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Xavirne 06-11-2014 08:19 PM

S7Nera - The age of heroes has come to an end; now its the time for... villains
Historic | Comedy | Action/Adventure | World Saving | Era Warping

"The good guys always finish last.
And, by then, the world will be gone.
Hence, the need for the bad guys who...
don't give a shit about the rule book."

Roleplay found here:


Time and memory, frozen in crystal…

The world that we live in has been shaped and molded by the events of the past. But what is to happen when those events are suddenly removed from the timeline? Eras will collide and nations shall fall under this distorted and warped era that is now becoming the present.

Unbeknownst to all, an evil scientist discovered a way to travel back in time. Needing to collect seven rare items from seven distinct eras, this scientist traveled back in time so that those items could be harvested to create his Dooms Day device - a device that will allow him to rule the world.

The planet Earth realizes that a change had begun as things keep phasing in and out. People start disappearing and memories start fading. Time seems to have stopped, too.

And then things got worse.

Dinosaurs, deceased creatures of a far past, now roam the land. Villainous men from the past are now terrorize the future. England's gone back in time and Japan seems to be wild and feudal. Things from the past are now becoming the present and it's starting to get topsy-turvy. Everything's hazy and what was known seems to be fading.

The textbooks of the past are going blank and the scientists of 2014 are trying to stop the erasing. Nothing seems to be working.

Someone suggested killing the dinosaurs and modernizing the regions set in the past. A band of men from all areas of the world were drafted and set into battle. Their fates, although not death, were just as disappointing. Unable to stop the ripple in time and put an end to the paradox, the world turned toward religion to save them from devastation.

One holy priest, while sleeping, is given a vision on how to save the world. Seven dangerous men whose faces were easily identifiable were needed to save the world from being erased completely.

Upon presenting this information to the world, these seven criminals are called out of hiding, out of their prison cells, and out of the areas that kept them. Told that they can "use any means necessary," these seven are sent to the North Pole with the hopes of receiving a message from the heavens. The northern lights, which will transfer the message down to these seven, will explain it all.

Seven individuals marked with each of the Seven Deadly Sins are to be the heroes of the world. They are to travel back to seven different eras and cause certain events to happen. They are to correct the timeline by any means necessary. To ensure that the timeline is corrected after their correcting (making it historically accurate), these seven must remove an item that does not belong. They, too, must build a device that will thwart the device being built by that evil scientist who caused this whole rift in time.

Right now, the seven heroes have gathered at the North Pole and are waiting the hour of the devil - 06:06:06 AM. Once their clocks reach that time (it should be noted that these seven are the only ones, save for the scientist's seven henchmen and himself, that have functioning clocks), they will receive their mission and travel back to their first world that needs saving - the Dawn of the Dinosaurs.

Time is of the essence. Each time our Seven Sins fail, they are reset to the beginning of the era and must start over. As expected, things are bound to go wrong and laughs will be made, rules will be broken, and lives will be destroyed. But, if lucky, it should be worth it in the end. As the world rests in the hands of those seven who are the embodiment of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Xavirne 06-11-2014 08:21 PM

The Characters
Pride | Envy | Wrath | Sloth | Greed | Gluttony | Lust

The following characters can be claimed
> Pride - sadrain
> Envy - blueblackrose
> Wrath - Xavi
> Sloth - Pistachio_Moustache
> Greed -
> Gluttony - Heolstor
> Lust - a91nicole
+ Mad Scientist
+ Hunter Humility
+ Hunter Kindness - Xavi
+ Hunter Patience - Kilia
+ Hunter Diligence - blueblackrose
+ Hunter Charity - sadrain
+ Hunter Temperance
+ Hunter Chastity - Pistachio_Moustache
- Medic - ISOS Duke
- The Bald Merchant (for laughs)
- The Old Fart (for laughs) - Heolstor
- Scientist's Son

HTML Code:

▬▬▬▬▬ [COLOR="Color2"]ROLE[/COLOR]  • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by [COLOR="Color1"]xxx[/COLOR][/CENTER][/COLOR]

[COLOR="Black"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][B][FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="Color1"]BIRTH FACTS[/COLOR][/FONT]:[/B][indent][COLOR="Color2"]Full Name:[/COLOR] xxx
[COLOR="Color2"]Call Me:[/COLOR]  xxx
[COLOR="Color2"]Gender:[/COLOR]  xxx
[COLOR="Color2"]Race:[/COLOR]  xxx
[COLOR="Color2"]Origin:[/COLOR]  xxx
[COLOR="Color2"]Blood Type:[/COLOR]  xxx
[COLOR="Color2"]Eye Color:[/COLOR]  xxx
[COLOR="Color2"]Hair Color:[/COLOR] xxx[/indent][B][FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="Color1"]PHYSICAL DESCRIPTIONS:[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][indent][COLOR="Color2"]Height:[/COLOR]  xxx
[COLOR="Color2"]Weight:[/COLOR]  xxx
[COLOR="Color2"]Body Type:[/COLOR]  xxx
[COLOR="Color2"]Hair Style:[/COLOR]  xxx[/indent][B][FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="Color1"]THE OTHER THINGS:[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][indent][COLOR="Color2"]Sexuality:[/COLOR]  xxx
[COLOR="Color2"]Age:[/COLOR]  xxx
[COLOR="Color2"]Scars:[/COLOR]  xxx
[COLOR="Color2"]Ink/Holes:[/COLOR]  xxx
[COLOR="Color2"]Alignment:[/COLOR]  xxx[/indent][line]Color1[/line]
[FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="Color1"]ALL ABOUT ME:[/COLOR][/FONT][INDENT]xxx[/INDENT][FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="Color1"]THE TRUTH:[/COLOR][/FONT][INDENT]xxx[/INDENT][line]Color2[/line]
[FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="Color1"]SKILLS:[/COLOR][/FONT][INDENT]xxx[/INDENT][FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="Color1"]ABILITIES:[/COLOR][/FONT][INDENT]xxx[/INDENT][FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="Color1"]EQUIPMENT:[/COLOR][/FONT][INDENT]xxx[/INDENT][FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="Color1"]WEAPON(S):[/COLOR][/FONT][INDENT]xxx[/INDENT][line]Color2[/line]
[FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="Color1"]THEME SONG:[/COLOR][/FONT]  xxx
[FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="Color1"]FAMILY:[/COLOR][/FONT]  xxx
[FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="Color1"]PET PEEVE(S):[/COLOR][/FONT]  xxx[/FONT][/COLOR]

Xavirne 06-11-2014 08:24 PM

The Know-how
cray-cray | epicfail | WTFmoments | much wow | irony | sarcasm | justbecause

By joining as a sin, you agree to be a temp-GM for the world you pick. If you want to travel back to Feudal Japan (someone better), you will get to decide what item they need to build the Anti-Doom's Day device as well as what they need to do to "fix" history.

By joining as a virtue, you agree to be a ruthless hunter that will do anything to make the sins fail. You might turn against the scientist, too. Remember, it's the honest ones you can't trust because you never know when they'll stop being honest!

By joining as an other, you agree to using your role to assist the plotline. Whether your role is serious or for laughs, you will make certain that you stay true to this character and help make the story enjoyable and interesting

Eras/times worth saving~!
> One -
> Two -
> Three -
> Four -
> Five -
> Six -
> Seven -

Xavirne 06-11-2014 08:25 PM

Interest Gathering
have | we | any |takers | ?

blueblackrose 06-12-2014 03:47 AM

*stalks the thread* [ninja]

puppetmaster999 06-12-2014 04:17 AM

I love xavi RPs. I'm in.

Xavirne 06-12-2014 11:46 AM

Lawlz, you guys make me all giddy inside. Like a kid with a crush. Only... not. xD

ANYWAY, is there a sin you're interested in? Also, what are your thoughts on playing a heavenly virtue, only the virtues are really the bad guys (read: they are assassins, wut)?

Heolstor 06-12-2014 01:35 PM

Whoa this sounds so awesome! Villians are heroes, what a nice twist~ I am totally up for this if you'd like to have me!
Question though; the seven are not necessarily aquintances or friends of some sorts right?

And I really like the idea of having the heavenly virtues play the bad guys, or rather be/ cause the "irregularities" in history without knowing they do. Or something, I dunno.

Xavirne 06-12-2014 02:41 PM

Would love to have you, Heolstor~! It's always nice to have a new face in a story. :)

And you're right. The "Sins" don't need to know one another. They could be from anywhere and have done anything. They might not even be locked away! They could be the president (lawlz, that would be a shocker)! I'm sure those not behind bars will have to try harder not to let their sinful hands get caught, but it just adds to their charm.

Bwah, that would be epic. The "Virtues" fawk it all up and then decide to blame the Sins because they're "too good to do bad." Everything will be twisted around and bad will look good whereas good will look bad! Should be a fun play on psychology and beliefs! Mortals and faith will be questioned and no one will know who to trust or believe.


Sorry, I get excited when I think about putting characters on a crazy ride with a sheetton of mindtrucks.

Heolstor 06-12-2014 06:08 PM

President! Haha sure, that'd amusing. I ought to think about that, don't have an idea worth mentioning yet. Well, I usually play bad guys so I don't think that'd be a problem.

Anyways! Don't expect any suggestion from me about the eras. I am no good in history stuff, gotta need google to help me there. But I am totally up for feudal japan and perhaps victorian era. I am already laughing my head off imagining criminals trying to adjust... or not xD Ahh, the stares, they're killing me. Wanna stop but can't =="

Honestly, Xavirne, I am confused with all the bad and good talk x-x I totally agree though, I expect lots of drama and action~ By the way, are the virtues doing it with or without being aware of what they're doing? Or make it as if the mad scientist (god, why do I have to think about Steins; Gate I wonder?) manipulated them the way they can't differ between what's right and wrong?

puppetmaster999 06-12-2014 06:53 PM

I'm thinking Greed for me.

blueblackrose 06-13-2014 02:48 AM

I'm thinking Envy for me.

I like the idea of the Virtues being the ones to fawk things up and then blame the Sins.

Xavirne 06-13-2014 02:09 PM

I should dig up the rest of this RP. I wasn't going to reuse all of it, but now I'm thinking I should. xD

Anyway, additional character roles and information has been added. ^_^

---------- Post added 06-13-2014 at 10:09 AM ----------

Erm, I should probably state that next week I'll work on making this a legit RP with a thread and OOC :D In the meantime, you can view the original RP, here. I will most likely play Harvey again, since I didn't really get to use him last time.

ALSO, if you're a SIN you can play a VIRTUE. You can either be the opposite of your SIN or you can be whatever VIRTUE you want.

---------- Post added 06-13-2014 at 10:12 AM ----------

LAWLZ, I might have to bring Ina back, too. Nutcase is a nutcase!

ISOS Duke 06-13-2014 02:16 PM

You know I'm in! I want to bring Kali back <3

Heolstor 06-13-2014 02:36 PM

Damn, you made me want to play the Old Fart....

.... okay I have made up my mind, may I take him and Gluttony, please? ^-^

Xavirne 06-13-2014 02:39 PM

Sure thing! :)

Also, added the coding so people can begin working on their profiles. If you're one of those 'side guys,' you don't need a super detailed profile. ;D

sadrain 06-13-2014 11:52 PM

[cry] I... I am so, so tempted for one of hunters (charity, especially) and the pride 'hero'. But I shouldn't, right? [cry] Still, so tempted...

Xavirne 06-14-2014 07:40 PM

Do ittttt! It'll be fun and crazy!

sadrain 06-14-2014 07:50 PM

Really, you'd want me here, not afraid I'd kill your RP again? [lol] Like I kinda did with OCWN which I still mourn? [cry]

Xavirne 06-15-2014 10:36 PM

XD I don't think you single-handedly killed the RP. Actually, I don't think you had any part in killing it; you were more than willing to help bring it back and even made a character that, even though she didn't get much (read: hardly any) screentime, still wanted to be active. Not like you poofed or anything. She just wasn't written into the story until later. Not to mention, I think it was a combination of things like poor timing, lack of interest, and busy schedules. Not to mention, it didn't help that I lost direction right at the beginning.

With this RP being more comical and for fun rather than "for serious," I don't have to worry about straying off topic or making sure players are actively involved. If someone poofs, we'll just say that said SIN/VIRTUE grew tired and wanted to... you know, rule the world. Vindictive little pricks! ;)

sadrain 06-15-2014 11:17 PM

Aw, thanks. It's just that's like 3rd or even 4th group RP that practically died with me being last poster or kind of like waiting on me (but not entirely) and I am starting to feel like RP killer. [cry]
I still wish we could make OCWN 1x1 or maybe 1x1x1 as someone else also showed interest.

Also, hahaha. That actually sounds valid. :) And if they want, they can come back or someone can make a smaller role character to replace them with or something.

Heolstor 06-17-2014 06:30 AM

Xavirne, I am currently working on the sheet but, what exactly should I put below "All about me", "The truth", "The dark day", "Sinning some more", and "Current position"? I am tad bit confused x-x

sadrain 06-17-2014 10:12 AM

If I understand correctly, the all about me part is where character says what they think of themselves, as boastful it may be (or other way around) and the next part is more in-depth, more truthful information. The last three things you're asking about are the history of character, what made them the sin, how they continued to 'fall from grace' and where in world/life they're now.

You can check out how Xavi wrote her Sin's profile for the original game here for some ideas: "S7Nera" Character: Davis "Wrath" Harvey - WTF Roleplaying Forum

Heolstor 06-17-2014 10:38 AM

Oh thanks, sadrain! Makes everything clear now!

Xavirne 06-17-2014 12:09 PM

Thanks sadrain for explaining that for me! You did it flawlessly :)

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