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Kiyoto 09-18-2014 06:25 PM

~ Clashing of Wills ~
Clashing of Wills

Private for Kiyoto and Arc Angel

Akio Yukimura

Profile can be found here. For the purpose of this rp, his age is Eighteen instead of Seventeen.

Are you sure this is wise my prince?” asked one of the guards as Akio finished placing a few items into a bag. Akio had recently joined the Order of Eternia, a group of samurai who had been around as long as the kingdom itself. Their purpose was to defend it and keep balance within the realm. Man was at war at the moment, with demons and caught in the middle of their escapades with celestial beings.

Akio’s father was the current king of Eternia, which by blood and family ties, made Akio prince. Ever since he could remember, he had always felt out of place merely acting as a prince. To be seen and not heard was his life, following his father’s word and doing what he was told to do. He was sheltered behind these stone walls, kept safe while at the same time being kept from doing any damage as his father might think. For Akio was more like his mother than his father.

He did not believe in some of the things his father did, but he had never been in a position to simply speak out or go against him. Not until he had finally stepped up for a dream he believed in with all his heart. Akio wanted to be a samurai, ever since he was young and had watched them from the castle. The castle was after all close to the monastery where the samurai lived and trained. He had pushed against his father’s forbiddance of the idea, and made a deal.

He had a year to prove this was not a foolish endeavor, or he would quit and submit to the life his father planned for him. Though that was not something he wanted to ever happen. He did not merely wish to be a face, the perfect obedient son and king when he took over, what would ever happen if his father passed? He did not hate his father in the least, things between them were a bit…strained however. The current situation was not helping things either.

Akio was taking part of a mission outside of the kingdom’s reaches. He had been on a few missions, but all of them were within the homeland. This time however, he would be stepping outside of it. This meant his power and pull as prince would have less affect, and he would be putting himself out in danger to possible harm’s way. Turning to look at the guard standing there, Akio gave a warm smile, before he moved to finish dressing. “I will be fine, there is no need to worry about what will happen” he picked up the blue coat that went with the traditional uniform.

Besides, I will not be alone, the masters will be there, and other prentices as well…and the guard’s father insists on sticking me with as well...” he slipped it on, before tying into place a yellow scarf around his neck. The guard sighed, shifting his weight a bit on his feet. “Still” he protested, “the demons have been more active as of late…it is more dangerous for you to be out now in the open than ever.” Akio turned to look at him, “do you not trust me? Or the Order?

The guard sighed, “of course I do my prince...” Akio moved over to him, “thank you…you have always been there for me and kinder to me than many of the other guards, I understand and appreciate that you care and are worried about me.” The guard stood up a little straighter, “just promise me you will be on guard and take care of yourself.” Akio smiled and nodded, “I will…

All that was left was to pull on his boots, before he grabbed his bag and made his way to the meeting place. Horses had been set up, the others finishing up getting ready to go. As Akio approached, one of the masters stepped forward. He was an older man, with gray hair and beard. His eyes colder gray, as he fixed them sternly on Akio. “Are you ready prentice?” Akio placed his feet together, his right hand over his heart in the typical standing at the ready move he had been trained to do to show respect and reorganization of authority. “Yes sir, everything is in order” he said.

The man silently watched him, before another man walked over. “Let him be Hope, the kid is ready” the man said chuckling, he had brown hair and warmer green eyes. The master named Hope shook his head, before turning away to go back to his own work. Akio let out a breath, “thank you sir Pheles...” The man who had come to his aid clapped a hand onto his back. “Don’t let him get to you, he is merely stiff in his old ways, he agrees with your father is all” he nudged him forward, “best be getting ready.”

Moments later Hope confirmed these words, telling them that they were heading out. Akio mounted his horse, before following the line out into the land. The trip took the course of three days, three days of mostly silence. A few people spoke and tried to make the best of it, but often were quieted and given a stern look by Hope. Akio was happy to be out on the land, being able to see the world and the various people they passed. Many waved and gave them gifts of food or other things, to show their love and respect for the samurai.

They were notorious throughout the land, held in high regards, which was one of the reasons they had to be careful about how they came off as Hope said. It would be bad for them to tarnish the name of the Order with foolish antics and the like. Akio kept on his guard as well, the further out they got. The land changed a bit and seemed to get darker. Demons were more likely to be seen around here and to attack. So far however, they had not run into any of them.

For that, he was glad. He had only ever fought weaker demons, ones in training, or who were foolish enough to try and gain their way into Eternia. He had never been in a full on fight before, so this was an added disadvantage to him being here. Then again, if he never branched out and gained experience, he would never become the samurai that he wanted to be. By that night, they had made camp and the sky had grown darker. There were a few men on watch, while others made food or spoke. Akio took the time to read as he usually did.

He had brought with him a few books to keep him busy. His heart and stomach were not at ease though, for the next day they were to engage their mission. He glanced up at the mountains in the distance, but the darkness made it harder to see anything. He wondered what the mission would hold exactly. Moments later, one of the guard’s horns were blaring off in the distance. Akio stood and froze, the horn being sounded by a guard only meant one thing…there were demons. His mind went through protocol, his hand to his hip, where a blade sat.

Hope was giving orders, telling them to make their ranks. Akio took a breath and moved to where he was meant to, as snarling and growling met his ears. Moments later, a horde of what looked like zombie dogs was on them. A fight broke out, and Akio moved into action as well. It all felt surreal, like it was out of body. He knew the motions and had the skill, but for his first battle, it felt almost as if in a sense it was not him. His eyes caught the sight of something strange, a dark purple fog was beginning to roll in at their feet.

His eyes went to Hope, but the other was too far away. This was a demon’s doing, the fog rolling in soon covered around them. Akio felt the ability to breathe getting harder. The smoke burning his senses a bit. The world around him seemed to slow down, the people and noises fading away. His blade slipped from his hand, as a hand went to his head. It felt like it was swimming, the world around him spinning.

He tried to focus, but the more he fought it, the worse it seemed to get. How could he have been so foolish, he was trained for this kind of thing. He could not let them down…like ….this…. His mind registered he was on the ground, his body unable to move, eyes on the sky above. He could vaguely make out a ball of light within the sky above, before everything went black.

Arc Angel 09-18-2014 09:35 PM

Dorian Arnoult, Daemon Count of Mischief ~ . _ .
profile here.
__________________________________________________ . _ .

"Non timebo mal (I fear no evil)..." A weak, scratchy voice rose up from a white-robed form that cowered in the corner of the room. There crouched a man with a shaven head, holding up a golden amulet and an open scripture with shaking hands. His features were petrified with fear, a cold sweat beading upon his creased forehead as he hastily flipped over the holy book he held to begin a slow chant. "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica (We drive you from us, whoever you may be, unclean spirits, all satanic powers, all infernal invaders, all wicked legions, assemblies and sects)..." The priest shivered and let out a yelp of helplessness as his exorcism prayer was met with a low, sinister chuckle.

Stepping forth from the shadowed corner of the room where he had lounged all too casually, Dorian revealed an amused smile as he rose his hands to clap in a slow, sarcastic manner. His devious golden gaze fixed itself on the wretched creature he had taken his time to corrupt, and was now mere seconds from breaking. Stepping forward slowly over the hardwood flooring, light from the stained glass windows passing over his surprisingly elegant form, Dorian was all too pleased with himself. "You poor fool, do you not know death when it looks you straight in the eye?" He spoke with a deep voice like silk, trained to tempt in a manner of elevated charm. "Do you not yet know of evil's grasp?" Dorian cooed, tilting his head to the side as he stopped but a few steps from the reasonably terrified man.

He had been coming to this church for about a week now, appearing in confessional booths, the cellars-- among the parishioners, even. While Dorian's main purpose in doing so was his knowledge of a particular group of samurai that was bound to pass through this outlying town, a side venture of his had been to slowly corrupt those present. Oh, just like waving his hand over the crowd, he'd brought many of the disciples of this establishment into crippling disaster. A young, religious schoolteacher had begun to teach her classes of the corruption in all faiths. An elderly man of a happy, 20-year marriage had just recently began to frequent the neighborhood brothel. Last week, a new mother lit a fire that burned down her home while her and her innocent child remained inside, claiming both of their lives. This was to be the grand finale of Dorian's ministrations within the town.

"Ergo, draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica, adjuramus te (Thus, cursed dragon, and you, diabolical legions, we adjure you)..." The cowering man barely managed, tears streaming down his face as he refused to look up at the demon standing over him.

"Ah, that's not very nice." Dorian spoke, voice flattening into a cold edge as he bent over to carefully pluck the chain of the amulet from the man's hands and toss it to his side. Such a lowly amulet clutched by a broken man would do nothing to stop him. The priest yelped, though the gesture was hardly a violent one. Dorian had merely lifted it from his trembling hand. Still, the man pressed on, "cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare (stop deceiving human creatures and pouring out to them the poison of eternal damnation)..."

"My, my, a strong one you are. Not bad." He commented, his upper lip curling with pleasure as he leaned over to close the book in one firm motion. The man before him now, finally stared up into the dark presence of the man before him and let out an agonized wail. He was not equipped to deal with the whispers he had been hearing the past week, the darkened thoughts, the twisted happenings of the town and of his church patrons. "You are scum in the face of darkness. Surrender to me!" Dorian commanded of the whimpering mass of flesh, and as expected, he felt the man break. The expression of pure agony etched itself further into the man's face, though his sobbing and whimpering finally came to a stopping point. He stood, with the assistance of a calm hand offered by Dorian, and shuffled mindlessly to stand before the altar.

As Dorian left the establishment but ten minutes later, he felt the contentment that was a full stomach. He thrived off of negative emotions in all their glory, and once he had lead a mortal soul to break as so, he received more than enough of his fill. Whistling a casual tune as he strolled down the back road of town, he fit into the crowd with a practiced amount of care. Stealth was the necessary component in dealing closely with humans, and stealth was something he had quickly learned as a fledgling. What had he left in the church? Why, the next person to enter the sacred site for sanctuary would be met with the terror that was a corrupted human soul. The priest had become but a shriveled shell, and in his agony, stabbed himself in the chest and adorned the main wall before the altar with the words: 'Hope is dead. Rejoice in the darkness.' Then the man had bled out, stumbling to death just before his masterpiece as blood bubbled from his mouth.

Dorian hadn't even cared to watch his last breath.

As the group of samurai passed through town, Dorian kept the most care in covering himself and his presence than ever before. He knew it was crucial that no one raised any alarm before the time was right, and as such, had even timed his exit of the church just so. He did catch but a glimpse of his target from his hiding place among a nearby baker's shop, but just enough so as to confirm Akio's presence among the group before turning his back to the view and walking back out of sight and down along the street he had been on prior. Smirking, he paused there to kick one of his boots thoughtfully in the dirt before summoning a companion. A short, rounded demon appeared beside him, appearing rather ghoulish compared to Dorian's believably mortal form.

"Sire?" He questioned, bowing with respect.

"Samuel. Ensure the Hell Hounds are readied, and our mistress of fog is present. I want this to go off without a hitch." Dorian spoke evenly, in a business-like manner, though a childish gleam lit his eyes. "Understood?"

"Yes, sire."

But three hours later, Dorian stood before the fallen bodies of samurai, stepping among the piles of unconscious men without much care for minding limbs or backs. His steps were light as he walked both around and over them, uncaring enough to slaughter any if they seemed to stir as his keen eyes scanned over them. It did not take him long to find the man he sought. Standing before the dark-haired, rather regal form of the unconscious prince, Dorian crouched down to study him for a moment before narrowing his eyes. "What they say is true of his amulet," he muttered with slight annoyance, before shrugging a little and withdrawing a golden charm of his own from within his pockets.

"You'll have five minutes with the charm, sire." A voice piped up from behind him, again Samuel from earlier.

"That's more than enough." Dorian replied nearly playfully, a childish gleam again in his eyes as he wrapped the chain of the charm around his right hand and drew in a deep breath. Then, in a sudden motion, his right hand moved to grip the jacket collar of Akio and hoist his body up. His free hand waved a line before them, opening a portal that he swiftly dragged his captive through and right into the bottommost reaches of his manor. From there, Dorian hastily deposited his body onto a small cot that lay on the floor and latched chains to his wrists before letting him go for the moment. Standing back, he waved from hands in front of him, murmuring quietly to enchant the chains with a dark aura, strengthening them to abnormal heights before letting out a deep sigh.

"One minute." He whispered to himself as he stood over the prince's unconscious form, curiosity lighting his eyes as he dared to crouch down beside the cot. Hesitantly, his charm-secured hand reached out to the face of the young man, gentle fingers tracing a soft cheek as his gaze studied the form before him. Then, suddenly, he withdrew his hand and turned promptly on his heel to put face the other way. A burning sensation began in his hand, the metal of the charm glowing as he let out a cry and hurriedly cast it away. Before hitting the floor, the charm would dissipate into the air, broken and now unusable. Frowning a bit, Dorian overlooked the slight puckering of the skin of his hand before shaking his head and turning to look over more over Akio's form. "Whatever shall we do with our sweet prince?" He spoke softly to himself, then chuckling and deciding on biding his time in wait on a chaise lounge just across the room. Sprawling out in a relaxed position, he would lay there humming quietly, putting his mind at ease with the satisfying work he'd done today.

Kiyoto 09-18-2014 11:26 PM

For a moment nothing seemed to focus. It felt like a dream, the same hazy feeling within his mind, the world around him swirling a bit in a mass of blurs and shadows. It finally dawned on him, that he was in fact staring at the wall of some kind of room. He blinked slowly, remaining where he was. His eyes moving over the stones, as his body slowly woke. It still felt heavy, whatever those fumes had been were still coursing through his system.

He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to keep himself awake. He moved a hand to his head, and it was then that he heard a familiar sound. His eyes opened and lowered to his wrists, which seemed to be locked in some form of chain. He sat up, and wished instantly that he had done so slower. A rush moved through him, his head pounding, his vision swimming. He closed his eyes, flinching as he fought the urge to vomit.

Taking a few shakey deep breaths, he finally allowed himself to open his eyes. Yes, he was indeed chained here. But...where was here? How had he gotten here? His hand moved to the cuff around his wrist. Unknown to him the dark power was within. It might have caused pain to or had already begun corrupting many humans, but Akio was not simply any human. From the amulet around his neck protecting him, as well as things about himself he had no knowledge about.

He tried to think back, to where he had been, to what had happened. It all slowly came rushing back. The others! Were they alright? Had they been killed? Why was he here? He did not get a good feeling from this place at all, it felt cold and unnatural to him. Many had said Akio had always been more sensitive to demonic and dark things, similar to a sixth sense. Some of the priests refered to it as a gift from his purity. Though Akio had never given to much thought to any of it.

He never thought himself to special, most would call him moddest in this mindset of his. He was in reality a very tallented and capable young man. He began to take in the room in more detail, glancing around it before his eyes landed across the room on what seemed to be a figure. Had he been there this entire time? Who was he? Akio did not get a good feeling from him at all. Was he the one who had brought him here? He frowned slightly, before taking a breath.

"W-who are you...why am I here?" he cursed himself mentally a bit, his voice shakey a bit and giving away his off nature at the moment, dispite his attempt to conciel it. His mind was saying one thing, but his body and mouth were doing another it seemed for the moment. Even then though, his voice was light and warm. It was not cold or harsh in the slightest. Many would say he had a natural calming voice and presence, one that seemed to draw people to him and make him easy to talk to. Right now, he would have preferred to be able to muster a bit more authority in his voice.

He was not the angry type however, and it typically showed with him. He was good, that was the simple fact about it. He pushed the dismay out of his head of his first words, it would only give the other something to go on if he hesitated. He took another breath, before continuing. His voice a bit better the second time he spoke. "Are you the one responsible for the attack?" he fixed his eyes on the other man's, refusing to look away from him or back down as others might have.

He did not even know he was a demon officially at this point, but he was not going to cowar or faulter in the presence of anyone...especially a captor. That was typically what they desired, and as a prince and a samurai, Akio had a lot more honor and such to uphold than most. It also was typically another part of his natural personality. He was not one to run or cowar in the presence of darkness.

Though he could not dispute the nerves and a slight tinge of feer bubbling up inside of him, he portrayed an air of calm and confidence on the outside. He had been taught how to compose himself, and it came naturally to him as well. Darkness and evil was only able to overpower you and win if you let it. He had never before, nor would he now. He could not...for himself and his kingdom, he would be king one day. King...he clenched his jaw slightly, setting it a bit more sternly.

His father...did he already know? Was he furious? This was probably the worst situation for their agreement. He had said he could handle himself and would prove as much...and here he was captured on his first mission outside the kingdom lines. He mentally cursed himself a bit once more, before focusing on the other again, as he awaited the answers to his questions.

Arc Angel 09-19-2014 03:50 AM

Legs crossed before him and arms tucked relaxedly behind his head, Dorian allowed his eyes to close to complete what would appear to be the epitome of relaxation. He was truly proud of this success. It was something he inwardly congratulated himself on, making all of the time he had kept an eye on this man worth it. What he had begun to plan months ago had finally come to fruition, and on the young prince's first mission, to boot! A sly grin slid up along Dorian's face at the thought. Oh, daddy would not be happy with the little man. This would surely throw a curveball in their war strategy. Meanwhile, Dorian was to be given the indefinite favor of his superiors, regardless of the fact that he already held quite a bit of sway in court. While it had been an urgent request that he take on this task, it had certainly been more of a choice than an order.

Opening one of his eyes as he heard a rustling from the other corner of the room, Dorian's humming trailed off. Yes, this would be the most fun he had had in quite some time. Of that, he was entirely sure. As he heard the stammering voice rise, he let out a soft sigh and casually slid himself up and off of the lounge chair. His hands found his pockets as he approached, carefully studying the form of the prince as he stopped about a yard away from his cot.

"Dorian Arnoult, at your service." He spoke politely enough, though his words held a darkly sarcastic undertone. Still, a part of his introduction was genuine even as he bowed his head with a bit of mock courtesy. "Let's see..." He then began, tapping a white-gloved finger on his cheek for a moment as if in thought before a broad smile spread over his face. "Ah, yes. You've been, shall we say, kidnapped?" His tone was light, almost musical, and his expression boyish enough that perhaps he didn't quite fit the typical image of a demon. Even so, there were twisted gears inside of this demon's head that made him distinctly inhuman. He'd lost his humanity quite some time ago.

Stepping around the cot to lean upon the cold stone of the wall, Dorian lounged there casually, crossing his arms as he looked down at Akio with amusement in his gaze. "Yes, I was responsible for the attack. Why, I suppose another would have conducted it if I hadn't accepted the job, but... That's beyond the point, dearie." He chuckled, one of his hands rising to run up through his tousled hair. "Mmh. Let's leave it at this," He spoke more seriously now, though his tone hardly darkened, "We need you for leverage. Until your daddy gives my superiors what they'd like, you're mine. Oh, and be glad about it!" Dorian clapped his hands together once, almost excitedly, smiling in a genuine manner at his thoughts. The young, innocent prince here, the picture of nobility and purity, within his grasp! He already felt the adrenaline of the tempt picking up in his mind.

"The other samurai were most likely killed and dismembered. Hell Hounds are wonderfully tamed companions, but I'm afraid their manners are lost on their prey." He added after a few moments, looking over the rest of the room thoughtfully as he decided to relay this information. To him, it was a game. He wanted to gage the other's reactions, his resolve. While he had certainly heard a stammer in his voice earlier, the calm emulating from his presence now was quite astounding. It weren't as if Akio were the first to feign confidence in his presence, however. Still, he felt a strong sort of resolve in this man. This was quite different from what he was used to. Gaze returning to his form, he studied him quietly for a moment before sighing softly and stretching out his arms.

"Humanity will fall, Princie, mark my words. You'd be a lot better off accepting your place here for now." He spoke calmly, explaining the situation as if he were giving a stranger simple directions.

Kiyoto 09-19-2014 02:20 PM

The other moved, and Akio never took his eyes off of him. When he moved closer, Akio tensed for a fraction of a second, before the other was bowing in a mocking way. The action caused Akio to relax a little but not in the calming way. It was more in a way of realization that he was actually not as afraid of this man as he was simply in audience of a natural demon.

They were this way after all from what he had studied, ones to mock and play on such things. He felt his resolve strengthen a bit as at least he got a name. However, at the mention of being kidnapped, he felt a flicker of grim realization that he had indeed been right move across his mind for a moment.

The man stepped around him, and Akio remained where he was. Trying to keep the other in his sight would only reinforce if he was afraid or not. By not bothering to turn as the other moved to his side out of his main sight, he reinforced instead his own power in the situation. Then again such back and forth plays were as dangerous as they were beneficial.

He had been warned to be careful about never turning his back on a demon, they were not the kind to fight fairly, and would take advantage of every opportunity they could. This meant the demon could very well stab him in the back literally with his eyes not on him. He was also his prisoner, but then again, they needed him as the other seemed to be getting at.

He doubted they would be so foolish as to kill him. His heart sank at the mention of the other indeed being responsible for the attack. The other was picking at him and he knew it, confirming that they indeed needed him for leverage. When he made two hints at others being involved as well, Akio finally glanced in his direction.

He was giving away bold information freely…he was either highly confident, highly cocky, or both. Then again, wasn’t that demonic nature as well? He adverted his eyes once more, as the demon named Dorian began to once more speak about the attack. His mind taking in the information he was being given. The other was hitting at a spot that was still a fresh wound, one that would get to most who had a good heart.

Death…the death of those you called friends or comrades. He clenched his jaw for a moment, before closing his eyes and taking a breath. He had very well been aware of the dangers of being a samurai. They all did. Though it stung and his heart felt heavier at the words, he forced himself to remain composed for now.

They fought valiantly, not with such trickery as what you needed to win” he says, opening his eyes as he spoke to the other, making a small comment back at him. It was partially to test the other as well, and in turn simply to push back with the other pushing him. When the other spoke of humanity falling, Akio turned his head a bit to look at him.

Humanity is not forever…life comes and goes with its place in history” he said, “as will demons in the end as well…you are not absolute.” He caught his eyes once more, “but do not think you have won already…even though man might not have such ready power as the demons or celestials, you cannot count us out just yet…doing so would be foolish indeed.

He kept his gaze on the other, “man has more potential and power than either side believes.” Man had grown through time, been through many strife and come through. He had faith that the samurai were not as fully gone as this man believed, as well as in their future as well. He was not going to break so easily to mere words and ideals. The future could always be changed.

Arc Angel 09-19-2014 07:11 PM

Dorian's keen gaze tracked the little details about the other's body language: the initial tensing and how he wouldn't take his eyes away, then how he seemed to refuse to even turn to face him later on. These were easy for him to see, but without having tested the man thoroughly enough, he didn't quite yet know what they meant. Dorian would only assume. Akio's tensing and refusal to allow his gaze to stray from his form at first must've been his body's natural defense to the news. Good. Either that, or some mix of disgust and regret. However, his neglect of even turning to face him as he moved was a curious thing. Whether it was some ounce of pride or dignity, or just a show of bravery, Dorian wasn't yet aware. Curious thing, you are. Finger tapping his cheek, he tilted his head slightly as he observed his new prisoner.

"Ah! Valiant indeed, this is true, but what good does valiance do the dead?" He replied with a rush of enthusiasm, agreeing in his own way. It would seem odd to admit any good quality in humans, anything making them worth keeping around, but Dorian was one to speak his mind. His mind told him they were entertainment. It could be seen as a soft spot, if he didn't usually display it in such a sinister way. "I'll give you a hint. In the pit, it does you nothing." He continued, his speech slowing for a moment as his thoughts brushed a topic of mild discomfort. "Nothing." Then a grin relit his face, and he was back to his casually confident self. He needed to properly test this young man, not allow himself to lose focus like he nearly had. How silly of him.

As Akio spoke up again, on the idea of all lacking an absolute presence and the power of man, Dorian quirked a curious eyebrow in his direction. He even so dared to make eye contact now? Noted. His golden gaze danced with both curiosity and amusement, though his grin subsided as he became thoughtful. Crossing his arms, he nodded a little in agreement, finding what he'd said thought-provoking but nonetheless futile. Nevertheless, he did admit some worth in his words. "Nothing is absolute, except for the fact that none of us are." He rephrased what he'd said in short, then shrugged, "I like it, actually." Then he paused, chuckling and shaking his head. "Are you speaking of the war? Heavens, no, dear A-ki-o," He weighted the different syllables in a boyish manner, his tone lacking the mocking note of earlier. He was just being himself, quite playful. "I don't aim to win any wars. I don't aim to wipe of humanity... I only aim to live as I please." Dorian spoke truthfully. Though he did look down on humanity, if it were reduced to rubble, what on earth would he do?

"Mmh, men can be strong indeed. They certainly can overpower demons, even celestials, on some occasions." He paused there to think for a moment before taking a few steps towards the center of the room and swiping his hand before him. A portal there appeared, and his rather ghoulish companion Samuel entered the room hesitantly. "In fact, I'd like to test the theory. You make the choice for me, whether you'd like to see it or not." He continued, still speaking to Akio before turning to his servant. "Samuel, see that there is one survivor and fetch me him. A strong man, one of the samurai leaders."

"Yes, sire." He waited not a moment more before stepping back through the portal, leaving it to disappear.

Smiling in a genuine, but devious manner, Dorian turned to look over Akio. "How about it? He'll find me one of your leaders, and possess him. The possession will take a rough toll on the man, certainly put him through strenuous mental torture... but not enough that he can't manage riding to tell the king of what happened. He'll die some time after reaching the palace, if he's still possessed by then, in a painful, grotesque manner, unless he somehow overrides Samuel and takes control." He explained calmly, eyes focused in on him to read reactions. "Or, I'll kill him painlessly. You choose."

As he finished speaking, a portal opened up behind him with a wounded soldier being lead in by Samuel.

Glancing over his shoulder to head in the direction of the two, Dorian chuckled. "What'll it be, Akio?"

Kiyoto 09-19-2014 09:26 PM

Akio watched as the man began speaking. He was still mocking him a bit and teasing, egging him on to get some kind of reaction. He agreed that the samurai had been valiant, but that in the end valiance did nothing. He said nothing to this comment, there was no point in it. The other would continue to twist his words and push no matter what he said. He then rephrased what Akio had said about not being absolute.

He did have a point as well, but once more Akio kept his silence. With the other pronouncing his name like that, it made him a bit ill. None of this was a laughing matter. He continued to speak, he merely wished to do as he pleased. That was normal, that was what demons typically did. All had their own goals and plans. All wanted their own things, lived on their own selfish desires and wills.

He continued to be silent, the other's words were merely that. He was not going to continue giving him the satisfaction of taking his bait. Then again, what he said and did next made him tense a bit once more. The play of going after one of his superiors...someone he worked with and cared about was a low blow. He clenched his jaw a bit and stood as the demon returned. He could not stand for this, not even with his status and pride.

"Leave him be, he has nothing to do with this at all" he says, "your quarrel is with me and my want something from him. You say that you do not aim to end humanity yet you have no trouble with slaughtering innocent human lives like every other demon." He looked at him, "perhaps that is all you are...another demon? Someone's errand boy?" It was a bold move, especially for those who knew Akio.

He was not one to so easily strike at someone like that. This however was a situation that was not one he was typically within either. He looked at the man, "You have me here already as you father will discover what happened I am sure those above you would have been watching..." he could not move much with the cuffs and chains around his wrists. He stood there, looking at him.

He looked at the wounded samurai, he knew the man, he had a family and a wife back in the kingdom. "You desire to get to me...fine" he looks to him, "if it is something from me you desire then let him go." He would not let another suffer, especially because of him. He would also not give in so easily to whatever the other desired. In an odd way, it was both submitting and at the same time powerful defiance.

He was willingly about to give something to the other, to protect someone. At the same time, it did not mean in the slightest that he was giving in to the demon. It was because of his heart..who he was...what he was, not because the other had won. He was a prince, a future king of Eternia. He knew his first duty was to his people, to protect and care for them, it was also his kind nature once more in action.

"If you kill him, you will never get what you desire...if you harm another innocent will fail" his eyes on the demon's, a fire within them that was different than such a fire one might see in another. The amulet around his neck glowed slightly, but he did not seem to notice it. The dark energy upon the chains would be affected however, not merely pushed at bay, but now pushed back more to lessen their hold.

It did not completely dispell it, but it hinted at what had been pondered for many years since Akio's birth. There was more to him than being a mere son of man. It was partially the reason so many had taken an interest in him. As well as partially why, unknown to him, he was so strictly governed and guarded. His eyes remained on the demon before him, not wavering even now.

There was a seriousness within his voice, one that convayed that the death of this samurai would only succeed in pushing him the opposite way of what the other wanted. He was not heartless, the death would indeed wound him deeper than a flesh wound would. But he would take it and fight even stronger and harder from it. Though that as well was a dangerous game to play.

These games, they were at odds at both now. What was it this demon wanted? To corrupt him? Typical of a demon. Perhaps that was indeed all he really was. "Let him go... let him live, and I will willingly remain here with you for now as your captive during this futile ploy" he looked at him. He knew the weight behind his own words.

At the same time, he knew a willing captive was much more easy to work and deal with than an unwilling one. Did he plan to keep him locked up down here? Chained to a wall like an animal? They would continue to only go around in circles at this rate...but if he was at least partially free, there was more of a chance of both of them learning more about each other, which could be benificial...or the ultimate dangerous move.

Arc Angel 09-19-2014 10:50 PM

As Akio finally spoke up again, a rather bright smile flickered onto the demon's face. He wasn't particularly fond of being spoken down to, or yelled at, but this was certainly the reaction he wanted. It was a rare exception. The pride of the young prince had given way to his rage. In Dorian's opinion, it hadn't taken much to accomplish, and it was well worth the little effort it took to drag the other samurai into this. "I have no quarrel with your father." He noted briefly, before sighing softly and turning his back to Akio. He could feel the power emanating from him, the power surpassing that of his bonds. Harming another life was all it took to rile it up? What could this random man's life possibly mean to Akio? That struck some small note with Dorian.

His lips pursed slightly at the mention of his being a lowly errand boy, but the idea that the prince was stooping low enough to attack his character was a surprising treat. A part of him was tempted to slaughter the man here, draw out more of this anger and power-- but he knew better than to deny the opportunity to keep him here without force. Still, he turned on his heel to face Akio with his gloved finger tapping his cheek. "Let him go, you stay here without a problem... supposedly..." A grin curled his upper lip. He wasn't particularly keen on simply letting the man go free, though.

"I'll entertain the offer, with a catch." He explained before approaching the man that was crossing the line towards unconsciousness. Placing his hand on the back of the groggy man's neck, he murmured a couple of words before leaning over to kiss the man's neck. A dark purple aura glowed from it as he pulled away and straightened himself into a standing position again. Left behind on the man's neck was an intricate, black, glowing mark. Then turning to look at Akio with a devious grin, he pulled the man up by his collar and gave him a gentle shove back through the portal.

His servant, appeared surprised. "Sire?" Samuel questioned, awaiting further instruction.

"Lift the fog and recall the Hell Hounds. Allow this man to find his horse and clean up the mess. Make sure he is not harmed on his return home." He spoke calmly, voice as casual as it had been to being with.

"What of other survivors, sire?" Samuel further questioned.

"I don't care." Dorian stated bluntly, not putting forth the thought on them. The Hell Hounds needed some sense of reward, after all. They would bring home limbs and full stomachs tonight.

The man's eyes widened, but he knew better than to question it. Instead, he nodded curtly and stepped back through the portal, which closed. Dorian then let out a soft sigh as he approached Akio, stopping just before his cot as he looked down at the man curiously. "Any lack of cooperation will end in his painful death. I sealed the offer as a contract on his life. That mark cannot be removed." He explained casually as he crouched down in front of Akio, removing the enchantment on the cuffs altogether before removing them from his wrists. His touch was gentle, fingers nimble as he removed the cuffs before his gaze locked onto the other man's. Their faces were close, but not unnecessarily so. Yet, Dorian still felt the need to prod at his senses. "We could always seal a deal, ourselves, if you'd like." He spoke quietly, suggestively before chuckling a little and standing before he got a reply.

Then, thoughtful for a moment, he offered the other his hand to assist him in standing if he needed it. His gaze was distant, though the curiosity there remained as he waited. This was no intimate gesture; it was Dorian's recognition of some part of his lost humanity. He would not admit it, and his expression would not hint at this strange notion to assist him, but it was the smallest of reminders to Dorian of what humanity had been like for him.

Kiyoto 09-19-2014 11:39 PM

He had not meant his words as an attack to the other. Honestly he had not really expected such things to come from him. He was not angry persay, more dertermined and passionate....though he did not expect the other to understand, nor could he know what was going through his mind at the moment. He watched him, as he spoke then moved to do as he did. When he placed the mark on the other, Akio's jaw set slightly once more. He watched him, as he gave the order. Soon they were once more alone.

He was informed of the contract, the demon before him seeming amused by all of this. Akio was not, but he did not resist knowing the other was alright. He then made a comment that made Akio for the moment blink a few times in succession. Seal it themselves? What was that meant to mean? He had studied such things as contracts with a demon. There were various kinds, with various ways of instigating and maintaining them. He did not desire to know what the other had in mind though.

He undid the binds, and Akio gently rubbed his wrists a bit, before the hand was offered to him. He looked at it, then the demon. Slowly his hand placed itself within the other's. Oddly enough, the amulet around his neck did not respond for the moment to the contact of him and the demon as he stood fully now. It seemed to be influenced in part by his will. He sighed a bit, fixing the scarf around his neck, his eyes not on the demon now. "I did not mean to offend you" he says without much thought, though for a moment that was all he said.

Finally he lifted his eyes, their golden brown color seeming to intinsify in the light now that he was not mainly in the shadows of the corner. He took a breath, "I will keep my end, you have my word....I will not try to leave..that was our deal." He was not going to place the other's life in danger, and at the same time it had been he who had first suggested the bargan. It would be ill of him to go back on his word as a man and as a prince. Akio had always been a man of his word.

If he promised something, he followed through. His hand went to the blade by his side, it had not been removed when the other had brought him here. With his hands bound, it had been at the most part useless. Now however, he could draw it freely if he desired. Instead, he unhooked the belt holding it to his hip, before he held it out to the demon. His eyes once more on him, "if it helps, you may take it if you desire..."

Honestly, he had never been fond of the idea of using it. Samurai or not, the idea of killing was not one he wished to be faced with or have to come to. It was better to sort things out peacefully and without violence if it could be managed. "If you have no quarrel with my father...why are you the one to have me then?" he asked him, curious on why exactly he was here. "You did say after all another would have most likely completed this mission if you did not" he continued.

He paused for a moment after that, thinking it through himself. What could one have to gain, taking on a task they did not see themselves connected to in a personal matter. Unless his quarrel or desire laid with Akio himself. "Is their more to this then you prefer to admit?" it was an innocent enough question, coming out without much thought as to intent behind it, either ill or not. It was simply a question for the other to choose to answer or not.

Being so close though, he could feel the darkness from the other, the demonic energy and the feeling he had felt earlier intinsified in that sense. He was in a dangerous spot indeed, and giving up his only weapon at this point only made it more dangerous. Though even as afraid as he should have been, or how dangerous he knew it was...he was not afraid at all. More and more, he felt himself calming in a sense, now that the other samurai was safe.

Demon or not, he was a bit more curious than anything. He had never been this close to one before in such a manner, especially a human enough one to actually speak learn from. He tilted his head a bit without even thinking, as he looked at the other. His eyes on him held a bit of that curiosity, but also in a sense now portrayed more of his light and purity. There was an innocence within them, within him.

But on no account was it innocence in naivety. He was not a fool, he was very well aware of the situation and danger. He was aware of who he was and that he could very well end up dead at some point. This was not simply casual housing company, this was him agreeing to be a prisoner for the sake of another's life. He could not leave, not now, not by his own force. They would come for him, he knew this though.

It would never be taken simply by his father laying down, no...he had a feeling things were going to intensify and possibly get worse. This was the beginning of something deep and bigger than simply a samurai mission or perhaps even the mission the other was on for himself. Akio watched the other, waiting for the words of what he would say next. Where would they go from here?

Arc Angel 09-20-2014 12:28 AM

The acceptance of the hand he offered had not been something Dorian had expected, drawing a slight wave of surprise to him as he went through with the gesture of helping Akio to his feet. It was something he'd done for the priest earlier, that corrupted soul, but how was this so different? He reckoned that, in part, it was due to Akio's resolve. However, the warmth of a hand within his, the casual proximity of their bodies... Dorian shook his head a little and averted his gaze from the other after he had straightened himself out. What a fool he was, to allow such human thoughts to cross his mind.

However, Akio's claim that he meant him no offense drew his gaze back to the other man. Dorian's lips parted slightly for a moment of silence before his devious grin reclaimed his face. "You'll have to do much better than that to lower my opinion of myself, little prince." He responded smoothly, willing to spend no more time on the subject. "I trust in your word. Or, rather, I trust in your willingness to cooperate to spare your comrade's life." Dorian chuckled a little, "Can't trust anyone, you see. Humans can fall just as far as we." His gaze held the others for a few moments before he noted Akio's hand at his waist. For a moment, he thought an attack were to happen, and he felt a rush of excitement...

This of course was only to be stifled as he was instead offered the blade. Lifting a curious eyebrow in his direction, Dorian eyed the offer for a moment before accepting it. He held the blade with a practiced hand, though he did not care to wear his own around his manor. "I reckon it makes no difference." Dorian responded casually, though he noted the other's compliance to cooperate, even more so than was requested by him. Was it that he was eager to rid himself of the weapon, its responsibility? It was a curious thing to Dorian, to accept the sword given so willingly. Twirling the blade's handle in his hand, he lit it go from his grasp as if to drop it, but no clatter sounded as one may expect. Instead, the blade merely dissipated instead of even touching the floor. Dorian was to keep it among his others, for easy storage.

As his intents were brought into question, the grin on Dorian's face only broadened. Looking to Akio to respond, however, he found himself caught at a moment's pause. There was a genuine quality to the innocence in the other's eyes, the childish sense of curiosity held in his gaze. Dorian was drawn in, though he would not admit it, to this entirely pure look. He fancied the curiosity there mirrored his own, in a manner, though he knew too well that his golden eyes reflected more sinister intent than the other man's. What may have at once been in some ways warm, Dorian's features were each just touched with enough of a dark twist as to rid any sense of purity or warmth that humanity may have once given him.

This was only part of the reason why Dorian was caught in the moment, though it was entirely enough to have stopped him from speaking. Those genuinely innocent eyes, that radiantly warm expression-- he'd seen one like it before. He'd been looked at with that touch of childish curiosity before, though not since the beginning of his descent in the Underworld. Not since he'd forsaken his own humanity. It struck a chord deep within him as he pictured a pair of handsome blue eyes in the place of Akio's. Dorian felt his heart plummet, a fire in his chest, an emotion now foreign to him tearing at his gut as he forced his eyes closed for a moment. Marcel.

Then the moment had passed, and the only outward emotion Dorian would show would be a sudden warm, human quality in his gaze before he closed his eyes. Then, upon opening them a moment later, his regular cold edge was back and perhaps even a touch worse. "I will answer what questions I am asked, Akio." He spoke plainly, dropping his name in a more casual sense now, then sighing softly at himself before regaining his composure fully. "I am a man of mischief. I prefer to keep entertained, and I do so by dabbling in corruption." He paused, if only to gage his reaction at this point, "I mean to make entertainment of you, if you will. Your seemingly strong resolve is a refreshment... I would like to study it for so long as my superiors would like me to keep you. Perhaps longer." Dorian's words practically sung with suggestion, his voice low and woven smooth like silk as he sent what could be a rather charming smile at Akio, had it not held such a devious nature.

"Shall we? If you're to be roaming about, you may as well know where you're going." He added after a few moments, opening a door that lead up a staircase to the rest of his home.

Kiyoto 09-20-2014 01:08 AM

The responce to his words brushed off of Akio for a moment, as if he had not heard them. The speech about trust made the curiosity within him only strengthen a bit. Yes...everyone could fall. Everyone had choices, and it was up to those people to decide what to make of their lives and their futures. When the other looked at him and paused, he blinked a few times more in responce to the look he was being given. He was tempted to ask if something was the matter, when the demon spoke again.

So, he sought entertainment? Akio was to be his toy and nothing more? He frowned, feeling a slight pang of annoyance at such a claim. He was no one's toy, no one's entertainment. Then again, it vanished when the thought of the demon being a similar case to him in a sense. It was a chance to learn, to grow as a samurai and a being in a sense. There was a lot more he could learn on the inside, rather than outside. So he merely nodded, giving no hint on his expression as to a reaction for the moment at this revilation.

"Verywell...then if you are so keen on this idea, we shall see where things lead.." that was all he said, as the other had moved to the door. He turned away from his temporary prison, following him a bit. His boots softly making a noise upon the flooring as he approached the other. So he was planning to show him around then? His eyes moving to the demon for a moment. He thought back to a few moments before, how the other had regarded him. He could see a hint of something more within him during that time.

There was indeed something there...something here. As to what it was, he did not know. He supposed it would not get him very far to ask however, so for now he remained silent about it. He wondered if there was more feelings going on behind those eyes than the other was letting on. He paused by the door, in front of him now, slightly close like they had been before. His eyes on this demon, he paused for a moment, thinking his words through. "Do you plan to kill me as well?" he asks finally, simply straightforward.

"Once you lose interest or it is requested by your superiors?" he looked at him, he had read and heard of some situations such as this. It was rare that the goal of having the person returned safely was ever actually met. Either the captors got greedy and asked for more and more, or they simply killed them anyways. Was that to be his fate as well? "Do you plan to keep me prisoner forever instead perhaps?" he mused a bit, oddly enough giving a light laugh himself a few moments after.

He raised a hand slightly, waving it off. "Forgive me.." he stepped out into the hall, as he got his thoughts under control. He had been ammused by a thought of growing old in such a place. Most would think of growing old with the love of their life, not of this way. Would the demon age? He figured not, he was probably already well his elder at this point. That thought threatened to bring another laugh, and he lightly placed his fingers to his lips to stop it. It was oddly cut the tension and darkness with a bit of light even in the oddest humor.

It did help to give him a bit more hope. He had faith in the samurai, in his kingdom. His hand slipping from his lips to the amulet over his heart. It was because of such hope and faith, that he was in part unafraid here. That he could relax a bit and not worry as much as one might have. They would not allow this to happen forever, nor would he. Though he could not leave himself by force with this contract, there were other ways of such things coming to pass. Though it would not be easy...he was not one to shy away from a challenge though by any account.

He had come to far to allow it to end like this. He had made a promise to his father and himself. That meant he was not going to die here, he would not let the other kill him, even if that was what he had in store in the end. He closed his eyes for a moment, taking a slight breath, before he turned to look at Dorian once more. "Shall we then?" he said in almost a casual manner himself. Whatever the case, the other could not kill him now, and he guessed he would not over all. He had given away that he was interested and curious after all.

Why go through all this trouble to simply kill him right away at the start? A waste indeed, which added to easing his fear and worry. He was not relaxed to the point where he was not aware and alert though. Even now he had begun to take in the details of the layout around him, the stone and everything within the hall. It was indeed best for him to know his way around, for more than one reason. He waited for the demon to speak, not to concerned with the answers to his questions for the moment..

Arc Angel 09-20-2014 02:01 AM

As he felt the other pause behind him, Dorian also brought his casual steps to a stop. Hands in his pockets, he slowly turned to look at Akio. "Hm?" He questioned curiously, studying the other's face as he seemed to have a question. Quite the question it was, too. He had the idea to simply say 'yes' and end the discussion there, truly pressing at the man's will, but was surprised by the consequent ones to follow. Would he be killing him? Dorian's gaze fixated itself on him for a few quiet moments even after the small laugh he gave off. Raising a curious eyebrow at him as Akio then stepped past him and into the hall, Dorian was at a momentary loss for words again. The kid was twisting the gears in his mind at just the wrong angle, he mused as he regained his composure.

There was something he enjoyed about the question, the laugh he had heard. Many in the same situation would have asked the question out of pure desperation, out of the will to find hope in a dark place, but not he. The innocent prince here just appeared... curious. "I don't currently plan to do so." He answered simply at first, then chuckling a bit, perhaps just because the other had chuckled. That Akio had caused that was a chilling thought he didn't let himself dwell on. "Would spending an eternity here be preferable?" He then jested a tad playfully, grinning but not quite in the same sinister manner. Was he softening? No, he couldn't have this.

Biting his bottom lip for a moment, he again came to a pause as Akio turned to look at him, repeating his question in more of a casual tone than Dorian had heard. His golden gaze focusing on him for a quiet moment, his grin dissipated as he sighed softly and nodded. Stepping past him, Dorian used a hand to gesture him to follow instead of verbally replying. "Down here is more or less pure dungeon-like space." He explained briefly, lacking the earlier notes of emotion as he inwardly struggled against himself. Why were his thoughts drifting towards the amusement the other may have found in growing old here? He couldn't be thinking this. Reaching the end of the hall, he lead him up a spiral staircase and through a door that appeared to have been a closet of a rather spacious welcoming hall.

Dorian, as a count, lived in rather grand luxury here. He had chosen a smaller manor, but it was a manor nonetheless and the details were fine, if simple. The flooring was of a deep colored wood, the arched windows that hung open along the wide hall lined with rich colored curtains in golds and reds, the ceilings were high and made up of marble tiles placed carefully together. The grand hall lead to a sort of branching off point, of which there was a domed ceiling of the same mosaic tiles and circled by arched windows. The entrance was at the other end of the hall, in a set of heavy wooden doors the same rich coloring of the floor. "There are a few proper exits, that among them. They are to remain locked. They're heavily enchanted and may only be opened by few among my household, but they serve a purpose." He spoke plainly, casting a glance in Akio's direction with a sort of weighted gaze. The doors were not to keep him in-- they were to keep others out, and not those he assumed the young prince may think of.

He showed him down the next areas briefly: a generous dining room, a kitchen with a few ghouls working already towards supper, a couple lounge rooms of sorts with bed-like couches and lush fabrics, and finally ending in a room that was framed by a set of large double doors. Upon opening it, a sort of study/activity room was to be revealed. Its primary function was of a sort of study or library, the shelves crowded with books of many sorts, and a few large desks situated among the different spaces of the expansive room. There was a piano present in one corner, as well as some fencing gear off to the side of the entryway. It was quite the strange set-up, but the care in its design and fondness in Dorian's voice would make his frequent use of it apparent.

"This is the last of the publicly open rooms, meaning those left are my quarters and your own." He explained, golden eyes trailing over the room itself for a moment before approaching one of the windows on the far side of it. Looking over his shoulder at Akio, he gestured for him to join him there, a devious glint readily available in his eyes once more. The young lord didn't seem to yet understand the extent of his predicament, after all. Dorian only thought to remind him.

Beyond the windows, a sky not unlike the one he'd find familiar loomed, but the closer one approached the windows the more drastically different the landscape would appear than that of Eternia's. Oh no, they were no longer there. The land was of barren waste, and beyond it, there shifted shapes like mountains, though they seemed to curl up darkly against the nearly purple haze of the lowermost portion of sky. Above there were no sun, clouds, or stars, only a certain point in which the blue of the sky darkened into a rich purple that appeared to be a lingering night. "This is demon country, my dear boy. Much further from home than you though, ne?" He spoke playfully, his gaze only then shifting to linger on Akio with a sort of cold edge.

The scenery here always reminded him of who he now was, regardless of whatever thoughts otherwise shook him. Upon his first entry here, it was this scenery that perhaps grounded him into his new life. It was also this scenery, however, that touched him with the painful reminder that he was not born to this life. Humanity had been stripped of him all too quickly. One of his hands absent-mindedly brushed his clothed collar bone, where he knew a daemonic contract signature marked him, albeit hidden from sight. "You may use this room as you'd wish." Dorian spoke thoughtfully, the cold edge in his voice again giving way to a casual form of speech as he felt himself settled in this situation again.

Kiyoto 09-20-2014 07:51 PM

Akio watched the demon, as he went ahead and answered his question anyways. So, he did not plan for now at least to kill him. The mention of an eternity here once more sounded more like a joke than serious talk.They were on the move then, moving along the hall and away from what had been designated as the dungeon. He took in the sight of the hall around him and more. He spoke of the exits as they moved on, telling them that they were enchanted and locked.

So, h was ensuring that nothing was to get out...and possibly in. He looked at the detail within the home as they moved around. It was indeed nice, holding an elegance of its own. He kept silent as the other showed him the various areas.There were a few other demons like the one who had helped Darius earlier. so they were his staff. Akio glanced at them as they passed, but he did not linger much on it to give anything away. It seemed relatively standard, similar to a home a human might live within. They reached a room with which the other seemed to be the most fond of.

So he enjoyed some relatively human activities as well hmm? Darius was then moving to a window within the room. He was gesturing for Akio to join him, the look on his face hinting at something more within the hinting actions. He slowly moved him over to the window, and the demon's side. The scene outside was indeed different than he had seen back home. The darkness and feeling he got from it made it slightly harder to breath. He could feel his heart pick up a bit as he looked out the window. He said it was demon country, that Akio was further from home than he had thought.

In all actuality, he had been wondering this. How far had he been from home. Where he had been brought to exactly. So, he was now in a demon's land...they were often called domains within Eternia. Ways to reach them were from portals that set up along the worlds. Typically only stronger demons could usually make a domain, or open a portal between the worlds. So Darius was indeed a powerful demon it seemed. His eyes moved to the other, as he once more seemed to be amused by this little jest of his. He was once more attemptint to gain a reaction and pick at Akio.

His voice became colder a bit, and Akio noted the hand moving to his neck. He was hiding things indeed, there was more behind him than he was letting on. Akio took a breath, once more taking care in his words and not allowing fear or the darkness to overpower him. "I understand this is not my home land....I am in a place I do not belong, where I am indeed at the mercy of demons it would seem" his eyes on the sky once more now. "Even so....It matters little" he turned away from the window, back towards the door.

"I will not be bending to this will of yours or your entertainment" he placed a hand over the amulet on his neck once more as he stepped away. It felt warm against his hand and chest. Having it close helped to calm him, helped to strengthen his ressolve. It was having a piece of his mother with him. She had given it to him before she died, it helped to give him hope and strength. He would indeed to his best to keep this strength, to not let this demon win in the end. If death was to be his fate in the end, he was not going to give in so easily.

With such feelings in his heart, he was able to keep his calm and cool as well as with his faith in the samurai and the kingdom. He looked around a bit more as he waited for the other to speak up about his words. He had a feeling it would be another pick at him, the demon seeming not to rest with such actions. He had said that Akio was for his entertainment, he wanted a reaction and something to amuse him. If Akio succeeded in angering him, what would happen then? Demons were known for being quite ruthless when angered.

Would Darius be as well? Would he resort to violent actions towards Akio when he could not get what he wanted? Akio had never been beaten in his life. He had never been a bad child, so he had never really ever had to be repremended as a child. He had been injured and bruised in training, but it had never been for the pure reason of causing him harm. He had fought with lower level demons, who had sought blood and death as most did, but for the most part he had never honestly been in harm's way or at the recieving end of pure wrath.

He felt a slight pang of nerve run through him. People being hurt because of him scared him greatly, he had been willing to hand himself over to save the life of that samurai. If he was faced with pure abuse, he would have to indeed show his strength there as well. He knew it was a harder thing to face. When placed in situations that pushed someone, everyone handled it differently. He glanced back at Darius for a moment, what sort of things were lurking in the darker part of this demon's mind?

Arc Angel 09-21-2014 01:02 AM

From his place by the window, Dorian observed Akio carefully as he stepped over to join him. Curisoity danced in his gaze as it followed the other's movements, wishing to properly gage his reaction. He was still in the process of testing the young man. Rather, he was unsure of what in particular would wound him, so he was beating about a few subjects as he saw suitable. It appeared showing him this did evoke some reaction, as he picked up what he assumed to be discomfort. Ah yes, there was something frightening in being so far from home, was there? Tapping his finger to his cheek thoughtfully, he didn't care to avert his gaze as Akio turned to look at him. Just what had he been expecting? Dorian's upper lip curled, pleased with the look in the other's eyes.

Had he broken his spirit? Certainly not, not in the least-- Dorian did know that this sight had gotten to Akio, though, if only a little. That was enough to stir a little adrenaline within his system. Tilting his head a little as Akio turned his back to the window, Dorian's eyebrows rose a little with surprise in his words. "It doesn't matter? Are you certain?" He questioned, then further prodding the man, "So far from home, trapped inside demon territory, and you honestly don't care? Hard to believe, little prince. The palace life must've been so hard on you."

Dorian mused that it had probably been a rather pleasant life, albeit perhaps uneventful. He pictured him under the care of loving parents, with tutors, servants, loyal subjects... Akio surely did seem well-liked throughout the land, as far as he could tell. It all made him want to hurl. "Daddy dearest give you so hard of a time that you wished to leave? Is that why you became a samurai, hm?" He practically purred, crossing his arms before him as he leaned casually upon the strip of wall between the windows and balcony. "The young man seeks freedom from his dully extravagant lifestyle and ends up in a demon's clutches... oh, the tragedy." Dorian chuckled before shaking his head and turning briskly on his heel to approach the room's exit.

"Though I'm perhaps overstepping a line, neh?" Dorian spoke in a quieter tone, again plagued by a distant memory of sorts as he averted his gaze to focus his upon the doors for a moment. In his mind, images of a young nobleman reading beneath the shade of a tree passed by, the man slowly looking up to show the pair of blue eyes that had haunted him earlier. Moments later, and the pair of eyes shown in his thoughts were crying, and Dorian felt a pang in his chest. It was a white-hot sensation that nearly caused him to lose his breath as one of his hands rose to press his chest over it firmly. Eyes narrowing, he tried in vain to put it to a halt.

Curling one of his hands into a fist, he set his jaw stubbornly and after a few moments, blocked the play through of images. No more of this nonsense. The pain he felt left him in a rush, the memories flying to the back of his mind. If he'd known a human's presence would cause this interference, he... Why, he couldn't even think to say he wouldn't have taken the task. Rubbing a hand up through his hair casually, he took the other's last words to mind.

"That's the spirit." He remarked dryly, pleased as a tone of dark amusement re-entered his voice. Again, he had switched between shades of himself, a strange occurrence that set him on edge as he opened the door for the both of them to exit the room. "I'll show you to your quarters, then perhaps it's time I've fed you." He spoke calmly, though his gaze hesitated as it rose to rest on the other man again. What was his presence doing to him?

Kiyoto 09-21-2014 05:05 PM

He watched the other. He had not been affected much by this man's words so far, understanding the fact that he was trying to indeed get under his skin to him. When the subject began to arise however about his home life, Akio's expression turned a bit stern. The way the other spoke, as if he knew or understood. The way he mocked Akio like he was some pamppered fool. He had been accostomed to such words being directed towards him growing up. He knew the way some spoke about him. Akio was anything but such a thing however, and those words did indeed tug at his heart. Not in a way to sadden him, but to spark the fire once more that remained typically tamed within his heart.

"You know nothing of me or my life" he said, his eyes on the other, "your words are ill placed and highly arrogant." He sighed a bit, turning his head away from the other once more. He was not the pampered prince the others thought he was. He was thankful for the life he had had, he understood he had been in many ways priveleged more than most within the kingdom. He had used every opportunity he could to give back as well. At the same time, just as he had had his own privleges... he had been more of a prisoner in his own home as well. Constantly kept inside, constantly watched and kept in check. Everything he said and did watched and controlled for him.

He had been so strictly raised, that even now this speaking out caused him to mentally repremend himself on an inner level. He had been pushed into a life that his father sought for him growing up. The people liked the idea of him, of their handsome prince. Few truly knew him, what was inside of his heart. They knew he was good and kind, but the true personality was hidden within the shadow of a king who continued to have him seen but not heard. That was part of the reason he could not allow himself to lose this deal. His father would control his life forever. He would never be the man he desired to be. There was no one to help him, the guards, the staff, all were on his father's side.

It had been a ridged and cold upbringing. Dispite indeed having what he needed to grow up, he was merely a prisoner, a puppet. But the demon would never understand that, he would never know any of the pain or loss that Akio had suffered. There was no point in telling him anything, he would only twist it against him. A pampered prince would all he would be to most, and he understood this. But it was his choice to fight for himself, to be the real him. It was his choice to make something of himself, to be a true king that he and Eternia could be proud of. He would not hide within his father's shadow, nor let the man control his life for the rest of it.

He was his own man, and he would indeed be his own king. This was not some vindetta, or rebellion tactic that a spoiled child would use like throwing a tantrum. Akio truly desired to learn, to better himself and get stronger. He was willing to put up with the pain, the abuse and the challenge. Willing to face those who opposed him and learn from these obsticals to become a better man overall. He looked to the demon once more, as he spoke of showing him to his room, then perhaps he should feed him. Akio was not hungry, he had a lot to think about and did not think he could stomach much right at the moment with this man.

So far the other had shown he was simply another demon. Even if Akio could tell there was more beyond the surface, there was that very surface to get past. He held the demon's eyes. "Perhaps we should both learn to understand the real other before assuming such things..." it was not really meant to be much of anything. But the words coming from him out loud helped to slate the feelings inside of him. This man was a demon yes...but Akio could not lump him in with the general faction of the lot. was the ideal he had been raised on, that all demons and creatures were the same and evil.

He prefered to have people know him for real before judging him. Though it was not always the easiest thing, it was what he deserved to give others as well. The chance to show themselves fully before he judged. He had done so so far with all those he had met, so Darius was no different, even if he was a demon. Akio moved to him, so that he stood before the man. He looked into his eyes before hesitantly raising a hand. For a moment, he did not understand his own actions, perhaps it was merely a way to assure himself that this was just in turn another being. He was no monster, simple flesh bone and blood as Akio himself was.

Dispite him being a demon after all. Akio's hand gently brushed against the man's cheek. His fingers slender and his skin soft and warm against the other's cheeks. He watched him for a moment, and oddly enough he felt like for a moment the rest of the world faded a bit to the background. There was indeed more to this man than he was letting on. Akio tilted his head slightly as he looked at him a bit. He was not as big and bad as he was attempting to appear...there was something there he was fighting to hold back...what was it? He realized his hand was lingering, before he pulled it back. He stepped back from the man, before he nodded to his previous statement.

"Verywell.." he turned away, his mind troubled with various thoughts now, as he placed a bit of distance between him and Darius. He moved to the door, to await for him to show him on, for he had no idea where to go. Though he was a bit unsure of how the other would react to his actions just then. He expected him to brush it off simply, with another comment or stab at Akio. He would resist whatever was lingering within him, covering it more by giving in to the demonicness within him, letting himself sink more into the darkness that had a hold on him...wouldn't he..

Arc Angel 09-21-2014 05:58 PM

Akio's swift retort cam as no surprise to Dorian, who accepted his words with a sort of sly grin. Nodding a little as in in understanding, the gesture was instead his mental noting of his home life perhaps being a soft spot. While Akio hadn't accepted the words for insult, he still seemed to have struck a chord. Dorian observed curiously as the other man turned his head, seemingly needing to collect some of his thoughts. Pleased enough to drop the subject, Dorian let out a soft sigh and replied with a simple, "Perhaps." His golden gaze still focused in on Akio, even as he lost the other's eye contact, thoughts whirring away as he considered something... vile. Perhaps he would have to better get to know this one in order to best seek his soft spots.

At the same time, his humanity took a tug at him. A familiar phrase repeated itself in his mind. "Don't assume this life is easy!" The nobleman he'd recalled had once yelled at him, before hurling the book he'd been reading at his head. Dorian had chuckled then, but now he instead stood quietly, one of his hands rising only to ruffle his hair. His fingers passed over the place he knew he'd once been struck-- his grin shifted with discomfort at the thought, a tug at his heartstrings again humming in his chest. For the first time in quite some while, maybe he felt regret. It was just a chime of regret for having driven Akio to saying that.

A disgusting feeling. Dorian inwardly cringed at his self, only to find his gaze meeting once more with the young prince's. Something he found there threw him off his mental ground, which had already been struck a bit wobbly just moments earlier. Understanding? "Tsh," Dorian rolled his eyes, dismissing of the comment though he couldn't den there was some brush of interest in him. "Since when is understanding a concept between humans and demons, silly dear? Even by saying so, you misunderstand the situation." He spoke firmly, but Dorian was struck curious by the idea. Why would the prince seek to understand him? He was his captor, the prince his captive, and yet he had the audacity to say such futile things.

Though perhaps such words and motions were not so futile, after all. As Akio rose a hand in his direction, he watched it carefully, body as first tensing as he prepared to block a blow... but that's when this interaction turned on its head. As he noted no ill intent, Dorian's gaze instead caught the other man's with a dash of genuine surprise. It showed, too, lips slightly parted and eyes widening as the warm hand of the prince rose to gently brush his cheek. Dorian's body tensed for a moment, frozen where he stood.

What does he think he's doing? A voice in the back of his head prompted him to punish him and the action swiftly, but his body felt rather... weak, suddenly. A human sense of frail and emotion swept over him, and strangely, the dark aura of Dorian extinguished itself. In that moment he was human. He was human, inwardly savoring the gentle caress as a boyish sense of curiosity gleamed in his eyes, devoid of all mischievous intent. Then, that moment passed.

The dark aura of the demon count swirled back around him like an invisible cloak, passing back into his eyes as the other man stepped away. His jaw set rigidly with discomfort, his gaze regained its colder edge. Even so, his curiosity gleamed on in his eyes as they focused in on Akio. "Don't be a fool." He spoke quietly, both to himself and to the other, before swiftly turning to leave the room and walk back down the hall. His casual sense of self had been disturbed, and his actions now didn't some quite as naturally to him as he strolled down the corridor towards the other wing of the manor. What was up this mortal's sleeve? Dorian's mind hissed at him, repulsed by his actions under the other's understanding. A foolish notion.

He walked in silence, for once, thoughts rather distracted as he regathered himself and focused in on who he was. Who that crying pair of blue eyes from his past had turned him into. After a few minutes' worth of walking and soothing himself, Dorian was back to his normal composure. Stopping before a set of smaller double doors down another hallway, he opened them for the other to step in. "These are my guest quarters, you'll be staying here." He explained simply, stepping into the room himself. It was decorated with the same rich reds and golds as the rest of his home, with a large variety of pillows in different shapes and fabrics piled among a circular bed and curtains of the same hues draped along a set of windows. The room was of good sizing, with a large bed, adjoined study area, and a sort of small lounge. A separate chamber for bathing and the like was attached.

"I'd recommend you remain here whilst I am sleeping, myself, or when I leave the house." Dorian explained, a nearly playful, yet sinister tone in his voice as one of his hands passed over the wood of his doors. Murmuring a sort of chant briefly before passing his palm gently between the open doors, a dark seal appeared between them before vanishing. Upon nearing them, however, the seal's presence would be felt. "I placed a protective ward here that my servants cannot bypass. You should know that they would not be against the thought of harming you. Many have a taste for humans." He spoke, not to admit to protecting him, but rather to attempt prodding at Akio once more. Dorian couldn't allow him to feel too safe here, now could he? While he knew many of his servants wouldn't actually be willing to disobey his orders, for fear of punishment, he still didn't dismiss the idea that they may try to with such a strong house guest. Dorian wasn't keen on his servants harming the man - that was his decision to make - but he did sort of fancy the idea that the young man may feel wary around them.

"My quarters are at the end of this hall. Have you the need for me, you are welcomed there." His voice left off in a heavily suggestive, teasing tone, smooth as his golden eyes fixated upon him.

Kiyoto 09-21-2014 08:29 PM

Akio had caught sight of the other's reaction to his touch. Perhaps that had been part of his reasoning for pulling away? He followed the other in silence, his own mind moving around a few thoughts, that he did not mind not speaking at all. Perhaps a lack of words was best at the moment indeed. When they finally reached a room, he lifted his eyes to look at it. It was nice enough, and would do fine. Akio was not to picky, as one might think. He could make due with whatever he had, dispite being a prince. He typically prefered less, the simpler, rather than the extravegant his father seemed to like within the castle.

Daruis was speaking once more then, telling him it was best for him to remain here when the other was sleeping or out. He frowned a bit, indeed the other was back to picking at him once more. He knew well that many demons did have an intrest and taste in humans, but he was not going to let such a simple fear get the best of him. He would not be foolish enough to boldly move around and not take care of himself, but remaining the placid captive was not going to happen either. "I will keep that in mind" he said simply, brushing off the warning, as his eyes met the other's who watched for a reaction.

However, when he spoke the next term, that suggestive tone was indeed vile. Akio sighed, "I will have no need of such things" he stepped inside the room. Honestly, such a suggestive thought was insulting, and a bit surprising that the other would even hint at it. Many demons would not even think about touching a human, but to boldly lean on an idea like that... Akio pushed the thought from his head. He had never partaken in such activities. He was as many would say still fully pure, in body and mind. Though there were a few troubles to the purity of the mind part. For as much as knowledge could be good, it could also be bad.

His mind moved back a bit to the other's words. Understanding each other had been called foolish by him. Akio's eyes softened a bit in thought, as he brushed his fingertips over the top of the bed within the room. Understanding....was it so foolish because it would not change things...or because it was the fear of the other forcing him not to let another in. Human or not, placing walls around one's heart could also be both good and bad. He glanced to the window within the room, looking back out at that sky so different than his home world's.

He turned to Darius then, his eyes on the demon once more. As much as he tried to hide it, it seemed he had not been fully prepared for the presence of Akio within this world of his or his home. He took a breath, before speaking once more. "What is it that your superiors seek of my father? Of Eternia?" he asked, the other had not spoken yet of their notions. He had said he had no personal quarrels with Akio's father, that he was entertainment. Another thought then dawned on him. "How long have you been watching" he looked into his eyes. On some level, the other had to have been watching.

He had to have been, in order to know of Akio, to take intrest in him on such a level. He could play it off as some simple or random action, but Akio could not help but feel like with many other things, there was more to this. He lowered himself onto the edge of the bed to sit, not even thinking that after the comment the other made, he could be possibly placing himself in a compromising situation. He did not believe the other would boldly take advantage of it, dispite his suggestions. He was more interested in talking once more, and the other seemed to be as well. For dispite his agreement to the tour, the other was still there..

He could have walked away at any time, left if it had truly caused him to much discomfort. Then again, the other would not so easily admit someone had gotten to him, he would push himself to stay. Akio believed that on some level, this was more than his interest in finding out ways to get to him. He was interested in him, perhaps in why Akio was as he was, he did not know, not able to read his mind. He waited for him to speak, wondering what his reasoning for all of this would be.

Arc Angel 09-21-2014 09:23 PM

As the open invitation into his chambers was swiftly rejected, Dorian laughed a fuller laugh than many of his chuckles, one of his hands actually rising to his stomach as the thick, dark sound rolled from his throat. Golden eyes more boyishly enticed than ever, they remained fixated on Akio, having expected such a reaction. "Ah? A young boy that hasn't indulged in bodily luxurious before?" Dorian wistfully sighed, as if this were a tragedy, before sweeping his gaze across the room thoughtfully. His offer had been meant as a jest, to prod at him, perhaps test his purity.

Akio's response only secured Dorian's thoughts on it. The boy was as pure as a pearl from a freshly-shucked oyster. "How... cute." He added teasingly, a few moments later, gaze wandering back to the other's form as he went to sit upon the bed. It was an interesting move to make-- almost trusting, if he were conscious of what he'd done. Otherwise, it had been reckless. Dorian was unsure of whether it had been done consciously or not, but regardless, the action was a thought-provoking one. Demons didn't bed mortals typically, no, especially not those of high rank as himself. However, for the sake of damaging one's purity, it was not entirely unheard of to commit such acts upon the strong-willed.

Dorian made no move to follow him, instead stepping forward to sit casually upon the top of the curved lounge that stretched along the end of the bed. His long legs crossed before him, shoulders relaxed as he looked on at the other man and was met by questions. A curious one, indeed. "My superiors, eh? That's actually hard to say..." Dorian's voice drifted with thought, looking over one of his gloved hands before tilting his head and looking back to Akio. "I know what they've told me, but their true intent is another thing. Who ever truly understands another's intent?" The question was an open one, but the suggestion left in his gaze directed it to Akio, as if he asked his own question there. Dorian wished to push that thought into his brain, especially after his words on understanding.

Chuckling a little, he sighed softly before shrugging. "Many wish for the demise of humanity, holistically. To corrupt every living soul, and devour the rest. I assume, then, my superiors will act with this in mind. They want to gain some leverage over your father's forces, to make moves to being the ending stages of this war." Dorian explained it simply, lacking of interest in the subject, but not altogether out of the loop. He had, after all, played a relatively large part in the war's events as of late. Then, he switched gears to grin once more. "I've been watching the kingdom for quite some time, prince. I'm known for stealth, for mischief-- I've garnered much information on the kingdom and the samurai over the past years. Of course, gathering information on the latter proved to be more difficult..." He admitted, recalling the care he went through to do so. Dorian had committed quite the acts of espionage at his superior's requests, though they hadn't been of much interest to him until they focused in on Akio.

There was a thought. Why had Dorian taken interest in watching Akio? In part, yes, it was due to his given task, but he couldn't denied it. He could have done nothing to or revolving around the prince altogether. So answering why he had took some thought. Tapping a gloved finger to his cheek, he hummed a little, musically. Yet, that wasn't the question. Turning to face Akio, curiosity dancing in his gaze, he spoke simply. "About three weeks, though I've caught glimpses of you beforehand, of course." Absent-mindedly, his mind slipped back to a few of them before he shook them from his mind.

"It wasn't hard to do, truthfully. Manipulation is a past time of mine, you see, so all it took was some convincing of a couple of the guard, and a house servant or two, and my presence would hardly be noticed. I didn't often need to even enter the kingdom-- that was a different task, in itself." He halted the topic there, chuckling. "Did you ever feel a dark presence among your household, maybe heard a whisper of darkness near a servant of yours?" Devious smile taking a more sinister appearance, standing from his seat and grabbing hold of one of the bed posts to twirl briefly around the side of the bed, feet careful on the ground beneath him.

"Have you ever felt it, my dear?" He questioned, voice smooth as he wished to tempt darkness in Akio's imagination of his home. "The darkness in Eternia?" Dorian added, having stopped before the bed where Akio sat to look down at him curiously. Then, suddenly, he leant down, pressing one of his palms to the bed and leaning over the man's form so their bodies nearly touched, their faces inches apart. There, he paused and quirked an eyebrow at him. "Ever felt violated in your own home, cornered?" His voice as low, but suggestion wiped from it. Instead, Dorian chuckled at how close he'd allowed himself to get before casually straightening himself out and stepping away from the other man. The hand that still held the bedpost slid back around to the end of the bed, where he rested once more.

"Humanity allows for demons to take a part in their daily lives, regardless of their realization of it." Dorian added later, the teasing part of his tone subsiding as he became thoughtful once more. Regret lingered in his gaze for a moment before it passed. He ahd once been human, and more ignorant that Akio of this principle.

Kiyoto 09-21-2014 11:33 PM

He said nothing at the teasing manner with which the other answered him. Bodily luxurious? He almost rolled his eyes himself this time, with those words. Akio had never honestly had a mind or a care of such things before. He had never needed physical gratification, though many were often indeed surprised to learn of such things. Being called cute like that only added to the vulgar topic the other insisted on persuing, acting as if such encounters were nothing. Then again, to many they were not. To Akio however, he would only seek to give his body out of love or marriage...not for the mere pleasure of it... He shook the thoughts from his head as Daruis began speaking once more.

He hinted that he did not know what the superiors wanted, while at the same time hinting that he did. He was once more giving Akio the run around, but Akio had been figuring he would not get a straight answer. He had not so far. He figured as well though, that what they would want on some level would be the fall of Eternia, its corruption. So the taunt and words were really not that much of a surprise in the end. He confirmed that he had been watching Akio, for three weeks, but had seen him before than as well. He hinted then that he had been inside the kingdom, inside and around, spreading such a darkness within the kingdom. He asked Akio if he had ever felt it, before the demon moved closer to him.

Akio blinked for a moment as he was standing before him. He looked up at him, before he moved in close, causing Akio to slightly lean back a bit on the bed on one of his hands. He asked if he felt violated or cornered in his own home. His body so boldly close, Akio did not respond for a moment, before the other was moving away. He was thankful for it, the closeness with such a subject was not plesant at all. He said that demons were a part of humanities lives, and he understood this. "Perhaps it is the other way around as well" he says, "demons need humans as well...without them, you would have no one to turn on but each other..." He looked at him, as he allowed himself to sit up once more.

"I understand there is darkness could not exist without the other" he looked down at his own hands for a moment. "The world is in an odd balance, though currently such a balance is shifting. It is not only humans who are bringing about it...all play their part within the worlds..." he clenched his hands for a moment, watching his fingers. He glanced at the other along the bedpost, before he stood. "Tell me, after you corrupt me then what?" he asks, "you speak of having no desire to kill me in the present, possibly to keep me a prisoner for all eternity but..." He hesitated, before shaking his head, "nevermind...such bouts of words are useless with you correct?"

It was a slight hint at acknowledgement of knowing what the other was doing. "You will never give me a straight answer, without attempting to twist and use my words or feelings against me" he looked up at him again, "there is nothing more to say." He passed him, moving to the window, looking out it. He was stuck here indeed, trapped within a demon's domain, unable to leave or go home. It was a joke to the other, plain and simple, a game. He neither cared nor felt anything towards the fact of what this meant to anyone, other than his own pleasure. He did not turn to face him. He had mentioned food before, but Akio felt even more now like he could not stomach anything.

"I do not desire anything more from you...leave me be for now" he turned to look at him, "you can at least do that for now can you not? I am sure you have business with your superiors...I am not going anywhere, there is no reason for you to have to stay with me." With that he turned away once more, as if in a way dismissing the other, giving him the option of giving them both space. He took a breath, reaching a hand up to brush his hair behind his ear. He was going to need a shower, and change of clothes if he would be remaining here. But at the moment, the thought of allowing his body to be exposed even for a moment left a fowl taste in his mouth.

He did not need or desire anyone looking at him, especially this man. Even if his words were merely just words, the suggestion within them was enough to be off settling. He did not wish at the moment to push the limits of or tempt those words himself. He needed to think, to get his thoughts and feelings straight. There was no one he could speak to either here, he was on his own within this world. The other knew as much most likely and took pleasure in that as well. He was isolated, with no one but this demon here, as he desired it. He sighed a bit, whispering something under his breath.

Arc Angel 09-22-2014 12:42 AM

Dorian nodded slowly with the other's words, a grin of sorts, lacking malicious intent this time, lining his lips. "Of course. Many of my kind come from humans, so it is only natural we rely on them. Perhaps more than those fighting would care to admit." He spoke calmly, not denying the other's points as his gaze drifted to his feet. He was taking in what Akio had to say, actually nodding and willing to comply with what he was speaking of between demons and humans when... Did he sense frustration? Lifting his gaze quickly as he was questioned again, Dorian felt a loss of balance in their conversation.

He should be glad that the other was taking his lack of answers to heart, no? Some voice piped that he should in the back of his mind, but this time the larger part of him was annoyed by the other's words. How did he know he wouldn't have responded? Maybe Dorian would've. At least, he fancied that he may have once he had seemed to have lost the opportunity. He did end up taking some of them to heart, rather, in a way that disgusted Dorian enough so to lose the complacent grin he usually maintained. As his gaze trailed the form of the other's move to the window, he felt his fists curl and his stomach tighten.

Closing his eyes for a moment, his body tensed as a vision of the angry blue-eyed nobleman from his thoughts came back to haunt him. Opening his eyes immediately, he stood and strode to the door, making no pause but to look back over his shoulder for a moment as his hand found the door's handle. Marcel, don't be angry with me... His past words brushed his mind, but he shunned them. Instead, Dorian gritted his teeth and opened the door. "I may not be as cold-blooded as you assume. I have no intent to kill you... Satisfied?" He spoke plainly, agitated, then left the room, gently closing the door behind him.

Once out, he did not pause again until within the safety of his chambers, just beyond his closed doors. Sighing, he leaned back trustingly into the door, head tilting back to brush the cold wood as he slowly slumped against it. One of his hands rose to his face, his eyes closing in distress as the flurry of memories he'd been repressing played back in his mind. One of them in particular plagued him.

Dorian was but a young man, running through an open hall of sorts as sunshine spilled in from the courtyard side of it. Reaching its middle, he stopped, panting, and his gaze found a form sitting beneath the tree pleasantly. There sat a raven-haired noble of similar age, light blue eyes captured by the book he was intent on reading, even as he heard Dorian approach.

"So, you ran from me to go read?" Dorian heard himself question.

"What else would you have me do? Father would be angry if--" The young man didn't get a chance to finish.

"God damnit, Marcel, screw your father! We're in love, he can't tell you how to feel! You can't be angry with me for telling him otherwise!" Dorian felt himself sob, eyes closing as the book the other had been writing was chucked at his head.

"He'll hear us! Now, leave!" The other insisted, voice catching through the anger he managed.

"Don't be so angry..."

Opening his eyes what seemed like hours later, Dorian found the hand he'd rested on his face had gathered moisture. Bitter tears glistened down his face as he stared on ahead at his hand, shocked. "Crying?" He questioned in a whisper, sighing as he wiped his hand on the kerchief he kept in his pocket and stood up. Marcel would indeed be angry with him for his actions now, as he was then for other reasons, but what sway did the opinion of a dead man hold?

Straightening himself up, Dorian decided upon taking a hot bath, and only emerged from his quarters once again after having bated and redressed, red hair yet damp.

Kiyoto 09-22-2014 01:36 AM

Akio did not turn as the other spoke, though his words did cause a slight pang within his heart. He took a breath, finally turning as the door closed. He moved to it, placing a hand on it. For a moment he just stood there, before clicking the lock into place. He doubted it would truly keep the other out, but it felt a slight bit more reassuring than allowing it to stay undone. Finally, he allowed himself to relax a little bit. He takes a breath, moving to the bathroom. He placed the door between himself and the room. He had an opportunity to shower, and he was going to take it. He slipped off his clothing, being careful to keep an eye on the door.

He was leery to keep an eye on it, as he allowed hot water to run over his form. It helped a bit, to clear his thoughts. He closed his eyes, running through everything. He was a prisoner of a demon. He was being used for enjoyment and for a purpose that had not been fully disclosed to him. He sighed a bit, before opening his eyes. He allowed his mind to clear, enjoying the water for a moment alone. Once done, he turned it off and used a towel that was near where the water came from. He paused for a moment and ran a hand through his hair, trying to think things through once more.

The other had no intention of killing him...that was what he had said. But then what would he do? Keep him prisoner forever? He re dressed, at least in his pants and white shirt. He slipped on his boots, folding the coat of his uniform onto the end of the bed. He left the yellow scarf there as well, but placed the amulet back around his neck. He felt safer with it on, dispite not knowing the full worth behind its abilities. The other had told him to stay inside the room, for he could not guerantee his safety otherwise. Looking around though, there was not much going on around it other than his thoughts.

He moved to the door, slowly opening it. He glanced out, not seeing anyone. It seemed the other was still distracted. He moved on, slipping out of it. The hall quiet, his eyes moved to the door at the opposite end, where the doors to the other's room was. He takes a breath, before moving back to the room the other had shown him before. He had noted the books within, and had immediately taken an intrest. He had said nothing from it at the time, for not wanting to allow the other something more to be used. He moved to one of the bookcases, before running his fingertips along the spines of them.

He read the titles, some he had never heard of before. Were they demonic ones? His father would have had a fit, if he had seen him now. He slipped one of the books out, black with gold trim. He opened it, letting his eyes run over the words within it. A finger trailed down the page, as he moved over a bit towards the window where the other had show him the sky. He was letting his mind wander a bit, his guard relaxing a bit more. Books were his weakness, he enjoyed them. He leaned slightly against the wall by the window, reading a passage from the book he held in his hands. It did indeed seem to be a book from the demon world.

It seemed to be on a war within demons themselves. He was interested, the story was indeed something that in ways made him see more similarities beteen humans and demons. Then again, there were many differences as well. He turned his head a bit, looking out the window to the sky that seemed to be darkening a bit. Was night falling here? He did not know if the worlds were on different times, or if they were on the same. He thought for a moment of what he had said to Darius, and what Darius had said to him. He seemed to resent the fact of understanding each other, but had been off set by Akio not understanding him in a sense.

Arc Angel 09-22-2014 05:41 AM

As Dorian left the comfort of his chamber, his hair was just wet enough to yet be dripping onto the hand towel he had tossed over his shoulders. It kept his clean dress shirt free of most of the moisture as he stepped down the hallway casually, expression blank as he let out a throaty sort of musical hum. It echoed quietly through the halls, bouncing off of the tiled domes and carrying the little tune back to him in different tones. He was in no hurry to meet with Akio again, his mind just barely having forgotten of the foolish tears he had shed in his weaker of moments.

Why had he needed to go and do that? It was a stress Dorian hadn't needed, so for now he pushed the whole incident from his memory to focus upon the sheets of music he had carried along with on this leisurely walk of his. Today, he had decided, had been eventful enough for him to now relax as night began to fall. The days were different here than in Eternia; there was dark and light, but there was no true promise of which corresponded to day and night. Usually the darker the manor, the later the hour, but outside the colors could choose to blaze on or darken at they pleased. Dorian just felt it natural at this point to go by the lighting of his home and his instincts instead of the actual time. He wasn't even sure the Underworld had a specific time, as of yet.

Not that it mattered. Walking down their hall with little thought of Akio, not bothering to see if he was still among his chambers, Dorian made his way slowly to the activity room of sorts. Upon opening the door, however, his sense of calm felt a mild challenge with the sight of the other man standing there. Blinking at him, his posture at he stood there reading, Dorian took a few moments before sighing softly and moving to the piano in the opposite corner of the room. Sitting casually upon its stool, he set down the music he held in his hand, taking a few quiet minutes to arrange it just so before his gaze drifted to Akio. What was he reading?

Why he cared, Dorian was unsure, but he knew continued speech with the other was how he needed to approach this from now on. So, here went nothing. Standing, his hands rose to gently hold the end of the small towel that wrapped about his shoulders as he walked casually over to where Akio stood. Then, slightly clearing his throat, he studied him and book he held. He couldn't quite see it from here. "May...I?" He questioned, curiosity shining in his gaze as he gestured that he'd like to see the book, if possible. Dorian hadn't read all in his collection, but he was curious to see which of them the young man had taken up an interest in.

Briefly, his memory of Marcel reading touched his mind, softening his features as he looked on at the other patiently. He wouldn't be prying the book from his hands, so he hoped he'd just follow along with his simple request. If they were understand another, as he said, cooperation from both sides was needed. Dorian wished to sneer at the notion, but refrained from doing so. "I don't often have company that enjoys reading, as I do," he added with a slight chuckle, voice nearly conversational at this point. He was a curious soul with a nature that thirsted for new material at a pretty consistent basis, so of course many fell behind his standards of learning new things, reading of new pieces. Demons, especially, didn't often dabble in such frivolous things.

Kiyoto 09-22-2014 05:59 PM

Akio was in his own mind for a moment when he heard the door open. He had been reading, and the presence of the other did not clique instantly. He did note movement within the room, and glanced up towards the other for a moment when he was not looking. So, the demon was back? He seemed to be carrying music with him, and had little interest in engaging Akio. That was fine, his eyes once more lowered to the book in his hand. His eyes on the page, he let the other be, though he felt him watching him a bit. He wondered if he would make a move, and soon enough he was up and moving over to where Akio stood. He asked for the book, though not straight out. Akio allowed his eyes to lift fully once more to the man.

He was not going to refuse the other, it was his home and book after all. He closed it for a moment, before he handed it over to the other. He made a comment about not having met another who enjoyed books like he. “Reading has always been my preferred pass time…” he said, his tone a bit quieter than how he had been speaking before. It was more of because of how they had left things, not out of fear of getting caught outside of the room or anything. They were at an awkward impasse, it did not take a genius to figure that out. Akio watched the other, seemed he had taken to a bath as well, though he was not going to point this fact out to him.

The silence returned, and for a moment he felt as if he should excuse himself. The other had obviously come in here for a reason, and he doubted that it had anything to do with them. They had been going to take some time apart, and yet here they were once more…together. “I did not mean to pry” he says, before glancing at the piano within the corner. “If you would prefer to be alone, I will leave” he passed him a bit, fully turning now to the window for a moment. He indeed did not wish to strain things further than they had been not long ago. He felt the urge to apologize, turning to look at him once more. “I am sorry….such a situation has been...stressful on both of us it would seem” he adverted his eyes, “my manners were ill and I apologize for my behavior.

The other would most likely brush it off, and that was fine with him. He gave a slight bow to the other, before crossing to the door now. The book he had been reading was somewhat of a fairy tale with demon literature. It was about a demon and human falling in love, but divided by a war. Akio had thought it slightly ironic with the situation at hand, at the same time he believed such a thing would never come to pass. A demon in love with a human, in actual love, was more than unheard of in either world. He wondered why the other would have such a book, but then simply brushed off the notion as one he might have collected over the years as a simple amusement, more of a comedy than a romance. Akio was not inclined to ask.

He did not wish to push him any more either, as he had said, he noticed this situation had been stressful on the both of them. The other seemed to try to hide it, and they were overall supposed to be enemies. But he was not heartless, he would not force the other to remain in a room with him, when he had come seeking his own form of sanctuary or release. He had warned Akio, despite it being more of a playful jest, and he had bluntly come here anyways. He wondered as well if the other samurai had taken off to home already. Most likely he had, but even then, it would take a few days before he reached the castle. Akio was alone, alone in a world he did not know, with a demon he did not know. He placed a hand on the doorframe, prepared to walk out and allow the other his peace.

Arc Angel 09-22-2014 07:29 PM

As Akio made the gesture to close the book, Dorian's hand moved quickly so as to stick his thumb in the edge of it, holding his place before it was lost. Instead of explaining the action, his gaze lifted momentarily to the other's face before he accepted the book into his hands with care. Looking the cover over, his eyes widened just a tad. Oh yes, he had read this one in particular. It was a difficult story to forget, regardless of the folly he'd chalk it up to be. Humans and demons were simply not meant for such relations; he had known this upon his descent, and possibly even before such. One of his hands rose to press its palm to the cover as he stared down at it thoughtfully, hardly catching Akio's first words as he spoke up.

Shifting his gaze back to Akio curiously, Dorian's curious gaze latched onto him with a small wave of surprise. Why did he feel the need to apologize? Akio had been pushed to anger by Dorian, it weren't as if Dorian were an innocent party here. Yet, the stranger question was, why did Dorian feel obliged to return the apology? 'Sorry' wasn't a word that even made its way into his vocabulary anymore. Noting the tenseness between them, Dorian's expression turned from surprise to understanding, calming itself to a blank slate as he had to decide how to react to this. He didn't wish to further speak of apology, as the topic made him rather wary as a whole, but the concept of this awkward tension persisting was not something he wished for.

Therefore, as Akio present him with a slight bow and proceeded to walk to the door, Dorian suddenly felt the urgent need to act quickly. He'd already wasted his chance to act with propriety by not speaking again by now. The least he could do was attempt to disarm the tension. Then again, the limited time gave him no room to think over his actions as he typically would have, just enough so to perform them. "Akio, wait, please!" Dorian found himself calling this out as he took off in a sort of jog to the other, stopping next to him as Akio placed his hand upon the door frame. Taken aback by his own actions, Dorian opened his mouth to speak but had no words for a moment. So, instead of trying to return the apology, he averted his gaze in what could be considered something of a sheepish manner and presented the book to the other. His thumb yet marked his page, to ensure it hadn't been lost through this.

"I merely wished to know what you chose to read, I didn't mean to disturb your reading." He admitted, his free hand gripping his pant leg with the small rush of anxiety saying such a thing seemed to give him. Uncomfortable in the present situation, he then cleared his throat a little and lifted his gaze to find Akio's. "Despite some of the fantasy, it truly is a well-written book. I have always been fond of it." Dorian went on to explain, a grin sliding up along his face as his insides tossed about turbulently. Who was this person he'd just allowed himself to become? Yet, he trekked onwards, giving his own voice of caution a cold shoulder and for once just focusing on trying to be accommodating, if not apologetic. There was a strange situation for him.

While he did not wish to breech the subject of his apology, or their earlier back and forth, he did take some brave steps to attempt showing his willingness to have the other's company. This was really the best he could manage, in this scenario. "I insist, please stay." He waved a hand calmly towards the room, then hesitated with his words. "If you would like peace and quiet, or just to be alone, I can always play another time. I would just... prefer the company, quite frankly." He spoke with a distinct lack of ill intent now, seemingly washed out of him during their short break. Dorian had gone through quite the bit of emotional strife earlier, much to his distaste, but the humanity in him was certainly showing now as he chuckled with a note of warmth, his free hand rising to rub the back of his head as he awaited a reaction with curious eyes. "I'm afraid I'm no good with awkward."

Once more he cast a glance at the book then, and his gut wrenched into a sort of knot. He was struggling to be agreeable, but what was the use when his nature pushed him against that sort of notion? What use was it when he had already shot down this man's concept of coming to an understanding? The book surely was folly. A human could never be brought to sympathize with the darkness in a demon. Dorian had been told this time and time again, after his initial descent-- after he'd lost the human life that now showed more than Dorian would like.

Kiyoto 09-22-2014 10:57 PM

Akio had been awaiting a cold or sarchastic answer to reach his ears, or silence to ensue. Instead, the sound of his name and being asked to wait kindly met his ears. That alone was enough to make him pause in his step, before the other was in his way and blocking his path. He blinked a few times, surprised himself a bit at the action of the other. His eyes turning to him, before he looked down at the book as the other made a move to give it back. He lifted his hands, letting slender fingers wrap around it. It was now that he fully noted the other had been saving his place. His eyes on it as for a moment they both held onto the book, before the other let go.

The words came out odd, but he got the gist of what they meant. The other was in his own way apologizing? Akio lifted his eyes, watching his movements as he spoke fondly of the book. He seemed to be awkward and yet now warmer than before. As if a switch had been turned off, and he was now trying to be a remote gentleman. Akio felt odd, not bad odd, but not one he could explain if he was asked. He felt numb, surprised with the action and flip of the other. It was nice...almost...sweet. He watched as he said if he desired Darius would leave to let him be, but he prefered if they could each other's company. For a moment he stood there, in silence with him.

A slow smile then formed on his lips, kinder and warmer in nature, as a light warm chuckle escaped him now as well. "Odd...a demon feeling off settled by a human" it was not meant as a mean jest, more of one to gently break the tension and lighten the mood. He looked to the book, the fingertips of one of his hands brushing over it. "Thank you...I am sure it will live up well to your words" he smiled once more. The tension shifted a bit, lightened and warmed a bit with the other's words. Akio found himself relaxing a bit, and it showed a bit in his body language. The other saying that to him had been indeed a surprise and kind. He did not know how the other felt about such words coming from himself.

He guessed a bit by the way he was acting, it was something new to him. That made it amusing even more, but in a cute way. He watched him for a moment, allowing things to settle between them. If the other was going to offer, he would not refuse. He did not wish to be rude, and at the same time he was curious of the other. He had noted there was something more inside of him, perhaps this was a hint to it. If he was going to be a gentleman and try, then so would Akio. So he took a breath, before nodding, "I will stay....and if it is all the same to you..." He hesitated then, before he moved over to the piano, picking up one of the sheets of music looking over it. "I would very much like to hear you play...if you do not mind an audiance" he looked back over at him.

He gently slipped the book onto the top of the piano, before he sat down upon the stool before it. "I used to play a lot...when I was younger, my mother taught me..." he allowed his fingers to trace along the keys, looking at the music the other had chosen. He then lowered his hands to his lap, wondering if the other would take him up on the offer, or if it would cause a bit more distress. He then caught his own words, a hint of information given away. The thought of his mother caused a hand to once more go to the amulet around his neck. A slightly saddened look came to him, as the memories of his mother teaching him the keys and playing for him came to his mind.

He had continued playing after she had passed, for the sole reason as it was one of the few things that made him feel close to her still. Pushing the thoughts from his head, he regained his composure and his hand slipped from his neck once more. It stung at his heart, the memories. Though he was glad for the other to reach out to him even in a small way. He let silence spread between them, as he waited to see what the other would do. Music seemed to be one of those things that spanned many bridges, including race it seemed. A demon fond of it, as was he. Perhaps it would be something to bring them even remotely closer, or perhaps it was a fairy tale to?

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