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BlakeAyres 10-01-2013 03:54 PM

Which type of madness you did for your hobby
I am fun loving and love to watch movies. I would like to know that what the craziest thing you people can do for your hobby?

Aganab 10-05-2013 08:59 AM

The craziest, or, most dangerous thing I've ever done as a hobby is fire dancing. I've been in my first fire show about a month ago with a local youth theatre company, and we're going to perform it again a few weeks from now. Although I'm usually terrified of fire, I enjoy doing fire shows a lot and I'm probably going to continue with this into the future.

Cherish 10-26-2013 09:49 PM

At the risk of letting you all know what a horrendous "artsy" cliché I used to be, I once broke into an old mental asylum to take pictures.
The building was in such a dilapidated state that is was dangerous (not to mention illegal) for us to be there. But I did it anyway, so I could take terrible hackneyed polaroids... for my art *adjusts my wanky beret to a jaunty angle*

(In my defence, this was a good 10 years ago now, and I have since come to accept that photography is not my forte.)

AikaCoonCat 11-02-2013 01:02 AM

hmm I think the craziest thing I have done for my hobby (which is art both as hobby and profession) is going down town to see the "expensive" art store which turned out to be really cheap XDD

it's not dangerous.. but yeah owo

Cybertronic Butterfly 11-20-2013 05:47 AM

One of my hobbies a few years ago was underwater ballet. Most people think it's a sham, but I simply adored it. No, it's not as hard to stand on your toes in still water; but when the current gets going for some of the more daring or action-y scenes it can get very hard to swim against. Not to mention pirouette . Often times the biggest danger is drowning. If you cant make it to the next hidden scuba tank, you could die in seconds. You have to have great lungs, good body strength, the ability to withstand the churning and tossing of water while remaining graceful and in character, and (not that I would ever admit it); be able to do all of it (sometimes) while latex/spandex/shiny material squeezes your legs together in an almost-blood-cutting-off hold. It was fun, deadly and dangerous, but fun and fulfilling.

BrookeHaven 06-17-2014 10:11 PM

One of the craziest things I've done for a hobby? Hmmm well.... a few years ago I was obsessed with these fashion dolls called BJDS, which just stands for Ball Jointed Dolls. I didn't want to buy one, oooh nooo I wanted to make my own. So I bought a TON of supplies (way too many for way too much) and went into crafting one without so much as looking at a tutorial. Turns out, the clay I bought had some sort of ridiculous freezing property and I eventually turned my hands blue trying to work it into a shape. Instead of stopping when I saw their alarming color, I decided to work through it.
I've since become far more learned on the subject, and my hands have remained normal colors throughout my work.

BellyButton 06-24-2014 07:24 AM

That's quite the story, Brooke! [lol] How did the doll turn out? :)

Gilfaron 06-27-2014 03:09 AM

Once, like, five years ago, I took my camera out late at night and went out to take pictures. Keep in mind I live near a bar and it was Saturday and full of drunk people.

Yeah, not one of my brightest moments.

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