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VampHunterX13666 12-13-2014 03:08 PM

Twist to Borderlands one on one
After hearing about a Vault of mystical and legendary weapons and treasures beyond belief A few hunters have banded together to find it. The planet of Paradise is a treacherous planet. most dangerous in the universe though richest, everyone has nice things, though whether they are stolen or bought is another story.

Name: Saleen
Age: 20
Race: Angel
Bio: Her goal is to find the vault for a particular item that she heard was in it, a family heirloom of hers, and the other hunters know what it is sp she has no doubt she'll get it.
Description: She wears black and silver light armor that is usual for the planet she's from with a black hood that's always on and a one and a half hand sword with a skull and angel wings as the hilt, and a straight blade. The shoulders and most of her armor are black.

Name: Dante
Age: 21
Race: Elemental Demon
Bio: He's in the hunt for the money, he doesn't care about the items in the vault, if he gets something good in the process of getting rich that's a plus. He uses primarily magic, and found a way to make guns that fire magic bullets, but he has to be careful using them because it drains him more than his normal magic use does. He has dual daggers that have blades hollowed for poison in the center and he can surround the blades by fire with no problem.
Description: Tall and skinny, simple casual black clothes and long black hair, he has a black cat that usually stays on his shoulders and helps him find his way when he needs it. Kai has been his cat for as long as he was a child.

ryuk2212 12-13-2014 04:02 PM

Name: max

Race: elf

Class: rouge

Bio max is a little boy on Pandora stranded at the the age of three he started to learn how to hunt he excelled with rifles and throwing knives but is very impatient and that is his major down fall he doesn't miss often but if he does its because he was going to FAST AND THINKING TO FAR AHEAD.he has grey eyes a symbel of a marksman and short blue spiked hair.

name : ryuk

Race: half orc

Bio a temper that has no rival he is the brute of the egroup and often rushes in and asks questions later often getting himself killed his rage and strength are riveled only by brick.

VampHunterX13666 12-13-2014 04:14 PM

On a nice sunday of Paradise they arrived at the outskirts of the town. The town wasn't far from the major city where they wanted to be for information and they figured stop here. The trucks stopped. Saleen got out and her wings instantly stretched out feeling cramped from being stuck closed so long in the truck. She had repeaters that she had her friend make before she left her planet but she mostly used her sword until you pissed her off, then you couldn't see her flying and only felt bullets, though that left her drained and made her pass out for an hour. She had a sniper and a combat rifle just in case she needed it. her combat rifle with 2.4 zoom and her sniper with 4.3 zoom.
Dante and his cat Kai on his shoulder got out, his hair was a little messy from the wind but was easily fixed by running his fingers through his hair. His daggers ready and his guns ready. He had his magic guns then his smg and combat rifle that took regular ammo. his smg does fire damage and his combat rifle does shock damage, while his magic guns for emergencies do explosive and corrosive.

ryuk2212 12-13-2014 04:14 PM

hey loggen off my room mate needs the comp

VampHunterX13666 12-13-2014 04:14 PM


ryuk2212 12-16-2014 04:30 AM

max walked off the bus with the people ten times his size with his sniper and his throwing knives all he wanted to do was go into town and get something to eat though and he dropped all his stuff including his throwing knives

VampHunterX13666 12-16-2014 11:31 PM

Saleen sighed and looked at the map. She had heard some people in this small town would know where to start looking for the vault, also knew that they needed some odd ends taken care of and odd jobs done. She knew from rumors that this town had a weapons merchant, armor merchant and healer. The chief of this town was the go to so first step was to find him. "Alright, we should find the chief of this town, he is the one that knows everything that goes on here, or who would know. But first lets see about getting some food, there has to be something appealing." she said.
Dante heard what she said and nodded in agreement. "Yes top priority getting some food, then the chief." he said in agreement. He let Kai jump down and she looked up at him then went of to scout the town and draw up an accurate map of where everything is.

ryuk2212 12-16-2014 11:53 PM

when max heard food he had picked up all his things " hey mind if my and my friend join you he pointed over too ryuk who looked over and cracked his knuckles

VampHunterX13666 12-17-2014 12:11 AM

Saleen eyed them for a moment then shook her head, sure, know any good places to go here?" she asked curiously. Dante watched cautiously just in case he had to get ready to defend them. Kai was still sending a map of the town to him, and he remembered every detail and created a map inside his head while focusing on where he was. "Kai showed me a place that looks like the best one here." he said and Saleen nodded then followed him. "You guys Coming?" She asked with a friendly smile that was somewhat guarded.

ryuk2212 12-17-2014 01:50 AM

"sure well be right there and with that he rushed over and took the orc by the hand and led him along

VampHunterX13666 12-17-2014 01:57 AM

She followed Dante and as they approached the diner she noticed that it wasn't too bad looking, looked like a family owned place, that was good. And Kai was waiting at the foot of the steps and as he approached Kai jumped up to Dante's shoulder. Saleen smiled and pet Kai softly and Kai purred happily. She had grown fond of Saleen over the past months. They waited for the other two then walked in and were led to a table for four inside the diner.

ryuk2212 12-17-2014 02:11 AM

" so where are ypou guys from he said

VampHunterX13666 12-17-2014 02:18 AM

Saleen answered. "Where from off planet. We heard stories of this planet and came to check them out. And so far they seem to be true." she said keeping specifics out. Dante added. "We met at the space station over by one of the major cities months ago and decided to travel together, figured why the hell not."

ryuk2212 12-17-2014 02:28 AM

right right very cool very cool so your after the vault to then I guess I think we should team up

VampHunterX13666 12-17-2014 02:32 AM

She looked guardedly at them and her hand went for her sword. "Maybe, maybe not, I never mentioned a vault, I mentioned stories, Maybe I was curious about the planet it's self." she couldn't let them know there was an heirloom she needed in there and couldn't risk them taking in on her. Dante placed his hand on hers and willed her to calm down. "I think it best if we drop that subject for now. There is a special reason she's after it, and it's important to her that she gets something special to her in that vault. Saleen wanted to smack him across the room but held off. "Yes we're looking for the vault and yes he is right but how do I know you guys won't take my heirloom despite knowing I'm going just for that?"

ryuk2212 12-17-2014 02:44 AM

"hey im not after anything especially not any heirloom of yours I just want to kill and train youall can have everthing in the vault k he said with a asiscetre smile

VampHunterX13666 12-17-2014 02:53 AM

She slowly let go of the hilt of her sword and relaxed a bit. "Okay, just know it's going to take time for me to trust you." she said still guarded. Dante sighed and shook his head. "I'm Dante, and this charming young lady is Saleen." he said smiling kindly. And this fur ball is my lifelong friend Kai." Kai meowed in greeting. "She's a scout for us, very stealthy and good at helping me make maps, I can remember an entire map by her help alone." he said.

ryuk2212 12-17-2014 03:02 AM

"well im max and this is ryuk he is muscle and I am good with anthing that has a blade or is long distance he said showing him his blades and rifle it does shock damage

VampHunterX13666 12-17-2014 03:07 AM

Saleen fought the urge to take her sword out. "Nice, I use elemental weapons my smg and combat rifle do elemental and and the guns that use magic for bullets do corrsive and explosive. The smg is fire and combat is electric." he said. Saleen sighed. "My sword is an angelic sword that my father made me, my pistols a friend made for me before I left and I use snipers and combat rifles. My combat rifle has a 2.4 zoom and my sniper has a 4.3 zoom." she said.

ryuk2212 12-17-2014 03:13 AM

nice he said well that brute over there doesn't talk much but he uses his fists and martial arts more then anything he is quite athletic for his size

VampHunterX13666 12-17-2014 03:19 AM

"I'm sure." he said and when someone came over he ordered his food and drink followed by Saleen. He looked over to Max. And you?" he asked.

ryuk2212 12-17-2014 03:28 AM

"ill have a burger and some fries he said looking around the room and my friend here will have a rare steak the biggest you got

VampHunterX13666 12-17-2014 03:36 AM

He took the order to the cook and brought the drinks. Saleen sipped hers and looked as if she was distracted. She was thinking of the heirloom that was stolen from her family generations ago. Dante chuckled. And there she goes again. She tends to be moody but shes a good fighter and very smart." She seemed to not hear them.

ryuk2212 12-17-2014 03:49 AM

" I bet"

VampHunterX13666 12-17-2014 03:56 AM

Saleen seemed to hear this. "Just wait until we run into trouble, you'll see what I can do." she said. There food came and Dante and Saleen happily started eating.

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