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Xavirne 11-18-2013 08:51 PM

Predatory • Instincts
| themes | Treasure Hunting + Mecha + Ghost Slaying + Action/Adventure + Supernatural

Time. Only time can tell what will happen to us all. As the days turn into nights and nights into years, the people of America began to realize something. They are not alone.

Spirits. Spirits from another world have some to haunt us all, seeking our blood so that they can regain their previous form. Rumor has it, if one of these demon-spirits consume a hundred souls, they will be reborn. Reborn in America and able to wreak havoc on the people. The nation is already in shambles due to some unexpected occurrences with technology overloads that caused the first wave of spirits to enter our world.

Advances. Over a hundred years ago, advances in technology, medicine, and energy had created a utopia. All lived in peace and harmony. Not a soul knew fear and no one worried. It was perfect.

Until Judgement Day happened.


An explosion ghosted the earth and tore the great nation apart, leaving it in ruins. One slight miscalculation allowed the gate between the living and the dead to be null and void, giving these spiritual beasts the opportunity to return to earth. Their twisted souls had become corrupt with years of hatred and vengeance. Their new found freedom only made them worse for they discovered their true strength and might. No living thing could touch them. They were… unstoppable.

The Northwest was immediately overrun with spiritual beasts as the largest hole between the living and the dead existed in Oregon. The Southwest held strong, keeping its defenses up. The Southeast didn't fair too well, but a small region of Florida was able to keep the monsters from whipping their lifestyle from the plane of existence. The Northeast, much like the Southwest, did an excellent job thwarting the act. Most of the central states were lost, becoming a region known as "No Man's Land" as it, too, became overpopulated with greedy spirits. Spots here and there were able to hold their own, too. However, these independent regions aren't known to all for most are too wise as to venture outside their safe zone. Yet, outside the safe zone lays the answer to all our problems - our only hope of survival.

Xavirne 11-19-2013 01:24 AM
| above image | This is the population map of the United States for this roleplay.

Spirits from another world (known as the afterlife or the spirit world) have crossed over into earth and are trying to destroy the planet. Why? Because they are scorn creatures who are hellbent on destruction. Blood must be spilled as retribution for their deaths, as most of these ghosts that seek vengeance were murdered, hungered, or faced some other form of undesired and untimely persecution.

Although set in the far future, technology is super basic so the weapons are pretty much swords and simple rifles. Nothing super crazy and certainly no lasers or weapons of mass destruction exist anymore. It was twenty-five years ago when all the advances of mankind finally reached their maximum. Due to the saturation of machines and technology, something had to give. And, to the luck of humans, that something took not lives but those innovations that brought the world on the edge of destruction. War had torn the world apart and machines were too smart for their own good. As stated, though, a technology collapsed fixed all the issues.

However, this would later prove to be the turning point that would push mortals toward the verge of extinction.

Needless to say, it was during these past twenty-five years that things got out of hand. A hole the size of Rhode Island opened up in Oregon and out poured spirits. These departed souls of creatures that faced death weren't able to pass onto the happiness that awaited on the other side. Not able to cross over the line that would officially put their souls to rest, these restless ghosts found another way to receive their peace.

Yes, they found the hole in Oregon. The bridge between the spirit world and Earth.

To the dismay of humans, the weapons that exist aren't able to touch the ghosts. They can hurt them but they can't kill them. After all, how could you kill something that's already dead? And, technically, translucent.

As expected, this is a problem. People are losing hope and the battle against the spirits continues to toy with the minds of the Americans. Truth is, if America can't win the war, no one can. The other countries across the globe are rooting for America just as America is rooting for them. Like America, all the other nations across the planet have faced the same technology crash. The reason everyone is rooting for America is simple, though. America, the home of the free and the land of the brave, was able to split from Britain a great many years ago. They were also the turning point for WWII. America, though not as great as it once was, seems to be the key to the success of mankind. They are a hope and a beacon light that all the other nations across the globe cling to.

Hope continues to dwindle as the stage continues to worsen. That is until a new organization surfaced.

A top secret government agency has been monitoring the spirits for over ten years. After ten years of building super computers and an underground headquarters, the leader of this group finally decided it was time to make their grand appearance. At first, people mocked them, but upon seeing what the agency had in their pockets, they grew to respect and adore the group.

As of recent, the agency had a scientific breakthrough. If the information proves to factual, then America will finally be able to fight back and begin its trek toward victory. The agency has discovered that the spiritual beast's weakness lays in a machine more powerful than man alone. A weapon so great that it can cripple skyscrapers and flatten a forest.

With a new sense of hope in tact, the agency puts forth a challenge. They are looking for nine recruits that will become gods among broken men. Rallying up a group of misfits, the agency sends these nine agents out to find said weapons. These weapons are from a distant past - 100 years ago, in fact. They are mecha and they are scattered across America. Now, there's a catch. You can't just find a mecha and ride it. No, you need a special gem that can only be found in historical ruins and ancient tombs. These tombs belong to the gods worshiped before people like Columbus, meaning the gems are found outside America in places like Egypt, China, South America, etc.

To find the mechas, the agents have to find the tombs that hold these special gems. The gem's color goes hand-in-hand with the gem's element, which gives the mecha its strength and ability to kill spirits. Gauntlets are the only thing used to obtain gems and each gauntlet can only hold so many gems (unless they report back to HQ and request an upgrade). To start off, each gauntlet wearing agent will only be able to obtain three gems.

But don't think this will be an easy mission. It's far from easy. You see, you're up against Judgement Day, a group of humans who have devoted their soul to the spiritual beasts. Seeking immortality, these humans now serve the spirits and fight with a loyal beast. To make matters worse, their leader, Wind, has recently been given a pair of wings as the title "Demi-God."

Knowing of the mecha and gems, it's a race against time to see who stumbles upon these treasures first. If Judgement Day arrives before the agency, you can be certain to cross that mecha and gem off the list. Sadly, both gems and mecha are rare. What's even rarer is finding your, mecha and gems. That's right, you can't just harness any gem for, if you do, terrible things could happen to you. You are only compatible with a certain type.

Time is running out. The number of demonic ghosts continues to increase at an exponential rate. The world lays in the hands of the chosen agents.

Good luck and God bless America.

Xavirne 11-19-2013 01:26 AM

There are limited roles in this roleplay at this point in time. To start off, all characters will hail from the blue section on the map in the previous section. They will need to travel to various states that might lay within other colored territories. While in these regions, it is possible to recruit more people to the cause. It's also possible that someone is following you that plans to kill you. Remember, not all humans are fighting for salvation. Some seek a power much greater - spiritual powers and immortality. Meaning, you have two enemies - the spiritual beasts and Judgement Day. Judgement Day is a group of humans who have twisted souls and seek power beyond belief.; they work alongside the spirits and are the sole reason behind their appearance on Earth.

To start off, there will be one side you can pick to from. You can be the Agency recruits (so you're going to be a treasure hunting, tomb raiding, gem seeking, mecha-wielding assassin). Later on another class could open and you can be a member of Judgement Day (so humans with spiritual beasts that fight for them). Now, to make things fun, the Agency has split the members into three teams of three people. A score will keep track of how they're fairing in the wild. The team with the most points is eligible for mecha upgrades (once they find said mecha). Teams are subject to change, too.

The following characters are up for grabs. Note that I can add more teams and slot if enough people show an interest. Please PM (private message) Xavirne (me) if you would like to join.



Xavirne 11-19-2013 01:27 AM

Characters will need to include the following sections in their profiles.
Image (I will edit this so don't feel obligated to tweak it)
Full Name
Nickname (this doesn't need to be related to your name; it should be unique)
Alliance (Judgement Day or Agency)
Team (for agency characters only)
Gender and Sexual Preference
Age and Birthday (Month Day)
Physical Features (hair, eyes, height, weight, body type, scars, piercings, tattoos)

Personality (good, bad, ugly, whatever)
Likes and Dislikes (just to get a sense of their personality)
Favorite Color

Mecha (for agency only; do not fill this one out)
Gem (for agency only; do not fill this one out)
Spiritual Beast (for Judgement Day only)
Weapon(s) of Choice (needs to be unique looking)
Equipment (backpack, smokes, rope, etc.)
Abilities (what are you good at)
Skills You Lack (what can't you do)

Previous Job (what did you do prior to the agency/judgment day)
Childhood (doesn't have to be anything glamorous)
Present (what's your life like now)
Future (what are your hopes and aspirations)

Other** (not necessary)
Agency Points (for agency characters only; all characters start at 0/1000)

On a scale from one to ten, ten being your best, rank these terms. Terms taken from Wikipedia. This section is not necessary.
+ Strength - How physically strong are you? This defines what you can carry and how strong your hit.
+ Stamina - How resilient are you? This goes hand-in-hand with hit points and your ability to resist poison, heat, and illness.
+ Reflexes - How agile are you? This controls your attack speed and your moment as well as accuracy.
+ Intellect - How good is your problem-solving ability? Do you understand other languages and how well can you control your mecha?
+ Charisma - How are your social skills? Are you a smooth talker? Or do you not talk at all?
+ Wits - How's your common sense? This determines how well you're able to attack with your mecha and how you're able to find new gems. This of this role as how spiritual you are.
+ Willpower - How does your mental resistance fair? This relates to your ability to resist pain, fear, and level of control against mind-control.
+ Perception - How alert and aware are you? This deals with your ability to read people and sense traps and such.
+ Luck - Is lady luck on your side? This helps you find random items and probably increases your odds of winning battles.
+ Compatibility - This one relates to how well you and your mech match up. Are you super connected and it can do all you ask? Or are you a little off-sync with your partner in crime?

Xavirne 11-19-2013 01:28 AM

| reserved | seeking participants

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