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SeaSaltEyes 05-01-2015 12:46 AM

I know nothing about love...
Sorry, that title is a little misleading. I do know some things about love, I mean, I'm married and everything. But what I really mean is I'm awful at making my characters fall in love. More specifically, I can't figure out how to make them meet.

Some background: I'm writing a YA novel. My MC is a lesbian who falls for a girl who she thinks is straight. Once they get to know each other, they fall in love, romance ensues, drama, heartbreak, making up etc. They're both seniors in high school and I really don't want to change their ages.

So I've written some pretty crappy beginnings that just don't flow right but once I get past that the rest of my story has stayed pretty much the same. I'm asking for advice because I just don't know how to introduce them without it sounding too contrived. I usually try to pull from my own experience for things like this but I met my high school girlfriend under some pretty specific circumstances that I don't want to/don't have time to replicate in this novel.

Getting back to my point...How would you introduce these characters? How did you meet your high school girl/boyfriend? If you were friends first/knew them before you started dating when did things change? How did they change? ANY and ALL help would be so appreciated! I'm supposed to pass my first three chapters along to my mentor in a few weeks and I can't do that without a beginning!

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