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DontTouchMyPogoStick 06-03-2014 06:05 AM

One Word/One Minute Challenge
Basically, since I haven't really been writing as much as I'd like to, I decided to challenge myself (well...sorta).

I was inspired by the website to do a daily "One Word, One Minute" writing practice.

There will be a one word prompt a day and I'll write whatever comes to mind for one minute.

Feel free to do this as well :)

Prompts (Got these from here):


1. abandon
2. allow
3. anticipation
4. armor
5. ash

6. band
7. bail
8. bargain
9. beauty
10. beckon
11. bend
12. bind
13. blue
14. books
15. boundaries
16. break
17. burn
18. buttons

19. calm
20. cage
21. captain
22. cards
23. catch
24. challenge
25. chances
26. chandelier
27. cliff
28. coat
29. cold
30. compel
31. crew

32. damned
33. dance
34. dare
35. death
36. decide
37. deep
38. delicate
39. deny
40. disguise
41. doubt
42. drawing
43. dream
44. drink
45. drug
46. duel

47. easy
48. eyes

49. faith
50. fail
51. fake
52. fall
53. feel
54. fight
55. fire
56. fly
57. found
58. free

59. game
60. gift
61. ghosts
62. gold
63. goodbye
64. glass
65. grave
66. green
67. guilt
68. gun

69. hands
70. haven
71. heat
72. help
73. hero
74. hunt
75. hurt

76. idea
77. India
78. iron
79. irony
80. instinct

81. joke
82. journey
83. joy
84. jump

85. key
86. kohl

87. land
88. last
89. laugh
90. law
91. letters
92. liar
93. lips
94. lock
95. lookout
96. lost
97. luck
98. luff

99. map
100. maybe
101. mercy
102. money
103. morning
104. mourning
105. muse
106. music

107. necessary
108. Northern Lights
109. notice

110. omen

111. palm
112. philosophy
113. poetry
114. poison
115. portrait
116. price
117. prison
118. prize

119. question
120. quiet

121. ribbon
122. ring
123. rope

124. safe
125. sailor
126. saint
127. scar
128. sentinel
129. shore
130. silent
131. silk
132. siren
133. slave
134. snow
135. song
136. sound
137. spite
138. spontaneous
139. squall
140. steal
141. success
142. switch
143. sword

144. taste
145. tea
146. tempted
147. thread
148. tomorrow
149. trap
150. truth
151. turn

152. ultimatum
153. unintended

154. vice

155. wax
156. warm
157. whistling
158. window
159. wine
160. winter
161. wish
162. wreck
163. wrong

164. years
165. yes

Starting this weekend on my day off ^^"

Uniplex 06-10-2014 10:10 PM

Oh wow... I am taking this list from you now and putting it on my wall in my bedroom. This is wonderful!

DontTouchMyPogoStick 06-17-2014 12:06 PM

Feel free :)
I'm glad you think so

---------- Post added 06-17-2014 at 05:06 AM ----------

I'm starting this tonight! Work has just been consuming me ^^"

DontTouchMyPogoStick 06-18-2014 04:14 AM

Finally got around to doing a few of these ^^"

1. Abandon:


I sat on the corner, listening to the rain that mirrored my falling tears. I regretted telling you who I am....What I am. Disappointment was the last thing I saw in your eyes while you told me to leave, get out of your sight, my kind weren't allowed in your household. I packed my things and left.
And here I am, sitting here in the pouring rain, no where to go. I'm soaked and cold, my vision blurry, wishing you would come and find me. Just pretend I never said a word and go back to the time before your abandoned me.

Yeahhh I don't know where that came from. I could have wrote more buuuuut I couldn't think of anything else ^^"

Penella Goldeater 07-24-2014 08:05 AM

This looks like a lot of fun.
Here's my first one. Based on a true story!

1. Abandon


The farmhouse sat empty in a sea of weedy fields. Our boots sucked into the mud with each step. Mine came loose and we almost turned back but we were the same distance from the house as we were from the car and we were already all muddy. There was an old bike outside. Almost twenty years of rust colored it. A mattress reduced to just the metal frame and springs was propped up against the house.

We went inside. There was no one around for miles and the house had not be occupied since the floods drove away it's family. There was very little of the family personal effects left but the few things that had left behind were strangely poignant. Particularly the abandoned bunny. A little girl's toy.

Shadami 04-15-2016 03:44 PM

I'd like to try this soon. I'm about to leave my house for the weekend but I will join anyone else who is doing this on Monday. Thank you for posting the wonderful idea. I found that the couple minute challenges were really helpful to me when i was writing my nano.

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