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Wings of Writing 02-26-2015 09:51 PM

Like Secret Agents (Kpop Group Rp, Closed)
~Introducing 007. They're taking over Korea like secret agents!!!!~

Kwon Ki-ha ~KR~ (June 13, 1994, 20:21)


Designation: Leader
Role: Rapper (Baritone, can do Bass but not his natural tone); Passable Dancer (not like TOP, more like Minho)
Looks: Tall (5’10”) and thin. Not muscly but does have a bit of muscle definition. Shaggy, slightly long hair. Prefers his hair to be blonde (natural looking not bleach) or a variant of it, will not do (but dyes it frequently like all kpoppers seem to do). He also always has a streak of some fun color in his hair. Right now it’s teal.
Fashion: He’s not super interested in fashion, but he does enjoy looking good and dressing nice. His outfits will almost always consist of one super unique piece, while the rest are mostly ‘normal’ clothes.
Personality: Not egotistical but definitely confident in his abilities; he knows he’s good. More than a little clueless, which leads to a lot of derp. Generally when he tries to show off it goes wrong. Kind to his members, but not afraid to tell them when they’re doing wrong. Kinda like a strict father/ older brother. He wants the members to do their best and will goad them to do it. Not the best with interviews because of the derp, but tries and likes talking.
Interests: Has a strong interest in Hapkido, despite never really learning it. Will go and watch competitions. He likes shopping, but won’t do it w/o at least one other member accompanying him. Views it as a social event.
Dislikes: Being alone.
Bio: Born and raised in Seoul. Always knew he wanted to get involved in singing/rapping and hopefully get signed to a company. It took him a bit longer to convince his parents it was something to do. However, he came to the company when he was 17 and is ecstatic to finally be debuting.

Kat Dakuu 02-26-2015 09:58 PM

Yú Hong-li
Age: 20:21 (June 21, 1994)
Nationality: Chinese
Languages: Chinese, still learning Korean, and can throw out a few English words all fail like.
Role: vocals (smooth, ballad type), can also play piano
Appearance: pictures
5'10" with an older, more masculine image. Dopey, squinty-eyed smile. Hair is black, a little bit longer with a wave. Styles a bit punk, side swept over his eye. Not against hair dye in moderation.
~Clothes: He’s fashionable with varied styles. But no matter what fashion he’s chosen for the day, it’s probably pretty chic. No baggy pants or heavy boots. Likes layering, accessories, black, jackets, and plaid. X
Personality: A bit of a people pleaser, attention seeking type. Dorky and competitive. If he can, he will butt into anything and fight for more camera time. Ask a question, he has the answer even if he doesn’t. Makes a fool of himself a lot, even more so when he gets confused about the language. He’s fairly often clueless even if he won’t admit it. Kinda…excitable. Doesn’t really act his age.
Likes: Reading, eavesdropping/gathering other people's secrets, trivia, games, and strawberries
Dislikes: Retina burning colors, being away from home
Bio: Very close with his family, but has always dreamed of being a singer. Grandfather did traditional chinese music. One of his cousins is studying music under him. His family saved up hard to send Hong-li to Korea and he came, barely knowing any of the language. Signed on at 18.

Naruto forever 02-26-2015 10:14 PM

Min Kwang-sun
Age: 20 as of November 21 (95 liner) (21 in korean age)
Role: Rapper
Personality: Quiet, but enjoys holding conversations. Tends to be very observant. Has very strong opinions, is very stubborn and not easily moved. Protective over the band in a way, and is known for giving good advice when needed. He is very hard working. Calm and collected, able to answer questions during interviews very well. He’s very kind and helpful. Would rather be with another person than by himself.


His face is slightly angular, slightly egg shaped. He’s got slightly tanned, creamy skin, and dark eyes that nearly look black. He wears thick black rimmed glasses, but occasionally wears contacts when needed. His hair is swept to the right slightly, but covers his entire forehead. It short and poofy, and slightly messy. He stands at 6 feet, and is skinny and lanky. Kwang-sun dresses in a very simple yet classy way. He always carefully plans his outfits and tries to look his best. He’s favourite outfits tend to include tight pants, a loose light shirt, a blazer and a hat of some sort, as well as some combat boots. He sticks to dark colours, and rarely wears anything bright.
Likes: fashion, writing music, talking with others, photography, sleeping
Dislikes: being alone, moving around too much, dancing (well he kinda likes it, but he’s pretty bad at it), spicy things.
Bio: From a young age Kwang-sun knew he wanted to be a rapper. There was never anything else on his mind. He preformed underground from time to time while he was in his teens, and often did sorts of talent shows. When he was 17 he joined the company. He always works hard to no end, and will sometimes even work too hard.
Notes: -He’s from Busan, so he has a busan accent of course.
- It’s a known fact in the band to not disturb him while he’s sleeping, because he becomes very grumpy
- Hopes to write songs for the band to preform one day. Usually tries to get a lot of input in songs.

Kat Dakuu 02-26-2015 10:17 PM

“Shin” Park Shinwoo
Age: 19:20 (January 19, 1996)
Nationality: Korean
role: main dancer, visual, (poor singer. His voice is a bit high/nasally)
Appearance: pictures
Average height, a little on the thin side, but still strong in his arms and such. Pretty, but not cutesy. Has light blonde hair, styled messy or left natural.
~clothes- partial to black and simple things. Often long sleeves or hoodies. Torn jeans and graphic tees when he's trying to look cool. Practices in tank top and sweats. Piercing in one ear (usually a dangly type).
Random Facts: has a box of ‘memories’ under his bed including stuffed dog he loves in secret. Folds origami when bored.
Personality- Wannabe bad boy. Occasionally shy, and even more annoyed because of it. Wants to have a cool, silent-type image. He is very serious about practice/working, perfectionistic, and tends to hard core sulk when he's lost or been made a fool of. He's camera shy and gets cold/quiet when people are watching him. He has a small temper that makes him violent in words or toward objects, but not people. Hates skinship. But totally acts cute even if he HATES to be called out for it. Don’t touch his things without permission. o.o
Likes: Rap, hip-hop, rap and power ballads, pork, puppies, and polar bears
Dislikes: Milk, roller coasters, horror genre, pink, neons, whiners, and being poked
Bio: Has an older brother. Left home right after finishing school at 17 and auditioned. Has not spoken to his parents since as they do not approve of his being an idol. Was an average student and learned dance on his own from watching MV’s.

Wings of Writing 02-26-2015 10:22 PM

Yeu Hyunki~no nickname~ (February 28, 1996, 19:20)

Role: Dancer (specialty hip-hop), Vocals (countertenor, high voice)
Looks: 5’7” Prefers his hair to be a dark reddish brown or a dark auburn. His hair is currently short and spiky, but willing to grow out long and has done so in the past (like able to put in a ponytail long). A little bit stockier than KR but still not super muscly. He has a dancer’s body.
Fashion: B-boy, jeans, loose clothes, particularly likes sleeveless clothes such as vest, tanks, and cut-offs. Favorite item of clothing is a cut-off hoodie (has the sleeves removed)
Interests: Dance, dance-offs. Before coming to the company, he participated in dance competitions. Outside of dance, he likes athletic activities: spectators sports, working out, running. He will usually enjoy a morning run. Languages. He finds languages and how it works fascinating. Constantly working toward learning more languages. Fluent in Korean and English. Passable in Chinese and currently trying to learn Spanish.
Personality: Despite his look, he’s shy, quiet, and soft spoken. Introverted. He prefers sitting on the outskirts of the conversation listening. However, he will talk your ear off about dance. The other members know not to get him started. Very rare for him to speak up in interviews. He loves the members though and always has a quiet, encouraging word for them (especially after a rant from KR)
Likes: Butterfingers. Crappy American television. In particular shows like Catfish and Say Yes to the Dress
Dislikes: Large crowds without some sort of buffer. Shouting.
Bio: Hyunki was raised around English his whole life. His father is an American born Korean who moved back when he met Hyunki’s mother. He was raised speaking both languages in the home. He’s also been to the U.S. many times as his dad still works with the corporation there. Hyunki was originally supposed to join his father’s corporation, but instead started dancing around the age of 10 and by the time he was 15 was being noticed by companies. He signed the company when he was 16.

PrincessKasumi 02-26-2015 10:24 PM

Name: Lee Seong-Jae
Stage Name: Jae
Age: 18 | 20 ( January 21, 1997 )
Role: Face, Dancer
Nationality: Korean
Appearance [ x ]
Personality: Reserved and shy, Jae generally keeps to himself yet yearns to be near others. Suspicious of the motives of others makes it even harder for him to get close to those who know him. Let it be no mistake though, he has no problems making friends. He is a pessimist yet he can be optimistic about certain things. May come off as unfriendly. Although he is an introvert he is concerned with the well being of others and will go out of his way to ensure their happiness. Prefers to be spontaneous rather than coming up with plans of what to do. Low emotional stability, often experiences negative emotions such as anger, depression or anxiety. Very straight forward and doesn't beat around the bush. Wears his heart on his sleeve and takes everything said to heart. Though tries not to show it, afterall he has to act manly. Has no problem handing control over to others. Very self-confident. Jae is kind and compassionate. Very creative. Honest, imaginative, helpful, loyal, playful, outspoken, passive aggressive, stubborn, childish at heart, cautious, procrastinator and lastly often over thinks things.
Biography: Has a twin sister named Sun-Mi, and a younger brother named Ji-Yoo. He grew up in Ulsan and moved to Seoul when he was 10. He signed on to a company looking for another dancer for this new kpop boy band they had in mind when he was 17.
Clothes: Graphic tees and somewhat tight ripped jeans. Bracelets, ear piercings. He sometimes wear v neck shirts, sleeveless hoodies. Faded jeans, combat boots, sometimes shoes like converse or vans
Notes: Dislikes spiders and storms, likes sweets. Stands at 5'8" has a slender athletic build.

Naruto forever 02-26-2015 10:38 PM

Lee Dae-ho
Stage Name: Dae
Age: 18 as of March 4 (’97 liner) (korean age 19)
Role: Vocalist, Maknae
Personality: A very smiley person. Is awkward around people he doesn’t know, but does his best to carry out conversations. Usually a bit clingy with friends, tends to follow his friends around. Loud and can be a bit confusing. Talks quickly. Acts a bit crazy and funny. Says things that don’t always make sense. Energetic and gets even more so when he’s on some sort of sugar high (or when he’s sleep deprived). He’s known to babble, a lot, and usually he gets confusing when he talks a lot. People tend to have to cut him off to shut him up. Can be considered a 4D member.
Appearance: Big wide smile, dark brown eyes. Natural dark brown hair, but currently dyed blue. Tends to keep one side of his hair pinned back using bobby pins (sometimes the pins have designs, other times theyre plain). Stands at 5’’6, well built but a bit lanky. Prefers to wear baggy, and somewhat plain clothing. Doesn’t really care about the whole “gender” thing, so it’s not unusual to see him wearing girls clothing. Likes sweaters and hoodies, and almost always wears long sleeves. During winter he’s usually piled under jackets, scarves and sweaters. He likes to be warm. Drawing of Dae Polyvore
Bio: When he was younger, he had a very strong lisp. Because of this people would always tell him he wouldn’t be able to achieve his dream of singing. His family was completely unsupportive and wanted him to focus on his studies. He ended up getting the top grades in most of his classes, and continued to sing on the side….just as a hobby. When he was 15 he decided to audition for the company, his older brother taking him to do so since he was the only supportive member. Upon being accepted, Dae-ho continued staying strong in his studies, but was extremely happy to know he could make a career out of singing. He started working on getting rid of his lisp. His family slowly started to become supportive of his decision.
Notes: Likes; hard candies, watching movies (will often talk to the movie/characters), listening to music, randomly singing and just overall singing. He really likes going out to the movie theatre, but doesn’t go too often and just watches movies at home
Dislikes gummies and most chocolate(except dark), tight clothing, when everything is quiet, people mentioning his lisp (he gets very self conscious about it, so it’s more of a hate than a dislike)
-still has a lisp, but it’s not a noticeable now

Kat Dakuu 02-26-2015 11:38 PM

The seven trainees gathered in the practice room, facing the wall of mirrors as they went through their to-be-debut-song once again. They'd been at it for an hour already and they nearly had it perfect. But it needed to be all perfect because they planned to debut soon. It was just a game of getting the date and schedule worked out in between all the other debuts of the season now. All of this got planned well ahead. The CD player whizzed to a stop and Shin held his pose, then dropped it a second later, breathing hard. They'd all just started relaxing when a familiar voice called them to attention.

"Good job, boys. Come on, gather round," their manager called to them. Although he tried to keep a stern expression on his face, he obviously tried to keep a smile back. As soon as the group formed a bunch in front of him, he let out the smile. "So..." he paused for dramatic effect. "I've got the date set for you're debut. Two and a half weeks, boys, and then you'll be up on that stage! How does it feel?"

Hong-li felt a flutter in his heart and glanced around at the others. He hadn't quite caught up with what the manager said and he blamed it on his Korean, though he understood the words just fine. He grabbed hold of KR, whom he could be comfortable with, being the same age. He need to grab someone though. "Oh my god!" he exclaimed in Korean heavily laced with a Chinese accent. He barely resisted jumping, but that would be undignified.

Shin just stood there, watching the fact that the manager's smile still looked suspicious. As expected, the man clapped his hands together, calling their attention again. His smile turned almost disturbingly bright.

"And we're going to film it all as a documentary!"

Wings of Writing 02-27-2015 12:17 AM

KR nearly fell over when Hong-li, who was just slightly larger, threw his arms around him and preceded to half-bounce. "Ah!" He exclaimed attempting to right himself, but also struggling to contain his own excitement. Finally, they were debuting! So much hard work finally paying off. He couldn't resist a little bouncing himself as he looked around at his members, smiling at each of them, "We did it guys! Paiting!"

Hyunki stood on the outskirt of the group, breathing hard and feeling faint. It seemed like something from a dream. He'd worked so hard to get where he was, to get noticed, and to fit into the group. And all that was coming to fruition. He would finally get to be on that national stage he'd longed for since the time he was very young. He looked over at Seong-Jae and blasted a full force grin, barely able to contain his excitement, not that you could outwardly tell, but inside he was doing the greatest dance routine he'd ever done.

As they were celebrating, the manager's second words began to filter into his mind. Hyunki's smile dimmed slight. Two and a half weeks of his entire life being broadcast and a camera crew following them around? It seemed daunting. He wasn't sure how he'd manage it, but if it brought him one step closer to his dream then he'd do it.

"A documentary?" KR asked, confirming with the manager, his entire body suddenly still and serious. When the manager nodded, he turned to the group, "Well that just means we need to show Korea, everything we've got. Make them fall in love with us from that very first moment. Shouldn't be too hard, right guys?" He looked to each member in turn, face serious but kind.

Naruto forever 02-27-2015 12:46 AM

Dae-ho looked up at the manager with wide eyes as he listened to him speak. The moment the manager spoke of their debut date, Dae-ho let out a loud, excited, Yes!, giving a small fist pump into the air. He smiled widely and was practically bouncing in his place. Finally they'd be able to debut. Finally they'd be able to be on a stage. Finally they'd be able to have people hear them. It was like a dream come true.

Unlike the others, Dae-ho seemed to be completely unfazed by the fact that they were going to be filming a documentary during the next two and a half weeks. In fact, it only seemed to feed his excitement. "Wow! It's like being real stars!" he exclaimed with a laugh.


At first Kwang-sun hadn't been listening to the manager, and instead he was going over the dance moves in his head. He was still frustrated that he was just a bit behind everyone else. It wasn't until he saw the other members' faces brighten up that Kwang-sun really started paying attention. His confusion of what was happening didn't last long, and he soon found himself giving off a happy smile, forgetting about his troubles with dancing completely.

We've done a good job, he thought happily, giving himself a nod. Two and a half weeks. In that amount of time they'd be known, their names would be released into the world and everyone would see their hard work and talent.

He paused for a second when he heard what the manager said next. At first he didn't like the idea of a camera following them around. It seemed like it would be invading their personal space too much. But as KR spoke, Kwang-sun found himself feeling a bit more confident with the idea of the documentary. He smiled at KR, "It'll be fun."

PrincessKasumi 02-27-2015 01:20 AM

Before the CD player came to a stop Seong-Jae struck a pose. With both his arms over his head palm outward but his hands were made into a semi fist. Most of his weight was on his left leg. His body was leaning abit to the left as well. Seong-Jae held this pose even after the song ended. He finally released his pose when their manager called out. Relaxing his body he let out a big sigh and looked at his band mates before looking at the manager. Seong-Jae leaned forward and place his hands on his knees as he took a few deep breathes.

Seong-Jae followed the rest of the guys and sort of huddle in front of the manager. He took a step back when the manager told them they had a debut in two and half weeks. He couldn't believe it. After all this time and hard work, it was finally time for them to shine. How does it feel? It feels great! he thought as he looked around and caught Hyunki looking at him grinning. Seong-Jae couldn't help but grin back. He was so excited, he couldn't believe it. Two and half weeks! But wait did the manager just say documentary?

Seong-Jae looked to the manager as he processed the rest of it. If there was a documentary involved that meant they were going being to be filmed, likely during the two and a half weeks. His eyes widen for a second at the thought of lost privacy. Well this was to be expected in becoming a Idol but still. He looked over to KR and couldn't help but grin and gave a fist pump. "We got this."

Kat Dakuu 02-27-2015 01:44 AM

Shin stood just a couple steps away from the others and held a hand over his heart. Oh god, it felt like it would jump right out of him in a horrid mix of excitement and fear. He wanted this. He wanted it more than anything in the world, even the cameras and the fame. The actual thought of filming so quickly though sent a panic right through him as well as the close debut date. It wasn't perfect yet! He wasn't ready! He glanced over at the others, taking in the looks of excitement and hesitation. At least he wasn't the only one thinking like this.

"When does the filming start?" he asked in a weak voice.

Hong-li came back down to earth and with that, he pulled away from KR so he could give out a huge thumbs up, catching the eye of the ones hesitating on the edge of the group, before grinning at Dae-ho. "I know right! Like real stars!"

"And what kind of clothes are we gonna wear? Are we going to share the stage with anyone? Are they going to film everything? Oh! What's the word?!" Hong-li blanked out for a minute in his rapid fire questioning. Nope, he really didn't know what he was trying to say so he just shut up abruptly and glanced at Hyunki because he more often than not, understood what that hell he was trying to say. "Exposure?"

Wings of Writing 02-27-2015 01:48 AM

"We'll start filming tomorrow, so be prepared to follow your schedule but with the addition of the camera crew." The band members nodded as the manager left them to celebrate. There was still a lot to be done before their debut, including filming the music video. But it would be well worth the wait.

KR turned back to the band, having disentangled from Hong-li. However, he did so only to throw his arms around the two nearest members, Shin and Kwang-Sun, hoping to initiate a group hug. He pulled his two dongsaes close while looking at the rest of the group.

Hyunki came up to hug KR from behind, joint in the efforts.

"We did it guys. We actually did it...." Hyunki murmured into KR's back, about to burst from happiness.

Hyunki smiled at Hong-li's rapid fire questions and responded in slow Chinese. "They probably won't have us do exposure yet. This is about introducing us!"

Naruto forever 03-05-2015 08:13 PM

Kwang-sun gave a small, happy smile as KR pulled them into a hug. He happily hugged back, and gave a look to some of the other members to join in. He would never be able to get over how nicely they got along with each other. They were like a small family. He idly wondered if they would be even more so like one after they debuted.

Dae-ho joined the hug almost too excitedly. He practically pounced into it, his smile seeming to only grow wider as he did. "I wonder what it's gonna be like after we debut, I wonder what the filming is gonna be like. I bet you everyone's gonna love us! I mean how could they not, we're too awesome to not love!" Dae-ho ranted, and continued to do so but his words started to become all mixed together. For once though, he stopped himself. He went silent for a minute, before speaking again, "We should do something to celebrate!"

PrincessKasumi 03-17-2015 01:52 AM

Seong-Jae didn't need any prodding when it came to group hugs. Little did anyone know that his favorite physical contact that he liked and probably the only thing besides secret hand shakes, high fives and fist bumps. He looked over to Dae-ho who decided to pounce into the group hug. Which only made him smile more. He was happy his band mates were excited. Hell he was excited but probably not as excited as some of them. "Agreed Dae-ho, but what shall we do?"

Kat Dakuu 03-17-2015 04:03 AM

Shin very nearly whined at being hugged, but relaxed into it anyway because of the euphoria that still caught him up. It made him forgot that he normally hated hugging and touching everyone's sweat and a million other things. "Yeah...I'm sure they'll love us," he reiterated with much less confidence than Dae-ho. But then, how could he ever sound as excited and confident as that guy who kept talking a mile a minute. "We could go eat meat?" he answered for him and Seong-jae.

Hong-li decided he and Hyunki were having one of those failure to communicate moments and he flushed red because he realized exposure wasn't quite the right word. That sounded like 'let's get naked together in front of a camera'. Oh well, he didn't know what he meant to say and it didn't matter to him. Coming up from behind, he completed the last of the group hug, trying to grab as many of the other members as he could, which was about half of them due to his long arms. "I want to drink too!"

Wings of Writing 03-17-2015 10:26 PM

KR nodded in agreement with both suggestions, "Good idea, guys. We haven't had good meat in awhile and drinking is always fun. Though poor Daeho-ah is still too young." He smiled over at the maknae. "We should go tonight because we're not gonna have much more free time in our schedule until after debut." KR felt a bit buzzed, thinking about it. "We should go get cleaned up and go, let's go somewhere fancy and splurge a bit, so dress nice guys!!"

Hyunki made a weird face at Hong-li when he flushed, obviously there was a miscommunication there, but was too busy enjoying the hug to comment again. He nodded eagerly with the suggestions for celebration. As the group hug began to fall apart he moved himself towards the outskirts of the group, but kept close to Hong-li wanting to give the older male a separate hug. When he was next to him, he whispered excitedly in Chinese about how excited he was, both about going to get meat and the debut process.

Naruto forever 03-23-2015 08:18 PM

Dae-ho would've jumped in the air at the suggestion of having meat if it weren't for the hug that the band was still in. Not that he was complaining, he really did like hugs. "Yea!! Meat! Meat's so awesome!" he cheered with his smile still stretching his face to the point where it looked as if it could break. He gave a small pout at the fact that he wasn't able to drink, but it didn't last long. Even if he wasn't able to it would still be fun to just go out and have good food with the rest of the members.


After a few moments of the hug, Kwang-sun silently slipped out of it. It's not like he wanted to break the little team-bonding session, but he had started feeling awkward about just standing there in a hug. He gave a small yawn, the tiredness of the practice setting in, but nonetheless he was both happy and excited about going out to eat somewhere nice. They hadn't done that in a while, so it would be nice. "We should just be careful to not stay out too late, or else we'll be too tired tomorrow," he said, remembering that tomorrow would be their first day of filming.

PrincessKasumi 04-16-2015 06:32 PM

As other members slowly broke the group hug, he too disengaged himself from the hug. He put his hands together and started cracking his knuckles one by one. "Hey, guys I know this great barbecue place not far from here. Don't know if you guys have heard of it but it's Daedo Sikdang. They have the highest quality of korean beef and they give you cold kimchi soup with it. They also offer the standard side dishes. If we go now we can find a seat." Seong-Jae over to wall with the entry/exit door and picked up his gym bag. He had a habit of bringing a change of clothes to their rehearsals. "I'll meet you guys there, it's right around the corner a few blocks down." Seong-Jae raised up his in hand in as a small wave of see you later. He went straight towards the bathroom and changed in there. He was wearing a dark grey shirt and black vest over it. With black pants that had a few zippers in some places and to finish the look off he wore some black boots. Seong-Jae went up to the mirror and started messing around with his hair, he even sprinkled some water on it, until he was satisfied. Once he was finished he left the building and cross the parking lot to get into his Suzuki iV-4. Seong-Jae threw his bag in the back seat and started his car. He checked his mirrors before pulling out of the parking lot headed for Daedo Sikdang. It took maybe about 10 to 15 minutes to get there and find a parking spot. Seong-Jae got out of his car and set the alarm before going inside and reserving a table for his band mates.


Kat Dakuu 04-16-2015 06:53 PM

Shin knew about Daedo Sikdang and he almost couldn't suppress the bubbly emotion inside that made him want to jump up and down and grin like an idiot. Thankfully he stopped himself. For a second though, a smile flashed over his face. That was some good eating and somewhere he'd never go if not treating himself. "See you there," he called to Seong-Jae. If he seemed a little more friendly all of a sudden, he would chalk it up to meat. Really, really good meat. Unlike the other male though, he didn't have his own car and he wanted to go home and change first, so he parked his butt by his bag to wait for the others.

Hong-li chuckled at Hyunki, glad the other had slipped off to the side to talk with him. Slipping into Chinese, he expressed better than he could in Korean just how happy he was. "I really can't wait! Even if I can't wake up tomorrow!" No matter what Kwang-sun said, that would be interesting too. He turned to the rest of the group and switched back to Korean with a brief stumble of words. "Are you all ready to go?"

Wings of Writing 04-17-2015 02:00 AM

The rest remaining in the room all ended up piling into the rather nice van that Hyunki's dad had bought for him, something that still embarrassed him. It was bad enough his family lived in the Gangnam district. He was definitely aware of having a bit more money than his other members, but he couldn't deny the usefulness of having a van to help cart them all around.

Soon the rest of the members were back in the dorm and in various stages of getting ready. KR ended up standing in front of his closest for quite a bit before pulling out a pair of blueish teal skinny jeans, his favorite pair of boots which were covered in an assortment of straps and buckles, and he topped the outfit off with a two toned button up which was black and a complimentary dark purple, the majority being black with only the cuffs and shoulders in the purple. He quickly styled his hair, which really meant just neatening it, then went to meet the other members in the living room, most of whom had taken less time to dress.

Hyunki changed rather quickly, pulling on a pair of nicer black cargo pants and a long sleeved red shirt with a black jacket vest over it, not one to really prefer or own fancier clothes but these clothes were in better condition than most of his close. He took a bit longer to style his hair, huffing in a frustrated manner. He was definitely going to talk about growing his hair out again. Preferring it to be longer than this short style. He had such a hard time achieving the perfect spike to gel ratio and it was so much easier to throw it into a ponytail. Once he was done he too went out to the living room, hanging to a wall.

Soon everybody was ready and they headed to the restaurant to meet Seong-jae at the restaurant, all in varying states of excitement.

Naruto forever 04-22-2015 12:29 AM

After they arrived at the dorm Dae-ho quickly went through his clothes and slipped them on. He snuggled into his turtle necked pink sweater, enjoying it's warmth and softness. It was so soft, in fact, that he didn't care how it looked with his baggy grey sweatpants. Then again, he never really did care much about how he looked as long as it was comfortable. He was the first one ready, so he knew he had a few minutes to wait. He slipped in two pink rabbit hair pins to keep part of his hair back and lounged around by the door until all the other members were ready.

When they had arrived at the restaurant Dae-ho was giving a light hum as he looked through the menu. After glancing over a few more times he stretched forward, giving out a small whine. "Everything looks so good! I can't decide!"


Kwang-sun had dressed in his typical clothing, not being the type of person to have a large amount of clothing. Most of his clothes looked the same anyways, only with a few differences in them. A black blazer with a loose white tee under it, some tight black jeans and small sun-hat looking hat was enough for him.

He smiled as they walked into the restaurant and gave Seong-jae a small greeting when they met up with him. After being seated he thanked the waitress before looking over the menu along with the rest. It only took him a minute to decide what he wanted. Bulgogi and some noodles. Simple but delicious.

Kat Dakuu 04-24-2015 07:11 PM

Shin never took long to get ready even though he owned almost nothing that could be considered dressy. He ended up all in black except the long grey sleeves on his shirt. They all looked so different and not quite dressy so he only felt uneasy over it for a second. When they arrived, he sat, not caring who he sat next to and busied himself with jingling the charms on his bracelet instead of the menu or his group members. "We came to eat meat remember..." he muttered.

Hong-li never quite caught his breath from getting ready, being the sort to preen in front of the mirror. He'd been only a second away from needing to be pulled away from it and his hair which ended up styled instead of in it's natural wave-fluff. "Pork or beef?" he asked. He wanted some other sides too and maybe some kind of fish. They were celebrating after all so it didn't matter if it was expensive. He smoothed his hands over the purple and pale blue patterned shirt he wore under a black vest. He leaned over to look at Hyunki's menu whom he sat next to on purpose. Speaking Korean was one thing. Reading it was another entirely. Letting out a whine, he exclaimed, "Tell me what the side dishes are!"

PrincessKasumi 05-01-2015 11:10 PM

Seong-Jae had ordered a good sizeable amount of Korean Beef for him and the guys along with some Soju, and it came just in time, right when they started trickling in. Seong-Jae raised his hands when he locked eyes with the first group member that came in and singled him over. When they were all in earshot he greeted them. "Hey guys." Seong-Jae re-situated his kimchi soup to make room for his beef short ribs which he plans on ordering the same time the guys order their side dishes. "I have to say, this is very monumental moment for us. I knew it would come, but I wasn't expecting it today. Let's celebrate all of our hard work." Seong-Jae poured himself a small cup of Soju, before offering the bottle to his group members. There was also another bottle on the opposite end from Seong-Jae. "Do you guys know what you want to order?"

Wings of Writing 05-03-2015 01:56 AM

KR didn't really pay much attention to the menu, already knowing what he would order. Instead, he turned his attention to the other members. A small smile playing on his face as he looked at them. He could see the excitement thrumming through them and was glad they had this opportunity to celebrate, it would only insure they worked harder in the coming weeks. He looked at Dae-Ho who had settled into the seat on his left and smiled at the younger, "Excited Dae-ho-yah?" He asked ruffling the younger's hair a bit.

Hyunki smiled at Hongli and began murmuring about the side dishes to his friend. He pointed out the varying types of kimchi dishes along with things like sukjunamul (marinated bean sprouts) and yeongeun jorim (candied lotus roots). He recommended the type of dishes he figured Hongli would enjoy while figuring out what he wanted for himself. "Honestly though, with the quality of this restaurant and the reputation it has everything is pretty much guaranteed to be good."

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