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Naruto forever 10-15-2013 12:50 AM

But I Can't Love You
((If you've got a better title, give it to mee! I suck at these...))

Miles frowned, his small figure leaning up against a cold, stone wall. The whole gang of so-called murderers was in chaos. Why you ask? Oh, simply because one of the men had come running into the tavern with a dead woman in his hands. Yes. The group of murderers was in chaos because one of them killed someone. His dark orbs stared hard at them all, his eyes almost in a glare at this point. Miles had been in a lot of gangs within the year, and even though he was only at the tender age of eight-teen, his name was known. Wether it was because he was good for sneaking into places, or for stealing, or for being the worst member of the gang, or even for being kicked out the most gangs, he was known. The "gangs" he had been in could be anything between simple wannabes to thieves to murderers to a gang filled with all of the above. Yet Miles had never seen such a pathetic "gang", he didn't even want to call it a "gang" anymore, because they were more like a group of pathetic wimps. And this was coming from him, the boy who ran away as soon as authorities caught on.

He quickly tied his platinum blonde hair back before walking over to the bar, completely ignoring all the hectic shouts and cries that were echoing throughout the tavern. He sat down on a stool, and waited for the "bar-tender"--he was really just a member of the pathetic group--to arrive. He would go into the whole chaos, but quite frankly he was too scared to. He was half the height of almost all of the men, not to mention younger, and about three or four of them had tried things to him before. Of course, he hadn't let them, he wasn't a weak little girl, but that didn't mean that it didn't freak him out.

"Miles," a deep voice came from above him, and the blonde looked up, "What d'you want? Alcohol this time, or are gonna stay away from that still?"

"I'll just take my usual, still no alcohol. Sorry," Miles gave a short chuckle.

He wasn't one for drinking, and almost everywhere he went, people were trying to get him to. He just didn't like the smell, or even the taste. So he stuck to what he knew best; water and juices.

With a sigh, he took a sip of the newly arrived juice. The "bar-tender" always made some kind of special juice that was simply delicious. Putting the glass down, he looked back upon the chaos. Usually he'd be out of the tavern, and far away. He didn't like the authorities, and he definitely didn't want to get caught, and with all the noise that the idiots were making it'd be a wonder if the authorities didn't show up. But at the same time, he highly doubted it. The police that were touring probably just thought it was a bunch of drunken idiots, not wannabe murderers who just murdered someone. Then again, Miles had to wonder why he was even still with the group. They were idiots, and he had known that from the beginning. He didn't deal well with idiots, and usually left before he could even be apart of the gang.

He took another sip of the juice, then decided, "Must be the juice... I wouldn't put up with these guys for any other reason."

As soon as the last word left his mouth, the door burst open. Men in uniforms came running in, and gathered all the idiots up in but a motion. Seeing this, Miles went to run. Of course the authorities would show! They were idiots, so they wouldn't cover up their tracks! I'm an idiot... he thought, trying to make it to the back door.

Just as he was grabbing the handle of the door, two large, strong hands wrapped themselves around his skinny arms, and pulled him backwards, then tied his hands up.

"Thought you were running away, eh?" a man teased.

"...Crap..." Miles muttered under his breath as he was being pulled out of the tavern, and towards a carriage that would oh-so-obviously take him to the palace to be sent to jail.

((sorry for the bad post... not my best. ^^; ))

Cora 10-16-2013 12:09 AM

Prince Collin Von Draconius, for even after his coronation he would still refer to himself as Prince Collin, stood before the large mirror taking in his own appearance. A golden crown adorned with rubies, his father's crown, lay on his long raven colored hair. Which at the moment was tied neatly at his neck. He wore a long fur lined purple cloak, the very sign of royalty. Even his clothing underneath the cloak screamed of the elite. For Prince Collin, soon to be King Collin, was of the elite.

He let out a deep sigh, thinking over that simple thought in his head. What did it really mean to be of the elite. He was a fit man, who most girls in the kingdom would have killed to be wooed by. He was royalty which meant anything he said was regarded as fact. Not to mention the fact that he had more money then he truly knew what to do with, and yet he was nothing more then a pretty bird in a gilded cage.

Collin knew he wasn't the best suited for king, his younger brother Wolfram had a much better temperament to be king. He was a spoiled, to put it quite frankly brat, who got whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. He would however make for the perfect figurehead that the country wanted of them, the elitists. He thought about his father, the previous King. His father had been nothing short of insane, they did after all call him the insane king. He did what he wanted, when he wanted. He had openly had many women in his bed, a trait that Collin made a vow he would never repeat.

His mother had truly loved his father once, but that man had driven a wedge between them that had killed his mother's love for him long before his body died. Collin knew he would indeed be forced to marry some day, and the choice would not be for love, already there was a promising match in the horizon, but whatever would fall he would not follow in his fathers footsteps, he could honor his wife, and would do so with the honor befitting a good man.

There was a knock on the door to the chamber and Collin turned towards the sound, "Prey thee enter, I am decent" he said with only a little hesitation. The door was open by one of his servants, a man by the name of Gastov. Gastov stood silent for a moment waiting to be given permission to speak, a trait that Collin found all of the servants possessed around them, the elite, perhaps because his insane father had instilled so much fear into them. Collin let out a deep sigh, "Speak freely Gastov, you need not my permission to speak with me"

"You're mother sent me sire" the man still looked fearful, but spoke with a little more confidence than his face would suggest, "She sent me to retrieve you for the trial"

Ah yes, the trial. It was to be a dull afair from what he had gathered so far, it was most redundantly obvious that those accused had killed the girl. Pollianna, another of the elite, had been murdered by a group of thugs. Pollianna, did that name ring a bell, he thought it over in his head for a moment, ah yes, she was one of his uncles daughters. A beastly looking girl with little to no manners or proper ediquette, but she was kind enough.

Collin followed Gastov through the halls of the palace, knowing the surroundings so well he hardly glanced at them. It didn't take them long to reach the throne room. Collin walked across the room amid the sea of stares to take his place in what used to be his father's chair, next to his mother. Some day that chair would be occupied by his wife. Some day, but not today, for today at least he didn't need to worry about a bride, he needed instead to follow the trial.

He held up his hand to silence the hall, not that it needed much silencing, "Bring them in!"

((I hope this is ok [sweat]))

Naruto forever 10-16-2013 07:26 PM

They waited in a cell for what seemed like hours, but was only a few minutes, apparently. Miles spent the entire time glaring at the idiot who had been stupid enough to kill someone without covering his tracks. And it turns out he killed an elite of all people. Why did he ever join these guys to begin with? As they were walking to the throne room, Miles looked every which way for an escape, but it seemed like the guards knew what he had been thinking, as they speedily blocked every escape route possible. He mumbled angry curses, not bothering to keep them under his breath, as they walked through the door.

"Such idiots. You know that? Complete and total idiots. You shouldn't even call yourselves a "gang"! Not even a group! Just stupid, idiotic, naive thugs. I can't believe I even stayed with you guys..." he ranted on, earning some looks from both the idiots and the guards.

He looked up at who he presumed was the Prince. Prince...something or other. Miles couldn't be bothered to remember names of people he wouldn't meet. Or at least, people he hoped he wouldn't meet. He didn't look at him long though--despite the Prince's admittedly good looks--soon his dark eyes zoomed right back to the entrance of the room, hoping that maybe there would be an escape at one point. He would not be put into jail because of someone else's mess up. Sure, he wasn't the one who killed the stupid girl, but he had killed, stolen, and other things before. It was enough for anyone to send him to jail. That is, anyone who knew. He hoped that people wouldn't know because his name was really only known within the gangs, and nowhere else. It was like a silent promise that no one ratted out another.

He had been trying to do it discreetly, but apparently one of the guard had seem him and cut off his view of the door...again. Giving a long sigh, the smallest boy of the group crossed his arms, his glaring eyes sliding back towards the prince.

"This is all your fault, idiot," he mumbled towards the taller man beside him, the man who had killed.

Quite frankly, Miles didn't care if he used "proper" language in the palace. He didn't even care about looking proper, which was painfully obvious with his stance. Arms crossed, one knee slightly bent, glaring, muttering, and just plain dirty.

"I get it already," the man sounded truly terrified.

Hell, Miles was sure he sounded at least a tad scared too. He didn't want to be sent to jail, he'd been avoiding it for so long, and now it was all screwed up because he chose the wrong "gang" to join.

I just hope they don't know about anything else I've done, or else I'm definitely going to the cellar. he thought bitterly, his glare intensifying.

Cora 10-17-2013 12:33 AM

Collin watched as the men where brought before him in the throne room. The one with platinum blond hair seemed to be doing a lot of calculating. Collin recognized the look in that man's eyes, the 'find the best way to escape without anyone noticing' look. How many times had that same constant darting look appeared in his own eyes, but Collin knew that the stranger would meet the same conclusion, the palace guards where some of the best, there was no escape. Not for the prince who only wanted to leave, escape the dull patterns that became the everyday life, and certainly not for a man who was to be sentenced for murder.

The man was creating a scene when he walked through the door, a scene not even close to proper etiquette in the castle, but frankly Collin simply didn't care. In fact, there was a small moment while everyone's attention was on the man that a smile flitted across his lips, but to one who had been observing the man and not the prince would have missed it, for it was gone just as quickly as it had come. Yes, this trial would prove to be more interesting then he initially thought. Much more interesting.

He waited with patience while the man finished his blatant belittling of almost everyone in his gang of thugs, but mostly the man beside him who, it would appear was the one who actually murdered Polliana. After a few moments of silence Collin spoke again quite smoothly, "Proceed with the trial" he nodded in the direction of the guards who would be presenting the offending evidence. The man stepped forward and began to speak to the evidence that had been found. The blood trail it would seem had led right to the tavern where they where all arrested from.

He was only partially listening as the evidence was presented, the truth was he was doing some calculations in his head, and carefully watching the face of the one who had earlier made a scene. Waiting for that moment of, what was it he was looking for. A reaction to anything that was said, something to plead the man's innocence, and yet there was something in the man's eyes. Was it guilt? No, that was not quite right, what was it then?

After a moment he was struck with an idea and raised a hand to silence the officer. The room fell into a deafening silence as the trial was interrupted by the prince. After the silence fell the prince addressed the man directly, "tell me then, what happened tonight. Remember now, the penalty for the murder of a noble woman is life in the dungeon, or if the whimsy carries execution, so you would be better not to lie to me"

Naruto forever 10-17-2013 09:38 PM

Miles looked at the Prince, his glare not faltering. He bit his bottom lip, not exactly wanting to answer. He was sure that if he did his confidence would break, at least a little. This was why he didn't like dealing with anyone who held authority in the kingdom. He was scared of them, despite the fact that he didn't want to be. He took a deep breath, his eyes momentarily looking down, before looking straight back up at the Prince. He straightened up slightly, as if trying to make himself look taller than he actually was, but the men around him--who were at least half his height--weren't helping whatsoever.

"Look, all I know is that this guy," he hit the taller man beside him harshly, "Came in with a dead woman. After that the whole room was chaos. I'm gonna guess that he did it by accident though, because none of these guys are actually smart enough to kill someone on purpose. And even if they were smart enough, they aren't brave enough."

He made sure that his tone was bored, as if he simply didn't care what was going on. He wasn't about to let anyone know that he was near to the point of being terrified. Though, he did have to bite back a few snarky remarks that would have surely gotten him in the dungeon right away.

"If you really wanna know what happened, as the large idiot. He's the one that did it, not me," he added, hitting the man beside him once more. He was trying to hurt the man discreetly, yes, but unfortunately it didn't do much

He quickly averted his eyes from the Prince's, not liking it it one bit, and went back to staring at the door. At this point, he didn't care if everyone in the room knew what he was about to do; he just wanted out. He'd get out, lay low for a while, then join another, smarter, "gang". Sure, the was the chance that they'd all be home free, minus the man that had killed the woman, but Miles didn't want to take that chance. He wasn't going to be executed, and he wasn't be going to be put in the dungeon. Not yet, not ever. Sure, he'd killed a couple of people before--with help from others--and he'd stolen thousands of things, and he'd even been a distraction many times before. All of that had to add up to at least a few years in the dungeon, but he refused to give in.

He hated anyone who had anything to do with the authorities, and he was scared of them too. They'd done too much, and in Miles opinion, they should have been charged for crimes too.

"If I've gotta go to the dungeon because of that idiot, after all I've done to avoid it, I'll go on a killing spree myself," he muttered harshly under his breath, making sure no ones else except maybe the man beside him could hear it.

Cora 10-22-2013 12:16 AM

Colin took in the words the man had spoken, as well as his actions. For a moment he said nothing, simply letting the mans words, as well as his actions sweep over him. Each one was carefully taken into consideration, had the death of pollyanna been nothing more then a mere accident? There was a sense of in the very least partial truth in that. From the facts he had found before the trial it seemed rather likely. It was also likely that none besides the one man had any involvement.

So then why was he hesitant to let the blonde man go. When the man glared at him there was a moment when colin's silver eyes met the dark one's of the man in front of him, and suddenly he knew. He knew what it was he had seen in the man's face earlier, what had bothered him. There was hatred there, and not the superficial kind, but a true dark hatred. Collin found himself looking away rather quickly, unable to bear the burden of such hatred, and yet it was his to bear. The shambles of a kingdom his father had built. A kingdom of hatred or of fear, but not one of kindness and hope. Kindness and hope no longer existed in the land of Naleria.

Colin did some quick calculating for a moment, taking in the actions of the whole group and not simply just that man, as well as the facts laid before him. He held himself together, not realing from the overwhelming fear and hatred. He placed his fingertips together and leaned his chin against them in a sort of deep thought. Finally his spoke to the crowd which had grown silent in anticipation, each one with baited breath. "I shall deliberate over this a bit more, in the meantime, return the prisoners to the jail cells. In one hours time we shall once again conveign here in the throne room for final judgement"

Colin then stood and exited through a small door to the left of the throne room, to a small sitting room where he leaned back against a small chair trying to wrap his head around the situation. One thing was for certain, none of them deserved death, nor should he deal it so lightly as his father. After a long moment he looked towards the door where he knew a servant was always stationed, if his theory was correct it would be Gastov again, "Gastov, please enter"

A small girl entered the room, "I'm sorry sire, Gastov went to take care of your mother. She was feeling a bit feight, no doubt its her sorrow sire"

"Abigal, no that's quite alright, please my dear, enter" the girls cheeks had gone a rosey shade of pink at the Prince adressing her so, "I need you to go bring me one of the guards if you would"

"Oh yes sir, right away sir" she squeaked and then ran out of the room. Surely he was going to have to work on this fear. She did soon however return with a palace guard,

"Ah good, thank you abigal. One more favor to ask, if you would be so kind, have the kitchen's bring me a pot of tea if you would. I am feeling a bit peekish myself" he then turned to the guard in the room. "Please, if you would, before I deliberate any more I should like to speak to the silver haired man from before. Without the audience this time, I fear we may have put him on defensive, something that was never my intention. Bring him here, with guard of course, but I do wish to speak with him in a less public setting. He may not know much about the murder itself, for clearly the man is innocent of such a crime, but he knows something of the group"

Naruto forever 10-22-2013 01:18 AM

While being walked back to the cell, Miles gave a long groan. The last thing he wanted was to be put back into the cell. His eyes kept themselves busy, looking around the area until he found an opening. As if the Gods had granted him a last wish, Miles finally found one. The were two guards chatting leaving an exit completely open. He was in the middle of the group, meaning the guard and the front and back weren't very close to him. The calculations began to run through his head, trying to sort out wether or not he'd be able to make it, but Miles didn't want to wait. So he ran. He ran right to the exit, right to the doorway, before running into a large piece of armour, making him fall straight to the ground. Rubbing his head with a pained groan, he looked to see that all the guards were still in the places they had been when he had begun running. So who was it that he ran into...? Before he could look up at the person in front of him, he was pulled harshly off the ground, and forced to look at the man he'd run into in the face. The guard had no emotion on his face, unlike the others who seemed to only grin at Miles with cruelty.

"Prince Colin wishes to speak to you," the guard spoke before pulling Miles away.

He let out another string of curses on their way to the room. The guard seemed to pay him no mind though, as if he'd dealt with criminals like him before. Then again, he probably had. It wasn't uncommon for criminals to act the way Miles was, at least, from what he had seen. Hell, maybe those people were completely different in the face of authority. The thought set in that maybe Prince whats-his-name wanted to speak to Miles because he had recognized him. It was highly unlikely, but he couldn't help the fear that bubbled in his stomach.

He was quickly pushed into a room, a glorious room really, and the guard spoke, "Sir, I've brought the silver haired one for you," and with that the guard left. He was probably just standing outside the door though. After all, Miles was one of the criminals being trailed for murder, the guard would have to be an idiot to leave him alone with the oh-so-beloved Prince.

Miles stood there, his arms crossed, and not moving an inch. He stood where he was; simply a couple feet away from the door, and quite a bits away from the Prince who sat on the chair. He replaced the fear he had felt with anger and hatred. If this was the only way to show that he didn't care whatsoever, then he'd do it, despite the fact that he could basically feel his insides screaming at him to run and escape. He didn't say anything at first, but soon the quietness set it. "What do you want," he spat before adding a bitter, "Your Highness, or whatever."

Cora 10-22-2013 09:51 PM

He nodded to the guard who had brought the man before him, "Thank you sir, you are dismissed," He knew the guard would wait just outside the door, after all at this moment with the death of the king so fresh in everyone's minds, his death would be a burden to bear, that is, if anyone truly cared. Many probably believed that the whole family should be wiped out, but Collin did not intend to die easily, and the guards did not intend to lead him down this path.

He waited, patiently while the man adjusted to the situation, watching him through silver eyes. If the man was afraid of Collin he was doing a good show to hide it. Collin closed his eyes for a moment at being addressed so but then turned them once more on the criminal in front of him. He waved a hand towards a chair across from where he sat, "Please, have a seat, I've ordered Abigal to bring up some tea which should be here momentarily"

He once more placed his fingertips under his chin as if contemplating the best way to start the conversation with the other man, after all, for as much hatred as the man felt towards him, he did not return this sentiment. He did not blame the man for his anger, his hatred. He did not blame any of them for turning to a life of crime, surely that was better then following a man like his father. After a moment he said, "You can relax, I do not believe you are guilty. In fact quite the opposite, I believe you where in the wrong place at the wrong time"

He sighed deeply, "But I do wish to talk with you for a moment none the less. The other men you were with at the time of your arrest, should I be concerned for the safety of the citizens if I let them back lose on the world, barring of course the one man. He shall have to be detained, accidental or not, he did create circumstances by which accidental death could occur."

By this time Abigal had returned with the tea. When she entered the room her eyes immediately fell upon the silver haired boy and she let out a squeak and jumped, very nearly dropping the pot of tea on the ground. "Please place that on the table, thank you"

She made her way across the room where she shook the entirety of the time. It was clear that she was afraid of both the prince and the other man in the room. The tea kettle bounced on the tray that she shook between her hands. And then it plopped right off the tray, spraying herself, Collin, and the silver haired stranger with tea. Thankfully as some time had passed it was no longer scalding, but they remained covered in tea non the less.

Naruto forever 10-25-2013 09:14 PM

((Sorry for the wait on my reply.... ^^;))

Miles eyes the prince suspiciously before taking a seat across from him. He had to admit, the chair was amazingly comfy. Normally, the "chairs" he'd see were either wooden, or simple stools. Nothing special. Then again, he never really did need to sit; he was either always on a "job", or he'd be leaning against a wall. He slouched down in the seat, his posture impolite in every way, but Miles just couldn't bring himself to care enough.

He raised and eyebrow at what the Prince said. Innocent? Wrong time, wrong place? Miles had to hold back a laugh at the assumption, but found that he had to at least smirk. Surely he didn't look like the most innocent man in the entire world, despite his young age and appearance. Though, with what the Prince said next, Miles let out a laugh. If those men were anything like a threat, the entire Kingdom would have already been dead long ago. There were gangs so much more dangerous, gangs who could take out those wimps with a snap of their fingers.

"Trust me," he bit back another laugh, "They aren't a threat whatsoever. Even the guy who killed the girl isn't a threat. I think I mentioned it before, but they don't have the guts to even try to hurt anyone."

He watched with cold eyes as the maid brought in the tea. She seemed scared, not only of him, but the Prince as well. Of course, Miles knew that the previous King had not been the kindest--he knew that almost too well--but the Prince at the moment didn't seem to be anything like his father. Maybe he was just putting up an act though, Miles couldn't be sure.

When the tea fell on him, he had to bite back a curse that threatened to rip from his throat. If it hadn't been a maid, if it hadn't been a girl, and definitely if the Prince hadn't been there, Miles would have hit her--at least. Instead, he opted to glaring at her steadily until she left the room.

"Well," he turned back to the Prince, feeling his attitude coming back, "What else?"

He had a feeling that the Prince didn't only want to talk about how not dangerous the idiots were.

Cora 11-03-2013 07:09 PM

Why did the hatred in that man’s eyes bother him so very much. He could see the hatred in the man’s eyes as the girl dropped the tray, and knew that there was a sort of deep disdain. Was the man so hardened to not take pity on the small maid? Collin looked down at himself and sighed, he was covered in tea much like the other man but his reaction was different, more controlled.

Abigal at this point was a frantic mess. Not only was she shivering from head to toe afraid that Collin would hit her or worse, she was crying as if afraid he would have her killed. “I’m s..s…s…sorry, s..s..sir” she had said through huge gaping sobs, the site was a rather pathetic one. Collin, whose shirt was so drenched in tea it simply didn't matter, took a dry piece of the bottom of his shirt to wipe a bit off his face before looking to Abigal, who was now frantically trying to clean as much as she could before he could hit her. “Abigal please, no need to be on edge, I won’t harm you. The days of my father are over”

To this point he had hardly been paying much attention to the other man in the room. It was only when the other man had spoken that he turned his attention back to the other man. What else? The words rung out in the prince’s mind as deeply as if the man had stabbed him. Collin thought over the words as the man stood before him. The hatred that the other man felt seemed to radiate to Collin but also to anyone else. Did the man never know laughter, or joy? Had the man who abandoned the country caused that. Briefly Collin found himself thinking about the other man in front of him in a different situation, one with laughter and with joy. The mood would suit him much better than the anger and hatred. It caused Collin to smile briefly before shaking his head and bringing himself back to the present.

He looked up at the man, knowing that he should let him go, knowing the man did not want to be there. What else did he want from the man, Collin could not figure it out. Why couldn't he just let him go? Part of him knew the reason, deep down in the pit of his stomach he knew the reason he couldn't just let the man go, but he couldn't admit it. The man represented everything that Collin longed for. The ability to do what you wanted when you wanted without a care in the world. His heart said, 'please take me with you when you leave the castle,' but his mind knew better. Even if he left he would only be found and dragged back again, and anyone who helped him to escape would be in trouble as well.

Minutes crept by as Collin struggled with the words to use. He knew he was making himself look indecisive and weak, but at the moment it mattered not. A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts and he looked up. "Come in" another servant, Gastov to be exact, entered the room and looked nervous but did not react as abigail had. "You are being awaited in the audience chamber your highness, for your final verdict."

Relieved to have an opportunity to postpone what he wanted to say to the silver haired man he nodded to Gastov, "Come, let us all return to the audience chamber." he turned to the man, "you as well"

Naruto forever 11-11-2013 03:58 AM

Miles shifted uncomfortably in the seat. He didn't like the silence that rang through the room, and he didn't like how the Prince seemed to be staring off into space. It nerved him to think that the Prince was so deep in thought that he could stay silent for this long. Miles hated not knowing what was going on in the other man's head--it had always been a pet peeve of his--but he couldn't force the Prince to speak his mind without probably getting some kind of punishment. Hell no, Miles was not going to do anything that was going to get him stuck here longer than he needed to be.

He shifted again when a knock came at the door, tilting his head backwards slightly to watch and old butler of sorts. He noticed the same nervous air around the man that was also around the maid. Maybe this Prince wasn't all too kind after all. His father was a cruel man, one whom Miles wanted to kill endlessly, so would it be that surprising if the Prince was the same? Sure, from the past few minutes or so, he seemed to be nice enough, but Miles knew all too well himself that people could simply put on an act. Hell, he did that every day! He bit his lip slightly, tilting his head back to look at the Prince intensely. For some reason he couldn't see him being cruel, even if the servants were acting like he was. The prince seemed a whole lot kinder than Miles himself, though that wasn't saying much.

"Come with you?" Miles bit back a sigh. All he wanted to do was leave this godforsaken place and go with some other group, a stronger, more reliable one this time. "Why do I need to? Haven't you already said that me and the other--minus the idiot--are "free to go"? Sure you need to announce it, but can't we just leave? We don't need to be there, do we?"

He could hear the annoyance in his own voice. He saw the servant tense up slightly, and Miles couldn't blame him. He knew he was speaking impolitely to the Prince of all people, but quite frankly, he didn't care. And if the Prince had cared even a little bit, then Miles was sure he would have said something earlier. He stood from the seat, not liking being the only one sitting, and crossed his arms, not letting his eyes leave the Prince's.

Cora 11-18-2013 02:03 AM

Collin could hear the annoyance in the young man's voice, and truly could he blame him? He was wrapped up in a murder he hadn't committed, for as Collin previously had mentioned he was certain the man had nothing to do with the death of Pollyanna. The man's dark eyes held a cold glare to Collins own silver eyes. But Collin did not waver, he held the man's stare, for how long he was unsure. Eventually however, he spoke still holding that piercing glare, "I do apologize, but I am afraid it is necessary. For you see, to everyone but me you are still a criminal in this case. It remains so until I give the order to release you."

There was drone like, almost bored quality to the way the prince had said that last bit. It had been an automatic response. There was nothing in the current turn of events, or the prospect of what he was about to do that brought him any form of excitement. Was this to be the extent of his life? Condemning people to death in a courtroom for entertainment? The thought of it made him want to Vomit, but so was the way of the world. He was to forever be nothing but a bobble for the country to gawk at.

Finally Collin broke the eye contact and walked towards the door. Sighing he said sadly, "Come, the court awaits us," and left through the door first but stood back to let the others pass him on the way towards the audience Chamber, anything to forestall the whole thing a few more moments. He let Abigail and Gastov pass first, followed by one guard. The silver haired man followed by another guard fell into place now. Collin slowly fell into step next to the silver haired man.

Each step felt like Collin was headed for doom, it would be the same routine day after day, week after week, year after year. Something in Collin's mind snapped, and his eyes began to dart around searching for a way out. He couldn't do it, he couldn't let himself be doomed to this life. He searched desperately for a way to escape from this cage. He'd failed before, many times before, but he had to try at least one more time.

There was a passage out to the gardens ahead of them to the right that Collin knew about. Of course he knew about it, Collin knew about all the passages in and out of the Castle. If he timed this right he could make a getaway out into the balcony while the guards were preoccupied with the prisoner. He could use this to his advantage and yet....he couldn't. He knew that if he left the man behind his good for nothing brother would have him executed for the hell of it. Closing his eyes for a moment he made the decision.

Taking one big deep breath he counted down the steps till they reached the small corridor off to the right. At just the right moment he grabbed the man's hand said quietly so that only the silver haired man could here him. "I know you don't trust me, but I'm getting out of here, follow me". He couldn't force the man to go with him, but at the moment all he could do was urge him to follow. As soon as the corridor came into view Collin sprinted down it as fast as he could.

Naruto forever 12-15-2013 06:11 AM

Miles twitched slightly, surprised, when the Prince grabbed his hand. He raised an eyebrow at what the other man said, but felt himself smirking slightly. Why the Prince wanted out of here, the palace of all places, Miles couldn't quite comprehend, but he was happy about it. This was getting him out too, after all. He followed the Prince down the corridor, letting out a sharp laugh when he heard the guards' shouts. "Come on, Prince," he spat, amusement lacing itself through his voice, "Better hurry up, or the guards are gonna catch us!"

In all honesty, Miles was ecstatic that the Prince had had this rather sudden urge to leave, wether it was crazy or not. After all, all Miles wanted to do was get out of the damned palace. Though Miles wanted to get out, because he was simply terrified of the thought of spending his life in jail--and he wasn't a fan of any of the palace men--but he couldn't figure out why the Prince of all people would want to leave. He had a glorious life here, didn't he? There was no fear of anything for a Prince--at least, Miles thought so--so why would the Prince want to go out into the oh-so-dangerous "outside world". He really couldn't wrap his head around the thought.

He quickened his pace slightly, his ears picking up the sounds of the guards' footsteps starting to get too close for his liking. Miles was now the one grabbing the Prince's wrist, forcing the Prince to go faster. At the moment, he didn't care if he was pushing the Prince too much; if Miles got caught now, he'd be put into that goddamned cell for kidnapping the Prince, when really, it was the other way around. Though, Miles knew that the Prince probably didn't have as much experience as he did when it came to running away and escaping, so Miles couldn't bring himself to make a snappy comment at the man.

Finally, they came towards a wooden door. With a huff, Miles swung it open, letting his eyes look over his shoulders to see how close the guards were. Still too close.

"Gotta hurry up; they're catching up, and I'm not about to get caught," Miles growled lowly.

He let go of the Prince's wrist as he walked through the door and onto a balcony. Of course, they were high up. Quickly, Miles looked down, just to see if they could jump.

Well, we could, but we'd definitely die...if not break a bone or something he thought with a sigh.

He brought his eyes up once more, and saw a large tree. It's branches were a bit too far to reach, but if he jumped, Miles was sure he'd be able to grab onto it. "There," he nudged the Prince, "I'll jump onto the branch closest, then I'll help you. You gotta jump though, ok?" Without waiting for a reply, Miles climbed onto the railing of the balcony, looking behind him once more to see that the guards were almost caught up. He quickly jumped onto the closest branch, hanging onto it with his hands. He could feel the bark cut his palms slightly, but he payed it not mind as he pulled himself up into a sitting position on the thick branch. He scooted as close to the edge of the branch as possible, and outstretched his hand to the Prince. Of course, if Miles wanted to, he could simply abandon the Prince right now, but he decided against it. Something about the Prince had caught Miles' attention, so he wasn't about to let the Prince go.

"Jump now, they're about to catch up," Miles said hurriedly. Sure enough, the guards were only a few feet away from reaching the door. "I promise you won't fall. If you wanna get away from this place, then you've gotta jump."

Cora 12-15-2013 10:59 PM

Collin couldn't help but smile at the chase, there was always something exuberating in the thing. They ran down the corridor and although the man had pushed him to run fast, Collin frankly didn't mind and put on as much an extra burst as he could till they reached the end of the corridor where collin looked down. The trelace was gone! His father must have had them removed after the last escape attempt. How had he not know that?

He didn't have time to think this over however as the other man made a jump for the nearby tree and urged him to do the same. Collin only briefly looked backwards, what was the worse that could happen? He would fall and break his leg or something? Even that possibility sounded better then being caught and dragged back inside. He held his breath briefly and took the leap, landing with a small eep of surprise, on the intended branch. He wiped his hand accross his brow in relief.

Despite his safe landing he knew they were not out of the clear yet. Thinking back to his last escape attempt he knew that leaving through the front gate was not an option, but there was something he knew about. He remembered planning this so well, the guards never did find out how he had escaped that one time, they merely managed to find him after the fact and drag him back but then they could always take the other option which would work as well.

Even as he thought about it he was climbing down the tree towards the ground. Surprising due to his lack of running skills, he was a fairly good climber. Soon he had reached the bottom with fair ease. Looking for a place to hide while he thought out his next plan of attack he headed towards an architechural divet in the castle wall. He turned back to the white haired man, "Do you know how to ride?"

((this post is lame....sorry))

Naruto forever 12-18-2013 08:57 PM

Miles hopped down from the tree, probably jumping from a height that was a tad too high, considering that when he landed he nearly twisted his ankle. He tended to do that a lot; do careless things. Luckily though he had never done something so careless that lead to him getting caught. Well at least, not until he joined the pathetic group. He looked over at the Prince with a smirk.

"Of course I do, how el-" he had begun to say, knowing full well that he was sounding full of himself. Luckily, he caught himself before he finished his sentence though. He had been about to say "how else do think I've escaped guards and gangs so often?", or around the lines of that. That wasn't completely giving it away that he was known for being a dangerous criminal, but Miles assumed the Prince would be able to piece it together. He wasn't sure if the Prince would still want to "escape" with him if he knew that Miles was an infamous criminal. He wasn't about to take the chance, just incase the Prince would send him right to jail. "Never mind," he muttered, "Let's just get out of here before they get us. I really don't want to be stuck in a cell."

"Where are the horses?" he asked, walking backwards. He was keeping an eye out for any guards, just in case. Assuming that the Prince would be able to spot them out from the front, Miles instinctively took the back. It was something he had learned over the year; guard all sides. If you didn't, you could get yourself killed. It was as simple as that. He remembered one time, when he was much younger, he had been on a bit of an..."assassin" mission of a sort with a gang. When they had been running away from some guards, they failed to make sure that all ways were clear, which lead to their capturing. Luckily, Miles had been able to get away unseen, seeing as he had been so small at the time. He had been able to slip into a crack in the wall, one where guards would never think of looking, because they assumed everyone was to large to fit. Of course, they probably account for a child to be part of a gang.

Miles missed the days where he had been able to his easily. He was still relatively small compared to many of the men he worked with, but he was no longer small enough to fit in small hiding places.

((It's fine. :) Mine is too xP ))

Cora 12-22-2013 01:20 AM

Collin looked at Miles for a moment and smirked, "The stables of course. There around the back of the castle to the east. Its a bit of a risk but all the entrances to the front of the castle are well guarded. If we take two of the horses towards the hunting grounds there is an entrance that hasn't been used in many a moon that we should be able to get through." he didn't explain the real need for the horses for the moment, instead just creeped around the easter side of the castle careful to peek around the corners before charging around them. It was a slow progress, but it was a steady one.

When they reached the far south east corner of the building Collin sighed in relief and wiped his brow with his hand. They were not out of danger yet, but the guards were less likely to think that he would go further into the grounds rather then out, so the bulk of them would be concentrated near the front entrances. Collin pointed to a building some three hundred feet away from them, though the space between was open feild. "We need to make it to that building" he said with a definitive air, "I'm gonna make a dash for it, I'll meet you there."

He took a deep breath before darting off in the direction of the stable. He knew that the white haired male was faster then he was and there was a high likelyhood hat he had reached the stables before Collin did. Collin also knew that the stables were a safe point to hide in for the moment. So when he reached them, he then turned to the other, "Keep watch at the door while I ready the horses, its gonna be a bit of a bumpy ride elsewise"

He set to work expertly saddling up his own horse, which despite the fact that there were stable boys to do such things for him, he had always insisted on doing himself. It didn't take him long to saddle up his own horse Darktail, but then he paused for a moment trying to deside which horse to give to Miles, Stallion was faster, but buttercup was easier. In the end he went with his gut in hopes that the silver haired stranger could ride well and saddled up stallion.

He took a moment to watch the back of the stranger while pretending to finish saddling the chestnust stallion. He had no idea why, and the thought ran through his head that he was both idiotic and stupid and liable to get himself killed on this crazy escape route, but he trusted the man. At last he finally spoke again while handing out the reighns to miles, "Hop on, and get ready to book it"

Naruto forever 12-23-2013 12:59 AM

Miles followed the Prince as they creeped their way to the far east side of the castle. He found himself getting irritated at the slow pace that they were going at, and found himself wanting to simply sprint his way to the stable. He would have done just that too, but he had a feeling that he would have ended up getting lost on his way to the stables. So, Miles found himself enduring the slow pace.

To say that he was happy when the Prince told him to make a run for it would be an understatement. He felt himself get ready a bit, before taking off. He got there in no time, and was forced to unfortunately wait for the Prince to arrive. Surprisingly, it wasn't that much of a wait. The Prince was slower than most people that Miles knew, but for a Prince--a person who didn't have much experience with running--he was rather quick.

Miles nodded at what the Prince said, not saying a word as he went towards the doors of the stable, leaning up against the door frame. He watched the backs of a couple of guards as they rounded the corners of the castle, ignoring the area of the stable all together. Apparently they didn't consider the stable a good enough place to check. Maybe it simply wasn't used all too often. He ran a hand through his hair as he turned to look at the Prince, and the horse that was prepared for him. He walked over to the horse and hopped on, muttering a quick "Thanks" to the Prince, the words feeling foreign on his tongue. He wasn't used to saying them, in fact Miles never thanked anyone for anything, but for some reason he felt that the "thanks" was in order.

After all, the Prince was helping him escape, wether he realized it or not.

In fact, Miles found this whole situation rather hilarious. The Prince himself, the one who was in line for the throne, was helping one of the most dangerous and well known criminals escape possible jail time; even possible execution! Of course, Miles knew that the Prince didn't know that Miles was the infamous "gang hopper", but still.

As he and the Prince entered the hunting ground, the trees beginning to surround them and the castle becoming lost to the eye, Miles felt slight curiosity as to where the Prince would go. Surely he didn't really know anyone outside of the castle. Or at least, he wasn't close enough to anyone.

"Hey, " he voiced his thoughts, "Where are you gonna go, Sir Prince?" Even Miles himself heard the teasing tone in his voice. "If you don't have anywhere to hideout for a while, you can come to my house. It's small, but it's hidden."

As soon as the words left Miles' mouth, he felt his eyes widen. He hadn't meant to say that. No, he hadn't wanted to say that! Why would he invite anyone to his home? He rarely even went there himself. It was simply a place to go when he wasn't with any gangs.

"Too late to take it back now," Miles muttered quietly enough so that the Prince wouldn't hear. He offered a small, fake smile to the Prince.

Cora 12-27-2013 06:23 PM

When Collin heard the Silver haired male ask him were he was gonna go Collin thought this over for a moment but did not initially answer. What was his answer, he had thought it over a hundred times and yet, he never really knew what his end game was gonna be. The first plan was always to escape. He went slightly wide eyed when Miles asked him to stay at his home. Perhaps the silver haired male didn't hate him as much as he initially had thought.

He rode in silence for a few moments before answering him. Not because he was angry but because he wanted his answer to be thurough. "I have always considered heading towards the kingdom of Galath. The king there was an ally long ago, before my father destroyed our kingdom. I wish to seek him out and plead with him to invade the kingdom, he could help in ways I could not. The council took over at fathers death, I have no real power."

He once more fell to silence for a few moments before saying, "I would like to take your offer on the lodgings though until I can figure out what must be done. I implore you though, we've not introduced ourselves, though I feel I probably do not need an introduction" He had not said it in malace, only in a hard truth, he was the Prince, soon to be king, people knew his name.

He headed deep into the hunting grounds towards an old and worn path that rarely showed use anymore. Yet he had made it his mission to know the very secrets of the castle. He knew that one day he would need to implore them to escape this place, a place of death and sadness. As they walked further through the forest the trees started to cause the path to get darker, due to the thick canopy of trees which lined the forest ceiling. A miriad of animal life could be heard but no soldiers or guards were to be found. Collin relaxed slightly and pressed forward. Though he slowed his pace as the ground before them became harder for the horses to press through, this part of the path was unused for many years, his father not being a hunter.

Collin turned back to look at silver haired male when the underbrush became completely wild, "The path only get wilder from here, watch the horses footing" he continued forward thinking about life ahead, if he did manage to stay gone this time. Would the king of Galath listen to his pleas? Would his mother forgive him? The council was no better then his father though, and he needed to stop that. But first there was the matter of making sure that Miles made it home safely. Everything else would wait. He could not help those within the castle anymore, but at least he could see this one man to safety, and that had to be enough.

Naruto forever 01-05-2014 05:00 AM

Miles nodded, listening as the Prince explained his plan. It seemed like an ok plan, maybe bound for failure, maybe not. Miles himself wasn't all too aware of any other kingdom, so he didn't know what the King of Galath. Though with his knowledge about people in power, Miles was sure that the King would not pass up on a chance to invade another kingdom. Miles wondered if the Prince knew that that meant that innocent civilians would get killed. Possibly get killed at least. He didn't speak his mind though; Miles could care less about the lives of others. It wouldn't effect him.

He took a glance over at the Prince. Of course he thought that Miles would know his name. After all, most people would. Miles wasn't most people though, and because of his lack of...interest in anything to do with Royalty, he never learned the Prince's name. "I know that you are the Prince. Nothing else," he spoke with a new harshness, one that he hadn't meant to be there. Hesitating a moment, Miles spoke again, "My name is Miles. As soon as we get out of this forest, I'll show you the way to my home."

He followed the Prince through the forest, taking note of everything they passed. In all honesty, Miles could see this being useful for any future plans of his. Then again, if the soon-to-be King was the one who showed it to him...maybe it wasn't such a good idea. Nonetheless, he made note in his mind about the track. As the path started to get wilder, Miles only gave a grunt to signal that he had heard the Prince. He had to calm the horse down a couple of time because of the roots and branches and the rocky, messy path.

He bit his lip as they rode more, eyeing the Prince carefully. It was now that he was starting to think about why the Prince would bring him along. Obviously, the Prince would have no need for Miles, considering that he already knew the escape, and almost knew where he was going. After all, Miles was the one following him. Perhaps it was some ulterior motive? But what? He raised a hand to his head, running his fingers through his hair. Miles hated not knowing what people were thinking, and why they did what they did. Giving into his curiosity, Miles asked the Prince. "Why bother bringing me along with you for your escape?"

((It's rather short...sorry))

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