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IchirusVampireGirl 07-21-2014 09:18 PM

Learn To Love. A Rp By IchirusVampireGirl&happydeath
Name: Yukina
Age: ??
Bio: Yukina is a Biological weapon,created by a man who's love of science has lead him to create the first biological weapon in order to help protect humans and is to be sold to a man of the military. She was created to have no emotions,so that it would not effect her ability to do her job. Though,something may have gone wrong....

happydeath 07-22-2014 10:32 AM

Yukito Calix
During a large war that was going on that had to do with humans trying to finally expand their colonies beyond Earth; groups of other galactic species had seen this as a fact that humans weren't ready to expand and that they should remain where they are and survive only on Earth. Humans refused to accept this and decided that if they couldn't negoiate with these other species about how the humans were ready to move forward, they would fight their way to show that humans weren't to be underestimated. Yukito during all of this was just a young boy at the time that wanted nothing to do with any of the fighting; he just wanted to live his life on Earth and learn to increase his knowledge in science; a subject that he always loved. If the humans were able to populate other planets with kindness and all the fighting would settle down, he would probably go on to find and learn new things; but for now he stayed in one place.
As he grew up, he attended college and left his family to live on his own. It was tough living on his own since he wasn't really used to any of it, but luckily when someone mysterious had caught Yukito using whatever he had at his disposal to make his life easier by using science. He was soon hired into a large company that made weapons for the military to protect human kind from becoming extinct. Learning soon what he was doing was mostly to protect human kind rather than to kill aliens, he soon agreed to do what was needed of him. Every time he would return home though, he would always go straight to the books to read up on any new ideas that he had brewing in his head until one day he had finally come up with one that he thought would solve everything. A biological weapon.
Leaving the company since he knew this would take him years to finish and he would need all the time on his hands as possible. Yukito focused all of his attention to create the perfect weapon; one that could protect the human race from any possible danger that would even come their way. Every possible danger was placed into this machine; by the time he had finished he named her; Yukina. What Yukito hadn't expected was the same day he had finally finished his weapon, the military had bursted into his home forcibly and took the weapon as their own and would plan to use Yukina as their new weapon within the war. Learning that his weapon was now going to be used for killing, Yukito refused to accept this and decided that he would do whatever he could to take Yukina back. Unaware that when he had designed her not to have emotions, there was a bigger flaw than he thought was within it.
With time passing by and hard work to disguise himself, Yukito had finally achieved his goal to sneak himself to work for the military. Now he just wishes to get as close as possible to Yukina and free her from the grasp of the military so that she wouldn't have to be used as a weapon any longer; if he could, he would try to reprogram her to have emotions and free her so that she could live an ordinary life outside of all this danger.

IchirusVampireGirl 07-22-2014 03:19 PM


Yukina sighed softly as she walked down the long hall way to the training room.She had been ordered to go get some training it before she would be sent out to fight again.When she came to the room she entered in a acsess code and the proceeded inside. She was then greeted by the general who then went over what she would be doing.With a nod Yukina entered the large empty white ,bright room she stood still waiting.

The general then hit a button and watched as a very large robot came out weapons drawn."lets begin",he said calmly as the Robot ran at Yukina full tilt.He looked back to ne of his officers."where is the recruit,i think he should be seeing this",he said looking back just as Yukina took one large leap,easily dogging the attack."I want him to see ,what power we have on our side...."

happydeath 07-23-2014 06:34 AM

Walking down the large metallic hallways while wearing his bulletproof vest on the outside and his hands within his pockets, Yukito's thoughts wandered throughout his head about where he was heading and who he was about to meet after what seemed like forever. Within his pockets, he clenched his fists tightly; Yukina was going to be in the training room and he was going to have to stand there and watch her fight and show her power with him being unable to do anything yet. Cursing to himself silently, he continued to progress his way down the hall as he could hear the loud noises of the robot that was sent out to show just how powerful Yukina was. Yukito had designed her to protect humanity against all different kinds of threats, she would be able to easily handle nearly anything that was thrown her way but the fact that she was being used like a test subject just to show how powerful she was and to be thrown into war to show the other species that humanity shouldn't be underestimated. This wasn't what Yukito had in mind at all, shaking his head as he came to the large double metal doors; he entered in his own access code before noticing that the General and a few other high ranking soldiers were standing behind a glass wall to watch how Yukina had fought against the large robot.

Stepping into the room, Yukito had saluted to the General and the other soldiers as they did the same to him before pointing towards Yukina on the other side of the wall to show Yukito just how powerful of a weapon they had on their side. Looking over, he witnessed the power that she held in her grasp as she attacked the robot; she looked like she was functioning completely just the way he designed her to be. However, this wasn't the kind of life that he built her for; seeing the fighting she had done against a creation that was made just to fight against her to show how far she could push her limits wasn't what he built her for at all. "Sir...if you wouldn't mind. I would like to have a moment alone with her; after the training." Yukito had spoken up after a minute or so from standing by the General and watching the training continue. He knew that this was no place for him to ask such a thing of someone who was of a much higher rank than he was, but hopefully the General would understand and give him the chance to get near Yukina due to his portfolio being full of different scientific knowledge.

Yukito had made sure not to put too much information in case it would've gotten suspicious that he could've been the one who created Yukina. Although he did put just enough that he would be able to surpass the knowledge of any other scientist within the military at the moment. The other few high ranking soldiers within the room hadn't paid any mind to what Yukito had said since he had whispered and not to mention the fact that since he was only a recruit at the moment; they thought his words wouldn't really mean much to them at all.

IchirusVampireGirl 07-23-2014 06:59 AM

The general greeted the new recruit ,taking his eyes off the battle.He watched the boy closely as he obsereved the battle."well since you will be working with her ,that will be fine,you will be her....handler for the time being",he said and looked to the others who all had a look of shock. "no arguments men ,he has a far wider knolege of science then any of you or me for that mader....but i will have one of you keep an eye on him",he then blinked as the contol panel started alarming he whipped around and looked to the man who was controling it."whats going on?",he demanded.

The man at the control panel looked slightly paniced."I dont know... the robot isint responding to the comands were sending it ... its acting on its own!",he yelled ,no sooner had he said that,when the foot steps of th robot comeing for them.

The general turned to the glass and held on a gasp as the robot sent a fist at them,everyone braced for the attack ,but blinked when it never came.Looking up they spotted Yukina useing all her strength to keep the fist from going threw the glass.The general,snapped out of his shaock and had a cold grin on his face."even better then exected",he muttered.

Yukina crinched some as she caught the much larger robotic sit,useing both hands to keep it fom getting near the general and fellow warriors. She then used all hermght to shove the robot back,when the robot caought its balance and then threw the fist at her she jumped up ,landing n top of his fist,then ran up his arm before jumping onto its back. She quickly located the control panel and tore it open then grabbing the wires she ripped them out with one big pull,witch instenly sent the robot crashing to the floor. Yukina leaped off and landed gracefully by the doors of the training room. Once an all clear was given the door opened and she turned to the general as he,his men and ...a new person entered,she saluted them,

happydeath 07-23-2014 07:44 AM

While speaking with the General, hearing that Yukito was actually going to be Yukina's 'handler', his own eyes had widen up slightly in shock but as well as happiness. So he was going to be able to get much closer than he expected to get to her after-all, being told this he turned to notice that the other ranking soldiers seemed as though they disagreed with the General's ideas about such an act. However, it was obvious enough that they had no say in what the General had decided; this made Yukito feel much more comfortable to be able to get her out of the military life and reprogram her to have a much more better life outside of this chaos. When the General spoke up that one of the high ranking soldiers were going to keep an eye on Yukito, he returned his gaze back to the General before clenching his fists once more. "B-but sir--" Before he could finish off his words to decline having someone watching him, hearing that the soldier that was controlling the robot had lost control of the robot itself, his eyes widen up in shock as he turned to look over toward the glass wall. The large robot was now coming towards them, biting down onto his lower lip as the rest of them prepared for impact of the robot's punch; he prepared to pull his hands out of his pockets to hold back the punch with a secret he held within his arms for the past several years.

Luckily enough though, before he had to resort to such a thing; hearing a loud thud come from the other side of the wall caused him to see that Yukina had stopped the fist. Watching her stop the robot before pushing it back and destroying it, Yukito gave a concerned look across his face as he watched her defeat the creature. Her speed, strength, agility, all of her attributes were running as they were expected to go. Although from just watching her, he knew all too well she still had much more potential hidden within her. He had to get her out of this place before the military discovered her unbelievable power and decided to use it to make humanity as some sort of tyrant against other races.

Once Yukina stepped into the same room as where Yukito stood with the other soldiers and the General. He watched her salute along with the other soldiers and the General himself. They had truly made her into some sort of military weapon after-all, saluting to her; Yukito took a single step forward before holding his hand out to shake hers. As he extended his right hand to her, the sight of what looked like puppet-like joints were easily seen only to her eyes since he stood in front of her. This was due to the fact that both his arms were no longer human but rather they were robotic; he hid this from all the other soldiers and even the General but this was due to a freak accident during the time he was alone and without Yukina. "Hello Yukina..My name is Yukito Calix..from here on, you will be taking orders from me." He instructed her by the orders from the General, to make it more convincing for the General; he did his best not to make it seem like he was taking Yukina away completely. "This does not mean you will not still follow orders from the General. If he requires anything, you must still follow his command."

IchirusVampireGirl 07-23-2014 08:05 AM

The general grinned at Yukina."very nicely done",he said calmly. Your power ,is much stronger then we had originaly anticipated time, will kick the level up a few notches",he said calmly then looked to Yukito as he introduced hiself to Yukina and nodded to Yukina when she looked to him."Yes, he is to be your handler.....but you will still obay my orders above all else. You and Yukito will report back here tomorrow morning then well have the next vel ready",he then gave a nod to them as he left the room pausing at the door."Make yoursself at home Yukito,since you will be handling our most prised possession ,you will have full acsess to the facility",he said before exiting followed by his officers who nealy gave Yukito a death look before they left.

Yukina watched the general leave then looked to Yukito,stareing him in the eyes and she looked over his facial features. He seemed ...familiar. She had no idea why,but he did.When she had shaken his had,she had noticed the purple like joints,but had said nothing.She carefully released his hand and gave a small bow."It's nice to meet you Sir",she said in such a monotone voice that it matched her expressionless face completely

happydeath 07-23-2014 06:45 PM

Overhearing as the General stated that the next time that they would do training on Yukina; that they would step up the difficulty by a few more notches; Yukito had turned to take his attention upon the male in a bit of disgust. Trying his best not to show any real signs that he had built up hatred for the man, he only remained silent as he listened to his next orders from the male about how both Yukina and Yukito were to meet up with the General in the morning. Nodding his head with a final salute to the General before he left, he remained silent until all of the officers and General himself had finally left the room. Sighing with relief that he wasn't caught to be the one that actually created Yukina from how suspicious he might've been acting, he turned his attention back onto her with a concerned expression now across his face. Hearing the monotone type of voice in her and seeing her expressionless face, he knew that this wasn't any kind of fake copy of her after-all; even though the military had taken her from him, Yukito could still tell quite easily from his own creation and some kind of fake copy of it. This was her, no doubt about it. "Yukina...what have they done to you.." He spoke in a low tone, almost as though he was whispering to himself before shaking his head to his own thoughts. " you recognize--" Right before he would continue his sentence, he quickly turned his head over his shoulders towards the doorway to see that the two of them were being watched by security cameras. So the General really wasn't kidding about someone watching their actions.

Biting onto his inner cheek, he returned his gaze back onto her before straightening his stance. "Alright Miss Yukina..since the General will require our presence in the morning for more training most likely. I would like to see you in action on the training see exactly how you will do in the obstacle course. Let's go." He instructed as he approached the exit to the room, opening the door for her first. The only reason he came up with this idea was because he knew that the obstacle course didn't have cameras that could listen in on the conversations if they were a bit more silent than how they were within the room. Hopefully, he would be able to reprogram her there; if not, get her to recognize him and let her leave this life on her own.

IchirusVampireGirl 07-23-2014 09:04 PM

Yukina looked Yukito ,and glanced back at the Camera he spotted. With a nod she said."Yes Sir",beforeing heading out to the obstetrical course she had to hide the smallest smile on her face when she went outside.Takeing in a breath she went back to her stright face self. She was here to train,not to admire the nature around them,.It was a rare thing for to be outside. Once comeing to a stop she looked to Yukito waiting for instructions.

happydeath 07-24-2014 12:45 PM

Following from behind Yukina as she had left the large room they were once speaking within. The two of them had passed many other soldiers on their way towards the obstacle course, each one of them had taken their eyes onto the two of them as they passed the soldiers. Nearly anyone who was part of the military around the base had known about Yukina; however, not many had known about Yukito since he was still only just a recruit. Since he hadn't made a name for himself yet around the base, most of the soldiers had ignored Yukito; only thinking of him as a lesser rank to them and how he didn't deserve to be the handler of the military's strongest weapon in their arsenal. After minutes of walking, with the two of them finally reaching the obstacle course; he had only turned his head over his shoulders lightly to notice that the security cameras were still focused onto the two of them standing at the entrance to the beginning of the obstacle course.

The soldiers that were behind the cameras had kept a close eye on Yukito the whole time as they watched every single movement he made as though they were hawks; preparing to swoop down and take down their prey at any moment. With a slight sigh, Yukito had taken his attention back onto Yukina and gave a half smile towards her. Pointing towards the obstacle course in front of them, he scanned his finger from the beginning to the very end of the course. "Yukina, I'd like you to run through this entire course to the very end..I will time you to see just how long it takes you." He instructed of her, keeping most of his attention on the cameras that were behind them; hopefully if the soldiers had seen how Yukito was just training her, they would drop their guard a bit and give Yukito a chance to speak with her without them thinking too suspiciously.

IchirusVampireGirl 07-24-2014 03:20 PM

Yukina had stared down ... most of the soldiers that went by her and Yukito.Thease were also men who had tried to enlist as her handeler when she had first orived her,she clenched her fist at the memoies of her first few mnths here then quickly pushe d them asde,if she was caough acting like that...Yukina blinked out of her thoughts as Yukito had ordered her to run the obstical course. She nodded,and when the timer went off at high seed,running into teh "metal jungle",they had set up...there were a few explosions here and there ,even a robot had come fling out of the course and smashed into the ground a broken mess a fw feet beside Yukito. Witch was only natural thing, most trupes who would stand there would get scared off when the robot slamed beside them in a broekn mess,some,thinking that she was out to get them.When she would return form the course ,the only one around would be the cameras,watching her. When the time reached 30 secounds,Yukina had come out of the course,a few cuts here and there,she caought her breah.

happydeath 07-24-2014 04:50 PM

Immediately as Yukito stood at the entrance to begin the obstacle course, he had crossed his arms and watched as how Yukina had rushed through the course like it was nothing to her. There were times that he had noticed that she ended up getting hit by either spikes, the robots, or the barbered wires; this was strange to Yukito since he remembered that he designed her to be much more durable than to take such minor damages. Throughout the entire course, as large robotic parts fell to the sides of where Yukito stood; he remained unfazed the entire time since before he joined the military he was already a scientist who worked with dangers tools to begin with. Small things like large robotic parts flying everywhere was like child's play to him. As the timer continued to go until it reached 30 seconds, he noticed how Yukina immediately returned to the end of the course with the 30 seconds as her record. As she caught her breath, Yukito turned his gaze once more over towards the camera as he noticed how it was mostly focused on her now. There was no doubt about it, the soldiers were really interested in her now; and hopefully enough, with that display of her speed and agility, they should be distracted enough for him to speak with her alone.

Clearing his throat just slightly, he lowered his arms into his pockets as he leaned a bit forward towards Yukina to whisper only for her to hear him. " you recognize me at all?..It's me..Yukito. Your creator? you remember my face at all? look in your database, in your memories. Do you remember me at all..Yukito Calix?" He questioned her multiple times, hoping that the military hadn't been smart enough to be able to access her database and end up wiping her memory of who he was. If so, this whole thing was going to be alot harder than he thought it was going to take. Even if she didn't remember him though, hopefully enough; he could reprogram her to have her emotions started up so that she could finally feel some sort of emotion.

IchirusVampireGirl 07-24-2014 06:09 PM

Yukina looked to Yukito when he came over to her.Expecting to here him tell her she needed to do btter, but his dmeaner seemed off when he leand over to her,and whispered about who he was,Yukin blinked a few times looking to him.`My creator?",she asked softly then closed her eyes to see if she could remeber his face form soemwhere else. There was a blry memory,she was waking up somewhere ,there was a man there with kind eyes Then he was sudeenly pulled away from her and things went black again. When she had woekn up next she was in her room ,here on the bace. When she searched fo the man with the kind eyes,she couldnt find him. Then, the general had entered ."your creator , has sold you to us,from here on out, you will do whatever we say" She then had flashes of everything else that had happened causeing her eyes to snap open.She looked backed to Yukito and then looked away."No, sory i dont know you",she said softly then her eyes darted behinde Yukito at the cameras watching her,she gave a glare to them ,and they suddenly blew up. She blinked confused but shook it off.

Yukina then looked over to the doors as the general came running out ,looking ... over joyed.

"Amzeing Yukina! best time yet, ive already made erangements, hury,come to the traing room now you too Yukito.....",he said truning and started back inside.

Yukina sighed ever so slightly before following him insiode,not bothering to look at any one.Her mind still fixaeted on Yukito. By habbit Yukina enetered the large training room where a new,very very large robot awated her.

happydeath 07-24-2014 07:00 PM

Listening and waiting after he had spoken up to try and get Yukina to remember who he was. Yukito prayed to his very best that she would remember at least a bit and realize who he was; when her eyes had flung back open only to speak that she didn't remember him at all. Yukito's eyes widen up in just as much shock as he felt his heart drop like a rock into a pool. Had the military brainwashed her after-all, to forget who he was after all this time. Grinding his teeth together silently, he clenched his fists nearly to the point that his metal arms began to give off slight sounds of the metal on his palms beginning to bend. "Yukina--" Right before he could even get another word out and being unaware that she had destroyed the camera that watched the two of them; Yukito soon ended up hearing a familiar male voice come up from behind him. Turning his head over his shoulders to see that it was The General, Yukito had no choice but to try and remain calm as he saluted to the man only to hear that both Yukina and himself were invited back to the training room for something else.

Raising a brow about what the man meant about this, Yukito followed the General back to the training room; staying behind the large glass like last time. This time however, from behind the metal doors from where the last robot came from; this time came a much larger one that looked much more menacing than the last. Staring in shock of how large the robot was; Yukito's eyes widen up as he stared at the creation. The size of it made it look almost like it was some kind of miniature space battleship. Glaring back at the General as he noticed the giant robot, he clenched his fists even harder. Yukito wasn't sure if he had built Yukina to take down something that large, he knew he created her to take down alien technology of nearly any kind; but to take down something that big made even Yukito uncomfortable on whether or not she could do it.

"General! What is the meaning of this!?...what is that thing?!" He demanded an answer from the male as he pointed towards the large robot. He didn't care if he sounded rude towards a much higher ranking officer at this point, Yukito didn't even care if one of his robotic arms was being able to be seen in plain sight at this point either. All that mattered was knowing what kind of creation did the military come up with to just test out how strong Yukina truly was.

IchirusVampireGirl 07-24-2014 07:57 PM

The contrl was silent at at Yukitos out burts,even Yukina had heard it and had turned her attention the glass ,only to look back at the robot that beeped as it started to power up.

The general looked to Yukito a galre on his face.He looked at Yukitos arms then back to him."the meaning of this to see if she can oush herself more. The speed shes shown off lately .... i feel that theres more to her then meets the eye!",he snapped.

The man who was in chrage of the programing to the robot frowned."Sir. Maybe we should wait until Yukina has had rest, weve been pushing he for the past three weeks...she should rest...."

The general grwoled turning his attention to him."SHES A WEAPON! NOT A HUMAN! WHAT PART OF THAT DO YOU GUYS NOT UNDERSTAND! "

The room went silent a few of the men cringeing,showing that they cleary wished they could arugue back but couldn't. Then there attention had all went back on the room hearing a small yell of pain,no one had noticed that the robot had apready started the simlation and it and Yukina were fighting.

Ykina yepled as she was slammed into the wall hard enough to make a dnet ,she fell to the flooor but stood back up again,though her body was starting to tell her to stop. She iignored the request and charged full tilt at the robot only to get slamed into a wall my a metalic tail the resmbeled a sorpion. She held in a cry of pain as the end of the tail had opend up into a claw and had her pinned.She watched as wiers came out stabbing into her and becan to shock her.When Yukina had finally gone limp,mostly from beng paralized temporarely the robot began to toss Yukina around like a rag doll,finaly picking her up and slammed her into the floor ,releaseing her and stood still watching her lay motionless.

The general stood there,a face of stone,whike the otheres all looke dheart brken that he was doing this to her.

The man at the robotic control grinded his teeth watching,when the robot hhad sopped he glanced over at the general who was destracted,then looked to his control anel,typeing in a code he looked up and smirked as the robot turned its attention to them. He then pretended to spill his coffee on the bord to make sure it coulnt be on done.

The general yelled at him but froze as the robot started to charge at them again."what!",he cused and just as the robot reached the glass it stopped. Blinking eveyone was inshock at Yukina,who was holding the robot back by its tail.

Yukina had given a small smile of thanks to the others before looking to the rpbot with a glare."bad boy",she muttered and pulled the robot back with a powerfull tug when the robot turned in motion to face her it colided with her fist witch quite literally sharterd the robot into shreads. As the robot fell onto the floor in peaces,Yukina stood catching her breath,here eyes turned a solid color."no more",she mutterd and coloapsed to the floor eyes closeing.

happydeath 07-25-2014 04:32 PM

Keeping a dead glare towards the General as Yukito continued to await a reply from the male, he kept his hand pointed towards the large robot as it powered up. At first, without a single reply he slammed his fist against the glass only to have it barely even do anything due to the glass being bullet proof. As the General spoke up about trying to push Yukina to her limits even further than what they had witenessed so far, Yukito's eyes widen up in shock that the man was trying to push her so far. Being the creator of Yukina, Yukito knew well enough that if she would be pushed too far like any other being; she'd end up dying. That was something he couldn't let happen to her; if she died, then the whole point of him going through all this to sneak into the military was all pointless. Without so much as a warning, when the sound of loud metal clashing with one another was heard behind them; Yukito immediately turned his attention to the fighting to see that the large robot was now loose on Yukina and was beating her nearly senseless. Slamming both of his metallic fists against the glass as he stared helplessly at the fighting going on, he bit down onto his lower lip till nearly blood was drawn.

Listening to how the General considered Yukina as nothing more than a robot nearly caused Yukito to snap as he turned his head slightly over his shoulder to give a glare that nearly made him want to choke the man. Hearing the screams of pain, Yukito watched as he felt like he was helpless to do anything; by the point she went limp; he stared in utter pain as though he just lost everything in a matter of seconds. "Y-yukina...?" He whispered to himself as he watched her limp body; feeling as though he was about to lose his mind, he pulled up his right sleeve to reveal the metal all over his arms and the exposed wiring that ran down his entire right arm. Opening up a small panel that exposed even more wiring and buttons, he began to enter in a series of codes as the sound of sparks could be heard starting to come from his arm. If he had to, he'd push his own limits just to protect her.

Right before he began to finish up the codes, seeing as how the giantic robot had now turned it's attention towards everyone behind the glass. Yukito stared in fear for a moment as he took a step back. Preparing for the impact of the hit that the robot was going to do, Yukito quickly gasped when Yukina had once more come to protect them all only to crush the robot in a single moment before finally collapsing to the ground; passed out. Seeing this, Yukito didn't bother to wait a moment for the medical team to come in as he wasted no time to rush towards the door that she was supposed to come through to meet the General and the rest of them. Grabbing in between the metal doors, he pried them open as though they were paper and hopped into the room to her. Kneeling by her side, he tried to help her to at least kneel up. "Yukina...Yukina..! A-are you okay?..wake up.." He called out to her, trying to get her to at least reawaken. Slowly enough, he had picked her up into his arms and began to leave the room; making sure to stare towards the glass one last time before leaving the entire room and heading towards the medical bay.

IchirusVampireGirl 07-25-2014 05:09 PM

The General watched unfazed by any of it,and you could of swarn that he had smiled at her pain at one point. The others watched in sadness not knowing what they could do,but when Yukito has shown off his arms, they had all been shock. The general had given a small glare to him,not likeing this new recruit more and more. When Yukina had colapsed he watched Yukito open the door with ease and rush over to her.He gave a glare to Yukina's prone form. "I told you i'd make you sfferYukina",he said lowly so only those in the room could here. When Yukito had left he looked to his second in comand ,who had been watching him and Yukina."keep close to him,but after the doc fixes the weapon",he said in stricked tone.

The man who had been incharge of the robot watched Yukito walk past them and headed for the medical bay. He gave a small frown hearing the general and stood."excuse me",he said rushing after Yukito and looked over Yukina before looking to the cameras.Satying qute for a moment."I hate that man",he said through gritted teeth. Once they had reached the medial bay he hit a button that opened the door for Yukito.Once inside they were greeted by the doc who turned and curseed.

The doctor looked to be in his 30's. He ran over to Yukito looking over Yukian."damn that fool, you'ed think he would have learned from the last time!",he said and went to his desk hitting a button and watched as all the cameras in the room turned off."there now we'll have some privacy...",he said looking back to Yukito and pointed to a bed."place her on there Yukito",he said going over to a closet pulling out a mashine. Once Yukina was on the bed hher rushed over to her,and carefuly placeing a smapp breathing mask over her mouth then hit a button as a gas sound could be herd."good,she'll be sadated until her mind calms down",he said as he plased then small sensors onto her forhead and frowned as it did a scan of her brain waves witch were off the charts. The doctor sighed and sat back."all we can do is wate and hope her natural healing kicks in"

The man who had been in charge of the robot frowed at Yukinas pale,prone form."The general really ment what he said back then huh?",he said softly then blinked as if remembering Yikito was in the room and he gave a small smile. "you can relax Yukito,the doc and I know who you are, and will do what we can to help you"

Yukina hung limp in his arm,her arms swaying as he walked away with her, as well as her breathing was shallow and almost barely noticeable. Though she was dreaming,ever so slightly. Of the man with the kind eyes,his face was a bit more clearer then from times before.

happydeath 07-25-2014 11:58 PM

Staying silent as he carried Yukina out of the training room, Ryosuke had heard another male follow up from behind him but didn't stop him from continuing to move forward. From what the General had tried to do and get Yukina killed, he didn't want anyone else to get too near her now; he wanted to keep her safe and try to get her out of here before the General would try to do something even worse like placing her alone in the war against the other species. As Ryosuke carried her through the halls, hearing how the soldier that had followed him out of the training room had stated that he also hated the General; that was probably the only thing that caused Ryosuke to actually pay a bit of attention to him. He didn't bother to say anything to him other than give him an expressionless stare for a moment or so before continuing to make his way towards the medical bay where the soldier had opened the door for him to walk in with Yukina. There, as he met up with the doctor who seemed to be distressed at the fact of how Yukina's condition was, he slowly placed her down onto the bed before hearing how the doctor stated about 'last time'. Hearing that, Ryosuke's eyes widen up in shock as he clenched his fists even harder than usual.

"There was a last time..? How long have they done this to you..Yukina.." He whispered silently to himself as he stared down at her barely moving body until the machines that the doctor designed began to come out to check on her body and try to help recover her wounds and such. Slowly turning his attention towards the other soldier and doctor as they stated how they knew who Ryosuke was and could help him out; he stared at the two males in a bit of suspicion. "You know who I am...? What exactly do you mean by that..?" He asked them silently, even if the cameras were knocked out now and they had privacy; didn't mean he was about to let his guard down around two people that worked for the General. If they were planning on trying something funny, he wouldn't waste a single moment to knock their heads off their shoulders.

IchirusVampireGirl 07-26-2014 12:11 AM

The doc smiled kindly to him and went over his desk popping open a hidden comaprtment and pulled out a small file."hen Yukina first came here,she knew who you were,and that you didn't want her to be taken ,to be used the way she was",he said going over and handed him a picture that she had sketched of him."believe it or not,she did have full emotions when she first orived....",he said sighing looking to her. "The genreal hated that...."

The man other solider sighed."yeah,so he did what ever he could to make Yukina get rid of bad it cost him his sons life",he said looking to Yukina sady then looked to Yukito. "Before the generasl newest second in command ,his son was his ,uh,right hand guy. His name was Havic. He was a total opposite of the general. He did more peace keeping work then actual fighting. When he heard about his father, asking you to, make Yukina ,he must have gotten word that the general was going to miss use her. And make her for war instead of peace. So he came here and was Yukina's first handeler,when she got here,he was in shock that she had full emoyions,she was happy,kind,full of smiles. Since you had made her not to have them....he was in shock,we all were. But he was glad.....until his father found out ,he was furious...,but thought of another way to make her a killer",he said as he he walked over to the coffee maker and turned it on."The second day here,she went to the training room, and was ordered to destroy a drone,it was quite bigger then her. But the kindness in her eart,the logical,human side,made her think about it,she said that she would'nt do it,becaus ethe robot hadnt done anything to her,so she had no reason to fight it. So he made me ,send the drone after her, but she still refused to fight, nshe rather have peace then fight. Havic stopped the session before any really bad damage could be done,he took Yukina out of the room to talk with her. He enlisted mine and the doc's try and find you,to get her back to you ....but while we were doing that ,Havic would do what he could to keep Yukina as she was. He use to take her outside all the day,a stray dog wnadered into the bace and was going to be shot,but she protected it",he said with a small smile. "Havic seeing how she became attached to the dog,snuck it inside,and let her keep it,so she'd have a friend. It worked for about a month, then the general was eeing no improvement so, when he went to see what his son was doing with Yukina, he caught them with the dog. The general then took the dog ,and went outside with Yukina and Havic behinde him. He said it was a lesson that needed to be learned.....he killed the dog,right infront of Yukina. She was devistated,and wouldnt stop crying.....when she had finally calmed down enough,Havic kept appologizeing to her about what his father had done. A moth after that ,she had ,become a little less happy and didnt want to go outside.",he paused in the story."she has never been away from the base...ever"he said softly."so one night, there was a hudge carnival in town ... Havic wanted to try and cheer her up a little,so he snuck her off....back then, the generals third i comand, was gelous of Havic being second, and would do anything to have him removed. He saw him and Yukina sneeking off, and told the general right away. When they finally got back it was storming ,they walked inside,both of them laiughing...",he looked to Yukinas still barely moving form.A sad look in his eyes. "The general was right there ,waiting .... he ordered the third in comand to take Yukina while he delt with Havic,who ,by now had had enough of what his father was doing,and a argument broke out.....somewhere a long the lines ,the general blurted outthat Yukina was going to wish,she had just obayed ight away,so Havic ,me and the Doc,rush to the training roo....when we got there the third in comand had sent 13 roobots on er, each of them beatingher senceles,she still refused to fight ......Havic snapped ,puching out the the third in comand and shutting the machines down,when we got out there,she was dead.....but Havic knew we could save he so we rushed her and were able to get her back...the general had by now found out what had happened and busted in here demanding we wake Yukina up,we tried to tell him not to...because her brain waves were everywhere",he said pointing the monoter they had hooked to Yukinas forhead witched showed her brain waves still all over the place."it was like that...we tried to tell him,if he woke her,she could be in a fighting trance,not realizeing she was safe. Havic,was right beside her.....he didnt have his vest on......",he said starting to sound broken up.."He wasnt going to let his father hear her .....his father shoved the Doc and me away from the computers and hit the green button,witch sent a shock into her ,fourseig her away,Havic was above her calling her name...then it happened so fast....her eyes opened they wer black,her right arm morfed into a blade and she stabbed him,right through the she pulled the blade out,here eyes were normal,and her arm turned back to normal.....she saw what she had done,and screamed as Havic dropped.....there was nothing anyone could do...Yukina was at his siide in tears.....he told her it was okay,that it wasnt her faults ,but the generals....he died ...right there,Yukina broke down,her energy went nus and machines started explodeing,we had to sedate her...when she came around again, She was in this trance of sadness. By this time it had been two days....the general,had lanned to kill but then thought of a solution,every day,she would fight,suffer,train.....until all her joy was gone",he said swollowing. "he made a vow,to make her suffer for what"she" had the end of the year,she had become like she is guessing the beating,have left her early memories foggy... but the general makes it a point that she has to suffer for killing Havic,never letting her forget....",he said and blinked back to the present as the coffee machine beeped. He looked over to it and sighed."that was two and half years ago..."

happydeath 07-26-2014 08:56 AM

Awaiting an answer from either the soldier or the doctor, Yukito had stayed silent the entire time as he stood there staying the two males down. As the doctor made his way over to a compartment to end up handing Yukito a folder with plenty of files about Yukina's time at the military base; he flipped through multiple different papers, reading down every single thing that had happened in the time she was staying at the base. Going through the information, he slowly began to clench the paper in his grasp tighter and tighter as he went the folder from just his sheer strength of how he was holding onto it. 'Just how long...has it been..?' he thought to himself as he stared over towards Yukina's still unmoving body in silence; Yukito had known he spent years trying to get into the military to get close to Yukina but he hadn't thought he'd been gone that long to allow her to go through such pain while he was trying to get to where he was now. As he read to the last page, seeing as how there was still more information missing from the files; he had heard how the soldier spoke up the story of what had happened two years ago at the base and how the General had caused the death of his own son.

Listening throughout the story about how much pain Yukina had went through and how these two males had actually known about Yukina and how Yukito was the one who created her not have emotions only to have her get them anyway. So, there was a flaw in her creation after-all; she was able to access her emotions even when he designed her not to have them from the beginning. At least, the flaw wasn't exactly a bad one on his end; it was still bad about the fact that it caused her to go through such pain, but having her being taken away from him; he'd hope that she had emotions to be able to leave the base on her own so that she could live a life without all the military in her life. As Yukito continued to listen to the story, he slammed the folder down onto the counter and turned to look down at Yukina in concern; pained to feel that he was useless the entire time he had been gone. "That General...he needs to be this rate, humanity will never get anywhere. Those aliens will continue to attack us and see us as nothing more than mindless brutes..." He spoke out loud so that the other two males could hear him. "I'm sorry Yukina..I promise..I'll get you out of here." The next words he spoke were silent and just loud enough for himself to hear so that he could speak with her.

"At this rate..if we don't stop him. Yukina will end up shutting down completely." Yukito spoke as he continued to watch her unmoving body, he didn't want to put her death into actual words like she would die or anything like that since he refused to think of her dying completely one day because of the General or let alone at all. As he stayed silent after he spoke up, he finally ended up taking in a deep breath before exhaling it out in deep sigh. "Where is he right now...where is the General..?" He asked, this time his tone of voice was low; almost cold as though he had lost all sense of humanity he had left in his own head. His blood had boiled inside him as though he was on fire; both of his arms twitched ever so slightly at the fact that he wanted to slam his fist into something; but he held himself back as much as he could.

IchirusVampireGirl 07-26-2014 01:27 PM

The man(who i will name at some point XD),looked to Yukito."his room or the stratagy room.....",he said looking to him."Yukito,i know this must be hard in you,but if you do anything to prevoke the general,he'll have you locked up for insobordanation to a supier officer",he said ith a sad sigh.

The doc frowned."yes,then what would happen to Yukina? thw general and his second in coman would have all acsess to her",he said sadly.Then blinked when the machine was beeping he looked over to Yukina and and frowned."come on Yukina.....what has your mind in such a werl wind",he said looking concerned to the screen witch was monitering her brain waves.

The man looked over t Yukina and frowned."Doc,there must be something you can do to calm her down",he said worried.

happydeath 07-29-2014 06:02 AM

As the soldier immediately was the first to state where the General was at the time being. Yukito wasted barely anytime at all to begin to make his way towards the exit of the room he was within; now knowing where the General was exactly and knowing that he could do something about this all after hearing what kind of a horrible man he truly was. Right as soon as he had made it towards the doorway, hearing the soldier speak up about how if he did anything; Yukina would be given to someone else and Yukito probably would be locked up for good to never see her again. He knew all too well that was the truth, he didn't have the kind of power to stand up against the entire military on his own and expect to win in the end. Just hearing that, he knew it was true as he stopped and stayed silent for a moment; was he just supposed to stand to one side and let this continue without him being able to do anything about it. Clenching his fists hard, he ended up slamming his fist into the wall beside the door; with a single punch, he had dented the metal wall to the point that he had nearly bursted a hole straight through the other side. Sighing heavily to himself, he turned his back to the door as he made his way back over towards Yukina's bedside; looking down at her in concern, he placed a single hand over her cold cheek as he caressed it down slowly.

Ignoring everything that the two males were speaking with one another, Yukito had listened to the rapid beeping as he turned to look towards the monitor for only a moment. Easily knowing that her mind was out of control, he looked at her in fear that he was going to lose her as he bit down onto his lower lip. Barely knowing what to do and not wanting to lose her, he slipped down onto his knees a bit and quickly pressed his lips against her own for a moment. He wasnt even sure if that was going to do anything at all to help her, but at this point; he was panicking and he didn't want to lose Yukina again after he had been able to get so close to her now.

IchirusVampireGirl 07-30-2014 12:19 AM

The doc nearly choked on his coffee when he saw Yukito kiss Yukina. He stared yn sure of what to say,then blinked when the monotor beeped again,only this time,to let them know that her mind was calmling down."that ...worked",he said shocked.

The sldier also stared.'wow...."

Yukina sighed sioftly as she started to come aground.She blinked sitting up quickly looking around."how....",she then looked to the three of them paniced."did I hurt anyone!"

happydeath 08-02-2014 09:00 AM

After pulling away from her lips softly, Yukito had stared down at Yukina in silence for a moment almost as though he had known what he had done and hadn't regretted a single thing he had just witenessed. Slowly turning his head over towards the doctor and the soldier in silence for a moment as the sound of the beeping had began to return to a steady pace; giving them both a cold glare he shook his head to them slightly about how shocked they were on what they had just seen. "Not a word about what you just anyone; this includes her." Yukito spoke in a low voice as though he were whispering to the two of them, even though he had cared for Yukina with all his heart and soul; he didn't wish for her to fall for him but rather he wanted her to have a life of her own outside of the military so that she could grow just like an ordinary human girl and fall in love with someone that wasn't connected to her creation nor the military. As for the war that would go on with the outer world species, she shouldn't had to deal with any of that any longer. It was only a matter of seconds later as Yukina sat up in shock to call out on whether or not she had harmed anyone; placing a hand onto her shoulder softly as Yukito returned his eyes upon her with a warm smile as though he hadn't done a single thing at all, he simply shook his head. "You're fine Yukina; everyone is safe thanks to you..Don't get up so fast though, you're body still needs to regenerate." He informed her as he tried to help her lay back down onto her back; the whole time Yukito had done so, he did his best not to allow his metallic arms to be seen by her eyes as he kept his warm smile on his lips. He was more than sure enough that Yukina still didn't know who he was, but that was still fine with him. She had been through a lot now, and even though she was a creation of his; Yukito's creations all had their own limits to how far they were able to be pushed before they either shut down or completely died. Yukito wasn't prepared to allow Yukina to become one of those creations that had been pushed to their limits and ended up dying like his previous ones in the past.

IchirusVampireGirl 08-04-2014 02:07 AM

Yukina sighed siftly as she laid back down."good",she said relieved then blinked when she realized that she had shown her emotions."eh,i mean",she frowned looking away."soory",she said lowly.

The doctor slowly grinned and stood."Yukina,me and Riley have to go and do some things,will leave youand Yukito here,where its can trust him Yukina ...okay?",he said grabbing Riley who was confused."the door is locked,so no one will come and bug you"

Riley blinked."w-wait but",befor he could finish he was dragged out and the door shut and locked.

Yukina blinked watching them go."what has gotten into them?",she said looking confused then slowly looked back to Yukito then looked away."e-earlier when we were outside ... you said you were my creator,right?"

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