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Kat Dakuu 04-21-2015 03:38 AM

Rp Help Center
The Help Center

Hey ya'll! I'm Kat, your hostess. I was discussing with my friend the possibility of a writing help thread, but I decided it would find more use in this forum than the writing discussion. I have been thinking a lot of rping and I know there are some of you out there who want to improve, but have no idea how. There are so many threads in here asking for help understanding rping, the forum, or looking for mentors. But ya'll get no or very little response. Maybe if there's one place to come to, you can all help each other out!

What is offered here?

Kat Dakuu 04-21-2015 03:39 AM

General Information

Rping here is like any other forum based site, the difference being we have way more subforums! If you missed them, the rules are here and read the subforum explanations if there is one. There's not much to say, but since people still ask it, I'm pointing these things out again. Note that this site has some different things that you aren't allowed to write than other sites.

I am as always, happy to explain things to those of you who are not used to forum rping. The best way to see if this is different from what you know is to LOOK at the rps and requests here.

Kat Dakuu 04-21-2015 03:43 AM

The Art of Rping

Request Etiquette

Generally, more information is better.
Include your limits. Likes. Dislikes. "I rp everything" is rarely ever true. Nor is "I want to rp" helpful. Remember, you can always look at other people's requests.
There are nifty Inactive, OnexOne, Group specifications!!! In order to use them, you have to view your first post under 'go advanced'. The drop down is next to the title.

Rping Etiquette

Spell check and following your partners' limits is simple enough
Make sure your post is something they can respond to. Rping is a dance different from writing by yourself. Even if that felt like a great place to end your post, make sure you're not writing a one person show.
Don't just start an rp or post profiles with no forefront. No one is going to respond if they have no idea what you're doing. If you have not requested partners or posted some kind of story guide/requirements, how are we supposed to know what you want us to write.
Always remember to compromise! If what you wanted or expected didn't happen, don't strong arm your partner into it or be rude. They also had something they wanted to write.
Keep in mind the other character's personality and don't expect them to do OOC things just to give you the scene you want. Basically more compromise. You don't get to pick how the others act, so try to understand the other characters well so you can predict their reactions.

Kat Dakuu 04-21-2015 03:56 AM

Grammar/Craft Help

This is the fun section, ya'll! Here be interactive! I hope this is what people will be using most. I am willing to look an an rp post of yours and fix the errors in it, then explain WHY so you can learn how to write it correct the next time. Rping is so interactive and there is nothing worse than having your partner misinterpret your post. If you want to learn, then good for you! If not, I won't force you. This can be fun just to see though. I don't plan to eat your creative soul.
I am however, not your personal spell check. I don't want to do this for more than three of your posts!

To get my attention, post this form and remember to PING me. (I know, a miracle right?)


I want some help!
My Post:

I will PING you back when I'm done and quote your post. Edits will be in red and I will put () around something I took out. This will be bare most edits. I will make it technically right and maybe point out some awkward wording that might trip up a reader and leave them unsure if your character went to the bathroom or plans to leave in five minutes to.

If you want more craft help than that, use this second form.


I want to be Awesome!
My Post:
Anything specific you worry about?:

For this, I will do the same edits I would do in the above section, but I will also tell you some suggestions on where to improve. I will not fix your style; that is up to your own aesthetics, but I can tell you the direction to go.

Kat Dakuu 04-21-2015 03:58 AM


A truly great character is more than a person with a personality and a look. Even a writer who's lived with their character for years can find something new about them, and that's the joy. The most interesting writing is built on characters that are both interesting, unique, and identifiable. And most of all, you must be in love with your character in order to make others love them!
Here are a few ways to help you create a character like that who will make all the rpers here want to write with you!

Human Psychology: It might seem simple to understand people, but sometimes you need to really analyze real people to write a fake one. First off...
People are strange. They are confusing and complicated. They do not always do what they say and say what they do. Parts of them contradict other parts. Even if they are uptight, they might be playful. So which instinct wins out? Real people have habits, likes, and dislikes that make no sense for them, or no sense at all.
People have pasts, presents, and futures. These impact who the character is and how they look at the world, how they talk, what they expect out of other people, and what goals they have for the future. A person is always influenced by their past.
Motivations! This is actually the most basic. In script-writing, you are taught that the barest structure of a story is a character who wants something and an obstacle that is in the way. What is really motivating your character? We are all driven by something whether it is a need to get a job or a desperate want to be loved.
Characters are not static. They must change for them to feel real or interesting. They get over fears, develop new ones, and are continually influenced by their world and those in it.

Tools to help you fully develop a character:
I was once told to write 100 things about a character in one of my classes. Physical, personality, past, everything. It's a real challenge, but it's a different thing from just writing a profile. I learned new things about my character in the process as well.
Memes. No joke. Search for character memes or personality tests. Some of them are silly, some serious. Both are useful. They often allow for you to answer from your character's pov which gives you both answers to questions and insight into your character's head. It's entertaining at the least! I have fun putting my characters up to the Briggs-Myers test to see just how close the test can get to their personality. But if it's close, you know you have a human like character. And maybe the detailed description of that person type will give you ideas on how to fill in your character holes.
Seriously, just write them. The more you do, the more developed they get.

Kat Dakuu 04-21-2015 03:59 AM

Links, Help, and More Fun!!

Hemingway: An editing and craft software based off minimalism. Use with a grain of salt. A computer can't make a writer's choice
More writing help: Just found this and haven't played yet, but looks detailed.

Meme collection
1: Detailed and serious
2: Focuses on developing the character's past
3: Short and crackish fandom based
4: Short character interview
5: CRACK! Requires 10 Oc's.
6: Small personality quiz

Mary Sue test: I goof off with it, but it's serious!
Hood Ornament: The thing mistakenly called a mary sue that is more common

Kat Dakuu 04-21-2015 04:03 AM


Kat Dakuu 04-21-2015 04:09 AM

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