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Captain Pains 12-01-2014 08:30 AM

How to get back into RPing?
I used to role play A LOT when I was active on Gaia. 3-4 years worth of constant roleplaying. But after I got into the later half of my high school life and after graduation, it just completely died. I lost all my will to roleplay. I am unsure why, maybe I got burnt out or something, but I would really love to rp again. I love writing, and I love rping my characters so I can get to know them better.

Any advice?

salvete 12-02-2014 02:32 AM

You could make a Roleplay Request thread in this subforum:

Roleplay Requests - Menewsha

^_^ <3

Good luck! I am also open to role-plays! You can visit my request thread here:

I am pretty open-minded and flexible, so if you wanted to develop your original characters further, feel free to let me know a storyline, idea, or anything you wanted to role-play!

Captain Pains 12-02-2014 09:08 AM

Haha. I saw your thread. Thought about posting. But I have a bad habit of abandoning RP's after awhile either because of writers block or I forget Mene exists. So I'm kinda wary of getting into one. Plus Idk if I'll be any good. It's been yeeeeeeears since I rp'd.

Maybe I'm more afraid than wary.

Kat Dakuu 12-02-2014 05:19 PM

I think the best thing you can do is just start. Might be rough at the start because you're not as sure what you're looking for, but don't be afraid to look over people's requests and answer them.

salvete 12-03-2014 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by Captain Pains (Post 1773066078)
Haha. I saw your thread. Thought about posting. But I have a bad habit of abandoning RP's after awhile either because of writers block or I forget Mene exists. So I'm kinda wary of getting into one. Plus Idk if I'll be any good. It's been yeeeeeeears since I rp'd.

Maybe I'm more afraid than wary.

I would not mind that at all. ^_^ I am not a seasoned role-player either, and I am a pretty flexible person in general. :)

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