's chambers quickly. Figuring that he probably already knew that Violet and Jules had left the clan.

Immy 09-18-2013 10:35 PM

(took me awhile to read, but, I loved it)

Jules had almost caught up to Violet when Violet had got into the limo and she shrugged. This was a nice neighborhood, but, Jules liked just about anyone. She loved being a vampire and loved the night way before she was turned. Then again she was a practitioner of magic before she was turned as well making her one of the strong ones. Jules already had an idea of how things would go, but, how they would end up would be a mystery to her.

Jules left her stuff to the side as she found a boy a block down when he spoke to her "Hey, what's a beautiful girl like you doing here alone?" Jules normally liked the men who went around being hosts, they had so much more experience, though she didn't have that much time with the two of them being hunted. Oh she sooo needed to give herself a reward later for not feeding for two days. Testing her limits is something Jules loved to do more than anyone else. Then again vampires didn't test their limits on drinking blood from anyone or anything. They just fed...which made them more a vampire...

Jules smirked "You're not usually my type, but, care to have a little?" she gave off as seductive glow glad to have worn her skinny black jeans and dark red tank top to match and black boots that went almost to her knees. She would be looking rather cute and sexy at the same time which lured him in since she had her hair down in braids on each side. He walked over to her "Where do you want to go?" He grinned and she knew she already had him in her grips. She led him to the back and said "Let's play" kissing him on the lips as she pinned him against the brick wall, he felt her body press more against his, and that made his lust grow.

Jules playfully nibbled at his neck slowly sinking her teeth in on the last nibble and started to drink from him. Once finished, she watched him slowly slide down whispering "Sleep well little prince, you had a fun time last night with your best friend, and wants more next time" Jules loved it when she played with their minds, you never knew if the best friend was a boy or girl, but, it worked in her favor.

~ ~ ~

On the other side of town Alexander had sat inside his own until he heard a noise and cursed slightly under his breath "Dammit" he ran out of the house as fast as he could until he heard the explosion which almost knocked him off his feet. He turned around expecting to see his house burning in flames, but, an angel flew above it laughing. 'So now Gabriel is toying with me? Great' he got up and ran off disappearing, the last thing he needed right now was Gabriel spreading his lies and getting him killed. This was not going the way he had hoped it would and man would it help to use his wings or abilities. Though that would only give him away, he kept moving, staying out of the way of others since they just thought he was a business man, although no one was going to mess with him.

~ ~ ~

Vladimir looked at his subjects who entered "Oh, I know the two are gone, and now it's time to watch the game be played. Xarina" he called forth "If Violet isn't killed by the sun or the angel, I want you to take anyone with you, and bring her back. I will even give you the choice of tortures she has to endure with anyone you bring back. If the angel lives, bring him down, and bring him with you" Vladimir was going to have this angel all to himself if it was the last thing he was going to do.

Bellinda 09-23-2013 02:25 AM

Violet sighs deeply as she reaches to her room and unlocks the door. She still wasn't even sure where the angel was or if he was close. Her powers was weak even if she had already feed since she hadn't even rested yet. The vampire walks over and tosses the bag onto her bed before she moves over closing the curtain. Yawning a little she strips out of her clothes and heads toward the bathroom to take a shower. Once she had a good hot shower she sure she could get to sleep well. Violet heads into the shower and closes the shower door behind her as she turns on the hot water standing over it. Letting a deep sigh as she felt the water watch over her body as she begans to clean herself up. It didn't take her long before she gets out of the shower and puts on some pjs before heading into her bedroom. Violet grabs the remote and lays down on the bed while she flips thru the channel's finding something to watch.

Immy 10-05-2013 11:21 PM

A surge of power floats throughout the city as the smell of the angel's scent could be smelled for miles. Alexander walks throughout the day and keeps his guard up at night while he sits in the park watching the children play. Human children could believe in angels unlike the adults who forgot about what was real special within the world. Sadly only the adults could understand the truth about angels, nonetheless, not a single human would dare try to understand. Beings of any kind fear what they do not know and wish not to learn about those fears for it scares them.

Jules looked at Violet "So how do you plan to catch the angel or do you plan to just wing it?" Jules didn't care either way she just hoped she could be quite helpful or even a little helpful to Violet. She could provide a distraction or something to help her out. Maybe she could help with ideas or keep other vampires at bay since soon they would probably be hunted down.

(sorry took so long)

Bellinda 10-08-2013 11:32 PM

Violet looks at Jules while she lays back on the bed. She folds her arms behind her head, while she closes her eyes thinking. It's been nearly two days since both her and Jules left the clan. And already there was signs that things wasn't going to let up for them. She opens them looking back over at Jules. "I plan on striking tonight...the angel is near I can scent him close. But I also can scent the others." Violet finally gets out of bed and puts on her shoes. "If we need to go...we need to move now before they catch up. Clearly the lord has took back his word and send them after us or the angel." She walks over and pulls the curtain back. "I know you are tired of hearing this." Violet says, looking over her shoulder at Jules. "Are you sure about this? There might be a chance one of us isn't going to make it back here." turning around and walks over to her.

Immy 10-14-2013 01:17 PM

(I am sick, sorry for late reply)

Jules stands looking at Violet "You are my sister and whatever happens, whether or not they accept you, I refuse to let you die" Jules would stand in the day if it meant for Violet to live "I won't back down and I won't let you die. So if anything happens, you go on without me, alright?" Jules could at least be the distraction for this, then again she had a secret that no one else knew, and was quite fine with the choices she would soon make. Jules stands there for a moment unmoved then she hugged Violet easily letting go "Come, time to run" she smirked liking adventure and the chase that was about to start.

Demons, vampires, witches, it wasn't just them who was after Alexander it seemed that the other angels were too and one of the angels sent out was a bit crazy. For Alexander it was just 'Great' because this angel didn't stop until the person he wanted dead, was dead. Even if it meant killing innocents in his way dying; what had he done that was so bad that his own kind would send 'this' angel after him?

Bellinda 11-24-2013 04:02 AM

Violet blinks at Jules's actions, as she never seen Jules act like this. Violet clears her throat and rubs the back of her neck. "Right...well I'm counting on you then, sister." She shakes her head, heading the door and walks out of it. Violet knew what they would be up against since now both angels and vampires would surely be after then now. One thing of course she was after one angel in fact, still not sure what she would do. Maybe for his blood or something else.

Jiro walks into the hallway with the others. He looks over at Xarina and Christopher who was in charge of this since Vlad had put them as leaders. "So how are we going to do this? I think it would be much easiler to split up. That way a group can go after Violet and Jules and the other group can go after that stupid angel." Jiro crosses his arms over his chest, leaning against the wall.

Immy 12-31-2013 09:47 PM

"So do you have a plan yet? As far as I can tell you, the obvious, it won't be easy. But, if you think in another way, it will be easier than you would expect" Jules spoke following her then stopped feeling something strange in the air. Running back up with her she put up a magical protection shield from physical attacks.

"I doubt the angel would be very bright to be separated from anyone. Most likely he would try to confide in other angels if they do not refuse him" Xarina spoke as Christopher added "Jiro is right, we'll have to separate the three of them, not just two, if we separate the vampire traitor from the angel that is only half the problem we have to take out Jules while we are at it. With her...they could all escape"

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