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ISOS Duke 05-22-2014 07:10 PM

A Prophecy of Kingdoms to Fall - Full
A Prophecy of Kingdoms to Fall: The RP
An Introduction to Our Story

A Prophecy of Kingdoms to Fall started out as a oneXone between ISOS Duke and Xavirne on WTF. This RP was known as Wrong Decisions and Betrayal. A story that originally stemmed from Duke just wanting Xavi to use a certain character soon flourished into its own world with so much potential. After years of not releasing a roleplay, Duke decided it was time to get one out. Still wanting to play out this story, she talked to Xavi on the matter; thus, A Prophecy of Kingdoms to Fall was born.

We wanted a roleplay that was both similar, yet different from the original. We wanted to see the potential that all of these characters had as very few of them were actually of any importance in the other. We set out with a lovely challenge of making all characters important, which was a task that was easier said than done.

Thank you for being so patient with us over the last couple months. It pleases me to say that, that patience has finally paid off!

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ISOS Duke 05-22-2014 07:11 PM

The History of the Land
The Conflict of Yuua and Rashmaal

In nation of Domesque, there are four main Kingdoms at each corner of the map. To the Northeast you have the Kingdom of Rashmaal, a nation that prides itself in tradition, ports and Navy. They are the Northern coastal port and are well aware of the importance they place with the ease of travel outside its boarders. To the Northwest lies the Kingdom of Yuua; this nation is one built on the principal of Pride and acceptance. They embrace the cultures of the other races and have thusly been seen as the melting pot of all the Kingdoms. To the Southeast is Taq'nol; being a Kingdom in the wilds with a small port, this Kingdom follows more tribal behaviors. Though they are not as closed off to other races as Rashmaal and their neighboring Kingdom of Nieve, they co-exist with the more exotic races. Lastly, tucked away within the mountains of the Southwest is Nieve. This Kingdom is the most secretive and secluded. Not much is known of this Kingdom other than it produces the largest resources of ore, metals and minerals; Yuua would come in second.

Our story focuses on the Kingdoms of Yuua and Rashmaal, the two most powerful Kingdoms in the Domesque territory. Both nations hold strong ties and alliances with the lands to their south and both are able to boast of the strong militaries. Yuua holds the strongest Army of the lands while Rashmaal holds the most powerful Naval force. Even with such strong forces, the two nations were at peace with one another and life was good, however, fifteen years ago, that all changed.

During those days in the past, the late King of Yuua still lived, happily married with his wife. The man was boistrous, loved his wines, and was a flirt. During a party held within the palace Oul, the main palace of the Rashmaal nation located in the port city, the King unknowningly started all that has happened up to present day. The King of Yuua, amongst one of his wine-ladden nights, made a pass at the Queen of Rashmaal, attempting to woo the woman away from her husband and Kingdom.

Enraged by what he heard, the King of Rashmaal forbid anyone from the Kingdom of Yuua within their borders again. The gates to the Western Forest were closed tight, guarded constantly to prevent the Western Kingdom from entering. In response, the Kingdom of Yuua also closed its gates, angered by the fact that the other King would take such a thing so seriously.

The two nations fought each other for years as the closed gates also shut the other out to valuable supplies and important trade routes. They were insistant on obtaining that which they lost, even though coming to an agreement or being peaceful about the whole matter wasn't an option. The lands outside these two Kingdoms suffered as well. Though they were not closed off to trade like the Kingdom of Yuua, the tension was started to affect them all.

In the forest that separated the Kingdoms and Yuua and Rashmaal, that branched southwards towards the Kingdom of Taq'nol, the Centaur and Anthro-beasts were feeling the tension of their lands being destroyed by the war. The two species that could normally avoid one another peacfully were now being forced into each other's territories. The patrols and guardians that each had that normally spent their time chasing off the random bandit or aid the lost traveller, they were now finding more of their opposed race within their lands. While the two agreed to a peace treaty, it wasn't one that either race seemed to follow willingly as each group would notice more of their kind disappearing each week.

With the war taking up so much of his time, the King of Yuua would find himself falling ill. With the water routes from Rashmaal closed off, the castle medics were unable to gather the needed supplies and the King would pass some years later. The Queen, though she mourned for her husband, quickly wed another mere months after her husbands death. The man dispised Rashmaal and did not seek to end the fighting, but to increase the number of troops that they had out there.

Yet, even with all the war and combat that plagued the northern part of the continent, there would be a bit of happiness that would at least be brought to the Kingdom of Rashmaal. Five years before our current timeline, the King and Queen of Rashmaal would give birth to their first child, the first Princess of their lands. The Princess seemed to ease the pain of fighting for the people of her Kingdom and it was said that she could bright even the gloomiest of days with her smile.

Five years later would bring us to the present days of Domesque. Though the fighting continues on, the major battles seemed to have slowed over the last few years. Some believed that this was due to the two Kingdoms growing tired and wary of fighting.

The King of Rashmaal decided he would look about the rest of his lands to see how the fighting had harmed them. With his daughter insisting, the King took his family towards their border with the forest to a city that hadn't seen the torrents of war since the birth of the Princess. It would be there that our story begins, with a Princess escaping to protect her Guardian and a strange Mystic putting into place an attempt to stop the Prophecy of Kingdoms to Fall.

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ISOS Duke 05-22-2014 07:13 PM

Lay of the Land
About Domesque

To be added

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ISOS Duke 05-22-2014 07:13 PM

Law of the Land
A few things to keep in mind

• Keep character and player knowledge separate
Bold and underline characters referenced in your post
• Post speech in your character's color please
• Try to get at least a 1 to 2 paragraph minimum
• Keep me and Xavi updated if you are to be gone. We understand summer is around the corner so I will be a bit more relaxed on posting, but please try to post at least once a week. If you don't think you'll be on for a little while, please let us know.
• To notify us, either PM Xavi AND myself or ping both of us if you are posting it in the OOC. Do not assume that we see every post you make on this site. If it is not posted here or messaged to us specifically, we will not know, or assume as such.
• Let us know if you plan on being gone for a week or more that way posting buddies can be notified that they will have to move your character during that time should it be needed.
• Follow all Mene and RP forum rules
• No god-modding, though should Xavi or myself need to move characters we shall
• If I really need to I will add more rules

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ISOS Duke 05-22-2014 07:15 PM

The Actors
Accepted Reservations

The Princess of Rashmaal


▬▬▬▬▬ Kiyomi Eyadona Rashmaal • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by ISOS Duke

Princess of Rashmaal
3 feet, 8 inches

Kiyomi is the sunshine of Rashmaal. People say that if you were to look upon her face, or even spend a few moments with her, she could make the worst of days so much better. She's chipper and upbeat, even the worst of falls cannot tarnish her smile. She can be wily and outgoing, a trait that the King and Queen wish she would grow out of. However, her fondness towards Akiyama, her Guardian, and the stories he tells her keep her from conforming to the perfect princess her parents wish her to be. She's well behaved when she needs to be, but when it comes to play time, the young child is off seeking adventures of her own. She's a kind hearted soul and would only ever wish the for the best for the Kingdom her family rules over, the Kingdom she will one day inherit.

The Princess's Guardian



▬▬▬▬▬ AKIYAMA SAIKI • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Xavi

Guardian of the Princess of Rashmaal
Purple-bluish black

Akiyama is a rare breed of man as he operates on a different wavelength. His patience levels are through the roof and, despite being a male, he is an excellent listener. Akiyama often has a calm and insightful approach to situations. He has a good mind that seeks out the truth, making him a pursuer of knowledge. His perfectionist nature goes nicely with his rational mind. Although he is often filled with emotions and expression, there are times where Akiyama can come across cold and emotionless. Because of this, people might not know the individual as well as one might have hoped.

He tends to pride himself in being cautious upon entering foreign situations and will often take a back burner to heated conflicts. He's not really one to add fuel to a raging fire.

Some would say he's a very poised male. He has a friendly aura that often lures people to him. His charming antics and charismatic ways are highly noticed by others, which is why he is fairly well-known. Akiyama is also highly involved and very committed. His unwavering loyalty and devotion to helping others is what most people enjoy about the male. He is not only compassionate, but he is also understanding and very kind. He appears to have high tolerance levels and will often befriend and root for the underdog. He believes that everyone was born with a purpose and that their destiny can be altered based on the interactions of those around him or her.

All in all, Akiyama is a well-tempered and friendly guy. He has a big heart and doesn't seem to understand the meaning of the word "no." He is driven by those around him and can appear to be very submissive, heeding no attention to his own desires or needs.

Bounty Hunter 1



▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Xavi

Bounty Hunter 1
5-foot, 10-inches
Blue eyes
Brunette with near-black roots

Hannibal is one of those guys that you either love or you hate. He's charming, suave, and popular. When he enters a room, people can't help but turn heads and stare. He's handsome and he knows it. He's rich and he shows it. Hannibal's silver tongue and smooth moves often cause women to swoon and men to roll their eyes. Men tend to hate him; women often love him. The way he walks shows off his arrogant grace, but in a way that almost makes him appear human. His smile can light up a room and his sad eyes can make strong men cry.

There is absolutely nothing shy and meek about Hannibal. Loud, rowdy, obnoxious. Center of attention, flirtatious, bad boy swagger. Yes, he has all those traits at his disposal. But aside from being a player, Hannibal is also very honest. Almost bluntly honest. He's also prone to being 'butt hurt' over things that involve trust and respect. If someone betrays him, Hannibal is the first to fall off the face of the earth and avoid you. He hates being let down and he hates getting hurt. He's also not afraid to cry. Odd coming from such a man, but that is Hannibal for you. His emotions run deep when he feels hurt.

On the flipped side of the coin, Hannibal isn't the kind of guy to betray you. He'll always be there for you, whether you want him to be or not. His best friend is Halvard Fylker and he would die for the man. Hannibal has spotted Hal money and has gone out of his way to protect the guy. The bond between the boys is stronger than a friendship -- it's brotherhood. Hannibal is the kind of guy to cancel a date just for the sake of being there for a friend in need. He's a fierce friend and one hell of a guy, when he wants to be.

Prince of Yuua



▬▬▬▬▬ Aiden Yuua • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Kiyoto

Prince of Yuua
Six foot one inch

Aiden was raised along side the more pronounced side of Yuua. From a young age, he was taught in the ways of war and stratagie. He saw from a young age, both the good and evil that came along with war. Though he did not always agree with it, he new that it was needed at times when words were not enough to change the hearts of their enemies. Aiden has always carried himself with a natural air of confidence and strength, as well as an untold wisdom. Dispite this, even growing up, Aiden had a flare for the wild and unpredictable. At times one might have compaired him to a wild stallion that could not be tamed. He was bold and blunt in his reguard, and still often is. He does take into consideration other's feelings and such, though he may not always in the end agree with them. He loved the unique and the free, which led to him spending much of his free time among the army and the people.

He trusts and loves his sister, though at times he can see glimors of darkness within her as well as others that are around him. He desires to be a good king for Yuua, strong and one that will lead them into an age of prospure. However, he is not as cocky as at times face value would lead one to believe. He has a kind and good heart, which does lead him to question and try to better himself for his people and himself. He is not the typical prince, while at the same time oddly fitting the role. He is quite the enigma in many ways of his own. But it is quite hard to say so good and just, when there are so many snakes hiding in the shadows. Perhaps he will be the one to slay the beasts and raise Yuua to the heavens....or he will become one himself, and pull the kingdom into the dark abyss...

Princess of Yuua



▬▬▬▬▬ HELENA THYRA YUUA • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Xavirne

Princess of Yuua
No preference -- she'll love who she needs to love to get what she wants thought she does tend to prefer the boys
4 inches under 6 feet (5-8)
Partial heterochromia - gray eyes with a piece of brown
Dark chocolate brown

Helena holds herself with such high regards. Following in the footsteps of her older, prince brother, Helena has trained herself to become the embodiment of perfection. Knowing that she'll never get the thrown, she opts for nothing but the best. Her head is held high as she has much pride in herself. Her people, though not truly hers, adore her strong, fierce nature. They know that Helena has what it takes to get anything done. She's the kind of woman you go to when you need something -- legal or illegal.

Her devotion to her people is unwavering. There is nothing she wouldn't do for the kingdom of Yuua. She would taint her hands with blood, if her people demanded it.

The brunette princess has peerless wits, yet her true talent lies in her ability to connive. If you believed she was pure of heart and only for the people, you would be sadly mistaken. Helena is fueled by her need for power and she does not mind stepping outside the law.

When she needs to get things done, Helena dons herself with a mask and wears a wig to throw off the enemy. She becomes the assassin she's always wanted. None no of her secret, save for the one assassin she hires to aid her. In truth, Helena seeks to corrupt her brother and turn Yuua into a superpower. She wants the city to build a grand army and march on Rashmaal.

They will pay. No lives will be spared.

As you can tell, Helena is a master of illusions and has two-faces. Her main face is the face of a proud, noble woman. Her hidden face is nothing but a cold-hearted, greedy killer.

Assassin 1



▬▬▬▬▬ Ara'mis Cy Zane • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Esmme

Assassin 1
Black with a few crimsons streaks

Ara'mis has long prided himself his success. To say that he doesn't have a pride complex about his work would be foolish, as it is literally his life.

Not only does Ara'mis make a living through his work, but it is also a test that keeps him on his toes. He's offended quite a few people by killing off their relatives and significant others. There's a very strong possibility that there's a price on his head, let alone a whole garland of strong feelings such as hatred and disgust. Does this make his job any more difficult? No, of course not.

Ara'mis can be your best friend. He can also be the one who kills off your worst enemy. Or perhaps the one you trust guarding the doorway. He can be a lot of things. What he really is consists of lies and masks. Those are the best disguises. Nothing is ever real. Ara'mis is a born liar, and is known for being sly (I suppose that comes with his racial quirks. People from his side of the region aren't known for being trustworthy).

To say that Ara'mis has no true personality is unfair. His core is full of deceit and a general opportunistic outlook. There are two faces he wears commonly: the public mask, and the assassin's mask. In public, he is a pleasant enough individual. "Pleasant" being he can charm a lady away from her man's arm. When he's on a job, though, Ara'mis becomes a cold, ruthless killer with a mind only for the contract.

He'll stop at nothing to get a job done. Scale a cliff? He'll find a way. Slip past a cat without it hearing? Done. Avoid falling to one's death? Succeeded. Multiple times. And all for coin - Ara'mis holds no loyalty to any individual, and would rather sell his own mother than pass up a good payment.

A contract is only as binding as its monetary worth. That, and Ara'mis also weighs and chooses high-profile jobs. Why? They are noticed, you see. What better to see your handiwork from afar? As long as they never see a face, it's the perfect success. He takes pride in his successes, after all. In his mind's eye, there is nothing Ara'mis can't do.

Bounty Hunter 2



▬▬▬▬▬ Lonan • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by blueblackrose

Bounty Hunter 2
6' 2"

People see Lonan as lazy and good for nothing, but what do they really know? Oh he is good a fooling people to hide his true nature. The man is nothing more than a conniving scoundrel. He is cocky, selfish, egotistical, narcissistic and just a regular ass.

To Lonan life is just a game and he is playing to win. He sees life as a fragile and temporary state of being. A state that can end just as easily as it began. One just needs to remember that Death is the prize that awaits us all at the end of this game.

If you are looking for sympathy or pity don't ever turnn to him because more than likely you're not going to get it from him. Really it's hard to tell if this guy even has a heart. Lonan has never let anyone get close enough to find out. It's very doubtful that he loves anything more than riches, fame and himself.

Bounty Hunter 2's Mate



▬▬▬▬▬ Eririn • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Sezumie

Bounty Hunter 2’s Mate
25, as her appearance seems to give away.
Light Pink

She’s sneaky, wicked, devious, and conniving. Her condescending aura can be a bit hard to manage at first, but she is quite the bubbly woman. Highly social and very rambunctious, Eririn's constant friendliness and sexual-like kind of chatter can be a bit awkward for some. She lacks empathy for anyone besides her mate, and unless her mate shows interest or kindness towards the other person, she is known to poke, prod, and push at other peoples buttons (with limits of course, she dislikes touching anyone but her mate). Eririn loves to have her mate's attention on her, and will stop at nothing in order to obtain it at any time she possibly can. She can be known to be a bit pretentious, but this air is only when she is in battle, or when her mate is present. When her mate is not present or threatened, signs of timidness, hesitation, and emotional dependency on her mate is revealed. She is also not one to regret what she does, as her favorite saying goes, "When a lady changes her underwear, she leaves her whole past behind her!” Showing that she can blink away the blood on her hands with not so much of a second thought. Murder has now been integrated into her mind as a norm for her, and if her mate wanted it done a specific way, she would do it down to the exact place she is supposed to kill him. She is a very meticulous girl, but most of her specialties come in large shows where she is to distract large amounts of people in order to draw attention away from her mate. Her mate is the center of her world, and she can get very protective and vicious about her mate if someone deemed unworthy or some stranger just happened to touch him. So don't be fooled by her overconfidence, just one unauthorized touch to her mate and her foundations will crumble, revealing a spiteful beast with the biggest abandonment issues you'll ever see. She's also very interested in peoples eyes, and it has become a signature item of hers, so careful, your eyes may be the next jewel she hunts.

Mage of the Mountain



▬▬▬▬▬ Hemset • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Artifex

Mage of the Mountain
Likey the females

For being only fourteen, Hemset has had experiences to last a lifetime and his personality reflects that greatly. He was born a humble life that has grown into something much grander.
Wise beyond his years he finds difficulty in relating to people his own age, meanwhile adults have a tendency to dismiss him for his youth so he spends more time alone with his studies than not.
What friends he makes are few and far between. Upon first meeting people often find him cold and stand-off-ish in his attempt to seem older than he is, however once someone breaks that outer shell he has been known to crack a smile, a laugh and allow the silliness of youth to show.

Hemset is eager to prove himself and despite first impressions he is kind to a fault. Should anyone be in need for something he would gladly give up his own for them; be it food, coins or even the cloak from his back. However he can be quite bashful about such things and usually attempts to do so without being seen. He doesn't like making a scene about it.

He was born with a natural magical talent that rivals many but lacks the proper knowledge to wield it beyond a few showy spells-hence his ever present nose in a book. In fact he rarely seen without at least one tome near his hands. Partly the book is used as reading material but it also stands as a shield against those who try to make him join in their games or fun. He can be impeccably shy about such activities, mostly because he's afraid of making a fool of himself in front of others. Should someone pry the book from his hands, he would do just about anything to get it back-even if it involves *shudder* having fun!

Aside from books, Hemset is also very good at reading people and situations from a distance. He prefers to have an overview of such things, akin to a chess master moving pieces. However should he find himself a piece on the board he can become more easily flustered which, much to his chagrin, he has been told is adorable.

Over all, Hemset is shy in social situations, fierce in battle, wise in strategy, determined and above all, loyal.

Mystic Shapeshifter



▬▬▬▬▬ Kirnathous • • • • •

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by solidfalcon

Mystic Shapshifter
26 (in appearance)
Dark blue

A blue enigma. Kirnathous is a calm, inquisitive young man who is by nature very distance and secretive; especially when it comes to the two rivaling kingdoms. He doesn't boast often, if ever, who he is or the magic he possesses; and usually keeps his spell casting and magic flinging to a minimum when in the presence of humans. Or. At least he tries.

In reality, Kirnathous is not what most people would probably expect from a rumored, secret Mage of the Mountain. For despite is cool exterior that makes him appear as a mysterious and cunning intellect; Kirnathous is actually clumsy, quick to panic, socially awkward, easily flustered and is a somewhat bad liar. He has a deep obsession and love for knowledge, books and all things related to magic. More often than not he will have his nose stuffed in a book, paying little to no attention at all to the world around him and thus never drawing too much attention to himself. This is usually what causes him to trip, stumble or fall over everything and anything. Even his own feet. As he is not the most coordinated or graceful person in the land, and walking while reading could be considered one of his greatest weaknesses. In fact, books in general could be considered his weakness; as he will forget to eat and sleep if he manages to get a new book in his possession. He is a massive bookworm and because of this he possesses an immense knowledge of the world; knowledge he is always happy to share with anyone so long as they prove themselves worthy of it... Or if they just ask him. Because he loves to talk about history and books to the point of probably becoming a bit obnoxious about it. He can go off on tangents that will last for hours if people are not careful.

Though he does his absolute best to keep his magic and true identity hidden from others; he has extreme difficulties doing so. He enjoys showing off his power just for the sake of the attention and adoring fans he wished he had. However, his fear of being found out keeps him from blasting spells of the arcane high into the sky. He dislikes violence and fighting of all sorts; and would heavily prefer to simply talk about issues rather than slug them out. This dislike of bloodshed resulted in Kirnathous hiding his true self away from the rivaling kingdoms and the rest of the world; as he never wants to use his magic to harm other living creatures. And he fears that if the kingdoms learn of his power, they will force him to fight in the wars he despises. This does not mean that Kirnathous will not fight all together; for if there is one thing he hates more than violence it is injustice and bullies. In which he will not hesitate to attack if it means protecting an innocent life. Kirnathous is very sympathetic and kind to all people no matter who or what they are; unless they force his hand by attacking an innocent; in which he will become a flurry of nearly untamable arcane rage.

Anthro Hunter




Fiaria Silverfang

• • • •

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by blueblackrose

Anthro Hunter
5' 6"
Ice Blue

Fiaria knows well that her kind a feared and looked down upon by humans. Even knowing this she still can't help the curiousity she has for the human world. Mostly being happy with just quietly observing from a distance. Humans are interesting creatures to her.

Despite the fact that humans had attacked her clan, scrattering them to the winds she doesn't hate them, at least not like she did after the attack. As time passed the woman came to terms with what happened and put aside her feelings of hate. After all hatred would only bring about more hatred. This was a lesson Fiaria learned the hard way many years ago.

One day she hopes that the humans and the other creatures of this world can live in peace. Fiaria may wish for peace, but isn't naive enough to think that it will come without a price. She is a fierce woman who is fearless when she's fighting for something she believes in or to protect others no matter who they are.

Confident, strong, stubborn and a bit cold is how most people see her when they first met. If one takes to the time to try to get to know the tiger woman they would see that she can also be very caring and gentle woman.




▬▬▬▬▬ Rayne Lunair • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Kilia

five foot five inches
Dirty Blond

Rayne tends to be rather kind and understanding when she talks to people. She tries to treat them all the same though she doesn't always do so. She can be emotional sometimes even jump to some conclusions about things. She can also be sly, and down right vicious.

Knight of the Prince of Yuua




Annamarie Night
• • • • •

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by PrincessKasumi

Knight of the Prince of Yuna
Gray eyes
White hair

- fiercly loyal to the prince
- obident
- bit unfriendly or atleast seems unfriendly towards others
- perfectionist
- righteous

Knight to the Princess of Yuua


Image is a link with this character as well.

▬▬▬▬▬ Aurelius Marius Lex • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Velleni

Knight of the Prince of Yuua

Aurelius, preferred to be called by his last name Lex, is a rather dour man. He speaks little, and is always at the Prince's side, though he does seem willing to give the Prince space at times. He is a man of utter loyalty and few words, and when Lex does speak it is usually blunt and to the point.

Lex takes his job defending the Prince quite seriously. He is a very patriotic man, who would gladly lay down his life for his country. Once a mere city guard in one of the wealthier towns of Yuua, Lex left the guard while still fairly young to join the military. He had a very promising career as a soldier and moved quickly through the ranks. A veteran on countless skirmishes and no few battles, Lex has plenty of martial experience.

Upon having heard that the Prince needed a knight to escort him while in Rashmaal, Lex volunteered and was promptly given the job. Other than his absolute devotion to his homeland, and unwavering loyalty to the very few friends he has, little is known about Lex.

Guardian of the Forest



▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by ISOS Duke

Guardian of the Forest
Does not seem entirely interested, but would most likely be straight
Six foot, eleven inches
Golden blonde

Artemios comes off as a stoic centaur, one that is very goal oriented. He's the type that appear to look down on those around him, especially with living among humans for so long. It is not uncommon to find the centaur to be silent around large groups of humans as it is not uncommon for them to tease the half-man, half-deer male for looking so feminine. His features, though common among others of his kind are just something that simple minded humans cannot seem to wrap their minds around. During such silent moods, it is not uncommon for the Prince to try to talk to him as a moody centaur is a dangerous centaur, no matter how weak they look.

Even for his 'weak' appearance, Artemios is prideful of his abilities, which are great in number. He and his twin sister, Apollonia, trained together their whole lives and while he was selected to fight for the Kingdom of Yuua, his sister opted to stay behind and help protect their people. The two remain in constant contact, typically speaking through a small white dove, which they named Hermokrates.

The male's true loyalty lies with the King of Yuua whom entrusted the life of his son, the Prince to Artemios while they traveled in foreign lands. Since arriving to the strange lands of Rashmaal, Artemios has never felt so strange. The humans seem to look at him with disgust, rather than appreciation as they do in Yuua; even in the Kingdom it was a fight to keep him out of the stables! With that in mind, the centaur has nothing more in mind than to get the Prince to quickly finish his task and go home. He is not one to appreciate idle chatter when there is work to be done.

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ISOS Duke 05-22-2014 07:16 PM

Hear-ye, Hear ye!
News and Updates

To be updated as needed

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ISOS Duke 05-22-2014 07:17 PM

I'm bound to forget something

To be updated as needed

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Xavirne 05-23-2014 07:30 PM

PART I: Tears & Tragedy
The land was in a state of calm and no one save for one seemed to feel a brooding darkness approach them. A storm was forthcoming and this storm rattled his bones, making him wary of his every action. Once the lightning struck and the world was sent into chaos, his blade would be sought out to put an end to all the destruction. But, until the world fell into that pit of darkness and disorder, the purple-haired beau would feast his attention and care elsewhere. After all, peace was all around them. The Prince of Yuua was seeking to mend the broken bonds between the two warring nations. All would be well. All should be well. So why worry over something that was not to come until the future tomorrows of the world?

His attention shifted from that of his mind to that of the beautiful woman before him. Hand slipping behind her ear, his blue eyes lit up as he stroked her gorgeous, brunette locks. She was perfect. This woman, although from another nation, would help his home kingdom keep afloat in these prosperous times. Not to mention, the thrill and danger of their promiscuous acts were just what he needed. With his job, he rarely had time to himself, let alone someone of his own age and the opposite gender.

Akiyama Saiki, age twenty-four, of Rashmaal was one of a select few who were entrusted with guarding the kingdom and all its jewels. Tonight, however, he had other plans. Babysitting a goofy little princess with a crush hardly seemed appropriate for a man who was reaching his prime breeding years (not that Akiyama was seeking offspring but it certainly was time for him to itch that scratch and learn about the more physical affairs of two individuals), something he deemed more important than watching the little princess sleep. Why, with the world in its current state, he figured he could skip out on babysitting for a lifetime. It’s not like anything bad would come… right?

The rich pleats in the woman's dress were soon draped on the floor as were his usual robes. Although dubbed a knight, each knight was allowed to practice his role as he wished, dressing and wielding whatever weapons he or she thought fit for their position. Coming from a linage of merchants and priests, Akiyama sought to forge a look that suited both. It needed to be something lightweight and easy to travel in but it also needed elegance and beauty. It should be made of sturdy materials but it should also be woven with holy fabrics. Not to mention, being of Rashmaal, he needed to keep the royal colors in mind. Purples, gold, greens – the colors of Rashmaal.

The average knight seemed to don the stereotypical suit of armor and broadsword. He actually considered it, as it was the easier route. However, after conversing with both his folks, the blue-eyed warrior opted for something that resembled the prayer robes mixed with a bit of a ninja-esque attire. With purple hair, Akiyama didn’t want to wear a purple outfit, so he opted for something black. A kimono. Perfect for hitching a sword to.

Either way, it didn’t matter as his outfit was currently intertwined with this woman's attire. She seemed to like it (for obvious reasons of being the easiest to remove) and so he wore it for her.

As they rolled around the forest floor, she hushed him only once to respond to the sound of moving shrubbery. They both sat up but soon found themselves stifling a laugh at how silly they probably looked. Unable to meet at her place, for the Rashmaal family moved to the Port Castle, the woman and her man were forced to meet in the forests just outside Rashmaal. Sure it was tricky, but it made the night all the better.

"Your father would be furious with me if he-"

Her lips closed upon his. "My father doesn't have to know. Besides, shouldn't I be allowed to give myself up to whomever I desire?" Her eyes fluttered. "Right now, I desire you. So hurry up so we can spend all night in euphoria."

It was funny how things were playing out. A Knight of Rashmaal pursuing the Princess of Yuua. It seemed like fairytale dreams, but Akiyama wouldn’t complain. “With your brother looking to wed my princess, I foresee us spending much time together,” he cooed lightly. It made her giggle. Men were so silly when they were in love.

The night’s activities must have flawless for Akiyama did not awaken until after the sun was in the sky. This, of course, would be problematic as he was supposed to be babysitting the princess. Still, he didn't seem too alarmed to wake beside her naked, perfect body.

When their eyes met, the princess of Yuua gave him a bashful smile. "You’re so cute when you’re embarrassed," she cooed before stroking his chest with her finger, "But you must leave now. You've a princess to present to the king and queen."

Rolling from their leafy bed, the woman slipped over to the tree her cloths were now flung upon and began to dress. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll get back just fine. I know these woods all too well.” She winked before returning to him for a kiss. “You’re so lucky you’re so handsome.”

As she ran off into the forest, Akiyama smiled after her. So things weren’t as perfect as they could have been, but at least he was happy. Dressing, he moved toward her horse (she brought two so he could borrow one) without being seen by anyone in the forest. Racing it into the rising sun, he prayed he would make it back on time. With each thunderous pound from the horses' hooves, Akiyama felt something chip away at his heart. He felt sick… and weak… in grave danger.

Up the back flower post and through the balcony, he moved toward the child princess' room. Looking at the analog clock on the main tower in the city below, he saw he had just enough time to spare. Patting his wardrobe down and brushing his hair out with his hands, he licked the dirt off his face before drawing in a deep breath. Stomach and heart still ailing him, he forced himself to be calm. Perhaps the euphoria from the night was just causing butterflies that overwhelmed him? Yes, that had to be it.

Be still, he scolded himself while prying the doors open. He needed to be inside before the maids arrived so he hasted in and pretended he was just opening the doors for the first time. The usual two maids scurried to the door, both appearing just minutes after his arrival. Based on their expressions, they didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. He had successfully returned without causing alarm or being caught. Phew! At least he could add ‘master ninja’ to his list of great accomplishments.

Pulling down the sheets that the princess buried herself in, Akiyama sang the morning wake-up song. "Princess, dearest princess, please grace us with your beauty. Let your radiant smile shine upon us and grant us happiness and peace toda-"

His heart stopped.

The usual warmth that was caused by the cute princess was gone. The bed, cold and empty, looked larger than ever in this oversized room. The room looked so intimidating. And, strangely, sad. It looked like it was never used. It looked like the princess never existed in the first place.

His heart remained as it was, beat-less. What happened? Where was his princess?

The two maids broke into a fit of screams, causing the nearby guards to storm the room. King and queen not too far behind them, the princess' room was soon full of more people than Akiyama felt comfortable with. Their eyes, all of them, bore into his soul. He could feel their disbelief and anguish. He, the chosen one to watch her, had not only failed them but he had also betrayed them by letting her fall victim to the night.

"Akiyama," the king's voice cracked as he bellowed at the male before him, "what is this trick you play on us."

Silent for a moment, his blue eyes soon meet those large, emerald eyes of the king. Akiyama's skin was clammy and his head dotted with beads of sweat.

How was he to respond to this? He couldn't just say, "Well, I was screwing the neighboring nation's princess last night. Ya know, the kingdom we're currently still miffed at since the King of Yuua took a swing at your wife. But, hey, it's all good. I think I mended the relationships because I was banging the princess who thinks I'm the shit."

No, that wouldn't work. He needed something better. Something stronger and confident. Something that would let him off the hook, at least for the time being.

"I… I don't know sir. I-" his voice was meek and shallow, he didn't even recognize it. "I didn't hear anything last night. Nor did I sense danger. And I certainly didn't see anything." His gulping didn't seem to help. In fact, it seemed to piss the king of even more.

"So you're telling me that you didn't see who took my daughter. You didn't hear anything nor you didn't feel or smell anything. WHAT THE HELL KIND OF GUARDIAN ARE YOU! I ENTRUSTED YOU WITH HER LIFE. YOU WERE TO WATCH HER, PROTECT HER!"

Fuming, the king lashed out Akiyama even further. Hand striking his face and then gripping the collar of his robe, he shook the lad violently until the tears in his eyes came spurting out.

The king was a mess. You could tell he took much pride in his only child and Akiyama… he had failed him. The queen, who was just as furious, joined her husband's side. With red eyes and a hatful scorn on her face, the woman begged her husband to do something. Anything! Something needed to be done.

"Seize him," a voice from behind them cried out.

It came from the Prince of the Yuua who was staying at the castle. He was supposed to be groomed to be the perfect husband for the princess, only the princess wasn't fond of him. This arrangement was done with the hopes of repairing all the damages caused by the ex-king of Yuua (he died due to an illness and was replaced by someone of the queen's liking, a rather cocky brute who was no more fit to be king than the last womanizing king of Yuua).

Someone else chimed in (the Prince's Knight). "Death to the traitor who couldn't protect the prince’s future bride!"

At that moment, a flood of soldiers stormed the castle and marched on Akiyama's location. Scared witness, the ex-knight did the only thing that came to mind.


Leaping out the balcony, he found the ground harder than usual when he made impact. Limping toward the horse he borrowed, he mounted it. Kicking its gut with his heels, the horse and rider blasted off toward the mountain side. Knowing he was now a wanted man, Akiyama knew it was time to ditch his robes and take up a new look.

While on the run, Akiyama only stopped once at a small trade post to buy up a new look. He didn't have time to be picky so he bought the first thing he was - a long coat, boots, and some simple western attire. Stripping his robes off, he carried them out of the post to burn them, hiding all the evidence that he was there.

Still, he looked just as he was expected to look. It was time to say goodbye to his beloved long locks. Taking his sword to them, he cut the hair, watching it blow away into the breeze. Some birds somewhere out there would find his hair to be most delightful, especially when building a nest. It was hard to say goodbye to his gift, his hair was truly a gift, but to live, he needed to look different. He would need to muddy up his face, too, so that he looked tanner. There was so much to do, and so little time.

Back on his horse and racing toward the unknown, Akiyama felt a tear fall from his eye. He needed to get out of the known lands, the safe lands. It was time to cross the lines and find refuge in the Banished Lands. He hated this. He never should have spent a night with Helena. He shouldn’t have assumed peace truly meant peace.

Who stole Kiyomi. Who took her. Why did they take her.

His weeping deepened and the tears just rolled down his cheeks much like the mist of a waterfall. What had he done? Had his leaving…

No, he couldn’t fathom it. He refused to believe that she was… dead.

ISOS Duke 05-23-2014 08:10 PM

The sunlight broke through the trees as it rose over the horizon, casting its grace over the porcelain skinned female that lay on the forest floor. The sound of chirping birds stirred the woman from her rest. Stretching, she could feel the roughness of the earth beneath the smooth embrace of the mossy landscape before her; something her parents would never let her wake up to as it wasn’t fitting for a princess. Pulling herself off the ground, Kiyomi was able to fully stretch this new body of hers. Looking down at herself, her hands traveled her slender form; trailing over her toned stomach before cupping the moderately large buxom she was not accustomed to seeing. The princess was interrupted from her self-groping when she heard the snort of a horse not far away. Excitement filled the gleaming emerald eyes of the woman as she cast her gaze down to the stuffed black pony that lay on its side. “Come Midnight, our adventure begins!” With that, she scooped up the toy and ran towards the direction of the sound, her long legs carrying her much quicker than she was used to.

Running through the woods barefoot probably wasn’t the brightest idea the princess was quickly learning as she stepped from one sharp rock, to stick, to another sharp rock. She had to push on though; a brave adventurer like Akiyama wouldn’t let this hold him up, so she couldn’t either!

“My dear, what are you doing out here all by yourself?” The old man finally asked, his voice just loud enough to be heard. “It’s not safe for a young lady to be out on her own in such clothing.” The green eyed girl looked down curiously at the old man before looking down at her attire. She wore a white, spaghetti strap nightgown, one that the night before would have been overly large for her when she was tucked into bed. With her new height though, the hem of the gown barely fell past her rear, the top pulled taut over the breasts that were not there hours earlier.

When she looked back up at him silently, he insisted once again, “What are you doing out here all by yourself?” Kiyomi’s gaze fell to the horses as they noisily shook in their steel and leather harnesses, the memories of the night before coming back to her.

Kiyomi never liked being tucked into bed, at least when the maids were the ones doing it. When Akiyama tucked the light brown haired princess to bed, he would tell her stories of his adventures and before his time as her guard. She had probably heard all of his stories a number of times, but they never got old. However, when the maids tucked her in, there were no stories, at least none that interested the young princess; she wanted freedom and adventure and a place where her and Akiyama could go on their own journeys together.

Her small bare feet continued to pull the princess further and further into the darkness, her drive and determination pushing her to find her guardian, to find her knight. She heard a branch snap not far from where she stood and it brought the child to a quick stop. Aki?” She asked into the night as she spun towards the source of the noise. Another stick broke, this time from behind her. Aki?” She called again as she turned to face the new direction. Sucking in a deep breath of air the princess grumpily said, Akiyama, this is no time for games. Mama and Papa won’t be happy if you aren’t home in the morning so you come home right now!”

A noise, unfamiliar to the young, inexperienced princess began rumbling dangerously beside her. Something wasn’t right, she knew that Aki wouldn’t play games like this. Clutching the pony at her chest, hiding half her face in it, Kiyomi’s drive seemed to break. “Aki?” She called into the darkness pitifully as she hid her eyes from the world around her. “Aki, where are you?” A small sob escaped the child’s lips as she cried, “I’m scare Aki, I want to go home now.” A sudden movement and rush of noise only caused the child to further hide behind her toy, though in that same instant, all was calm again.

Kiyomi risked lowering the horse to see the darkness around her, but she was pleasantly surprised. Before she stood a kind looking male (Mystic) that almost seemed to glow in the night sky, a confident smile playing his features as he reached out for the child. “There is no need to fear,” he said, his voice holding an unearthly echo to it. “I can help you.” The princess’s green eyes lit up as she quickly moved towards the woman. “You can help me find Aki?” She asked hoped fully, her pony falling to the forest ground as she gripped the silky garb of the faerie man, as she had dubbed him.

The man smiled once again, placing a hand on the girl’s head, his gaze seeming distant as though he were seeing more than she would ever know. “I can do much more than that for you.” Kiyomi was confused at this point and the look on her tear stained face gave as much away. Without a moment to lose, the began casting a spell on the child; the movements from him and the way the night sky seemed to react to what he was doing mesmerized the Princess. The look on the male's face, that was now much closer to her own caused the Princess to look down at herself. She no longer stood barely above the ground, but her height was just a bit shorter than the dark haired male before her. "Now this must be kept an absolute secret," he said, finger raised as though he were scolding a child. "Should you tell anyone of this, the spell will the broken."

Kiyomi, with a wide grin, gathered up her stuffed pony, thanked the man as he turned his back to her, and darted off into the woods. She wasn't sure how far she had run, but quickly grew exhausted in this new body. Pulling together a pile of leaves, the Princess curled up and fell asleep much quicker than she would have expected.

Back in reality, the older man was still waiting for the Princess to respond; she seemed lost, though eventually she did respond. “I must have gotten separated from my party in the night,” she said; she had to think like a brave adventurer, she had to think of Akiyama and his stories. “We had taken camp in the forest when I heard something. I am not sure what it is, but finding you here must mean that my companions have moved on, taking my gear and weapons with them.”

This story seemed to ruffle the old man’s feathers as he asked, “Where was it you were heading? Perhaps we can catch up with your party-” Though he was cut off by the brown haired girl shaking her head. “We are simply vagrant travelers, there is no telling where they have moved onto if they have found me missing. They shall continue to search for me and know shall begin and the local cities and villages, it may be best to head there.” What was she even saying? The Princess had absolutely no idea where this story was coming from, but the old man seemed to have bought it.

“Well, we can’t have you wandering the land where someone may wish harm on you. You shall come with me back to Twin Falls and can wait for your friends with me and my wife.” Kiyomi wasn’t sure on how grande of an idea that was; she had remembered pictures of Twin Falls, it was a place that she had wanted to visit though her father never wanted her to ever venture that far into the Banished Lands. He had told her that that was the place where all the bad guys went, it was where they hid and planned their next attack on their home. Worrying her lip slightly, the brunette finally said warily, “I really shouldn’t, I don’t want to impose on you like that.”

The old man just seemed to wave the thought away. “Nonsense, we could always use help on the farm and Chiyoko could make you something more suitable to wear while you wait for your friends.” It didn’t seem that the old man would ever budge so finally Kiyomi just gave in. With a nod of her head she said, “Very well, but only for a couple of days.” She then approached the wagon, climbing onto the back to sit with the hay; the old man did not seem to object (seeing as his seat barely held him, she didn’t see how sitting up from would have been an option). With a quick snap of the reigns he held, the two horses began pulling their load once again, not seeming to notice the additional weight.

Kiyomi looked at her pony, sighing softly. She wasn’t sure why she was acting the way she was or saying the things she did, but perhaps that just went along with the spell? The faerie did say that she would be whatever her heart desired and she did long to adventure like Akiyama, with Akiyama. Perhaps that is it, she thought to herself, sounding far too mature even in her own mind.

The old man directing them seemed pleasant enough and even offered some of the food he had packed for the trip to her so she would not go hungry. Gripping a bright ruby apple in her hands, Kiyomi bit into its crisp surface, the fruit itself much sweeter and tastier than any apple she had eaten in the palace. The delightful tune the plump fellow was whistling kept drawing her attention though; he seemed very chipper and was very kind seeing as they were perfect strangers when they had met. It made the Princess begin to second guess why her father seemed to fear the Banished Lands so, after all, if this old man and his wife could live there, it couldn’t have been all that bad, could it?

A number of thoughts continued to plague the mind of the woman as she tossed her apple core from the back of the wagon. A few hours had passed and while she wasn’t sure how much longer the trip would be, the thought of sitting there for a few more hours didn’t seem to bother the girl. She was free from the restrictions of the palace, able to live life on her own and it was nice.

Kiyomi must had fallen asleep at some point because the feeling of no longer moving caused her to sit up suddenly, the sunlight harshly greeting her. All around her were quaint little houses, many of them with fences that held livestock as dogs and cats mingled and walked about the village of Twin Falls just as they pleased. “Wow,” the Princess said in awe as she hopped off the back of the cart. “Welcome to Twin Falls deary,” the old man greeted as he hobbled his way around to the back of the cart. “Now come, come,” he ushered, using his walking stick to direct the girl to the house they were standing in front of. “We don’t need the neighbors to think poorly of you, so let’s get you inside so Chiyoko can get you some clothes.”

Once inside, the brown eyed girl was greeted by a woman that was equally as old, blind, and plump as her husband. She seemed excited about meeting Kiyomi and even more excited to be able to make something suitable for the girl to not only travel in, but fight in. The Princess’s head was spinning as she wasn’t able to keep everything straight in her mind. At one moment the old woman was getting measurements and the next she was giving her a white and red kimono to use while she worked on something more custom. That left the girl back in the open, the villagers openly staring at the girl as she insisted on helping the old man unload the hay he had picked up for the livestock. She wasn’t the only one helping either, the entire village grabbed gloves and pitchforks and all helped to unload the wagon. Father really couldn’t be right about the Banished Lands, could he? She couldn’t help but question, though if she were right, Kiyomi would have been pleased for these people were very welcoming, especially to a stranger they knew nothing about.

Once the hay had been taken care of, the old man apparently having gone out to get enough of the dry feed for the entire little village, the old man pushed the Princess back towards his home, urging her to see his wife once again while he and a few others from the village worked to put the wagon and horses away. Walking into the house, the grey haired woman pulled her attention from the yellow fabrics she was working with and quickly moved her way to a chest that sat tucked in a corner near a mortar fire place. Opening it up, she pulled out a thick fabric before hustling back over to the slender female. “Here you go deary,” she said handing the soft material to her. “Just take the path behind the house up to the hot springs to clean up. Take your time too sweety, there is no need to rush.” The woman smiled as she began pushing the brunette towards the door.

Kiyomi was curious, not only about the hot spring in which she was headed to, but about the hospitality that these people were showing her. They were nothing like her father had described, though she wondered if that was because Twin Falls was one of the first villages within the Banished Lands.

The sound of moving water up ahead had broke the princess from her thoughts as she approached a pool of steaming water. She blinked at it for a moment, having never seen any sort of heated pool of water that was outside the bathtub; she was sure that her mother had been to many of these pools with how often she leaves for her own things, but she had never taken her daughter with her. Kiyomi set the towel beside the pool as she knelt beside it, reaching a hand into the warm liquid.

She woman looked about where she sat, all was quiet save for the sounds of chirping birds in the distance. It was weird to think that she was being sent out on her own to take care of herself after having maids take care of her her whole life, but that was the life of an adventurer, right? With a nod to herself, Kyomi pulled her clothing off, discarding it near her abandoned towel, even removing her signature white bow, carefully laying the ribbon with the rest of her belongings. Once that was taken care of, she slowly lowered herself into the pool, surprised by how warm it truly was since she could see no way of the villagers doing such a thing.

Leaning against the side of the pool, she let the heat just wash over her as it cleared her mind. Closing her eyes she allowed herself just to relax as she told herself and this life was much better than the one she had back home.

Xavirne 05-23-2014 08:13 PM

How long had he been riding? Unable to feel his rear or lower extremities, he pegged that he had been riding for days. Was it possible to even ride for days? He hadn’t stopped for food or water, nor had his horse really rest to take a breath. Perhaps he was pushing too hard? No, he mustn’t slow his pace. He must hasten with ungodly speed and might. So it might not have been days, but riding for eighteen hours straight was more than enough to cause the body to solidify. He was, more or less, without feelings. His limbs numb, just as his mind.

Hannibal Nancarrow. He was a mistake. He wasn’t to be the one to happen upon such a note. The seal stamped in a raised golden wax was a dead giveaway as to the true weight of his letter. Even prior to opening it and reading its contents, the thirty-three year old male knew who it came from.

Rashmaal. But not just anyone in the kingdom. No, it came from the utmost important face within Rashmaal. The ones whose name defines the city. The King and Queen of Rashmaal.

When the small envelop of gold and purple landed in his hands, Hannibal scoffed. He believed it all to be a joke. Only, when he turned it over to read the name written with a fine quill pen, Hannibal knew the gravity of it all.

Halvard Fylker. It was the name of his fallen friend, a true hero – a man worth summoning to the royal castle.

His lip quivered. His blue orbs danced over the royal seal. The letter smelled of lilacs and wine, a favorite of a kingdom. Blinking back the tears, he tore open the letter. As he feared, the King of Rashmaal was requesting Halvard’s hand. Halvard, prior to taking an early grave, was a Ranger. It was a selfless title to hold, one of true worth and honor. A ranger was more or less a knight mixed with a bounty hunter, only a ranger doesn’t protect one person; it protects the lives of all those who live within his or her city.

His hand fell on his heart as the letter and envelope fluttered to the ground. The tears pulled over his eyes and crashed onto the ground beside the letter. A few drops even pinked lightly on the parchment.

The King was calling upon Halvard to find his lost daughter, Kiyomi the Princess of Rashmaal. According to the letter, the princess went missing when her assigned knight, Akiyama Saiki, left his post and lost sight of his mission. He was being pursued, but he was not Halvard’s mission. Only she was the mark the king wanted most.

When his eyes fell on the reward, Hannibal’s heart sank even more. Such wealth was what he always wanted. He knew Halvard was rich, but he had no idea that being a Ranger could come with such rewards. He was truly respected by crown and goddess.

Grimace on his face, Hannibal swooped down to fetch the letter. No, he was not Halvard. He was no hero. He was not a selfless man. He would not die for his homeland. He would not die for the king. He wouldn’t die for the princess. He would, however, fight and preserve through adversity and hardships for the wealth and fame that would follow.

Egoistical? Corrupt? Perhaps. But Hannibal knew his limits. He was merely a man, a man without the skills of a true Ranger, a ranger that was the ghost of its city.

When Nibaru fell into nothing but a pile of white and silver ash, Halvard lost his will to really fight. He was willing to sacrifice himself knowing that his childhood friend, Hannibal, would live another day. What Halvard didn’t know what that this decision still taunts Hannibal. Upon Halvard’s death, Hannibal took up a vow, an oath to protect and serve.

The paper within his grasp folded under the pressure caused by his fisting hand. “Ready my horse, Bedivere. I ride for Rashmaal. I’ve one last favor to fulfill for Halvard.”

Within moments, a mustang of smoky gray peppered with flecks of black and white is pulled forth. Its saddle is prepared and gracefully draped over a cloth of the finest material. Its protective cloth, a deep, passionate shade of purple, is properly secured beneath the black leather saddles with silver clasps. The reins, also of black and silver, are placed around the horse’s face. The beast, just over two years old, looks more majestic with these purple, black, and silver accents. To add to its wild beauty, a ribbon of purple is woven in his silk-like mane and tail. Silver paint is pulled from a wooden closet and a silver rose is drawn around the steed’s right, black eye.

A gloved hand rests upon Hannibal’s board shoulders. “Brother, may the grace of the heavens protect and guide you on your journey.” A bow is placed in Hannibal’s hands. It’s far more beautiful than it should be. The bow is black with golden edges that Halvard detailed himself. Hannibal held it with a firm grip as he looked up to be met with a quiver of arrows, twenty-four in total. Each of his arrows were custom-made and painted black with forest green fletchings.

Smirking, Hannibal touched a small button on the bow. In a second, it collapsed upon itself, making it easy to carry. It was one of his requests if he were to fight with such a weapon.

Bedivere now ready for the trek across the land, Hannibal bowed his head one last time before mounting his companion. A silver weapon was tossed at him. Another smirk came to Hannibal’s face. It was his scythe, hand-made by himself – it was his trusted partner in crime.

“Donec iterum convenient (Until we meet again).”

Now eighteen hours later, Hannibal was upon the kingdom. It glowed ever so sadly in the black atmosphere. Yielding his horse once to overlook the kingdom, Hannibal sighed a heavy breath. “Well, this is it, my friend.”

The ride down into the kingdom was one with ease. Wearing the purple hood of his friend, the guards at the wall were quick to open the gaze. A few even saluted him.

Clearly Halvard’s reputation is far greater than I believed. Interesting. My friend, whatever did you do to earn such salutes from knights and guardsmen?

It was strange to think about how easy he slipped into the kingdom. They trusted Halvard – or at least they trusted his gear. Completely obvious, blind, to the fact that the man was actually six feet under. He snorted. It was a good thing he was actually going to help Rashmaal, rather than destroy it.

The clippity-clop of his horse’s hooves against the stones started to lull him into a sleep-like daze. When he finally arrived at the stairs to the castle, Bedireve had to snort and whinny to get his rider’s attention. With a subtle pat on the horse’s throat, Hannibal swung a foot up and around the horse’s back. One foot still holstered in the saddle loop, he let the free leg find the ground. Gingerly, he retrieved his other foot before leading the gray steed to a post. He loosely tied the creature up, somewhat on purpose, too. Why? Well what if this were a trap? He would need Bedivere to be ready to bolt. The loose knot would allow the horse to yank and free himself for a grand escape.

Taking the stairs one-step at a time, his heavy eyes lazily gazed upon the castle. Its wondrous sight completely oblivious to him for fatigue and numbness was still choking him. He almost fumbled on the last step, but his quick footing saved him from taking a great roll down to the bottom.

He huffed. It was no easy feat to climb that many stairs without the ability to feel your legs. A knight cocked a brow at him and Hannibal rolled his eyes. “Hard to believe it, right? I know people think me divine, but I’m still human and I still get winded.” Hannibal flashed the guard one of his grins. It probably looked oddly dark, but that was due thanks to the hood atop his head. He figured it wise to hide his face for he was certainly not Halvard Fylker. Once meeting the king, he would reveal his true-self, but, until then, Halvard he pretended to be.

Moving down the hall, Hannibal was met by a very worried looking woman. A handmaid? A lady in waiting? It didn’t matter, he followed her without question. As she lead him into a large room, the throne room, Hannibal found himself rubbing his rear. God was it sore!

A voice spoke to him and it nearly caused Hannibal to raise an arrow and strike down whoever dared scar him. Thankfully, he didn’t so he didn’t have to worry about assassinating the king. Nerves on the fritz, he kicked back his hood.

A gasp followed and the guards in the area immediately rushed him.

“Hold your damn horses. Let a guy explain before you jump him, would ya?” His brows furrowed as he watched the knights step back with a look of confusion. Clearly, this sort of thing didn’t happen. It was now or never, he figured.

“I know you sent for Halvard Fylker. But,” he exhaled and his face turned away. A hand draped across his chest as the other rubbed his arm. “He’s… gone.” Those blue orbs held sadness in them. “I… I.”

He needed to stop this pathetic act. Was he really looking for pity? No. He was here to accept a mission. “I’m Hannibal Nancarrow, friend of Halvard Fylker.” He yanked off his glove and showed the still confused room of people a mark. “I’ve joined his cult, erm… clan. Upon his passing, I was given the pri-honor of repla-.” He needed to get his words right. “I’ll cut the crap. King of Rashmaal, I come to you with bad news. Halvard Fylker has fallen but I, Hannibal Nancarrow , shall take his place.” Whirling around, Hannibal showed off the purple rose insignia on his uniform, as if it wasn’t evident before. “Halvard, though not brothers by blood, was my brother by love, choice, and right. To honor his memory, I protect, serve, and fight in his name.”

He heard someone laugh. Hannibal instantly shot said person a dirty look. Clearing his throat, he tried to regain composure.

“Like I said, I know I’m not your top pick, but I’m the best you’re going to get. Hell, I’m probably the only one that will take up this quest and I’ll do so without claiming your reward money.” He bit his tongue. Did he really just say that?! God he felt stupid! Robbed! He just wanted to kick himself, but instead he gulped. “Halvard fought for peace. I do the same. I ask nothing in return, save for your blessing.” He grit his teeth. And that you don’t kill me should I fail! Of course, he didn’t say that last part. There was no reason to give the Rashmaal family another heart attack.

What could the Rashmaal family do now? They had no choice. They had to accept him. And accept him they did. With their blessings, a firm handshake, and a hug – yes a hug – he was given a bed to rest in and food to fill his belly. Come the crack of dawn, he would leave in search of the princess. There was no point in looking now, for it was far too dark to see her.

With heavy lids, Hannibal moved to his chambers. The second his head it the pillow, he was out cold. Not a dream was had that night either, for he was too tired to think or dream. Besides, come the morning, he would set out on the adventure of a lifetime.

Yes, it was time to finally prove to the world that Hannibal Nancarrow was more than just another pretty face. Well, tomorrow morning.

Xavirne 06-04-2014 04:00 PM

Bliss. It was torture to say she felt this way wrapped in his arms, but for the first time in forever, Helena felt wanted. She felt loved. She felt important. Clinging to Akiyama's hand that lay daintily on her shoulder, the woman nestled herself closer to the man. To think, she thought to herself as she laid on their bed of leaves, grasses, and blankets, I wanted to kill him. Thankful she decided against it, the dark haired woman shifted so that his warmth was all herself. She yanked his arms more around her torso, thoroughly enjoying the closeness of him.

His muscles, though nonexistent upon first glance, were now rippling over her naked body. Eyes happy and, dare she say it, in love, she let her smile remain on her face as she fell into her slumber.

When the morning light finally came, her smile faded into a frown. Oh how she didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay with him forever. Hell, she would run away with him, if she could. If she could escape it all -- the hate, the wrath, her revenge -- she would have. Sadly, Akiyama's heart was still too intertwined with his duty. For him, the job of protecting the princess outranked running away with her. Or so Helena believed for she didn't have the strength or courage to ask the man to stay and start a family with her. Besides, she knew he would call her crazy and inform her of his less than noble status.

Huffing, she rolled herself from their makeshift bed. Dressing, Helena playfully fingered the blade of his sword. "Glad to know you weren't using this to make up for the lack of something." A smirk came across her face. Exchanging the katana for her royal garments, the woman lightly smacked his rear before wandered into the woods to fetch a horse.

"Here, talk this." She pulled for a beautiful horse. It had no look or tie to Yuua, it was planned that way. A few more words were exchanged, of which caused the two to blush and laugh.

God, what she would give to just run away with him. Too bad his was mounting and kicking off to greet his princess. With him gone, Helena just stood there, hand draped over her heart. What was this odd feeling? Helena's eyes burned with scornful wrath. How dare she fall in love, she kicked herself. Still, she stepped forward and grasping at the air where he once was, what she would give to kiss his lips again, or to feel his chiseled chest below her smooth fingertips.

Biting her lip, the Princess of Yuua gazed after Akiyama. Should she chase after him? Tell the king she wanted to wed his daughter's guardian? Ugh, it was foolish! Crazy! Madness! How could she do that? She was a princess!

She spat onto the ground. Tch, she was no princess. A princess had power, she had an army, she had land, and she had a voice. Helena's vengeful eyes turned toward the kingdom of Yuua. She had nothing there. She was nothing but a pretty face. A burden. Hands balling into fists, she hissed into the forest. Oh what she would give to see Yuua fall and burn. As much as she wanted Rashmaal to fall, she wanted Yuua to fall harder, faster.

Heart ablaze with wrath, the woman began her scornful run home. It was time she, too, got home to be groomed to be presented to the people. She had a meeting today, a meeting to go with her prince brother to see Kiyomi.

Rolling up her lip with a snarl, Helena moved through the woods with such speed and grace. She made not a sound until-- her eyes fell upon a four-legged creature. It seemed shocked, spooked, disgusted. Dashing forward, Helena tackled the centaur square in the stomach that connected elf to beast. Toppling the thing over, she latched her claw-like gauntlet's into its skin.

No, she wasn't trying to kill it. In fact, it wasn't even registering what she was doing. She was just so mad! Oh so very mad. Nothing was going her way. First she fell for Akiyama and now she was forced to never be with the man she loved. And, she would never rule a kingdom! So much pent up rage was unleashed on this centaur and, once she dealt her damage, the woman pulled away. Tears rolling down her cheeks, she screamed in vigorous fury as she became her trek home, again.

Stumbling, fumbling, falling -- she did it all. Everything about her was weak, compromised.

"I'm not in love," she told herself over and over again. "I refuse to be in love!" Her eyes bleed many tears of disbelief. Why had she done this. She should have just killed Akiyama when she had the chance. But he was so perfect. So beautiful. So... kind.

Now at the foot of her kingdom, Helena cleared away her tear stains and gussied herself up to strut back to her chamber. Her stoic face returned and her eyes purged all emotion of love, hope, and desire. Cold and poised to perfection, she pulled open the gates and entered Yuua. Within seconds of her action, she was dipping down side streets and arriving at the castle. Upon getting there, her ladies in waiting greeted her, as did her knight, of whom she gave the slip to, again.

"My ladies, I need to outside the sun of Rashmaal. Make me more beautiful than the child princess so that all can see who I am and awe in my raw beauty."

Her lips were painted raspberry red and her eyes were lined with thick coal liner. Golden dust was sprinkled over her lids as her brows were plucked to perfection. Hair drawn back tight and her tiara, jeweled with rubies, gold, and diamonds, came upon her head. Nails painted black with golden tips, and her face coated with some summer shimmer, that darkness that held her seemed to vanish into true, lustful beauty. Her royal robe was draped over her broad shoulders. Its fabric of rich red threads and rubies caught every ray of the morning light and cast glistening dots along the walls. The golden thread accented it all, as did the diamonds hidden among the sea of rubies.

Ready to ride for Rashmaal to see her prince speak with the royals, the woman turned to her knight. Brow cocked and lips drawn tight, she dared to ask, "Are we ready to ride?"

On her horse and moving toward the gates, she glimpsed over her shoulder once to spy her band of men. Each of them hopelessly devoted to her and her alone. They were hers, all hers. Hand-picked and perfected to suit her every need. Then, together, the ten rode out and moved on Rashmaal where, come evening, they would learn of the princess' escape and Akiyama's banishment.

Artifex 06-05-2014 10:24 PM

High above the earth, far removed from mankind near the top of a grand mountain, rests an oasis of sorts. It is a large circular space with a grand building that looks much like a monastery. There is a courtyard, a hot spring, a training arena, a garden and one of the grandest libraries within it's walls. Half of the area is a sheer cliff rising to the peak of the mountain and the other half, at the edge of the training arena, drops straight down. Unclimbable.

Some time ago, centuries at least, it was a place of learning. A quiet sanctuary for the study of magic. There is an extensive tunnel system that leads up through the mountain and eventually emerges at the top where this oasis sits. It was used as a test, filled with traps and riddles so that only the worthy could find their way to the this place of learning.

The entrance to the tunnels lays behind the famous Twin Falls, along a path that in itself is difficult to follow. The tunnels, should you be able to pass them, lead up into the stunning courtyard. Straight ahead lays the Monastery itself, a U shaped building that reaches towards you as you step into the courtyard. It is made of three buildings that, while technically separate, share a roof that connects them, allowing for an open feel and to let the breeze through.

Beyond the building is an open grass field, partly tamed towards a garden with fresh fruit and vegetables growing there. Further still as the ground slopes down to the edge of the sheer cliff is a large flat platform, the base of which is marked by an elaborate pattern of stone bricks. This is the arena, where those practicing magic could do so without causing damages.

Within the Monastery itself was a large kitchen, numerous bedrooms, a meditation area, a partially indoor hot spring and a library to die for. Most of the building was only one floor high and fairly modest, however the library was a thing of beauty in itself. It rose at least three stories high but with only two floors. The book cases went from floor to ceiling and covered nearly every topic imaginable and spanned across many different languages. Ladders attached to the bookcases with wheels to glide across and find whatever book you pleased.

Over the years however, fewer and fewer had interest in the place and even less than that were ever able to find their way through the tunnels until a single man remained. As time went on he was dubbed "the Mage of the mountain", yet he grew old and weary. Fearing the end of this beautiful place and it's traditions, he went out in search of an apprentice who could keep the monastery alive. Year after year this became the customary thing to do. The Mage would grow old, gain an apprentice and pass on their knowledge, one after another until they were the only ones left who even knew where the tunnels were.

The only trick was, no one else ever found this out. Many believed him a man that had lived and died years passed, leaving the monastery abandoned. Yet now and again, when people traveled near the mountain's peak, they could see a trail of smoke arise, or even hear the echoing sounds of someone on top of the mountain. Yet none could scale the sheer cliff and few, if any, remembered where the tunnels even were.

So to the world the Mage was a myth, yet to those who lived near the mountain, in the village below, knew otherwise. The people of this village believed the Mage to be some sort of immortal, who watched over their homes and kept evil at bay-the last part wasn't too far from the truth actually. For in truth, the Mage still relied on that village from time to time for certain supplies, so he would always assure that it was safe and prosperous (as much as he could).

The one who currently claims the title of Mage of the Mountain is a mere boy of fourteen, his predecessor having only passed away three months ago. Over the years the Monastery has become somewhat broken down despite the best efforts of all who had lived there. There was only so much that could be done for it's upkeep but it still remained quite beautiful as ivy began to over take the walls.

There is a magic that helps to keep the place from crumbling to time. Nature has found it's way in through the occasional crack and up the sides of the building but for the most part it remains in tact. The only area of crucial importance is of course, the library. The one room that every Mage has tended to.

Back our current little Mage of the Mountain then.

Hemset's typical day began cleaning up one thing or another around the Monastery (he had a large list and by the time it was finished he usually had to restart it), followed by extensive reading and then perhaps a little bit of practice out in the arena before bed.

Today was no different, except when he went to the kitchen for a bite to eat Hemset discovered the cupboards were more or less bare. He needed to make a trip down to the village, there were things that he just couldn't produce for himself, yet he had been putting it off. He had never gone down there without Lakar before and he didn't like the idea of it, all those... people.

However it wasn't just food he needed, it was also ingredients. There were numerous potions that he had been meaning to get in practice with and yet he did not have the means for it. Yes, a trip to the village was far overdue.

At least as far as money went, he didn't have to worry. There were things that grew atop that mountain that were relatively rare anywhere else and they were worth quite a lot down below. It made trading easy, and with any luck, quick.

But that was a task for tomorrow, it would take several hours to descend the mountain, get what he needed and then several more to climb back up. If he left at daybreak he hoped he could be back before dark.

Hemset had his own room, simple with nothing but a bed to rest upon and a few simple items. Laying in the dark the youth tossed and turned anxiously as unpleasant dreams reminded him of an unpleasant past.

He awoke with a start, sucking in a gasp of breath, "Lucem!" exclaimed the boy. Several balls of enchanted light rose from his hands and filled the room, casting the darkness at bay.

His breathing calmed as he saw that he was alone. An average person might cry out for someone to come, for a person to hold them tight and rock them back to sleep. Hemset was not an average person. The complete silence steadied his heart, the soft, cool mountain breeze that drifted through the window soothed his nerves. He was alone and that meant safe.

No one could harm him here, no one could grab him or curse at him or burn him here. All that existed was these walls, these halls, these books. He reached out to the night table next to his bed, the only other piece of furniture in the room. There lay his book on the healing properties of plants, exactly where he had left it.

He could walk down the halls and through the rooms and all would be just as he left it and the thought was more comforting than anything else in the world.
Hemset shook his head and sighed, "Umbra" he spoke and with a wave of his hand the light went out. Laying back in bed he turned his head to the side and gazed out his window at the stars above. Thank the Goddess for this peaceful place.

Esmme 06-09-2014 03:06 AM

Silence. There was always silence.

Silence was comforting. It was calming. It was suspenseful. It was the sound of death. The dead made no sound.

Shadows flickered at the edge of the candle's light. A man sat at his desk, head in his hands. The silence helped him think. If the rumors were true, then Yuua's princess was missing. The child had been the light and joy of the kingdom. Who had taken her? Who could have entered Yuua without anyone noticing?

The broad-shouldered male sighed and leaned back in his chair. As one of the many court members in Yuua, he knew that his task would be to support his people. That required thought and work on his part. He would help find the princess, and find the people who took her.

Or, so he thought.

The man stood, his back protesting with the sudden movement. "Need to get up more often," he muttered to himself, rolling his shoulders as he lifted the candelabra that lit his well-furnished room. Everything here was comfortable - it was home. As the male sat on the edge of his bed, he sighed. It was time to set his thoughts aside for the night. He would finish his notes and observations on the other members he thought suspicious in the morning.

A huff of breath broke the silence, and shadows enveloped the room.

The observant noble had seen light for the last time.

No sound followed the darkness that eased its way toward the bed. No breeze or shift of air alerted the noble to another presence. If his eyes had been open, he might have caught the reflective glow of pale green eyes. His death was quick. They were always quick.

The noble felt a brief sting as a blade slid between his ribs, then nothing as death took hold. It took no more than a few seconds to pass between life and death. By that time the assassin's blade was wiped clean and slipped back into its sheathe.

A shadowed figure moved away from the bed, nearly becoming part of the shadows that guarded him so well. They were protective of their assassin, those shadows. The darkness had no greater friend than the one who used it to accomplish deeds best left to the cover of night.

There was no sound as the figure's silent steps guided him to the desk. A hand reached out to push a few of the papers aside before lifting a few. The descriptions of whoever this noble had thought suspicious were tucked safely away within the folds of a cloak, followed by a map of the kingdom with a filter of notes and other circled "suspicious" areas. It would be useful later on.

As the assassin neared the balcony window, he sent one final glance to the dead man behind him. Another contract finished. This one, just like the others, would bear his mark. While no one knew who was behind the killings, they would know it was the same killer. Every one of them had been killed by a blade to the heart - the clearest shot was between the fourth and fifth rib down.

He waited for the next cloud to cover the moon before easing himself over the railing of the balcony. He was on the streets moments later, the shadows eagerly wrapping him within their protective grasp. Another contract finished meant another payment was due. With a slight smile, the assassin stepped into a side alley. Anyone who followed wouldn't have found him. As was his habit, Ara'mis disappeared into the night.

ISOS Duke 06-09-2014 04:52 PM

The forest had fallen peaceful for quite some time, which had been something the Centaurs of the Forest were thankful for. The calm meant that the fights among the creatures of the wood had calmed, it meant that the Guardians of the Forest were not coming home wounded nearly as often and that the healers and village were not using as much time or resources to tend to those that needed assistance. The Guardians that did head out very rarely found anyone in the destroyed forests those days. They were sent our during the day to protect the healers as they began to repair what was harmed during the fighting while during the night, they performed their routine patrols.

Two Centaur were patrolling the central part of the woods; it had seen quite a bit of combat over the last few years while also having been mostly restored thanks to the healers. The two were practically identical, even for being fraternal. The Forest Centaurs were lithe creatures, seeming to take the form of a half elf/half stag. Their supposed elven bloodlines also gave them a much more feminine appearance, at least face-wise. While the woman held the features of a normal female humanoid, the males were broad chested, their routines leaving many of them very well toned.

Much like many other magical creatures that took after animals, the Centaurs were very comfortable with the lack of clothing, though humans tended to not be comfortable with such a notion. The twins wore their long blonde hair free and down their backs, their headdresses differing by the size of the skull that decorated it. Hers was slightly larger, the foe more fearsome looking that her brother's, though his was wider, the beast have been one of a thick skull, it was still a very difficult one to have taken out. They wore over their deer-like bodies, an elegant white fabric that came down to their needs and were gilded in gold trimming and designs. Their chest pieces differed only slightly to take into account that the younger of the two was indeed female, while the other was clearly male.

The two walked through the forest on patrol, each one holding a bow gifted by the forest itself. As they walked about, they were alert, their attention clearly sharpened as they sought anything that could be out of the ordinary. However, upon closer inspection, one could see the defined serious nature of the male, while the sister seemed more joyous and playful, at least when off duty.

Much like man other nights in the forest, this one seemed to fall silent as well. There was nothing of note as far as oddities, save for at one point the sound of frantic running through the woods. The twins had decided to not search for the source of the noise as there were nocturnal races that hunted while the moon was high and it was not their job to keep creatures alive, but to see to the peace of the forest.

As time continued on, the peace of the forest making time continue on much quicker, the sun began to slowly break through the trees. It was early dawn and soon the twins would have to head back to their village to rest and to allow the next patrol to head out with a healer. It was as the twins were preparing to return to their village that an odd sound for so earlier in the morning rang out. There was frantic movement and this was not a common time for any local creature to be hunting. Weapons at the ready, the two began slowly making their way towards the north eastern part of the central forest. Their steps were careful and calculated as they moved so they would not cause any unneeded noise as they moved.

Nodding to one another, the two decided to split up to try to flank around the frantic beast as if it were a wounded or rampaging animal, they would have to subdue it. As the two split up, a frantic and crazed woman lept from the bushes as though she had been waiting for the moment to strike. She collided with the Centaur, her movements quick, knocking the bow to the ground. Unable to reach their other weapon due to the way they landed, the Centaur was left to lash out at the woman with its own body, though the small scratches that were left behind and tears in the clothing from both antlers and hooves alike seemed to not faze her.

Just like that the mad woman was gone, but not before the Centaur was able to get a good look at her; she wore the garb of Yuua. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was a commoners fabric that they had seen pass in trade through their forest quite frequently before the days of the war. By the time she was gone, she left a Guardian of the Forest to bleed to death on the floor of the forest they were sworn to protect. She had avoided the area of the protective breastplate and struck the equine body of the creature. Calling out in desperation and pain, its partner would soon find the other bleeding out. Though they had magic, the limited Forest Guardian healing spells would only be enough to slow the bleeding in time to allow them to return for further aid.

By the time the two would return, even with the attempted quick movements by the healthy centaur, the two would not return until the sun was high in the air and the other had still bled out quite a bit. The village watch quickly alerted the healers and elders that the twins of the Maiden had returned and one was gravely wounded. Collecting the wounded twin, the elders ushered off the second to question what had happened. Having not been there though, they were of little to no use though the revenge they wished to achieve for their fallen sibling was plain as day. Finally being released to go rest, the sun was already much lower in the sky.

Rest was not on their mind though. They returned to the hut that they shared with their twin and began packing. Two sets of armor sat out as well as weapons and blankets. Gathering up what was needed, the Centaur clothed themself in new armor and a new blanket to allow the blood soaked items to be cleaned. Weapons packed up and attached they left the hut to be instantly greeted by their fellow Centaur, worried about one of their own.

"Artemios?" They questioned, a puzzled look painted on their face. The Centaur before them simple raised a brow, silent for a moment before finally replying to them. "Yes?" The group looked amongst one another for a moment before looking back at the male. "We thought it was you that was injured, not your sister," One of them replied, the one closest to the male. He took a deep breath before lowering his head, shaking it slowly. "Nay, if only it were I," he replied before his green eyes locked on them once again. "I would have sooner take the blows my sister did rather than to allow her to meet with such a fate."

He then began to walk forward, the group parting around him. "But where are you going? Shouldn't you be resting as well?" It was understandable why the group was worried. The twins were the sacred children of the Maiden on top of one of them returning wounded. To have the other as active and armed rather than resting or being with their other half seemed odd to how they used to behave. After he passed them, he turned his head to look back, his gaze out of the corner of his eye. "Resting would not find my sister's attacker," he said as he walked out of the village and entered the depths of the Northern wood.

solidfalcon 06-09-2014 09:55 PM

Slipping one of his white gloves off slowly, he stretched his now bare hand out toward the bark; his fingertips brushing across the rough surface only moment before his entire hand met with the tree. And almost immediately after his hand was placed against the harsh shell of the plant; a warm calm feeling washed over him, his body losing all form of tenseness, his eyes falling closed. He released a relaxed sigh as his shoulders sank, his forehead pressing against the tree carefully. He could sense it, a living presence within the tree that pulsed softly like a gentle heartbeat. It brought a small smile to his lips.

Kirnathous must have sat at the base of this tree for a good half-hour; the only movement seen coming from him was the slight expanding of his torso as he breathed, he was otherwise perfectly still. Though it was the middle of the night, the area that surrounded him and this particular tree glowed, providing the man with tranquil lighting. This place; it was beautiful. Peaceful. Calming... To him, this sanctuary of beauty was home. The only home that had not faded or disappeared throughout the decades. It was the only thing in his life that was constant. The only thing he was sure would never disappear with time and age, and the only thing he would never forget...

"The princess..." A soft, motherly voice whispered within the mind of Kirnathous; causing him to stir from his zen-like state. His eyes opened. "The Princess of Rashmaal..."

Kirnathous lifted his head up from the tree, his gaze rising to stare up at the leaves that gently bustled in the breeze. "The Princess of Rashmaal?" He asked aloud. "What of her?"

There was no response, the woman's voice had fallen silent, leaving Kirnathous to stare in confusion at the tree before him. Yes. The tree had indeed spoken to him, and this was no surprise to him. It was a rare occurrence, but she did speak and usually only to him. And anytime her voice echoed in the depths of his mind, it was very brief, usually to give the blue mystic instructions to follow. Very... Confusing instructions that barely made any sense. Her sentences were usually cut off or broken up, as if she had difficulties speaking. And he was expected to understand it and make the most of it. And today's mission was the Princess of Rashmaal... What he was supposed to do with the princess he had no idea, but he wasn't going to question his orders.

With his glove slipped back on his hand, he got up to his feet and moved away from the tree; disappearing into the darkness of the forest without a word further. He moved along swiftly but silently, passing by creatures of all sorts without alerting any of them to his presence. He had done this so many times throughout his life, slipping through the untamed flora unnoticed had become one of his specialties, and it was the only place where he was sure not to trip over himself. He knew the forest well, probably better than most humans. He did live here after all.
As he headed in the direction of Rashmaal, his quick stride came to a full stop as he watched a shadowed figure pass by a few yards ahead of him. Instinctively he ducked behind a tree, pressing his back to it as he held his breath. Yes he held his breath. He had learned over the years that too many creatures in these woods had superb hearing; and to avoid being spotted by them, he had to learn how to stop breathing, or at least slow his breathing down. He'd gotten pretty good at holding his breath though, he could hold it for at least a minute!... Which to him was impressive. After a moment, he breathed slowly and peered around the tree toward where he saw the figure. And there he had seen the figure had joined with another in an embrace. His brow furrowed. It was not often he saw two strangers hugging in the middle of the forest at night, in fact he was pretty sure he had never seen two strangers hugging in the forest in the pitch blackness of the night. The only type of hugging he had ever seen take place at night was a special kind of hug that wasn't actually a hug, but more like stabbing and fighting and awful painful violence between the residents of the forest. So this... This was a very odd sight.

Kirn moved closer toward the embracing figures, his footsteps slow and precise as he did all he could to not crunch any twigs so he wouldn't alert the couple; keeping trees between them so he could not be spotted. Once he was close enough, he peered around the tree slightly to see it was two humans, a man and a woman. He remained silent, watching the two curiously with partially squinted eyes, wondering what two humans were doing out here in the middle of the woods at night. Of course, he didn't have to wonder for long, as they soon began kissing each other's faces off, not literally of course, but still. Kirn's eyes went wide and he yanked back behind the tree, pressing his back up against it as he clenched his teeth. Whoops. He just walked in on something rather private.
He took a wide step away from the tree and proceeded to take lengthy steps further and further away from the couple in love. When he was sure he had put a good amount of distance between them, he proceeded to sprint for dear life. He had pretty much given up being quiet at this point, because he last thing he wanted was to hear was anything he really didn't want to hear.
And, thankfully, this sprint was making the distance between him and Rashmaal shorter and shorter by the second. He knew he would soon arrive in the massive city of bitter, angry people who disliked outsiders and would... Do... Something. That involved the child princess. What was he supposed to do with the five year old princess anyway? Throw her a birthday party? Was it even her birthday?... Thinking about it though, he did like birthday parties. Maybe he would throw a party for her anyway even though it probably wasn't her birthday--

"Aki?" Kirn came to another immediate halt, stopping in a mid-run pose as he heard the tiny voice squeak out a name. He stood there, completely still, as the tiny voice called out the same name again. "Aki?" It cried out. Had he been spotted? Or was it a new type of animal that cried out Aki as its animal noise? Like how a raven caws and cat meows, this thing akis? His gaze shifted toward the direction of the squeaky voice. "Akiyama, this is no time for games. Mama and Papa won’t be happy if you aren’t home in the morning so you come home right now!"

Okay so it wasn't an animal. That was another person. Kirn eased a bit as he returned to a regular standing pose, his gaze still focused in the direction of the voice. It... Sounded quite young, possibly a child, or a girl who had a very squeaky childish voice. Once again curious, Kirn made his way toward the source of the voice; and who should he find? A young child. And the Princess of Rashmaal no less. He watched her from around a tree as she walked through the forest, completely alone, with a stuffed pony tucked in her arms. She was even in her pajamas, like she had just gotten up from bed and walked out into the woods without a care in the world. Kirnathous couldn't believe what he was seeing. The young child princess was out here, in the darkness of the night, completely on her own. Who let her out here? Were her parents even aware? Was anyone aware that the future of Rashmaal was completely vulnerable right now? That a bandit could snatch her up at any given moment and hold her for ransom? He gave a soft sigh. How could her parents be so careless? Better yet, how could her father even be fit to rule an entire kingdom if he hadn't even noticed his daughter was now wandering a dark, dangerous forest by herself?
His train of thought almost immediately took a sharp turn upon the king of Rashmaal being brought forth in his thoughts... Kirn was right, the king of Rashmaal was not fit to rule; he was a buffoon sitting on a big fancy chair, completely clueless about the beautiful world around him that he so often shut out of his kingdom, along with all the people he would banish for one reason other another... But his daughter, his daughter was young, she was still very capable of being molded into a perfect leader; one who shared her land and opened her gates to all creatures. A smile formed on his face, he was sure that was what she, the High Goddess, wanted. She wanted Kirn to help the princess become the perfect, flawless leader Rashmaal deserved. She would be the one to bring about the peace this land so desperately needed, to put an end to all the unnecessary fighting. She was the key.

Kirn took a step forward toward the princess, who was still calling for her Akiyama and came to a near halt when watched as the princess froze with fear. He had accidentally caused a near by bush to rustle as his leg bushed against it and it scared her; as her voice had grown more desperate for her Aki and she had hid her face within her stuffed pony. Kirnathous' expression filled with sorrow at the sight of the poor frightened child, and he finally moved out toward her, slowly and carefully in hopes he would not scare her further.

"There is no need to fear," He spoke up softly as he saw the child princess lift her face from her pony, he smiled to her and held his hand toward her. "I can help you." The child ran to him almost immediately, staring up at him in hope and wonder.

"You can help me find Aki?" She asked as she let go of her pony to grab hold of his silky robes, possibly clinging to him like she would her own mother. Or to whoever this Akiyama was. Kirn's gaze and smile softened more at her innocence and he kneeled to her, placing a hand gently on her head.

"I can do much more than that for you."

Kirnathous stood to his feet and backed away from the child who watched him with confusion. Kirn's hands lifted out to his sides as his entire form began to glow with magic, his hair and clothing flicking about around him as if a breeze had picked up despite no wind being present. His eyes began to glow a bright blue as he began chanting a spell beneath his breath in some strange language. Streams of magic began wisp down from the heavens and up from the earth as they engulfed the princess in a brilliant, bright display of glitter and light. Kirn moved his hands out toward the magic encased princess and in a split second, he moved his hands to the sides once more, as if to slice the air. The magic that once cocooned the princess popped off her, revealing that the once child princess was now full grown.
The glow that surrounded Kirn vanished and his eyes returned to normal. Upon seeing the now adult princess, his eyes widened with surprise. He couldn't believe it. It actually worked! He had not used a time speed spell on a person before, only ever on plants and some animals. And... Thinking about it now he... Probably should have tested it on another person first before actually trying it on his only hope of peace between the kingdoms. But whatever, it worked! The princess was now an adult! Now the true molding could begin.

"Now this must be kept an absolute secret," he said, his finger raised toward the princess as though he were scolding a child. "Should you tell anyone of this, the spell will the broken." He had to ensure no one knew that it was he that gave her such a gift. If anyone knew of his existence, of his power... He, and probably many others, would surely be in danger. For who knew what the rivaling kingdoms would do to own such a power.

"I won't! And thank you so much!" The princess responded as she gathered up the plush pony she had dropped earlier. Kirnathous smiled at her, his chest swelling with pride, before he tucked his hands behind his back.

"Princess Kiyomi," Kirn began as he turned away from her. "I am afraid that the gift I have just bestowed upon you comes with a price. It is nothing dangerous and I require no payment like gold or jewels--though that would be nice--but my price is something you are very capable of doing. Ruling." Kirnathous lifted his head as he stared up at the tree tops and the stars that could barely be seen through them. "I wish for you to take your father's throne and rule in his place, I wish for you to become a powerful, respectable queen who will do all she can to ensure peace and happiness for not just her own kingdom, but for all the kingdoms. You see, we are on the brink of war; and the kingdoms are just looking for that one thing to set it all in motion... And if this war does happen, lands and people will be lost, forests will burn, creatures will perish... We need someone who is kind, loving and generous to put an end to the rising war before it begins. You are that person, your majesty. You are the future hope of our world... So I only ask that you return to your kingdom with me. And together, we will do all that we can to stop your father's reign so that you may take his place and save us all." His head lowered as he paused for a short moment, he then looked toward the princess. "I know this seems like a heavy burden, but trust me when I say that it is your--" He stared at the now empty spot where the princess used to be standing. "" He finished as his voice trailed off into the empty forest around him.

She... Was gone. The princess was gone. She was there a moment ago, and now she wasn't. She had just up and left in the middle of his very important, but highly boring, lecture and he hadn't even noticed she disappeared until now. And to think, just before all this happened, he was being so hard on her parents, thinking so low of them for losing their only daughter and not even noticing she was gone. Now HE lost the princess! Parenthood was far more difficult than he originally believed.

"Prin....cess...?" He asked, his voice loud, as his eyes slowly scanned the now vacant area. Maybe she had just... Dropped something near by and went to get it? Maybe she was still in the area and could hear him? When she did not respond, his eyes widened with fear. He lost the princess. HE LOST THE PRINCESS. What kind of idiot turns a five year old girl into an adult and then LOSES HER? This guy, clearly.

Kirnathous sprinted off into the woods quickly, his eyes still wide with fright. He had to find her. He had to find her before someone else did. If anyone found out who she was, if they found out how she became an adult! There was no good end to this situation; especially for the princess who wandered off into a world full of danger and people probably waiting to kill her; a world that was just waiting for that one thing to push them to a full-fledged war.

What have I done...?

Artifex 06-10-2014 12:41 AM

Hemset drifted off to sleep shortly again and the morning sun woke him as it peeked over the horizon. With a yawn and satisfying stretch, he crawled out of bed and grabbed his side bag. He was already set to go, tucking the book from his night table under his arm, Hemset hopped to it. Things to do and people... people to see.

Hemset strolled through the tunnels that lead out of his little haven. The traps and secrets and puzzles were very old and in fact, many were gone but it was still something of a maze to navigate through. Hemset knew each twist and turn by heart and soon he emerged from behind the twin falls, buried beneath a veil of vines and moss. He continued down the trail, shaking leaves from his hair and picking rare plants along the way.

He made it to the village before noon and with a brave face, strolled into town. It had been months since Hemset had been in contact with another person and even longer since he had been in a crowd. Just his luck, it seemed to be a busy day. Countless people bustling about the market, what a nightmare. Still, he found the usual merchant that Lakar had traded with and he broached the subject.

"Four gold" the man declared, Hemset wasn't sure he had heard him right.

"You offered Lakar twice that amount the last time he passed through here" demanded the boy.

"Yeah well, I liked him. You on the other hand"
the merchant shrugged, "Take it or leave it boy"

Hemset set him with a glare, "Well, seeing as it is a piss poor deal, I'll leave it" he replied sourly but before the man could shrug him off Hemset continued with spite, "You know, I was under the impression that Lakar dealt solely with you in regard to these plants. Which nearly guarantees that you're the only one who gets them to sell. It should prove a simple task to find a competitor, and with Lakar gone you'll have a hard time keeping up, won't you? Shame." he turned on his heel to leave, though paused briefly to add, "Perhaps the next time you decide to swindle one younger than you, you should consider the possibility that he is also smarter."

The man was less than impressed but Hemset didn't stick around any longer to exchange insults. He was feeling rather sore at having to bring up Lakar's passing and he didn't want to dwell on it.

Moving along, Hemset did find someone else to trade with and while he didn't get a very good deal, it was enough for what he needed. By the time noon came around he found himself in the center of town by a fountain, though it had broken down a bit some time ago, it was still a nice little pool of water to rest by.

Despite the warm day, Hemset had gotten himself a bowl of hot stew for lunch. With his aversion to fire, the boy had not had a hot meal since Lakar had made one-three months ago. He was sick of raw vegetables to say the least.

Sitting by the broken fountain and sipping the pleasantly warm stew, he found some peace in watching the townsfolk. Men and women, trying to sell their wares while others haggled for prices. A less than skilled thief attempting to sneak a snack. A very skilled man sneaking a kiss from the cheek of a woman. The way they went about their lives was as though nothing else mattered but themselves.

A group of children played some sort of ball game not far off and Hemset found his eyes straying back to them time and again. They couldn't have been too far from his own age and yet, the boy would not be caught dead among them. Still, he could watch...

blueblackrose 06-10-2014 02:26 AM

A blur of silver and black rushed through the underbrush, the shape similar to that of a tiger, but larger than any common in this area of the forest. Dawn was approaching and this creature was in a hurry as it traveled. How long had it been since she found the cave she was now using as her home? How long had it been since she started running again, this time for a different reason? The woman couldn’t remember, she didn’t want to. All she knew is that she needed to get back. Her hunt had ended badly, the prey she was after already deposed of by another. The evidence left behind telling her that once more needed to move on to a new area and quickly. It was no longer safe here.

Come the morning light she would move on, destroying what evidence there was that she had ever been in this place. Upon reaching its destination the form of a cat shifting to that the form of what most would think of as a beast. A white tiger anthro, a Katayan, that’s what she was. Quickly she gathered only what she needed to start her new journey. Ice blue eyes scanned the cave. Good she had everything. The rest she would burn. Letting out a sigh she gathered what was left and took it out, setting fire to it. She watched as it burned, smoke filling the air early morning air.

Satisfied the woman took the circlet from her head and shoved it into her pack. All she needed was those who were hunting for her to see it. Going back into the cave she dug a hole and buried a metal tube with a piece of paper holding a cryptic message inside. For who she left the message one could only guess. Covering the item up she marked it a set of stones, but they didn’t look out of place. Done with her preparations she left the cave behind her, not looking back. This is how things had been for her since she was twelve. Constantly on the move, never staying in one spot for too long. It was her decision and not one she regretted.

Fiaria took off at a run, right now she wanted to put as much distance as she could between her and her pursuers. She wasn’t sure what her destination would be at first, but after a few hours of running she decided this time she would go to the badlands in the area between Yuua and Rashmaal. Her mood lightened a bit with her decision made. It was almost noon when she finally stopped to take a break. Her stomach growling at her, protesting all of the travelling without eating.

The woman leaned back against a tree and stared up at the sky. “I thought they had given up. How do they even know I’m still alive?” Her anger rose as spun around punching the tree. Stepping back she took a deep breath to calm herself. Now wasn’t the time to lose herself to anger. She sat her pack and weapons down by the tree before shifting into her tiger form. Going hunting would clear her mind. Fiaria disappeared into the forest in search of food. It didn’t take her long to track down a large buck. Crouching low she stalked the deer, waiting for the right moment to strike. Just as the buck started to graze the tiger rushed forward lunging at the buck, tackling it to the ground. Her might claws slashed its hind leg, keeping it from being able to escape before she sank her fangs into the tender flesh of the beast’s neck. It only took a few minutes before the buck stopped struggling, breathing it’s last. She wasted no time digging into her kill. Once finished the female tiger licked the blood from her paws before heading back to the tree.

Between having a full stomach and her lack of rest Fiaria was starting to feel sluggish. Still she felt uneasy and refused to rest. Once more she shifted back into her true form, picking up her belongings. This time her movements weren’t as rushed as they had been earlier that morning. She walked taking in the sights, sounds and smells around her. Even though things seemed peaceful, something in the air made it feel off. She dismissed it as her imagination due to being pursued.

Her ears twitched as the sound of hooves racing in the distance reached them. From the sounds of them they were heading her way. A low growl came from her as she ducked behind a tree. A human, she could tell from the scent. With a quick grin she had an idea. Once more the woman changed her appearance this time taking on her human form. The only things to indicate she was more than a mere human were her tiger ears, tail and the black markings that covered her body from her stripes. Fiaria pulled the hood of her cloak over her head to cover her head.

She continued to walk forward, the sounds of the horse and its rider drawing near to her. They were coming from her right. If she was lucky she’d be able to get this traveler to let her tag along for a bit. Changing her direction would be a good move on her part. So would be trying to cover her scent with that of a horse and human. Maybe things were starting to finally look up for her today.

Kiyoto 06-11-2014 04:05 PM

Everything should have been alright. Everything should have gone as planned. Not that he much agreed with many of the plans that were going on around him. For so long, even being what many would have called one of the primary faces of his kingdom, Aiden had been left in the dark and as a pawn in many ways to the hell that had taken root in the castle and the kingdom.

Sighing lightly, he ran a hand through his hair. It felt more like a dream in many ways, of someone else's life that he was watching from afar. Such foolishness from a prince.. He shook his head to clear it, thinking back on mere short time ago. Things had been moving forward quite smoothly, or as smoothly as could be expected when dealing with so many snakes within the bush.

The princess was gone, and all were blaming that damn guard of hers. He turned away from the window where he had been standing. Thoughts racing through his mind of what to do. The young girl out there all on her own, she did not deserve any of this. This madness and chaos, he knew much of it was directed towards him...hatred and rumors.

Many did not know him, even few cared to. They were blinded by the lies and the hate that had spread between the two lands. There had to be a way to fix it all...which was what he was attempting to do. Seems even this was becoming twisted and darkened. His eyes hardened for a moment. No, he would not let things continue to be so caked with darkness and evil. He would make things right, and allow peace once more to fall between both kingdoms.

Though it would be easier said then done. He moved to the bed, quickly changing his attire into that more suited to the wilderness, something that would allow him to get going. He placed his blades within the sheaths on his back, before moving to the door. First thing was first, and he had made up his mind. A guard moved to his side, falling into step with him. There was little need for formalities, he already knew the situation.

"We need to find her, and figure out what is going on here" he said simply. There was a lot more going on beneath tthe surface then most were willing to say. "Place together a small band...nothing to large to draw massive attention...but those able to hold their own against whatever may face us" he could not help but feel something was amiss, it would not be as easy as simply walking out the door and finding her.

No, it would be a lot harder than that. Many called it a kings intuition, a sixth sense. Aiden did not care what they called it really, it was a part of him. It has come in handy on more that one occasion, though it was not always precise. Right now it was giving him a heavy feeling within his heart, and a sickening feeling within his stomach.

On the outside, he kept himself composed. There was no need to worry everyone, someone needed to remain strong when all else were in an uproar. The king and queen were of both kingdoms. He did not blame her parents, they had lost their young daughter, and were unsure what to believe. He had little doubt his own mother and the man she called king were more angered due to their own selfish reasons.

Pausing, he turned to the guard, the other man looking to him for a moment. He could not find the words for what was moving through his head and his heart at the moment. It would take him a bit to do what he asked already, and he still needed to speak with a few people himself, before he left. Sighing, he gave a light wave of his hand, the guard being dismissed he took off.

Aiden stood there for a moment, his mind and heart heavy with thoughts and feelings. Shaking off the most of it for now, he would deal with this matter. No matter what would happen however, he would bring the princess home safe. He would not let anyone harm her or destroy her life before it had barley began. Many were already being questioned about the events that led up to this, one guard of this kingdom approached him to speak to him as well. He told the man what he had told the first guard who had interrupted him before.

He had been busy within a council with his mother and the king for most of the afternoon. They were attempting to convince him of a few things, but this he left out for the most part. After that, he had gone to sleep to rest for this morning. He had been on his way to in fact speak to the young princess when all hell had broken loose. He had not been trying to scare her, or harm her. He felt like such a fool, but whatever problems the two kingdoms were having, he would try to make them right.

The guard nodded, slipping away down the hall. His eyes followed the man for a moment, before he had thought of the guard. That man who was meant to protect the princess. As much as the two did not often see eye to eye, the other cared for the princess and protected her. So what the hell was he doing that allowed this to happen? He would find that out himself as well. But for now, he had kings to deal with.

blueblackrose 06-11-2014 04:19 PM

The young man laughed loudly after polishing off his third bottle of whiskey. “See I told you I could finish them all off in less than five minutes. Now hand over the gold.” The other man grunted not wanting to hand over the last of his gold pieces. There was something that shined in the younger man’s eyes that him think it was best not to argue and just hand it over. Lonan was grinning from ear to ear once the gold was in his hand.

With another laugh he leaned over the table staring into his lovely partner’s eyes. “See I told ya that I’d get us some quick money.” His speech was slightly slurred as he spoke. Movement near the bar caused him to lose his focus momentarily. “Get us another round of beer Eririn sweetie. I’ll be right back.” The male moved to stand. At first he wobbled and had to put his hand on the table to keep from falling. Just how many drinks had he had so far? Seven? Or was it ten? It was no matter. He was still fit to drink and he just spotted a lovely lady who looked like they could benefit from his company.

As he made his way to the bar he weaved and wobbled. Once at the bar he leaned against it, mostly to help keep him upright. “Evenin’ sweet thang. Here alone?” He didn’t know how, but somehow he managed to not slur his words.

The woman, Sara, laughed at him. “You’re drunk,” she said, turning away from him. He frowned and took the woman’s arm.

“Aw come now. I’m not think you as drunk I am.” Damn he totally messed up what he was trying to say. This only caused the woman to laugh harder at him. “I mean I may be drunk, but we can still have fun.”

“You might be cute, but you’re not that cute right now.” The woman turned away from him going back to her business.

Her words hit him and hit him hard.Not that cute? Me, not that cute? Impossible! I’m the most handsome man here. She’ll realize this soon enough. Lonan took her words as a challenge. Not giving up on the beauty he took ahold of her arm. He gave her a pout as he forced her to turn back around to face him. “We are going to have fun together. All I wanna do is get to know you better beautiful.”

Sara glared at him. “Let go of my arm sir.” When he refused and continued to talk she slapped him across the face, leaving a bright red handprint on his cheek. “I said no and that’s what I mean.”

At this point in time the tavern owner, Victor, finally spotted what was going on. His was hot too as he marched over to his wife and Lonan. “Is there a problem,” he asked in a gruff voice.

“I can handle this dear. He was just leaving.” Her tone was harsh as she spoke the last part towards Lonan.

“No, I wasn’t. Not until you agree to play with me sweet thang.” Lonan was smirking. He liked when he picked a woman with a little fight. It just made it more fun for him to get them to see how great he is. It was all a game to him and nothing more.

“I think you will be leaving my wife alone and right now. If you don’t return to your seat then I’ll personally kick you out of my tavern.” The man’s voice was gruff as he spoke. He removed Lonan’s hand from his wife’s arm, giving the other a bit of a shove. His way of showing he meant what he said.

Being the stubborn egotistical fool that he is the young man continued to bother Sara instead of returning to the table where Eririn was waiting for him. He gave the larger man a push back before stumbling forward, face planting right in Sara’s bosom. Giving a laugh he nuzzled slightly.

The enraged Victor wasted no time pulling Lonan off his wife and grabbing him by the nap of the neck. “OUT!” He carried the drunken playboy, keeping a firm hold around his neck to the door and threw him out. “Never show your face around here again because next time I won’t be so nice.” With that the man disappeared back into the tavern leaving the other laying on the ground gasping for breath.

“Damn you,” he hissed while holding his throat. The raven haired man laid there for a few moments, staring up at the sky. It would soon be dawn and they would have to start moving since they no longer had a place to stay. Suddenly feeling sick he rolled over, barely managing to get to his knees before puking. He really had had too much to drink. “Eririn,” he called out as he coughed. “Let’s go.”

Kilia 06-11-2014 10:32 PM

Bright blue eyes looked out over the forest, seeing without seeing, there was clear that there was something wrong with them for the fact you could not see a pupil at all. The eyes were attached to a female who looked pale in the moonlight, she was sitting high enough up the mountain that she could look over the tree tops. Clouds slowly moved across the face of the moon, causing things to go completely dark before it completely passed. Light, slowly struck the earth once more, bathing everything in it before going dark once more.

Let's take a look through the dirty blond's eyes.

It was the same scene as before. The night sky, the forest below, though the difference in this was that she was with in the forest. Looking at a scene unfolding before her. Two centaurs patrolling the forests like they always do, but they had split up this time. Her eyes followed one only to cause her to gasp in slightly horror, tears streaming down her face as she saw someone come out of no where to attack the mythical creature.

She did not know who the attacker was or was attacked, the only thing she knew was that it was a centaur and a person that wasn't well a centaur.

The female blinked her eyes a few times, looking out over the forest once more. All was calm and normal, she wiped the tears from her face as she hugged her knees to her self. The breeze felt nice on her face but her mind kept wandering back to her vision that she had just had, it was not a good sign. Worry was written on her face as her eyes scanned the woods, she could smell the food that seemed to always be cooking in her home, regardless of the hour.

It was late, was there anything she could do to prevent what she saw happening. Probably not but she had to try. She took a deep breathe before she ran as fast as she could into the forest, searching for any sign of what she saw. Though sadly she was lost, as she often got when she was going some place with out actually thinking of where she was at. Her eyes grew wide in shock and confusion, completely forgetting what she doing there in the first place.

"Oh dear....if Nia could see me now." she mumbled to her self as she looked around, sighing heavily before she settled in nook of a tree to get some sleep. She knew that it easier to make things out in the daylight, she just hoped that she would be able to figure out just were she was. She could smell the faint smell of food cooking but she couldn't figure out which way it was coming from. It did not take her long to fall a sleep against a tree with the faint comfort smell of a home cooked meal.

the next day

She woke up with a start, it was far to quit in the forest. The hair on the back of her neck stood up and a feeling of dread over took her. She started to hyperventilating as she began to look around her, she was freaking out on the inside, knowing something horrible happened. She ran through the forest, her bare feet pounding the grass beneath them before she came to a stop.

She gave a sigh of relief as her eyes landed on a familiar centaur, then a worried look came across her as she looked around the area, biting her lip as she fidgeted in thought. "What happened?" she asked softly, not moving forwards as she tried to hold back the obvious tears in her eyes. Considering the Centaur knew her, he could tell that she was more distraught over this then at first glance, it was also clear that she had vision that she just now remembered.

Sezumie 06-12-2014 12:57 AM

Her nose scrunched up at the stench of alcohol that emanated from the male. The woman held back vomit as she watched her “lover” chug down almost ten bottles of alcohol. As much as she deeply loved Lonen to the point of it being unhealthy, she wasn’t all too fond of his habits. She smiled as Lonen recieved his petty cash, grinning from ear to ear. Well, as much as his drinking pissed her off, seeing him smile at money made her quite warm inside. “You really shouldn’t drink anymore honey.” Her words fell upon deaf ears however, as Lonen clumsily stood to his feet. She followed his gaze and saw another woman, obviously looking much more mature than her. The bright happy smile remained on her face, but not an ounce of happiness in her voice could be heard as she replied, “Sure Lonie, I’ll have one waiting for you.~”

Spite, anger, and jealousy raged within her small frame as she watched the two talk. Eririn could hear it all, his flirting, her rejection, and her fluffy pink hair seemed to curl up like tentacles in the air around her. She was practically swimming in her dark emotion. All she wanted to do was go up and smash her beautiful little face in, but with Lonen there, she wouldn’t dare.

“Hey pretty-face.” The halfling’s evil thoughts were quickly interrupted by a voice, clearly male, speaking to her. She turned to face a handsome young man, though obviously drunk, openly flirting with her. Giving him the look-over, then turning to look at Lonen, she cursed under her breath, “Ey, what’s wrong, your boyfriend giving you the cold shoulder?"

Eririn’s smile didn’t waver as she replied, “Excuse me?” The man didn’t seem to hear her as he sat in Lonen’s seat, already onto ordering drinks for them both. “I’m sorry I don’t really drink.” The pinkette was a much stronger drinker than she seemed, but she didn’t care for the taste, thought it was a waste of money.

“Why not? Being a lil tipsy never hurt anyone~” His words started to slur greatly, despite the fact the stench of alcohol wasn’t so strong coming from him. A weak drinker, Eririn presumed. Once the drinks hit the table the man swiped his mug right off and started chugging, as if to woo the other with his skill. Eririn merely took a sip from it making a face at the bitter taste. “What’s wrong dollface? Too strong for ya?” He leaned in closer, “I could always, y’know, show you something stronga' when we’re alone, ya’ see?”

Eririn laughed, “Stronger? I doubt you could even stand up on two feet right now.” She seemed to glitter with beauty, and more and more eyes turned to her as the conversation went on. “Listen ‘dollface’ I don’t really want to cause any trouble, but you’re messing with the wrong girl.”

The man didn’t seem phased by her words, “But hun, why not? I hear witches make helluva good partner.” He winked at her, and it took all of her strength to resist killing him with the full mug of beer in her hand. As much as her halfling identity was to be kept a secret, she wasn’t all to happy to hear such shit coming from some drunk pretty boy.

“Sorry boy,” She said sweetly, spilling the contents of the mug onto the mans head, throwing the empty cup onto the ground, “I don’t cheat, maybe next time!~” She twirled around on her heel and made her way to Lonen, who by now seemed to be giving the lady a hard time. Eririn almost felt bad for the woman, Lonen was basically a lost cause when he was dead drunk.

“You bitch-” A fist smashed into her head and Eririn stumbled forward, before slowly turning around, “What? You upset your shitty little head is all bloody now?” He didn’t have a second’s warning as a flash of pink suddenly was on him and flipped him onto his back, and a foot was on his chest.

“Sorry!~” She chirped, applying pressure onto the man’s chest, “I didn’t realize I wasn’t speaking loud enough!~” She stomped on him several times, “You shouldn’t have touched me you shitty human.” As soon as she heard a crack, she decided to stop and continued on her way, now seeing that Lonen was being dragged out of the tavern by his neck. Looking at the person manhandling her mate, she assumed he was the spouse. Laughing at the sight of Lonen being rejected and then thrown out, she was soon faced by the husband himself soon after. “Can I help you mister?”

“Yeah, you could piss off and follow your whore buddy.” Something snapped within her, but she didn’t show any indication that she was angry.

The smile remained plastered on her face as she tilted her head to the side cutely, “Gladly, but I’m afraid you have to take what you said about him back.”

Victor snorted, and towered over her, “Over my dead-” He didn’t get to finish as he was suddenly pinned to the ground, his arm behind his back as the girl’s glittering aura only seemed to intensify.

“Ehh?~ I’m sure your death can be arranged, right away in fact!~” She sang, holding his arm so tightly she could break it. Sara tried to intervene, but she was faced with a demonic glare, “I wouldn’t try that if I were you honey~” Suddenly Victor was off the ground, his torso being held up by Eririns arms, “I’m assuming you’re sorry?~”

She didn’t get a chance to finish her destruction as Lonen called her outside, “Ah, I’m coming Lonie-hun!” She threw the man aside mercilessly, and skipped out the door to her mate. Lonie dear, I told you that you drank too much~” Leaning over him, she smiled at his vulnerable state, crouching down to his level, “You want me to go find a guide sweetie?"

Xavirne 06-17-2014 01:26 PM

How long had he been fleeing from his fate? How long had he eluded death? Akiyama's weariness was beginning to take its tolls on the man. As his body slouched and he lost his ability to feel, his mouth feel dry and his stomach growled with vigorous hungry. He needed water and food. He needed to get out of the bug-infected forest. His body, laced with bites and red lumps, felt foreign to him. It felt invaded and it caused him to wince in pain.

Faded blue eyes glanced up to view the first star of the evening. He tried to gulp, but found his palette too dry. Instead, his body rolled from the horse he clung to. Down, down, down he rolled. It was probably unwise to unhitch from a horse of a rolling hill, but Akiyama's mind was impaired.

The sound of thunderous hooves caused him to return to reality. Eyes wide with panic, his urge to live returned with much veracity. He needed to get out of this area. He needed to hide and escape the tyrannous wrath of a scorn kingdom.

Teeth grit, he rolled off the tree he lodged into just moments ago. With a groan, he fumbled to his feet and began his run onward.

With the sound of hooves behind him, Akiyama slowed his pace. He needed to catch his breathe. Of course, in doing such, he became a fool to nature and the world around him. He heed no attention, thus leaving him a sitting duck to whatever stalked the forest.

Hand landing on a tree, he heaved in heavy breaths of air. God, it hurt to breath. His eyes shot to the sky to scope out the cool air that lingered above. It did him little good. In fact, it caused him more harm. The sharp crispness was too fresh and raw for him. Bending at the hips, he wretched all over the forest floor.

On his knees, he continued to dry heave as he was thrown into a fit of coughs and gags. It sucked, but this feeling wasn't new to him. Early signs of dehydration, he mused.

Forcing himself up, he found a stick and used it as his guide. It was his crunch on life right now and the only thing he could rely on.

Just as his foot was about to crunch a pile of leaves, he caught something in his ears. Head immediately turning, he drew out his sword and lunged forward.

Blade just inches from the throat of a hooded face, Akiyama squinted to take in the woman's hidden features (Fiaria). Almost as soon as the sword appeared, it vanished into its sheath. Hand running across his face to clean up, he spat while hiding the action with his hand and shoulder.

As his eyes rolled back up to meet the woman, Akiyama found himself staring at just a tree. She was... gone.

Brows caving in, he sighed. "Sorry," he quipped before stepping backwards to sit on a fallen tree. Of course, upon smelling his emptied stomach, his nose crinkled and he moved across the forest. Much to his luck, he spied a small stream and thirstily cupped his hands into the water. It was so refreshing, but he knew he had to be cautious with his rapid drinking. Slowing his pace until he stopped, Akiyama gazed across the forest.

"Where am I," he spoke aloud.

Head turning, he found himself stalking shadows. "Hooded woman, I mean you no harm. I am merely a..." He choked on the words. "A man without a purpose."

blueblackrose 06-19-2014 03:03 AM

The raven haired man waved his hand at the woman beside him. “Yeah, yeah too much…” As he rose to his feet stumbled a bit. His stomach turning, the feeling of nausea overwhelming him again. He barely missed Eririn as he further emptied the contents of his stomach. Had he ever had too much to drink. Lonan gave his mate a weak smile. “Do what you want hun. I need to sit down I think.”

The drunken man wobbled his way over to the stable where his horse was being kept. The stable was dark and he could barely see a thing. Lonan stumbled about trying to reach his Aisland’s stall. A few curses came from him as he bumped into stuff. Those curses were soon followed by a loud bang and horses moving about, unsettled. The horses whinnying, one of them even stomping their hoofs on the ground.

Damn it all to hell. Eririn! That is was he thought and tried to yell out, but found himself unable to as there was a heavy weight on his chest. He had no clue what he tripped on and knocked over, but it was now on top of him. He wrestled with whatever it was. With a heave he pushed the rather large object off of him.

Finally he could breathe again. “Eririn,” he croaked still lying on his back. At this point he was really wishing he hadn’t drank so much. When Eririn arrived to aid him he was there acting like a turtle stuck on its back. Really the poor man was a sight in his drunken stupor.

---------- Post added 06-19-2014 at 12:12 AM ----------

The woman grew more curious when she picked up the sound of something or someone rolling down the hill that lay off in the distance. If she wasn’t mistaken it there was also the sound of someone following it. Seemed there was someone on the run. Interesting.

She continued travelling forward at a normal pace. Keeping her eyes and ears open, taking in everything. It wasn’t long before Fiaria spotted a figure moving. It seemed to be a human man like she had suspected. With a pleased look crossing her features she pulled on her hood to make sure it covered her ears. Silently she moved through the space that separated them, much like a shadow of the forest.

Only a few feet away she stopped, just watching the man. Mostly out of curiosity, though she did debate whether or not she should off to help him as he struggled. Apparently he was more aware of his surroundings then the woman thought. He turned, lunging at her with his sword. Luckily he stopped his blade only inches from her throat.

This didn’t frighten her though. She stared at the man as he squinted at her, taking in her features. Just as she had just seemed to appear she just disappeared. Taking the opportunity of him looking away to move away.

Something about his action and the look he had annoyed her. The fact he drew a weapon and was prepared to attack without thought. It caused the feelings of hate she still held for humans to stir. Before she approached him again she needed to calm herself. A heavy sigh came from the woman as she glanced back in the direction of the male.

‘Sorry’ Heh, sure you are. She kept her eyes on the man, keeping out of his sight. The woman found herself following him as he made his way to the stream.

“Apparently lost within the forest,” she whispered, answering his question.

A look of amusement crossed her face when she noticed him searching for her. Slinking through the shadows she moved closer to him. ‘…mean you no harm…a man without a purpose.’ His words were curious. She laughed lightly to herself. They could make an interesting pair, as she was nothing more than a Katayan who has lost her way. Looking to find her new path in life.

For some reason she felt like she was going to be kicking herself for what she was about to do. With another sigh Fiaria moved out from the shadows, standing a few feet from Akiyama. “Really, you seemed so eager to attack me earlier.” Her icy eyes watched him as she cautiously moved closer to him.

“As for you being a man without a purpose. I find that rather hard to believe. Everyone has a purpose in life. You merely have lost your way, just as you are currently lost within this forest.” Without realizing it she had crouched beside him, barely a foot separating them. Though she seemed relaxed, she was ready for anything.

“Tell me, why are you alone this deep within the forest? Don’t you know this is a dangerous place for those who don’t know their way?”

ISOS Duke 06-20-2014 01:12 PM

The Princess sat within the springs for a good while; the rest of the village had started waking and the voices of people talking, selling goods, baking, just the life of a typical town began to fill the air. She smiled as she closed her eyes for a few moments, just letting it all sink in. Is this the life Aki used to live? Did he get to wake up around the sounds of life? She the castle wasn't empty, but it was nothing like the life a of village or the market during its busy time. Everyone in the castle went about their tasks like that's all they knew and found no pleasure in it; they cleaned, cooked and did their various other jobs while always seeming so happy before Kiyomi or her parents.

After a while, the now grown woman pulled herself from the warm waters, wrapping the thick fabric around her before making her way back down the hill and into the house of the elderly couple. "Ah, Miru! Perfect timing!" The little old woman called out excitedly as she nursed the cauldron that was bubbling over the fire. Kiyomi cocked a brow as she looked at the woman, her form barely within the door, body still dripping. "Miru?" She questioned, her head tilted slightly to the side. The old woman's back was to her at this point and she just nodded, "Yes, yes. Miru, it's your name."

Kiyomi looked around the room slowly, that was not her name, she was pretty sure she knew what her name was. It was then that the old lady turned around and saw the puzzled look on the not-so-child of a Princess. "Your lovely little friend told me," she added, pointing to the stuffed Midnight that seemed perfectly content sitting on the trunk besides the pile of yellow fabric that she had pulled out before shooing Kiyomi to bathe.

"Now, now Miru, go get changed. We don't want you to catch a cold your first day in Twin Falls!" The little old lady shuffled across the floor of her home, gathering up the clothing and shoving it into the brunette's arms before pushing her behind a divider so that she could get changed in peace. The old couple seemed far too used to what was going on, almost as though they were the welcoming committee for the old, run down refugee-like town.

The Princess dressed as quickly as she could, not wanting simply be standing in just a towel when she could hear voices on the other side of the exterior wall to her. With the top, boots, and skirt on, Kiyomi slowly moved out from the side of the divider, peaking at the woman. "Um," she started slowly, her voice quiet. "Might I request your assistance?" She then asked, part of her Princess-ly manners kicking in as she held her kimono-like top closed, the obi fabric draped over her other arm.

The old woman smiled before setting her wooden spoon down once again, making her way back to her dubbed Miru. "Of course my dear," she said with a smile before taking the fabric and swirling a finger to tell the woman to turn around. Obeying, it seemed to only take the elderly woman a few moments to tie off the obi before she scurried off to snatch the white fabric strip that was around Midnight, before taking it and tucking the woman's hair beneath it, tying a bow at the top of her head. The old woman was a bit slower at this, as though she were taking pride in this final touch.

As she was finishing with that, the wooden front door of the home swung open, hitting the wall with a bang. In the harsh sunlight of the early morning, a man Kiyomi hadn't seen was standing there. The old woman stood suddenly, her soft, grandma-like expression seemed to fall off and to reveal a woman who had seen much in her day, that was not as helpless as any other old woman would have. "What is it?" She asked, even the tone of her voice changing. The boy, no older than the way Kiyomi appeared now, fought to catch his breath. Between gasps he finally said, "It's Larken, he's returned from the Rashmaalian border." The old lady's forehead crinkled as she narrowed her eyes.

"Go now," the woman barked back at the boy. "See to him at once!" The woman slowly followed after the male, Kiyomi keeping up with her, curious as to why this was such a big deal. Moments after the two were greeted by the bright, warm sunlight of the day, a horse came barreling into the town, the rider barely holding in there. The towns people quickly gathered around the center of the marketplace where the horse was heading and within moments, it was coming to a fast and sudden stop before the water troph. Some people came forward to help the now fallen rider up off the dirt as another went to snatch up his frazzled horse.

The sudden movement from the man that went to grab the equine spooked it and the horse began rearing and kicking at the man and the other males that tried to subdue the animal, the ones that had grabbed his rider, pulling him away as quickly as they could. The men weren't having any luck with the horse and others were reaching for pitchforks and other weapons to be used on the creature because if it couldn't be calmed, it was useless to them. When Kiyomi saw the weapons started being gathered, she left the side of the woman, running to the horse that was being corralled into the marketplace of the shanty town.

Running towards the horse, she threw herself before the raised front legs of the beast. "Stop!" She called out to them and the towns people seemed to freeze, staring at the woman that just jumped before a mad horse. The horse's ears went back as he took a couple steps back. She turned quickly to lock her eyes on the horse and he no longer reared. A small, warm smile graced her lips as she lifted her hands, placing them on his snout, stroking it softly. "Shhh," the Princess cooed to the horse, laying a check on the horse's head. "You're alright now, no one will hurt you." The horse's ears seemed to droop as his head lowered, his body becoming noticeably more relax.

The people around the horse started whispering as the beast calmed down; who was this person and how could she calm such a frightened animal?! Finally someone spoke up, but more in the direction of the rider. "What spooked ya horse so bad, man?" It was then the attention of the people started slowly drifting back to the rider that was propped up between two large me. He rolled his tired eyes up, his body covered in dirt, sweat, cuts and scrapes as he finally breathed out, "The Sunshine Princess." Everyone at that point focused their whole attention on the man, save for Kiyomi who hid her face behind the head of the horse. "She has gone missing. The King, he searches for her."

The commotion of the town started to rise as the people seemed to be in a panic. "He'll come here, he'll blame us," one woman cried as she held her infant child to her breast. "His troops will come for us!" Another in the crowd called out. "We have to run, we have to get out of here before his men arrive!" Kiyomi lifted her face from the horse as she looked upon the horror struck faces of the people around her. Why were these people so fearful of her father? He was a kind and fair ruler, they had nothing to fear. But, Kiyomi didn't know the harsh reality that these people were all originally from Rashmaal, banished by her father for the simplest of things.

The old man appeared at that point, the crowd parting around him. "The King has no reason to think that we are to blame in this," he stated firmly and commandingly in his old age. "Return to your work and we shall do what we must to assist in looking for the Princess."

Artifex 06-20-2014 02:18 PM

Such a quiet, peaceful day-well, up until that rider came crashing into town. Hemset stayed where he was, his blue eyes watching from afar like a hawk as people crowded, panicked and the horse began to cause problems for them as well. His hand floated to his staff as a young woman walked right up to the creature. He was just about ready to step in when the horse suddenly calmed for her and there was no need to interfere.

Relaxing again, Hemset stared at the woman long and hard. While everyone else's attention turned to the rider and his news of dread, the young mage kept his gaze glued to this woman instead. There wasn't a lot of magic in the world these days, and even less that passed through this village-save for himself. Most of the time such things went completely unnoticed but if you had a keen sense for it like he did (or rather as he had been taught to) then it was as though she were glowing with it, giant signs and bright lights flashing and pointing saying 'THERE IS SOMETHING MAGICAL HERE'.

Mind you, what that something might be was beyond him. She could have had no more than a possible talent for it, something simple like being good with plants or an affinity with animals which seemed more likely. Perhaps she wasn't even aware of her gift and more than likely not trained with it at all. At least, that it what Hemset surmised.

So the princess was missing? He remembered being in Rashmaal when she was born only five years ago. He'd had to leave not long after but from all he had seen she really was a ray of sunshine upon that city. The whole world seemed to brighten with her birth, though he had still found himself lost in the shadows the light had cast. But that was not a thing to dwell upon now, now the young mage found himself concerned with thoughts of war. Whoever might have kidnapped the princess would practically be demanding an all out war with anybody even rumored to be involved. The death and destruction that might follow... There had to be something he could do to stop it.

A scrying spell might help him locate her and then perhaps he could direct some worthy men towards her? But for that he needed different ingredients than he had collected and he didn't think he had enough money left for it. ~Great, I'm going to have to make another trip~ he thought with a sigh while also praying to the goddess that this time the spell wouldn't blow up in his face.

There was nothing to be done about it just then so he finished his meal while returning his piercing blue gaze to the woman by the horse. Who was she, and what had brought her to his little town? He was going to have to follow her and find out.

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