Menewsha Avatar Community

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Libra 08-01-2014 01:10 AM

Libra's Wedding Hangout (& Closet!) Page Prizes! Open!

Libra's awesome wedding hangout! Closet included!

Libra 08-01-2014 01:15 AM


Maybe you were around during the Desert Winds Caravan URE. If you were, you probably noticed the closet thread I made! Well, I felt bad about having so many empty place holders, and I probably won't come up with that many avatars to save, so I decided to make a hangout & closet thread! That way I can incorporate some small prizes, and have the community be a bigger part of which avatars they want me to save. Please, hang around, and show me any cool avatars you happen to find ^_^

Libra 08-01-2014 01:17 AM

P A G E o P R I Z E S

I know this is something everyone loves to see in event threads... Page prizes! Every 5 pages, I will roll a dice to decide which random poster (on that page) will receive a common of their choice. Every 10 pages, I will roll a 5 more dice to decided which random poster from the last 10 pages will recieve 100G. Now, run along and start posting! ^_^

  • Page 5: Xuvrette [Octavia Gown - White]
  • Page 10: Xuvrette [Octavia Gown - Blue]
  • #1: Nola 100[gold]
  • #2: Nola 100[gold]
  • #3: Maidenroseheart 100[gold]
  • #4: Maidenroseheart 100[gold]
  • #5: Xuvrette 100[gold]
  • Page 15: Nola [Vogue Top - Sapphire]
  • Page 20:
  • #1 (100[gold])
  • #2 (100[gold])
  • #3 (100[gold])
  • #4 (100[gold])
  • #5 (100[gold])

Libra 08-01-2014 01:19 AM


Okay everyone, I need your help on this one. I need you to find me some fabulous avatars people are making! The only requirement is the avatar must be either wedding themed, or use at least be wearing one item released during the event. Also, please upload the image to any image hosting webside (photobucket, imgur, etc.) I will contact whoever submitted the avatar if I have any questions about it's relevance.

To save on having an abundance of images, I will be uploading the images in batches of 5. Happy hunting everyone! [:)]

f o r m

HTML Code:

[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]This avatar needs to be added to our closet![/COLOR][/SIZE]
[@Exact username here;]
[IMG]Image URL[/IMG]

n p c ' s

a m a z i n go a v a t a r s

c r o s s o d r e s s e r s

Libra 08-01-2014 01:19 AM


Libra 08-01-2014 01:42 AM

If anyone wants to chat, my hangout thread is now open ^_^

jupiter 08-01-2014 01:50 AM

Speaking of fabulous wedding-themed avatars, Libra, yours is quite lovely.

Libra 08-01-2014 01:58 AM

Why thank you Jupiter! Yours is quite awesome as well!

I'm hoping to borrow a bubbly celebration and cheezy romance to add some more elements to it though xD

jupiter 08-01-2014 01:59 AM

I'm sure the details will make it all the more lovely and admirable.
I'm particularly fond of the fur on the shoulders with the dress. It's a gorgeous combination.

Libra 08-01-2014 02:05 AM

I love the layering you have going with the skirts! For some reason, those posh over skirts usually layer rather awkwardly with other items.

Would you happen to have either one of them?

jupiter 08-01-2014 03:05 AM

Thank you. I do love the skirts, especially how they open at the front, but you're right about the strange layering. Especially when shorter skirts layer over the large skirt. Sometimes you can sort of hide it with a handheld item, but it's difficult.
Maybe these new clutches will help, uwahah!

And I'm afraid I don't have the bubbly item, but I have a Cheezy Romance that you could borrow if you'd like.

Libra 08-01-2014 03:25 AM

Hopefully they will! I know I want to get each of those clutches, though I ran out of money earlier. So I will have to gain some more money probably when the new CI comes out... If it comes out on time.

Thank you so much! I went ahead and set it back ^_^

I'm debating keeping this hunk next to my avatar... It brings such comedy to the avi~!

Maria-Minamino 08-01-2014 03:27 AM

You rented a hunk to be your plus one to the wedding? :D

jupiter 08-01-2014 03:28 AM

//covers her mouth with a fan
He is seriously underdressed.

Of course, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Reminds me a bit of Antonio Banderas, or a hunk wandering off the beach venue to greet you.

Libra 08-01-2014 03:39 AM

Maybe I just made some bad decisions during the bachelorette party, and he's decided to stick around even though he lost his shirt?

Maria-Minamino 08-01-2014 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by Libra (Post 1772816541)
Maybe I just made some bad decisions during the bachelorette party, and he's decided to stick around even though he lost his shirt?

Maybe he lost more than his shirt? Perhaps he lost his bachelor freedom too! *wiggles eye brows* XD

jupiter 08-01-2014 03:40 AM

I don't think that could ever be a bad decision.
We'll have to give out prizes for hunkiest hunk +1 to the party.

Libra 08-01-2014 03:46 AM


Maybe my poor avi was abandoned at the alter, and this guy is trying to help her feel better [;)]

Nola: star2000shadow: shinigamikarasu: Cupcake Queen: steelmagghia: TerrenaAnimula: ClockReject: maidenroseheart: @EmmaCorrin; + Jupiter (I won't ping you since you're actively in the thread)

You all have made some gorgeous avi's! These avatars will forever be connected to this event now ^_^

---------- Post added 07-31-2014 at 11:46 PM ----------

Ugg! Stupid tagging system! Emma Corrin: Did that work?

jupiter 08-01-2014 03:48 AM

Uh, yeah, I'll volunteer to be abandoned at an altar if that happened with certainty every time.

Maria-Minamino 08-01-2014 03:48 AM

OOOO Emma's avvie is pretty!

Libra 08-01-2014 03:55 AM

I literally went through like 5 or 6 threads to find all those images. It took a little, but it was all worth it!

Anyway, how are you this evening Maria? Juptier, how is yours?

Maria-Minamino 08-01-2014 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by Libra (Post 1772816721)
I literally went through like 5 or 6 threads to find all those images. It took a little, but it was all worth it!

Anyway, how are you this evening Maria? Juptier, how is yours?

haha!!! You found some lovely avatars :D

I'm well! I'm super tired XD It's past midnight and I'm normally asleep XD But I saw the premier of Guardians of the Galaxy and now I'm on mene getting distracted XD how are you?

Emma Corrin 08-01-2014 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by Libra (Post 1772816603)
[/COLOR]Ugg! Stupid tagging system! Emma Corrin: Did that work?

Yes it worked! :)

Thank you so much! I got creative earlier today after chatting about items and avis and wanted to do something dark, which is totally not my norm LOL I'm so glad you like it! :D

Aw - thanks Maria! <3

Libra 08-01-2014 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by Maria-Minamino (Post 1772816742)
haha!!! You found some lovely avatars :D

I'm well! I'm super tired XD It's past midnight and I'm normally asleep XD But I saw the premier of Guardians of the Galaxy and now I'm on mene getting distracted XD how are you?

I worked until 2:30am last night... So I don't think I could sleep right now even if I tried. How was the movie? I'm doing good, especially after seeing Emilio and Lucien cross dressing in the girls hangout thread xD


Originally Posted by Emma Corrin (Post 1772816796)
Yes it worked! :)

Thank you so much! I got creative earlier today after chatting about items and avis and wanted to do something dark, which is totally not my norm LOL I'm so glad you like it! :D

Aw - thanks Maria! <3

Very original! For sure! I love how your one of the few so far that have gone for the darker approach. I hope to see more interesting looks you make as the EI's are released ^_^

jupiter 08-01-2014 04:18 AM

I'm doing well, Libra, and enjoying my evening, thank you for asking. How about yourself?

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