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Kent 07-19-2015 04:23 AM

Artist Alley Booth 22 [OPEN!]
Hello, welcome to my booth. 8D
Please have a look~
You can commission prints (digital regular style), cards (traditional regular style), and/or buttons (chibis).

Kent 07-19-2015 04:24 AM regular
Bust ................................................. 1k
Animal ............................................ 2k
Waistup .......................................... 3k
Fullbody ......................................... 6k

Bust ................................................ 2k
Animal ............................................ 4k
Waistup .......................................... 5k
Fullbody ......................................... 9k Regular

Lineart only
Bust ................................................. 1k
Animal ............................................ 2k
Waistup .......................................... 3k
Fullbody ......................................... 6k or Digital Chibi
Bust ................................................. 500g
Waistup .......................................... 1.5k
Fullbody ......................................... 3k

Colored (only if digital)
Bust ................................................ 1k
Waistup .......................................... 3k
Fullbody ......................................... 6k

The end product may not be exactly like the images provided.
Please look at my album to see more examples.
You may offer items instead of gold. Check with me.
For couples, please add 2k.

Kent 07-19-2015 04:25 AM
Please use this form.

I wanna order: [a print, a card, a button, etc..]!
If button, traditional or digital?:
Do you want it colored?:
Reference(s): [please link a pic and/or write a description]
Suggested pose: [please toss me a bone for inspiration. But it won't be guaranteed.]
Total cost: [how much monies for me!]
Max of five slots. 2 pieces of art per slot.


Originally Posted by Hadsvich (Post 1773403427)
I wanna order: an animal print & a fullbody button!
If button, traditional or digital?: Traditional~
Do you want it colored?: Nope, lineart for both~
Reference(s): Orion or Brad? for the print & Illian for the button~
Suggested pose: I'd like a sitting pose for Orion if chosen. Anything is fine for Brad. & For Illian, um, flying or sleeping~
Total cost: Blind Justice?


Originally Posted by Dystopia (Post 1773403456)
I wanna order: a couple animal print!
If button, traditional or digital?: n/a
Do you want it colored?: yes
Reference(s): I'd like a female cat dressed as Emily with a male phoenix dressed as Victor. The cat is black with brown eyes, and she has a thin tail rather than a fluffy one. The phoenix should be smaller than the cat- no other specifications.
Suggested pose: They're lovers. :3 If you could have them looking like they're at a con, it'd be great.
Total cost: 6k in pure or items


Originally Posted by Cora (Post 1773404692)
I wanna order: Button
If button, traditional or digital?: Digital
Do you want it colored?: Yes Please
Suggested pose: Hmmm not picky at all. But Josie is graceful, and elegant so nothing too silly.
Total cost: 6k in pure.


Kent 07-19-2015 04:30 AM

Guess thats all I need. You may post now. o 3o
I'll edit everything in tomorrow. Going to bed~ = w=

Need to remember to do something about my signature too. > 3<
So annoying.

Dystopia 07-19-2015 04:33 AM

:U Gimmie!

Kent 07-19-2015 04:42 AM

lol Knew I'd see you around. XD
I'll "give" you something once everything is written down and organized, not without a price tho. > o>

Dystopia 07-19-2015 04:46 AM

/throws money at you. WHATTABOUTNOW?

Kent 07-19-2015 04:49 AM

Uh, enticing, but I'll need some sleep first as well. XD
See you in the morning? X3

Dystopia 07-19-2015 04:55 AM

b'aww. :c

Good night.

hummy 07-19-2015 07:15 AM

aw i missed Kent =(

Maria-Minamino 07-19-2015 01:22 PM

Yay art shop

hummy 07-19-2015 02:27 PM

yay indeed <3

Kent 07-19-2015 02:29 PM

Hey, hummy and Maria~ I hope I'll be productive. I havent really drawn something for anyone in a long time.
But I'm gonna try to work on these as soon as I get them.

Anywho, I'll edit everything after I get ready for the day and eat. > o>

hummy 07-19-2015 02:32 PM

good morning, Kent
i hope you find a lot of inspiration
have you been drawing for work or something?

Maria-Minamino 07-19-2015 02:33 PM

Good Morning Kent - I know exactly how you feel D:

hummy 07-19-2015 02:39 PM

i so wish i could draw
you both are so lucky

Kent 07-19-2015 02:47 PM

Nah, I dont have a job that involves drawing. XD
I've just been doodling a bit for myself, that's all.

Aw, have you not made art for others in a while too, Maria? X3

I dont think I'm that great at drawing, especially since I haven't made it a habit.
I really need to practice--try and do one piece of art every day. That would be nice. ; w;

hummy 07-19-2015 02:49 PM

doodles are fun to watch people do
you start out not knowing what it is
and poof it's something wonderful!

xuvrette 07-19-2015 03:29 PM

I like to watch YouTube on those speed painting time lapse arting too!
Very inspiring!

Hadsvich 07-19-2015 04:59 PM

Kentu! ; o; Wish I was one of the first posters. ; 3;
I wanna be the first to order then! >3

hummy 07-19-2015 05:16 PM

you gotta be quick like a [bunny] to beat Dy with artsu!

xuvrette 07-19-2015 05:28 PM

The way to be trained better is to bid more... bidding often requires fast thinking and action.

hummy 07-19-2015 06:33 PM

Ace Strife: Kentsu is doing artsu

CosmicFoxKitty 07-19-2015 06:36 PM

I shall order yes
*subscribes to thread*

hummy 07-19-2015 06:38 PM

woot woot [cheer]

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