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Silver Storm 09-26-2013 08:43 AM

Arcannoridge School of Special Talents (Open & Accepting)
Arcannonridge School of Special Talents

This prestigious school, located high up in the hills, is home to some of the worlds most talented young people. Here, along with normal schooling from high-school through college, they learn more about their talents and how to live with and control them.
There is a nice dormitory building, one door leads to the girls' side and one leads to the boys' side. The rooms are very comfortable and there is even an area where students can mix and mingle.
The school grounds also holds a very nice stable which holds some school horses and empty stalls for those students who own their own horses. There is a fine arena and the hills are laced with riding trails.
Not for from the school is a nice little village. Most of the people in in either have special abilities or are well aware of and comfortable with people with special abilities. Though small you can fill most of your needs there.

Silver Storm 09-26-2013 08:51 AM

Admissions Form
(Please message to me and I will add you to the Roster.)

Grade: (9-12 for high school; Freshman-Senior for college.)
Special Abilities: (Limit 3)
Weakness: (This kind of goes with special abilities; no god/perfect characters)
Pet: (Don't have to have one)

Pet Form


Silver Storm 09-26-2013 09:50 AM

Name: Bridget "Brid" McKay
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Grade: Freshman
Special Abilities: Healing abilities though they drain her. She can't save people close to death or she will die instead. Can feel/experience others emotions.
Weakness: Doesn't trust easy, has the temper to go with the red hair.
Pet: Horse
Background: An orphan since she was 10, she just recently found out about Arcannonridge school.
Name: Bellisario
Age: 5
Gender: Stallion
Breed: Friesian
Bio: Has lived with Brid since he was a young foal. He is very protective of her. Great at opening stall doors, untying himself and slipping halters.


Originally Posted by Failcake The Broken
Name: Samson David Groves aka Sammy/Sammy Dave
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Grade: Freshman
Special Abilities: Telekinesis [ability to move objects with his mind]
Weakness: People pleaser, chronic depression
Pet: None
Background: Ran away from home at the age of 16 because of neglect from parents and bullying at school. Used his "parlor tricks" to earn money on the streets to survive, moving from town to town. Came across this new school and decided to give it a try. Freaks can't bully other freaks, right?


Originally Posted by BloodyKnight
Name: Ace X. Terrance
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Grade: 12
Special Abilities: Ace has a very interesting skill where he can draw anything and make it come to life and he can also shape shift, though his abilities in both areas are limited.
Weakness: He has a horrible time with people in general. Being in crowds tends to make him go into a uncontrollable panic.
Pet: A small black and orange kitten.
Background: Ace comes from a small town in the country side. Ace lived with his Grandfather for years until the man died. After that Ace was forced to live with a foster family that mistreated him often. As soon as Ace was 18 he moved far away and started school again after having enough money saved up to get him in.

Pet Form
Name: Cielty
Age: 3
Gender: Female
Breed: Tabby
Bio: Cielty was a kitten Ace founded abandoned on the street. At the time she was being chased by dogs but Ace was quick to save her. After that encounter Ace decided to take her in as his own


Originally Posted by ~Wild Spirit Wolf~
Name: Rosemary Brennan
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Grade: Freshman
Special Abilities: Pyrokinesis, ability to see and talk to spirits.
Weakness: Rosemary has limited control over her pyrokinesis, which has resulted in many accidental fires. Needless to say, talking to ghosts that no one else can see has branded her as "unstable" and makes her uncomfortable around people.
Pet: Twin cats, one male one female, named Cobrafang and Viperstrike.
Background: Rosemary's parents were two very understanding people. Throughout her life, they tried their best to nurture her and care for her, despite her odd abilities. By the time Rosemary reached high school, she had already been branded as a troublemaker by teachers, a pyromaniac by police, and a freak by her peers. After the third time a fire had been started around her, a judge deemed her unstable and sentenced her to anger management therapy, where her therapist tried several different methods to convince her she did not have special abilities. Tortured by her abilities, Rosemary begged her parents to send her away. They found a school that specialized in children with special abilities and sent her there with her two cats. Rosemary has a rose tattoo on her left upper arm.

Pet Form
Name: Viperstrike and Cobrafang
Age: 3
Gender: Female (Viperstrike) Male (Cobrafang)
Breed: Domesticated cerval
Bio: Rosemary picked the twin cats when her neighbor's cat gave birth. She was told to only pick one, but since they were twins, she was allowed to take them together. Given that cats are naturally sensitive to spirits, the twins are a great help to Rosemary in telling when someone is alive and when they are a spirit.


Originally Posted by finx15
Name: Athena Archer
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Grade: Freshman
Special Abilities: Can control time up to an hour.
Weakness: Controlling tiem can be hard and have some very bad results.
Pet: Fox
Background: Athena is the oldest daughter of parents just like her though there powers are different so they where always helpful and understanding of her strange powers. Though they loved her there was a lot of pressure to take up the family business as well as controlling her powers.
Name: Star
Age: 18
Gender: female
Breed: fox
Bio: Star was left by her mother when she was a cub to be found and raised by Athena.
Name: Isabella Archer
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Grade: 9
Special Abilities: She can see the future.
Weakness: She can't control what she see's or when and if she tells someone about there future it changes so she has to be careful
Pet: Raccoon
Background: Izzy is the second oldest girl in her family and Athena's younger sister. Much like her sister her family understood her she is closet to her grandmother who has the same power she does. She joined the school so she could try and control her power better.

Picture: I'm the raccoon in my mistress picture
Name: Ariel
Age: 6
Gender: Female
Breed: Raccoon
Bio: My lady found my in the woods and feed me I liked her very much...What's that you've never heard a raccoon talk? I'm not surprised I'm very special and very rare.


Originally Posted by Codette
Name: Cody Lanette
Age: 19
Gender: female
Grade: 12
Special Abilities: Shadow Walker; can melt her body into shadows to hide/move stealthily.
Weakness: Her powers are useless when theres no shadows. She's usually uneasy around crowds which leads her to jump into shadows to escape.
Background: Cody was raised by her grandmother, who helped hide Cody's fears and abilities by home schooling her. Grandmother was very strict about education, and when she had a heart attack she made Cody promise to attend school and at least finish her senior year of high school. Cody and her grandmother found Arcannoridge, and it was the first place that seemed like it could be accepting to Cody's nature. She just hopes she was right.


Originally Posted by happydeath
Name: Yukito Hoshimoto
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Grade: Senior
Special Abilities: Yukito is able to manipulate many different forms of water; but mostly enjoys ice. His right eye is cursed however it does allow him to gain unimaginable amount of power. His final ability allows him to control over electricity.
Weakness: Whenever Yukito does lose control of power over his right eye and it is revealed, he tends to completely black out and not realize what he is doing anymore. His electric powers are one that he tends to try to stay away from, since he always ends up hurting someone whenever he uses his electric powers; if not short circuiting electronics.
Pet: Phoenix
Background: Yukito was born into the slums of a small village that was much further than the one that held the Arcannoridge School. Throughout the entire time he lived with his small family in the slums, the only way his own family was able to survive was from them doing their best to go out and steal food from market stands. There have been times they had succeeded in stealing some food but yet there have been also days that they had to go the entire day without a single bite to eat. It did not help that as time passed by, without any money they were unable to afford any medical insurance.

So within a few years of living in the slums, Yukito's parents had ended up passing away; leaving their only child to fend for himself for the rest of his life. As he had grown up on his own, Yukito had ended up learning about his powers and realizing that this could help him in his survival in this cruel world. However, he hadn't realized that this power also came with a family curse that began to form quickly in his right eye. The first time the blonde male had realized this he had thought of it nothing more than just a side affect of his powers being used so much; so he simply ignored it. Although as it continued to grow stronger, one day he had ended up killing multiple people in the town square just because he lost control of his curse in his right eye.

After that day, Yukito had made sure to seal off his entire right eye and immediately began to go in search of somewhere he could learn to control this power of his; without losing control of his curse. That was the same time he ended up finding Arcannoridge School. To this day, he has still yet to learn much of his powers, but still he knows well enough by now what to do to keep himself from losing control all the time. He still tends to go through intense pain in his eye, but it has subsided much more than it used to be.

Name: Azaiah
Age: 5
Gender: Male
Breed: Phoenix
Bio: Azaiah was found by Yukito on his travel to the Aracannoridge School. He had found the small bird laying inside a large pool of some sort of blue liquid that was really warm. The fire that had been covering it's body as it does now was completely extinguished and it was just about to completely die. Luckily however, Yukito was able to rescue it's life and ever since then, he has followed him closely; going by the name of Azaiah, one that Yukito gave him.

Silver Storm 09-26-2013 11:30 PM

Bridget sighed, rubbing the black, Friesian stallion's neck. She looked at the school in front of her with trepidation. Could she and Bellisario finally settle down for awhile or would things go south here too. She turned the stallion towards the stable; might as well get him settled in first.

She slid out of the saddle in front of the stable, before leading Bellisario inside. As they walked down the cobblestone aisle way a few horses poked their heads out of their stalls to inspect the new comer. Bellisario neighed with the deep, gruff neigh of a stallion. He danced next to Brid, his neck arched and nostrils flaring.

"Steady Bellisario," Brid soothed. "I know this is new for both of us but this could be our chance."

Fifteen minutes later, Brid had Bellisario settled in his stall and all his equipment organized in her appointed area of the tack room. She stood in the stall, rubbing the stallion's neck, putting off checking into the dorm. The stallion nuzzled her her gently, nickering softly. He lipped a strand of her hair, seeming to sense her nervousness.

Failcake The Broken 09-27-2013 05:34 PM

Sammy dropped his backpack onto the bed of his appointed dorm and let his eyes take in the small, cold room. [ooc: I'm assuming there are dorms?] He wasn't quite sure about unpacking yet. After all, if things didn't work out here, he would just have to pack it all up again... As if he had a lot of possessions anyways. He glanced down at the old, worn bag. Just a few changes of outfits. He'd always spent most his feeble earnings on food and shoes - having multiple changes of pants and shirts didn't seem quite as important - and saved up the rest for emergencies.

Turning back towards the door, he decided to try to find the cafeteria. Hopefully he didn't have to pay for food; he'd spent all his savings on the tuition to get into this school. He had a feeling his parlor tricks wouldn't quite impress the students here enough to earn him money. Would he be able to go into the nearest town? If not, he was going to have to resort to dumpster diving. Not his favorite activity, but he learned early on that you had to do what you had to do.

Silver Storm 09-27-2013 06:47 PM

[ooc: Yes. Sorry about that. I have updated. If you have any other "features" you would like for the school let me know.]

"Guess I better go find my room," Bridget whispered with a sigh. She squared her shoulders, rubbed up under Bellisario's forelock one last time and left the stall.

Bridget double checked the stall latch before picking up her small bag. Since she never stayed in one place very long and always traveled on the stallion, she only had a few things. Maybe if this worked out, she could go down into the village and get some new things. She left the stable and made her way to the dorm, picking up her room key once she was inside. She made her way to her room and dropped her bag on the bed. She looked around her room, but decided to wait on unpacking. Might as well see how the first couple of days went.

Just then her stomach growled; she hadn't eaten much in the last few days. The food being free to students, plus free food for the stallion, had been one of the reasons she had decided to check this school out. She had been able to save money through the help of the stallion, from shows, working and trick riding, but the tuition had really put a dent in the money she had saved. Her stomach growled again, breaking her out of her revery, and she left her room in search of the cafeteria.

Failcake The Broken 09-29-2013 01:29 AM

Sammy finally found his way to the cafeteria. He was rather happy to find that, along with a decent variety of choices, the food was free to the students. Good. With a tuition like they had, it better have had included food. He shoved his hands in his pockets as he studied the menu listed behind the counter. It had been a long time since he had had most of the meals listed.

"Man, what a tough decision," he mumbled to himself. His eyebrows drew closer together, as they often did when he was making up his mind about something important. And yes, this was definitely an important decision.

Finally, he approached the lady taking orders behind the counter. "Four soft shell tacos, please. Sour cream and medium salsa." Several minutes later, he was sitting at a previously empty table, shoving a dressed up taco into his face. He couldn't help but let out a groan of pure contentment. It was a mouthgasmic party in his face.

Silver Storm 09-29-2013 02:32 AM

Bridget found the cafeteria and made her way inside. She stared at the menu, not sure what to pick since it had been forever since she had eaten food like this. They had pretty much any food you could think of on the menu. even fancy dishes like you would see in a 5 star restaurant.

Bridget finally decided what she wanted and stepped up to order. "One large piece of lasagna with steamed vegetables. She waited for her food and then turned, looking for a table to sit at. There was one that only one guy sitting at it, a dark-haired guy enjoying his tacos a lot. She watched him eat for a moment, debating if she felt like trying to make conversation for the first time in awhile.

Finally she decided on an empty table near by, not ready to make the first move yet. Maybe tomorrow she would start making moves towards communicating with her fellow mankind. Who are you kidding? She chastised herself mentally as she sat down. You're not even sure you know how to interact with people any more. Shut up! She muttered, not even realizing that she had said that out loud.

finx15 10-03-2013 01:36 AM

Athena stepped out of the car helping her sister out while there animals jumped out Ariel climbing on Izzy and Star standing next to Athena as the looked at the building. "It sure is big mistress." Ariel said looking meek "You're right Ariel how will we ever find are way in there?" she gripped her sister's hand tightly.
"Don't worry Is I'll help you the best I can." Athena started leading her towards the building easily finding the cafeteria "Why don't we eat?" she smiled softly at her sister.
"Ok." Izzy agreed heading for the food then for a table with a red head girl. "can we sit here?" she asked in her happy voice.
"Please." Ariel added.

Silver Storm 10-03-2013 06:53 AM

Bridget looked up at the girls and their pets. "Um, yeah sure." She wanted to refuse but she suddenly sensed their nervousness. "You guys just get here too?" She asked trying to make conversation.

She felt strange trying to talk to people. She was used to only communicating with people when absolutely necessary and exchanging pleasantries wasn't usually necessary. Well its time to start learning to interact with people again, I guess, She thought.

finx15 10-04-2013 12:23 AM

Izzy seat out a plate for Ariel who stared eating "I'm new to the high school but my onii-chan has been her for year." she grinned happily. "Oh forgive my manner I'm Isabella Archer and this is my sister Athena."

"It's nice to meet you." Athena held out a hand for her to shake.

((onii-chan is a way of saying big sister in Japanese.))

Silver Storm 10-04-2013 01:22 AM

"Ahh, got it." Bridget said, shaking Athena's hand. "So how is this school?" Bridget took another bite of food, wondering if this would be the only good meal for awhile. She still wasn't sure if the tuition money was going to turn out to be a waste. Even if this place did work out, would she be able to settle down? She was so used to running that she wasn't sure if she could stay still anymore. These girls seemed nice enough but, they were only 2 students in the whole school population.

finx15 10-04-2013 01:50 AM

"It's amazing no one to judge you or make fun of you." Athena spited the last part the air around her crackled

"Onii-chan." Izzy cautioned "So what's you're name?" she said starting to eat "It's good." she said around a mouth full of food.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 10-04-2013 04:22 AM

After dropping her single bag off in her dorm, Rosemary Brennan decided she was hungry enough to brave the cafeteria. It was her first year at the school, and naturally she was nervous. Back home, everyone hated her. She was the loner, the goth girl, the troublemaker. But now she had a chance to start over, and it was terrifying. What if she messed up? As if sensing her discomfort, her two cats came up on either side of her and bumped against her legs. Most people couldn't tell the difference, but Rosemary knew without looking that on her right was the female, Viperstrike, and on her left was Cobrafang, the male. They were twins, and never left her side. Reflecting on this, she entered the cafeteria and was greeted by three things. First, the amazing smell. Second, the roaring noise. And third, the terrifying sight of all those people. Staying as small as possible, Rosemary made her way through the line and ordered a large steak, rare, with mashed potatoes and carrots. Her family had always been one step from the streets, and with her record, bail money and therapy sessions had taken their toll. The tuition for the school had been impossible, so they had gotten her a scholarship. She would have to work in the stables on weekends to pay, but at least she could be there. Picking the least occupied table, she ended up sitting with a dark haired boy who seemed to be enjoying his tacos rather a lot. Cutting up her steak, she divided it up between her and her cats, who remained on the floor. Then, taking a bite, she looked up at her tablemate. She had always gotten along better with guys than with girls, so she decided her first interaction might as well be with a guy. "Hey. Um...I'm Rosemary. Nice to meet you." She said, feeling completely lame that she couldn't think of anything better to say. Maybe her Irish accent would save her? Some people found it charming, though she doubted anyone here would think much of it.

Silver Storm 10-04-2013 06:33 PM

"Name's Bridget," She answered. Her eyes wondered, constantly taking in any new activity around the cafeteria. She saw a pretty redhead girl come in and order her food. Bridget was overwhelmed with feeling of nervousness and fear, when the girl entered the cafeteria. She gasped at the flood of emotions, intensified by every other person feeling those same emotions and intensifying her own fear and nervousness. It was too much, she had to get out of her.

"I'm sorry, I have to go." Bridget fled from the cafeteria, leaving behind her half eaten plate of lasagna. She ran out the door and across campus, not even slowing when she entered the stables. Several horses looked curiously out of their stalls as she fled down the aisle, to Bellisario's stall.

As if sensing her distress, the stallion was at the door of his stall to greet her, nickering his concern. Bridget wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his mane, waiting for the flood of emotions to stop. She hugged the stallion's neck, shaking like a leaf in a high wind.

finx15 10-05-2013 12:35 AM

"Bridget-senpai." Izzy called after her then frowned "What was that about?''

"It might have something to do with her powers...never ask what someone's power is Isabella unless you are willing to tell them you're first." Athena said giving her sister advice

"Well I'm going to go say I to that other girl." Izzy stood taking Ariel with her she then spotted the boy "Hello I'm Isabella and this is Ariel."

Silver Storm 10-05-2013 01:01 AM

Slowly the feeling began to fade but Bridget still felt shaken. She decided to go for a ride to settle her nerves. She had been told that the school had a trail in the woods with jumps. A ride down that trail would calm her nerves and allow Bellisario to stretch his legs some more.

She went to the tackroom and grabbed his bridle, before returning to the stall to it on him. She slipped the on the bitless bridle and led the stallion out of his stall, closing the door behind him. She led him down the aisle and out to the arena before springing up onto his bare back.

Bellisario arched his neck and pranced sideways, anxious to go. Bridget rode him around at a walk and trot in the arena to get him warmed up, before finally riding out to the trail head. Once she reached the trail head, she gave him more rein and signaled him for a gallop. They thunder through the woods towards the first jump, Bellisario gathering himself, and then they soared into the air and over. Bridget felt the blood pumping and the nerves calming as they raced down the trail, Bellisario taking the jumps like a pro.

BloodyKnight 10-09-2013 01:30 AM

Ace hesitated as he stepped towards the new school in a simple pair of black jeans and a long black shirt to match it. His black with golden tipped hair was brushed off his right eye, both eyes being a sky blue color. Taking a deep breath, the male fixed his shirt a bit and walked inside the front doors. Almost as soon as he entered he was embraced by a sweet warmth of the building. Long halls and a school map greeted him along with the smell of food. His eyes flickered over the map before he quickly headed to the cafeteria.

After walking through some halls and getting lost countless times, Ace finally reached the cafeteria. He sighed in relief as he opened the doors and saw tables along with faces he was afraid to look at. Turning his attention to the trays he nervously walked over to them and picked it up before almost fleeing towards the lunch ladies and pointing out shyly as to what he wanted. After getting freshly cut roast and mashed potatoes the male ducked away into a table more into the shadows, not liking the feeling of being watched.

Silver Storm 10-09-2013 02:15 AM

Bridget reined in Bellisario after the last jump and both were gasping for breath. Bellisario still danced and pranced with energy as Bridget turned him back towards the stables. His neck was arched and he pranced down the trail, snorting every few steps. To anyone who didn't know the pair, it appeared like Bridget barely had control of the black stallion but in reality she had complete control. She didn't even really need the bridle, but she found that without one people assumed that she was on a runaway horse.

They reached the stables and Bridget turned the stallion to the outdoor arena, wanting to give him more time to cool down from his run. Now back within sight of the school, Bridget felt her nerves coming back. She still wasn't sure if this was a good idea.

Could she really interact with these people like a human being? What if the itch to wonder came over her again? The questions flooded her mind as she circled the arena on the stallion. She hadn't stayed anywhere for more than a couple of weeks since her parents died when she was ten. She had avoided people as much as possible since their deaths, Bellisario her only constant companion.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 10-09-2013 03:53 AM

Rosemary looked up and jumped slightly when a girl came over and sat down. She introduced herself brightly, and Rosemary looked around. Yes, the girl was talking to her, and the boy across from her. "U-um...hi. I'm Rosemary..." She said quietly, afraid to speak up for fear that someone would ridicule her. Hearing her discomfort, Cobrafang and Viperstrike jumped up onto her lap to comfort her. Good thing they weren't large cats. "This is Cobrafang, and this is his twin sister Viperstrike."

finx15 10-09-2013 06:47 PM

"nice to meet you." Ariel said jumping off Izzy's shoulder to land on the table "They will not eat me will they?" she asked eyeing the cats worried. Izzy grinned use to Ariel talking not even realizing how odd it must be for other people to hear her talk.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 10-10-2013 03:43 AM

Rosemary's eyes widened. "I-it spoke. The raccoon talked." She said, dumbfounded. Both cats blinked at the same time, their ears perked. Viperstrike flicked Rosemary with her tail, which brought her around. "Oh, um...s-sorry. I've never heard an animal talk before. Um, no, they won't eat you. Mostly they just eat fish and beef...they're a bit spoiled." She said, her accent becoming clearer as she talked. Cobrafang yawned to show that he was now bored with the conversation, and hopped back under the table to his food. Viperstrike stayed on Rosemary's lap.

finx15 10-10-2013 07:02 PM

"Sorry about that I guess I'm so use to Ariel talking I don't think about other people." Izzy said with a grin "We don't know why she talks she just does." she held her hand out for Viperstrike to sniff.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 10-11-2013 03:38 AM

Rosemary managed a tiny smile. "That's okay. I guess I should get used to surprises, being in a school like this." She said, watching as Viperstrike leaned forward and sniffed the girl's hand. Apparently deciding that Izzy was okay, the cat jumped over onto her lap and headbutted her hand, purring. "Viperstrike! Don't be rude. She's a sucker for pets." Rosemary explained sheepishly.

Silver Storm 10-11-2013 04:18 AM

Bridget finally dismounted and led the stallion back to his stall. She grabbed the brushes from the barn and gave him a good brushing before leading him over to the shower stall. She clipped on the cross-ties and turned on the water. Bellisario tossed his head and snorted, pretending to be afraid of the water, through Bridget knew in truth he loved water.

"Oh stop it silly," she crooned to the stallion. Bellisario shook his head as if to say no and proceeded to bite at the stream of water. She laughed at the stallion's antics and the laughter pushed the nerves away for a time, but Bridget knew they would return. "We'll just have to take it a day at a time," she said, before proceeding to wash the stallion.

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