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Alexander J Luthor 06-27-2014 02:54 PM

That's right, people. This sub forum has been dead for almost two weeks, and it's up to me to heat this place up before it spoils! I don't have anything right now because I'm doing laundry, BUT BE PREPARED.[illgetu]

Meal Plan:

Alexander J Luthor 07-07-2014 05:28 AM

Sooo, I made something. I tried to anyway. Biscuits, peaches, cinnamon, sugar. Looks absolutely beautiful, and I'll post pictures later, but my main issue right now is how terribly this turned out. The peaches on top didn't let the biscuits fully cook, the biscuits themselves burned to the bottom, I severely overestimated the flavor of savory, butter biscuits with peaches and sugar on top. This may be the worst thing I've ever made and eaten. I can't waste food that's still fairly edible...

Alexander J Luthor 07-09-2014 03:01 PM

I made curry yesterday! And I think I made it wrong because it's not how I remembered. It still tasted good and everything, but my stomach feels terrible. Point: Some spices render fiber useless. I hope that doesn't not happen to me.[gonk]

Alexander J Luthor 07-18-2014 08:03 AM

I just created my own spicy pasta! Oh my gosh, guys. It's so burning hot, but it tastes soooo goooood. [drool]

2 cups pasta (I've been using that goldfish stuff since I throw away the cheese packets)
1 can diced tomatoes OR 4 large, fresh diced tomatoes
4 cloves of garlic, finely diced
2 teaspoons Sriracha brand chili garlic paste (green lid, white writing)
1 1/4 cup water
1/4 cup chopped green onions
2 hotdogs
2 teaspoons butter

Sprinkle some salt and pepper into a pan, let it heat a bit. Melt the butter and saute the chopped garlic. Add 1/4 cup water and 1 teaspoon sriracha paste, stirring regularly. Add tomatoes and let them roast a bit cleaning the sides of the pan to keep that flavor. Mix in pasta taking care to cover them all in tomato and add rest of the water and sriracha paste. Let boil. Do not let it burn to the pan. Chop the hotdogs and add them once the tomatoes are mostly dry and the noodles tender. Remove from heat, fold in green onions, and serve with a huge glass of milk.

I know the hotdogs sound weird, but it's the only meat I had on hand that wasn't frozen and, as it turns out, spicy hotdogs are AMAZING.

jupiter 07-20-2014 09:57 PM

That's an interesting-sounding pasta. Perhaps not for myself, but if you enjoy it, the dish sounds very practical. Did you ever try to remake that peaches-and-biscuits dish again?

Alexander J Luthor 07-21-2014 03:41 AM

Not yet, but I'm thinking using some Bisquick instead of pillsbury. There's a recipe I've seen where you take mixed berries, cover them with some bisquick aaaaaand... there's other stuff, but I can't remember. My hope is that I can get a sort of sweet, frenchtoast-y pancake with peaches on top while being as lazy as possible. As I think about it more, though, if a moist fruit on top affects the cooking time that badly, I'll have to do it as a regular crumble. Thank Giada for test-size pans.

Penella Goldeater 07-25-2014 07:39 PM

Feed me. I can not be bothered to cook.

Alexander J Luthor 07-27-2014 07:55 AM

You can have some of this weird stuff I made this week? I'm trying to do that thing where you let the juices in your veggies cook your noodles for you. It was this mix where I take a bunch of veggies, add noodles, next time some fried hamburger or pork sausage, and just let it cook in the same pot.

Think my pasta creation, but with yellow onions, garlic, butter, Srirracha garlic paste, tomatoes, salt, pepper, carrots, corn, peas, spaghetti, and ground beef. Oh, and water to help the noodles boil. I added pinto beans when I made this to get some protein... yeaaaah, no. Never again.

BellyButton 07-27-2014 03:41 PM

I've never tried cooking the noodles directly with the other ingredients. Sounds difficult, even though it's theoretically one less step? [lol] I usually cook them separately, slightly underdone, and then drain & throw them in with the other stuff to finish up.

Alexander J Luthor 07-27-2014 08:53 PM

I've started doing it a lot because it saves me a pot to clean. I'm so lazy *ashamed* but I made something fantastic today. *sips through giant straw* One banana, one peach from a can plus 1/2 a cup of the juice, six frozen strawberries, and six pieces of frozen pineapple. I tossed it in my Bullet and it's perfect. [drool] I am getting a bit of a headache, though. Either it's getting hot in my house, or I need to eat some meat. I made a couple of tuna sandwiches yesterday, but otherwise it's been over a week since I had real meat, and that was only those hot dogs...

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