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TanaChan 09-01-2014 07:22 PM

Just Friends?
Name: Atlas James Parker
Username: Odysseus
Age: 20
Height: 5'11''
body type: lean, lightly toned with little to no fat
Bio: After graduating high school Atlas applied and was accepted to college, where he is getting a degree in computer programing.
A loud mouthed gamer he would rather spend his free time in front of the television hooked up to his game console in his beanbag and beating any of the games on one of his three systems.
He does exceedingly well in class and his parents and teachers wonder why he is not going for a much more profitable degree like a lawyer, or doctor.
unlike other gamer counterparts he does go to the gym, three times a week to stay healthy. He has also been seen using a thigh buster while gaming and drinks at least a pot of coffee a day.

Kat Dakuu 09-01-2014 07:56 PM
Name: Josiah Fenn
Age: 20
Height: 5'10"
body type: A little muscular, but still relatively slender
Bio: He spent his freshman year as an engineering major and has just switched to journalism. He has a bad relationship with his parents and avoids speaking to them whenever he can. They are ultra religious and he himself continues to be Catholic though he is conflicted. He tells no one that he's gay and keeps all relationships well under the rug. He has never seriously dated anyone, just had no strings attached relationships. When not in class, he spends his time locked in his room reading or writing. Though he's popular with everyone, he rarely socializes.

TanaChan 09-01-2014 09:31 PM

Already unpacked and moved in Atlas sat in his beanbag chair, the plastic clicking of of his controller clicking away filled the room. "Aww! HEY! I'm on your team you wanker!" Atlas yelled, headphones on his head to keep the noise down. He pushed his glasses up on his nose as thy slipped down. He leaned forward, like that would help him in the game and the plastic clicking got faster till digital blood splattered the screen and the young man slumped in his chair. "Fucking wankers, if you are not going to play right, then don't play...acting like damned ten year olds..." He paused for a moment, listening to his headphones. "Then you shouldn't be playing if you are gonna get all hurt feelings, there is an age rating on this thing for a damned reason...go to fucking bed and stop with the tantrum. Odysseus out." He said before logging off the game and tossing the headphones on the floor in front of him. "Damned ten year olds...what the hell are their parents thinking?" He asked as he stretched, his arms going over his head and his shirt ridding up as he arched his back and twisted. "Hnnn...what to eat? He asked himself and scratched his head as he turned around.

Kat Dakuu 09-01-2014 11:14 PM

Josiah's mother called him when he stopped at a cafe for tea and like usual, she just wouldn't quit. Monologue after monlogue, the woman kept talking without caring that her son didn't respond. If if they sat across the table, she wouldn't notice the winces or anger that crossed his face when she said something particularly offending. Why couldn't she ever catch on that he hated her and these 'conversations'? Of course, Josiah could never say a thing about it because in the end, she was his mother. Nor could he hang up. That would make her worry and then she'd visit. Dear lord, he could think of nothing worse. He chose to go to school somewhere this far away for a reason.

He parked in front of the apartment building where he and his friend--he refused to think of his as more than a friend--chose to live. Josiah should have been here hours ago when they agreed to move in, but his call set him back. Atlas would be here already, probably playing games. A half, almost smile crossed his lips as he pushed the door open and dragged a large suitcase behind him. "Hey."

TanaChan 09-02-2014 02:09 AM

"Josiah!" Atlas yelled as he backed way from the door, the flat was small, and the only area closed off from the rest was the small bathroom, a set of twin beds adorned one part of the room with both dressers in between to give the beds space. "Just got off the system, the brats playing on my team kept killing me." He said and shook his head as he moved out of the way so he could close the door behind the young man. "I was expecting you hours ago man, another 'chat' with your mom?" He asked and pushed his glasses back up again. "Mine gave me this dish at least we won't need those...expect her to stop by around the holidays...I think she's going to try and outfit the flat."
Atlas shook his head and waited for Josiah to put his suitcase down before he gathered the other man into a tight hug, his hands gripping the man's shirt for a moment before he pulled away. "How was your break? You hungry? There a good chinese place around the corner to the left, and an alright pizza joint to the right." He said as he ran his fingers through his long hair and gave the other a bright smile.

Kat Dakuu 09-02-2014 03:31 AM

An expression something like a smirk passed over Josiah's face. He didn't say anything, but it amused him how well Atlas understood. He did not need to confirm his mom held him up. His friend's chatter swept the sour memory away. Despite his chatter being about things Josiah neither knew or cared about, listening to it soothed him. He set his suitcase on one of the beds. Right as he turned, Atlas grabbed him up in a hug. Josiah stiffened, then relaxed after a second. He'd grown used to the other's shows of affection and he'd come to enjoy them as long as they only came in moments of private. Josiah hugged Atlas back briefly before pulling away to rifle through his suitcase. "Pizza would work for me. Hm, this place is smaller with our stuff in it," he remarked. Viewing an empty flat for sell was different than living in it. "We can talk about our breaks over food."

TanaChan 09-02-2014 12:21 PM

Atlas nodded and grinned, "It is, but still not bad, one of the places down the hall is the same size, and has like six people in it or something...or they just have parties. I saw several people stumble out of there this morning, makes me wonder if that is going to be a problem." He said and frowned as he thought for a moment and dug his phone out of his pocket. "What do you want on the pizza?" He asked as he located the places flyer for the number to order.
Atlas was not overly picky about his food, and he would try just about anything once. He took a seat on his bed and looked up at Josiah with a smile, he dialed and order, then tossed his phone onto his pillow before he flopped over on his bed and stretched out. "I finally told my parents I'm gay...Mom took it rather well...Dad however, lets just say I had to run for it and he got quite the earful and I am not welcome home for the holidays unless I'm 'fixed' and have a girlfriend." Atlas shook his head and rubbed at his eyes under his glasses before righting them. "It was not the reaction I was expecting from him." He said softly and rolled over to bury his face in his arms.

Kat Dakuu 09-02-2014 06:39 PM

Josiah grimaced at the thought of six people in one little apartment. So many people, parties, bodies close together and nowhere to hide. He thanked god he just had to live with Atlas. After finding his black fuzzy pillow, he fell onto the couch with it. "Mushrooms...spinach. I don't really care," he said. Atlas knew he was vegetarian so further specification wasn't needed.

"Y-yeah?" Josiah lifted his head to peer over the pillow at his friend. For a good half minute, only his heartbeat echoed in the room. "Sorry it went like that. I kinda wish...I didn't have to go home for holidays." He laughed nervously. That was probably a jerk thing to say, insensitive. Maybe he was a little jealous at least one of his parents seemed okay with him. And, a little jealous that Atlas could say it all. Josiah would never have that kind of courage. "Sorry. At least you've got your mom."

TanaChan 09-02-2014 11:58 PM

Atlas looked at him and smiled lightly, "Why do you have to? You are supposed to be growing away from your family, not forced to spend time with them." he sat back up and scratched his head, "when the holidays come around you could just say you have a big project to work on and your partner has to stay here or something...well I wouldn't have a problem outright lying to my parents. I dunno man, but I don't particularly like the idea of staying here alone over the holidays. Mom might stop in, but it would not be for long." He fell into a silence after that and crossed his arms over his chest and looked at his feet which he scuffed on the ground.

Kat Dakuu 09-03-2014 12:10 AM

Josiah found himself nodding even though he was deluding himself believing what Atlas said. "Sure. I could stay here. I' that," he said with a little smile. A second later he groaned and buried his head in the pillow. "Ah who am I kidding! I can't go a week without her calling me. I'd need a hell of an excuse not to go home for the holidays. Damn it. I'd much rather spend them here." He wanted to stay miserable on the couch, but he felt guilty. He didn't want Atlas to think he didn't care. Most people thought he didn't give a flying crap about others after all. Josiah rolled to his feet and sat down next to Atlas. He didn't say anything since he wasn't good with words. He slouched over with his chin resting in the palm of his hand.

TanaChan 09-03-2014 12:43 AM

"Could always try and assassinate them..." Atlas said jokingly, though he pulled Josiah into a loose hug and rested his cheek on the top of the other man's head...what if you found a church to be part of? I know there is supposed to be a really nice one not far from school...nice one too." Atlas paused for a moment and hummed, "I have a couple friends who go there...say they love it and that they are pretty open about everything kinda have to be to let those flaming fags in." Atlas laughed lightly to try and lighten the mood.
"If it was just scaring them away I would have no problem doing that, I do rather like having you around and wish to keep you and I know that anything I pull will more likely make them force you back home." He paused again for a moment, "You could invite them here for the holidays." He said softly, he would much rather not have to deal with Josiah's over zealous religious parents, but if it kept his friend here he sure as hell would.

Kat Dakuu 09-03-2014 01:30 AM

"Don't tempt me," Josiah muttered. He nearly laughed at the idea of his parents dying, but instantly guilt settled in. No matter how much he hated his parents, he loved them for being his parents. "Yeah, I think I saw that church on the way in. I'll probably go, I mean, not like I'd ever not go to church. Never....going to say who I am though..." He shook his head. Josiah didn't hate himself for being gay. That he could accept, but he could not be so publicly. The thought of being hated filled his every nightmare.

Smiling, he lightly touched Atlas' hair for a second before dropping his hand. "Maybe I can invite them to the wrong address. An 'honest' mistake." He huffed once in laughter. "You know I could never sick those guys on you. I like you too much for that."

TanaChan 09-03-2014 01:41 AM

Atlas pressed his head against Josiah's hand when he touched his hair for a brief moment. "Mmm...I understand, I had the same qualms my self, that's why it took me so long to tell my parents...I was half right for them hating me." He shrugged at the door bell rang, he carefully extracted himself from his friend and got their pizza, loaded with every vegetable the place had and put it on the counter.
"I'm glad you like me enough to not sick you parents on me." He gave a light laugh as he tore a slice off before dropping it for being to hot, "Crap that's hot!" He yelped and blew on his fingers. "I get enough of that 'it's a sin' and 'you'll burn in hell' crap...I mean really...why would he make us like this then if he is so powerful and does not make mistakes?" He asked and tried to pick up the slice again with less yelping and tossing of pizza. "lets just drop the subject, I don't want to get into any religious debates." He murmured before taking a bite. After swallowing he spoke again, "So how was your break? meet any one fun?"

Kat Dakuu 09-03-2014 02:44 AM

One terse nod and Josiah joined Atlas by the pizza box. He took one of the napkins to pick up the pizza with and took a bite. He reveled in the way it burnt his mouth. He kept his back to Atlas as he took another few bites. Religion always turned into a bad topic no matter who he talked with. Always a debate. Perhaps because he could argue for both sides of the problem, his own beliefs contradicting each other often. 'It's a sin'. Part of him still struggled to say it wasn't. But he wouldn't say that now. He was living with Atlas and they were happy the way they were. "Hm, I didn't do a lot during break. I made a few changes, switched to journalism major, but I texted you about that already. I studied and wrote," he said. He considered that funner than being out with friends. "You? I hope you didn't spend it all gaming!"

TanaChan 09-03-2014 12:16 PM

Atlas grinned sheepishly, "Not all of it, I spent a good portion of it getting my stuff out of the house while dad was at work. Mom helped me move in here a bit early, just a few days. I didn't tell them until it was closer to the end of break, and I do have to work. Mom really helped both of us out though, she paid the manager the rent for the year, so we can save that instead of having to fork it over. The only thing we have to worry about is the internet bill. I spent a lot of the break at a friends house." Atlas blushed darkly then as he finished off his first slice. "His parents walked in on us, they knew about him and me being attracted to the same sex...but it was still awkward. They analyzed us for like five minutes after the initial walk in and before leaving told us to just continue, that sex was healthy. We couldn't though, totally ruined the mood, and it seemed like every time we tried they would find a reason to walk in on us, even in his bedroom." His face was still crimson as he grabbed another slice after jumping up to sit on the counter. "I turn twenty one in a week...I don't think I'm going to go out though, I'd rather spend my birthday with you." He said softly before shoving pizza in his mouth so he would stop talking.

Kat Dakuu 09-03-2014 11:29 PM

Josiah laughed under his breath and looked at Atlas in incredulity. "Lord almighty, his parents walked in on you?" Josiah turned pink at the thought even though he wasn't involved in it. He couldn't imagine how utterly embarrassing that must be. "I don't know how you could face anyone after that. Damn." Shaking his head and tangling his hand in his hair, Josiah reached for another pizza slice. The next smile that crossed his face was a soft one. "Ah, twenty-one so soon? Mines not for another few months, but maybe you can go buy some beer and we can have a few drinks together. Just you and'll be fun. I'd be happy to spend the time with you. I wouldn't want to go out on mine either!"

TanaChan 09-04-2014 12:24 AM

"I could do that." He smiled brightly, his blush fading a little but still prominent on his cheeks. "So other than drinks should we do anything else, Pizza obviously, that goes well with beer. Should we do like a comedy, romance, or horror movie marathon? I haven't seen any good gory movies recently." He said as he pondered this new situation, his head tilted back and his eyes on the ceiling as he thought. "What do you think?" He asked and looked over at Josiah as he picked up his third slice and took a big bite. Blue eyes locked on Josiah's face flashed with an unreadable emotion for just a second before it was gone and he grinned, "Or we could rent porno and watch that." He said jokingly as he swung his legs up and crossed them, putting his elbows on his knees.

Kat Dakuu 09-04-2014 06:01 PM

Josiah groaned and rolled his eyes at Atlas. "Romance movies and porn? What kind of joke are you pulling here?" he complained in a light voice, knowing the other was joking. He shifted on the couch so his legs were bent on the seat and he half leaned against the back and the arm rest, his hair falling away from his face. "Pizza, beer, and horror movies. Sounds like a frat party without the frats. I could do that, but ya know, we're talking about your birthday here. You're the one that gets to pick the movies. And the pizza toppings," he added with a grin. He'd never be able to think of something to gift his friend, so he'd make concessions like that instead.

TanaChan 09-04-2014 11:37 PM

"Eh, you know I eat anything, plant or animal, besides. I kinda like the rabbit food pizzas." Atlas grinned at his friend as he moved to sit next to him. "Do you even get to think about horror movies while at home? or is it always all that religious stuff only? I know your parents are rather...zealous." He paused before the last word left his mouth, they were his friends parents after all, and you always loved your parents, no matter how much you disliked them at the moment. Blue eyes hidden by thick glasses looked at Josiah and he frowned for just a moment before a grin wiped it away. "Wonder what your parents would do if they were to ever meet me?" He asked as he stretched out on the other half of the couch.

Kat Dakuu 09-05-2014 07:11 PM

A chuckle burst out of Josiah. Despite the fact that they were talking about his parents, he found what Atlas said rather amusing. "It's not like I live in a convent! I can watch a horror movie right in the middle of the living room in front of everyone if I wanted. I'm sure they would complain, call it trash and what not, but nothing ungodly about the average horror movie. Not that I'd do that though...I hate watching that kind of crap by myself," he admitted with a roll of his eyes. He finished his pizza and blinked over at Atlas. At first he just stared, then suddenly his face burst into a smile. "Oh my parents would love you! So long as you don't say nothing about liking guys, or curse like a drunk sailor at a game, or...yeah, that should be about it."

TanaChan 09-06-2014 01:00 AM

"So in other words aoid them at all costs." He said and grinned as he sat up and stretched, his shirt ridding up to reveal a small length of pale toned belly before he dropped his arms once again. He looked at Josiah for a moment before he moved forward, slowly moving the other young man with out taking his eyes off Josiah's. He slid in between parted legs and finally broke eyes contact when he moved to take his glasses off and rest his head on Josiah's chest and slowly settle his weight, his body tense as he waited for a negative reaction from his friend as he wrapped his arms around his waist and nuzzled against his chest before stilling.

Kat Dakuu 09-07-2014 08:25 PM

Josiah's eyes flicked over Atlas as he stretched, then darted away. He didn't move or react at all as his friend slowly made his way across the couch and very much into his personal space. Instead, he stared intently at the couch's fabric pattern and the fascinating stitch work as if critiquing a Renaissance painting. Once again, his eyes darted down when he felt the other's weight fully relax against him. "Are we cuddling now?" he asked quietly. His voice came out muffled through his hand which partially covered his face, not enough to fully hide the hint of pink on his cheeks though.

TanaChan 09-07-2014 08:44 PM

Atlas smiled lightly, "I can go back to my corner if you would prefer." He said softly, though it was rather obvious he would much rather stay where he was. He pressed his ear to Josiah's chest and gave a small smile at the rapid thudding he heard. "I'm not going to do anything." He said softly and tried to reasure his friend.

Kat Dakuu 09-12-2014 06:32 AM

It took Josiah another few seconds to swallow the dryness in his throat and respond. "'s fine if you stay here," he said. He couldn't deny that he liked to feel close to another. There was a time he could react so strongly that he'd shove another away from him, avoid simple touches. He always reacted in ways that he didn't want to when he got flustered. Panic, or maybe it was too much sensitivity to others that made him react that way. When he felt others presence so acutely, it was hard not to jump at little things, though he enjoyed them. He loosely slung one arm around Atlas. "You can do what you want."

TanaChan 09-12-2014 12:08 PM

"Thank you." Atlas said softly and slowly closed his eyes, it was only a few minutes before the gamer was sound asleep, holding tightly onto Josiah like he was a teddy bear. The young man rubbed his face into Josiah's chest and grabbed hold of his shirt tightly so that the only way Josiah was going to get away would be to take his shirt off, with a lot of difficulty.

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