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Ombreuse 02-28-2014 07:15 PM

Pixel only, Ombyshop!
Hello everybody!

Here's my shop!

1- What you must know, advices for a good order!
2-Price and exemples
3-How to order

1- What you must know!

•I can draw anything you want, even nude or gore but I won't show anything in the forum if its break the rules. So please PM me if needed!

•The more precise you are, faster you'll get your pixel done!

•Once you've payed, you are free to use your order in all menewsha and other website, for non commercial purpose only, and you can't claim it as your own.
I'll upload every order on my deviantart before you get it.

•Feel free to tell me if my prices are too high/low according to the other shop!

2-Prices and exemples!

Small objects, avatars, etc...

Small simple stuff. Cup of tea, small food, animals, frame... Under 80*80 pixels, not very detailed.
80 gold, 90 with a simple animation (blinking) or 110 for a complex animation.

• Medium objects, avatar, etc...

About 300 * 300 pixels, some more details. 150 golds, more for an animation (just ask)

•Big Object, avatar, etc...

Huge pixel. Lot of work! More texture.
200 golds, more for animation (just ask)

3-How to Order:

Something like:


Hello I'm [USERNAME] and I want to order to you [DESCRIPTION].
I think it's a [SMALL/MEDIUM/BIG] object.
You need to understand, it's not only about scale, it's also about details. A simple 150*150 drawing can be a small object! We can talk about the price by the way, there is no problem.


Dystopia: A cat and a phoenix. STATUT: Doodling.

KatDakuu: OC. STATUT: Still watching ref to get an idea.

Iroase Delschatten: Supernatural Fanart. STATUT: Looking for ref.

Thank you for watching!

Dystopia 02-28-2014 11:25 PM


Hello I'm DYSTOPIA and I want to order to you A PHOENIX AND A CAT.
I think it's a BIG object.

Hey love. I hope you don't mind the ping. Are you comfortable with this order? If you are, I'll give you more details.

Kat Dakuu 03-01-2014 12:52 AM

I don't really see examples of people, but you say you draw avatars. Would you be willing to pixel one of my characters?

Ombreuse 03-01-2014 08:58 AM

Hey Dystopia!
Haha this is "ping" ! This is a great idea, how did you do that? EDIT: haha got it! Dystopia:

Maybe a few more, yes, I guess phenix will be in fire colors, what about the cat? A fluffy cat? A black cat?
What are they doing? They are fighting? Hugging? Maybe the cat is standing proudly and the phenix rise behind him?

About the size, so you feel it as a big object, is this okay?
(no mouse, only touchpad, yeaaaah! )

Kat Dakuu, it's quite new for me! By avatar I was meaning this little thing, a deviantart avatar:

But there is no problem, I guess you want your OC bigger? Wich size? Wich Oc?

Dystopia 03-01-2014 09:14 AM


Yep! That's how you ping! :3 And that would be a perfectly good size!

The cat would be a not-fluffy black cat with brown eyes. Kind of like a panther, but with triangular ears. And it would be cool to have her standing proudly, with the bird rising behind her. :D

Ombreuse 03-01-2014 09:32 AM

Ok Dystopia: !

I'll doodle today and show you this evening! I don't know where you live, for me it's 10h30 in the morning!

Dystopia 03-01-2014 09:36 AM

c: Okay. Thank you!

Kat Dakuu 03-01-2014 06:23 PM

I see, Ombreuse. I'll get the information later today for what I want. But bigger size sounds about right. I've never asked for pixel art before so it's a bit new for me too...

Ombreuse 03-02-2014 12:22 AM

Asking for pixel art is like asking for regular art in fact.
You just need to know that you'll get something "different"

Maybe more... shinny? Actually it's false because some pixel artist use like... 3 colors to shadde.

I'm not in this case, for exemple you'll never get something like this from me:

Yui by Ai-Cherri on deviantART

I'm not saying this is ugly or whatever, just I don't like drawing like this. So you better refer to the little girl I showed you.
Then you just need to ask for the same thing you would ask for a normal order.
How's your oc, wich colors, wath is he doing etc...

Kat Dakuu 03-02-2014 02:53 AM

Here, finally done with my day's work. It's this character I want art of. I've got quite a few different picture references and such, so however you want to draw him.

Iro 03-02-2014 03:26 PM

Hello, Ombreuse. Are you willing to do fanart? [:D]

Ombreuse 03-02-2014 05:58 PM

If they're allowed, there is no problem!

I mean I won't do fanart from an oc when the owner doesn't allow, something like that!

Iro 03-02-2014 06:00 PM

Yay! How much would you charge for chibi pixel fanart of these two? They're Sam Winchester and Castiel from Supernatural. [yes]

If you're not willing to do fanart of real people, the Riddler would also be great. :D

I'll cobble up references for both in a bit.

Ombreuse 03-02-2014 06:12 PM

Haaaaaw cute hamster!
I wont redraw your picture, but I can make a cute pixel fan art like this :)
The price will depend of the size, here there is not so much complicated details.

Maybe something like this size would be cute:
(don't look at what they're doing, juste a crap!)

But if you want, I can draw hem the size of what you've shown.
For the little one, is 180g okay? it's between medium and big tought. Not size and textures of a big, but two peoples and bigger than a medium...

For one of the size you've shown, maybe 250g would be ok?

Don't hesitate to tell if you think it's not a fair price.

Wow, it seem I need to do a list now!

Iro 03-02-2014 06:24 PM

Aww That little doodle is adorable! xD

The size you have up there looks great to me. That's 150px x 150px, yes? I think that is the middle sized for you. I'd pay at least 500g for that, or more depending on the outcome. [yes] So, now for the official form~

Hello I'm Iroase Delschatten and I want to order to you fanart of these two.
I think it's a MEDIUM object.

Do you need more references for them? :)

Ombreuse 03-02-2014 07:33 PM

Small pixels are he cutest :3
Ok well let's do this!

I don't need anymore reference thanks, I can google them, unless you want something specific, or something wich is really important, because I don't watch supernatural.

CosmicFoxKitty 03-03-2014 12:37 AM


Hello I'm CosmicFoxKitty and I want to order to you a fox with a galaxy background the fox can just be a head if it's easier.
I think it's a small object. 50x50 pixels
I'll pay 250 :)

Dystopia 03-03-2014 11:49 PM


Hey Ombre! Have you started on my commission?

I'm not in a hurry or anything so no rush no pressure, but I was curious because you said you would start a bit ago. If you haven't, np at all, but if you have, can I see? :3

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