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S3rg3antDucky 08-08-2013 08:42 AM

Story Building Game!
The story building game is a game where each new post is a continuation to the last, pretty much building up to make a story. A paragraph at the maximum, please. I'll start.

I awoke from my slumber to a strange sound coming from the other room.

Pretty generic, but I'm sure you guys can make it into something spectacular! [boogie]

Bire 08-11-2013 06:56 PM

I quietly sat up and glanced at where my sister was. She was still asleep and breathing silently. The sound seemed to come from the storage closet across from our room.

Meh, it's all I could think of.

SuperZombiePotatoe 10-29-2013 05:02 PM

Although my body begged me to ignore it and return to sleep, my curiosity could not be subdued. Slowly, so as to not alarm my sister, I crept toward the door. The sound repeated itself. It was almost like scratching.

Lexadis 12-31-2013 06:00 AM

I now knew that something was definitely up. My heart was beating so loudly and it felt as if someone was banging me hard on the head. Yet, I opened the door very slowly, without making a sound and tiptoed towards the storage closet. What I saw there made my heart stopped beating, or so it seemed. I stifled a scream of surprise.

la-la-london 12-27-2015 01:52 AM

A demonic face glared at me, eyes glowing red and sharp-toothed mouth gaping. Its claws scraped at the door frame, and then burrowed in. With a hair-raising hiss, it lunged forward. I threw my arms defensively in front of my face and scuttled back, tripping and tumbling to the floor. The creature had suddenly gone silent again. When I dared to peer over my arms, it was gone.

Inzanebraned 01-07-2018 01:48 PM

Having heard me tumble to the floor, my sister came to the bedroom door to see what the commotion was.
Seeing me sitting on the floor with my arms over my face, she asked, "Have you been sleep-walking again?"

hummy 01-07-2018 02:11 PM

Be careful necroing threads sweetie

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