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Nova_Alchemist 03-28-2015 01:17 AM

What Cannot Be Undone
plot idea-
Angel's mother is a very sick woman and nobody knows how much time she has left. And her father left them years ago. Her mother doesn't want to wait around to die before her only daughter can take the thrown, so she talks to Nick (the librarian, chef, and very dear friend to Angel and her mother) and they decide that it was time for the princess to be married. Knowing how she is about the matter, decide not to tell her immediately and plan on waiting until the one who seeks her hand in marriage arrived (your character). Nami (the castle sorceress) informs Angel about her mother's and Nick's "talk" and she refuses. Can (your character) win over the heart of the stubborn princess so that she may be become queen before her mother's passing?



Age: 21
Bio: Angel is Princess of the dragon realm and has lived a very dreadsome life. Between the passing of her father, the disappearance of her older brother- and rightful heir, and her mother falling ill..not to mention the on-going wars between her people and other kingdoms that happen many times every five years..she just doesn't want to think about marriage! She would rather be out looking for her brother or finding someone else who is just as fitting to sit on the throne and care for/ lead her people.

She is a Dragon Rider and has two dragons instead of one, due to her brother leaving and leaving all rights to his dragon to her, and they are indeed a pair that cannot be separated. She is also a high ranking mage due to the teachings of the castle

ryuk2212 03-31-2015 02:54 AM

(mind if I join this)

Nova_Alchemist 04-03-2015 02:14 AM


Kirin Rosenbaum 04-22-2015 12:36 PM

Name: Marcus
Age: 19
Bio: Marcus is the youngest son of his kingdom. He had not much hope for anything but marriage. And he really didn't want that. His parents have arranged for him to be married to the princess and new heir of the Dragon Realm. He knew that it would take some time for him to win the young princess over. And he wonders if he's ready for it. He knew what had happened to her family.

Nova_Alchemist 04-23-2015 01:07 AM

Angel was in the kitcen with Nick, after being told by Nami that a prince would be making an appearance soon. She didn't know how soon and she wanted to know. Her mother wouldn't tell her, seeing how she could see how upset the news made her daughter. So she would try getting Nick to tell her. "I just don't see what's wrong with ruling my kingdom without a king. There's hardly anything left of the kingdom anyway..." She continued her previous statement. Nick sighed and shook his head as he diced tomatoes. "The people that are left won't take you serious unless you have a king to rule beside you.." He explained calmly. Nick smirked. "Believe me, your mother didn't want to marry either... At least not a prince." He said. Angel blinked a few times and looked down. "I know that story... She wanted to marry you- a commoner and lifelong friend, but the kingdom and her parents wouldn't allow it. So she married father but made you her personal librarian and chef, so you wouldn't have to worry about money ever again." She said. Nick nodded lightly. "But there's more to the story..I just don't have the time to tell you." He said to her. Angel sighed.

She looked up at him. "I have a right to know when he'll be coming..." She said quietly. Nick sighed softly and nodded. "Alright..I can't take anymore... He'll be here within a week." He said to her. Angel bowed then took her leave to attend her duties as the princess.

Kirin Rosenbaum 04-29-2015 02:47 AM

Marcus fidgeted in the carriage. He wondered how much longer they had till the arrived.

"Marcus darling stop fidgeting it's not becoming of a prince." Marcus mother said from the seat across from him. His father hadn't taken this trip with them as he had had things to take care of in their kingdom.

"How much longer till we arrive?" He asked not adding that he hated being cooped up in this carriage. If he had complained he would have just gotten chastised. And that was one of the main reasons he wasn't looking forward to being married. The being stuck in one place, stuck inside. He had never been one to stay indoors. He loved exploring and being outside. When he got the chance he would even help in the gardens. Though his mother had put a stop to that when she had found out. What had followed was a long lecture how it wasn't becoming of a prince to dig in the dirt like a commoner. Maybe, if the marriage worked out, he would be able to work in the gardens again.

Nova_Alchemist 04-29-2015 06:03 AM

It took the princess two hours to finish her daily duties. She didn't have much to do, it was just that she had other things on her mind. When she was finished, she ventured over to the tower- somewhere that only herself, her brother, and their sorceress, Nami, were allowed to enter. That's how the king set it up. Angel really wasn't supposed to go there, but she wanted to talk to Nami- and that's were the young sorceress spent most of her time. She stood at the bottom of the thousands of stairs and sighed. She shook her head and simply teleported to the top of the tower. The chambered had been filled with lots of really old books that her father had stored out here. She wandered around the chamber, smiling when she saw her friend. "Hey." She called softly.

Nami blinked and turned to look at her. "Angel, what're you doing up here?" She asked curiously.The princess simply shook her head and walked towards the blue haired girl. "I finally got Nick to talk to me." She said. Nami smiled. "That's great!" She chirped. Angel sighed and sat down on one of the nearby benches. Nami watched her with soft eyes, then sat beside her. "What's wrong?" She asked softly. Angel rested her hands in her lap and focused on the floor beneath her. "He probably knows all about me... And yet..I know nothing about him." The princess answered quietly. Nami gently placed her hands of Angels, smiling. "Just give him a chance... Promise me that much- that you'll at least try to get to know him?" She said. Angel nodded lightly and looked at her. "Promise." She answered.

Kirin Rosenbaum 04-29-2015 02:27 PM

Soon, but not soon enough for Marcus, the arrived at the castle. The caravan stopped at the gates. He could hear their knights speaking to those at the gate. One of the guards headed into the castle to find the queen to let her know their guest had arrived.

Marcus looked up at the castle. Was this really going to be his home, his castle?

Nova_Alchemist 04-29-2015 07:22 PM

Nick had Summer, the Queen, in the kitchen when the guard came looking. She smiled and glanced at Nick at the news of the prince arriving. "Nick, were is my daughter? She needs to be present." She spoke softly as she slowly stood. She looked to the guard. "Inform our guests that they will be escorted to the throne room." Summer said to the guard. Nick left the kitchen to fetch the princess.

By this time, Angel was with her dragons. Aqua lifted her head when she smelled newcomers, a low growl emitting from her. Angel sighed and gently stroked the side of the large beings neck. "It's alright... It's probably just the bachelor mother had arranged for me..." She cooed her friend. "Keep your mate in check? I made a promise to Nami that I'd give the prince a chance." She said to her. Aqua snorted at her, then gently nuzzled her rider. Angel pet her before getting up and going inside to join her mother for the meeting.

Kirin Rosenbaum 04-29-2015 11:42 PM

Marcus got out of the carriage when the door was opened for him. He was glad to be out of there. He would have much rather have been riding his horse then stuck in a carriage. But his mother had insisted that it would not be proper. He and his mother followed the man who had come to lead them to the throne room. His quick eyes were taking in his surroundings as the made there way there. He and his mother both had one of their personal guards with them.

Nova_Alchemist 04-30-2015 06:13 PM

Summer headed to the Throne room and waited for their guest and her missing daughter. She sat proudly upon her throne, sighing quietly at the glance of the two empty throne's beside her. This was why she avoided the room... Her king had been killed in the first war between her kingdom, their dragons and some opposing kingdom. Many dragons were lost as well as soldiers, and her beloved husband. A few years after that her son went missing, and to this very day no one has seen him. She only prayed that he was alive.

Nick met Angel in her room, were she needed his help tying her dress. It was a long blue gown that fit her figure very well. "I don't know why I have to were a dress this fancy..what's wrong with my usual attire?" She asked curiously. Nick simply shook his head. "The Queen to the visiting prince is one of the more proper type. She might not take to well to how casually we live in our kingdom... Which means-" "She won't allow him to marry such a casual princess?" Angel piped in, curious. Nick nodded. Angel sighed. Once the dress was tied, she hugged Nick and quickly made her way to the Throne room to meet her mother.

Kirin Rosenbaum 06-09-2015 01:28 PM

Marcus looked around as they were lead to the throne room. He liked it here but was surprised that his mother would allow him to marry into this kingdom. Did his mother really want to get rid of him so badly? Perhaps she did. Not that he cared. He felt very oppressed at home and looked forward to getting out. The worst was how his mother was always comparing him to his older brother. Couldn't she see he wasn't Kirin and never would be?

Nova_Alchemist 06-27-2015 03:02 AM

On her way to the Throne room, she slowed to a stop at the sight of the young prince. Praying that she wouldn't be seen, Angel slipped back down the hall and took a detour to the throne room through the library. It only took her a few minutes to take the secret passage from the library and get to the throne room, where she quickly took her seat beside her mother. Summer glanced at her daughter with a soft smile. "Glad you could make it dear." She said softly. Angel smiled sheepishly and nodded lightly. "You can thank Nick." She answered quietly.

When the throne room door opened, Angel stood and took a deep breath. She would introduce herself and her mother to the prince and greet him with open arms. Knowing her mother's health, this is what she decided to do.

Kirin Rosenbaum 06-27-2015 11:44 AM

The prince saw a glimpse of a young girl. Was that the princess? A small smile tugged on his lips. He hadn't officially met her but he already liked her style if that was indeed the princess.

"Be on your best behavior." Crystal said to him as their guide leads them into the throne room.

Their guide opened the door to the throne room and there was the same girl. So she was the princess.

Nova_Alchemist 06-28-2015 02:13 AM

Once the doors opened, Angel stood and looked at the prince and the woman standing next to him- assuming she was his mother. Angel did a light curtsy and opened her arms like she had seen her mother do in the past when they had guests. "Welcome to our kingdom- I am princess Angel and this is my mother, Queen Summer." She introduced herself and her mother, making a small yet noticeable gesture to her mother who continued to sit due to her illness. "I trust your journey was kind?" She said in a manner of asking/hoping that they did have a pleasant trip.

After that, she began to walk towards Marcus and held a hand out to him. "It's a pleasure to meet you, your highness." She said softly, managing a sweet smile.

Kirin Rosenbaum 06-28-2015 11:43 AM

"I am Queen Crystal and this is my son Prince Marcus." Crystal said watching the princess. She would do for her youngest.

Marcus bowed when Angel introduced herself. He smiled when she came down to him and offered him her hand. Marcus took the offered hand. "The pleasure is all mine highness. I was saddened to hear of your father's death and your brother's disappearance." He truly meant that.

Nova_Alchemist 06-28-2015 05:30 PM

Her gaze softened when her father and brother mentioned, then she glanced at her mother who nodded lightly. Angel looked back at Marcus with a small smile. "Let me show you around." She said to him, partially just wanting to get him away from his mother in hopes of him loosing up so that she could get to know him, as an individual.

Kirin Rosenbaum 06-28-2015 10:25 PM

Marcus smiled when she offered to show him around. "I would enjoy that very much." He said glad to to be getting away from his mother. Crystal wasn't to sure but has decided not to make a fuss over it. She is sure she has drilled into her sons head to be on his best behavior today.

Nova_Alchemist 06-29-2015 01:46 AM

Angel smiled softly and motioned for him to follow her as she turned and began walking out of the throne room at a comfortable pace.

Summer gazed at Crystal. "Queen Crystal, you are welcome to stay as long as you'd like, if that is your wish." She spoke in a soft voice.

Kirin Rosenbaum 06-29-2015 02:15 AM

"Thank you Queen Summer. I appreciate the offer."

Marcus followed Angel. He relaxed visibly as they left the throne room. He was glad to be away from his mother. The ride here had been torture to him being stuck in the carriage.

Nova_Alchemist 06-29-2015 03:21 AM

A small built female servant walked into the throne room, on the be-half of Nick, and slowly approached Crystal. "Pardon my interruption your highness's, but our head chef has announced that dinner would be a bit delayed..." She said softly in a shy manner. Summer nodded to the girl. "Thank you for informing me, be sure to tell the princess." She said. The servant bowed politely and took her leave to find Angel and the younger prince.

Angel lead him through the long decorated hallway of the castle and towards his room. She glanced at him curiously. "I do hope you enjoy your stay, your majesty." She spoke softly, smiling kindly. "Forgive my silence, it really has been quite some time since we've had anyone come to our kingdom." Angel added, averting her dark jade green eyes.

Kirin Rosenbaum 06-29-2015 12:58 PM

(just a friendly fyi queens are referred to as majesty and prince and princess are highness)

"I don't ind the quite." Marcus said with a smile. "I have four older siblings and it's always noisy at home. So far I am enjoying my stay. Though I would have enjoyed it more had I not been forced to ride in the carriage." He admitted freely. He didn't know why he had so freely admitted such a thing but he felt relaxed.

Nova_Alchemist 07-02-2015 02:26 AM

(thanks Kirin ^^)

Angel relaxed a little, when she heard the young prince speak about his siblings and how loud it was all the time. She couldn't help but giggle quietly. "Oh's pretty much quiet all the time here, unless something happens." She said, smiling a little. Angel blinked and glanced at him. "How would you have preferred to travel here?" She asked, now curious.

Kirin Rosenbaum 07-02-2015 02:47 AM

"Riding on my own horse up with the guards we brought with us." He said honestly as they walked. He felt very comfortable around Angel. "But mother insisted that wouldn't be proper so I was stuck in that stuffy carriage." He let out a sigh.

Nova_Alchemist 07-02-2015 04:14 AM

She gazed at him curiously as he answered her question. She could tell that he was being honest. Angel tried her best not to let a chuckle escape her lips as he spoke about his mother insisting on the carriage. Wouldn't be proper? She wondered silently. "Forgive me for asking but, doesn't Queen Crystal know that princes travel by horseback all the time?" She asked, tilting her head to the side a little.

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