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Vinny XIII 01-03-2015 08:43 AM

[Absolute Boyfriend] Chello and Vinny's rp

Name: Adam Pierce
Age: 17
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Green (right) Blue (left)
Height: 5'
Occupation: High School Senior/Library Assistant (part time)
Bio: Adam, unlike his twin sister Lucy, is a quiet young man who would normal keep to himself. He and Lucy were raised and still live with their aunt who is always busy traveling for her job. Since their aunt was gone 90% of the time, Adam took on the role of being the "adult" of the house when he was 13. Adam is often know for being a klutz, being protective of Lucy, and also being a bit on the sensitive side when it comes to his hight.

Name: Lucy Pierce
Age: 17
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Green (right) Blue (left)
Height: 5'4"
Occupation: High School Senior/waitress (part time)
Bio: Lucy, who's the youngest twin, is a bubbly and out going girl. She's often found trying to get Adam to try new things. When she realized Adam took on the role of the adult of the house she found herself a job as quickly as she could so she could help out. Although both of the twins are hard workers, Lucy is the more laid back and care free of the two.

Lady Chello 01-03-2015 09:58 AM
Name: Lady Anshell
Hair: Different shades of Pink and white.
Eyes: different shades of pink with some black.
Height: 5'4
Occupation: Professor of Electronically sciences (Also the inventor of cybernetic beings.)
Bio: Lady as most people call her has made three very special androids. Her three new models put all others to shame for the boyfriend and companion models. Her models are now life size and act like real people complete with feelings and able to have their own feelings. Lady is holding a lottery at the collage for the change to win one of her twin models Yin and Yang. She will use them as her base for study for making more models. She will do weakly check ups on each twin to see how they are learning and how her new programs effect the people that own them. She will let the winner pick either Yin or Yang for their prize.
Name: Lance
Age: Appears 20
Eyes: Red
Hair: Silver white
Height: 6ft
Occupation: Cybernetic being ( Android.) Currently acts as his Lady's body guard.
Bio: Lance is the perfect companion built for socializing as well as protection. He is one of the few models that has been retrofitted with the ablility to think and act on his own. He is more human like than most models. The only other models that can interact like Lance are the twins Yin and Yang. The three are experimental types that their Lady made off of real people who had once been in her life. No matter what people may think Lance has a bond with his Lady and builder closely resembling love. Just as the twins do acting more like her brothers than robots. To many these three are abominations thought to most these three are the future of cybernetics.
Name: Yin (black haired and blue eyes.
Height: 5'
Occupation: Android student.
Bio: Yen is the twin brother of Yang. He is also the prize work of his Lady. He spends his time at the local collage with his twin and older brother. He hasn't learned much since being made. However each day he learns more and more about the strange world he has been brought into.

Name:Yang (white hair and gray eyes)
Height: 5"
Occupation: Android student

Vinny XIII 01-03-2015 06:50 PM

Adam made his way through the crowded college court yard as he looked around for his twin. She had managed to drag him to this open house yet as soon as they arrived she kept disappearing on him. He brushed his dark brown hair out of his blue and green eyes with a sigh as he tried to scan the area. With little success he climbed onto the knee high concrete boarder of a flowered area.
"Why did I have to be the short one?" He grumbled to himself, looking over the unfamiliar faces until he spotted Lucy prancing happily away from a table.
He stood on his toes, waving his arms to get her attention, until he lost his balance and fell face first off his perch. With a yelp the brunette landed hard on his knee. He groaned at the dull pain but was happy it was only his knee that made contact with the cold ground.
"What in the world are you doing?" Lucy asked as she arched an eyebrow at her brother.
"I was trying to get your attention." He replied as he got up and brushed the dirt off his jeans.
"By diving off a flower bed?" She snickered then continued when she received an annoyed look from him, "Anyways, I got you something!"
"Huh?" Adam gave her a puzzled look as she handed him a small ticket, "What's this?"
"It's for the lottery thing their doing there." She said as she pointed to the table she had just left, "I think you'll really like it."
"Lucy," Adam sighed, "I told you I don't need any scholarships or anything like that. I'm not going to college, Mr. Banks offered me a full time position after I graduate, remember?"
"Oh this isn't a scholarship," Lucy replied with a grin as she showed him her ticket, "But I figured we both could try our luck!"
"At what?" He asked as he started making his way to the table, wondering what his sister was up to.

Lady Chello 01-03-2015 08:03 PM

Lady peered out from her stain glass window of her elaborate stone cadge she had made for herself. She didn't dare venture far from the safety and comforted the marble walls brought her. She hadn't left the building in so long she honestly feared facing her peers once again. She had locked herself in her lab here making this building her own home and prison it kept people out and her safe with no preying eyes. Here no one would judge her or tell here what she should or should not be here was the one place on earth she was truly free to be herself. Her eye moved across the black marble floor and the elaborate rugs and decor of her area. Her eye fell on the silk glove that softly graced her cheek as she peered up at the tall white haired man. She smiled slightly as she gently rested her face in the man's hand before taking his arm as he smiled at her. In many ways they where alike his eyes where a bright red making him stand out even more so than her own. She couldn't help but smile as she felt him close to her looking up as she saw Yin and Yang appear both dressed and smiling at her. She hated the idea of letting them go because of how close they had become to her however they would be safer away from her away from the companies that wanted them.

This lottery was the change to give them good homes where they might find happiness. If she couldn't find them good homes away from the large corporations they would be dismantled and taken away to be mass produced for newer models. The truth was Lady had enough of her works being turned into money each being she made was special and a work of art with it's own soul and life. And now thanks to her break through her companion models really where one of a kind. If Yin and Yang found happiness then she would start a new line and make each and ever model herself to ensure they all got to keep their individuality. However she needed to know how Yin and Yang handled themselves outside of the confines of her world.

She shook slightly from nervousness as the male simply guided her along making her look as if she floated across the floor. Lance was good at making her look effortless. He had grown accustom to her her needs and every wimp that she may need. He had become part of her more like a extension of her own body. There where moments in time when they knew what each other thought without words. She had received many scoldings from the religious sectors for her creations. Many felt these new androids where to human like and encouraged humans to fall for illusions and dreams instead of humans. Lady herself didn't see the harm in her creations. Humans needed companions and humans at times where to cruel to be around. Every one needed to feel special for once in their lives. That is what she created with her creations. Lance, Yin, and Yang were all creations of hers to make people feel special. She closed her eyes as she took in a breath and then exhaled as she slowly opening her eye as she felt the warm sun ling for the first time in over five years. She shuttered slightly as she watched the doors to her cadge open she saw the people. She looked up as she saw Lance just smile at her sweetly taking her forward making it look as if she was walking effortlessly. She blushed softly as she saw the look he gave her softly placing his hand on the small of her back as he let her step forward so she knew he was right at her side.

Lady closed her eye one more time before she finally spoke into the microphone that had been set up on the podium just right outside of her cadge. She open her eye as she found the courage to speak from Lance who kept his place beside her.
" Good Day, it's a pleasure to have such a gathering at our fine school. " She said in a pleasant voice full of joy and happiness. She smiled happily as it became quiet apparent why many who met her fell in love with her. She looked around at each and every person as she smiled at Adam her eyes landing on him. He would be a perfect match for Yin or Yang. Her eyes then fell on Lucy as she smiled warmly at her thinking she would be just as good. She then shifted her attention to the rest of the crowed as she smiled warmly at the others. " As many of you are aware today is a special day for one of you. I have invented the newest model for companion androids or as most of you have cleverly named them, "Absolute Boyfriends. Today will be a step forward for the entire cybernetic industry. I would like to introduce Yin and Yang the first of their kind. Each one is an individual as you and me. They have their own feelings and are able to react completely on their own adapting and learning on their own. Unlike older models my models are able to understand our emotions making them better companions. No only do thy understand our emotions they have their own. Because of how advance they are the winner will be given their own housing here so that we can monitor Yin and Yang. Upon winning one of them the owner will also be given a free scholarship to attended here. This is truly a once in a life time prize. Now enough with formalities shall we get started with drawing? " She said as she looked to Yin and Yang who looked excited but nervous as they should be. She smiled at them as a large silver earn was brought to her by the two twins. She smiled as she open the silver lid and reached into the silver earn. She waited building the suspense as the Dean and other heads of the school appeared. Once everyone was present she quickly pulled out a folded piece of paper.

Smiling she slowly open the small paper as she read the number on it. "And the lucky number is lucky number 7!!! Will the Owner of the ticket please step forward?" She said sweetly as she looked to Yin and Yang who peered out into the crowed rather excited. She couldn't help but smile as she watched them. She turned and peered up at Lance who looked concerned. Her smile faded as she gently touched his arm letting him know everything would be ok . Lance was more like a older brother to the twins and the thought of losing them didn't set well with him. She looked back out in the crowed as she wondered who the lucky person would be.

Vinny XIII 01-04-2015 01:34 AM

The twins made their way to the front of the crowd as the woman spoke. Adam tensed slightly when he felt the woman's gaze on him. Something about her intimidated him, where as his sister lit up when she saw the woman look at her.
"She so cool!" Lucy cooed, a faint pink rising in her cheeks as the woman continued, "I can't believe she made those guys, she must be super smart! I wonder if she has an internship program or something?"
Adam watched his sisters starry eyed expression as he glanced down at this ticket, "This is what you got us? But why?"
"You need this after that ass dumped you." She said, not taking her eyes off the pink haired woman, "Now shush, I can't hear her."
Adam frowned at his sisters bluntness. It was true it had been a few months since his long term boyfriend had dumped him for another man, but Adam still didn't feel his sister had to play match maker for him. Especially if it meant he would be monitored in the process.
'What would I even do with a scholarship if I won?' Adam wondered to himself.
His grades weren't bad by any means, but he wasn't in the top of his class like Lucy was. He had never thought of college really being an option since he was so content with working in the local library.
'Maybe I could take some writing classes or something?' He thought as he heard the number called out.
He glanced down at his ticket and froze when he saw the number seven on the small paper. Lucy, as well as several others, sighed in defeat before she looked over her brothers shoulder to see his ticket. As Adam blinked, dumbfounded that he had won, Lucy squealed loudly and threw her arms around him in a tight hug.
"Here!" She called, waving her hand, "He's got the winning ticket!"
Before he could react, Lucy pushed Adam to the front of the stage. With a flustered expression, Adam looked up at the woman and three androids, his face turning a bright crimson red.
"U-um... Hi?" He stammered, unsure of how he should respond.

Lady Chello 01-04-2015 07:21 AM

Lady just smiled as she watched the young man she had eyed stepped forward. She looked at Lucy again as she gave a a slight beckoning motion to Lucy to join her brother. She smiled as Yin and Yang both looked up looking excited as ever. Of course the photographers started with all the pictures. She bowed and smiled as she was suppose to letting the media get their fifteenth minuets. She let the Dean greet both the boy and girl then give his speech as he ended the event. She slowly walked to the pair as she smiled warmly at them honestly happy to meet them in person. " Hello, if you wouldn't mind lets take this inside. This is a big opportunity for you and these things can't be rushed." She said as she took Lance's arm slowly following him back into her elaborate cadge. She blushed as she heard the men and women speak of her many taking pictures of her. She knew this was a surprise to see her out and about. She held onto Lance tighter as she slowly released her grip on his arm as they stepped through the threshold of her elaborate cadge. It honestly wasn't a cadge she had everything she would need here. She had a entire story for nothing but teaching, another story for her office and sky garden. The ground floor she had the entryway, stairs, several sitting rooms for students before and after class, a large kitchen in the back, gardens off the back patio of course secluded, and the entire basement for her lab and working. Her room was on the second story with the office and sky garden making her happy every morning to be greeted by the sun each and every morning. In truth the building was eminence in size. There was nothing small about her elaborate cadge. Due to her contributions and the fact she funded the entire build of the large building it was only fair she got to live there. Besides she was the leading authority for cybernetics the school wasn't going to let her go anywhere. That is why they catered to her thought in all honesty she didn't ask anything from them other than they right to live in her building.

Lady moved swiftly heading up the large marble and oak stair case. Her heals making a low clacking sound as he moved Lance still perfectly in step with her as he held her arm still. The two looked rather content with one another as they moved. Yin and Yang followed after them gently shutting the front doors once the boy and girl had entered. They followed behind Lady and Lance as they took their seats on one of the large couches in Lady's second story office. Lady smiled as she whispered to Land as the tall white haired man bowed and quickly vanished back down the stairs. She rested on the edge of her large black marble desk. Her office stylish decorated in black and white looking as if it had come out of a fashion magazine. She smiled softly as she looked to Yin and Yang. She gently tapped the edge of her desk as pictures of Lucy and Adam appeared then all the information on the pair.

Lady reviewed the information as she just smiled quiet pleased with the new owners of her creations. She quickly pulled up pictures of the pair from when they where little as she just giggled seeing the pair moving through more pictures of them as they aged. She smiled as she tapped the desk the pictures and information vanishings as Lance appeared with cups of tea and soda for them. Her eyes locked on Lance as she watched him smiling as he placed the tray of drinks on the long black coffee table before the pair bringing her a special cup of green tea with lemon. She smiled as she took it Lance himself taking a seat in her chair looking as if he was the dean himself commanding attention with the posture he took. She took a drink of her tea then finally spoke. " Please don't be frighten, I have one of most advanced computer systems. I have my entire building set up with cameras and scanners that can identify a individual and pull information on the subject from multiple databases. And no I'm not some evil genius. I happen to work with governments with cybernetic enhancements for fallen soldiers. In other words if a soldier losses his arm I make him one that responds with his impulses that he puts out. I am working on new models right now as well as some implants to help with many other health related disorders. " She said as she smiled at the pair.[B] " There are some people who could love to get their hands on my work. That is why I have such advance systems. And because it helps with teaching and my work in my lab. I have clients that I make companions for who don't like to have prying eyes. I'm sorry for do I put it." She said as she thought about what word she wanted to convey. [/B]" We're sorry for the inconvenience and conspicuous circumstances that you must join us under. " She heard from behind her as she smiled seeing that it Lance had chosen to speak up.

Lance looked over Adam and Lucy and then at Lady as he could tell his dear mistress was rather vexed at the situation that was about to unfold. He looked to Adam as he smiled knowing that his Lady needed to rest her voice after her four hour lecture she had preformed just a few hours prior to the event. His eyes shifted to Yin and Yang as he looked at the clock knowing another class would be starting soon. "Yin, Yang please be kind enough to get the students started for our Lady. Let them know today will be a Lab day. The other professors will be down later to look over their projects and help with adjustments before they submit their designs to the different companies. Our Lady has already reviewed their plans and added her notes to them. Please pass them out to their owners and ensure no one tires to steal any of potential candidates work. I expect you to guard these papers with your lives. " He said as he pulled out a skeleton key from under his shirt on a black ribbon necklace. He unlocked Lady's secret draw as he pulled out the papers locked in special bio analyzing cases that only open for their owners with a rental scan and finger print. He handed he large cases to the Twins who picked them up with ease bowing to their guest and their lady before vanishing. Lance removed the key as he waved his hand over the draw as it quickly locked it's self. He slowly stood as he walked in front of the desk and bowed to Adam and Lucy.

" I am Lance and it is a pleasure to meet you both. Congratulations on your prize. I will speak for my Lady if that is alright with you. My lady has given a four hour lecture and needs to rest her voice. I do believe you are Adam correct." He said as he looked at the boy and smiled friendly. " My Lady will give you your choice of her models. She also will be providing you with full scholarship and housing on the grounds that you allow us to study your relationship and monitor our model. My lady has also taken a fancy to the beautiful young lady at your side and would like to over her the same offer. If the male models do not please you my lady has two female models to let you choose from. Family is important to my lady that was the reason she looked at your file. I noted that the beautiful lady here has high scores and can take her pick of position she would like. My Lady would be honored to work with her if she wished. Please feel free to ask questions. We know you will have many to come. " He said as he bowed once more being rather formal as he slowly rose standing beside Lady.

Vinny XIII 01-04-2015 08:59 AM

Lucy beamed when the woman motioned for her to come as well and without any hesitation she quickly fallowed her brother. Adam blinked with the flashing of the cameras and tried to ignore the bright lights as best as he could. He glanced to Yin and Yang, wondering what the two of them were like. The two teens nodded at the woman's offer to come inside, Adam looking a little unsure at first while Lucy looked as if she would burst with excitement.
The two teens followed her, awestruck at the beautiful interior around them. Once they were in the office they took a seat on the sofa as well. They glanced around the fancy looking room until their eyes fell on the pictures of themselves. The twins eyes widened in surprise.
"How...?" Adam started but his thoughts trailed off as a confused look spread across his face.
"That's so cool!" Lucy said in awe as she watched the passing pictures.
Lucy happily took a cup of tea as Adam took a soda, both of them thanking the tall man for the drinks.
"It's not a problem at all!" Lucy spoke up before her twin could say anything, "This is just so amazing that we can even be here!"
"It will definitely take some getting used to," Adam spoke up, "but it really is amazing you can do all that! It's understandable you want to be careful who you share this stuff with."
The two bowed back at the twin android before they left, Adam watching them leave while Lucy turned her attention back to Lady and Lance.
"I-I am Adam," He said when the android introduced himself, "And this is my twin sister Lucy."
Lucy smiled at the tall man as she gave him a small wave before taking a sip of her tea.
Before Adam could reply to the third android, he quickly grabbed his sisters tea cup as she raised her hands in the air excitedly.
"Oh my gosh! Thank you so much!" She exclaimed happily, "I don't even know what to say to that kind of offer! I'd love to work with you! If you don't mind I mean! I've wanted to work with cybernetics since I was in elementary school! I can't
believe this!"
Adam sighed as his sister gushed on about how thrilled she was. He had learned the hard way when he was young to not let his sister have any kid of food or drink in her hands when she got this excited, other wise he'd be wearing it. When Lucy finally calmed down enough for him to get a word in he quickly spoke up, "Actually I'm fine with the male models, but is there any way I can get to know them first before I choose between them?"

Lady Chello 01-04-2015 09:58 AM

Lady smiled as she giggled watching Lucy. She was accompanied by Lance's own chuckle as they pair looked at one another then back to Lucy. Lady put her cup of tea down as her giggles stopped getting serious for a moment as her face went blank staring at Adam. "Oh my, I'm sorry for that of course you may get to know them. However most people simply have me wipe their drives and have me program them with memories and personality traits. Most people simply chose the one that is appealing to them and then give me the pronators for the rest. " She said as she saw Lance looked at her with concern. She smiled as she looked back to Adam walking to the wall opposite them as she placed her hand on the wall. She stepped back as the wall open revealing a secret room with stairs on the left side of it leading down. " Please come with me." She said as she headed down the stairs to her work lab. She smiled as she softly touched the glass tube that held Anshanti one of her latest projects for a dear friend. "You see Anshanti will be the daughter of a great business man from the middle east. The man lost his entire family in a attack leaving him with no one." She said as she pulled up a picture of the real Anshanti the pair looking identical in every way down to the share on the left shoulder. "What you see is just a shell for now. But when I'm done programing she will be Anshanti. She will be kind, brave, and loves animals. Her favorite color is purple and her favorite past time is reading. My friend has requested that I program her with a fondness of him as her father. He requested some special memories with I will of course give to her. " She said as she softly stroked the glass with care and love. She then turned as she walked to a set of glass tubes hold other projects she was working on. "This one is special to me. I will not let anyone program her and I will let her choose her name . " She said as she walked to the other tanks. "This is one of my other models you have to choose from his name is Jake." She said then leading them to another tube. " This is Lady Jade she is truly beautiful. And this is Lady Snow she is my prized possession of all my models. " Lady said as she turned looking around the room. "Any of these here you may have not just Yin and Yang. You must understand that no everyone's dream companion is dressed like you and me. Many wont fantasy some with wings other with pointed ears. My job it bring their dreams to life. " She said as she directed her attention to Lucy for once fully. "Lucy you have the same right as your brother. Any of the models you see here are yours. If you can't choose and promise to keep them safe and close you may choose two. However I would ask that you leave Lady Snow for me. She is very special to me. " Lady said as tears almost filled her eye thinking of Lady Snow.

Vinny XIII 01-04-2015 11:09 PM

"This is so cool!" Lucy breathed as she stared at the glass tubes.
She was in complete awe that this woman could create all these robots and make them so life like. She had always had an interest in this line of work and now here she was with a chance to actually work with her! She felt so happy that she wondered if she were dreaming. Either way, she didn't want to know because if it were a dream, she'd be content with sleeping forever.
"This is all so unreal!" Lucy cooed as she carefully looked over the models.
"It is really amazing you can do all this," Adam said, "But I think as far as Yin and Yang went I would rather they stay like they are versus wiping their drives. I mean, they have to have their own experiences and everything by now right? It just doesn't seem right to take that away from them."
"I've got to agree with Adam." Lucy said, turning her attention to them, "If it's okay, which ever of them Adam doesn't choose, could I choose that one? It'd be kind of nice to be able to talk to another set of twins."
She laugh a bit at her own comment as Adam smiled at her. It wasn't like they were the only twins in town, but it did get tiresome when people would constantly ask why they weren't identical, or why they were different genders. There were two other sets of twins they had gone to school with, but both twins were identical to each other. That may have been why they were questioned so much for their differences.
When the twins noticed the change in Lady's eye they glanced to one another, wondering if they should say anything about it or leave it alone. Adam bit his bottom Lip as Lucy turned to the pink haired woman.
"Are you okay?" Lucy asked with a concerned look, "It's just, you mentioning Lady Snow just now, you looked a little..."
"Sad?" Adam offered as he looks from Lady to Lucy.

Lady Chello 01-09-2015 06:24 AM

"She makes me very sad. " Lady said simply as she turned back to the twins and smiled faintly. "Any how enough of this about the twins I appreciate that you want to leave them as they are. I guess we should find your rooms shouldn't we? You wish to get to know the twins then perhaps you should start taking classes with them. And getting to know them as you would any other person. They are like you and I each have their likes and dislikes. Just like Lance he does not like coming down here with me. " She said as she smiled and shook her head knowing that the twins where going to have a bit of trouble adjusting to life here. A million thoughts went through her mind as she tried to choose what she should do next. "Honestly I'm not sure what to do next for you two. The dean will be expecting you to submit your class scheduled and I have extra housing here you two could live in the privet house I built just behind my privet garden here. I guess I could show you that. The twins live there already so it should make things easier for you all. " She said as she turned and showed them the way out of her lab heading out the same way she lead them in.

She shifted her eye to Lady Snow as a slight gleam appeared in her eye before she left. She smiled as she was greeted by Lance happily taking his hand as she walked out of her office leading the twins to their new home if they wanted it. It was quiet a walk to get to the secluded house. She smiled as she saw the black iron gates gently opening them as she slipped inside. The flowers made the place look magical. She couldn't help but smile as she walked up the cement steps the outside was not impressive. However upon opening the large oak doors the house was a palace on the inside. She smiled as she looked at all the decorations. The house was impressive and would make any person feel like royalty. She smiled as she walked to the center of the entry way as she turned facing the twins. " Welcome to the Fantasy house as the Twins have dubbed it. The house has fourteen bedrooms large kitchen, dinning room, library, and much more. The twins rooms are located on the second story. You will fine that the twins are very different from appearance to their rooms. If you are going to be staying here then please feel free to claim your rooms. If you need anything let Lance know he will be your personal assistance of sorts until you get use to the twins. The twins will be happy to show you around I'm sure if you like. If you need me please feel free to come find me. I'm not sure what you two need. I know everything is rather sudden. If you like I'll lave you for the evening and let you two decide what you would like to do. "

Vinny XIII 01-18-2015 05:52 AM

"B-before we get too crazy with classes, what are they taking? We're almost done with high school, but -" Adam had started but was cut off by Lucy.
"We can do it!" She smiled at her twin, "Have some more confidence, kay?"
Adam frowned for a moment before finally smiling at his sister, "Okay, okay. I'm still curious about the classes though."
"We can sort that out later!" Lucy grinned before fallowing Lady, "I still can't believe all this is happening! It's like some kinda dream!"
The twins glanced at one another when they noticed the last gleam in Lady's eye. Adam subtly shook his head to signal to Lucy not to say anything more about it. With a subtly nod, Lucy walked a little faster so she could walk next to the pink haired woman.
"I love all the flowers around here! They're beautiful!" Lucy commented, unaware of what they were about to see.
Adam and Lucy stared in awe at the grand house they were welcomed into. Neither of them knew where to begin. Lucy swelled with excitement while Adam began swimming in a sea of questions.
"A-are you sure it's okay to stay here?" Adam asked as he looked around, "I mean, I know we won the lottery here, but I just kinda feel like we should... I dunno, pay some kinda rent or something? Or at least help with house work and cooking. I-I don't mean to sound ungrateful or anything, i-it's just a lot to take in."

Lady Chello 01-24-2015 07:05 AM

"Yin has shown interest in the arts mainly. He loves to read and study literature. He has many interest right now and seems to enjoy exploring new options. He loves art, gardening, cooking, baking, dancing, and sculpting." She said simply as she stared at the beautiful building. She smiled hearing the two twins knowing this was a lot for them to take in. " As for Yang he is more....refined in his taste. He loves politics and shows great promise in it. His other interest are fencing, horseback riding, architecture, culture, travel, and much more these days. Of he two Yang seems to be more independently. The two will be back here shortly after I dismiss them from my class. " She said as she smiled at the twins.

"Of course it is fine for you to stay here. You are already paying me remember? You are going to stay here in return so that I may study your relationship with the twins. I need the data for market purposes. There will be many people in and out of here interested in my new line for the better and for the worst. Your relationship with my twins will determine the outlooks of your peers on my creations. Therefore you are honestly doing me a favor by accepting this chance to stay here allowing me to study your relationship. As for the cooking if you like you can cook or do as you wish I will not stop you. Here you are home feel free to do as you wish just please clean up after yourself is all I ask. I know you both have more questions for me. However lets discuss this over supper tonight. Your things will be here shortly if you like. I can have Lance send for your things. Your things can be here tonight if you like. The twins I'm sure wouldn't mind helping you put your items where you like. They are very strong and quit useful. "

All times are GMT. The time now is 01:32 AM.