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DestinyAodan 06-18-2015 12:12 AM

The Rebels and The Royals (Opened and Accepting)
The Rebels and The Royals

Welcome to White Mountain

White Mountain is a small town centered in the middle of a small group of three island. On the center island you will find the heart of the town. Pretty much every thing is here. The shops, any entertainment, and the school where all the children of White Mountain attend. White Mountain is such a small town that you really only lean twords two sides of the money scale. On the island to the right of the main island you have the Royals and to the left is the Rebels. No there is no war going on that is just the names that over time have been given to the poor and the rich.

Meet the Family's

There are really just two tags for the family's of White Mountain. The Rebels and the Royals. They each have pretty much their own islands that they raise their family's on. The Royals are the rich side of the town and the Rebels are the poor side.

The Rules

  1. Follow Meme rules
  2. No Godmobing
  3. I don't mind spelling, but at lease try to make it readable.
  4. At lease get three sentense.
  5. Romance is allowed, but please try to keep it at lease pg there are kids around.
  6. Please try to be respectful of the player behind the person they are playing.
  7. Message me your profiles and when you get a crush if you don't already have one.
  8. Don't post till the profiles are accepted.
  9. Title the messages of Rebel or Royal.
  10. You can have up to two profiles, but they can not be in love with each other.
Ooc can be done

Profile Layout

My Mother Dubbed Me: (Character Name)

I've Blown Out This Many Candles: (Age)

I was born a:
(Sex- male or female)

I'm a: (Rebel or Royal)

I Act Like This: (Personality)

My History: (Bio. No he or she forgot! And at least 4 sentences.)

Oh Goodie: (Likes; must at least have 4)

Oh Dear: (Dislikes; must at least have 4)

My Talent: (Something your character is good at if any thing.)

Here Comes My Blush:
(Crush, of course, this is optional.)

Something Else You Should Know:

The person in my mind: (user name)

Mirror Mirror What Do I see: (anime or normal picture just has to be human)

---------- Post added 06-17-2015 at 08:56 PM ----------


The Royals

The Rebels

My Mother Dubbed Me: Lorie Bucket

I've Blown Out This Many Candles: 16

I was born a:

I'm a: Rebel
I Act Like This: Kind and sweet, but a bit shy. Acts tough some times to try to hide what she really is like. Can be a bit bold at times.

My History: Lorie grew up on the Rebels side of town in a tree bedroom house with her mother, father, and three older brothers. Being the only girl in a house wasn't so bad she at lease had her own room while her older three brothers had to fend for them self's. While growing up her father did teach her one very important thing well two really one being that if she wanted any thing she had to earn it and two was that no matter what as long as you had your family and your health you was rich. Though unlike her older brothers Lorie did have something special about her not that her brothers wasn't special in their own ways they just wasn't as good at art as Lorie was.

Oh Goodie: (Likes; must at least have 4)
✔ Books
✔ Painting.
✔ Being out side.
✔ Dyeing her hair from time to time.

Oh Dear: (Dislikes; must at least have 4)
✖Books that have been abandon.
✖having to fight.
✖Her status in life at the moment.

My Talent: Lorie is good at art. Drawling, painting, any thing to do with art.

Here Comes My Blush:
none at the moment.

Something Else You Should Know:
Lorie sells her art works to who ever will take them so her family could get a little extra money on top of saving what she can to go to collage.

The person in my mind: DestinyAodan

Mirror Mirror What Do I see:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My Mother Dubbed Me: Kaori "Kao" Blake

I've Blown Out This Many Candles: 17

I was born a: Female

I'm a: Rebel

I Act Like This: Clumsy and goofy. More often than not, she is running late with a coffee in one hand, croissant in another, and unbrushed, disheveled bedhead. Although seemingly irresponsible, Kaori is dependable and loyal, and definitely a people-person.

My History: Born into a large family; two brothers, one sister, mama, daddy, and a huskie, Kaori has learnt to be tough. She longs for a greater excitement unrelated to her chaotic family life. School, clubs, jobs, volunteering; Kaori keeps busy to distract herself from her stressors.

Oh Goodie: (Likes; must at least have 4)
Fruits, especially peaches
Down-to-Earth people
Animals, especially wild cats

Oh Dear: (Dislikes; must at least have 4)
Horror Movies
Cooked fish
"Fake" people
Overcomplicated instruction manuals

My Talent: Kao is an impeccable multi-tasker! Also quite good at a variety of sports and games, her favorites being baseball and Fire Emblem on her 3DS. In addition, she is very flexible and agile, and has the standing record for best mile time. Not to brag or anything, but it's 5 minutes 34 seconds.

Here Comes My Blush: Hm.. Ask me later?

Something Else You Should Know: Kao has short-term memory loss. Nothing serious, she just won't remember if you asked her to bring you your red coat or your black one..? And don't bother texting her a reminder, Kaori never (rarely) checks her phone.

The person in my mind: Chai Fae

Mirror Mirror What Do I see:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

DestinyAodan 06-18-2015 05:55 AM

Reserved for more profiles if i need it

---------- Post added 06-18-2015 at 04:08 AM ----------

Lorie let out a soft groan as she set up in bed and rubbed her sleepy eyes. It was just another day in the same bed room. In the same town. And sill a rebel. With a streach and a yawn Lorie dragged her sleepy butt out of bed and to the bathroom as quietly as she could. She wasn't about to risk waking up her brothers again. The last time she had done that she had nearly been late to school as soon as she had managed to get into the bathroom. The down side of being the only daughter in her family was she had three older brothers. On the upside she did get her own room. Unlike her brothers, one of which was currently sleeping on the sofa, had to share a room. For a few minutes she stood still as she listened next to her brothers room having hurd a noise from it. Quickly she relized some one was moving around in the rooms quickly she made a brake for the bathroom just as the door opened. "Hey" she hurd her brother yell right as she got to the door and ducked inside the bathroom "should have been faster" Lorie yelled back to her brother as she closed the door quickly locking it and ignoreing the pounding on the door. With a soft sigh she striped and climbed into the shower.


Once done with her shower she bound her long blond hair in a towel so she could get as much water as she could out of her hair. Once done she used another Towel to dry her body before pulling out the clothes she had hidden in the bathroom. She had learned a long time ago to hide a outfit in the bathroom the night before if she was going to have a chance at bathroom time to get ready. Quickly as she could she pulled on a white tang top and a pair of blue jeans her socks and shoes could wait till she got back to her room. Unlike her brothers Lorie tried to hurry as fast as having long hair and what little make up would allow her. Lately though she had started doing at lease her hair in her room to cut down on how much time she spent in the bathroom. Reaching up she untangled the towel that had kept her hair bound. leaning over she placed the towel over her head and rubbed her hair till it got as dry as she could. It would be better if she could use a hair dryer but the only one they had had broken a few weeks ago. It had just gotten to old and gave out and it was to much money to get a new one at the moment. So Lorie did with what she had to work with. Once she was done getting her hair as dry as she could she dragged a brush threw her hair ignoring the pounding that had started up. Once finished with that she pulled it into a high pony tail hen braided it.

Chai Fae 06-19-2015 03:45 AM

"If you yawn one more time Blake, I swear to—"

"Okay okay, I'm done, I'm awake!" Kaori lets out a deep sigh and runs her hands through her short, gangly hair. Gosh, if only her boss hadn't come out of his office. Then maybe she could've just rested her eyes for a little longer...

The rusted bell on the front door rings, and Kaori utters her greeting, almost automatically. "Hello welcome to Gray's, my name is Kaori if you need anything. Please feel free to look around," she says in a flat monotone, twirling her hair and fiddling with the fancy pen display on the counter, all while not even looking up.

"U-um, actually I was wondering if I could talk to James." The customer's voice is timid, and Kaori looks up to see that it belongs to a boy, possibly about the same age as her.

"James..?" Even if it wasn't 5:00 am, Kaori would still be just as stunned. The only people that ever wander into Gray's tiny convenience store are either the local regulars, or rowdy teenagers who seem to only visit to make a mess of the isles and leave. This boy was dressed in a (very nice) school uniform. Definitely a Royal.

"Um yes, James. He uh, he's the manager here. James Gray, Mr. Gray's son?" The boy awkwardly tugs at the hem of his blazer.

"Yes, right, James, of course I know who James is." Kaori blinks a few times. She wonders if she actually fell asleep on the job, and if this was all some odd dream. "Yeah James, he was just here." She mutters under her breath, "Just here to reprimand me again."

She pushes herself up off her little wooden stool, reaches her arms over her head to stretch, her back popping. "Kay, be right back. Don't let anyone rob us while I'm gone."

"Wha—" He starts to say, but Kaori's already gone, pushing through the 'Employees Only' marked door with a yawn.

"James, there's a really pretty boy with really pretty hair out there." Kaori barges into James "office," which is more like a makeshift desk made out of crates that has been pushed into the corner of the dimly lit storage room.

"And...?" James doesn't even look up from his DS. His stupid hair is pulled back into a stupid tiny pony tail and Kaori curses whatever god was responsible for making her have to deal with this barbarian 5 days a week. She sighs, "he said he's here for you, and if I were you right now, I'd go out there before he gets mugged or something."

BreTeCrazyPanther 08-23-2015 09:44 PM

My Mother Dubbed Me: WillaDean Wilson (A.K.A Dean)

I've Blown Out This Many Candles: 15

I was born a: Female

I'm a: Rebel

I Act Like This:Like She don't like anyone at first. Then when she will get use to them and is random and silly and quick to make a stupid joke

My History: Lived with her parents in a two bedroom, one bathroom small house. She was bully when she was little so she is a bit wary around people and shy. Ever sense she was four she would go to the forest and hangout in the meadow to draw and paint any animals she sees. She used to have a brother but he died soon after he was born.

Oh Goodie: (Likes; must at least have 4)
✔ Likes pocky
✔Loves to draw
✔ likes animal
✔ kind-hearted people

Oh Dear: (Dislikes; must at least have 4)
✖Calls out other people flaws
✖Some Royals

My Talent:Singing drawing and painting

Here Comes My Blush: Nobody

Something Else You Should Know: (Extra)

The person in my mind: (user name)

Mirror Mirror What Do I see:

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