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the11thdoctor 08-28-2014 04:16 AM

Only the Strong Survive [Zombie RP] || (ACCEPTING NOW)

The world ended decades ago. What's left are the undead and those with the will to survive.

A group of survivors will be driven out of the only home they know. Their compound in the heart of a crumbling city has been overrun. With zombies clawing behind them, they flee into the wilderness and face the horrors of the post-apocalyptic world. On the road they encounter not just more zombies, but bandits, wild animals, and even a ruthless feudal society.

Genre: Post-Apocalyptic horror, action, drama and adventure
Group: 4-6
Intermediate to Advanced Writers
Weekly Posts

-> TO THE OOC <-


The ApocalypseX

In a few short months, modern civilization was wiped from the face of the earth. It started as rumors of a deadly virus in China and soon spread all over the world. Gone are the days where we could take electricity, water, food, shelter, or safety for granted. After a decade, less than one percent of the population remains alive. However they've managed to survive, the isolated pockets of humanity are separated by seas of undead.

The UndeadX

Usually the living dead are slow, shambling corpses. However, even after a decade of rot, some can still run. A smart and agile human can easily out maneuver a couple, but the real danger is in the massive hordes. Do not underestimate them though. Zombies will do anything to feast on human flesh. They feel no pain. They do not tire. They will not die. Not on their own that is. A good blow to the brain will take them out for good.

Our HomeX

Built in the remains of a once sprawling city, the Compound is home to over a hundred hardy survivors. The tall walls keep the living dead out and last remnants of civilization in. For years it has been a desperate grip on the life we once knew. Sometimes there is electricity and running water if there's enough fuel and brains to keep everything working. But don't be fooled: safety doesn't exist anymore in this world.

Other ThreatsX

Aside from the insatiable undead, there are other terrors and threats outside the walls of the compound. Bandits, hostile survivors, feral animals, and unforgiving nature can just as easily destroy the remnants of humanity. There have also been rumors of a rival survivor group, one that has embraced the dark age we live in completely. It is said they have reverted back to the standards of the middle ages and have become a feudal society with knights and castles and all. So it's said.

the11thdoctor 08-28-2014 04:22 AM

Story Chapters
A guide to our journey through hell.

1. Home Invasion
- The introduction to our group is cut short. The undead somehow burst into the Compound.
2. Eviction Notice
- The group hits the road. Leaving behind the overrun city, they ventured into the cold unknown of the wilderness beyond the city.
3. All the King's Men
- Captured. The rumors were true after all. A group of armored knights takes them back to their 'castle'
4. And All the King's Horses
- Might is right. Only the strong survive.

Story Updates

the11thdoctor 08-28-2014 04:49 AM
Current Character Profiles

Click to see current character profilesX

Nickname(s)/Title(s) → Amy
☣ Age → 43
☣ Weapon of ChoiceHeckler & Koch Mark 23 (silenced)
☣ Skillset:
→ Leadership
→ Mechanical Expertise
→ Good Shot with Pistols
☣ Weaknesses:
→ Impulsive
→ Strong Belief in Humanity
→ Poor Fighter
☣ Brief Biography → Not a lot is known about Amy before the outbreak. She's a stubbornly private person but rarely ever hesitates to be others' therapists. One rumor is that she used to be the owner a chain of fast food restaurants. Another is that she used to work in the Department of Homeland Security. The most reasonable background, most of the survivors have come to, is that she used to work in some office job and just had a hobby for tinkering and fixing up machines. Her accent pins her down to someone from the Southwest and her mannerisms suggest someone acquainted to living in a city. Much like the one that the Compound resides in.

As one of the founding members of the Compound, she's led the last hope for civilization even before the cargo containers were stacked up to form walls. It wasn't initially her idea to settle in the concrete jungle, but the fact that there were more supplies readily available in the city than in the countryside persuaded her. The original leaders have all gone one way or another. Over a decade later, Amy has been the sole person the residents of the Compound look to. Rumor has it one of the original founders still lives.Somewhere.

Even before the falling out with some of her more aggressive counterparts, Amy had been in charge. Almost everyone acknowledged it. Perhaps it was just her way with people or her unfaltering ability to inspire hope for a better future. Despite this, Amy cringes every time someone calls her "ma'm" or "boss." Amy is no one's ruler.
☣ Played By: the11thdoctor

Nickname(s)/Title(s) → CO, Greyhound, Quartermaster and Joe
☣ Age → 28
☣ Weapon of Choice → M24 SWS (Sniper Weapon System.)
☣ Skillset:
→ Military Training
→ Home-Taught Trapper
→ Lockpicking
☣ Weaknesses:
→ Tends to Rush Forward irrationally
→ Little knowledge on Social interaction, and can come off as Cold, and blunt.
→ Suffers from Survivors Guilt
☣ Brief Biography → Joseph Grew up in the Southern Area's of Illinois until he was about 17. He moved up north to Chicago, to get a view of the City. He had little other skills then hunting, so he turned to a life of Crime. He Learned to Pick locks, and get rich fast on the Streets. One Robbery went bad, and he got sent to prison for 2 years.

When he got released, he decided to turn a new leaf. He signed on with the Military, to try and change his life, and was Sent to The Great lakes Training center. He was Promoted at the age of 22, and put in charge of his own Squad. When the Outbreaks Started, He was 25. His Squad was put in charge of Maintaining Quarantine in the Rural Areas of Illinois, and he was more than happy to go.. The Last Operation he was on went bad, and all of his Squad was killed by the Undead. With nothing else to do, Joseph Fled.

He keeps to himself in the Compound, acting as the Quartermaster, and Maintaining most of the gear in the Base. He's adapted his Home-Taught Trapping skills to catching food AND killing Zombies. He likes people well enough, but tends to be a bit.....harsh.
☣ Played By: Andraus


Nickname(s)/Title(s) → Ez
☣ Age → 48
☣ Weapon of Choice → Crowbar
☣ Skillset:
→ Cooking/Culinary knowledge
→ Manual labor
→ Noticing small details
☣ Weaknesses:
→ Prone to tunneling on information about her kids (or anything else important to her)
→ Bad at weapons requiring aim (e.g. guns, bows, slings)
→ Strongly distrusts strangers
☣ Brief Biography → Before Eiza was a bandit, Eiza was a mother and before Eiza was a mother she was a thief. No, thief wasn't an accurate word because she never stole anything, but rather she created things that weren't supposed to exist. Having been an artist in her younger years, she was able to direct her eye for detail into copying those details onto paper and eventually the computer. Counterfeiting money, artwork, and even food stamps for those who didn't want want to seem suspicious became a sort of business for her. With the help of a few "connections" (read drug-addicted boyfriend), they were able to sell the money for ninety cents on the dollar, which given the time, was pretty good.

Too bad her boyfriend disagreed. He thought that their business needed to be expanded from simply printing money to utilizing it for more lucrative processes, namely drugs. His grand plan was easy: buy drugs from the cartel with the counterfeit money and redistribute it in their neighborhood for twice the buying price. Obviously Eiza was against this, fearing that the money wouldn't fool the cartel but her boyfriend reassured her that as long as this deal went solid everyone would be living in much better conditions. Plus, it wasn't like the people of Mexico knew the difference anyway right?

This was true and it wasn't true. The first deal went fine and they sold enough cocaine to buy their own house and start a family (even their co-workers could buy a bottle of champagne or two), but their happiness didn't last very long. Whenever Eiza's daughter, Gloria, asked about their careers Eiza felt like a liar and a cheater, two things that she never thought she would care about. She realized that she didn't want her son or daughter to turn out the same way she did.

During the zombie outbreak she remembered only loss, perhaps as a karmatic slap for all that she had created. First she lost her house which was irrelevant because they could always buy another. Second she lost her husband, which was sad, but deserved for he had threatened to turn her into the DEA if she didn't continue their operation. Last she lost her kids which she would have given anything to reverse. The evacuation measures by the CDC forced hordes of people through a sorting process in order to weed out the infected from the clean humans. In the process Eiza lost sight of Gloria and Esteban and by the time the first wave of infection was over, she was alone.

Ten years later, the Latina woman has found refuge serving under Amy Khuu-Ryklansky. Despite suspicion from other members of the Compound, the leader had enough heart to forgive Eiza's crimes and welcome her as one of the many cooks amongst the area. Many are still wary of Eiza's eight years of banditry, but she swears that she's a reformed woman. If she's ever to find her kids again, she has to be.
☣ Played By: Cows Go Moo

Original Characters
Important characters that will spring up along the way, playable by anyone with permission

Click to see original charactersX

Character Skeleton
PM me a completed version

PHP Code:

[CENTER][FONT="Fixedsys"][SIZE="7"][B]LOADING [color=SPEECH COLOR]FULL NAME[/color][/B][/SIZE][/FONT][img][/img][/center]
font=fixedsys][b]Nickname(s)/Title(s)[/b] &#8594; 
[b]&#9763; Age[/b] →
[b]&#9763; Weapon of Choice[/b] → (best weapon? Please keep it realistic)
[b]&#9763; Skillset:[/b]
&#8594; (again be realistic and reasonable) 
[b]&#9763; Weaknesses:[/b]
[b]&#9763; Brief Biography[/b] → (A few paragraphs just to establish your character's background)
[B]&#9763; Played By:[/B] (USERNAME) [/font] 

the11thdoctor 08-28-2014 04:53 AM

The Rules to Survival

1. Follow Mene's rules and TOS.

2. I, the11thdoctor, will post plot changes in the thread, acting like a narrator. Events and characters will pop up and I'll post them as the narrator so expect the unexpected ;)

3. Literacy is expected. Please write as grammatically and correctly as possible.

4. No Godmodding. Kill only with consent of the author.

5. To join you MUST PM me your profile. Title the message "Undead Nightmare"

6. This is a realistic RP. So try to avoid over the top cliches, superpowers, overpowered character traits etc. Even though this is a zombie RP we have a limit of our suspension of disbelief.

7. Don't do anything stupid and you might just survive.

the11thdoctor 08-28-2014 04:56 AM


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