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-   -   Mystery Date with Howdy - Final Day - Will run until event ends. Results will be posted in the CD. (

Captain Howdy 02-11-2015 04:01 AM

Mystery Date with Howdy - Final Day - Will run until event ends. Results will be posted in the CD.
(Banner and art by the very talented Mythos.) [insane]

It's that time of year again. When everything is a swirl of pink and red and hearts and cupids and love and all that stupid stuff.
It's Valentine's Day.

Couple's coo and snuggle and swap sappy sentiments. And you, you're left a dateless wonder. But who cares if you don't have a date! It's doesn't mean anything. Valentine's Day is just scam run by the greeting card and candy companies to line their pockets. You can do fine on your own.

At least that's what you try to tell yourself. But in truth, you do wish there was a special someone in your life. That's when fate intervenes in the form of your good friend, Sophie. She's offering to set you up on a blind date. You're hesitant, but decide to throw caution to the wind.

"What's he like?" You ask.
"Oh, you'll see." She winks.

Captain Howdy 02-11-2015 04:03 AM

If the game seems confusing at first, don't worry. It's easy as pie.
Mmmm, pie. [drool]

Each round you will be presented with a certain aspect of your blind date. You will be given ten lettered options to choose from. These options range from best to worst, and carry a point value. +10 the best, down to +1 the worst. You will not know which option you've chosen until the round is over.

The points will accumulate throughout the rounds and those at the end with the most win.

  1. Choose a letter from A to J.
  2. Copy and paste the provided form, fill it out and post in this thread.
  3. Wait until the next round to see how you've scored. Each round will end and a new one will begin at 8PM Pacific. [Click For Current Pacific Time.]
  4. Rinse. Repeat.
Only one account per person is allowed to play.
The exception being staff approved charity mules, who may play for their charities.

Q. I've already chosen a letter, but i'd like to change my pick. What do I do?
A. Just ping me, stating your new letter choice and i'll make sure it's noted.

Q. I'd like to see the current score tally, but there doesn't seem to be a post for it.
A. I keep track of this stuff behind the scenes. That way I can add it all up at my leisure. - If you'd like to know your score, you're gonna havta to keep track of it yourself. [:P]

Q. What are the final prizes?
A. If you're familiar with my previous threads, you'll know I usually give out gold. And a few extra goodies. ;D

Q. As a heterosexual male - gay female - asexual - ball of pure energy with little to no matter, I have no interest in dudes. Why do I have to date men in this game?
A. Because it is only a game, and has no base in reality. So just pretend you're either a gay male or straight female and are sexual and have matter. [:)]

Captain Howdy 02-11-2015 04:06 AM

The evening has drawn to its close. Time for your date to walk you to your door and say goodnight. This is when the flames of passion have their best chance to ignite.

Is he throwing gas on your fire, or trying to start a spark with a wet match?

Copy, paste and fill out form to play.

[COLOR="#FF69B4"][FONT="Georgia"][B][SIZE="5"]Today is Day Six. How will the night end?[/SIZE][/B]
[SIZE="4"]I Choose Letter:

Day Six EntriesX

babyblueyez25 - [heart]
DivineHeart - [heart]
hummy - [heart]

fireprincess - [heart]
Hadsvich - [heart]

HIM_ROCK - [heart]
Liztress - [heart]

Cardinal Biggles - [heart]
Dystopia - [heart]
Kamikaze Kendra - [heart]
Linnea - [heart]
Liquid Diamond - [heart]
Mnemosyne - [heart]
Rochiel Silvefire - [heart]
sadrain - [heart]
salvete - [heart]
Seito - [heart]

EirianHikari - [heart]
Elirona - [heart]
Nephila - [heart]
sjacklene - [heart]
star2000shadow - [heart]

DamiaFlagg - [heart]
Jeannesha - [heart]
Mimmu - [heart]
Vanora - [heart]
Velvet - [heart]
Xogizmoox - [heart]
zigbigadorlube - [heart]

Ascadellia - [heart]
GwenaHikari - [heart]
Iroase Delschatten - [heart]
Nema - [heart]
Roxxxy - [heart]
Xo~GREMLIN~oX - [heart]

KatMagenta - [heart]
Maha-Aamir - [heart]
Maria-Minamino - [heart]
Mythos - [heart]
wish - [heart]
Woodlandnypmh - [heart]
woohoohelloppl - [heart]

Chexala - [heart]
GummyBearKisses - [heart]
Knerd - [heart]
LaVida - [heart]
shinigamikarasu - [heart]
Wyrmskyld - [heart]
zyne - [heart]

blueblackrose - [heart]
Divacita - [heart]
dragoness129 - [heart]
girlbot9 - [heart]
For-Chan Cookie - [heart]
~LONGCAT~ - [heart]

Captain Howdy 02-11-2015 04:07 AM
A +10 Points
The air is crisp and cool, but not chilly, and the sky is blanketed with stars. The perfect weather for a night time stroll along the beach. It’s nice to spend this one on one time with your date, without distractions, and get to know him. You wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
E +9 Points
It’s so refreshing to find a man who enjoys culture in this day and age. And it’s been quite a while since you’ve been to an art exhibit. The gallery is very modern and admittedly some of the pieces are over your head. But it’s a blast, nonetheless.
H +8 Points
You usually try to avoid noisy night clubs, but your date insists on introducing you to a local band he swears you’ll love. And to your surprise, they’re unbelievably good. The club is a bit loud and crowded, but still a good time.
C +7 Points
When you think of dancing, you think of laser lights, thumping beats and flailing around like a headless chicken. Not your cup of tea, but easy enough to do. But when you begin talking about tangos, waltzes and any other dance that requires skill, that’s when you start to sweat. You feel silly as you trip over yourself, but your date walks you through the steps, and pretty soon you’re dancing like a pro.
B +6 Points
There are many fun activities that two people can do on a first date. And up until now you wouldn’t have counted nighttime, glow-in-the-dark paintball as one of them. You dressed up nice for this? You’re hesitant at first, but start to get into it after your first “kill”.
J +5 Points
You’re not an antisocial person. You enjoy meeting new people as much as anyone could. But being dropped in the middle of a crowded party where you know not a single solitary soul is rather uncomfortable. And to make things worse, your date has ditched you to mingle with his friends. Geez. “So how do you know Steve?” Some guy slides up next to you. “I don’t know who Steve is.” You reply. “This is his party.” You roll your eyes. “Oh him. Yeah, our cats went to school together.”
(You've also won:
G +4 Points
One of the hallmarks of a successful relationship is when you finally get to meet the other person’s parents. Usually you’ve been dating for a while when this happens, and it’s usually not on the first date. So it’s all kinds of awkward when your suitor takes you to his parents’ house. They’re charming people, no denying that, but it’s very uncomfortable when they ask what kind of future you expect with their son. You quickly excuse yourself to the restroom and try to think. … Maybe you can squeeze out a window.
D +3 Points
When asked about the next destination your date remained fairly tight lipped, but remarked he had forgotten what day it was. You stopped at a nondescript building and were led into a room where many people were gathered. ‘Maybe it’s some sort of lecture,’ you think as you take a seat. But all becomes clear when your date rises, says his name and proclaims himself a recovering addict. He then begins to unfurl a lengthy tale of his drug fueled misadventures while your mouth hangs open. He then introduces you to the group, stating his belief that the two of you have a real future together.
I +2 Points
“How ‘bout some live entertainment?” He said. “What kind?” You asked. “Oh, kinda like the ballet.” He replied.
A half hour later you’re sat in the middle of strip club with some woman’s jubblies bouncing in your face. “How is this like ballet?” You inquire, crossly.
“Well, they’re both dancing.
(You've also won:
F +1 Point
Up until now you hadn’t thought the evening was so bad. But after the movie, your date suddenly grew very quiet. He drove, in silence, to a residential neighborhood. Stopping outside a house, he excused himself without another word. What could this be about?

Minutes later shouts can be heard as he exits the house, pursued by an angry woman. “Please Cindy, please take me back!” He cries.
“I told you we were through!” She bellows, throwing a plate at him.
“You have to!” He points in your direction. “Look what I’ve been forced to date!” … Taking out your phone, you type a reminder to murder Sophie.

Day Five EntriesX

CK - [heart]
Damia Flagg - [heart]
GwenaHikari - [heart]
HIM_ROCK - [heart]
Woodlandnymph - [heart]

hummy - [heart]
Iroase Delschatten - [heart]
Mimmu - [heart]
Roxxxy - [heart]
shinigamikarasu - [heart]

dragoness129 - [heart]
Elirona - [heart]
Linnea - [heart]
sadrain - [heart]
Velvet - [heart]

Babyblueyesz25 - [heart]
KatMagenta - [heart]
Knerd - [heart]
Maha-Aamir - [heart]
Shadami - [heart]

Ascadellia - [heart]
GummyBearKisses - [heart]
LaVida - [heart]
Maria-Minamino - [heart]
wish - [heart]

blueblackrose - [heart]
DivineHeart - [heart]
fireprincess - [heart]
Kamikaze Kendra - [heart]
Liquid Diamond - [heart]
Liztress - [heart]
star200shadow - [heart]

Dystopia - [heart]
~LONGCAT~ - [heart]
Vanora - [heart]
Wyrmskyld - [heart]
Xogizmoox - [heart]

Chexala - [heart]
Ivvy - [heart]
Jeannesha - [heart]
Kent - [heart]
Nephila - [heart]
Nema - [heart]
Xo~GREMLIN~oX - [heart]

EirianHikari - [heart]
zigbigadorlube - [heart]
zyne - [heart]

Cardinal Biggles - [heart]
Divacita - [heart]
Hadsvich - [heart]

Captain Howdy 02-11-2015 04:07 AM

Valentine's Day is finally here. You've made yourself all spiffy, neatly coiffed and smartly dressed. Now you anxiously await for your mystery man to arrive.

Oh, there's the doorbell! Let's see what Sophie set you up with.

Day One-A StoryX
B +10 Points
Good Guy Gary is everything you could ask for. He may not be the perfect man (Who is?), but he just might be perfect for you. Gary is a well rounded individual. He’s funny, smart and loving, loyal and responsible. Someone like him doesn’t come along everyday.
G +9 Points
If a total and complete emotional connection is what you’re looking for, Sensitive Seth may be the guy for you. He’s a good listener and understands where you’re coming from. He’s the type of fella who will romance you with flowers and poetry, almost to the point where it might get a bit mushy.
E +8 Points
If it’s an old school manly man you desire, Rugged Rick might fit the bill. An avid outdoorsman who’s not afraid to get his hands dirty, you can just imagine those strong hands getting dirty with you. [mrgreen] Loyalty, responsibility and reliability are his strongest virtues. He may fumble a bit when it comes to your emotional needs, though.
I +7 Points
Rocker Randy may look like a bad boy, but he’s really all heart. He’s also the wild, impulsive and crazy type of guy that part of you craves. Everything happens organically with Randy and he’s not afraid to grab life by the cojones. He’s unfortunately not the most responsible guy, but he’s always fun.
(You've also won:
J +6 Points
If brains is what turns you on, my friend, Intelligent Isaac may well be your cup of tea. Cultured, well-read and an excellent conversationalist, he’s got all the degrees to make you magna cum laude. Unfortunately, Isaac isn't the most demonstrative chap and has the tendency to talk over your head, with topics such as Kierkegaard and astrophysics being completely lost on you.
F +5 Points
Devotion is what you can expect from someone like Nerdy Nathan. Now it may seem like that his fan boy obsessions get in the way, but he’s always sure to treat you like his one and only. He’s goofy and silly and awkward in a loveable way. Nathan’s not the toughest sort, though, and tends to be socially lacking.
A +4 Points
Look up “Player” in the dictionary and you’re likely to find a picture of Casanova Carl. Charm and sophistication are his stock and trade. He’ll make you feel like the most important person in the world. But regrettably, at any given time, Carl makes at least six people feel the same way. He can promise you romance, just not fidelity.
H +3 Points
If you’re lookin’ for some eye candy, satiate your sweet tooth with Handsome Hugh. He’s a model possessed of great male beauty… and not much else. Appearance is very important to Hugh, so he’s spends a lot of time grooming and combing and manscaping. Vapid, vain and a bit dim, but at least he’s nice to look at.
(You've also won:
C +2 Points
A man of mystery can be intriguing, but Creepy Craig takes it to a whole other level. He’s the quiet type, choosing to let his unflinching gaze do the talking. Craig lives alone, in the woods, where he does god knows what. If you’re lucky, he may invite you over some day. And if you’re even luckier, he’ll let you out.
D +1 Point
This is Old Otto. Old Otto is old. He can’t wait to meet you. But speak up, he’s hard of hearing.

Here are some facts about Old Otto.
Old Otto is so old, his birth certificate is expired.
Old Otto is so old, he went to high school with god.
Old Otto is so old, he walked into an antique shop and they kept him.
… And so on.

Day One-A EntriesX

BellyButton - [heart]
CK - [heart]
Damia Flagg - [heart]
Elirona - [heart]
fireprincess - [heart]
hummy - [heart]
Liquid Diamond - [heart]
Maha-Aamir - [heart]
PrincessKasumi - [heart]
Xogizmoox - [heart]
zigbigadorlube - [heart]

DivineHeart - [heart]
Iroase Delschatten - [heart]

Babyblueyez25 - [heart]
blueblackrose - [heart]
fairywaif - [heart]
Lance - [heart]
Liztress - [heart]
Mnemosyne - [heart]
Woodlandnymph - [heart]
Xo~GREMLIN~oX - [heart]

Chexala - [heart]
DariaMorgendorfer - [heart]
Kent - [heart]
LaVida - [heart]

CrimsonShadow - [heart]
Emilio - [heart]
Him_Rock - [heart]
Ivvy - [heart]
Mimmu - [heart]
Nema - [heart]
sadrain - [heart]
Wyrmskyld - [heart]

Cora - [heart]
Dystopia - [heart]
For-Chan Cookie - [heart]
Kamikaze Kendra - [heart]
Lavina - [heart]
Maria-Minamino - [heart]
shinigamikarasu - [heart]
sjacklene - [heart]
Vanora - [heart]
woohoohelloppl - [heart]

girlbot9 - [heart]
GummyBearKisses - [heart]
KatMagenta - [heart]
Knerd - [heart]
Nola - [heart]

Cardinal Biggles - [heart]
dragoness129 - [heart]
Linnea - [heart]
star2000shadow - [heart]

Ascadellia - [heart]
Hadsvich - [heart]
~LONGCAT~ - [heart]
Mythos - [heart]
zyne - [heart]

Divacita - [heart]
EirianHikari - [heart]
GwenaHikari - [heart]
Jeannesha - [heart]
Nephila - [heart]
salvete - [heart]
Shadami - [heart]

Captain Howdy 02-11-2015 04:09 AM

It is customary for a gentleman to bring his date a gift. A small token of affection. But not all gifts are so welcomed, just as not all men are gentlemen.

Story One-BX
F +10 Points
A single red rose, the perfect gesture for a first date. How gentlemanly. Sweet, and just romantic enough without being overly familiar. Your date is making a very good first impression.
(You've also won:
G +9 Points
Look! A delicious bottle of Pinot Grigio. Your date has brought you the gift of booze! And quite the risk, too. Why you might have been teetotaler. Luckily for him, you can never say no to a good wine.
B +8 Points
Your date presents you with a copy of his favorite book of Elizabethan poetry. My, how sophisticated. Turning to a noted page, he begins to recite with such eloquence. It’s so lovely, it doesn’t matter you don’t understand a word of it.
C +7 Points
You’re usually not one for fragrances, but it’s such a generous gift, and of an extravagant variety, too. You thank your date and set the bottle down for later, but he insists you try some on now. Realistically, you understand he simply wants to see you enjoy the present, but a small part of you wonders if he actually thinks you stink.
E +6 Points
The most one would expect on a blind date is some candy and flowers. But your date didn’t seem to get that memo. “Is that a real diamond ring?!” You ask, astonished. And indeed it is. You politely decline the gift. It’s far too expensive of a gesture. But you suitor insists, no matter how much you refuse. So awkward.
H +5 Points
In the handbook of what not to give on a first date, a living creature is pretty much number one. The puppy is certainly adorable, and you fight with all your might the urge to snuggle it. But you just don’t have the time or room for one. “That’s cwazy,” your date lifts the puppy and adopts a squeaky voice, “I’ll be no twouble at all!” Good grief.
J +4 Points
When you were seven your grandfather ran over a woodchuck. Now any sane person would have just disposed of the flattened beastie. But Gramps thought it would be a keen idea to turn the road kill into a hat, with it’s smushed face and matted fur. The hat was an embarrassment to the family and was the ugliest thing you ever saw… until now. “I made this sweater for you.” Your date holds the garment up enthusiastically.
I +3 Points
“Wow, you look just like how Sophie described you.” Your date smiles as he meets you at the door. “I hope that’s a good thing.” You jokingly laugh. He doesn’t answer right away, but hands you a gift. “I brought you some candy.”
“That’s so nice of you. Than…” You begin, but then pause. “Why is it diet candy?”
D +2 Points
Oh look, your date brought you a shirt. And another shirt. And some pants. And a pair of underwear? … This is his laundry. [:|] “You don’t mind, do you?” He asks, as you reevaluate your life.
A +1 Point
Your date hands you a photo. At first you think it’s a naked mole rat, but on closer inspection… Oh god! “Aw yeah.” He smiles. “Play your cards right and all that can be yours.” … Come tomorrow you’re going to have very some choice words for Sophie.
(You've also won:

Day One-B EntriesX

Damia Flagg - [heart]
Lance - [heart]
LaVida - [heart]
shinigamikarasu - [heart]
woohoohelloppl - [heart]
Xogizmoox - [heart]

Him_Rock - [heart]
Ivvy - [heart]
KatMagenta - [heart]
Knerd - [heart]
Linnea - [heart]
~LONGCAT~ - [heart]
Mimmu - [heart]

BellyButton - [heart]
Nola - [heart]
PrincessKasumi - [heart]
salvete - [heart]
Xo~GREMLIN~oX - [heart]

Babyblueyez25 - [heart]
CK - [heart]
Cora - [heart]
DariaMorgendorfer - [heart]
Divacita - [heart]
Dystopia - [heart]
fireprincess - [heart]
Nephila - [heart]
Shadami - [heart]
sjacklene - [heart]
zigbigadorlube - [heart]

Iroase Deslchatten - [heart]
star200shadow - [heart]

fairywaif - [heart]
Maria -Minamino - [heart]
Mythos - [heart]
Woodlandnymph - [heart]

blueblackrose - [heart]
Cardinal Biggles - [heart]
Chexala - [heart]
For-Chan Cookie - [heart]
GummyBearKisses - [heart]
Kamikaze Kendra - [heart]
Lavinia - [heart]
Mnemosyne - [heart]
Vanora - [heart]
zyne - [heart]

Elirona - [heart]
Hadsvich - [heart]
Liztress - [heart]
Maha-Aamir - [heart]
Wyrmskyld - [heart]

DivineHeart - [heart]
dragoness129 - [heart]
Emilio - [heart]
girlbot9 - [heart]
Kent - [heart]
Liquid Diamond - [heart]
sadrain - [heart]

Ascadellia - [heart]
CrimsonShadow - [heart]
EirianHikari - [heart]
GwenaHikari - [heart]
hummy - [heart]
Jeannesha - [heart]
Nema - [heart]

Captain Howdy 02-11-2015 04:10 AM

Your date has officially begun, and the first stop of the evening is dinner. But how will you get to these Valentine vittles? Fret not, your date has provided transportation.

Step this way. Your chariot awaits.

Day Two StoryX
C +10 Points
Your date drives a modern and stylish, yet sensible car. It’s the perfect mix of functionality, with the right amount of extravagance.
F +9 Points
Now some prefer extravagance over functionality. Your date’s sports car is undeniably pretty to look at, and runs like a dream. It just seems a bit flashy to you. Let’s hope he’s not… compensating for something with this car.
A +8 Points
Well, you were not prepared at all for a motorcycle. Sure there’s the freedom of the open road, as the wind rushes around you. But there’s also the threat of, I dunno, maybe falling off. Your date assures you that it’s perfectly safe as he hands you a helmet. You accept the headgear and prepare for an adventure.
J +7 Points
A chauffeured limo is great, when you’re going to prom. But it’s a bit much for a blind date. Settling into the back of the car, you feel a bit like a celebrity. Your date smiles, oh so suavely. “To me, you’re a star.” Now you wish you had some wine to go with his cheese.
(You've also won:
H +6 Points
There’s the old ideal of the knight in shining armor, riding up on a white steed. Well tonight your knight rides a pizza delivery car. “I’m between vehicles,” he explains, “so I borrowed this from work.” You ask if the sign comes off. It doesn’t. Oh well, it’s still a nice car.
E +5 Points
Now you’re no stranger to fashion. You know all about hippie chic. Well this is more like hippie shriek! Ha! Get it? It’s a… It’s a pun. Heh. *crickets*

“What’s that smell?” You ask, as you settle into the passenger seat. Your date smiles. “That’s the smell of freedom, baby.” You think it smells more like a stoner’s laundry hamper.
G + 4 Points
You like a man who’s eco-conscious. One who recycles, uses energy saving light bulbs and reuses shopping bags. But you’d also prefer that man drive a car. “You should really think about your carbon footprint.” Your date remarks, as he shows you to the tandem bike. “Look at me. I even wear special underpants that filters out methane.” – Now there’s a fun fact you could have done without.
D +3 Points
What’s big and obnoxious and a menace to everyone on the road? That’s right, a hummer. Testosterone on wheels. “So what made you get a hummer?” You ask.
“I wanted something that said ‘Here I am’.” Your date replies. “Something that said, ‘Look at me’.” … Now you know he’s compensating for something.
B +2 Points
Family is important to you, and ideally it should be important to the man in your life. But that doesn’t mean you’d want his mom to drive you around in her station wagon on your date. “Now you kids just pretend I’m not here.” She smiles, as you and her son slide into the back. “And if you two want to get friendly, I promise I won’t look.” There is not enough soap in the world to ever make you feel clean again.
I +1 Point
As you walk, you begin to wonder just how far he parked from the house. A mystery that is quickly solved when you reach the bus stop. You gotta be kidding. “My bus pass is only good for me.” He says. “So I hope you brought some change.”
(You've also won: ... For bus fare. [ninja])

Day Two EntriesX

Chexala - [heart]
Hadsvich - [heart]
KatMagenta - [heart]
~LONGCAT~ - [heart]
Maria-Minamino - [heart]
Mythos - [heart]
Shadami - [heart]
wish - [heart]

Cardinal Biggles - [heart]
For-Chan Cookie - [heart]
hummy - [heart]
sjacklene - [heart]
Xo~GREMLIN~oX - [heart]

Ascadellia - [heart]
blueblackrose - [heart]
Jeannesha - [heart]

Cora - [heart]
DariaMorgendorfer - [heart]
Dystopa - [heart]
Elirona - [heart]
fireprincess - [heart]
KamikazeKendra - [heart]
Lavinia - [heart]
Linnea - [heart]
Liztress - [heart]
sadrain - [heart]
The_Crow - [heart]
Vanora - [heart]
woohoohelloppl - [heart]
Xogizmoox - [heart]

Babyblueyez25 - [heart]
Kent - [heart]

dragoness129 - [heart]
HIM_ROCK - [heart]
Knerd - [heart]
star2000shadow - [heart]
Velvet - [heart]
zigbigadorlube - [heart]

EirianHikari - [heart]
GummyBearKisses - [heart]
Maha-Aamir - [heart]
Mnemosyne - [heart]
PrincessKasumi - [heart]

Damia Flagg - [heart]
DivineHeart - [heart]
LaVida - [heart]
Nema - [heart]
Nephila - [heart]
Woodlandnymph - [heart]
zyne - [heart]

BellyButton - [heart]
CK - [heart]
Iroase Delschatten - [heart]

Divacita - [heart]
Ivvy - [heart]
Liquid Diamond - [heart]
Mimmu - [heart]
shinigamikarasu - [heart]
sushi_mew - [heart]
Wyrmskyld - [heart]

Captain Howdy 02-11-2015 04:10 AM

The breaking of bread. The first meal is the opportune time for potential lovers to get to know each other. Plus you're pretty hungry, and can't wait to be wined and dined. But where is he taking you to eat?

Copy, paste and fill out form to play.

G +10 Points
This is such a perfect restaurant. Why have you not heard of this place before? Casual, with just enough sophistication. Elegant, without being too stuffy. And the food is delectable. Your date has great taste.
D +9 Points
Variety, as they say, is the spice of life. You’ve never had Moroccan food, but your date assures you it’s delicious. You’re unfamiliar with the in and outs of dining in such a place, but you catch on quickly. And he’s right, everything is so good. Looks like you’ve found a new favorite.
B +8 Points
A diner may not be the most ‘grown up’ of restaurants, but sophistication is sometimes overrated. This place is quirky and fun and the food is super nummy.
A +7 Points
You’re a wee bit confused when your date pulls up to the nearest park. But all becomes clear when he finds a stretch of grass and lays out a blanket. It’s a nighttime picnic. That’s unexpected. The air is kinda chilly, but the rest is actually very pleasant. He’s a good cook, too, and good company.
(You've also won:
F +6 Points
You normally wouldn’t have thought that eating from a truck would be such a hot idea for a first date, but your suitor says otherwise. And he’s right. The gourmet food truck has some nom worthy treats, and sitting out under the stars is so relaxing.
I +5 Points
It’s always nice when a date wants to make a good first impression, but there is such a thing as going too far. The fancy restaurant is super extravagant. So much so that you really feel out of place. You’re certainly not dressed for it. And the waiter scoffs when you ask him to translate the menu. [sweat]
J +4 Points
Now you wouldn’t label yourself an expensive date. You certainly don’t expect anyone to make it rain just for you. But call it crazy, you also don’t expect your date to be a tight wad and drive you out to the nearest fast food joint. He obviously thinks he’s being suave, especially when he chivalrously offers to super size your meal.
E +3 Points
Look, you have nothing against children. Sometimes they’re cool, though most of the time they’re spawns of Satan. But in any case, you normally don’t want to dine with large groups of them. It boggles the mind as to why your date chose a kid’s themed restaurant. You’d ask him, but he’s off playing skee ball.
C +2 Points
Your date has chosen a rather run down looking restaurant. The interior is just as dingy as the exterior, and the ‘C’ grade hanging on the wall doesn’t put you at ease. “Maybe we should go somewhere else.” You suggest. “No no,’ he says. “This place is great. I eat here all the time.” The waiter, wearing a grease stained apron, approaches your table. “Hey Fred,” your date greats him, “how’s the chicken today?”
“Only slightly fuzzy.” Fred winks. And your appetite instantly disappears.
(You've also won:
H +1 Point
“So where should we eat?” You ask, before leaving the house. Your date scratches his head. “I was uh… kinda hoping we could eat something here.”
You cross your arms. “You’re not serious.”
“It’ll be cozy and intimate.” He tries to explain.
“And cheap.” You add, frowning. Well if he wants to split the lemon in your fridge, he’s welcome to it.

Day Three EntriesX

Cardinal Biggles - [heart]
dragoness129 - [heart]
hummy - [heart]
Kent - [heart]
Knerd - [heart]
Liztress - [heart]
Vanora - [heart]

Damia Flagg - [heart]
Liquid Diamond - [heart]
Nema - [heart]
Velvet - [heart]

CK - [heart]
EirianHikari - [heart]
GwenaHikari - [heart]
Nephila - [heart]
Seito - [heart]
Xogizmoox - [heart]

Ascadellia - [heart]
blueblackrose - [heart]
Dystopia - [heart]
Hadsvich - [heart]
Ivvy - [heart]
Roxxxy - [heart]
Xo~GREMLIN~oX - [heart]

fireprincess - [heart]
Iroase Delschatten - [heart]
Kamikaze Kendra - [heart]
Maha-Aamir - [heart]
Mythos - [heart]
sadrain - [heart]
Wyrmskyld - [heart]
zigbigadorlube - [heart]
zyne - [heart]

Babyblueyez25 - [heart]
Chexala - [heart]

BellyButton - [heart]
LaVida - [heart]
Linnea - [heart]
Maria-Minamino - [heart]
Mimmu - [heart]
woohoohelloppl - [heart]

girlbot9 - [heart]
GummyBearKisses - [heart]
Mageling - [heart]
Mnemosyne - [heart]
shinigamikarasu - [heart]
wish - [heart]

Cora - [heart]
Elirona - [heart]
Jeannesha - [heart]
~LONGCAT~ - [heart]
star2000shadow - [heart]
Woodlandnymph - [heart]

Divacita - [heart]
DivineHeart - [heart]
HIM_ROCK - [heart]

Captain Howdy 02-11-2015 04:11 AM

Dinner and a movie, they go hand and hand. You've finished the former, now it's time to see what's playin' on the big screen. "I know the perfect movie." Your date says.

But be wary, many films, like dates, are duds.

Day Four StoryX
J +10 Points
Whatever one might think of RomComs, they are the perfect film for a first date. Cheerful and light, with no weighty subjects, and a little something to please each person. Romance for those not too keen on slapstick, and comedy for those with no interest in the mushy bits.
B +9 Points
Ideally, blind dates should be lighthearted and casual. Both of you are just getting to know each other and aren’t ready for anything heavy. So a drama, with its serious themes and sometimes uncomfortable subjects, might not seem like the best choice. But you and your date genuinely enjoyed this one. The film was so insightful and you each had much to discuss afterwards.
I +8 Points
You’re pleasantly surprised to see your date has chosen one of your old favorites. You’ve seen the film dozens of times and can recite the script backwards and forwards. It would have been nice to see something new, but you’re excited to share this gem with another person.
H +7 Points
Say, now here’s a film you’ve been hoping to see. It looks so romantic. You’re a bit surprised, though; your date doesn’t seem like he’d be into these kinda movies. And sure enough, every time you glance over at him, he’s playing with his phone. “Are you bored?” You ask.
“Well,” he hesitates, “Sophie said you’d want to see this. But it’s not really my cup of tea.”
That’s too bad. You would have liked to see something you’d both enjoy. At least you’re having a good time.
(You've also won:
E +6 Points
You like to think of yourself as someone who can appreciate the artistic and avant garde. So when your date suggests a foreign art house movie, you’re all for it. Little did you know that it would be a bleak, Bergmanesque film with blurry visuals, sparse dialogue and no soundtrack. Seriously, this makes no sense. Why is that lumberjack crying? And where did all those balloons filled with blood come from?
You can’t make heads of tails of this. But… best pretend you do, so you don’t look dumb. [ninja]
G +5 Points
It’s not that you don’t like anime. Some of it is quite fun. It just seems like an odd choice for a first date. And it’s a magical girl anime, to boot. One that your date seems a little too excited about. Any hopes of enjoying the movie, though, is ruined by his constant commentary. Did you know in the manga, Princess Sashimi is actually a 43 year old business man who transforms into a magical girl thanks to the powers given to him by a mysterious talking daikon radish? It’s true.
A +4 Points
You enjoy a good comedy as much as the next person. But the only good thing about this movie is the popcorn. This flick is pretty bad. Puerile humor, tired pop culture references, and enough cliché movie tropes to choke a horse. Your date seems to like it, though. He’s laughing his head off. I guess there’s no accounting for taste.
(You've also won:
F +3 Points
If there’s one thing you can’t deal with, it’s horror. You tell your date you’d prefer to see a different movie, but he’s insistent. “It’s won’t be that scary.” He teases. You try to be brave, but end up watching most of the film through your fingers. I guess you won’t be sleeping tonight.
C +2 Points
“So what time do we have to be at the theater for the film?” You ask. Your date grins. “Oh we don’t need a theater.” That’s a head scratcher.
“What do you mean?”
He pulls out his smart phone. “We got the perfect movie here. Or should I say purr-fect!” [;)]
This guy is off his rocker. You lean over and see a shaky, grainy mess. “What’s that?”
“It’s a movie I made of my cat, Mr. Squishy.”
This can’t be for real. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah, isn’t it great.” He is totally oblivious. ‘Oh look, here’s the part Mr. Squishy sees a bird. But it’s actually an airplane. Ha ha! Now he’s meowing at it.”
“Uh… how long is this movie?”
“Only two and a half hours.”
D +1 Point
Really?! Why are you still on this date?

Day Four EntriesX

Babyblueyez25 - [heart]
Iroase Deslchatten - [heart]
Roachi - [heart]
Xogizmoox - [heart]

BellyButton - [heart]
CrimsonShadow - [heart]
EirianHikari - [heart]
sadrain - [heart]
sushi_mew - [heart]
zyne - [heart]

Cora - [heart]
dragoness129 - [heart]
~LONGCAT~ - [heart]
Maha-Aamir - [heart]
Mimmu - [heart]
Mythos - [heart]
shinigamikarasu - [heart]
star2000shadow - [heart]
zigbigadorlube - [heart]

DivineHeart - [heart]
Dystopia - [heart]
Jeannesha - [heart]
LaVida - [heart]
PrincessKasumi - [heart]
Woodlandnymph - [heart]
Wyrmskyld - [heart]

Chexala - [heart]
CK - [heart]
Damia Flagg - [heart]
Liquid Diamond - [heart]
Maria-Minamino - [heart]
Nephila - [heart]
wish - [heart]
Xo~GREMLIN~oX - [heart]

GwenaHikari - [heart]
Mnemosyne - [heart]
Nema - [heart]

HIM_ROCK - [heart]
KatMagenta - [heart]
salvete - [heart]

Cardinal Biggles - [heart]
Elirona - [heart]
fireprincess - [heart]
Seito - [heart]
sjacklene - [heart]

Ascadellia - [heart]

Divacita - [heart]
GummyBearKisses - [heart]
hummy - [heart]
Kamikaze Kendra - [heart]
Kent - [heart]
Kushinada - [heart]
Roxxxy - [heart]
Shadami - [heart]
Vanora - [heart]

Captain Howdy 02-11-2015 04:12 AM

You've had a nosh and indulged in the cinema, and that alone a complete date makes. But the night is young and there are still adventures to be had. Where will you go next? Only your date knows.

Day Five StoryX
A +10 Points
The air is crisp and cool, but not chilly, and the sky is blanketed with stars. The perfect weather for a night time stroll along the beach. It’s nice to spend this one on one time with your date, without distractions, and get to know him. You wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
E +9 Points
It’s so refreshing to find a man who enjoys culture in this day and age. And it’s been quite a while since you’ve been to an art exhibit. The gallery is very modern and admittedly some of the pieces are over your head. But it’s a blast, nonetheless.
H +8 Points
You usually try to avoid noisy night clubs, but your date insists on introducing you to a local band he swears you’ll love. And to your surprise, they’re unbelievably good. The club is a bit loud and crowded, but still a good time.
C +7 Points
When you think of dancing, you think of laser lights, thumping beats and flailing around like a headless chicken. Not your cup of tea, but easy enough to do. But when you begin talking about tangos, waltzes and any other dance that requires skill, that’s when you start to sweat. You feel silly as you trip over yourself, but your date walks you through the steps, and pretty soon you’re dancing like a pro.
B +6 Points
There are many fun activities that two people can do on a first date. And up until now you wouldn’t have counted nighttime, glow-in-the-dark paintball as one of them. You dressed up nice for this? You’re hesitant at first, but start to get into it after your first “kill”.
J +5 Points
You’re not an antisocial person. You enjoy meeting new people as much as anyone could. But being dropped in the middle of a crowded party where you know not a single solitary soul is rather uncomfortable. And to make things worse, your date has ditched you to mingle with his friends. Geez. “So how do you know Steve?” Some guy slides up next to you. “I don’t know who Steve is.” You reply. “This is his party.” You roll your eyes. “Oh him. Yeah, our cats went to school together.”
(You've also won:
G +4 Points
One of the hallmarks of a successful relationship is when you finally get to meet the other person’s parents. Usually you’ve been dating for a while when this happens, and it’s usually not on the first date. So it’s all kinds of awkward when your suitor takes you to his parents’ house. They’re charming people, no denying that, but it’s very uncomfortable when they ask what kind of future you expect with their son. You quickly excuse yourself to the restroom and try to think. … Maybe you can squeeze out a window.
D +3 Points
When asked about the next destination your date remained fairly tight lipped, but remarked he had forgotten what day it was. You stopped at a nondescript building and were led into a room where many people were gathered. ‘Maybe it’s some sort of lecture,’ you think as you take a seat. But all becomes clear when your date rises, says his name and proclaims himself a recovering addict. He then begins to unfurl a lengthy tale of his drug fueled misadventures while your mouth hangs open. He then introduces you to the group, stating his belief that the two of you have a real future together.
I +2 Points
“How ‘bout some live entertainment?” He said. “What kind?” You asked. “Oh, kinda like the ballet.” He replied.
A half hour later you’re sat in the middle of strip club with some woman’s jubblies bouncing in your face. “How is this like ballet?” You inquire, crossly.
“Well, they’re both dancing.
(You've also won:
F +1 Point
Up until now you hadn’t thought the evening was so bad. But after the movie, your date suddenly grew very quiet. He drove, in silence, to a residential neighborhood. Stopping outside a house, he excused himself without another word. What could this be about?

Minutes later shouts can be heard as he exits the house, pursued by an angry woman. “Please Cindy, please take me back!” He cries.
“I told you we were through!” She bellows, throwing a plate at him.
“You have to!” He points in your direction. “Look what I’ve been forced to date!” … Taking out your phone, you type a reminder to murder Sophie.

Day Five EntriesX

CK - [heart]
Damia Flagg - [heart]
GwenaHikari - [heart]
HIM_ROCK - [heart]
Woodlandnymph - [heart]

hummy - [heart]
Iroase Delschatten - [heart]
Mimmu - [heart]
Roxxxy - [heart]
shinigamikarasu - [heart]

dragoness129 - [heart]
Elirona - [heart]
Linnea - [heart]
sadrain - [heart]
Velvet - [heart]

Babyblueyesz25 - [heart]
KatMagenta - [heart]
Knerd - [heart]
Maha-Aamir - [heart]
Shadami - [heart]

Ascadellia - [heart]
GummyBearKisses - [heart]
LaVida - [heart]
Maria-Minamino - [heart]
wish - [heart]

blueblackrose - [heart]
DivineHeart - [heart]
fireprincess - [heart]
Kamikaze Kendra - [heart]
Liquid Diamond - [heart]
Liztress - [heart]
star200shadow - [heart]

Dystopia - [heart]
~LONGCAT~ - [heart]
Vanora - [heart]
Wyrmskyld - [heart]
Xogizmoox - [heart]

Chexala - [heart]
Ivvy - [heart]
Jeannesha - [heart]
Kent - [heart]
Nephila - [heart]
Nema - [heart]
Xo~GREMLIN~oX - [heart]

EirianHikari - [heart]
zigbigadorlube - [heart]
zyne -

Cardinal Biggles - [heart]
Divacita - [heart]
Hadsvich - [heart]

Captain Howdy 02-11-2015 04:13 AM

The evening has drawn to its close. Time for your date to walk you to your door and say goodnight. This is when the flames of passion have their best chance to ignite.

Is he throwing gas on your fire, or trying to start a spark with a wet match?

Day Six EntriesX

babyblueyez25 - [heart]
DivineHeart - [heart]
hummy - [heart]

fireprincess - [heart]
Hadsvich - [heart]

HIM_ROCK - [heart]
Liztress - [heart]

Cardinal Biggles - [heart]
Dystopia - [heart]
Kamikaze Kendra - [heart]
Linnea - [heart]
Liquid Diamond - [heart]
Mnemosyne - [heart]
Rochiel Silvefire - [heart]
sadrain - [heart]
salvete - [heart]
Seito - [heart]

EirianHikari - [heart]
Elirona - [heart]
Nephila - [heart]
sjacklene - [heart]
star2000shadow - [heart]

DamiaFlagg - [heart]
Jeannesha - [heart]
Mimmu - [heart]
Vanora - [heart]
Velvet - [heart]
Xogizmoox - [heart]
zigbigadorlube - [heart]

Ascadellia - [heart]
GwenaHikari - [heart]
Iroase Delschatten - [heart]
Nema - [heart]
Roxxxy - [heart]
Xo~GREMLIN~oX - [heart]

KatMagenta - [heart]
Maha-Aamir - [heart]
Maria-Minamino - [heart]
Mythos - [heart]
wish - [heart]
Woodlandnypmh - [heart]
woohoohelloppl - [heart]

Chexala - [heart]
GummyBearKisses - [heart]
Knerd - [heart]
LaVida - [heart]
shinigamikarasu - [heart]
Wyrmskyld - [heart]
zyne - [heart]

blueblackrose - [heart]
Divacita - [heart]
dragoness129 - [heart]
girlbot9 - [heart]
For-Chan Cookie - [heart]
~LONGCAT~ - [heart]

Captain Howdy 02-11-2015 04:14 AM

Captain Howdy 02-11-2015 04:14 AM

hummy 02-13-2015 06:12 PM

mystery date!

HIM_ROCK 02-13-2015 06:17 PM

Today is Day One. Let's meet my date!
I Choose Letter: E

Today is Day One. What did he bring me?
I Choose Letter: B

Cora 02-13-2015 06:22 PM

Today is Day One. Let's meet my date!
I Choose Letter:F

Today is Day One. What did he bring me?
I Choose Letter: D

Dystopia 02-13-2015 06:24 PM

Today is Day One. Let's meet my date!
I Choose Letter: F

Today is Day One. What did he bring me?
I Choose Letter: D

Iro 02-13-2015 06:30 PM

Today is Day One. Let's meet my date!
I Choose Letter: B

Today is Day One. Let's meet my date!
I Choose Letter: E

Mythos 02-13-2015 06:44 PM

Today is Day One. Let's meet my date!
I Choose Letter: I

Today is Day One. What did he bring me?
I Choose Letter: F

Babyblueyez25 02-13-2015 06:47 PM

Today is Day One. Let's meet my date!
I Choose Letter: C

Today is Day One. What did he bring me?
I Choose Letter:D

Elirona 02-13-2015 06:49 PM

Today is Day One. Let's meet my date!
I Choose Letter: A!

Today is Day One. What did he bring me?
I Choose Letter: H!

star2000shadow 02-13-2015 06:50 PM

Today is Day One. Let's meet my date!
I Choose Letter: H

---------- Post added 02-13-2015 at 12:51 PM ----------

Today is Day One. What did he bring me?
I Choose Letter: E

zigbigadorlube 02-13-2015 07:10 PM

Today is Day One. Let's meet my date!
I Choose Letter: A

Today is Day One. What did he bring me?
I Choose Letter: D

zyne 02-13-2015 07:21 PM

Today is Day One. Let's meet my date!
I Choose Letter: I

Today is Day One. What did he bring me?
I Choose Letter: G

BellyButton 02-13-2015 07:29 PM

I like how the F makes the guy's face look freakay. [insane]

Hahaha.. ahem

Today is Day One. Let's meet my date!
I Choose Letter: A

Today is Day One. What did he bring me?
I Choose Letter: C

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