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shotabot 10-01-2013 10:25 AM

Free art from a newb
Hello, shotabot here. I'm always craving to draw something, and yet... despite loving things myself [like my OCs or some fandoms]... I never get as much joy from it as I do when I draw for others.

So, Menewsha-boos! I, shotabot, choose you! --to draw or doodle. e ue;;;;

Oh, also, not to actually get the tips you mention here, but when I finish a few pictures could I maybe get some price estimates? Like if I decided to art shop later? C: I'm not asking you to pay me as the estimate, just text/type how much you think it's worth?
I'm new and know nothing of price values as of yet.

EDIT: I updated with a quick fanart doodle I had started right before I joined Menewsha this morning. ;u; It's Noire from Fire Emblem: Awakening and her birthday is Oct. 7th, so yea. I'm a little early but two jobs = I wasn't sure I'd make it in time unless I charged through it. Soooo, sample?

~LONGCAT~ 10-01-2013 11:10 AM

ohohoho. I found your art shop already!! [twisted]
If you would draw my current avi however you want? I will gladly give you an estimate, and some candy.

shotabot 10-01-2013 11:17 AM

Longcat!! I have been spotted~~~
Oh my! I would love to attempt your avatar, however....... I'm going Prof. Oak on you.
Are you a boy? Or are you a girl?
/lame but really doesn't know sorry

I am guessing female but I realy want to make sure.

Seridano 10-01-2013 11:35 AM

If you have the time and would like to draw this avatar for me:
I will shower you with love, and praise, and spiffy things. A-yup.
Oh, and estimates, those as well. xD

~LONGCAT~ 10-01-2013 11:56 AM

I am a girl and my rival is named Stink Butt. Kekeke [twisted]

Seridano 10-01-2013 12:01 PM

That's much nicer than what I called mine back in the day. o.o

shotabot 10-01-2013 12:13 PM

Haha, two requests already. Awwwwwwyis.
Mind you, I might get a lot of items wrong at first. I hope I can tell what most of the items should be... but who knows if it's accurate.

~LONGCAT~ 10-01-2013 12:37 PM

I had one rival named Your Mom. it was during that time, I don't know what my rival in white is.
Bot that's part of the fun though, artistic interpretation.

shotabot 10-01-2013 02:22 PM

WHOOPS. i sorta had yet to fall asleep [and it was 7am or so]. I slept about an hour. Then woke up again cause of restless legs. So I'm going to start drawing now. Instead of earlier like I thought I would. However, I just found out that my game came out today after never really having a set release date to my knowledge? Rune Factory 4. OMG, I swear it said it was coming out the 12th this month when I saw it printed at a Gamestop location.... then I was told it was pushed back AGAIN to maybe the end of this month... and it was originally July of this year? So yea. Suddenly getting a call that didn't tell me which game I pre-ordered came in didn't help. I only JUST NOW figured it out aaaaaa /so excited

ooooh okay here is a wip das wip

Kat Dakuu 10-01-2013 09:25 PM

Could you draw my Oc, Rem for me? I don't have the best of references for him yet, but I hope you don't mind. ^^' Just fill in the details with whatever emo/goth clothing you see fit.
More refs. If they help. Or not. (Also, the piercings he has are in his ears, tongue, and eyebrow. No snake bites like in that one picture.)
Sorry my request isn't straight forward.

Seridano 10-01-2013 10:06 PM

Oh man, dat Noire. I love me some Fire Emblem...even if I do tend to break the games by overpowering my mages. ^.^;

Rune Factory 4, huh? That was a series I never got into. I've heard good things though.

Speaking of games that have magically apeared out of nowhere. Apparently, Aksys released a Hakuouki game for the 3DS, which effectively means that I can actually play this one...though, it might be better to wait until after the new Pokemon games come out, as I have every intention of snagging one of those as well.

Dystopia 10-01-2013 10:28 PM

Hey. Do you think you could draw me a phoenix?

~LONGCAT~ 10-03-2013 04:00 PM

Ohman Oman. I love that WIP. It's like candy. I want more. :3

shotabot 10-04-2013 05:24 PM

~LONGCAT~: omg sorry it hasn't really been worked on since that day! I've been running around at my two jobs. ;u; I hope I can find some time soon to get back to finishing it and then doodling some more people.

~LONGCAT~ 10-04-2013 05:27 PM

Don't worry Bot!! I understand how long these things can take.... I know I still have an art I need to finish for someone in my own freebie thread. XD Just take your time and have fun! :3

Hadsvich 10-05-2013 10:42 PM

Such cute art! I'd love one of my OCs from here drawn~ > u<

zigbigadorlube 10-07-2013 12:05 AM

It looks like you have a lot of requests already but if you have any more open slots, will you draw me?

Kent 10-07-2013 04:09 AM

Wow! Love what I see so far! o wo <3

shotabot 10-07-2013 10:13 AM


Hope you like it!!

~LONGCAT~ 10-07-2013 02:40 PM

Shotabot, that is super awesome fantastic! I love it!

As for prices, I think if you wanted to just lines you could put it around 500-800g and people would eat it up. Color would bump it up to about 1000-1500g depending on complexity. Always remember to say it depends on complexity and there is artist discretion (but I think you know that ;3 ) If some one wants pairs just double the asking price. You can always ask for CI items in payment as well. (Contribution Items = our monthlies) Those tend to go for anywhere between 2k-10k depending on the item.

PS. Check yo trades.

zigbigadorlube 10-07-2013 05:36 PM

shotabot: That looks amazing! I'm wondering if you would share a little bit about the way you work. Do you draw pencil lines first? Or do you work directly on a tablet? I really want to get a tablet but I have't really done a lot of research into different brands/models yet...

shotabot 10-08-2013 03:30 PM

~LONGCAT~: Aaaah, thank you so much for the showered praise as well as pricing. ;u; I'll go check em right now, yeeee.

zigbigadorlube: Oh, for those I do strictly tablet. Lines and everything. C: Sometimes I do pencil sketches, yes, but I never have the patience nor attention span to line a pencil drawing after I scan it. I hope that helps a little? I have a Bamboo Create, I think. It was the cheapest one on Amazon at the time and it was meant to be a replacement for another tablet that broke on moi, but I think I like it just as much as any other more expensive tablet.

zigbigadorlube 10-08-2013 05:02 PM

Thanks for indulging me that curiosity shotabot! I'll have to look into that Bamboo. I was thinking I wanted a Bamboo and I had one picked out a few years ago but they're no longer selling it so I have to do my research again. The Bamboo Create one looks like it could be good though. I remember Wacom was at Comic Con a few years ago so I'm kinda hoping they'll be there again this year and I can try out the tablets they have.

shotabot 10-08-2013 08:27 PM

Oh man, on break at work and ohgollygosh. I want to draw as soon as I get off. For Menewsha AND Lon'qu from FE:A. His birthday is the 10th and I love him and yup I wanna draw dat babe.

Thread related!! If I am only chatting and not giving you art, is it necessary to @you at all? Are people checking back without that?

zigbigadorlube 10-08-2013 08:32 PM

I wish I got so excited about art these days! I've been so tired lately it's hard to get inspiration sometimes...

I'm subscribed to the thread so I see when anything new happens in here. If someone's not subscribed though it is helpful to call them back with the @ reply thingy.

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