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Kenome-Chan 02-10-2014 06:16 AM

Kenome's Jar (boy what I title, huh?)

Welcome to my jar!

I decided I'd make one of these because here lately a lot of things have been going wrong and I've been crying a lot.
So looking through these it made me realize its a super cool idea.

Come in and chat if you'd like to.
I mean..
Memories are no fun alone.

So yeah.

Enjoy this "Jar".


Kenome-Chan 02-10-2014 06:30 AM

So yeah..
Bad things have been happening..
I have no vehicle.
Well I do but it has no insurance and if I drive it and I get caught it'll get impounded,

But something good is this weekend I went to Hudson, Wisconsin and saw hot air balloons.
I don't have pictures right now but when I get some I'll post them.

I went with my big sister and 3 of her kids.
My sister is a photographer so he had brought two fancy cameras.
She let me use one.
Altogether we took 297 images.
And she said I took some really amazing ones.

(Truth be told, the camera felt so natural in my hands. I loved it.)

So yeah that was a very happy thing.

Kenome-Chan 02-10-2014 08:14 PM

I have a friend over today and it's super fun!
We're playing my vocaloids game!

Kenome-Chan 02-12-2014 04:27 PM

It's may not seem a good thing to others,
But it's a good thing to me..

I was sick for a week and I never contacted my choir teacher.
Because they changed the school email website and it doesn't work very well on my iPad.
And I never called because by the time I woke up it was way late and she would never be in.

So when I came to class I made sure to tell her I was sick.
And instead of being angry that I was gone all she said was, "I'm glad you're back and that you're better. Now stop being sick all the time."

It made me laugh and feel good that she wasn't mad at me.

And I really am sick a lot..

Kenome-Chan 02-19-2014 07:06 AM

Here's something else only I find happy:
I'm a level 21 archer on Final Fantasy 14.
And a level 27 thaumaturge.
Meaning I have three more levels to go on my thaumaturge until I can be a Black Mage!

And look how flipping awesome I could look!

AikaCoonCat 03-14-2014 01:07 AM

that is a good idea to have like a online mini diary :)
I like it.
also I hope everything gets better for you, keep your head up!

Kenome-Chan 03-18-2014 05:12 AM

Haha isn't it?
And thank you!

Now for my entry-like thing..
Today was the first day of rehearsal for Urinetown.
And it went so awesomely.
We stayed focused and got things done.
We all sang beautifully also.
It was so amazing.
I love the cast.

I also borrowed the Bastille cd, Bad Blood, from a friend and it is an amazing cd.
Let me tell ya.

steelmagghia 03-19-2014 06:55 PM

I'm a little jealous that you got to borrow the Bastille CD. I want that CD!
Also, I am going to tell you that you look awesome and you're wonderful and things will all work out.

Kenome-Chan 03-25-2014 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by steelmagghia (Post 1772594052)
I'm a little jealous that you got to borrow the Bastille CD. I want that CD!
Also, I am going to tell you that you look awesome and you're wonderful and things will all work out.

The CD is amazing!
I recommend it to anyone who loves good music.

My entry so far for the day:
I'm so excited!
I get to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolored Dreamcoat!
And I get to go to Second City again!

Another thing, this I'm more excited about than what I put above..
I don't look like the image above yet.
I don't get all the pieces at once.
I get them slowly until I reach the max level which is 50.
And I'm only level 31 right now.
It will be a long and hard process to get to level 50.
But I'm sure I can do it!

Kenome-Chan 03-29-2014 04:45 PM

Entry for the day:


Best thing so far that's happened?
/heavy breathing

I was so amazing!

Street passing people on my 3DS isn't going so good..

Also I didn't get to take any images yet but I'll mooch images off of my friends and possibly post them here.

hummy 04-06-2014 12:32 PM

your memory jar looks so yummie!

Kenome-Chan 06-01-2014 08:54 AM

Thanks hummy:!
Sorry for such a late reply!
I forgot I had this thread..

So some updates:

I graduated from college in May.
(I think it's June now. Lol)

I got a job at Hardies.
One is about to open in my town.

I finished my Vocaloids game on normal difficulty.
(That's was pretty hard..)
My hands hurt.

I've gotten back into traditional drawing!
And it's so far looking amazing!

hummy 06-01-2014 09:19 AM


oh an artist!

Dystopia 06-01-2014 09:24 AM

What about artists.

Kenome-Chan 06-03-2014 07:51 AM


And I've always been an artist!
Whether it be through drawing,
Or acting,
Or even singing!
I do all of them!

Entry for June 1st:

So like my mom praised me today for going out and getting a job.
Which is a first..

I'm totes all cool and badass on my Dark Souls game.
I love helping people kill things on there.
/note for me when I read this later: level 29

I spent time with friends that I've not seen in forever.
/going to be working with one of them (SCORE!)

And I completed my Miku Hatsune Project Diva F game on normal mode.
Now onto hard mode!

Kenome-Chan 06-22-2014 06:06 PM

Entry for today:
Hardee's is fun.
(That's my job.)
I'm sick and I feel horrible but I gotta go anyways.

I bought the music final fantasy game.
(I can't remember how to spell it. Therythem? Something like that.)

I'm going to quest Hawtsome on this site.

Kenome-Chan 08-07-2014 07:10 AM

ObviouslyAya was amazing and gave me a Hawtsome!
And she taught me some good Korean!

Originally Posted by ObviouslyAya (Post 1772870391)
Sunbae(선배, 先輩) is a word that refers to people with more experience (at work, school, etc), and hoobae(후배, 後輩) refers to people with less experience. Generally, hoobaes have to use jondaetmal(존댓말, honorific language) to sunbaes, meaning they have to speak very politely and treat them with respect.

Older sister (if speaker is female) - 언니 - unni
Older brother (if speaker is female) - 오빠 - oppa
Older sister (if speaker is male) - 누나 - nuna
Older brother (if speaker is male) - 형 - hyung

I will do my best to remember what she has told me.

Also today I got to talking to friends I've not talked to in a while.
In real life and online.

According to video games:
I payed off the next Miku Hatsune game and HYRULE WARRIORS.
I am so excited for both of them to come out.
Oh man, I better find my receipt for those..
In FF14 I finally became a lvl 40 Black Mage, lvl 15 Pugulist and lvl 32 Archer.
I was going for bard next.
It's such a long process..

Kenome-Chan 08-19-2014 08:07 AM

Joined a cult fun group of maids on here.
Run by PiM and Grapefruit Wannabe.
I'm the blue one.
Mine doesn't clean!
She's just there for looking pretty and kicking bad guy butt!
Oh I might wanna add that it's like Power Rangers/Sailor Moon.

Sleepy is amazing and gave me this months ci's.
I'll figure out a way to pay him back.

I'm finally a lvl 42 Black Mage on ff14.
So I'm slowly getting there.

Couple days ago had a heart scare but I learned I have really bad heart burn.
And it's kinda what my mom has also.
So that makes me happy.

OMG on August 17th my mom turned 54.
And she's as amazing and beautiful as ever.
I'm super blunt to her now that I'm older.

What else..
I finished Ouran High School Host Club the anime and didn't like how it ended so now I'm reading it.

I think that's it for now.

Kenome-Chan 08-20-2014 08:04 PM

From yesterday to today I went from lvl 42 to lvl 44.
Black mage armor here I come!
Just one more lvl and I get the hat!

Other than that nothing else has really happened!

Kenome-Chan 09-18-2014 06:26 PM

Lots of things have happened since I last posted..
But I can't remember what..

I can say I started this awesome Pokemon story with Grapefruit Wannabe and its called Pokemon Masters.
I'm loving it so much.

A sad thing is that Monday my step nephew died.
I've been really sad about it.
But my friends in real life and my friends online are so amazing.
They make sure I'm feeling happy and that I'm not suffering alone.
I love them all dearly.

Got two new games.
Naruto and Final Fantasy Curtain Call.


Kenome-Chan 10-08-2014 10:15 AM

This morning actually,
I got to see my first ever lunar eclipse.
Not only that but it was a blood moon.

Meaning it was red!

I stayed up all night just to see it.
Right now it's 5:35am and its almost full.
But I can't stay up anymore.
Darn sleep being needed for work tomorrow.

Also like 2 weeks ago I finally was able to watch all the Star Wars movies.

My birthday was October 1st and I got a Darth Vader sweatshirt, Zelda Wallet, Zelda SnapBack, balloons and Reese's, and lots of love that day!
It was so fun!

All times are GMT. The time now is 03:35 PM.