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Captain Howdy 03-15-2015 08:47 PM

The Leprechaun's Lair

~FAITH AND BEGORRAH... and all that stuff~

Greetings, everybuddeh. Like the rest of you, i'm afraid jelly will murder me in my sleep, so here I am making a thread. Nothin' special. Just a small place to exchange pleasantries, swap recipes, share old war stories, or spin yarns about drunken nights of debauchery that may or may not have happened. The usual.

Aaaaannnnnd... BEGIN!

hummy 03-15-2015 08:49 PM

yo ho ho CaptHO

Captain Howdy 03-15-2015 08:50 PM

Yu hu hu, hums!

hummy 03-15-2015 08:58 PM

you look awesome!

Captain Howdy 03-15-2015 09:00 PM

Why thernk you. ;D

And you'll notice a certain RAK goodie i'm using. [;)]

... You look very festive, yourself.

hummy 03-15-2015 09:03 PM

yay that is lovely to see
i hope you are enjoying it

*curtsies* why thank you

Captain Howdy 03-15-2015 09:13 PM

I forgot to make my font big. :P

How's the day treatin' you, hums?

hummy 03-15-2015 09:15 PM

you were fine =3
the day is going well
how about yours

Captain Howdy 03-15-2015 09:19 PM

It's alright, comparatively.

It was hot yesterday ([gonk]) but it seems a bit cooler today.

That reminds me.


Does anyone want to trade some leftover winter weather for some warm California weather? Nothing too cold. 50s. 60s. [ninja]

hummy 03-15-2015 09:22 PM

trading weather
now that's new!

Captain Howdy 03-15-2015 09:24 PM

I haven't quite figured out the logistics, but i'm sure it can be done.

hummy 03-15-2015 09:34 PM

if anyone can do it, it's you

HamletSpamlet 03-15-2015 09:41 PM

Buenos nachos, Howdy! It is way too hot here, please figure out weather-swapping asap. [cry]

Captain Howdy 03-15-2015 09:43 PM

It's a hammer spammer! *throws Digi Ball... or however the hell you caught Digimon*

I know, it was like freakin' summer and stuff.

hummy 03-15-2015 09:44 PM

Sir Hammie

Nephila 03-15-2015 09:45 PM

tempting... but if the snow melt to quickly our prairie home will turn into under lake front property.

Captain Howdy 03-15-2015 09:46 PM

You can pretend to be the Little Mermaid. [insane]

hummy 03-15-2015 09:46 PM

oh that's way lakefront property

HamletSpamlet 03-15-2015 09:48 PM

I never watched Digimon, maybe you use floppy disks...

It's 90° here right now [gonk]

Captain Howdy 03-15-2015 09:50 PM

Oh yeah, you got it worse. [gonk]

It was like that here yesterday, but today it's cooler and there's a light breeze.

hummy 03-15-2015 09:52 PM

is it summer for you, hammie
*sends a box of snow/snirt*

HamletSpamlet 03-15-2015 09:54 PM

Ah, maybe the cooler weather is on it's way here then! Though if it's this hot right now, I'm not really looking forward to summer...

---------- Post added 03-15-2015 at 02:54 PM ----------

Hummy, no it's still winter/early spring, but I live in California in the desert. [cry]

Captain Howdy 03-15-2015 09:57 PM

I never look forward to summer. Summer can kiss all of my ass.

hummy 03-15-2015 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by HamletSpamlet (Post 1773288378)
Ah, maybe the cooler weather is on it's way here then! Though if it's this hot right now, I'm not really looking forward to summer...

---------- Post added 03-15-2015 at 02:54 PM ----------

Hummy, no it's still winter/early spring, but I live in California in the desert. [cry]

and it's 90 already
OI the heat [sweat]
is it a dry heat
and does that matter?

zyne 03-15-2015 10:00 PM

your entire ass?

that was absolutely horrifying to open a thread up to.

it's been pretty nice down here. 72 right now, been cool-warm but no extremes.

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