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p o p p e t ♥ 07-08-2013 07:06 PM

The Treasure Hunt »An event RP«

This story takes place on an island where cell phones and technology are non-existent. While your character may arrive with something of the sort, they will quickly find that not only does it not work, that the tribes and pirates about know nothing of the strange devices.
Why yes, yes it is your map of the island and yes it is Disney's.

Your character options are: Shipwrecked passenger on a seemingly deserted island, pirate, tribal member, treasure hunter, other relevant character.

1. Follow Mene’s rules and TOS first and foremost.
2. You must be semi-literate to literate and post at least two paragraphs, three to five sentences long. (I joined an open play once where everyone posted like it was a chat and no one could make sense of it or keep up. That is NOT allowed.)
3. No God-modding or anything of the sort.
4. Make a diverse character. We don’t need ten pirates and one islander.
5. Post your character’s photo and a description and short bio at the top of your entry post.
6. Keep in mind that this will be more than likely be pretty fast paced and you could potentially get left behind, though hopefully that doesn’t happen.
7. Keep OOC to a minimum in the thread. If you want to talk, click the OOC link below and chat there!

Above all else, have fun!

p o p p e t ♥ 07-08-2013 07:07 PM
Chiara is a mermaid. She has the ability, like most mermaids (thanks to the sea King) to transform into a human. She also has the ability to manipulate water, freeze and unfreeze it and talk to animals, though she understands sea creatures best. The island has had little to no outside visitors in over a hundred years, since the infamous Black Beard’s treasure was buried here. So, Chiara has not had much human contact.

She has bright red eyes and smooth pale skin, despite spending time at the surface of the water. Her ears are pointy and her pale blonde hair is usually kept up on her head and dawned with sea shells and flowers. Her fin is red to match her eyes and her voice sounds soft and sweet.


Chiara sat atop a long rock in the middle of mermaid lagoon, brushing her long blonde hair with a spiked sea shell. She was humming to herself with her eyes closed. Her bright red tail was half in the water and she was flicking it gently in the water.

It was high noon, and the skies were clear. A double rainbow hung in the sky over the island, though there hadn't been any rain today. There were always rainbows surround the island. The beautiful paradise where Chiara spent most of her days lounging about.

Kry 07-08-2013 08:16 PM

Name: Ryek Le'Raux
Age: 28
Info: Ryek Le'Raux has been captain of the ship "Devil's Dream" for well over 10 years. Often he is referred to as the Sea Demon. Not much is known about Ryek's past, as he refuses to share such information. He is very agile, very good swordsman and very good with his pistol. He often takes prisoners, always pillages other ships if he thinks they're rich enough to bother with. Enjoys chasing mermaids and hunting after other mythical creatures.

The "Devil's Dream" is one of very few ships that can honestly be called, the fastest ships to ever sail the high seas. She's a dark grey ship, with sails as white as a snow, the jolly roger is always flown atop her mast. She's a big ship, but not too big. She's armed with cannons, but still retains her agility in the water. Sometimes she moves as if alive and Ryek often comments that he lets the ship choose her own way.

His ship had been caught in a terrible storm, her sails were tattered, but the Jolly Roger flag fluttering atop her mast seemed mostly unharmed, and the ship herself was still in very good condition despite being tossed about by rough waves and lightening bolts crashing down around her. When the ship finally broke free of the dark clouds and tumultous seas, Ryek beheld and island before him. Rainbows in the sky, and the water around the chunk of land was as calm as could be. He turned to look behind him, the storm still raged, but there seemed to be an invisible barrier that the storm couldn't cross. His ship had crossed it. Out of the storm and into calm waters.

Ryek checked his compass, only to find the needle spinning wildly in random directions. He dropped it into a large pocket of his coat, he, like the deck and rest of his crew were soaking wet. Mostly from the high waves that had crashed over the ship, threatening to capsize the large vessel, it didn't matter though. He pulled out a rolled up map and unrolled it. Eye's scanning it seriously. He couldn't find the island on the map, then again, due to the storm tossing them off course he could only guesstimate where they had ended up, but in all the possible areas they could have ended up in there were no islands on his map nearby.

The map was rolled up, replaced in his boot and he ordered his men to make for the land. Surely there was treasure untold on an uncharted island, and by the time they had the treasure and secured it in the ship the storm might have moved on or broken completely. The crew scurried about their duties as Ryek kept his place at the helm of the ship.

p o p p e t ♥ 07-09-2013 01:11 AM

Chiara was combing through her hair when a school of fish swam through in a fluster. They were saying something about something very large, on the surface of the water, coming towards the island. She placed her combing shell on the rock, and dove into the water.

The mermaid swam in the direction that the school of brightly colored fish had come from for a few minutes, poking her head above the water from time to time to see if she could see the animal they spoke of. Finally, she spotted it. It was no animal, but a ship. She had seen these before, though not at this island. Chiara swam closer, but stayed a safe distance away and watched. Wondering what the ship would do and who was on board.

Kry 07-09-2013 02:09 AM

The grey prow sliced through the water easily, as the ship moved ever closer towards the island, she went slow though. Captain and crew unsure if there were any hidden reefs or large rocks to be watched out for the closer they got, so the approached with caution. The sails only half unfurled and men between decks at the oars, while several stood at the front of the ship to watch for rocks or reef. Ryek remained at the wheel, one hand on his hip and the other resting gently on the wheel.

An uncharted island meant many dangerous. There could be tribes of wild people about, or even shipwrecked men gone crazy. Probably some exotic and poisonous beasts as well. The exploration of the island would be met with the same caution and care as the approach to the island from the sea was. Ryek glanced out over the ocean, looking this way and that. There was nothing, no other ships that he could see, no wrecked ships or whole ones washed up against any rocks. What if he was the first to find this island? He would have liked to mark it's position on the map, but until the stars rose he couldn't be sure of the exact coordinates.

PapillonCameo 07-10-2013 12:40 AM

Alryn lifted a sun bronzed hand to smooth locks of pastel pink hair. The strands were in a rather messy disarray because of the wind brought from the sea. From his perch in the trees he could see a ship, just off the coast. Amethyst eyes narrowed speculatively at the sight. Despite the distance, because of his shape shifting abilities, he could pick up details from the ship others might have missed. Pirates had come to the island, and it seemed like the choice had been an unwilling one if the sails were anything to go by.

Perhaps they'd been caught in a freak storm like Alryn had been once. It would be nice to have others to talk with.... Mermaids, most of them, shied away from the strangeness the shifter emanated from every pore. It didn't matter whether he was a she, or how beautiful, there was still that odd feeling Alryn put out that made the half fish, half human swim away hastily at his approach.

Kry 07-10-2013 02:00 AM

Ryek was unaware that there were eyes on him from both the sea and the land. If he had known a mermaid was watching him, the pirate would have begun to put all his effort into capturing her. The other watching him, would have probably been a prisoner to sell to slavers. But the french pirate was unaware of the eyes on him as he slowly crept towards the island, it would take a while before the ship finally came to rest in the water. Anchor being dropped, the sails being taken down to either be replaced or repaired, the oars were lifted. They were as close as they dared to get to shore, not wanting to run aground and end up beaching the ship.

Ryek moved, slipping away from the helm to stride across the deck. Moving across it to lean against the railing at the side. His first mate came to him and handed him a spy glass. Ryek took it and brought it to his eye, peering at the island through it to survey the area a bit before just running off into it. He didn't know this place at all, so he would have to be careful not to get lost in the dense forest. It certainly seemed like a place to explore, there should be treasures there for the taking. He handed the spyglass back to his first mate and issued an order or two in French.

Several crew members moved to lower a row boat into the water next to the ship, readying it for the captain's short trip to land.

p o p p e t ♥ 07-10-2013 03:51 AM

Chiara dove deeper into the water so that she could come closer to the ship without being spotted. The people on it were lowering a smaller boat into the water. It looked similar to the boats the indians on the island used, though not as long or as decorated.

She hid under the shadow of the boat, waiting to see what they would do. She assumed they were using the small boat to travel to the beach. She didn't see how the large ship would be able to get as close. It would hit the shallows and become stuck no doubt.

Kry 07-10-2013 04:03 AM

There were already three men in the row boat as it was being lowered. It touched the water with a soft splash, and the ropes remained attacked. Keeping it in position next to the large ship, awaiting the captain. Ryek gave some last minute orders in French and made his way over to the side of the ship that the rowboat was on. He grabbed a rope and swung over the railing, the robe long enough to reach all the way to the little boat, and he slid down the rope. Landing lightly on his feet in the boat, he released his rope and sat down, the ropes holding the rowboat were released and two of the three crew mates began to row for shore.

Death_to_the_reaper 07-10-2013 09:21 AM

On the other side of the island, there was quiet because the news of the ship did not disturb the peace. Native Indians were walking around their village and going about their day-to-day business. Women were sewing clothes or watching after the children as they ran around and played. Groups of men were sharpening their weapons to prepare to gather food for their families. There was one young woman trying to talk the guys into letting her join the hunting party.

She had long, dark hair just like the rest of her people. But they did not have bright green eyes like the woman did. Nor were they the chief's only daughter. The group of men were her older brothers but that only made convincing them harder. After they refused to take her with them, she decided that waiting for them to return was no fun. The princess took a spear and ran into the wounds to hunt for food. Little did she know it was in the direction of the pirates.

Kry 07-11-2013 01:50 AM

Ryek, still unaware of being watched, made it to the shore in a few short minutes. His crew were well muscled and had powerful arms. So they had rowed the boat quickly. He jumped out of it in the shallow water and helped haul it far enough up the beach so that hightide wouldn't wash it away. Then he barked out orders in French sending each man off in a different direction to scout the area a little bit, and bring him back information.

Then he would best decide which direction treasure was more likely to be in, of course Ryek had little hope of finding treasure without a map or some kind of signs to point him in the right direction. Still sometimes one did get lucky and practically tripped over half buried chests of treasure. He finished securing the row boat, and sat on the sand next to it. Looking out towards his ship as he waited for his men to return from scouting the small areas he had sent them off to.

PapillonCameo 07-11-2013 02:04 AM

How interesting. Alryn watched all the bustling of the crew rowing to shore and setting off to search for treasure, he was sure. These were pirates after all. Maybe they would like a guide? The young man licked his lips, thinking of food he hadn't tasted in years. That was motivation enough for him as he let himself drop down from the tree with a thump.

Quietly he approached the man who seemed to be the captain of the pirates. "Excuse me, are you looking for a guide? All I ask for is food." Alryn sent the man a cheery smile.

Kry 07-11-2013 02:22 AM

When the person came up behind him, most likely hoping to catch the pirate captain unawares, Ryek leaped to his feet and turned. His sword unsheathed almost impossibly fast, the tip of the blade pointed at the young man that had approached him from behind. He let his eyes roam over the young man's body for a moment, he seemed harmless enough, slowly Ryek sheathed his sword. "A guide, eh?" The pirate sounded a little suspicious of this person, but already wheels were turning in his head. He could sell the boy when he was done with him, though there was really no telling when Ryek would be done with him.

"I've plenty of food, on my ship." He glanced towards the dark grey vessel at anchor. She swayed and bobbed lightly on the ocean's surface. His attention quickly turned back to the young man. "I might be inclined to share it with you, if you can guide us to some treasure. I sent some of my men to scout around, but I doubt they'll find anything of value just laying about." Those eyes remained on the young man, and though his sword was sheathed now, his hand rested on the hilt. Ready to draw it at a moment's notice.

PapillonCameo 07-11-2013 02:33 AM

A flicker of a smile slipped across Alryn's lips at the captain's quick movements. He should have expected such a reaction from someone who survived by evading the authorities. "They'll probably get caught up in the fores, lost most likely." Treasure, that was what the pirate sought? How predictable. Alryn didn't know where there was any, but he had an idea who would know for certain.

The mermaids would surely know where the treasures of the sea lay, while he had some ideas as to where people might hide such things on land. "I don't have a concrete idea of where treasure might be, but I do have some ideas and I know there is some here. The mermaids would know where treasure lies under the sea." Honesty was the best course of action it seemed, even so the shifter moved his feet slightly upon the sand. It was better to be ready to bolt if the need arose.

Kry 07-11-2013 02:46 AM

Ryek couldn't help but give the young man a smile, an almost cheeky one when he said Ryek's crew might get lost in the forest. "They can navigate well enough." Was the only response or explanation needed for his cheeky smile. Though if they did get lost, well they knew the rules, if they weren't back by the time Ryek was ready to leave they would just have to stay here.

He licked his lips, watching the young man carefully. At the mention of mermaids, Ryek's face brightened considerably. He did love mermaids. "There are mermaids here?" He took a slight step towards the other, but he had noted how the young man's feet moved slightly. As if ready to dart off at the first hint of danger, so Ryek only took that one slight step towards him. "I am overly fond of mermaids, take me to the mermaids, better yet. Help me catch a few and I'll give you any reward you'd like." Ryek's promise of reward was an empty one, his only reward he planned on giving this boy regardless was a trip straight to the slavers. This young man was nothing but coin that had yet to be put in Ryek's pocket. And mermaids would fetch a very pretty price, who needed lost treasure when you had a few mermaids, anyway?

Death_to_the_reaper 07-11-2013 03:02 AM

Mari ran into the woods holding the spear that she made for her last birthday. Being in these forests was second nature to her and it was like second nature to her. She loved all nature but being in high places was her favorite part. Plus, trees were comfy to sleep in at least she thought so. The princess ran towards her preferred hunting area and crouched down to avoid being seen by her prey.

While sitting there, the young woman heard the sound of something through the trees. It was the sound of humans moving through the leaves. Knowing it was not her brothers, she moved closer to the sound to see who the people were. Mari hide in some of the bushes near the sound to investigate.

AmaniIshtar 07-11-2013 05:24 AM

Petella is the oldest of the 'Forgotten Kids', having been on the island the longest. She's fun loving, mischievous, and a bit naïve. She does have her responsible moments of maturity. She is friends with the local pixies, having been practically raised by them. Because of this, she's able to understand and communicate with them, most land animals, and fly.


Petella climbed through the branches, giggling at the whispers of the pixies talking about some new pirates landing ashore. There shouldn't be any pirates on the island, not after she'd defeated the last ones. Well, if you counted defeated as completely humiliated him. Reaching the top of the branches, she pulled out her stolen spyglass, extending it too overlook the island, noticing the ship in the distance. Wanting to get a better look, she closed the glass, pocketing it in one of her many pouches, before darting into the air to fly. Gleefully letting the air blow through her blonde tresses, she flipped through the air doing tricks. Flying towards the ship, she slowed down and floated to the ground to hide among the bushes to spy on the outsiders. They seemed to be communicating with what she thought was a shifter. 'Tella had seen the young man about before, but she hadn't interacted much with the others.

PapillonCameo 07-11-2013 05:39 AM

Maybe he shouldn't have mentioned the maids of the sea so easily to a pirate... Alryn grinned to hide the thought from the man, who was far more dangerous then he'd first thought. Underestimating people was a horrible flaw. "I could, but you also could be lying." Now, how could a pirate prove his integrity? That was a funny enough thought as the sea breeze carried with it a salty smell and the cry of seagulls, circling up above.

Kry 07-11-2013 06:08 AM

This boy wasn't dumb, Ryek admired that. Others would have jumped eagerly at a reward. "How shall I prove myself to you, then?" Ryek could be clever when he put his mind to it, though at the moment he was wondering why the four crew members he had sent out hadn't returned yet. Had they actually gotten lost? Maybe fallen into a trap or eaten by something? Those eyes never left the young man, and the pirate pulled his hat off, giving a low, sweeping bow with a dramatic flourish to the young man. "I am Ryek Le'Raux, Captain of the Devil's Dream. Tell me what I must do to prove myself worthy of your trust, and I'll do it." He placed his hat back on his head as he straightened from that bow.

p o p p e t ♥ 07-11-2013 03:07 PM

When the rowboat met the beach and men hopped out heading into the forest, Chiara swam up behind a group of rocks in the shallows to remain unseen. She peeked around a large rock to see that one man sat on the beach. He looked different from the others. Better dressed, if nothing else.

When another man appeared, Chiara ducked behind the rock again to slowly peek around it again a moment later. Bright red eyes watched the pair, wondering what it was they were saying to each other. She found herself sneaking forward, still hidden in rocks, when she couldn't move forward any farther. Not in her mermaid form at least.

Chiara whispered something in a mermaid tongue and in moments, she had human legs. Her top was still made of shells, but her bottom was now covered with a sheer white cloth that slit up the side. It was long and held up by pearls. Another shell conveniently covered what it needed to.

She'd had plenty of practice with human legs. She often came to the beach and explored parts of the island. Not something the other mermaids usually did. Chiara was always so curious. But wary.

She moved forward until she was on the beach, very near the pair, but still hidden behind one fairly large rock. The last rock between her and them. She listened carefully. She picked up the word mermaid, something about lying, and an introduction of the one who she thought was called Le'Raux. She'd missed many parts of the conversation.

Once again she peeked around the rock with bright red eyes assessing the pair. They didn't look overly dangerous, but they were human. They didn't seem to have anything interesting; Chiara loves shiny, sparkly and colorful things. What mermaid didn't? She listened in again, trying to determine if they were dangerous enough to drive her back into the sea.

PapillonCameo 07-12-2013 01:58 AM

Alryn studied the pirate closely, while trying to figure out what could prove this man's trustworthiness. Many scenarios leaped to mind, but only one seemed to fit the bill perfectly. A grin blossomed upon the young man's feminine features. "Well then, Captain Ryek... Tell me a verifiable secret of yours, one which could get you into quite a bit of trouble if you were exposed." The shapeshifter had more then enough experience with such secrets to know that by entrusting something like that to another you were also gambling with your life... In most cases. For some reason, the pirate captain didn't seem like one to have his life threatened easily.

(so short ....)

Kry 07-12-2013 02:24 AM

This young man was very amusing and very clever. He laughed lightly, watching the young man carefully though. Ryek was genuinely amused with this fellow, but there were no secrets that would get him into quite a bit of trouble. After all he was a pirate, and was already in as much trouble as one could possibly ever be in. Though that trouble would probably worsen if those after him, mainly the navy, knew his location. "I don't know any secrets that might get me into trouble, but I do have a secret. It's verifiable, though only if she deems you worthy enough to speak to, otherwise you'll think I'm either crazy or lying." Ryek grinned at the young man and leaned towards him. That voice dropping to a whisper. "My ship is alive. Forged of magic, she has a mind of her own, she can sail herself. It's a very well kept secret, even my own crew has no idea." His secret told, and he straightened back up. A magic ship, it was worth a fortune, and yet Ryek had never even once thought of selling her.

p o p p e t ♥ 07-12-2013 04:01 PM

What were they saying now? The man speaking had lowered his voice significantly. Chiara leaned farther around the rock. She was sure they couldn't see her, unless of course they looked in her direction. They didn't seem to be of any threat. Neither of them were yelling or waving weapons around. Chiara decided that enough time had passed of civil conversation that the pair wasn't dangerous. At least for now.

That could change of course, so she would watch them for another few moments. If either of them got crazy, she would retreat into the ocean and swim around the island to the indian encampment and warn them of the danger on the island. They would then surely take care of the problem, keeping the island and all of it's inhabitants safe.

PapillonCameo 07-12-2013 04:11 PM

Alryn leaned forward expectantly, lips clamped tight shut and eyes narrowed in concentration. The amethyst orbs widened when the secret was revealed, and a small gasped escaped his lips. A live ship? Such things were rare and valuable indeed...

Having been entrusted with such a secret made the young man want to trust the pirate captain. Even so, Alryn was still wary. "Alright, I'll show you ... I just hope no harm will come to them." The chances of that little wish being fulfilled were slim to none, Alryn knew that and yet still hoped it were otherwise.

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