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Tachigami 10-21-2013 02:48 AM

Stanley Welsh Preparatory
Stanley Welsh Prep: Before College

College before college

Stanley Welsh offers a variety of classes in a beautiful boarding school.
While in this two-year course, the students will be met with schedules they previously established.
Each class is specific to their strongest talents and motivations, strengthening them before they enter college.

Stanley Welsh might as well have been a castle. It looked like it, anyway, as Angel stared up at it with wide green eyes. He was so excited to have been accepted to the prep school, having graduated high school two years ago. He was beginning to grow restless, wanting to hone his musical and artistic abilities and hopefully overcome some bothersome difficulties. With two years at Stanley Welsh under his belt, he'd be able to shave those two years off his college learning and become a teacher before twenty five---which was five years away. And now, just a few days after his birthday he was here, staring with half-dazed eyes at the towering spires that had to lead somewhere, and the arched doorways and thick glass in the windows. What did the students' rooms look like? No doubt they'd have roommates, which was just fine with him, but just how large were those rooms? Huge, probably...

The truck jolted to a stop and brought Angel out of his daydreams. His parents were in the front, his two young sisters beside him. They began talking quickly, their midwestern accents obvious. He'd never really picked it up as strongly as they, but it was there nonetheless. Grinning, he jumped out of the cab, followed by his little sisters---two blondes, fraternal twins Jen and Katy and six years old. He was dark, Angel, a stark contrast between his sisters and leaning more toward his mother's appearance. Dark hair, brown with black undertones and curled at the ends, bright green eyes, tanned skin. His mother, Sylvia, stepped out of the passenger seat and hugged Angel. "Oh, I can't believe I won't see you for months! My angel is leaving us." Her voice had a cracked tone to it, though he could tell she was trying to keep herself from shedding tears.

Angel returned the hug tightly, standing a head above his mother. "Hey, it's okay." He said. "I'll call, y'know?"

"Oh... I know." Her voice steadied and she went around to help Dash---Angel's father---begin unloading some bags. They had been sent, along with the acceptance to the school, a list of things that were able to fit into the room and leave room to walk. A large chair among them, perhaps a rocking chair or armchair type. He'd decided on the padded rocking chair that he had in his room. A desk of moderate size---generally five feet by three---of which he had one, handmade by his grandfather. A computer---Angel had a laptop, and a smartphone to keep in touch with his father, the head of their ranch, and the other ranch hands.

Looking around, Angel could see others in the lot headed out with bags, books, suitcases and wheeling large packages that would fill their side of the particular dorm room they might inhabit. He shouldered several heavy bags full of clothes and one full of books from the back of the truck, a satchel with his electronics and power cords, and a deconstructed pair of bookshelves that would be able to fit into the dorm. They'd been given instruction regarding size of the rooms, and he was surprised at the sheer size. Just about the size of his room at home, on their sprawling farmhouse. He'd feel right at home. His mother carried a few bags of blankets, his sisters taking their own little hauls at their personal requests, and his father bringing the desk's parts and folding toolbox along. They'd be able to customize their rooms to fit their specific ideas, their preferences, and there was said to be an obvious line down the middle of the room in the form of slightly separated carpeting color. He thought it was extremely useful.

He was jittering with excitement as he read off his room number and took the lead, falling in with the trickle of students and their parents and siblings as they headed to the front doors. Indeed, they were early, but it was the norm on the ranch to wake before the sun, and they'd had a big drive ahead of them even from the hotel they'd stayed at.

PapillonCameo 10-21-2013 03:11 AM

William Richard Hutchingson had already appropriated his side of the room. He'd arrived the day before, a privilege accorded to the rich, in order to settle down without having to be bothered by his roommate. The grey eyed eighteen year old would have preferred a room all of his own, but sadly not even his father's purse strings could make that happen ... Not without unsavory press following the action.

So instead, he had been allocated a paltry side of the room and tried to make it livable by having his personal aid setting up expensive shelves, and other necessities. These included of course only the best of what could be afforded, such as an extra armchair, a side table, and an electronic docking station where his iphone lay beside an ipod of the newest kind, and a macbook lay waiting to be used.

This was of course only the tip of the iceberg. William settled down in his armchair, reading a copy of The Count of Monte Cristo, being served a tray of refreshments by his manservant. The strawberry blond was hoping his room mate would cancel his attendance to the school. It would make life so much easier, not having to deal with such a ... cockroach. He was certain the other young man would be beneath him in station in every way. The thought had William wrinkling his aristocratic nose in disgust, even as he took a elegant sip of tea to try and calm himself.

Tachigami 10-21-2013 03:33 AM

Sylvia, a chef that had her own catering business, whistled slightly as they passed doors in the hall. "So beautiful." She sighed. "The halls are so wide!" It took a bit to bring everything up the several flights of stairs, but they managed it, and when they reached the door---043, Angel let his parents set the largest things just outside the door so it wasn't all lugged in at once. He glanced in through the slightly-ajar room and found someone already there, or a couple someones, and raised a brow. Interesting. Everything on the left side seemed so expensive. And cold... But it wasn't his place to comment. He stepped in while Dash mentioned that they'd be going down to get other things, and Jen and Katy would be staying up there until they got back. He nodded, stepping in with the girls and smiling brightly at the young man that would be his dorm roommate. "Hey!" He greeted the pale-headed man cheerily, depositing his things on the bed that was, so far, bare beyond a mattress and generic white fitted sheet. Glancing around, he spied two doors on either side of the room. Did they have not only their own closets, but their own bathrooms as well? That was amazing... It all was! Even the two tall windows---one on one side of the room, and one on the other side.

Jen and Katy set their own little packages---bedclothes---on the foot of the bed and shyly wave at the two across the way. Angel could already tell he came from a very high class type of world, and liked a luxury everywhere he went. But if it was homely to him, who was he to go against it? He went back out, bringing in the deconstructed items and setting them against the bed until he could put it all together. Dash came in quickly, holding a few cases in the same shape---instruments. A guitar, a violin. A harp, because Angel had always felt it was a dying method of song and his mother adored her little angel playing for her in the evenings. He smiled at the thought as Sylvia entered with the chair, settling it where he asked. It looked perfect already. Almost like his room at home, almost as large on his side. How amazing... It seemed the word was running through his mind over and over again.

Dash looked across the room to the young man reading. "Oh, Angel, this your roomie?" His accent was strong, but he wasn't a fool. In fact, he was extremely intelligent and showed it in his mathematical abilities, which Angel had never picked up on. "How you doing?" He asked the two others. "Name's Dash. I guess you'll be knowin' Angel a good while, eh?" He laughed, brushing back his windswept hair. The end of August was still quite warm, and a large amount of wind was sweeping through the square in front of the school. Sylvia ducked out to get one more small box without telling the others.

PapillonCameo 10-21-2013 03:47 AM

William ignored them all studiously. All that could be heard from his side of the room was the gentle clicking of his glass as he placed it onto its fine china plate so he concentrate more fully upon his book. His grey eyes flitted over the pages recounting a man's rise from poverty to riches in order to avenge himself upon those who had falsely accused him. Quite interesting, though such things only happened in novels ... And the corporate business world.

Of course, this was only appearance. His mind was on the people who had invaded his space. Country bumpkins, the whole lot of them. Those accents grated on his nerves, made him want to order them from his room in the rudest way possible so they would never return. And his roommate, Angel. What kind of silly name was that? It had no dignity. Oh no, instead the name called up the image of a fluffy winged cherub with a stupid grin on its face. In fact, the expression he imagined was a lot like the one his roommate wore as he looked in awe at the room.

What a long two years it would be...

Tachigami 10-21-2013 04:06 AM

Dash shrugged, glancing back at the others. Angel smiled lightly. "Quiet, I guess." He said simply. And a reader, too. At least they would have that much in common. He turned to his bed, moving things around a little until he'd pushed everything to the other side so Jen and Katy could sit. "Hey, where'd Mom get to?"

Dash shrugged and looked around as Sylvia returned quickly. "Sorry, forgot a box in the back!" She set it on the bed and straightened her shirt, sighing. "Well... I guess we'll head off... let you get settled on in..." She laughed nervously. "When will you call?"

"Soon enough, Mom, I promise." Angel's voice was soft as he grasped her shoulder. "It won't be bad. Soon you won't even know what you used to do with me around!" He laughed, earning a smile from his mother and a hug. His father waited his turn, squeezing him tight with arms that had seen a lifetime of work, much as Angel's had. He turned to his little sisters, such sweet faces and bright eyes, both fallen. He'd been around all their lives, was the second to hold them both when they were born, after his father and mother. "Hey." He knelt in front of them. "It's okay. I'll be able to see you soon! I'll call as often as I can."

Jen shook her head. "We'll... miss you." She muttered.

"You'll get my room." Angel offered, smiling at both of them. Katy's face lifted, though Jen still seemed a bit reluctant. Still, she nodded and both of the girls threw their arms around him in hugs that were as tight as they could make them. Though Sylvia was on the verge of tears, she left with another hug under her belt and a promise to call when they could. As soon as they were gone, though, Angel's confident smile turned down, and he sighed. It would be difficult... He hadn't been away from home for longer than a month before, and now... A full year. Pocked periodically with meetings and visits, maybe, but still, said meetings would be few and far between. He sighed, glancing at his roommate before getting to work. First he set all his bags on the floor and put them under his bed for the time being, and set his suitcases in his closet's floor. Time to get started making his side as comfortable as possible.

PapillonCameo 10-21-2013 04:43 AM

The pale haired youth bent his head even more over the book, and waved dismissively at the man his parents had sent to the school with him. Soon all the noise had fallen away. Ah, peace and quiet once more! And he hadn't even had to sneer and make caustic remarks to win it, or to gain attention. Though this was one case where such a thing hadn't been wanted, but at home ... Things were different. Everything was, really.

Grey eyes flashed with anger when the young man lifted them to find items that weren't his intruding in his space. "Get your filth out of my side of the room." The words snapped free from his lips. William placed his finger lightly upon the pages of his book as he waited to be obeyed. It was his right after all, to be listened to and to be heeded.

Tachigami 10-21-2013 04:52 AM

Angel startled while studying a folded item and glanced around for the offending thing. One of is bags had fallen onto its side and had made its way onto the lighter side of the room. "Heh... Must've fallen." He grabbed the bag, setting it upright and making sure it wouldn't fall this time. "Sorry about that, old bag. But it's not dirty, I keep my things clean." Maybe he didn't exactly keep his room that clean, but stuffing things away and making it all perfect just felt... too wrong. He took off the white sheet covering the bed and put on, instead, a dark red one made of cotton. Warmer that way. Then a light sheet, dark green, and a heavier blanket, this one very faintly plaid in red and gray. On top of it all was folded in half a quilt. It was big and thick, and both sides told his family's story through the generations. His mother had added a few squares recently. Hoping not to get on his new roommate's bad side, Angel put everything back on his bed in case it tried to run off again, and pulled in the unmade furniture. It was all easily assembled quietly, and with handheld tools, so it wouldn't disturb him.

"I never thought I'd come to a prep school." He said after a moment, settling in to reassemble his bookshelves before anything else. His roommate hadn't started reading yet, after all. "I guess my parents are just... so country, I didn't think it'd be open to me. Or maybe they wouldn't like it. Are you learning anything specific?" Opening the tool bag, Angel smiled lightly as he found all the screws and hinges, beginning a quick and fixed reassembly process that seemed to have been learned a long time ago, and honed into his blood. His question had merit---while most were here to learn specific skills and jobs, others wanted to familiarize themselves with just about everything, and get overwhelmed in the process. He didn't like the thought of being so overwhelmed...

PapillonCameo 10-21-2013 05:00 AM

William flicked his book closed and stood, hand folded neatly behind his back. His eyes showed all the high bred notions he'd been raised to hold dear to his heart. "That isn't what I meant. Your things are filth, for simply being yours. Or does that concept require too much thought for your bumpkin brain to understand?" The young man snorted derisively as he moved to toe the line between their respective sections so he could get a better look at all the things being unpacked.

Where was the style, the elegance? Everything was just so ... mundane and low-brow. "What I learn is no concern of yours. In fact, I would rather you didn't speak to me at all. It would have been best if you stayed in the country where you belong." William just wanted to dark haired man gone, away from his sight. He'd ruined a perfectly good morning of peace and quiet with his arrival. The fact that Angel had brought his family had made everything worse, it stung horribly, though William wouldn't ever admit to anyone why. Not even himself.

Tachigami 10-21-2013 05:11 AM

Angel raised a brow as he finished the first bookshelf and studied it. Beautiful. Handcrafted. Hand-polished. Made with the care of a pair of hands that truly, truly knew what they were doing. And they did it slowly. Knowingly. He sighed, standing to set the bookcase against the far wall. It would accompany its taller brother there. "I suppose that's what you think." He shrugged at the young man, whose name he didn't even know yet. Maybe he'd deduce it eventually. "You can think what you like. My intentions were innocent enough---I figured I'd get to know the person I'm spending two years with, at the very least." But he was the 'rich kid' type. He probably hadn't lifted a hammer in his life, probably hadn't had to clean his room himself, or look after siblings. Or take care of animals. How sad... He'd missed out on so much, perhaps. Angel went to the second stack and bag, beginning to put the second case together. So much would line them when he got his bags emptied.

And then he'd put together his desk. Beautiful thing, just like the bookcases. How nice it was that the headboard was the same wood tone as the rest of his. And he was sure his mother had slipped the curtains from his room into one of the bags. He'd be able to even add those to his side's window, too. Like a tiny slice of his home. Soon it would lose its overly-cleansed scent and be like him. And he still had to investigate the bathroom, put his things in it. He would live here for a long time, after all. Even if his roommate wasn't much for conversation.

PapillonCameo 10-21-2013 05:18 AM

William frowned and let his head lower, slightly. Those were beautiful shelves ... He was envious of them. They weren't at all like his, antiques, old, elegant, things, but they did lack something. The young man tugged at his suit jacket and adjusted his tie. It was no hard thing to turn away from the man he would be spending the next two years with. "Just stay on your side, don't bring any friends you make back to the room, and things will work out just fine, country boy. That's how we'll both get through these years."

The young man placed his book upon the side table by his neatly prepared bed and settled down at his desk. His sleek laptop was flipped open, and soon William was pursing his lips as he tried to come up with something, anything to write. He wanted another excuse to ignore Angel. There were plenty of them already ... and at the same time he wanted to get the other man angry, wanted to make him yell. That was certainly a good way of keeping his attention. Friendships never worked, not for William, but sustained anger did.

Tachigami 10-21-2013 05:34 AM

Angel snickered lightly, rolling his eyes. "Well, so long as you follow your own rules, I think we'll be just fine." He could make other friends if he didn't want to be Angel's friend. He was used to those that were standoffish, shy, more in tune with their own way of life to take a chance with someone that lived so differently from them. He quickly finished the other bookshelf and stood it up with its sibling, smiling at the way they stood beautifully against the beige background of the wall. So very nice, sitting in the corner by his closet door. ... Glancing over his shoulder, Angel saw his roommate busy himself with his computer. A laptop. the opening screen had his name on it. William. Well, at least he had a name to put with the face. If he weren't so angry, William, maybe he'd have a much sweeter face. Angel just shrugged, puling in his desk and desk chair to begin assembling them as well. They would be pushed up against the wall at the foot of his bed, and then the bedside table and its lamp and phone would be set up afterward. Then his clothing. It would all go in the closet, and his underclothes and accents would go into the drawers inside the closet.

He loved to work. Work on his things. Play his music. Paint. Draw. Cook. Anything with his hands, sculpting something into existence from raw material, was some type of magic he loved to see, loved to enact, create, build. It was the essence of his very life. It was what made him smile. Made him happy. Most would have snapped at William by now, but he wasn't that kind of person. He didn't like to yell unless he was playing a game outside and it was necessary for communication. Maybe someday he'd break through William's cold exterior.

PapillonCameo 10-21-2013 09:32 PM

A snort left his lips before he could stop himself. He had no idea how he was going to deal with the irritating man. It was really a shame that they had to share a room. Somehow, William told himself, he would find a way to find someplace all his own. That was what he was used to, being alone, and it just felt wrong to have someone else sharing his space.

All those things ... Those art supplies, oh they forebode such a mess. Swallowing, he turned to his things and began to rearrange his clothing. Then he moved to organize his school supplies all in a neat array upon his desk. Each thing had it's place ,the pencil beside the pen, the calculator above them, the erases lying beside the pen, the laptop at the center of everything. It was all just a little well place. There was no mess allowed, and when he saw a wrinkle upon his bed, William moved to shake out the blanket and make sure that it lay flat.

Tachigami 10-21-2013 09:54 PM

While William messed around with his things, Angel worked to finish the desk where it was supposed to go instead of having to push it up against that particular wall. There it sat as if it were meant to be there, made for the room, and when he assembled the three-piece chair to go along with it, everything seemed to fall into such perfection. He grinned at it, moving on to the bedside table and its lamp---a stout thing with a gentle light, and spare bulbs should they go out. He'd had light bulbs last for over a year more than once, after all. The table sat underneath the window on his side, as if fitting into a puzzle flawlessly. Looking around his bag, Angel found the curtains. Very long things normally, but the window here was tall. They would fit well though, reach a few inches below the bottom sill. And the faintly lined fabric smelled like lilac.

Glancing sideways, he shivered almost unaccountably. So perfect. Too perfect. Too perfect for anyone to live there comfortably, surely. He didn't get it. Just didn't get it. The only thing his family ever tried to arrange perfectly were the paddocks and grazing fields before erecting fences. The house was well-lived in. Built by his great-grandparents and their children. A legacy was there, and he could feel it. Angel sighed, kneeling at the bed and sliding an organizer under it to make sure it fit. He missed home already, and his parents and sisters were probably not even back at the hotel yet. Maybe they'd call before bed tonight... Surely his mother would, she'd been tearing up more than once on flight, and came back a few times with red eyes. Angel shook his head. He was here for two years. He'd see his parents and siblings, and a few others, soon. During visitations, during their week-long vacations, Easter and Christmas and a few others... He nodded to himself, glancing back William's way as he began arranging his art supplies. These were the only things he cared to keep in perfect order. Large canvases, long canvases, small canvases. Hard and soft paintbrushes of varying sizes and styles. Colored pencils. Pencils. Pens. Markers. Carving utensils. Paints. Pastels and chalks. Cups. Towels. A spray can of clear adhesive---it was meant to protect specifically graphite drawings and keep them from smearing.

It all fit under the bed like a glove. He was proud to see that. Again he glanced at William. He wanted to say something... But what?

PapillonCameo 10-21-2013 10:23 PM

The young man leaned back against his bed now, book in hand. His mind was on other things though. How would he get changed with someone else so near? Always watching, seeing his every little movement... William shuddered at the thought. It was already bad enough that the people his parents hired were always watching him. At least in his room he'd always been alone, but no more. There would be no more privacy. The young man closed his grey eyes briefly.

He really would have to pull those strings to get that much needed time alone. Once school began, he didn't want to have to deal with constant visits from that herd of peasants. Oh no, he didn't want to see them ever again. It was afternoon now ... About time for his dinner to be brought over by the manservant. William sat expectantly and was glad to hear a set of wheels nearing.

The tall man who served him, a gold haired butler, placed a plate of food upon side table. From the dish of fish, vegetables and rice, wafted a delicious scent. It invited hunger and the worst kind of manners. Instead, as the manservant walked away, the young man began to eat delicately. William took his time, nibbling at everything and not quite finishing any of the food.

Tachigami 10-21-2013 10:40 PM

Angel had gone into the hallway to go through the boxes he'd yet to bring in. He was crouched and leaning against the wall behind him and searching through his things, more books, some extra clothes and art supplies. Pictures, his various cords and electronics. Someone went by, and into the dorm he was sharing. Strange... Or maybe not---William didn't seem to be the kind to wander down to whatever had been made into the cafeteria in this wonderful castle-like dwelling. Hopefully that wouldn't be much of a constant thing, though. When the man exited, he reentered with his remaining boxes, beginning an unpacking. Just a few books from one box, which he began to arrange on the bookshelves amid a rather pale scent. It was food, yes, but... so light. It didn't seem to be made with real feeling as his mother did, and taught him to do. It felt as clean as the other half of the room. Squirming under his skin, Angel pulled his bathroom necessities out of their box and retired them to his personal bathroom. A few bottles, a couple toothbrushes and pair of toothpaste bottles, towels and washrags, a hanger for some extra bottles and bags, a few brushes and combs. The rest was put into a small cabinet and he unfolded the box, placing it in the back of the closet, beyond everything else.

When he exited, going to his bags to unload the rest of his books, Angel glanced at William for a moment. "Hopefully we can get along." He offered. "I wouldn't mind." And whatever tension was there would be gone. A nice feeling. He brought out more books. Things his grandparents liked. Older books. Classics. Shakespeare. H.G. Wells. H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allen Poe. Then more modern things---Authors including Anne Rice and Stephen King and Dean Koontz, heavy, thick books and thin ones alike, James Patterson and some older western books his father loved so much.

There were spaces on the bookshelves that were empty, and so he filled them with trinkets he'd collected when his family took vacations. Various things from the shores of the States and South America alike, giant beautiful geodes he found himself in caves, and a bright, polished crystal he liked to think as the best gift he'd ever been given. Finding the bookshelves to his liking, Angel went to bring out his electronics and regard William placidly.

PapillonCameo 10-21-2013 11:33 PM

The young man glanced from his food with a sneer upon his aristocratic features. He had no need for such overtures of friendship, of camraderie. Such things only brought out the very worst in people. Always wanting, asking, never giving any true feeling or emotion in return! Simply because his parents had money, power and prestige, others found every way they could to get into his good graces. What were they to him, all those grovelling, begging, fools ... Nothing more then people whose dreams were to be crushed because all they did was scheme and want.

William averted his eyes. "Content yourself with silence. I refuse to be friends with anyone lower in stature then I." Civil, how could he be that way with such a non-chalant man. All Angel seemed to care about was frivolity. Not so William. He needed to learn all he could so he could take over the family corporation when it was his time, when his father stepped down from the throne generations of Hutchingsons had built through the years. It was his duty.

Tachigami 10-22-2013 12:52 AM

Angel’s face fell a little as he picked out his computers---a laptop and a desktop. The desktop had just come out that month and was a dual monitor, taking up half the left side of the desk. He went underneath, wiring things together on a power strip and storing it away in the back wall of the desk. “It must be such a lonely life.” He sighed, sitting up to collect his phone cables and find the correct jack in the wall. He couldn’t imagine it. Couldn’t imagine not trying to befriend whomever he met. He loved people. While it was true there were people that didn’t share that ability to befriend others, he’d never heard of someone refusing to attempt to be the friend of someone ‘lower’ than them.

He started unpacking his clothes and other cloth items. “Besides, I don’t see how you can take an immediate inspection of someone and just decide they’re of a lower social scale without knowing them in any way.” Maybe he and William were alike in status. His father’s ranch was huge, supplied horses for private lessons and cows for small-time farmers, independent butchers, and large meat companies alike. It grew apples for families to pick, sold chickens, eggs, milk, wool and sheep, and even offered landscaping services. His mother ran her own company independent of the house, catering big events and small, from birthdays to close connections to not only the mayor, but other state officials as well. She also had her own pair of stores in town, one that sold sweets and one that sold jarred jellies, jams, and picked eggs or vegetables, as well as dried meats. The former catered to her love of baking, while the latter was centered around the family’s habits of growing too much in their personal gardens or having a surplus of meat on hand.

So just how far away from one another were they? William seemed to come from a place of high society and a world of numbers, electronics, perhaps clothing and fashion lines. Angel, however, came from a homey place of animals, food, and art. Just because they lived differently didn’t mean one of them stood any higher than the other. Angel solemnly folded clothes to go into his closet’s drawers, and fetched hangers to hang his shirts and pants.

PapillonCameo 10-22-2013 01:07 AM

That had him standing, itching to act out like he had never been allowed to. Instead, William schooled his voice to cool derision. "In your case, there's no need to make any further assumptions. My first impression of the country boy come to this school, who had no class, no other claim to this place then whatever means he took to find his way here, no blood right, it wasn't wrong." He stepped across the boundary, and plucked up a picture. Grey eyes staring at the other man, he let the frame drop and waited to see how Angel would react.

The line had been crossed. He wondered what else he would do, just to make the other man give up. There was no way he would himself be used, no chance. Friends, that was all they did. Getting along opened the door to that, and it would only lead to hurt. That was all it had ever done and William refused to take that chance ever again.

Tachigami 10-22-2013 01:20 AM

Angel looked at him as a disapproving parent would their misbehaving child. He didn't doubt William's inability to tell someone apart from the general population was spawned from his upbringing. Perhaps dealing with leeches. But Angel wouldn't stoop so low as he'd done. "I earned my way here through my talents in the arts---writing, painting, music, sculpting. Regardless of where I come from or what definition of 'class' you have in mind, You and I are on equal grounds. Besides, what right do you have to be here? Your family and mine have earned our respective money and titles through different talents, and that's all that separates us."

He sighed. How he'd wanted to get along with his roommate. How he wanted to call home and tell them of the close friend he'd made right off the bat. Someone he could talk to and share stories with. Someone he could help when they needed help, as he'd grown accustomed to doing. While most took advantage of that side of his personality, he didn't hold it against them. He wanted to tell his parents, his siblings, maybe even Chris that it wasn't so bad here, and the first friend he made was the one that would share a room with him for two years. He had a whole school to befriend, if he could, but Angel was sure that now there would only be silence when he was here. At least between himself and William. He shook his had, putting his clothes away and opening the last box. His instruments. Violin---he put that under the bedside table, it was small enough even with its case. His guitar, he set that between the wall and bookshelf farthest to the left. His harp, he rested that on his desk. And then his laptop, he placed it against the desk. Notebooks, papers, pencils and pens, highlighters and binders he put into the desk drawers, and sat in his chair to admire the place. Well, that was at least one good thing...

PapillonCameo 10-22-2013 01:39 AM

"It seems like much more then that does," spat out the young man. He felt comfortable this way. Anger, animosity, it was a better shield then any friendship. It meant William was always on guard against any eventual attempt at his fortunes, his means, one way or another. Yes ,his life was lonely, but it had always been so. The young man had never known anything else. He hadn't had much of a choice.

This time he went to curl up on the bed, dressed as he was. What else was there to do? He could have worked on the laptop, but to expose his own talents to the other man didn't suit his mindset. Even though he told himself he was used to being so shoved aside, that he invited it, So now William hugged a pillow to his chest, and tried to ignore the fact that the man he'd just put down so harshly would be able to see.

Tachigami 10-22-2013 02:18 AM

Angel sighed, staring out the window. And yet, there was still tomorrow that was free for the students and teachers alike to go around and get accustomed to the school and the grounds. "Maybe I'm just too kind for my own good..." Angel muttered, truly feeling dejected now. Maybe it was just homesickness setting in, but he longed to call Chris and talk for a few hours. But he had to wait until evening, because then they would be able to Skype, so they could see one another. That made a good bit of difference. Instead, he regarded his watch and saw that dinner had begin ten minutes ago. Not only had William just eaten, but when Angel looked around he seemed to be pouting on his bed for some reason. Maybe Will was more sad than he was.

"I... uh, I guess I'll just leave you to your misery for a bit..." Angel shrugged, stepping out the door only after grabbing the bag he'd yet to unpack. The satchel. It had all his essential items: Notebooks, a few pencils and a couple pens, a set of colored pencils, and his inhaler---which he only needed when his year-round allergies got out of control. Shouldering it, he stepped out and looked around. He had a good sense of direction, but this was a new place. It would take a while for him to understand class from dorm to various other room. But he was sure the cafeteria would be on the ground floor. So he went downstairs, looking around. His first stop was, beyond the massive entrance hall they had come in from, the ballroom. Or what used to be the ballroom. It was full of benches and chairs and looked to be not only a gym, but a studio.

The next set of large double doors he came to was in fact, the dining hall, with two long tables set well. It looked to be set up in a buffet line type of setting, which he felt was especially useful. Well... At least his being here would let William be alone. Maybe that was what he needed for a while.

PapillonCameo 10-22-2013 02:48 AM

The moment he was alone in the room, William relaxed enough to lift his head and peer about. Almost against his will, he stood and wandered to the other side of the space, where the other man had set up his things. The quilt was the first thing which caught his eye. It was so colorful, with so many different things on it. It ... made it seem like someone actually cared about Angel. Quite unlike the cold efficiency his own parents and other relatives always used when dealing with him. Snorting lightly at the thought, the young man turned away to let his hands roam over the books.

There were so many there he'd never even seen before. Lowly paperback novels that he'd never really cared to take a peek at. This time he did, plucking one then the other to look at the summaries. Oh they looked so interesting! But he would never admit to anyone that he might actually want to read something other then a classic, a story that was at least a hundred years old.

William was drawn to the art materials. He plucked some up, held a brush experimentally in his hand, then put it back exactly where it had been. He went back to the books to make sure that they too had been returned to their proper place, beside all the mementos from things William couldn't even imagine.

Tachigami 10-22-2013 03:11 AM

Angel was alone at one end of the table for only a while, plucking at the bacon in a salad he'd created before sitting down, and his other hand was drawing absentmindedly. He loved the architecture of the building he would now be living in for the next two years, and his pencil was busy creating a little cottage with just the same appearance. He was so enthralled with his work that he often missed his mouth with his fork, and didn't register the new sets of feet sitting across from him until they actually settled down. Glancing up, he sat up straight at once. Two men, and a woman. The man furthest to the left was bright and cheery, a bit thick in the arms and chest, no doubt an athlete type with especially intense dark blue eyes. The woman had an air of freedom about her, akin to a hippie life, and her rather fuzzy black hair was tied up in a high ponytail. the man at the end had a calm demeanor and his prematurely silver hair was swept back and looked more like feathers.

Angel forgot immediately about the situation with William and fell into a conversation with the three about the beautiful school they were able to live and learn in. They complimented his drawing and the young woman admitted she was here to hone her own artistic skills. The gray-haired young man was intent on working in IT, or even going on his own to open his own electronics store or developing his own technology. He definitely seemed to have the know-how. If only Angel were as technologically able, but he was sure he could call on Miles---the silver-haired man---if he had problems.

Normally he had to go to others first, but this had changed quickly. Angel was desperately glad to have befriended three people so quickly---maybe it would be better to not try so hard to get on William's good side. He seemed adamant that he wouldn't accept friendship.

PapillonCameo 10-22-2013 03:46 AM

William had settled down on the other man's bed before he knew it. His head tilted forward, he read the pages of a cheap kind, but the words were still just as good... Just as enthralling as everything else he'd ever read. He wished then that his parents hadn't convinced him to leave his own extensive collection behind. Books were his friends. No human smile to greet him, but thousands of words upon paper to drag him into adventured like none anyone could live in one lifetime. Now those were friends, who could be turned to again and again without fail.

The young man lay back, for once feeling comforted by the action, and not because of the book alone. Was the other man right? No, someone like Angel couldn't be. Snorting at the thought, strawberry blond immersed himself in the words of Hamlet. He drank it all in, without noticing how the time passed.

Tachigami 10-22-2013 04:07 AM

He loved these people already. Luna, Andy and Remmy---Andy was the silvery-haired tech-type, Remmy the athlete type. After they ate they went outside, wandering the grounds. Beautiful. After a huge patio full of couches and tables and chairs under heavy, protective umbrellas, the grass began. Then the gardens. And there was a lake, crystalline blue, and so many trees in the distance. Those that dotted the emerald grass closer by were huge and thick, and offered vast amounts of shade. He walked with his new friends, their little group gaining more people that had finished inspecting the inside of the building and were looking for a walk outside. Those of different sizes and heights, different colors and personalities, talking excitedly about their new home. It was just a shame they had to leave at the end of two years.

Angel, his new friends, and a few others broke away to sit under a tree and share stories. Where they came from, when they learned they had specific talents. Luna seemed to have thought she would have to be forced into an office and have her creativity squashed out of her, but felt it was a saving grace when she got her acceptance to Stanley Welsh. Remmy just hadn't been good enough in high school to get a scholarship, and was hoping to change that with his second chance now. But Andy just seemed to be a flighty type, assuring them that his true, focused colors came out when he had a motherboard in his hand.

He loved it all. Three new friends in the very first day. Surely they would become closer as time went on. Or Angel hoped, desperately. Now, at least, he had some good news to tell Chris when he called tonight. Though reluctant, he was already watching the sky begin to grow deep sapphire with afternoon's waning, and bid the group goodbye. They made plans to wander the school together to get a fitting idea of where they were headed any given time, and make sure they knew where each classroom was. Angel sighed as he walked back to the building, feeling his lungs rasp a little. Ragweed, perhaps... It could be everywhere. Though perhaps it was the pollen too, from the garden nearby. It would clear up once he was inside.

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