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For-Chan Cookie 04-19-2014 01:32 AM

❀ The Wallflower Corner ❀ A Place for Shy People ❀

Spring has Sprung! Ot at least that's what they tell me, it snowed here the other night [gonk] But hey! Whatever! Come chat :D

Elirona 04-19-2014 01:39 AM

Yay, flowers! Hi, Cookie. :)

hummy 04-19-2014 01:41 AM

hiya cookie!

For-Chan Cookie 04-19-2014 01:42 AM

Hey Elirona! Hey Hummy. What's shakin? :D

Elirona 04-19-2014 01:43 AM

Nothing! Just got back from spending a nice afternoon with the boyfriend. How are you, cookie?

@Hummy: Hi, hummy!

LiviInLove 04-19-2014 01:43 AM

Hello everyone! :D

Elirona 04-19-2014 01:46 AM

@Livi: Hi, livi! :3

LiviInLove 04-19-2014 01:50 AM

Hello there, dear! How're you doing? I love your sunflowers! :D sunflowers are such happy flowers! :)

Elirona 04-19-2014 01:51 AM

I'm great, Livi. Thanks for the compliment! I do enjoy sunflowers. :P How are you doing?

For-Chan Cookie 04-19-2014 02:04 AM

I just warmed up some dinner. Lasagna and garlic bread. Om nom nom nom.

Hi LiviInLove. :)

Elirona 04-19-2014 02:07 AM

That sounds tasty, Cookie! We had Burger King for an early dinner. :x How has your day been?

For-Chan Cookie 04-19-2014 02:12 AM

I haven't had Burger King in forever. Taco Bell is my fast food poison of choice [rofl]

My day was pretty good. Work didn't completely suck. My shoulder, which has been acting up horribly lately, did not act up. Yay for that! Though, my cousin messaged me to update me on some stupid family drama, could do without that, but otherwise pretty good. :D

How about you? Anything exciting going on?

Elirona 04-19-2014 02:15 AM

Oh, my fast food place of choice when I'm with my boyfriend is Burger King, since his house is pretty close to one. :p Otherwise, I eat mostly wendy's or Taco Bell.

Sorry about your family drama. :( Nothing too exciting is happening with me! My mother picked me up at 9 AM this morning from my college to drive me home for Easter. There were no classes today! Got picked up by my boyfriend at 5 PM, and we watched Divergent at his house. He drove me home, and now here we are! :P

LiviInLove 04-19-2014 02:21 AM

Elirona: You're very welcome! That's wonderful to hear! I'm doing ... ok, trying to just relax, and bum around online before trying to sleep in bit.

Hello Cookie! How are you?

For-Chan Cookie 04-19-2014 02:21 AM

When I want fast food, it's usually something I am too lazy to make at home. Burgers are easy and I don't really eat fries, so I usually go out for chicken that I'm too lazy to cook or tacos. :D

Didn't Divergent just come out in theaters? Are you being naughty little pirates? [pirate]

@LiviInLove - I'm fine thanks, just finished up my dinner. How are you? :D

Elirona 04-19-2014 02:24 AM

@Livi: Bumming around on the internet is usually a good way to get to sleep, in my opinion. Makes your eyes tired! :P

@Cookie: Kind of! This website had it uploaded. It was horrible quality, though! It's one of those "filmed in the theater" kind of things. :P

LiviInLove 04-19-2014 02:27 AM

Cookie: I saw that you had lasagna! [drool] That sounds amazing! We had pasta and marinara sauce. My daughter managed to get more on her hands and face than what she ate, but haha, at least she enjoyed it!

Eliona: It usually helps. A lot of the time lately I'm exhausted, but getting comfortable is something that doesn't cooperate.

Elirona 04-19-2014 02:29 AM

@Livi: I've also taken to playing my 3DS to fall asleep. It usually does the trick for some reason!

For-Chan Cookie 04-19-2014 02:30 AM

That's still pirating silly. These days, Cookie just waits for it to come to the Redbox. I don't even have Netflix. I don't watch enough movies for that. I can always think of twenty other things I'd rather do that dedicate two hours of my life to some movie that I probably only kind of want to see. I have to be really interested to want to sit down to watch a movie.

Though there are some I'd go see again. Captain America was awesome :D

@LiviInLove - I did, but I didn't make it myself. It was in the freezer. It was ok, homemade is much better, but we're trying to eat out of the freezer for a bit because my grandparents keep stuffing it full of junk and we have to try to get rid of the stuff by eating it!

Kids are much fashionable than us adults. They know that wearing food is in vogue. [rofl]

Elirona 04-19-2014 02:33 AM

@Cookie: I know it is! I'm naughty. :(
I'm not much of a movie person either, but I read Divergent before it became a movie, so I wanted to see how the movie lived up to the book! It was moderately close, but was missing some things. It's really hard for the main character to get across how she's feeling, since the book is told from her perspective. That's the same problem I had with the Hunger Games.
We were going to see Captain America, but we missed the time it started. :(

LiviInLove 04-19-2014 02:33 AM

Elirona: That's great that you have something that works for you. :]

I've not gone to the theater in ages, I can't sit still for that long, and especially lately, always getting up to go to the bathroom - doesn't go well with going to the movies, because I would miss half of what's going on. I can just wait till it comes out on DVD so I can pause the movie whenever I need to get up. :P

Elirona 04-19-2014 02:35 AM

@Livi: I know! It's just strange. Video games are supposed to increase brain activity, but they just put me to sleep! I have the same issue with watching movies. :( My bladder is incredibly temperamental. :P

LiviInLove 04-19-2014 02:38 AM

Eliona: Guess you're not like everyone else, you're unique!
My reason behind my having to go to the bathroom a lot is that I'm 35 weeks pregnant. I don't normally have to run to the bathroom all the time. Well waddle is more like it. xD

For-Chan Cookie 04-19-2014 02:39 AM

@Eli - Go see Captain America, it was awesome :D Well, I thought so. There's a bit of a divide of opinion between comic book fans versus casual fans that might not know much about the comics. Comic fans knew the twist, so it was a deeper film for them. But still, the action was nail biting and it was fun :D

@Livi - I feel you on the bathroom thing. My bladder hates me. I have something called Painful Bladder Syndrome that makes my relationship with my bladder and the toilet pretty awful -_- Going to the movie theatre is a chore, but still fun. My cousin doesn't tease me as much about the bathroom when we go...usually.

LiviInLove 04-19-2014 02:42 AM

Cookie: That doesn't sound fun at all! :( At least your cousin doesn't tease you about it as much anymore, that's nice! I can't even remember when I went to the theater last... O.o It has been a crazy long time.

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