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MinakoAxule 07-07-2013 11:06 AM

Axule Labs! (Open!)
Axule Labs!
A place to heal the wounded and ill! Also to train guards to keep our people safe!

So we are stranded on this island after our air ship has crashed we will have wounded. I have this green dust that I created in my labs that will heal any wound even severed limbs! Now I know you all are wondering how can this little bag treat everyone and keep us all healthy for unknown amount of time! Simple this dust is actually healing nano machines so they replicate as long as I have some left. So no worries our stash is constant!

We also are here with no idea of what is on this island. We need guards! Warriors that will protect those Menewshians that cannot protect themselves! I am a master of making weapons and training. I ask for help of other masters to train more of our people!

There will be three sets of staff here:

1. Medical staff I need people trained in first aid and if there are any doctors it would be nice if you could help out too!

2. Blacksmiths that can help create weapons and armors!

3. Masters of combat to train our menewshans!

Any help I can get would be much appreciated!

Please post on here and pm me if you are applying!

Next post will be the staff of this place!

---------- Post added 07-07-2013 at 07:08 AM ----------

Axule Labs Staff!


Medical Staff:
Minako Axule

Minako Axule

Masters of Combat:

Moon! 07-07-2013 11:30 AM

After thinking a lot, I finally decided I'm gonna help the injured people to get a good health again so ill apply for the medical staff? ; o ;

MinakoAxule 07-07-2013 11:36 AM

Thank you so much Moon! You are now part of the staff let me get you a name tag!

Moon! 07-07-2013 11:37 AM

Yay! Thanks :D I hope people don't get injured too much >n<

MinakoAxule 07-07-2013 11:40 AM

I sent the trade request to give you your name badge~!

Moon! 07-07-2013 11:42 AM

Oh thanks for the badge :D ill wear right away -nod nod-

---------- Post added 07-07-2013 at 05:13 PM ----------

Oh and how much do I have to pay? :O

MinakoAxule 07-07-2013 11:46 AM

No need to pay. Name tags are free for employees. Just do good at your job~!

Moon! 07-07-2013 11:48 AM

Oh that's so nice of you! :D

MinakoAxule 07-07-2013 11:50 AM

Well I want the people to know who is part of the team and who isn't. Anyway the tags only cost 75 gold so I earn that back fast~!

Moon! 07-07-2013 11:52 AM

Accepted trade~
Really it takes me a long time to earn just 50 gold...-.- I'm a slow poster..; o ;

MinakoAxule 07-07-2013 11:53 AM

There we go I accepted you should have your name tag now~!

Moon! 07-07-2013 11:54 AM

I should go wear it! -rushes to inventory-

MinakoAxule 07-07-2013 11:57 AM

Now since we are stranded we don't do pay since there is no currency so far. You just get dibbs on any new things I invent to help our people out~

Moon! 07-07-2013 11:59 AM

-nod nod- that's a good thing!

xuvrette 07-07-2013 12:00 PM

so cute to see you two in some kind of... alliance~

MinakoAxule 07-07-2013 12:02 PM

Well as a doctor I am invested in the physical and mental health of our people. So having a resort is good for the mental health and having a clinic like this is good for the physical health.

Moon! 07-07-2013 12:07 PM

-nod nod- mina is right! :D

MinakoAxule 07-07-2013 12:09 PM

This should fight off any violent rebellions for a while. If we can make a strong stable community!

spicedroses 07-07-2013 10:02 PM

Sadly I have been known to accidently poison people on occassion, doubt I would be much help around here

Moon! 07-08-2013 09:39 AM

You are welcome to help anytime rose! >o<

MinakoAxule 07-08-2013 02:42 PM


You can be the receptionist here~! Always could use one!

hummy 07-08-2013 09:38 PM

would you like to be a RAK hostess when you have time?

Moon! 07-09-2013 09:39 AM

Thats great mina! Hummy wants you to be a staff! ; O ;

MinakoAxule 07-09-2013 11:57 AM

Yeah I accepted it yesterday but I had no time to start yesterday. I hope I can do some today since everyone is back at work and school.

Moon! 07-09-2013 11:58 AM

That's great hear your gonna help! <3

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