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blueblackrose 10-27-2013 02:08 AM

Rosewood Amusement Park - A Casual RP
Rosewood Amusement Park

"Evening to my fellow travelers. Are you like me and seeking an All Hallow's Eve adventure? That's probably a silly question. Why else would you be here at a place like this? Anyway, shall we get this adventure started and find out if the stories about this abandoned amusement park are true?" No sooner were the words out of the young woman's mouth and the old iron gate to the park slowly creaked open. It appeared to be invitation to enter. What will you do now?

This is a casual event roleplay. Anyone is welcome to join in. Your character can be human or not and they will be exploring the Rosewood Amusement Park which has been abandoned for 50 years or so. There are stories of it being haunted and others about there are some type of monsters that live there. There is no profile to fill out. Just post a picture of your character(s) in your first post. Have fun everyone.

blueblackrose 10-27-2013 02:45 AM

Maiara Kingsley

The wind howled through the leafless trees surrounding the long abandoned Rosewood Amusement Park. The air had an early winter chill to it as it blew and the sky grew darker with the approaching grey clouds. There was no rain in the forecast, but from the looks of the clouds one would guess otherwise. It seemed that night would come earlier than expected, but that didn't bother Maiara. She had always preferred the night to the day. Tonight was suppose to be a full moon which made it that much better if the clouds would clear off.

The path to the amusement park was rocky and overgrown. Just like the walls surrounding the park and some of the things in the park. Maiara pulled her scarf around her neck as she walked down the path. She didn't care much for the cold, but she couldn't pass up a chance to explore and investigate a place she had stories about since she was little. The young woman picked out her pace as the wind howled again, causing her hair to whip around her. The chill caused her to shiver once more. At least I remembered to pack some gloves and hand warmers. A smile formed on her lips as the park finally came into view. Right now the only thing that would make this better would be if her best friend had came with her instead of chickening out last minute.

Acobjum 10-27-2013 04:54 AM (The far right picture of the first image combined with the second image: light brown skin and wearing a type of toga and barefoot with slightly messy hair.) This character is wondering through the woods, stumbling and with a confused look upon the face. The character wonders what this strange place is and what strange wonders that are surrounding. The character escaped from a frightful place filled with flashes, sparks, and loud noises and now wanders lost.

CrimsonShadow 10-27-2013 04:55 PM

Deep in the dark part of the forest a woman could be found standing in front of a bubbling cauldron. Currently she was stirring whatever concoction that was in the cauldron with a giant wooden spoon. Her long curly strawberry red hair was covered with the hood of her black cloak. She had blue eyes that seemed to glow and on the left eye there were three black marks (in the picture). It was the mark of a dark witch. The tall redhead was wearing a pale blue dress. The top was corset like with a scoop neckline and long sleeves. The dress billowed out at her waist and fell straight down to her feet. She was wearing a pair of short black boots.

Suddenly her head snapped up and she cocked it to the side, almost as if she was listening to something in the distance. Leaving her concoction to simmer she grabbed her broom that was leaning against a tree and tossed it into the air, where it floated a few feet above the ground. After sitting on it sidesaddle the witch let out a cackle and took off.

Whizzing through the trees she shot up into the sky after reaching the amusement park. She was only one of the reason's the place was haunted. The witch loved to scare and curse people that ventured into the area. After circling above the park twice she landed in the center of it. Hopping off her broom she placed her cloaks hood back up so her features were hidden. Her broom flew off by it's self to await it's masters call. The witch started off in the direction of the figure she had seen while circling above.

Acobjum 10-27-2013 06:10 PM

At the edge of the woods is the the abandoned amusement park. The character does not know this and only sees the place as something new. This new sight of strange architecture attracted the character's curiosity and hence entered into the amusement park.

blueblackrose 10-27-2013 07:19 PM

Maiara couldn’t shake the feeling she was being watched. What she was being watched by she wasn’t sure, but only time would tell. This adventure was one she had decided to take on her own to test her psychic abilities. Plus it was a good way to test her new ghost hunting equipment. The young woman continued down the dark path, dry leaves cracking under her boots. Further ahead the path widened and dense forest thinned as it opened to the clearing were the now abandoned amusement park stood.

Mai stopped once she entered the clearing. Before her stood a large vine covered wall, the park just on the other side. Excitement shone in her eyes as she stood there. After a few moments she took out her full spectrum camera and took some pictures. Then she took out her night vision camera to start documenting and recording. She laughed lightly as she started recording herself. “It’s October 31, 2013, All Hallow’s Eve and it’s just now 6:43pm. The sun has pretty much set, but it’s already dark because of the clouds that rolled in while I was walking down the path to here...” She turned the camera and pointed it towards the iron gate which suddenly swung open causing her to take a step back. A slightly nervous chuckle came from her before she continued. “…Rosewood Amusement Park. The weather is cold, overcast and windy from time to time. Rosewood Amusement Park has been abandoned since the summer of 1948. No one really knows what the true reason behind the park closing was, but there are many stories about it. Some say that a terrible accident that was covered up took place and the park is now haunted by spirits. Others say the supernatural creatures that live in this forest took the park over and closed it. Then there is the boring reason of the owner ran out of money and couldn’t keep the park running. Well anyway that is what I am here to find out tonight. Is Rosewood Amusement Park truly haunted or is it just another place where nature is taking over because the human element has left it.”

While she talked explaining things and why she was investigating she approached the gate. Mai took out a flashlight and inspected it. It looked too heavy for the wind to just have blown it open, but maybe looks were deceiving. She tried to push the gate, which hardly budged. “Not sure what caused the gate to open, but it looks like I won’t have trouble entering the park.” She placed the camera on the ground and took out one of the tripods she had with her. Quickly she put the camera on the tripod and set it up to keep recording. “Well I’m going to leave this camera here to record while I go in and start investigating inside.” Taking a deep breath the young woman swung her bag back over her shoulders and headed into the almost pitch black park.

Acobjum 10-27-2013 08:04 PM

The character marveled at the strange ruins; faded colors, rusted metal, weeds growing from cracks in the hard ground and vines growing on older buildings and rides. Everything was decrepit and abandoned.

The character shivered due to the cold breeze. The loose toga barely provided any comfort and only caked mud provided any protection for the feet. The character continued to moved deeper into the amusement park.

CrimsonShadow 10-27-2013 09:13 PM

Andromeda the witch quickly made her way closer to the girl. Her cloak billowed out behind her and the small train of her dress seemed to flow behind her like a train of smoke. She let out a cackle, her voice magnified by her magic so it was easy for everyone to hear through out the whole entire park. The other beings that wen't bump in the night knew it was her signal that people had entered their home.

Coming upon the entrance Andromeda stepping into the shadows and mumbled an incantation. A thick fog started to seep out of the forest, heading directly at the amusement park. She stayed quiet, waiting for the girl to go farther into the park. Once she was farther in the witch was going to have some fun.

Acobjum 10-28-2013 01:17 AM

The character was startled by a strange cackle; the horrid sound was loud and frightening. Turning every which way, the character could not discover its source. Almost immediately after a fog slowly began to surround the character. The character ran deeper into the park to escape the coming fog.

Kry 10-28-2013 01:53 AM

Kristoph had been here for a very long time, in a sense this amusement park was like a cage for him. He was the spitting image of a boy reported missing a few years ago, missing and the body never found. It was assumed he had committed suicide, but here he was. Wandering the emptiness that was this abandoned place, wearing the same thing he had been wearing the day of his disappearance. A short skirt, and arm warmers on his arms, and knee high boots, a collar like choker around his neck. He was a very feminine boy, very easy for anyone to mistake him for a girl.

Kris ran a hand through his purple hair, then tugged his skirt down a tiny bit before he started walking in a direction. He couldn't explain it, but something tugged at his consciousness. He could feel the energy of other people. He could always feel the energy of living people when they set foot beyond the gate and into the amusement park. He licked his lips lightly. People came here often enough, either to do the nasty or to look for ghosts. Or just because they thought it was cool to hang out in such a gloomy place.

He didn't care for the reasons others were here. Kris tried to talk to others before, but somehow he usually ended up frightening off the ones he did encounter. He would be careful this time though. He would try not to scare away the company. The young man moved in the direction of the gate, also curious to see what kind of person had come this time. Such a thing was interrupted by a cackle. One he was familiar with. It caused him to hesitate, and then alter his course slightly to bring him off in the direction of the witch.

blueblackrose 10-28-2013 01:56 AM

A loud cackle came from behind her and caused Maiara to spin around. Her eyes scanned the darkness, but she could see little of what was in front of her. Tentatively she moved her flash light back towards the gate, only to see nothing there. The feeling she had earlier of being watch was once again there and stronger than before. “Who’s there,” the girl called out, though she didn’t expect any replies. The fog that started rolling in gave the woman a strange feeling and she shivered slightly.

((Also if anyone wants to have more than one character they are welcome to.))

CrimsonShadow 10-28-2013 02:28 AM

((I'll make another probably in a bit!))

Laughing softly to herself the witch watched the human flash her little light. She would never see her unless she wished her to. As it was she was to far away for the human to even hear her. Sensing another being approaching she flashed her teeth with an evil grin. Suddenly disappearing Andromeda appeared in front of the boy, cloak swirling around her like smoke. "My dear Kristoph, we have visitors did you see? It's time for a little fun!" Still grinning madly she circled her finger in the air, making a little wind tunnel before blowing on it and sending it towards the human girl. Once it reached the girl, a strong gust of wind blew around her making leaves fly off the ground. "It's been so long since I've had any fun. It's your time Kristoph, join us once and for all."

Kry 10-28-2013 02:37 AM

Kristoph stopped as soon as the witch appeared in front of him. He watched Andromeda almost carefully for a few moments before shrugging slightly. "I heard the gate open, I was on my way to greet the visitors, but you called." Well, her cackle hadn't really been a call, maybe. He wasn't too sure, it had most likely been a wake up call to alert the other frightening things that there were guests. For Kris it had been a call, more or less. "Can't we make friends with them, just this once? It is lonely here." He spoke the words slowly, almost carefully. Already certain of her answer.

He couldn't refuse her. Not really. She was the closest thing to a friend he had in this place, and he would do what she asked for the sake of not losing her friendship. Kris could be gruesome, he could look frightening and terrible if he wished to, such was the perk of being a ghost. Kris looked off in the direction of the girl when the witch sent out the gust of wind in that direction, pondering.

Acobjum 10-28-2013 03:07 AM

The character was at the side of a faded yellow building, formerly a hot dog stand, when strange noises were heard. The character looked around the corner to see two figures making that strange noise from their mouths followed by a gust of wind blowing towards another being. The character continued to watch these three beings in curiosity.

blueblackrose 10-28-2013 03:19 AM

Since she didn’t see or hear anything more Mai wondered if she was letting her imagination get the better of her. She laughed lightly at herself, relaxing a bit and told herself to focus on her reason for coming here. No sooner had she told herself that and she heard another cackle. This time she brushed it off. If it was truly something and not the wind it would show itself soon enough to her.

Mai started to turn around when a gust of wind swirled around her, causing the leaves on the ground to fly. Her hair whipped around her as well, making it hard for her to see anything. She dropped the flashlight and held down her skirt so it wouldn’t fly up. Somehow she managed to keep from screaming enough though she wanted too. The pendant around her neck started to glow lightly.

Acobjum 10-28-2013 03:24 AM

The character, even though frightened by the gust, was mesmerized by the glowing pendent.

CrimsonShadow 10-28-2013 04:05 AM

The witch let out a heavy sign at Kristoph's answer. She didn't know why she liked the ghost so much, he was a huge softy and she hated that. Wasn't she a wicked witch? A wicked witch with a friendly ghost for a friend. "But you have me to keep you from not being lonely my dear Kris. This is what we do, these people come into our home and destroy it. We have to teach them a lesson they soon won't forget. They either leave or they join us." Andromeda stuck her hand out and let it hover above his shoulder. "You know you want to join the dark side Kris, I know it calls to you." Her head snapped up and to the side when she felt a presence.

She grinned wickedly and rubbed her hands together. "Lurkers near and lurkers far. Show them where the darkness abides. Let their fears come alive and show them we have nothing to hide!" At the end of her spell the witch clapped her hands together and let out a shrieking laugh. The amusement park suddenly lit up, calling all the creatures to come out and play. She turned around to see the girl's pendant glowing. Frowning Andromeda cocked her head to the side.

Kry 10-28-2013 04:19 AM

Kris frowned deeply, his body, tangible at the moment, had tensed when she moved her hand. It hovered above his shoulder though, and he relaxed a bit. Kristoph had an aversion to being touched, but that was a story for another night. He turned his attention to the girl, watching her, she seemed to have a glowing pendant. What could that mean. His purple eyed gaze shifted to Andromeda, gauging the expression on her face. "Well...I don't mind scaring them some...but killing, isn't killing a little uncalled for?" He was chewing his bottom lip. When the amusement park lit up, his expression turned to a smile. If only for a few moments.

The park was so pretty when all the lights were on. He loved the way it looked, even in the abandoned state it was in, that only seemed to add to it's beauty. A sort of macabre beauty. His attention returned to Andromeda. "Still, what exactly did you have in mind this time?" He couldn't help but ask, a little curious about the witches plans. If she even had any. She might just be winging it and doing whatever came to mind at the moment. "Also, should the girl's pendant be glowing like that?" He glanced towards the girl again.

Acobjum 10-28-2013 04:29 AM

The character was startled by the sudden lights flashing everywhere, taking the mind off of the pendent. The lights of the park were very alluring despite the grim and moldy atmosphere of decay. Gold, red, blue, pink, green, and numerous other flashing lights of color enraptured the character.

blueblackrose 10-28-2013 09:59 PM

Once the wind died down Mai let go of her skirt and moved the hair that was now hanging in her face. She tilted her head to the side as she stared at her now glowing pendant. The woman clutched it as she tried to make sense of things. “What is going on? Why is my grandmother’s pendant glowing?” The girl didn’t know much about the necklace she wore other than it had been her grandmothers and then her mothers. Her mother had given it to her when she was very young not long before she died. At least maybe the camera was getting all this.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the lights suddenly came on. Mai’s eyes grew wide as she stared in awe. The amusement park was beautiful it isn’t own eerie and dark way especially with the fog that had rolled in. “So beautiful,” she said aloud without realizing it. It was like something was pulling her as she walked towards the carousel. The music from it was creepy in it’s own way, but that only made it more appealing.

Acobjum 10-28-2013 10:13 PM

The music of the carousel attracted the character's attention. The animals on the carousel looked surprisingly sturdy despite the worn colors and chipped paint. The character saw these animals as funny looking shapes and wandered over to investigate.

blueblackrose 10-29-2013 12:29 AM

Mai didn’t even notice the other person approaching. She ran her hand over one of the black horses. The red and gold paint of it’s saddle chipped and faded. For a moment the woman could see the carousel back when the park was still in operation. The mummers of the children and adults that were around her filled her ears. It was like she was looking through another person’s eyes instead of her own. The strange vision ended when the hand she was touching started to burn. Mai screamed slightly, pulling her hand away.

Ophiuchus 10-29-2013 12:34 AM

Name: Mark
Race: Zombie
Bio: Mark was recently turned into a zombie. He does not recall his past, and has no idea what is purpose is.

Mark was standing alone in the forest, looking at the moon. He did not know where he came from, nor was he sure where he was going. All his memories started at this exact spot. Some vomit was on the corner of his mouth and on his clothes, but he did not care, all that mattered in that moment was how bright the moon was.

Suddenly music started playing off in the distance. He turned to listen, and the music sounded familiar, though he didn't know why. When he found the source of the music, it was well lit and fensed in area. It had lots of lights and buildings and other contraptions within it, and that music that played inside was so fascinating.

Is this my fate? Am I supposed to go there?

Alas, only one thing truly got his attention about the place and made him decide to venture forth: the moon was not the brightest thing in the sky anymore.

Acobjum 10-29-2013 01:06 AM

As the character approached, seeing a woman with her hand on a worn black shape. After a minute of watching this the woman slightly screamed, pulling her hand away. The character then began wondering if it would be better to stay away.

CrimsonShadow 10-29-2013 01:18 AM

((Sorry I haven't been on today. Been in a bad mood. I'm going to dinner with my friend and then I'll be on after! Such a horrid post...I'm so brain dead. Sorry guys..))

Andromeda looked back at Kris, snorted and shook her head. "Who said anything about killing them? Did the word kill come out of my mouth. Though that would be a good message...but killing is so messy. No my pet, we shall not kill them. Just play with them a little." The witch let out another cackle. "I say we just wing it my dear! That is where the fun is at. And no..her pendant should not be glowing. It is most curious and I am dying to know." Andromeda turned to watch the girl walk towards the carousel and then watched as she screamed after touching it. "Most curious my friend, most curious." Seeing the other human walking towards the carousel the witch smiled. "Well Kristoph are you ready for some fun?" Rubbing her hands together she snapped her fingers and illusionary spiders and centipedes appeared all over the carousel.

All times are GMT. The time now is 10:40 PM.