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Lance 02-12-2015 03:27 AM

The Crimson City Crime Spree: NIGHT 3 (UTC/GMT -1): GAME OVER
UTC/GMT -1 (BRST) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Game moderators: Lance & Nami

The night scene in Crimson City was to die for. There were places to dance, places to eat, but for Senator Spangler it turns out there was no place to hide. The news hit the press fast and by the morning every Tom, Dick, and Harriet had their noses buried deep in newspaper to get the scoop. The headline spelled out that dark days were ahead for the citizens of Crimson City. It did not take much for the gilding of that vibrant night life everyone had been enjoying flaked off while the cold truth settled on the streets like a heavy fog. Crime had hit their gem of a city and it would be up to them to clean it up if ever they wanted to feel safe again.

Only time would reveal if the end justified the means.

  • Elirona
  • Dystopia
  • Cora
  • Wyrmskyld
  • Nephila HollyCloak
  • Ethos
  • star2000shadow spicedroses
  • Liztress
  • Captain Howdy
  • hummy
  • -

Alive (3/10)X

Elirona Mafia
star2000shadow Mafia
Liztress Mafia

Dead (7/10)X

Dystopia - Vanilla Townie Lynched on Night 1.
Ethos - Town Doctor Regretfully modkilled due to inactivity on Day 2.
Cora - Vanilla Townie Lynched on Night 2 .
Wyrmskyld - Vanilla Townie Lynched on Day 3.
Captain Howdy - Town Detective Killed on Night 3.
Nephila - Vanilla Townie Dead by endgame.
hummy - Vanilla Townie Dead by endgame.

Lance 02-12-2015 03:29 AM


  • BOLD ALL VOTES. Votes which are not bolded will not be counted. It's okay to abbreviate or use nicknames, but if we can't tell who you're voting for, the vote won't be counted.

  • Unvotes are not necessary to change your vote. You can change your vote as many times as you like. If you vote again, we will take only your latest vote into account. To unvote, just post UNVOTE.
  • You can also choose not to lynch anyone by posting VOTE: NO LYNCH. If a majority votes for a No Lynch, the day will end without a lynch.
  • Once a majority of votes on a player is reached during the day, a lynch occurs and no further votes or unvotes will count. When a player is lynched, Twilight Phase will start until one of the game moderators arrive and post a death scene. Players may continue talking freely during Twilight.
  • If no majority is reached by deadline, the Bystander Vote majority will decide the lynch.
  • If there is a majority tie after Bystander voting, both players will be lynched.
  • If no majority is reached even after Bystander voting, there will be no lynch, except in the case of a majority tie.

  • Only players playing in this group may post in this thread.
  • Do not edit your posts. If you make a mistake, post again and let us know.
  • Do not hide or conceal your posts using spoiler bars, white text, or with any other means.
  • Dead players stay dead. They may not post in the game thread once they're dead. Posts made by dead players will be deleted if they're made after their execution, because they're dead.
  • Bystanders can only post to vote in the game thread they're following. All irrelevant posts will be deleted.

  • Failing to post in the game thread for 24 hours will result in a poke. Failing to post for 36 hours will result in a force-replacement. There is no such thing as a third poke. This is to ensure that the game is fun and fair for all players.
  • If we cannot find a replacement in a suitable amount of time, we will have to consider a modkill.

  • Do not contact players in or outside of the game about the game unless your role specifically allows it.
  • Do not discuss this or any ongoing game outside of this game thread.
  • Do not quote your Role PM or any private communication about the game with the game moderators or fellow players. Any use of not publicly available information is not allowed. If you come across such information for any reason, please send us a PM immediately. Paraphrasing your Role PM is okay.
  • If you're thinking of doing something but you're not sure if it's allowed, ask us first by sending a PM. Questions are much preferable to a Modkill.

Lance 02-13-2015 05:32 AM

[Alright, first up! Players may discuss and reason with each other on why they chose who they voted to lynch. Conversation is greatly encouraged, and in fact necessary for this game, but try not to get too off-topic. Remember, this is a team effort! You want to win this game and not leave it hanging without a conclusion by the end of the event.

Players who've had experience with this sort of game before, do help your fellow players out if they need it.

Once more, if you're thinking of doing something but you're not sure if it's allowed, ask us first by sending a PM.]

Nami 02-13-2015 06:39 PM


Please confirm your participation by replying as described in the PM sent to you!
If you do not respond within the next 6 hours, you will be forced replaced.


Originally Posted by DAY 1
Day 1 begins!
Under the symphony of sirens the citizens of Crimson City start to gather together to discuss their plans on how to deal with this new menace.

Not voting (10): Elirona, Dystopia, Cora, Wyrmskyld, HollyCloak, Ethos, spicedroses, Liztress, Captain Howdy, hummy

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.

Day 1 Ends In: 14/02/2015 18:00 GMT-1 (Click for Countdown.)


Originally Posted by DAY 1: Bystanders

Not voting (1): star2000shadow

Note: Because of the event start time, Day 1's Day Phase will have several extra hours. Lance says sorry for the goof ups. Good luck!

Nami 02-13-2015 06:39 PM

Elirona: Dystopia: Cora: Wyrmskyld: HollyCloak: Ethos: spicedroses: Liztress: Captain Howdy: hummy:

I apologizing for alerting you to this thread more than once. I'm just so excited!

Elirona 02-13-2015 07:21 PM

Hey, guys! :3

Lance 02-13-2015 07:23 PM

Hello, Elirona!

Y'all can start voting now if you want to. [;)]

Elirona 02-13-2015 07:25 PM

Aww, but we haven't even had any discussion happen yet! :p

Lance 02-13-2015 07:28 PM

Oh, fudge! Nami's gonna kill me. I opened this thread by accident. [gonk]

Sorry for the false alarm! There were too many things to be done and I had a moment of confusion.

---------- Post added 02-13-2015 at 09:06 PM ----------

Everything should be good now. "orz

Captain Howdy 02-13-2015 09:30 PM

w00t! Open! [insane]

Er uh... I mean. *pulls up collar and trie to blend into the shadows*

*checks clock* It's nighttime on the mean streets of Crimson City. A time when anything can happen. [ninja]

Dystopia 02-13-2015 09:59 PM

Dystopia examines her surroundings with a wry expression and gently exhales a mouthful of smoke.

mm. It seems our friends are late. I certainly hope they weren't caught up in something... unpleasant... on the way here...

Cora 02-13-2015 10:00 PM

*lurks in the shadows innocently*

I am never late, but merely precisely when I mean to arrive.

Dystopia 02-13-2015 10:04 PM

Dystopia studies Cora, then offers an all-too-pleasant smile.

That sounds like a useful skill for certain professions. Valid professions, I'm sure.

Elirona 02-13-2015 10:08 PM

Woohoo, we're open! :O

Dystopia 02-13-2015 10:17 PM

Dystopia passes Elinora a withering glance, silently judging him.
'A lush?' she wonders to herself.

My, my, my. Some of us are very confident to come here in such a state.

Wyrmskyld 02-13-2015 10:21 PM

Confident, Dystopia, or bitter?

Dystopia 02-13-2015 10:26 PM

A smile. The most sincere so far.

Wyrmskyld 02-13-2015 10:39 PM

So. There are ten of us. *looks around the room* Who looks the most suspicious?

Dystopia 02-13-2015 10:45 PM

Dystopia takes another drag as she slowly and lazily passes her gaze over the crowd.

I would say... The ones who have not yet graced us with their presence.

Wyrmskyld 02-13-2015 10:51 PM

So... are we to wait until they all arrive, and then descend upon them with the lynching party?

Dystopia 02-13-2015 10:57 PM

A little smile.

You seem eager to string someone up.

Cora 02-13-2015 10:58 PM

*watches the crowd with passing interest, or perhaps boredom*

We shall indeed have to wait, the silent are the most deadly crew.

Dystopia 02-13-2015 11:00 PM

Dystopia merely observes Cora, noting to herself that Cora did not confirm that she was of a "valid profession."

Captain Howdy 02-13-2015 11:00 PM

Perhaps they're here right now, and we just don't know it.

'Howdy said while eating tortilla chips, then wondered where the tortilla chips came from, but continued to eat them anyway and hoped they weren't poison.'

Wyrmskyld 02-13-2015 11:00 PM

Shall we say I'm simply eager to get to the bottom of this problem our lovely city faces?

All times are GMT. The time now is 07:11 AM.