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Andraus 03-30-2015 03:57 AM

Finx x Andraus
( finx15: )

(Location: Fork-in-the-road diner, 8:56 pm)

Jason was sipping a cup of coffee in some road-side diner. No-one knew him in this place....good. He'd escaped 3 cop-outs and a bunch of other b.s. today, he just wanted to sit down and enjoy a drink of coffee. He hadn't gotten that much sleep the night before (who could with machine guns going off in your ear?), so he was trying to compensate. Coffee wasn't his drink of choice, but it was the closest he'd get to caffeine.

Flipping the T.v. channel, he saw a local news report.

".....In other news, the notorious mass murderer Jason Alex Myserson has struck again, killing 20 police officers and 15 government officials. Road-side speculators state that the man 'Appeared out of nowhere' and bullets were soon flying. "The reporter said. "Authorities suggest that Myserson is still at large in the city, and is considered armed and extremely dangerous. If anyone catches this man, contact-"

Jason switched off the T.V., and turned towards the shaking Diner owner behind him. Placing his empty cup down, he looked towards him. "Don't want me to trash this place, I'd suggest you get going to making more coffee. "he said, as the man scrambled to make more. He then started thinking to himself."I don't know what these people expect, they'd do the same to me in a heart-beat."

finx15 03-30-2015 04:11 AM

Name: Lorinda Day
Gender: Female
Hero or villain: Hero
Allies: Black Lilly
hero: Her suit is black and well fit with a mask of red for her eyes and a cloak with a hood just for fun.

---------- Post added 03-29-2015 at 11:46 PM ----------

Lori sat at the same Diner eating her favorite cake. With a sigh she came to the older man's aid and glared at the person who was Jason. "Leave him alone!" she snapped slamming the coffee down. "Know pour your own coffee your a big boy know." she patted the man's hand. "Don't worry." she smiled. "If anything happens I'll kick him for you." the man smiled at Lori. "Your a good girl Lori but he'll hurt you." "I can handle myself." she helped the owner to a seat so he could calm down. "Know leave us in peace so I can eat my cake." No one knew she was Black Lilly just that she was very good at kung foo and sword fighting.

Andraus 03-30-2015 04:33 AM

Jason looked over towards her. He wasn't showing any signs of a typical gang banger...rather, he had pity on his face. "Listen, you seem like a nice girl. I'll warn you once: stay out of my way."he said. He then just....vanished. Of rather, moved in front of the diner owner, picking up the jug of coffee. "Noone is going to make me leave, miss. I'm here to rest a few minutes, and enjoy a coffee."he said. "If you got the inkling to throw me out, do it. Pointless, but whatever makes you happy."

finx15 03-30-2015 04:38 AM

"You can rest but you will sit quietly and pay like the rest of us." Lori pushed up her sleeve holding the old man's hand. If it came to it she had her outfit in her bag should she need to go all out and kick is butt that way. "I know karate and if you touch me your fair game." she warned.

Andraus 03-30-2015 04:52 AM

"As a general rule, I don't start anything unless you pick a fight with me. You humans are all the same, so I don't doubt that, sometime today, you're going to rat me out to the police just a for a stupid reward you won't get. "he said, downing the whole jug. "Why should I treat you guys any better?"he said, taking the cash register, and ripping the money slot out....that wasn't a exaggeration, he did rip it out from the metal.

finx15 03-30-2015 04:56 AM

"I don't need money." Lori frowned as he took the cash. "Don't worry Stan I'll write a check for it I won't let my favorite diner go out of business." It wasn't very know that she was a the sole heir to a fortune the size of a island. "Leave well you can." she grinned. "Never know when Lilly will show up." She would chase him as soon as she could.

Andraus 03-30-2015 05:19 AM

"Whoever this 'Lily' person is, I doubt she could be much of a fight. "he said, drinking his coffee. "I've been around long enough to be ee able to handle myself if it becomes a fight. I'm not leaving. "He said. "So do whatever you feel is necessary, I'm just going to sit here and enjoy my coffee. "he said. He was starting to get alittle ticked at the girl, but then again, he had worse.

finx15 03-30-2015 06:52 PM

"Your ticked at me...just because someone treated you bad doesn't mean you should give an old man a heart attack." Lori sighed finishing her cake. She had planned on going home but she couldn't leave Stan alone with a grade school bully.

Andraus 03-31-2015 12:02 AM

" Be glad of how lucky you are, that you don't know what I had to go through. "Jason said, so low that Lori would barley "I just want coffee. I hadn't planned on trashing this place to begin with, but I'm tempted to if you don't sit down, and shut up. I don't need to get lectured by some school girl."he said, drinking the last of his coffee, and pocketing the money from the register. He then walked out the door.

finx15 03-31-2015 02:17 AM

Lori wrote a check for Stan. "Take it conciderate it a gift." she snuck after Jason slipping her Lilly costume on it was a simple shirt and pants. The shirt had a small Lilly on the shoulder setting of the dark blue of the shirt her pants where just black. Lastly she placed the mask over her eyes and with a grin stole into the night easily finding Jason. "Your causing a lot of problems little boy." she pitched her voice to sound different.

Andraus 03-31-2015 02:59 AM

Jason just turned towards the woman, a look of annoyance on his face. Now that the light was better, she would see dried blood on his jacket. "You people are really starting to piss me off......Which one of them sent you this time? Synth-Corp? Monocyte Inc.? The Secret service?"he asked, obviously believing the woman to be a assassin. "If you're going to try and kill me, don't bother. ZUES and POSIEDON failed, what makes you any different?"he asked.

finx15 03-31-2015 03:29 PM

"No one sent me." Lilly frowned. "I am only here to protect this city from thugs like you." she shook her head. "Who are you working for? I hope your alone I don't need to be battling off tons of people."

Andraus 03-31-2015 03:34 PM

"I don't *work* for anyone. Everyone in my organization works for me. You're dealing with the top of the food chain. I don't like people fighting my battles for me, so it's only me you have to worry about."he said, turning towards her. "I'm a thug, huh? Well how about you show me what a wanna-be vigilante like you can do?"he asked, cracking his neck. He has had just about enough of people thinking they could take him down. Maybe wrecking this famous do-gooder would get some people off his back.

finx15 04-01-2015 06:02 PM

"I want to help you." Lilly sighed. "But if you want to be difficult we can do it your way." she shook her head eyes filled with pity. "Just come quietly and no one gets hurt."

Andraus 04-02-2015 01:58 AM

"If I go back with you, you don't realize what hell I will return too. There are things that people like you haven't seen, and thank whatever you believe in that you don't have too. "He said. "Also, why the hell would you want to help me? what do you have to gain from it? Money? Influence? what's your angle?"he asked.

finx15 04-02-2015 09:57 PM

"I just want to help honestly I do." Lilly smiled at him. "Arkham is a great place for people to get help." she held out a hand. "Please this city doesn't need anyone destroying it let me help."

((That's right I stole Arkham come get me people XD))

Andraus 04-02-2015 10:37 PM

"That loony bin? You don't get it...guess I need to show you."he said. He then suddenly...vanished. Lily would then hear him behind her. "I wasn't born, I was created. I'm a mutant, designed as a super-soldier. Everything, from my muscles to my...abilities were created specifically for me."he said.

finx15 04-06-2015 12:03 AM

Lilly whirled whip in hand as she turned releasing at the right moment sending it towards his face. The fact that he had been created worried her but the city was more important then her life. "Then I'll just have to be faster." she brought the whip up changing its course a little so it would hit his neck. "I will not let you destroy the city!"
((Happy easter!!))

Andraus 04-06-2015 05:24 AM

The whip struck his face. It drew blood, and it poured down his face. He wiped away the blood, and in minutes, all that was left was a pink mark. "Another useful gift from my creators. It's hard to kill me, though it is possible. "he said. "I am not interested in destroying this place, why destroy a place that makes me so much money? I wouldn't even be here fighting you if you had just kept your nose out of my business. Between government bounty hunters, and Synth-Corp mercs hunting me, I have enough fires to put out."he said

finx15 04-06-2015 03:22 PM

"Well you can't steal from poor people." Lilly snapped. "They have to work hard for it...feel free to steal from the rich and give to the poor." she examined him close then held out her hand. "Give me the money you took from the dinner." she turned slightly watching the street. "Friend of yours?" she asked nodding to a shadow that had just moved. "You really should stay away from towns and cities if you have bounty hunters and the such after you someone might die." she moved the whip catching the person who excited the shadow across the hand making the person drop the gun they had been holding.

Andraus 04-06-2015 04:18 PM

"It doesn't matter. No matter where I go, someone dies. "He said. He then rolled his eyes. "Give to the poor? Please, the only thing that seperate a rich person and a poor person is money. You humans are all the same: greedy, selfish, and egotistical. Why should I treat you people better, when in the end, I'm just an expendable asset?"he asked. He then turn towards the man, and picked up the gun, pointing it towards him.

finx15 04-07-2015 04:34 AM

"No, no killing." Lilly pulled the gun from his hand. "You can make your life better then what they had planned we all make are own choices." she turned and grabbed a knife from her pocket attacking the man with practiced ease. The bounty hunter was better then her she soon realized but that didn't stop her soon they both stood panting Lilly holding her bleeding arm. "Leave this city." she took a step forward glaring at the man. "Before someone gets hurt."

Andraus 04-10-2015 05:27 AM

a shot rang, and the man dropped down, dead. Jason had picked up the gun taken from him, and was now examining it. "Nice caliber..... I think it's .45 Automatic......Colt family, probably."he said. He then searched the body, for any indication of who sent him. "I didn't choose this life girl. This life fell into my lap. Being a criminal and running a underground empire was the only choice I made. "he said. "Humans always confound me....they claim to seek betterment, but leave only destruction and death in their wake.....why should you guys receive such a thing as betterment, when all you people are, are thugs of nature?"he asked. Lily would see surgical scars around his neck, stretching down into his back.

Standing up, holding a roll of paper, Jason gritted his teeth. "Synthetics Corperation....Looks like dear old 'dad' still wants me back. He'll have to send better than this, and better than last time. ZEUS was a joke. "he said, pocketing the mans ammunition. "You better get out of here. If they find you, they'll torture you, experiment on you, and quite possibly kill you. "he said, as if stating water was wet.

finx15 04-11-2015 03:55 AM

Lilly had jumped at the sound of the gun going off. "I said no killing!" She looked like she would be sick. "Your no better than him then so you should go back be a happy family until I take care of you." She felt for the mans pulse then swallowed. "No pulse. May your family find peace in your passing."

Andraus 04-13-2015 04:03 PM

"My 'happy family' are the ones here sent to kill me. You need to know this girl: this a world with no rules. It's the only sensible way to live."he said. He then looked around. "You better get out of here, kid. More will be coming, and they'll kill you if you know about me."he said, running out of the ally.

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